1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends message of
felicitations to Slovak Republic
Yangon, 1 Sept- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency
Mr Mikulas Dzurinda, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, on the occasion of the National Day of the Slovak Republic which falls on 1 September 2001.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of
Ambassador of India
Yangon, 31 Aug- Mr Vivek Katju, newly accredited Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Dagon Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 10 am today.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
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Minister U Win Aung sends message of felicitations to Slovak Republic
Yangon, 1 Sept- U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Eduard Kukan,
Foreign Minister of the Slovak Republic, on the occasion of the
National Day of the Slovak Republic which falls on 1 September 2001.
F&R Minister receives foreign delegations
Yangon, 31 Aug- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received General Mananger of Hyundai Corporation Mr Kin Jong Kyu and party of the Republic of Korea at his office at 1 pm today.
The minister also received Chief Executive Officer Mr Toshikazu Nomura of Global Utility Development Co Ltd of Japan at 2 pm today at the same venue.
Also present at the calls was Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw
Contract singed to purchase steel beams for Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) Project

Yangon, 31 Aug- Public Works under the Ministry of Construction and China National Heavy Machinery Corporation singed a contract to purchase steel beams for Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) Project at Public Works (Head Office) on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Also present were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Ministers U Tint Swe and Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation U Pe Than, heads of departments and enterprises under the Ministry of Construction, Chairman of China National Heavy Machinery Corporation Mr Lu Wenjin and officials and guests.
Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun extended greetings.
Chairman Mr Lu Wenjin spoke words of thanks.
Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing and Mr Lu Wenjin signed the contract and exchanged documents.
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Minister visits Indakaw Industrial Zone
Yangon, 31 Aug- Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin and officials, visited Indakaw Industrial Zone of the Ministry of Industry-2 in Indakaw region, Bago Division, this morning.
Managing Director of Myanma Industrial Construction Services U Ye Tun, Managing Director of Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries U Soe Thein and officials reported on progress of work in building factories and plants, condition of land preparation for construction of new factories, arrival of technicians from the People's Republic of China and installation of machinery, the arrangement for the test-run of factories and power supply. Then, the minister and party had a cordial meeting with Chinese technicians.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected workshops of Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries and Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries, and gave
Railroad sections inspected
Yangon, 31 Aug- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, together with officials, inspected railroads and bridges from Pyalo Station in Duringabo to Zaunglyagyin by EMC and gave instructions on 29 August. He inspected the railroads from Satthwa Station to Pyinmana Station by EMC yesterday and left instructions to division officers and engineers on maintenance of bridges and railroads sectionwise and future tasks to be carried out in the open
USDA General Secretary meets members of youths on 28th SSAYP 2001 tour
Yangon, 31 Aug- General Secretary of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Than Aung and member of the Central Executive Committee U Than Shwe met the member youths of USDA who will take part in the tour of the 28th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Programme 2001, and gave necessary instructions at the meeting hall of USDA Headquarters at 11 am today.
At first, General Secretary of the USDA U Than Aung explained matters on friendly cooperation with the youths of SEA countries, preservation of the prestige of the nation, race and the association and participation in friendship programmes.
Then, member of CEC U Than Shwe gave necessary instructions. Altogether 29 Myanmar youths will be on the tour and it will last from 3 Sep to 24 Oct.
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Stakes driven for buildings of Kyimyindine School for the Blind

Yangon, 31 Aug- A ceremony to drive stakes for construction of the three-storey building and two-storey buildings of Kyimyindine School for the Blind was held at the school this morning.
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa attended the ceremony and drove the stakes.
The minister, deputy ministers and officials observed the computer room of the school for the blind and enjoyed the entertainment of the students and presented cash awards to those who took part in the entertainment programmes.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, officials of Yangon City Development Committee, Second Secretary of Embassy of Japan to Myanmar Mr Masamichi Hashimoto and officials, officials of Ko Ko Ro Volunteer Group of Japan, Principal of the School Daw Khin Sein Cho, teachers, students and
Courses of CPT Ministry conclude
Yangon, 31 Aug- Basic Digital Electronics Course, Personal Computer for Office Application Advance Course, Introduction to Internet Course and Satellite Communication Theory Course of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, concluded at Communications and Postal Training Centre this morning, with an address by Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw. Also present were the managing director of MPT, the director-general of Directorate of Telecommunications, heads of departments of MPT, the deputy principal of the centre, course instructors and 69 trainees. The minister presented completion certificates to the representatives of courses concerned and prizes to the trainees who stood first and second in the
( 5 ) Work coordinated for maintenance of Hsutaungpyi Maha Thaddamayanthi Eindawya Pagoda
Yangon, 31 Aug- A coordination meeting on maintenance of Hsutaungpyi Maha Thaddamayanthi Eindawya Pagoda on Myoma Kyaung Road, Dagon Township, was held at the ordination hall of the pagoda this afternoon.
It was attended by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Ovadacariya of the Pagoda Board of Trustees Sayadaw of Aungmyaybonsan Kyaung Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta
Panindabhivamsa, Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the Pagoda Board of Trustees, members of Dagon Township Peace and Development Council, the township religious officer, the commander of Township Police Force, Chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Khin Maung Yin and members, ward authorities and wellwishers.
Aungmyaybonsan Sayadaw gave an Ovadakatha, and Chairman of PBT U Khin Maung Yin supplicated on maintenance work of the pagoda.
Ovadacariya Sayadaw member of the Central Working Committee of the Sangha Sayadaw of Dagon Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Guna-nanda and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees discussed the work on maintenance of the
Waso robes offered to Ovadacariya Sayadaws
Yangon, 31 Aug- Families of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana under the Ministry of Religious Affairs donated Waso robes to Theravada Buddhist Missionary Ovadacariya Sayadaws at the meeting hall of the Theravada Buddhist Missionary Ovadacariya Committee this afternoon.
Present were Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Pro-Rector (Admin) of the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Dr Hla Pe, Director of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Tun Mya Aung and
Cultural students' works displayed
Yangon, 31 Aug- A ceremony to display the works of the students who will be graduated at the fifth convocation of the University of Culture (Yangon) of the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture was held in conjunction with stage performance of the students at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Road, Dagon Township, here, this evening.
Present were Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, directors-general and deputy directors-general of departments under the ministry, Rector U Tin Soe, pro-rectors, heads of divisions, artists, guests and students.
The deputy minister and guests observed the paintings and sculptures of the students at the hall outside the theatre.
They then enjoyed the stage performance of the students.
( 6 )
Outstanding sports team and athletes honoured
in Mandalay
Yangon, 31 Aug- Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council and Mandalay Division Sports and Physical Education Committee honoured outstanding sports teams and athletes from Mandalay Division who have achieved success during the first half of Year 2001 at the National Theatre in Mandalay on 29 August afternoon.
Present were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife, Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior military officers and their wives, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and departmental officials, members of Mandalay Division Sports and Physical Education Committee, coaches, managers, athletes and guests.
Assistant Director of Mandalay Division Sports and Physical Education Department U Soe Nyunt reported on matters related to success of sports teams and athletes during the first half of Year 2001. The coaches and managers presented trophies and shields to the commander. Then, the commander made a speech.
The commander and officials presented awards to outstanding athletes. Manager of Mandalay Division Volleyball Team U Myint Swe
spoke words of thanks.
Commander inspects regional
development tasks in Maungtaw
Yangon, 31 Aug- Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Aung Htwe visited the township agricultural educational camp in Myothagyi Village in Maungtaw Township. At the briefing hall, Township Agricultural Manager U Hla Maung Tha reported to the commander on cultivation of paddy and plans to cultivate multiple crops, summer paddy, peas and beans, cold season crops and kitchen crops.
The commander gave instructions on cultivation of multiple crops and good potatoe and onion strains, and fulfilled the requirements. He then inspected the pilot farm where new paddy strain has been cultivated near the camp. Afterwards, he met with departmental officials at the meeting hall of Maungtaw District Peace and Development Council and heard reports on sector-wise implementation of tasks and future plans. He gave instructions on extended agricultural work in the district, the boosting of per-acre yield, extensive growing of pepper and co-operative work of departments for the development of the region, and fulfilled the needs.
In the afternoon, the commander inspected No 1 Immigration Gate of the Immigration Control Command, and fulfilled the requirements.
Kengtung Township Inter-School
Soccer Tourney ends
Yangon, 31 Aug- Under the programme to nurture new generation youth athletes, the final match and prize-presentation ceremony for 2001-2002 academic year of Keng-tung Township Inter-School (Middle School Level) Soccer Tournament was held at the Myoma Stadium of Kengtung on 27 August afternoon.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, senior staff officers of the command, commandants and commanding officers of Kengtung Station, state-, district- and township-level departmental officials, additional Shan state education officer, teachers and students.
In the final match, No 3 Basic Education High School team beat No 4 Basic Education High School team.
Township Education Officer U Win Naing presented Championship Shield and prizes to No 3 BEHS team; officials presented prizes to the other teams.
Altogether 10 teams participated in the tournament, which started from 13
Pyinnya Alin library opened in Katha
Yangon, 31 Aug- A ceremony to open Pyinnya Alin Library for those who wish to seek knowledge was held at the office of Katha District Union Solidarity and Development Association on 27 August morning.
The ceremony was attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Chairman of Katha District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Naing, departmental officials, USDA members and local people.
The commander explained the purpose of the opening of the library and efforts being made to promote the education standard.
Lt-Col Myint Naing presented a pennant to the commander and crtificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Afterwards, the opening ceremony of the library was held.
Lt-Col Myint Naing and Physicians Dr Kyaw Soe of Katha People's Hospital formally opened the library.
The commander formally unveiled the signboard of the library and, together with those present, viewed the library.
Then, the commander and officials attended a ceremony to present provisions to 518 members of the Sangha and 812 novices of Katha district and township held at Shwe Li Hall of Katha.
Katha Kyaukhtonegyi Kyaung Sayadaw Dupiti-kadara Bhaddanta Gimala administered the Five Precepts.
The commander supplicated on religious affairs and presented offertories to the
( 7 ) Billboard hailing Annual General Meeting (2001) of USDA erected
Yangon, 31 Aug- A ceremony to unveil the billboard hailing the Union Solidarity and Development Association's Annual General Meeting (2001) was held at Myaing Hay Wun junction, Mayangone Township, Yangon, at 6.30 am today.
Present on the occation were Chairman of the Organizing Group of Information Sub-Committee U Bo Kyi and committee members, Secretary of Yagon Division USDA U Aye Myint and executives, Secretary of Yangon West District USDA U Tin Win and executives, Chairmen and members of Mayangon, Insein and North Okkalapa Townships Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, Secretary of Mayangon Township USDA U Win Kyi and executives, USDA members, members
of Township War Veterans Organzation, members of Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the committee for Women's Affairs, Red Cross and Fire Brigade, towndwellers, teachers and students, Dobak dance trope of Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of culture, totalling 1,500.
Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint, secretary of Yangon West District USDA U Tin Win, chairman of Mayangon Township Peace and Development Council U Hla Moe, Chairman of North Okkalapa Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Swe, secretary of Mayangon Township USDA U Win Kyi formally unveiled the
Launglon Township USDA holds annual general meeting
Yangon, 31 Aug- Launglon Township Union Solidarity and Development Association held its annual general meeting for 2001 in the meeting hall of Township Peace and Development Council on 18 Aug morning.
Present were executives of Township USDA, organizers and executives of 45 wards and villages, members of social organizations in the township and outstanding students totalling 100.
Member-1 of Township Peace and Development Council U Thein Ko Lay made a speech.
Secretary of Township USDA U Than Zaw Oo extended greetings.
Those in charge of various sectors presented their annual reports on organizational, management, economic, social and cultural matters.
The secretary of Township USDA presented prizes to eight students who passed the 2000-2001 matriculation examination with distinctions.
In the afternoon, group discussions were held. Secretary of Township USDA U Than Zaw Oo sought the approval of the meeting for the
Mingaladon Township USDA members donate blood
Yangon, 31 Aug- Fifty members of Mingaladon Township Union Solidarity and Development Association collectively donated blood to Tatmadaw members who are receiving medical treatment at the Defence Services General Hospital at the blood bank of the hospital this morning. Present were Registration Officer Lt-Col Thant Zin and officials and blood donors.
Secretary of Mingaladon Township USDA U Soe Min explained the purpose of the donation. Lt-Col Thant Zin thanked the donors.
Pathologist Maj Daw Sanda Swe spoke of the facts about blood donation.
Local gems merchants invited to
attend Myanma Gems Emporium
Yangon, 31 Aug- Myanma Gems Enterprise under the Ministry of Mines will organize Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium on 6 October 2001.
Local gems merchants are allowed to attend the emporium with the aim of enabling them to meet with foreign gems merchants and do business with them, enabling them to study foreign gems markets, boosting sales of gems by encouraging competition between them and doing gems business in accord with the market economic system. Arrangements are being made to open sales counters on the ground floor of the Gems Mart during the Mid-Year Gems Emporium.
Those who wish to attend the emporium and who wish to open jewellery shops may contact Myanma Gems Enterprise (Head Office) on 5
( 8
54th Session of the Regional Committee for WHO South-East Asia to be held in Yangon
Yangon, 31 Aug- The 54th Session of the Regional Committee for WHO South-East Asia will be held in Yangon, Myanmar from 3 to 6 September.
The meeting will be attended by senior health officials from the ten Member Countries of WHO South-East Asia region, representatives from other United Nations agencies as well as a number of non-Governmental Organizations.
The RC has several technical subjects on its agenda, including Arsenic contamination of ground water affecting some countries of the region; health and environment in national development: Regional progress and preparations for Rio + 10 conference; multi-disease surveillance, cross-border collaboration; and polio eradication in the South-East Asia Region.
The Committee will also consider recommendations arising out of the technical discussions being held just prior to the meeting on the topic: mental health and substance abuse including alcohol.
The 54th Session of the Regional Committee is being hosted by Myanmar at the Traders Hotel, Yangon.
ASEAN delegates tour Yangon
Yangon, 31 Aug- The delegates from ASEAN nations who attended the 38th Meeting on Management of Health Projects of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia Region, led by Col Than Aung of the Ministry of Health, visited the Shwedagon Pagoda and the Drug Elimination Museum this morning.
They then visited the National Museum where the officials conducted them round it.
In the afternoon, they visited Myanma Gems Museum.
Sermons for Metta Day
Yangon, 31 Aug- A sermon titled "Bay-yan-kin-way-nay-naing-yay" delivered by member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Zeya Lankara Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Myingyan, Mandalay Division, Bhaddanta Kitti (Agga Maha Pandita) will be telecast on a TV programme of Myanma Radio and Television at 7.10 am and a sermon titled
"Metta-shei-hta-kutho-pwa" delivered by member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Monk of Maha Withutayamataik in Pakokku, Magway Division, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vicara (Agga Maha Pandita) will be broadcast on a radio programme of Myanma Radio at 12.25 pm on Wakhaung Fullmoon Day, 1363 ME (Metta
Day), 3 September 2001.
Teleplay-shooting finished
Yangon, 31 Aug- The shooting of the teleplay titled "Htar-wa-ra-shin-than-pa-say" directed by writer Tin Than Oo hailing the eighth anniversary of the Union Solidarity and Development Association which falls on 15th September 2001 at the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township on 30 August and at the National Museum and downtown, Yangon, on 31 August was completed today.
Book of suggestion papers to be published
Yangon, 31 Aug- The paper reading session on suggestion for development of tourist destinations for the development of Myanmar tourism services organized by the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism was held at Asia Plaza Hotel on 17 July.
A total of nine papers read out at the session will be published as the book of suggestion papers for tourism operators, those interested, researchers and libraries
( 9
) Myanmar delegation arrives back
Yangon, 31 Aug- Member of Civil Service Selection and Training Board U Hla Myint Oo and Rector of Central Institute of Civil Service (Lower Myanmar) Col Win Maung arrived back here this afternoon after attending Conference on Public Sector Leadership Forum; 2001 Recruitment Retention and Learning held in Singapore from 27 to 30 August.
They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by the chairman of CSSTB and members, directors-general and deputy directors-general, officials and family
MWJA members visit Drug Elimination Museum and National Museum
Yangon, 31 Aug- Members of the Central Executive Committee of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association and 92 members of Township Writers and Journalists Associations, together with Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice-Chairman-2 U Than Maung (Than Maung), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun - Twantay) and Joint- Secretary U Myint Kywai (Maung Myint Kywai) visited the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady Street and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township this afternoon.
On arrival there, they were welcomed by officials of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control.
They toured the museum.
Then, they went to the National Museum.
They were welcomed there by Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe, Director-General of the Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win, Director-General of the Department of Archaeology U Nyunt Han, Director of the National Museum Daw Nu Mra Zan and officials.
They viewed Legacy of Bagan Exhibition at the museum.
Heroin blocks seized in Kyugok (Pansai)
Yangon, 31 Au- A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on a tip-off, searched a house of Htaukshwinmon at No 85, Ward 5 in Kyugok (Pansai) on 5 August and seized 1.36
kilograms of heroin blocks.
The authorities arrested Htaukshwinmon, son of U Htaukkyisein, together with Laukhat, son of U Lishaukyon of No 28, Ward 5, Kyugok (Pansai) and Lawpaung (a) Phupaukyin, son of U Phukya of Mangye Village, Mongko who were engaged in the drug trafficking.
Police Station concerned filed them under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances Law.