1 ) National health plans aim
at providing wider range of public health care and promoting quality
of health care Toungoo General Hospital gets new building

Yangon, 27 Aug- Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the opening of the new building of the 200-bed General Hospital in Toungoo, Bago Division, yesterday morning.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the director-general of the Health Department and heads of department, the medical superintendent of the General Hospital, specialists, medical staff, wellwishers and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein formally opened the new building.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the bronze plaque of the building.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the special wards, operation theatre and intensive care units in the new building.
At the ceremony to mark the opening of the new building, Director of Myan-naingmyint Construction Group U Maung Maung Myint handed over documents related to the new building to Director-General of the Health Department U Wan Maung.
Head of Bago Division Health Department Dr U Maung Maung Myint reported on construction of the new building, the operation theatre and the intensive care unit, and Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye gave an additional report.
The Secretary-1 accepted donations for construction of the new building of the hospital Ñ K 5 million by Agga Maha Thiri Thudama Theingi Shwe Hnin Si Daw Ohn Khin, K 8 million by townselders of Toungoo, K 1.5 million by Asia Wealth Bank Ltd, K 1 million by Shwemyaysi Natural Fertilizer and CB Bank and
K 400,000 by MOB Bank.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said that the opening of a new two-storey building for Toungoo General Hospital means that the government has created a favourable condition which will contribute greatly to the health care of local people residing in the region.

With the aim of providing health care for local people all the more, the government has upgraded the old 150-bed hospital into the 200-bed General Hospital, and an appropriate building has also been built for the new hospital.
In addition, plans are afoot to equip the hospital with necessary things in accord with its status.
The State Peace and Development Council is making all-out efforts to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations, and uplift of health standard and fitness of the entire people and their cheerful and active participation in the nation-building tasks are national requirements.
Moreover, with the aim of enabling the people to enjoy the fruits of development of the State, the construction of education, health and social infrastructures is a basic requirement, too.
Therefore, the government is implementing plans designed for the development of the nation, and at the same time, building education, health and social infrastructures with a view to fulfilling educational, health and social needs of the people.
In the health sector, national health plans are being implemented systematically with the noble aims of uplifting the health standard and fitness of the entire nation, improving the national health standard, providing more health care for the people and extending the range of health care all over the nation.
Therefore, the national health plans cover the plans designed to provide a wider range of health care for the people and to promote the quality of health care.
Today, a great number of new hospitals and clinics are being built in all the regions of the Union including border areas and rural areas in order to extend health care services, and hospitals are being upgraded in consideration of the requirements of respective regions.
Moreover, in promoting the standard of public health care, the government is enlisting not only the participation of governmental organizations but also that of wellwishers and social organizations. Therefore, the range of public health care has become wider and wider.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance that measures are to be centred
in Mandalay to enable the people in Upper Myanmar to enjoy health
care opportunities as equally as the people in Yangon City do, that
at least a 200-bed hospital is to be built in cities of all the
divisions and states with the aim of fostering the harmonious
health development of rural and urban areas, and that district-level hospitals are to be upgraded.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, hospital upgrading plans were laid down, and special care units are being built at hospitals in cities of states and divisions and district-level cities. The hospitals are being provided with modern medical equipment, medicines and specialists, thereby promoting their quality.
According to the hospital standard upgrading plan, modern medical equipment for the anaesthetic unit, the intensive care unit, the oral health unit, the orthopaedic unit, the heart unit, the ear, nose, eye and throat unit and the urine and kidney unit is being purchased.
The medical equipment was bought for US $ 2.7 million in 1999-2000 and US $ 4.36 in 2000-2001. US $ 6.04 million has been allotted to buy medical equipment for 2001-2002. Toungoo General Hospital has been upgraded from the 150-bed one to the 200-bed one. Previously, there were specialists only for six subjects, and now there are specialists for 12 subjects. Necessary medical equipment will be provided.
Together with the new two-storey building, a two-storey operation building has been constructed. More patients can be admitted at the hospital. Therefore, the hospital has the hygienic operation theatre and the delivery room.
The government is providing new hospitals in various regions with new buildings, modern medical equipment and physicians, thereby implement the guidance of the Head of State to provide opportunities for the people to have medical treatment.
Therefore, local people are required to, as a united force, strive for the development of their own village and region under the leadership of the State with the use of favourable conditions for health care.
Only the citizens who possess good health and high morale can built the nation into a strong one. Therefore, local authorities and local people, together with physicians, nurses and health employees are required to cooperate with one another in implementing the national objective uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all the local people to make best use of health facilities of the State in striving for the uplift of their health standard, development and prosperity of their region and improvement of living standard of local people.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party attended the foundation-laying ceremony for the outpatient unit of Toungoo General Hospital.
The Secretary-1 laid a casket containing nine gems at the centre of the foundation.
Then, the Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers laid bricks at designated places.
The Secretary-1 also laid the stone plaque at the centre of the foundation.
The Secretary-1 and party sprinkled scented water on the caskets and bricks.
Then, the Secretary-1 and the commander performed the ritual of silver and golden
Secretary-1 meets with departmental officials, inspects regional development tasks in Bago Division
Yangon, 27 Aug- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt met with division- and district-level departmental officials from Bago and Toungoo Districts and discussed implementation of tasks on agriculture and livestock breeding and regional development at the meeting hall of Southern Command in Toungoo, Bago Division, yesterday afternoon.
The Secretary-1 inspected regional development in the division.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, ministers, deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, local authorities, secretaries, executives and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and members of War Veterans Organizations.
Secretary of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Min acted as master of ceremonies.
The commander reported on utlization of lands in the division, progress in cultivation of project crops monsoon paddy, summer paddy, beans and pulses, edible oil, sugar-cane and cotton, cultivation of more crops than the previous year, sluice gates, dam projects and bridges constructed and under construction and future projects in the division, tasks undertaken for human resources development in the education sector, public health care services, high GDP in 2001-2002 and regional development.
The Secretary-1 said he and the ministers came to Toungoo to fulfil the requirements for regional development in Bago Division. According to the reports, success achieved in implementing economic plans this year is greater than the previous year. He spoke of the need to maintain the rate of success till the completion of the plan, he said.
He said Myanmar is making efforts for national development while establishing national economic life based on agriculture. There are three reliable divisions in agriculture Yangon, Ayeyawady and Bago Divisions. These divisions rely on paddy cultivation and contribute toward food sufficiency in the country, he said.
The government mainly grows paddy in the agriculture sector and it is building dams and reservoirs in various parts of the country in order to cultivate paddy not only in monsoon but also in summer, he said.
Altogether 21 dams and sluice gates have been built in Bago Division and there are many dams under construction and arrangements are being made for construction of many new dams.
He spoke of the need for Bago Division to make progress in agriculture with the use of the already-built irrigation network.
The Secretary-1 said the government is giving encouragement to the development of paddy and other crops such as beans and pulses, cotton and sugarcane.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, encouragement is being given not only to the development of small-scale cultivation work of farmers but also large mechanized farms of national entrepreneurs.
The Secretary-1 called for cultivation of beans and pulses and sugarcane and Thitseint trees, Terminalia belerica. Successful cultivation of export items such as beans and pulses and import substitute crops such as oil crops will increase earning of foreign exchange, thereby contributing towards the success of nation-building tasks, he said.
Now, infrastructures such as dams and reservoirs, hydel power projects and major bridges are being built with the use of large sums of money for national development.
Moreover, he said, the government is providing
modern electronic teaching aids and equipment to be used for the
laboratories and research work and medical equipment in the
education and health sector spending a great deal of foreign
exchange. The Secretary-1 laid emphasis on the practice of thrift in
carrying out other tasks in order to spend more money in
nation-building tasks. He said progress has been made in regional
development, agriculture and livestock breeding projects, and the
region has achieved high GDP. He called for promoting
already-achieved development, extended cultivation of paddy, beans
and pulses, oil crops and sugarcane, boosting production of export
items and import substitute items and practice of thrift. In
conclusion, he also called for cooperation with regional
authorities, departments, national private entrepreneurs and local
people for emergence of a modern developed nation, a national goal.
The Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by the commander went to the Shwemyesi natural fertilizer plant of Htet Akar Kyaw Agricultural and General Economic Enterprise Cooperative Syndicate Ltd at Laymaing Camp on Toungoo-Htantabin Road in Toungoo.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Chairman of Htet Akar Kyaw Agricultural and General Economic Enterprise Cooperative Syndicate Ltd U Khin Maung Aye and officials.
U Khin Maung Aye reported on economic enterprises, establishment of natural fertilizer plant, investment, raw materials, production process, quality and quantity of fertilizer, purchase by farmers, plans for extension of the plant and requirements.
Pro-rector of Yezin Institute of Agriculture Dr Daw Cho Cho Myint reported on ingredients of Shwemyesi natural fertilizer, effectiveness, its properties, use and benefit. Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on systematic use of the fertilizer, sale at reasonable price and providing assistance by the Ministry of Agricylture and Irrigation and Ministry of Cooperatives.
The Secretary-1 then signed in the visitor's book.
U Khin Maung Aye presented a painting to the Secretary-1.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected the Shwemyesi natural fertilizer plant.
The Shwemyesi natural fertilizer improves property of cultivable lands year by year and increases yield. Farmers are now using the fertilizers. Arrangements are being made for construction of the plants in other states and divisions.
The Secretary-1 and party spent the night in Toungoo.
( 2 )
MEC Chairman Secretary-1 attends opening of multimedia teaching centres in Yedashe and Swa

Yangon, 27 Aug- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department and officials, left Toungoo for Yedashe by car this morning and arrived at Basic Education High School in Swa, Yedashe Township at 8 am.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party attended the opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre of the school. They were welcomed there by the headmistress, the chairman and members of the school board of trustees, parents and students.
Later, Headmistress Daw Khin Sein and Chairman U Ohn Kyaw of the School Board of Trustees formally opened the centre. The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the sign-board of the centre.
After inspecting the computer application and e-mail room, the computer-aided instruction room, the electronic media (video system) room, the electronic media (language lab), the projected mediaÑvisual presenter room, the electronic media (audio system), the art room and the domestic science and handicraft room, the Secretary-1 and party observed the demonstration of art skills of the students.
The Secretary-1 presented prizes to the students.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party posed for a photo together with the headmistress, teachers, chairman and members of the school board of trustees.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party attended the opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre of Basic Education High School in Yedashe where they were welcomed by the headmistress, the chairman and members of the school board of trustees, parents and students.
Headmistress Daw Kyi Kyi Than and Chairman U Lin of the School Board of Trustees formally opened the centre. Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the sign-board of the centre.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the computer-aided instruction room, the electronic media (language lab) room, the electronic media (audio system) room, the printed media (reading corner) room, the electronic media(video
system) room, projected media
room, shrine room, art room and domestic science and handicraft room. The Secretary-1 and party then observed the demonstration of the art skills of the students.
The Secretary-1 presented honorary prizes to the students.
Afterwards, opening ceremony of multimedia teaching centres of Saw and Yedashe Basic Education High Schools at the Aung San Hall of Yedashe BEHS.
First, Township Education Officer U Tun Lwin and Chairman U Lin of the School Board of Trustees of Yedashe BEHS, on behalf of the school boards of trustees of the two schools, gave accounts of endeavours made for opening of the centres.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented teaching aids; video tapes and cassette tapes, to Headmistress Daw Kyi Kyi Than of Yedashe BEHS and Headmistress Daw Khin Sein of Saw BEHS.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said that the government is making efforts to implement education policies laid down by the State to grassroots from urban to rural. Not only the government but also people, school boards of trustees and wellwishers are cooperating in these endeavours.
The State's education policies and education promotion programmes are achieving success due to cooperation of the people hand in hand with the government. The skill demonstration of the students at the opening ceremonies today are of high quality and satisfactory, he said.
Education promotion programmes have been implemented step by step yearly for about three years. Now, special four-year plan for national education promotion is being materialized to keep abreast of the developed countries in South East Asia in education sector.
In line with the success of education promotion programmes, all-round competent outstanding students who master in international standard technologies are coming out.
The education standard is rising equally in both urban and rural areas, he added.
In conclusion, he urged the students, teachers and people to actively participate and cooperate hand in hand with the government in endeavours made for keeping abreast of the developed countries in Southeast Asia in education and of the world in education standard, in this favourable time when objectives of national education are being successfully carried out.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party posed for a photo together with the headmistress, teachers, chairman and members of the school board of trustees.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived here via Toungoo by Tatmadaw aircraft this afternoon.
Central Executive Committee members of Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung who accompanied the Secretary-1 met with secretaries and executives of Toungoo district and township USDAs in the Toungoo District USDA Office on 26 August. CEC member Brig-Gen Ohn Myint accepted membership applications presented by Assistant Township Education Officer U Myo Nyunt Aung of Toungoo
Secretary-1 attends opening of Sasana Hitakayi Beikmandawgyi in Toungoo

Yangon, 27 Aug- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left here for Toungoo by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived there yesterday morning.
They were welcomed there by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, senior military officers from Toungoo and Ottwin Stations, Division level departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and officials.
The Secretary-1 and party, together with the commander, attended the opening ceremony of Sasana Hitakayi Beikmandawgyi in Toungoo, Bago Division.
Also present at the ceremony were Division, District and Township level departmental heads, members of USDA, Myanmar War Veterans Organization, social and religious organizations, Wut associations, townselders, teachers and students.
At the auspicious time, the commander and Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko formally opened the Beikmandawgyi.
The Secretary-1 pressed the button to unveil the inscribed plaque of the Beikmandawgyi.
The merit-sharing ceremony then followed.
Member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Panhlaing Sarthintaik in Bago Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sasana invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
Members of the Sangha recited the parittas.
The commander said there are three Sasana Pariyatti, Patipatti and Pativeda. Among them, Pariyatt Sasana is the root. There are Pariyatti Sar-thintaiks in Toungoo. As student members of the Sangha increased year by year there needs a Sasana Beikman for holding of Pariyatti examinations.
On 25 June 1999, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt laid the cornerstone of the Sasana Hitakayi Beikmandaw.
The Beikmandaw was built at a cost of K 197.254 million donated by wellwishers in Toungoo and entrepreneurs.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
The commander, the ministers, the deputy ministers and members and wellwishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
The Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the opening ceremony.
( 3 )
Secretary-3 inspects Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) Construction Project
Yangon, 27 Aug- Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint visited Ayeya-wady Bridge (Magway) Construction Project yesterday morning.
The Secretary-3 was accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the deputy ministers, the commander of No 88 LID, the chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments concerned.
On arrival at the project, the Secretary-3 and party were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein, the deputy chief engineer (project) and engineers.
The Secretary-3 and party inspected the construction of approach bridges on the bank of Magway, installation of steel frames at the approach bridges and progress of work on construction of the piers in the river.
In the briefing hall, the Secretary-3 and party heard a report on the project by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein.
Deputy Chief Engineer (Project) of Public Works U Han Zaw reported on implementation of bridge projects and progress of work and efforts being made to complete the project ahead of schedule.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions.
Over 47 per cent of the project has now been completed.
The Secretary-3 and party met with members of Magway Division Peace and Development Council, division-level departmental officials, chairmen and members of Magway District and Minbu District Peace and Development Councils, district-level departmental officials, chairmen and members of Township Peace and Development Councils from Magway, Chauk, Yenan-gyaung, Taungdwingyi, Minbu (Sagu), Pwintbyu, Salin, Ngaphe and Sedoktara, township-level departmental officials, employees, chairmen and members of Ward Peace and Development Councils in Magway, members of social organizations and towns-elders in the City Hall of Magway at 9.30 am.
Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min
reported on the areas of Magway and cultivable land, rainfall of the region, dam and river-water pumping projects, cultivation of crops, rice sufficiency, GDP of the division, organization work for the raising of poultry and pigs, the growing of Thitseint trees and economic conditions of Magway District and Minbu District.
Chairman of Magway District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Zaw Thein and Chairman of Minbu District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Maung Win reported on cultivation of paddy and seasonal crops, rice sufficiency of the region and indexes of the gross domestic products of the region.
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung reported on plans for development of human resources, Minister for Education U Than Aung on implementation of national education promotion plans and Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha on economic development of the State and Magway Division.
Then, the Secretary-3 gave instructions on cultivation of rice on fallow and virgin land in Pakokku, Magway and Thayet Districts.
He added that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on betterment of rural roads, water supply in rural areas and development of education, health and economic sectors of rural areas.
In accord with that guidance, rural development tasks are to be carried out every year.
The Secretary-3 also spoke of the need for local people to raise poultry, pigs, goats and cattle.
In conclusion, the Secretary-3 urged all to work with goodwill in order to bridge the gap of economic and social opportunities between rural and urban areas.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Aunglan by helicopter in the afternoon.
The Secretary-3 and party met with chairmen and members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils from Thayet District and Thayet, Aunglan, Hsinpaungwe, Mindon, Kanma and Minhla Townships, departmental officials, employees, members of social organizations, ward authorities and townselders in Aungmyay Shwewah Hall in Aunglan.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions on development of the entire Magway Division, implementation of short-term plans by the government as of 1992-93, the drawing of regional development plans on the basis of national policies and cooperation of the government, the people and the Tatmadaw in striving for the interests of the region and the State.
Chairman of Thayet District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Soe reported on requirements for cultivation of monsoon paddy, sugarcane, cotton, beans and peas and oil crops in Thayet District and six townships.
Ministers U Than Aung and U Thaung spoke of measures taken for development of human resources.
Chairman of Kanma Township Peace and Development Council U Tin Myint reported on condition of Kanma-Thayet motor road and Kanma-Shwe-bontha motor road and construction of a new building for Kanma Basic Education High School, Chairman of Mindon Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Thet on requirements for construction of a new building of Mindon BEHS and Chairman of Aunglan Township Peace and Development Council U Htay Lwin on requirements for the upgrading of Aunglan-Shwepandaw motor road.
Minister U Than Aung, Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein and Director-General of the Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint attended to their requirements.
Then, the Secretary-3 had a cordial meeting with those present.
The Secretary-3 and party left for Pyay by helicopter.
At the Pyay Airport they were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council (West) Col Soe Nwe and officials.
Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint together with members of Central Organizing Committee met Chairman of Bago Division (West) War Veterans Supervisory Committee and members, Chairman of Pyay District War Veterans Supervisory Committee and members, members of WVOs of Pyay, Pauk-khaung, Paungde, Thegon, Shwedaung and Padaung Townships at the Khittaya Yadana city hall.
The Secretary-3 explained works being implemented for realization of the objectives of MWVO and work to be done by war veterans.
Chairman of Bago Division (West) War Veterans Supervisory Committee Secretary of Bago Division Peace and Development Council (West) Lt-Col Ye Myint reported on work done by Bago Division (West) War Veterans Supervisory Committee.
Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of MWVO cordially met war veterans.
Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung and CEC members met Secretaries of Division, District and Township USDAs, executives, organizers and members of USDA.
Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung and CEC member U Soe Tha gave necessary instructions.
Secretary of Bago Division (West) USDA U Thet U Min reported on work done.
CEC member Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin gave a supplement report.
The Secretary-3 met members of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council, Pyay District and Pyay, Padaung, Shwedaung, Paukkhaung, Paungde and Thegon Townships, departmental officials, service personnel, school heads of Basic Education High Schools, members of social associations and townselders.
The Secretary-3 said they came to Pyay to fulfil the requirements in rural development and regions in Bago Division (West).
He said he had visited Pakokku, Natmauk, Myothit, Magway and Aunglan Townships in Magway Division.
He said they came to Magway Division and regions in Bago Division (West) to fulfil the requirements under the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
He said the State passed different periods and systems during the 100 years of servitude. Though the country had basic foundation for progress, it lagged behind in development due to various reasons.
After the Tatmadaw had taken up the State duties in 1988, the government laid down the short-term economic plans and implemented them starting from 1992. Progress has been made and all can enjoy fruits of success in the respective sectors, he said.
Based on these achievements, the third short-term five year plan is being undertaken beginning 2001-2002 and our goal is to build a peaceful modern developed nation, he added.
The Secretary-3 said plans are being implemented systematically for national development based on the national tasks of Our Three Main National Causes, Twelve Objectives, the four-point People's Desire and the six resolutions of the people.
During the present five-year plan, five rural development tasks are to be carried out. The gap of development between rural and urban areas needs to be narrowed.
Therefore, departmental officials, the people and members of social organizations need to work in unity and happiness with Union spirit and patriotism.
Chairman of Pyay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Win reported on cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy and other crops in Pyay District, availability of water for agriculture in the district, Bago Yoma ring road, construction of rural roads including Hsinmeeswe-Inma motor road in Thegon Township and economic development of the district, Director of the Development Affairs Department (Western Bago Division) U Tin Soe on construction of roads in cities and villages, water supply, greening of the region, efforts for development of urban and rural areas, Deputy Director of the Irrigation Department (Western Bago Division) U Saw Napoleum on flood prevention measures.
Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe reported on requirements for the education and health sectors, cultivation of monsoon paddy, oil crops and beans and peas and efforts for regional development.
A townselder reported on cooperation with authorities in working for development of the region.
Ministers U Than Aung, U Soe Tha and U Thaung extended greetings and explained matters related to their reports.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of USDA Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin in charge of Western Bago Division reported on measures taken by the association for the development of the region.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions and had a cordial meeting with those present.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Thayawady by helicopter.
The Secretary-3 and party met with chairmen and members of District and Township Peace and Development Council from Thayawady District and Thayawady, Letpadan, Minhla, Moenyo, Okpho, Gyobingauk, Zeegon and Nattalin Townships, departmental officials, employees, members of social organizations and townselders.
The Secretary-3 explained the purpose of his visit to the region, and gave instructions.
Chairman of Thayawady District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ohn Myint reported on matters related to Thayawady District and townships, cultivation of monsoon paddy and crops and condition of economic development.
Townselder U Tin Htut reported on condition of development of Thayawady District and cooperation of local people and authorities in striving for regional development.
Ministers U Than Aung and U Thaung explained matters related to regional development.
The Secretary-3 and party left there by helicopter and arrived back here at
5 pm.
( 4 )
Malaysian Minister and party arrive
Yangon, 27 Aug- At the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Minister of Defence of Malaysia
Dato' Seri Mohammed Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak and wife and party arrived here by special flight this afternoon to pay a goodwill visit to the Union of Myanmar.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Prime Minister Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Ambassador of Malaysia Mr
Dato' Muhammad Bin Noh and Military Attache Lt-Col Hj Harun Bin Hitam and their wives.
Minister for Military Affairs receives
Defence Minister of Malaysia

Yangon, 27 Aug- Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Military Affairs and Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla received Defence Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Mohammed Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak and party at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence this evening.
Also present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, Malaysian Ambassador to Myanmar Dato Muhammad Bin Noh and Military Attache Lt-Col Hj Harun Bin Hitam.
Deputy Prime Minister hosts
dinner to Malaysian delegation
Yangon, 27 Aug- Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs and Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla hosted a dinner in honour of the Malaysian delegation led by Minister
Dato' Seri Mohammed Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak of the Ministry of Defence, Malaysia and wife and party at the Karaweik Palace here at 7 pm today.
Also present on the occasion were Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife, senior military officers and their wives, Ambassador of Malaysia Dato Mohammad bin Noh and wife, Military Attache Lt-Col Hj Harun Bin Hitam and
( 5 ) Brief biography of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Uggamsa
Yangon, 27 Aug- The Sayadaw was born of U Paw Khin and Daw Shu of Thamankan Village in Mahlaing Township in Mandalay Division in 1277 ME.
The Sayadaw was ordained by Sayadaw U Devinda of Thayetkyaung Pinywa Kyaunggyi Monastery in Khandha Ordination Hall of the monastery on 9th waxing of Waso, 1298 ME.
He studied parittas under the tutelage of Sayadaw U Devinda of Kyaunggyi Monastery, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arsababhivamsa of Moe-kyaung Monastery in Mandalay, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ravinda of Brick Monastery in Mawlamyine Kyun Myo, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Cintasura of Kamahtan Monastery, and Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vilasa of Pali Theikpan Monastery in Nyaunglaybin. The Sayadaw gave lectures on parittas to novices and monks. He discharged duties of Ovadacaria Sayadaw of Nyaunglaybin Pali Pahtamabyan Examinations, Ovadacariya Sayadaw of supervisory Committee of the Nyaunglaybin Jivitadana Sangha Hospital.
The Sayadaw passed away at 5.30 pm on 5th waxing of Wagaung, 8 August 2001 (Friday).
"Soon" offered to Buddhist monks
Yangon, 27 AugÑThe families of the Ministry of Energy offered
"soon" to Rector Sayadaw of the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) and members of the Sangha at Mogok Sonsarsaung on Kaba Aye Hill this morning.
Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi and wife Daw Khin Mar Aye presented offertories to Rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vannita. The minister presented K 100,000 for a day's meal of the members of the Sangha.
The families offered "soon" to members of the Sangha.
( 6 )
Myanma Small Loans Enterprise opens Management Course No 6
Yangon, 27 Aug- The bookkeeping and management course No 6 of the Myanma Small Loans Enterprise of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue was opened at the hall of MSLE on Pansodan Street here this morning, with an address by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, Managing Director of MSLE U Than Nyunt, departmental heads, course instructors and trainees.
Altogether 60 trainees
are attending the three-week course.
ASCMG meeting held
Yangon, 27 Aug- The opening of the meeting of the ASEAN COST Sub-Committee on Meteorology and Geophysics was held at Sofitel Plaza on Alanpya Pagoda Road here this morning.
Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, heads of departments under the ministry, representatives from Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and members of ASCMG Sub-Committee, World Meteorology Organization, and representatives of National Marine and Aviation Administration Board, America attended the meeting.
Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and Head Mr Woon Shih Lai of Meteorology Department, Singapore delivered addresses.
The meeting continues till 31 August.
( 7 ) Minister for Transport meets Director of Christian
Embassy of Canada
Yangon, 27 Aug - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe met with a business group of Canada headed by Director Mr Jerry Sherman of Christian Embassy of Canada, at his office this morning.
The business group comprised two entrepreneurs from British Columbia.
Also present were Deputy Ministers for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, Director-General of the Transport Department Col Nyan Tun Aung, Director-General of the Department of Civil Aviation U Win Maung and Managing Director of Myanma Airways U Tin Hlaing
Commerce Minister meets
Rice-Milling Course trainees
Yangon, 27 Aug- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met the trainees of Rice-Milling and Maintenance Course No 1/2001for operators of private rice mills and gave necessary instructions related to the course and work requirements at the conference hall of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading (Head Office) this morning. Also present were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung and
Medical treatment given
Yangon, 27 Aug- A 17-member specialist group organized by the Division Health Department for carrying out health care services to people in rural areas under the rural areas health standard improvement programme of the Ministry of Health, gave medical treatment to 125 patients from Hlegu and rural areas at Hlegu People's Hospital on 25
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Billboard hailing Annual General Meeting of USDA put up
Yangon, 27 Aug- A ceremony to unveil the billboard hailing the annual general meeting 2001 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at the junction near Mahabandoola Bridge in Dawbon Township this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Organizing Group under Information Sub-committee U Bo Kyi and members, Executive of Yangon Division USDA U Min Thien and members, Secretary of Yangon East District USDA U Tin Hlaing and members, chairmen and members of Dawbon, Thakayta and Pazundaung township USDAs, departmental officials, members of township War Veterans Organization, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, WomenÕs Affairs Committee, Myanmar Red Cross Society and
Auxiliary Fire Brigade, students and others.
Chairman of Dawbon Township USDA U Myint Lwin, Chairman of Thakayta Township USDA U Kyi Win, Chairman of Pazundaung Township USDA U Tin Hlaing and Secretary of Dawbon Township USDA U Than Lwin formally unveiled the
Basic Hotel Courses open
Yangon, 27 Aug- The concluding ceremony of the Basic Hotel Courses co-sponsored by Myanma Hotel and Tourism Services and Baiyoke Kandawgyi Hotel Co Ltd under the supervision of the
Directorate of Hotel and
Tourism was held at Kandawgyi Palace Hotel this morning.
Director-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung
Latt, Managing Director U Kyi Tun and officials presented certificates to 277 trainees who attended eight-week courses on reception, house keeping, and food and beverage.
Panasonic Lucky draw
Yangon, 27 Aug- A ceremony to mark the conclusion of the Panasonic Myanmar New Year Promotion, co-sponsored by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd and Han Myanmar Electronic, and to introduce the Panasonic Rainy Season Promotion 2001 was held at Hotel Sofitel here yesterday afternoon.
Resident Representative of MEI U Kyaw Kyaw Tun delivered a speech on the occasion. Then, Managing Director of HME U San Naing presented prizes to five best sale representatives.
Three special prizes for the customers who bought Panasonic devices during the promotion period were drawn. Chairman of HME U Thein Naing made a closing speech.
Lucky draw winners may contact HME Ph-201027 and 246513.
( 9
) Seized monosodium glutamate destroyed
Yangon, 27 Aug- Authorities seized illegal Thai-made monosodium glutamate packages on a water-craft near Industrial Zone in Yangon River on 17 August.
Officials on a warship found a suspicious water-craft named Aung Myat Min that drove away when being asked to stop. The authorities pursued it and arrested 8 traffickers together with 795 bags of monosodium glutamate containing 50 500-gram packages of Red Leaf brand, 366 bags of 96 500-gram Ajinomoto brand and 183 bags of 100 500-gram Palace brand found in a cargo barge attached to the water-craft in Yangon River.
The seized packages were destroyed on 20 and 21 August.