1 ) Secretary-3 meets with departmental officials and members of social organizations in Magway Division
Yangon, 26 Aug- Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, together with the ministers, the deputy ministers and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, left here for Bagan-NyaungU in Mandalay Division by air yesterday morning.
The Secretary-3 and party, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, proceeded to Pakokku in Magway Division by helicopter.
On arrival there, they were welcomed by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Commander of No 101 LID Col Khin Maung Tun, member of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Magway Division Police Force Police Col Ye Myint and officials.

The Secretary-3 and party met with chairmen and members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, personnel of social organizations and townselders from Pakokku and Gangaw Districts and Pakokku, Yesagyo, Myaing, Pauk, Seikpyu, Gangaw, Htilin and Saw Townships.
Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win reported on the task for the greening of the region, the task for water supply, development of Sagaing Division in the agriculture, transport and education sectors due to the guidance and arrangements of the government.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint reported on efforts for regional development.
Chairman of Pakokku District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Soe and Chairman of Gangaw District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Htay Oo reported on areas of districts and townships, population, efforts for the development of agriculture and livestock breeding and condition of transport in the region.
Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min reported on development of Pakokku and Gangaw Districts, condition of rice sufficiency in the region and development of Magway Division.
Then, departmental officials, the chairman of Pakokku Industrial Zone and ward authorities presented their requirements.
Minister for Education U Than Aung, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha spoke of assistance to be provided by ministries concerned and the need for cooperation with local people in carrying out regional development tasks.
Then, the Secretary-3 said that the purpose of their visit to Pakokku region in Magway Division is to coordinate work for development of rural areas and to speed up the efforts for development of Pakokku region.
According to the reports on the condition of Pakokku District and Gangaw District, it is found that the tasks being carried out in respective districts have met with success, but there are some weaknesses.
It is found that there is rice sufficiency in Gangaw District.

However, more efforts are to be made to produce surpluses of rice in Magway District during the short-term five-year plan.
After the Tatmadaw government has assumed the duties of State, it has been striving for the harmonious development of various regions including border areas. Now cities, big and small, and urban regions are making considerable progress. Therefore, efforts for rural development are to be speeded up.
During the short-term five-year plan, tasks for the development of rural areas are to be carried out effectively.
In carrying out five major tasks betterment of transport in rural areas, drinking water supply in rural areas, improvement of standard of education in rural areas, uplift of health standard in rural areas and economic development of rural areas, detailed plans for village-tracts are to be drawn up.
The government will provide necessary assistance, he said.
Rural development tasks cannot be done by an individual person alone or single organization alone. In addition to ministries concerned, authorities, local people and social organizations such as the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and War Veterans Organization need to cooperate with one another.
As Magway Division has favourable conditions, it can make more progress in future than now. There are vast expanses of land where cattle and goats can be raised.
In addition, people are to be organized to carry out poultry and pig farming on a manageable or commercial scale. Fish breeding work
is also to be carried out at suitable places. Only when
agricultural work is done together with livestock breeding, will the income of rural people increase.
In the agriculture sector, it is necessary to reclaim and cultivate fallow and virgin land.

At places where seasonal crops cannot be grown, perennial crops are to be cultivated. Thitseint trees, Terminalia belerica, which give edible oil, can thrive in Magway Division, so a new plan for cultivation of these trees is to be implemented.
They are also shady trees. They not only give edible oil but also are useful in various ways.
The planting of these trees is to be included in the rural area development project.
More efforts are to be exerted to further promote the already-achieved development in implementing the Nine Arid Zones Greening Tasks.
The greening of the region contributes to development of the region and favourable climate.
Afterwards, the Secretary-3 met with secretaries and executives of District and Township USDAs from Pakokku and Gangaw Districts and townships in these districts at Pakokku District USDA.
Next, the Secretary-3 and party went to Natmauk by helicopter.
They were welcomed by Chairman of Magway District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Zaw Thein, township-level departmental officials, employees, members of social organizations and local people.
The Secretary-3 and party paid homage to Secretary Sayadaw of Magway Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Candavamsa, Sayadaws of Dipinkara Kyaungtaik and Sayadaws from Kyaungtaiks in the town and offered alms to them at Dipinkara Kyaungtaik.
Afterwards, the Secretary-3 and party went to the basic education high school in Natmauk.
They were welcomed by Headmistress Daw Khaing Myint and teachers, members of the school board of trustees and students.
Then, the Secretary-3 and party inspected the shrine room, the computer room, the computer-aided instruction room, the visual presenter room, the study room, the aesthetic rooms (painting) and (handicraft), the audio room and the aesthetic room (music).
In the assembly hall of the school, the Secretary-3 heard a report by the headmistress on the history of the school, academic matters and requirements of the school.
Minister U Than Aung spoke about the national education promotion programmes laid down by the government, the plans to turn out highly-qualified youths and arrangements to fulfil the requirements of the school.
Minister U Than Aung spoke about the national education promotion programmes laid down by the government, the plans to turn out highly-qualified youths and arrangements to fulfil the requirements of the school.
The Secretary-3 said the government is implementing the education promotion programmes for uplift of national education with the lofty objectives. Under this programme, small cities and townships have equal opportunities to pursue education like other major cities. Therefore, urban and rural education gap is becoming less and less, he said. Those from small cities and townships can learn higher education and vocational education region-wise.
The government is alsoÊproviding assistance for development of human resources, he added.
The Secretary-3 urged the basic education schools to train the students to become good citizens with high efficiency on whom the State will rely in the future.
The Secretary-3 and party met Chairman of Natmauk Township Peace and Development Council and members, service personnel, members of social associations and townselders at the township hall.
Ministers U Aung Thaung and U Soe Tha reported on irrigation networks in Natmauk, Myothit and Taungdwingyi Townships undertaken by the government, agricultural development, progress of social conditions including education and health sectors, transport, response of local people on development programmes and cooperation of the State and local people.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Tun Aye reported on requirements for ensuring better roads including Natmauk-Myothit road.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein reported on arrangements for better roads.
Departmental officials reported on township development affairs, cultivation of crops through irrigation water from Natmauk Dam and fallow and virgin lands in the township. Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 said he came to Natmauk to accelerate development tasks in Magway Division and to fulfil needs for rural development. He said rural development tasks are to be implemented in the short-term five year plan for equal development in urban and rural regions in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
He spoke of the need for departmental personnel to work hard with good will based on patriotism.
Efforts are being made for economic progress of the State, uplift of living standard of the national people and enjoying and equally sharing the fruits of social progress including education and health sectors, he added.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Myothit by helicopter and met departmental officials, service personnel, members of social associations and townselders at the Yadana Hall of Myothit Basic Education High School.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Kyaw Tin reported on Taungdwingyi-Myothit road, chairmen of Ward Peace and Development Councils on bridges in the wards and canal of Natmauk Dam and Headmaster U Aung Kyaw Min on new building for the school.
The Secretary-3 fulfilled the requirements and explained the purpose of their inspection tour. The Secretary-3 cordially met those present.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Magway where they were welcomed by Commander of No 88 LID Col Ohn Myint, senior military officers and departmental officials.
In the evening, Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and members met members of Magway Division War Veterans Supervisory Committee, members of Magway and Minbu Districts War Veterans Supervisory Committees, members of organizing committees of nine townships and war veterans.
Chairman of Magway Division War Veterans Supervisory Committee Secretary of Division Peace and Development Council reported on work done.
Members of Central Organizing Committee of MWO Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung and Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 then gave instructions.
General-Secretary USDA U Than Aung and CEC members met secretaries of Magway Division, Magway District, Minbu District and 11 Township USDAs, executives and organizers at Division USDA Office.
Secretary of Magway Division USDA U Thwin Lin reported on work done by the association.
Next, Secretary-General U Than Aung, CEC members U Soe Tha and Brig-Gen Khin Maung took part in the
( 2 )
Minister receives PRC Vice-Foreign Minister

Yangon, 26 Aug- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin received Vice- Foreign Minister Mr Wang Yi of the People's Republic of China at his office at 9 am today.
Also present at the call were departmental heads from the ministry.
Agreement on economic and technical cooperation signed

Yangon, 26 Aug- Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin and Vice-Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China Mr Wang Yi signed an agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the government of the Union of Myanmar and the government of the People's Republic of China at the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development this morning.
Present were Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation U Pe Than, Ambassador of the PRC Mr Li Jinjun, officials of the Chinese embassy and departmental officials.
Myanmar delegation to attend drug control meeting in Beijing

Yangon, 26 Aug- A Myanmar delegation led by Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing left here this morning to attend the ministerial level meeting on drug control of China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand to be held in Beijing, the People's Republic of China.
The delegation was seen off at the Yangon International Airport by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ambassador of the PRC Mr Li Jinjun and embassy staff and families of the delegation members.
The delegation comprises Head of the Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defence Col Kyaw Thein, Director-General of Border Areas and National Races Development Department Col Than Swe and Police Col Kham Aung of Drug Elimination Unit of CCDAC.
( 3 )
Minister meets Practical Agriculture Course Trainees
Yangon, 26 Aug- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin met 49 trainees who had attended the Practical Agriculture Course in Israel at the hall of the ministry this morning.
The minister urged them to strive for the development of the agriculture sector of Myanmar with the use of modern techniques and experience which they acquired in Israel. The trainees arrived back here on 25 August.
Minister inspects construction of airport terminal
Yangon, 26 Aug- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe inspected construction of Kalay airport terminal this morning.
Senior Engineer of Kalay District Public Works U Aung Tun reported on construction of the runway, future tasks, collection of gravel and construction of the airport terminal.
Director-General of Department of Civil Aviation U Win Maung reported on repair of the runway, financial matters on construction of the airport terminal and work to be done.
The minister then gave instructions on early completion of the project.
The minister inspected construction of the runway, plot of land for extension of the airport and construction of the airport terminal and he then fulfilled the
( 4 )
Diplomas in business accounting conferred

Yangon, 26 Aug- A diploma presentation ceremony for Course No 1 on Diploma in Business Accounting (DBAC) jointly organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association and Human Resource Development Department of Yangon Institute of Economics was held at the Convocation Hall of the Yangon University this morning.
Present were member of the Secretariat of the USDA U Khin Maung Thein, Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, CEC members, deputy ministers, officials of Auditor-General's Office and the Ministry of Education, the rectors and officials concerned. Rector of Yangon Institute of Economics U Kan Zaw presented diplomas to 58 course graduates and delivered a speech.
Member of the Secretariat of the USDA U Khin Maung Thein and the Auditor-General posed for the souvenir photo together with the course
Dinner to mark conclusion of business accounting course held
Yangon, 26 Aug- A dinner to mark the conclusion of Diploma in Business Accounting Course No 1 jointly organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association and Human Resources Development Department of the Institute of Economics, Yangon, was held at the Ministry of Finance and Revenue this evening.
It was attended by members of the Secretariat of USDA U Khin Maung Thein, U Ko Lay, Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, CEC members, deputy ministers, heads of department, rectors of universities, professors, principals, officials of USDA Head Office, executives of division and district USDAs, course instructors, trainees and guests.
Secretary U Khin Maung Thein spoke and presented prizes to four outstanding students. On behalf of the trainees, five distinctions winner Ma Thi Thi Aung spoke words of thanks. Then, the dinner was
( 5 ) Minister for Religious Affairs tours Rakhine State
Yangon, 26 Aug- Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, together with Vice-Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Phone Swe and officials, visited Lawkananda Pagoda in Sittway, Rakhine State, on 22 August.
The minister and party paid homage to member Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, the Central Working Committee of the Sangha, Rakhine State/Township Sangha Nayaka Committee of All Ganas and Sayadaws from Sarthintaiks numbering 43 at Maha Waiyan Sasana Beikman in Sittway in the evening.
The minister and Brig-Gen Phone Swe supplicated on religious affairs and offered alms to the Sayadaws.
The minister and party visited Maha Myatmuni Buddha Image in Kyauktaw on 23 August and made donations to the fund of the pagoda.
At the pagoda, the minister paid homage to five Sayadaws of Kyauktaw Township Sangha Nayaka Committee.
The minister supplicated on religious affairs and donated alms to the Sayadaws.
The minister and party also visited Shitthaung Pahtodawgyi in MraukU and made donations to the pagoda fund.
The minister and party visited Yadana Manaung Pagoda, Thakya Manaung Pagoda and Lawka Manaung Pagoda in MraukU on 24 August morning.
The minister and party also paid homage to Sandamuni Buddha Image at Bandoola Kyaungtaik and made donations. The minister and party also paid homage to Sayadaw of Bandoola Kyaungtaik Bhaddanta Cakkapala and offered alms to the
Chinese goodwill delegation concludes visit
Yangon, 26 Aug- Mr Wan Yi, Vice-Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China and party, who were on an official visit to Myanmar, left here this afternoon after concluding their visit.
Vice-Foreign Minister Mr Wan Yi and party were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Foreign Minister U Khin Maung Win, responsible officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun and embassy staff.
The Chinese Vice-Minister and party visited Taunggyi, Heho and Inle during their stay in Myanmar.
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Commander inspects Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone

Yangon, 26 Aug- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected progress of cultivation of vegetables and poultry farming, gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements at Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaung-hnapin Village, Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, this afternoon.
The commander inspected the breeding of layers with the use of battery cage system at Taing Myan Kyaw layer breeding farm in Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone-1 and left instructions on growing vegetables near the chicken runs.

Then, he inspected poultry breeding work at U Min Soe layer farm and Shwe Tharaphu poultry farm and
fulfilled the needs.
Later, he heard reports on clearing work, reclamation work, cultivation of vegetables, poultry breeding work and the digging of fish ponds presented by those in charge of the zones at the briefing hall of Hmawby Hsan Hall. Then, departmental officials reported to the commander on progress of work. The commander urged officials to fulfil the needs of the entrepreneurs, take systematic security measures and see to it that perennial crops are not grown in vegetable farms.
Afterwards, the commander inspected cultivation of vegetables from the observation tower and vegetable farms in the special zones. In the zones, 2300 acres of vegetables have been cultivated, over 130,000 broilers and layers bred and 300 acres of fish breeding ponds
( 7 ) Provisions donated to monasteries and nunneries in Yangon East District
Yangon, 26 Aug- A ceremony to donate provisions to the monasteries and nunneries in Thingangyun Township was held at Paripatti Pariyatti Nunnery near Kyaikkasan Pagoda in Thingangyun Township, Yangon East District this morning.
The ceremony was attended by chairman Sayadaw of the township Sangha Nayaka Presiding Sayadaw of Dhamma Theingi Kyaungtaik Bhad-danta Vimala and Sayadaws, nuns from seven nunneries, Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo of the Ministry of Defence and senior military officers, members of district/township/ward Peace and Development Councils, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Brigade, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and donors.

The congregation received the Eight Precepts from the Presiding Sayadaw.
Then, the Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and senior military officers and departmental officials presented 145 bags of rice, 58 viss of edible oil and 116 viss of gram donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air Force), 600 viss of iodized salt and 60 boxes of fine salt by the Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines and
Yangon Division Salt Entrepreneurs Association, 200 boxes and 1,800 packets of various kinds of traditional medicine by the directorate of Traditional Medicine of the Ministry of Health and Thukha Thida Medical House, 120 boxes of embrocation by U Ohn Sein Medical House, 578 bottles of medicine by Hman Cho Medical House, a bag of rice and 5 viss of oil by U Kyi Win and family, 700 bars of soap by Hsin Min U Tin Shwe to the Sayadaws and nuns.
Afterwards, the Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd presented K 700,000, the Yangon Division Peace and Development Council K 21,000, the Thingangyun Township Peace and Development Council K 35,000, Boards of Trustees Kyaikdaeyon Pagoda and Shwenapan Pagoda K 5,000 each, U Tin Win-Daw Mya Yay Nanda of Dagon International K 21,800, Thukha Thida Medical House K 10,000, Women's Association of Paripatti Pariyatti nunnery K 35,000, U Win Aung-Daw Hla Hla Nwe of Win Travel Services K 20,000 to Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Deputy Director Col Than Myint of Training Department.
Col Thein Htaik of the Ministry of Defence then explained the donation.
The Presiding Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
A similar ceremony was held at Border Areas Missionary Thaddamma Zotikadhaza monastery in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, Yangon East District this morning.
Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Zatila of Ywama Pariyatti monastery Secretary of township Sangha Nayaka (Thuddhamma), Presiding Sayadaw Dhammacaria Bhaddanta Nagainda of Border Areas Missionary Thaddamma Zotikadhaza monastery, Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ghunacara Linkara of Mingala Yama Pariyatti monastery Secretary of township Sangha Nayaka (Shwekyin) and Sayadaws, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein and senior military officers, members of Dagon Myothit (South) Peace and Development Council, donors and invited guests attended the ceremony.
Commodore Soe Thein and military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, the Sayadaws accepted bags of rice donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air Force), 200 viss of iodized salt and 20 boxes of fine salt by the Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines and Yangon Division Salt Entrepreneurs Association, 75 boxes of various kinds of traditional medicine by the directorate of Traditional Medicine of the Ministry of Health, three bags of rice donated by Secretary U Zaw Oo of township USDA and family, 210 boxes of medicine by Htet Lin Medical House, 108 boxes of medicine by Great Wall Medical House.
The Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd presented K 300,000, Oil Dealers' Association of the township K 52,000, departments in the township K 30,000, ward Peace and Development Councils in the township K 30,000, Shwewanan Guest House K 20,000, Great Wall Medical House k 20,000, Htet Lin Medical House K 10,000, OK Rice and General Trading in Bayinnaung K 10,000, township War Veterans Association, township Supervisory Committee for Slow-moving Vehicles, township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, families of Ward 19 in the township, Myanmar Rice Entrepreneurs Association K 5,000 each, MCWA of Ward 20 K 3,000, Myanmar Tamil Buddhist Association in No 3 Industrial Zone K 50,000 to the trust funds of the monasteries to the officials.
Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence explained the donation.
Presiding Sayadaw Dhammacaria Bhaddanta Nagainda delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained for good deeds.
Another similar ceremony was also held at Pyigyi Chantha Maha Zeditaw Dhammayon in Dagon Myothit (North) Township, Yangon East District this morning.
Presiding Sayadaws from the monasteries in the township, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein and senior military officers, members of Dagon Myothit (North) Peace and Development Council, donors and invited guests attended the ceremony.
Commodore Soe Thein and military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, the Sayadaws accepted provisions donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air Force), the Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines and Yangon Division Salt Entrepreneurs Association, the directorate of Traditional Medicine of the Ministry of Health, Htet Lin Medical House and Great Wall Medical House.
The Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd presented K 700,000, township Peace and Development Council K 10,000, Great Wall Medical House K 30,000, Htet Lin Medical House K 20,000, OK Rice and General Trading in Bayinnaung K 10,000, township Oil Dealer's Association K 21,000, families of township Development Department K 9,000, educational staff K 6,000, township Maternal and Child Welfare Association K 5,000, departmental staff and public K 29,000, Pa Laung national race family in Ward 28 K 10,000, people in Ward 38 K 10,000, Dr Daw Aye Aye K 10,000, U Tin Myint-Daw Saw Yin K 10,000, Chairman U Aung Win of Ward 16 Peace and Development Council K 10,000, and U Hla Myo and U Soe Paing of Ward 43 K 5,000 each to the officials.
Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence explained the donation.
Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Uttama Bhivamsa of Maha Ghandayon monastery delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained for good
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Workshop on Encoding Myanmar Character Set held
Yangon, 26 Aug- Workshop on Encoding Myanmar Character Set organized by Forever Group Co Ltd was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning.
Present were Chairman of the Working Committee for Myanmar Computer System Dr Kyaw Thein, Director of Forever Company Ltd Dr Phoe Kaung, U William Wai Lin Kyaw of SIG-LINUX (MCSA), U Zaw Htut of Win Myanmar System, directors of companies and observers.
Director Dr Phoe Kaung extended greetings.
Dr Kyaw Thein explained the purpose of the workshop. U Cho Myo Kyi of Forever Group discussed facts about Myanmar alphabet to be taken into account in computer programming; U Zaw Htut, the use of Unicode and character in Myanmar spelling programme; U William Wai Lin Kyaw, the use of Myanmar alphabet in accord with Unicode under Linux Operating System.
Then, those present raised questions. In the afternoon session, the workshop focused on emergence of National Standard Keyboard Layout and Standard Input Method and Romanization issues. The workshop came to an end in the evening.
London Myanmar PGA Championship Golf Tournament to be held in Mandalay
Yangon, 26 Aug- 2001-2002 London Myanmar PGA Championship Golf Tournament, organized by Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association and Asian Professional Golfers' Association (APGA) will be held at Yaedagon Taung Golf Club in Mandalay from 26 to 29 September. Handsome prizes will be presented to the winners. Similarly, Sun Far Travels and Tours will present prizes to hole-in-one scorers.
Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd will mainly sponsor the tourney together with Yangon Airways, Canon, Kaung Myat Co Ltd, Pan-West (Callaway), Ping, Wilson and Novotel Hotel. The tournament is aimed at the turning out of outstanding golfers. Those wishing to take part in the tournament may enlist at Yaedagon Taung Golf Club in Mandalay by 24 September or may dial 723221 of Myanmar PGA for more
( 9
) Billboard hailing USDA Annual General Meeting unveiled
Yangon, 26 Aug- A ceremony to unveil the billboard hailing the Annual General Meeting for 2001 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held in front of the City Hall, here, this morning.
Present were Chairman of the Organizing Group under Information Sub-committee U Bo Kyi, Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint and executive committee members, Secretary of Yangon North District USDA U Tin Win and executive committee members, authorities of Township Peace and Development Councils of Kyauktada, Pabedan and Latha, secretaries and members of Kyauktada, Pabedan and Latha Township USDAs, members of Township Maternal and Child Welfare Associations, members of Township Committees for Women's Affairs, members of Red Cross Society and Fire Brigade and students totalling over 2000. Township Peace and Development Council chairmen of Kyauktada, Pabedan and Latha formally opened the
Medical equipment donated to YGH
Yangon, 26 Aug- Country Manager of Glaxosmith Kline (Myan-mar) Company Mr Gilbert Tan handed over a set of Olympus Fibreoptic Bron-choscope worth US $ 5,000 donated by Singapore General Hospital to Medical Superintendent Dr Taik Wun at the Yangon General Hospital this morning.
Also present were Prof Dr Tin Maung Cho, members of administrative board and donors.
Similar set of Olympus Fibreoptic Bronchoscope was donated to the Mandalay General Hospital by the donor this