1 ) Action taken against bus drivers, ticket-conductors for abusive language and physical insults to passengers
Buses dangerously racing against each other with sole
intention to get more income

Yangon, 21 Aug- Yangon Division All Bus Lines Control Committee presented labour-competition prizes to the winners for the fiscal 2000-2001 at the meeting hall of the committee office this morning.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than attended the ceremony and presented cash awards to the winners.
Speaking on the occasion, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said the committee is successfully implementing the task to ensure smooth and secure transport under the close supervision of the Yangon Division Peace and Development Council the task is included in the three main tasks laid down by the State Peace and Development Council. On the other hand, the committee's annual earnings are exceeding the targets of the respective fiscal years.
The committee's annual income in fiscal 2000-2001 is K 144 million which is over K 4 million more than that of the previous fiscal. All the car owners, drivers and ticket-conductors have already enjoyed their shares from the surplus income in accord with the ratio.
The Yangon Division Peace and Development Council is giving priority to ensuring smooth and secure transport for travellers in the township in Yangon Division and the Yangon City area in implementing the task to ensure smooth and secure transport.
The Yangon Division Supervisory Committee to Ensure Smooth and Secure Transport is giving close supervision to city commuter buses and highway buses of the committee, Thanmyanthu Enterprise, Nyeinchanyay bus line, Parami bus line, Shwe Innwa bus line and the bus lines of the division, the Yangon North District, the Yangon South District and the Yangon East District.
Although the bus fares have been fixed at reasonable rates, there are cases of overcharging bus fares with the excuse that fuel quota has been reduced.
Action had to be taken against the drivers and the ticket-conductors for using abusive language and committing physical insults in dealing with the passengers who made complaints against their refusal to stop at the bus stop or to give back the change, or over-charging.
The State is distributing coupons to service personnel of low-income bracket to ride the buses free in order to ease their burden. Directives have been issued to the drivers and the ticket-conductors to accept the coupons at any time and date in a cordial manner.
But the number of incidents such as refusal to accept the coupon, ever charging in addition to the coupon, tearing apart and throwing away the coupon, making insults to the passengers and asking for the identity card has not decreased.
Although directives have been issued to the run number system for bus lines, failures to observe the directives also appeared.
The buses are dangerously racing against each other with the sole intention to get more passengers.
The drivers should drive the buses carefully for their own safety and also the
passengers'. Passengers especially the women passengers occasionally suffer injuries and or humiliation from irresponsible acts of the drivers and the ticket-conductors.
It is found that cases such as misappropriation of the fuel quotas and failure to operate in accord with the programmes are on the increase among the bus lines. Actions have also been taken against the bus line supervisors for their involvement in the misappropriations. Personnel at different levels of the Yangon Division All Bus Lines Control Committee should give priority to ending the fuel misappropriations.
All the personnel concerned of the bus lines in Yangon Division should strictly observe the rules set by the Yangon Division Supervisory Committee to Ensure Smooth and Secure Transport, to cordially accept the coupons at any time and date, to deal with passengers amicably, to restrain from driving at high speed in racing against each other in order to get more income, to drive carefully to ensure traffic safety and to stay away from fuel misappropriations.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than then presented over K 29 million to the division 1, the division 2, the division 3, the division 4, the division 5, the division 6 and the Head Office of the Yangon Division All Bus Lines Control Committee as labour competition prizes for the car owners, drivers and the conductors and staff of the committee.
Chairman of Yangon Division Supervisory Committee to Ensure Smooth and Secure Transport, Vice-Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, members of the Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commissioner of General Administration Department U Thein Swe and the Division Police Commander Police Col Aung Daing and Secretary of the Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint also presented cash awards to car owners and employees who won prizes.
Chairman of Yangon Division All Bus Lines Control Committee U Phone Kyaw also presented cash prizes to the employees for their honourable
services. Also present on the occasion were members of the Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council, members of the Yangon
Division All Bus Lines Control Committee, members of the
sub-committees, officials, prize winners and guests.
( 2 )
Indonesian Rear-Admiral calls on Minister for Home Affairs

Yangon, 21 Aug- Second leader of the study group of the National Defence College of the Republic of Indonesia Rear-Admiral Sumardi and party called on Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing at his office at the corner of Sethmu-1 Street and Saya San Road here at 5.30 pm today.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, Director of MPF Central Drug Elimination Department Police Col Sit Aye, officials of the Ministry and Military Attache of Embassy of Indonesia Col Amiruddin
Appointment of Ambassador agreed
Yangon, 22 Aug- The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr Andrew M McAlister, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the Union of Myanmar.
Mr McAlister is accredited to the Union of Myanmar, with residence in Bangkok,
( 3 ) Dengue haemorrhagic fever control launched

Yangon, 21 Aug- Members of Myanmar National Health Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected Yangon Division dengue haemorrhagic fever control launching with mass participation in Hline Township this morning.
The minister and the mayor heard a report at the office of the Head of Township Development Affairs Committee by Head of YCDC Health Department Dr Yee Yee Thein and Head of Township Health Department Dr Khin Khin Yu on outbreak of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Yangon Division in 2000-2001, giving treatments, measures undertaken to control the fever, future tasks, conditions of wards where mass participation is to be launched and work done.
The minister, the mayor and officials attended to the needs.
They later inspected preventive measures against dengue haemorrhagic fever with mass participation at Ward 16 in the Township.
Minister inspects No 3 bran oil mill in Insein
Yangon, 21 Aug- Secretary of Leading Committee for region-wise development of the agricultural sector Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and officials inspected No 3 bran oil mill of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in Insein Township this afternoon. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan reported on production of edible oil and milling.
Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung reported on production process of edible oil and raw materials.
The minister inspected production of edible oil and gave instructions.
Minister for Rail Transportation meets MR staff
Yangon, 21 Aug- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung met service personnel at the Myanma Railways Head Office this morning.
Present were Deputy Ministers Thura U Thaung Lwin and U Pe Than, Managing Director of MR U Min Swe, advisers and officials.
The minister said all service personnel of MR are to discharge the respective duties for convenience of the travelling public and officials at different levels are to make inspection at grassroots levels.
He urged them to work hard for success of the tasks, to carry out maintenance work in railroad sections and locomotives and coaches, to strive to win customer satisfaction and to make inspection along the railroads.
( 4 )
Minister inspects reconstruction of
Kanbawzathadi Palace in Bago
Yangon, 21 Aug- Minister for Culture U Win Sein inspected reconstruction of the Kanbawzathadi Palace of King Bayintnaung in Bago this morning.
Superintending Engineer U Kyi Tun of Division Construction-5 of the Ministry of Construction reported on the palace, construction of Myenanpyatthat and future tasks. Myanmar architect Tampawady U Win Maung reported on construction of halls and carving, Assistant Director U Myat Swe of Department of Archaeology on collection of toll, maintenance of the palace and progress of work.
Minister U Win Sein gave instructions on early completion of the project and cooperation.
The minister inspected Myanmar artistic works at the hall of Amayathana Throne, Myenanpyatthat hall, Yawin and Alesmote
Typing skill course No 4/2001 opens
Yangon, 21 Aug- Typing skill course No 4/2001 of the Ministry of Industry-1 was opened at the training hall of the ministry here this morning.
Present were Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, the heads of departments, course instructors and trainees.
Minister U Aung Thaung said the ministry is conducting various courses such as management course, financial course and typing skill course for improvement of the qualifications of service personnel.
The trainees are to learn the subjects with full belief and concept for enhancing efficiency. The seven-week course is being attended by 93
Minister inspects Aungban-Tikyit-Naungtaya-Pinlaung-Pekhon-Mobye road
Yangon, 21 Aug- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials left Taunggyi on 19 August and inspected Aungban-Tikyit-Naungtaya-Pinlaung-Pekhon-Mobye motor road. The minister together with regional control commander Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing arrived at Kayah State Superintending Engineer's Office where Superintending Engineer U Zaw Win reported on condition of roads in Kayah State, targets for 2001-2002 and work done.
The minister gave instructions on maintenance of roads, rules and regulations on construction of roads, use of machinery and repair.
The minister met families of the service personnel and fulfilled the requirements.
Superintending Engineer U Zaw Win reported on construction of Loikaw College. The minister gave instructions on meeting the targets and
( 5 ) Coord meeting of justices of Supreme Court and judges continues
Yangon, 21 Aug- The 18th coordination meeting of justices of the Supreme Court and judges continued for the second day at Hall-2 of the Supreme Court here today, with an address by Chief Justice U Aung Toe.
Deputy Chief Justices U Than Oo and U Khin Maung Latt, justices of the Supreme Court U Khin Myint, Dr Tin Aung Aye, U San Tint Yee, U Myint Thein, U Tun Shin, U Chit Lwin, U Myint Aung and U Sein Hlaing, directors-general, directors, advisers, judges form states, divisions and districts, deputy directors and the head of office attended the meeting.
The justices of the Supreme Court and deputy chief justices discussed judicial matters and the meeting came to a close in the evening with concluding remarks by the Chief Justice.
Coord meeting of Attorney-General and law officers continues
Yangon, 21 Aug- The 19th coordination meeting of the Attorney-General and State/Division law officers continued for the second day at Attorney-General's office this morning.
Present were Attorney-General U Tha Tun, Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General of Attorney-General's office Dr Tun Shin, Deputy Director-General, directors and officials.
Directors of various departments discussed the reports of State/Division law officers.
Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General of Attorney-General's office Dr Tun Shin spoke on the occasion.
The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the attorney-general.
Mayor inspects training of Myanmar selected bodybuilders

Yangon, 21 Aug- Chairman of the Committee for ensuring victory of Myanmar sports Mayor U Ko Lay inspected training and demonstration of Myanmar selected body-builders who will be taking part in the World Body-building Championship Contest and Mr Universe at the sports camp of Yangon City Development Committee in Mingala Taungnyunt Township this morning.
Myanmar will host the 55th World Bodybuilding Championship and Mr niverse Contest in November 2001 for the first time.
The mayor was welcomed by President of Myanmar Bodybuilding and Physical Culture Federation Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung
and executives. Officials reported on training of nine Myanmar
bodybuilders. The mayor gave instructions and provided medicines.
YCDC credit co-operative society meets
Yangon, 21 Aug- The Cooperative Credit Society Ltd of Yangon City Development Committee held an
annual meeting for 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 fiscal years at the City Hall of YCDC this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of YCDC Mayor U Ko Lay.
Also present were YCDC Secretary Col Myint Aung, Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win, members U Aung Soe, Col Thaung Wai, Col Tin Soe, heads of departments, deputy heads, the chairman of the Society Ltd and executives, officials, members and guests.
Chairman of the Society Head of the City Planning and Land Reclamation Department U Tun Than Tun
presided over the meeting and delivered an opening address. Then,
the meeting continued according to the agenda.
( 6 )
Indonesian delegation tours Yangon

Yangon, 21 Aug- The Indonesian study group led by Vice-Admiral Si Putu Ardana of the National Defence College of the Republic of Indonesia called on Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint at the Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute this morning.
Also present at the call were Commandant of the National Defence College Maj-Gen Moe Hein, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Commandant of Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute Col Ye Htut and senior military officers.
Then, Vice-Admiral Si Putu Ardana and party were conducted round the museum by Col Ye Htut.
They visited the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady Road and Kyundaw Road here at 11 am. Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Lt-Col Hse Maung and officials welcomed and conducted them round the museum.
On behalf of Vice-Admiral Si Putu Ardana, second leader of the Indonesian study group Rear Admiral Sumardi signed in the
visitors' book.
They proceeded to the National Defence College in Mayangon Township in the afternoon, where Commandant of the College Maj-Gen Moe Hein welcomed and briefed them on the College.
The officials of the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development explained facts about the ministries to them.
The delegation observed the booths of the College, and Rear Admiral Sumardi signed in the
visitors' book.
They next headed for Hsinmalaik Dockyard of the Myanma Shipyards of the Ministry of Transport on Bayintnaung Road at 3.15 pm. They were welcomed there by Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Managing Director of Myanma Shipyards U Parcy Maung Maung and officials.
Later, they viewed construction and repair of ships and construction of pontoon bridges at Hsinmalaik Dockyard.
Egyptian Minister concludes visit

Yangon, 21 Aug- The Egyptian excursion delegation led by Minister of Education Dr Hussein Kamel Bahaa El-Din of the Arab Republic of Egypt left for home yesterday evening.
They were seen off at the airport by Minister for Education U Than Aung and wife, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, heads of departments and organizations, officials and Embassy staff.
( 7 ) Second Performing Arts, Anyeint and Magic Competitions continue
Yangon, 21 Aug- The Second Performing Arts, Anyeint and Magic Competitions of the directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare of the Ministry of Defence continued for the fourth day at Yan Nyein Aye Hall on Parami Road in Mayangon Township here today.
Among the spectators were Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, officials, members of the panel of judges, artistes, invited guests and participants.
Gender Indicators and Statistics Users/Producers Workshop held
Yangon, 21 Aug- The Gender Indicators and Statistics Users/Producers workshop organized by the Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road here this morning.
The workshop was attended by member of the MNCWA and Vice-Chairperson of Working Committee Prof Dr Daw May May Yee, member of the MNCWA and Working Committee Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary of Working Committee U Sit Myaing and members, advisers, officials form the ministries, representatives from state and division Working Committees, the UN agencies, and officials from the Union Solidarity and Development Association Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Myanmar Medical Association (Women), the Myanmar Women Sports Federation and the Myanmar Women's Entrepreneurs Association.
Member of the MNCWA and Working Committee Dr Daw San Shwe presided over the workshop and Daw Nan Myat Nila Aung of the Social Welfare Department acted as master of ceremonies in the morning session. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe made an opening speech.
Then, Secretary of Core Group of Work Committee for collection of data of gender indicators and statistics Dr Daw San Shwe reported work done with the help of slides.
The attendance discussed matters in four groups and the workshop came to an end.
In the afternoon session, Vice-Chairperson Prof Daw May May Yee presided over the workshop. Group discussions continued, and Director Daw Yin Yin Lay of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director Daw Po Po Kyi of the Attorney-General's Office, Daw Soe Soe Aung of the Population Department and Deputy Director Daw Mya Kyi of the Religious Affairs Department presented reports.ĘThe workshop came to a close with concluding remarks by the chairperson.
MWJA Central Executive Committee meets
Yangon, 21 Aug- The Central Executive Committee of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association held the meeting No 8/2001 at the meeting hall of MWJA this afternoon.
It was attended by MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice-Chairmen U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha), U Than Maung (Than Maung) and Col Myint Thein (Myint Thein Aung), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) and CEC members.
Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) presided over the meeting and CEC member U Khin Swe (Shwe Son Nyo) acted as master of
Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) discussed the work of Central Executive Committee in the period of one month and future tasks.
Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) reported on implementation of resolutions passed at the meeting No 7/2001 and requirements.
Members of the Working Committee reported on matters related to office functions, organization, finance, publishing of books, supervision of literary funds, the raising of funds, international relations, talks and paper reading and basic principles. Then, a general round of discussions followed.
Matters on holding the third conference and ceremony to pay respects to doyen writers were also discussed.
( 8
Volleyball Tourney opened
Yangon, 21 Aug- The opening ceremony of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s Shield Volleyball Tournament (2001) was held at the district stadium in Meikhtila yesterday.
On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), Commander of Flying Training Base Col Myat Hein gave an opening speech.
Present were No 99 Light Infantry Division Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo, Commander of Ground Training Base Col Thura Khin Maung Win, senior officers, officers of Meikhtila Station, family members and players. Altogether 9 teams from Air Force Base, Squadron and Flight took part in the tournament.
MMB explains modern banking
services in Bago
Yangon, 21 Aug- The modern banking services of the Myanmar Mayflower Bank were explained at Thiri Hantha Hall on Shwemawdaw Pagoda Road in Bago on 19 August afternoon.
Secretary of the Bago District Peace and Development Council Major Thein Htay and officials, District Administration Officer U Kyaw Swe, officials from Bago District General Administration Department, Executive Director U Win Naing, Managing Director U Khin Maung, Division Manager (Admin) U Aung Kyaw Soe of the MMB, Manager U Min Aung of the bank (Bago branch) and staff, customers, businessmen, entrepreneurs and invited guests attended the ceremony. U Aung Kyaw Soe presented the agenda and Director U Win Naing of the MMB briefed on policies, extension of branches, development of the bank, condition of saving accounts of the people, loans and future plans.
Managing Director U Khin Maung then briefed on modern banking services and opportunities for customers in
Samsung Monitor Service Training Course concludes
Yangon, 21 Aug- The conclusion of Samsung Monitor Service Training Course organized by AA Electronics Ltd was held at the Samsung Plaza at the corner of Maha Bandoola Street and 35th Street, Kyauktada Township, this afternoon.
AA Electronics Ltd Chairman U Myat Thin Aung, Vice-Chairperson Daw Khin Myint Myint, Managing Director U Than Win and Senior Engineer Mr H T Lim presented certificates to the trainees.
A total of 65 engineers from 36 computer sale centres and companies in Yangon, Mandalay and Pyay attended the two-week
( 9
) Coord meeting on implementation of Narcotics Elimination Plan
Yangon, 21 Aug- A coordination on implementation of tasks in the third year (2001-2002) of the first five year period of the 15-year Narcotics Elimination Plan was held at the hall of the Myanmar Police Force (Head Office) this afternoon.
It was attended by Secretary of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, directors-general, directors and deputy directors form various departments and organizations, representatives from Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association and others.
Director-General Police Maj-Gen Soe Win made an address, and the attendance discussed matters related to implementation of tasks and expenditure during the fiscal year 2001-2002, and future tasks. The meeting came to a close with the concluding remarks by Police Maj-Gen Soe
Drug trafficker gets 15 years
Yangon, 21 Aug- A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched Maung Tun, who was riding a bicycle between Nat Village and Chaungya Village in Htantabin Township and arrested him together with 3.5926 kilos of marijuana on 1 March afternoon.
The Htantabin police station filed Maung Tun (a) Tun Tun, 32, of Zayatgyi Village in the township, under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Taungoo District Court handed down four years' imprisonment under Section 15 and fifteen
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him to serve concurrently on 4