1 ) Nation achieving good foundations of development through peace, stability, unity, internal strength, cooperation, self-reliant efforts
National policy "Our Three Main National Causes" can be materialized only with national conviction and unity
Realization of economic goals lead to emergence of constant learning Myanmar society able to face challenges of knowledge age
Yangon, 29 Aug- Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe attended the closing ceremony of Myanmar and International Studies Course No 3, Advanced Management Course No 10 for USDA executives and International Relations Course No 6 and delivered a speech at the Pyidaungsu Hall of the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township this morning.
He said:
Trainees, you have theoretically and practically studied the Myanmar history, the building of the economic infrastructure of Myanmar economy, the implementation of the short-term national economic plans, the development of human resources and the preservation of the nation's cultural heritage at the Myanmar and International Studies course. Similarly, you have also studied the international affairs.
You have not only attended the courses with keen interest, but also made practical field studies and compiled papers.
As you have already studied the national affairs, you have basically known the process of building a peaceful, modern and developed nation. Myanmar had faced the ill consequences of the
colonialists' divide and rule policy even after restoration of independence. Soon after independence was regained, disagreements surfaced resulting from the sectarian conflicts leading to disintegration of the national consolidation.

The political disputes lasted for about 40 years leading to loss of peace and stability in the nation. As the nation was deprived of peace as well as progress, the aspirations of the people during the independence struggle also fade away.
The government, since its assumption of the State duties, has placed in the fore the interests of the nation and the entire people and implemented the task to restore the national consolidation as the primary duty. In accord with the lessons of the loss of independence and the political situation faced during the early post-independence period,
"Our Three Main National Causes" has been designated and realized as the national policy.
"Our Three Main National Causes" non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty can be materialized only with the national conviction and unity.
Due to the efforts which have been made with greater momentum to restore national consolidation and peace and stability, the nation is leading towards economic development. Development of the economic system requires firm economic infrastructures. The scope of the requirements is enormous in building the national economic infrastructure. At present, the national economy mainly depends on agriculture which is based on the rural. In this context, large amounts of money have been invested in building the infrastructure of the agricultural sector. Agriculture is the main economic sector of the nation at present. Priority has been given to strengthening of the agricultural sector in developing the other economic sectors.

The agricultural sector played a vital role in the previous short-term national economic plans.
A large amount of investments have been made in building irrigation facilities to develop the agricultural sector with added momentum. Of the irrigation projects, Thaphan-seik, Zawgyi and Paunglaung are the multipurpose dams which will also generate hydroelectric power. The Zaung-tu Dam in Bago Division was built not only for irrigation purpose, but also to generate power, prevent floods caused by the Bago River and supply clean water to Bago town.
A total of 124 dams have been built in the nation during the period of ten years. This has led to the extensive application of the nation's water and land resources. One of the main targets of the present third five-year short-term plan is to fully utilize the water resources in order to significantly boost the cultivation and production of the agricultural sector.
Utmost efforts should be made to utilize the nation's resources to the most possible degree.
Building a peaceful, modern and developed nation is the national goal. It is also the goal set to serve the interests of the State and the entire people. While endeavours are being made to strengthen the agricultural infrastructure, priority has also been given to building the transport infrastructure. As roads and bridges are vital facilities, they can be called the nation's strength. Socio-economic progress cannot be brought about without the transport development. The volume of the task of building roads and bridges was large in the nation-building undertakings during the previous ten years.
Special priority has been given to development of the transport sector in order to promote the trade and economy of the national people, production sector and relations between the national races. In the past, the transport links connecting the upper and lower Myanmar were only the roads lying from north to south on the east bank of Ayeyawady River. At present, strategic plans have been laid down and implemented in building a network of motorways and railroads linking all parts of the nation from east to west and from north to south. More roads are under construction to be added to the network. River crossing bridges have been built wherever necessary.
During your excursion tours, you have witnessed the required infrastructures developing due to the laying down and implementation of the special projects during a short period. According to your theoretical and firsthand studies, you have already known that the development process of Myanmar started from the tasks which were necessary and within the capacity.
The basic requirements must be fulfilled to firmly establish a political system or an economic system.
According to your studies, you have learnt that peace, stability and unity was first restored before the start of the national modernization and development undertakings due to the specific conditions of Myanmar history. Only after these requirements had been fulfilled to a certain degree, did the economic infrastructure building task begin. A goal has been set for progress of the agriculture, which is the main sector of the national economy, in building the infrastructure. In the meantime, strenuous efforts have been made for development of the transport sector to promote the socio-economy and the cooperation among the ethnic peoples.
Only after the development tasks began to gain acceleration to fulfil the basic requirements, did the first short-term four-year plan begin, followed by the second short-term five-year plan after the end of the former.
The targets have been overfulfill-ed in implementing the two short-term plans. Success has
been achieved in implementing the national economic plans, due to laying down of regional plans, participation of the people and cent-per-cent utilization of the nation's human resources. Till now, the national development undertakings have been implemented based solely on the internal strength. The spirit instilled in the people from building the nation is the will to rely only themselves.
The good foundations of development have been achieved through peace, stability, unity, internal strength, cooperation and self-relent efforts. Human resources development is required to enable Myanmar to stand as a modern and developed nation while maintaining the good foundations. You have already known that the special national education promotion programme has been laid down and implemented to develop the human resources.
Not only the short-term plans, but also the long-term plans should be laid down and implemented for promotion of the national education.
There are two goals in the national education promotion programmes. The first goal is to create the human resources which is able to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation; and the second goal, to develop and strengthen the highly qualified human resources in the nation as well as in the regions.
I believe that realization of the goals will lead to emergence of a constant learning Myanmar society which is able to face the challenges of the knowledge age.
In conclusion, I would like to tell you that as you have already studied the Myanmar history, the development process of Myanmar and the conviction of Myanmar, I believe that you have already known your stand and your sector. The peacefulness, modernization and development of the nation is the cause of the entire Myanmar society including you. The high conviction and cooperation of the citizens is required in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
All the citizens should possess the political outlook, economic outlook, military outlook, administrative outlook and global outlook. They have the ability to study and assess the international relations of the nation and the global affairs.
The conviction of the government is to lead towards further improving the living standard of every citizen and to peacefully co-exist together with the international community. You, the trainees, should cooperatively serve the interests of the State and the people with high conviction.
Also present on the occasion were Patron of USDA Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, members of the State Peace and Development Council, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin, Lt-Gen Tin Tun and Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers, the Chief of Justice, the Attorney General, the Auditor-General, the chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, members of Central Penal of Patrons of USDA, CEC members of USDA, deputy ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises, distinguished gusts, course in-charge Lt-Col Sein
Win and trainees. After the ceremony, the Senior General cordially
greeted the trainees and had morning meal together with them. He
posed for a photo together with the trainees and then left the unit.
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's speech
- The government, since its assumption of the State duties, has placed in the fore the interests of the nation and the entire people and implemented the task to restore the national consolidation as the primary duty.
- Due to the efforts which have been made with greater momentum to
restore national consolidation and peace and stability, the nation is leading towards economic development.
- A large amount of investments have been made in building irrigation
facilities to develop the agricultural sector with added momentum.
- Special priority has been given to development of the transport sector in order to promote the trade and economy of the national people, production sector and relations between the national races.
- Success has been achieved in implementing the national economic plans, due to the laying down of sector-wise and region-wise plans, participation of the people and cent-per-cent utilization of the nation's human resources.
- The national development undertakings have been implemented based solely on the internal strength.
- The special national education promotion programme has been laid down and implemented to develop the human resources.
- There are two goals in the national education promotion programmes.
The first goal is to create the human resources which are able
to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation; and the
second goal, to develop and strengthen the highly qualified
human resources in the nation as well as in the regions.
- Realization of the goals will lead to emergence of a
constant learning Myanmar society which is able to face the
challenges of the knowledge age.
- The high conviction and cooperation of the citizens is
required in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
- All the citizens should possess the political outlook,
economic outlook, military outlook, administrative outlook and
global outlook.
- The conviction of the government is to strive for further
improving the living standard of every citizen and to
peacefully co-exist together with the international community.
( 2 )
Midwife Daw Thein Yi wins 38th Florence Nightingale Medal Award
Yangon, 29 Aug- A ceremony to honour the 38th Florence Nightingale Medal Award winner was held at the Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Street this afternoon, attended by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the deputy ministers, members of the National Health Committee, officials of Embassies of Cambodia, Singapore and Vietnam, resident representatives of UN Agencies and officials of International Committee of the Red Cross, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, officials of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Health Assistants Association, matrons, nursing officers, health staff, midwives, members of Red Cross Brigade, winner of Florence Nightingale Medal Award midwife Daw Thein Yi and guests.

In his speech, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein said it is an auspicious occasion to present the 38th Florence Nightingale Medal Award to midwife Daw Thein Yi. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) presented the award to nurses and Red Cross volunteers who showed humanitarian spirit, kindness and made sacrifices.
In Myanmar, there are many people with compassion. Myanmar won a Henry Dunant Award and three Florence Nightingale Medal Awards. Sai Aung Hlaing Myint won Henry Dunant Award, Major Daw Khin Ohn Mya won Florence Nightingale Medal Award in 1963, Daw M Yaw Nam in 1993 and midwife Daw Thein Yi of Thaungthut Village in Homalin Township in 2001.
Daw Thein Yi saved the life of an eight-year old girl from a burning house at the risk of her life. The ICRC presented her the award for her noble sacrifice.

The minister said the government was pleased to see her outstanding performance and the Ministry of Health and MRCS put on record her performance which helped reinforce the Red Cross activities in Myanmar.
He said the government is implementing the twelve objectives for emergence of a peaceful modern developed nation and one of the social objectives is uplift of morale and morality of the entire people.
The minister elaborated on participation of nurses associations in health development activities, public health care services and the National Health Plan, opening of two nursing institutes under the guidance of Head of State, conducting of nursing courses, opening of nursing and midwifery training schools in some major districts in states and divisions.
In conclusion, the minister wished for nurses and members of Red Cross Brigade to receive more awards.
Representative of the ICRC Mr Michel Ducraux also delivered a speech.

The Secretary-1 presented Florence Nightingale Medal Award and certificate to midwife Daw Thein Yi of Thaungthut Village in Homalin Township, Sagaing Division.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented the gold medal and the promotion order.
The Secretary-1 cordially greeted Florence Nightingale Medal Award winner Daw Thein Yi.
The 12th International Red Cross Conference held in 1912 decided to present Florence Nightingale Medal Award to nurses and Red Cross volunteers who provided excellent service to the sick or the wounded during war time or peace time.
The award is presented every two years. The ICRC announces the award winners on 12 May, the birthday of Florence
Government making efforts for economic and social progress in all peaceful and tranquil border areas
Coord meeting on implementation of tasks for development of border areas and national races held
Yangon, 29 Aug- The coordination meeting on implementation of tasks for development of border areas and national races was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs this afternoon with an address by Chairman of Working Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, the ministers, the deputy ministers, sub-committee members, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads.
The Secretary-1 said armed struggle took place in the border areas and there was no stability. Therefore, the areas lagged behind development in economic, social and transport sectors. The government achieved success in ending the armed opposition beginning 1989. Peace and tranquillity has been restored in those regions.
To bring a bout regional development,
Government making efforts for economic
Border Areas and National Races Development Plan was implemented with the leadership of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, he said.
Work committees comprising the ministers led by the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council and sub-committee and regional work committees led by the deputy ministers were formed with the guidance of Central Committee for Development of Border and Areas and National Races led by the Head of State.
He said the master plan for development of border areas and national races was drafted by the experts. In the plan, priority has given to construction of road and bridges spending a large sums of money. With the betterment of transport, economic and social sectors in the regions will develop and the better transport strengthens goodwill relations among the national races, he said.
Now, he said, the government is making efforts for economic and social progress in all peaceful and tranquil border areas.
The government is also accelerating its momentum in infrastructures such as construction of roads and bridges, education, health, agriculture, forestry, water supply, livestock breeding and veterinary, communication, public relation, establishment of human settlement, mining, trade and energy and small scale industries.
He said the 15-year drug elimination project is also being implemented together with the development of border areas and national race project and Mongla region was declared as drug free zone. Strenuous efforts are being made to declare Kokang and Wa regions as drug-free zones in 2005.
Rapid progress will be made with the cooperation of the government, regional national race leaders and local people in carrying out the border areas development tasks, he said.
During this month, a team comprising the deputy ministers and heads of departments was sent to Wa and Kokang regions and necessary assistance for the development of the region was also provided, he added.
In the past, Wa region lagged behind development. But significant progress has been made in the region due to diligence and sincerity of Wa leaders and people and active cooperation with the government.
Agriculture and livestock breeding activities are successful. The region earns income from cottage industries based on agriculture, value-added products and mining of zinc and tin, he said.
He spoke of the need to provide assistance to other regions like Wa regions. A similar team will be sent to Kachin Special Region-2 and Mon region soon, he said.
The Secretary-1 said that members of the various committees are to present suggestions for economic and social development and drug elimination plan in the border areas.
Then, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt reported on fiancee used by the State from 1989-1990 fiscal year to date for development of border areas, construction of roads and bridges, health, education, agriculture, livestock breeding, electric power supply and construction of TV retransmission stations carried out for development of respective regions, distribution of fertilizers and farm machinery provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency, work being carried out with the contribution of UNDCP according to the drug control and development project, cultivation and production of poppy-substitute buckwheat and future tasks.
Then, conditions on raising development of Kokang and Wa regions according to the field study of chairmen of agricultural sub-committee, educational sub-committee, health sub-committee, livestock breeding sub-committee and home affairs sub-committee and officials and the deputy minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs were reported.
After attending to the needs, the Secretary-1 said that the similar team is to be sent to place where armed groups returned to the legal fold for equal development of border regions.
He urged departmental officials to make strenuous efforts for development of border areas and drug elimination tasks with the Union spirit and national solidarity
( 3 )
Commander inspects breeding tasks
Yangon, 29 Aug- The State Peace and Development Council member Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected agricultural tasks being carried out by Yangon Command today.
The commander arrived at the Poultry Farm No 2 of the command in Hmawby Township, Yangon North District at 11 am today. At the briefing hall, In-charge of the farm Major Myat Nyein reported on raising of poultry, production and distribution of eggs to the tax-free markets, and Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Committee of the command Lt-Col Thein Hsint on agriculture tasks, raising of poultry, pigs, cows, goats and fish, and distribution of meat and eggs to the commander who gave instructions on systematic extension of poultry farming and cultivation of vegetables around the farm.
Then the commander proceeded to Poultry Farm No 1 in Sawbwagyigon, Insein Township where officials reported on condition of the poultry farming and distribution of RIR chicken.
After giving necessary instructions there, the commander inspected the farm, incubation and maintenance of the farm.
He also inspected Tineshwegon vegetable and meat shop and gave instructions.
The livestock breeding farms of the command have raised over 150,000 hens and distributed 600 viss of chicken and 15000 eggs daily. RIR chickens are available at K 30 per chick
Minister receives FAO resident representative
Yangon, 29 Aug- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin received Resident Representative of UN Food and Agriculture Organization to Myanmar Mr Francis Rinville who had completed his tour of duties in Myanmar at his office on Thiri Mingalar lane on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this morning.
They cordially discussed matters related to promotion of technological cooperation in agricultural sector of Myanmar.
Also present at the call were heads of departments and enterprises under the ministry and other officials.
( 4 )
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspects Thaphanseik Dam

Yangon, 29 Aug- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by officials, inspected maize plantions at Maize Special Zones in Kyunhla Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, yesterday.
The minister also inspected the condition of main spillway of Thaphanseik Dam, work being done for the spillway building, water receiving building for electric power generation, area of the tank, storage capacity and dam building work and gave instructions.
Then the minister met Director General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and Sagaing Division Agricultural Co-ordination Committee members, and discussed matters relating to the conditions of water supply canals of Thaphanseik Dam and Kindat diversion dam, extension of water supply for irrigated land, water supply system, crops cultivation in irrigated areas.
Afterwards, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected cultivation of maize in 5,000 acres of Maize Special Zone between Thaphanseik Dam and Kanbalu Township.
Officials and farmers reported on cultivation and production of maize to the
CPT Minister inspects communication services

Yangon, 29 Aug- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw accompanied by officials from Myanma Posts and Telecommunications inspected communication stations and services in Shan State (North), Mandalay Division and Bago Division from 24 to 28 August. He inspected PyinOoLwin Auto Exchange and Microwave Station, Nawnghkio Exchange, Kyaukme Exchange and gave instructions on 24 August.
He also inspected communication stations in Kutkai, Muse, Namhkam and Hsipaw. He inspected Mandalay General Post Office and staff quarters. Afterwards, he inspected auto exchanges and microwave stations in Kyaukse, Wundwin, Meiktila, Tatkon, Pyinmana and Bago.
( 5 ) Mid-Year Gems Emporium to be held from 7 to 14 Oct
Yangon, 29 Aug- The Mid-Year Gems Emporium will begin on 7 October.
Gems inspection time for the merchants is from 7 to 9 October. Raw jade will be sold through competitive bidding from 10 to 12 October, the gem lots on 13 October, and the pearl lots the next day.
Quality jade and gems will be put on sale at the emporium.
The merchants to the emporium can visit the Myanmar Gems Museum and buy jewels at the special sales at the Gems Mart.
Invitations have already been sent to the regular foreign gem buyers. The new merchants or regular buyers who have not received the invitation yet may contact the Myanmar embassies or consulates abroad to attend the mid-year gems emporium.
Preparations for Mid-Year Gems Emporium inspected
Yangon, 29 Aug- Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, together with Chairman of Myanma Gems Emporium Organizing Central Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, inspected the preparations for the Mid-Year Gems Emporium at Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 1 pm today.
The minister and party inspected the lots of uncut jades and jewellery displayed round the emporium and the fixing of floor price. Secretary of the Central Committee Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and secretaries of sub-committees conducted the minister and party round the emporium. The minister gave necessary instructions to responsible officials.
Then, the first meeting of Myanma Gems Emporium Central Committee was held at the hall of Myanma Gems Mart with an address by Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint.
Present were Chairman of Mid-Year Myanma Gems Emporium Organizing Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and members.
The meeting ended with the remarks to hold the emporium from 7 to 14 October and to allow local gem merchants to attend the emporium.
( 6 )
Japanese youth delegation calls on General Secretary of USDA
Yangon, 29 Aug- Under the International Youth Development Programme sponsored by the Japanese Government Office, Japanese youth delegation led by Mr Taisuke Togashi called on General Secretary of Union Solidarty and Development Association U Than Aung at the head office of USDA at 5 pm today.
Also present were Central Executive Committee members U Than Shwe and U Thein Sein.
CEC member U Than Shwe explained the formation of USDA, work being done for development of human resources, social activities and international relations.
Billboard hailing USDA Annual
General Meeting 2001 put up
Yangon, 29 Aug- A ceremony to unveil the billboard hailing the annual general meeting 2001 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held in front of Yangon Railway Station in Mingalataungnyunt Township, Yangon East District this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Organizing Group under Information Sub-committee U Bo Kyi and members, Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint and executives, Executive of Yangon East District USDA U Tin Aung and members, chairmen, secretaries and members of Mingala-taungnyunt and Tamwe township USDAs and Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, members of Township War Veterans Organization, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Women's Affairs Committee, Myanmar Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, students and others, totalling 2,500.
Chairman of Mingala-taungnyunt Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Htut, Chairman of Tamwe Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Kyaw Soe and Secretary of Mingalataungnyunt Township USDA U Kyaw Yee formally unveiled the
( 7 ) Exhibition on Myanma Fishery and Livestock Breeding Products to be held
Yangon, 29 Aug- The coordination meeting for holdingÒExhibition on Myan ma Fishery and Livestock Breeding Products, 2002,
Yangon', jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Commerce on Strand Road here this afternoon.
It was attended by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, departmental heads and officials of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Myanmar Fisheries Federation and Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation.
The ministers delivered speeches.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan discussed trade fair experiences and Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye the fixing of date for the Exhibition, the purpose of holding Exhibition and the forming of central committee and working committee.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the ministers.
( 8
Artesian well handed over
Yangon, 29 Aug- A ceremony to hand over artesian well was held at Kine Village in Pakokku Township on 21 August. Japan Social Foundation (JSP) under the arrangement of AMDA donated a well with the aim of supplying drinking water for Kine village. The ceremony was attended by officials from Pakokku District and Township Peace and Development Councils, township USDA, Medical Superintendent Dr U Aung of Pakokku District General Hospital, and others.
The wellwishers donated a four-inch artesian well, a brick tank that can hold 4,000
gallons of water, a water pump and equipment, a 1,600-gallon water tank and pipe lines.
Similar donations were also made for Inpin Village and Magyikan Village.
( 9
) New teleplay shot
Yangon, 29 Aug- Writer Tin Than Oo continued shooting the teleplay
"Htar-wa-ra-shin-than-pa-say", starring Yang Aung, Moh Moh Myint Aung, Ye Aung, May Thinza Oo, Min Hein, Khant Si Thu, Zarni, Hla Inzali Tint, Hnin Wutyi Thaung, Aye Wutyi Thaung, and famous comedians, in Yangon.
Child-actors Ei Phyu Soe, Nay Zar Oo, Ye Min Tun, Hein Htet Aung and Tun Hmon Phu together with Than Than Nwe, Than Than Soe and Soe Moe Kyi took part in the play which will be broadcast on 15 September hailing the 8th anniversary of the Union Solidarity and Development Association at Wadan Street here today.