( 1 ) Secretary-1 inspects preparations for
"The Legacy
of Bagan Exhibition"

Yangon, 11 Aug- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected preparations for
"The Legacy of Bagan Exhibition" to be organized by the Department of Archaeology at the National Museum on Pyay Road this morning.
The Secretary-1, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the National Museum at 9 am. The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by the ministers, the deputy ministers and officials.

The Secretary-1 was conducted round the booths of the Legacy of Bagan Exhibition by Minister for Culture U Win Sein and the director-general of the Department of Archaeology and officials.
The Secretary-1 inspected the booth on the ancient cultural region of Bagan and the map of its environs and the illustrations of cavalries and elephant troops, the livelihood of people in Bagan period drawn on the wall and brick arches.
The Secretary-1 inspected wall paintings, the replica of Nandapyinnya Pagoda in Minnanthu Village of 13 AD, documentary photos of maintenance work of Bagan pagodas, the scale model of Nanphaya made of stone, the original model of Pyundazar Pagoda before the 1975 earthquake and the model of the pagoda to be seen after renovation.

The Secretary-1 also inspected maintenance of wall paintings and chemicals used in maintenance of wall paintings.
Valuable wall paintings were covered with dust for years. The chemical division of the Department of Archaeology cleansed the wall paintings with the use of chemicals.
The Secretary-1 inspected publications of the Department of Archaeology.
The Secretary-1 inspected display of Myanma cultural artifacts and the scale model of Hsinphyushin Kyaungtaik, one of the six Theravada Buddhist Universities in Bagan period, and gave instructions.
The students of the University of Culture entertained the Secretary-1 and party with the dance of Bagan period.
The Secretary-1 signed in the visitors' book and left the museum.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects construction of City General Hospital of Yangon City Development Committee in Mayangon Township
Yangon, 11 Aug- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected private fish and star tortoises breeding in Paukkon Village in Mingaladon Township, construction of City General Hospital of Yangon City Development Committee in Mayangon Township and an ancient building on Shwebontha Street this morning.

The Secretary-1, accompanied by the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the house of U Mya Thein on Myitzuthaka Street in Paukkon Ward in Mingala-don Township. They were welcomed by officials.
Proprietor U Mya Thein reported on breeding of fish and star tortoises, local and foreign markets and techniques.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on research on reproduction techniques, encouragement for wider breeding in accord with the rules and regulations and seeking foreign markets.
The Secretary-1 and party fulfilled the requirements for rural road and cordially greeted local people.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 inspected No 17 Basic Education Primary School in Pyidawtha Ward. They were welcomed by Headmistress Daw Saw Shin, teachers and townselders.
Headmistress Daw Saw Shin reported on strength of teachers and schoolchildren, academic matters and furniture. The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements.
Altogether 600 schoolchildren are attending the No 17 Basic Education Primary School. It is a two-shift school.
The school building is being constructed with the contribution of K 500,000 by Yangon City Development Committee. Again, YCDC donated K 500,000 to it.
The Secretary-1 presented K 1 million donated by the State Peace and Development Council and K 1.5 million by wellwishers for construction of a new building of the school.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on early completion of the school.
The Secretary-1 and party proceeded to the construction site of the City General Hospital of YCDC on Tawwin Road in Mayangon Township where they were welcomed by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Mayor U Ko Lay and officials.
The Secretary-1 inspected the scale model of the hospital.

Architect U Win Zaw reported on location of the hospital, progress of work, construction of operation theatres, wards and guest house and future tasks. Mayor U Ko Lay gave a supplementary report.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on opening of the hospital section by section, arrangements for treatment of elderly people from home and abroad and construction in accord with set standards.
The Secretary-1 then inspected progress of work.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Mindhamma Road and inspected the multi-purpose hall being constructed by YCDC. Consecution in-charge U Thein Zaw reported on progress of work and requirements.

The mayor and officials gave supplementary report.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on construction of the multi-purpose hall for holding of local and foreign workshops and conference.
The Secretary-1 inspected the construction of the hall.
The Secretary-1 and party went to the ancient building at No 124/142 on Shwebontha Street in Pabedan Township.
The Secretary-1 was welcomed byÊmember of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Sow Win Maung, Chairmen of Yangon West District and Pabedan Township Peace and Development Councils, Township Education Officer and teachers.
The building used to be No 2 Basic Education High School in Pabedan Township.
The Secretary-1 said the building is in the downtown of Yangon and it is over 100 years old. He gave instructions on arrangements for lasting of the five-storey building built in 1885 and inspection.
The Secretary-1 left in the afternoon there.
( 3 ) Minister inspects railroads in Shan State
Yangon, 11 Aug- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, together with Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin and officials, inspected the railroad passing through Taunggyi, Hsaik-khaung, Ponchaung and Namhsan on 9 August.
Then, the minister inspected the site chosen for the construction of Ponchaung Bridge and gave instructions.
The minister also attended to requirements.
In the evening, the minister inspected the railroad between Hsaikkhaung Station and Taunggyi Station and gave instructions on maintenance
Minister inspects unloading of machinery
Yangon, 11 Aug- Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin inspected the unloading of machinery purchased from China from the ship at Thilawa Port in Thanlyin Township, this evening.
The directors-general and the managing directors of the Ministry of Industry-2 and officials of Myanma International Port Thilawa Ltd reported on arrival and unloading of machinery and arrangements to send the machinery to the factories under the Ministry of Industry-2.
Out of the machinery purchased from China with 100 million ´, it was the first shipment of the machinery to be unloaded. The machinery will be sent to new factories in Indakaw and No 1 Machinery and Spare Parts Factory of Myanma Machine Tools and Electrical In-dustry.
( 4 ) Construction of gravel road
Yangon, 11 Aug- CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Ohn Myint this morning inspected construction of the gravel road on self-reliance in front of the office of Shwepyitha Township USDA and gave instructions.
He met with the executives and members of the Township USDA and gave instructions on successful implementation of the five objectives of the association, social affairs and regional development, and made cash donations to the Township
Minister inspects sports training camps

Yangon, 11 Aug- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint this morning arrived at the Myanmar Rowing Federation at Inya Lake and inspected the training of selected rowers for XXI SEA Games.
He then inspected the training of selected footballers at the Padomma Sports Ground and gave instructions.
He met with selected weight-lifters at the training camp of Weight-lifting Federation in Aung San Gymnasium and presented tracksuits valued at US $ 4,992 to the weight-lifters.
He also inspected the training of selected boxers at the Myanmar Boxing Federation in Youth Training Camp. He met with the manager, the coach and the boxers and left
( 5 ) Commander inspects No 4 BEHS in Myitkyina
Yangon, 11 Aug- Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, together with Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun and departmental officials, inspected development work of No 4 Basic Education High School in Myitkyina and the site chosen for construction of a multimedia teaching centre on 8 August.
The commander met with School Administrative Officer Maj Soe Htaik and teachers.
The commander fulfilled their requirements.
Wellwisher U La Paing of Sein Yadana Gems Co and family presented K 4 million for construction of the multimedia teaching centre to Maj Soe Htaik.
Maj Soe Htaik presented a certificate of honour to the wellwisher.
The commander presented cash assistance for the teachers.
Nursing Diploma Course opened
Yangon, 11 Aug- The opening of the eighth three-year Nursing Diploma Course of the Nurses Training School in Kengtung, Shan State (East), was held in conjunction with the fresher welcome at the school on 8 August.
It was attended by Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin Win, staff officers, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations, course instructors, trainees and guests.
The commander spoke on the occasion. Then, Shan State Medical Superintendent Dr Oo Than Maung explained the purpose of the course.
Principal Daw Nan Lay Tin expressed words of thanks.
Departmental coord meeting held in Bago Division
Yangon, 11 Aug- Bago Division Peace and Development Council and Division level departments held a coordination meeting at the meeting hall of the Council in Toungoo on 9 August.
It was attended by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Secretary Lt-Col Aung Min and members, local authorities, departmental heads and officials.
The commander urged the officials to provide supervision for regional development, promotion of products and the exceeding of targets.
Head of the Planning Department U Toe Maung and departmental officials reported on work being done and future tasks. Then, the chairmen of District Peace and Development Councils and officials gave supplementary reports.
Later, the commander attended to the needs.
( 6 )
Provisions donated to monasteries in South Okkalapa, North Okkalapa, Dawbon and Insein Townships

Yangon, 11 Aug- Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families and well-wishers donated provisions to Mandalay Sarthintaik, Yadanadipan Sarthintaik and Maha Gandayon Sarthintaik in No 5 Compound, Ward 15 in South Okkalapa Township in Yangon East District today.
The ceremony was held at the Dhamayon in No 5 Compound at 8 am.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of South Okkalapa Township Sangha Nayaka Committee (Shwe Kyin) Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narinda and members of the Sangha, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, senior Tatmadaw officers (Army, Navy, Air) of Ministry of
Defence, member of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council U Thein Swe, Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Mya Aung and officials, well wishers and wut association members.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and party received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narinda.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Tatmadaw officers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Col General Staff (Army/Admin) Col Thein Htaik, General Staff Officer (Grade I) Navy Cmdr Zaw Oo and Col General Staff (Air) Col Khin Maung Tin presented provisions donated by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families to Presiding Sayadaw.
Provisions 70 bags of rice, 28 viss of edible oil,6 viss of iodized salt, 28 packets of soft salt for tooth brushing, 400 bottles of assorted traditional medicines were donated by Myanmar Salt and Marine Product Enterprise of Ministry of Mines, Traditional Medicine Department of Ministry of Health and well-wishers.
Then, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and officials accepted K 424,000 donated by well-wishers.
Col General Staff (Air) Col Khin Maung Tin supplicated on the purpose of the donation.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narinda delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of mertis.
A similar ceremony was held at Thadama Hitakari Dhammayon on Ward Zaminzwe in North Okka-lapa Township this morning.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Aungwady Sarthintaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Nanda-dhaja.
Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Tatmadaw officers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Col General Staff (Army/Admin) Col Thein Htaik, General Staff Officer (GradeI) Navy Cmdr Zaw Oo and Col General Staff (Air) Col Khin Maung Tin presented provisions donated by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families to Sayadaw.
ProvisionsÑ 109 bags of rice, 44 viss of edible oil,Ê450 viss of iodized salt,87 viss of bean, 45 packets of soft salt for tooth brushing,Ê690 bottles of assorted traditional medicinesÑ were donated by Yangon East District and North-Okkalapa Township Peace and Development Council, Myanmar Salt and Marine Product Enterprise of Ministry of Mines, Traditional Medicine Department of Ministry of Health and well-wishers.
Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo accepted K515,000 donated by well-wishers for soon padaythabin.
Col General Staff (Air) Col Khin Maung Tin supplicated on purpose of the donation.
Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and party shared the merits.
Tatmadaw families also donated dry ration for monasteries in Dawbon Township this afternoon.
Present were Presiding Sayadaw of Minnanda Sarthintaik Bhaddanta Visuddaransi and members of the Sangha, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, senior Tatmadaw officers, the Commander of No 2 Military Region, chairmen and members of Yangon East District and Dawbon Township Peace and Development Councils, members of Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Wut Association, well-wishers and guests.
Congregation received the Five Precepts from Minnanda Sarthintaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Visuddaransi.
Tatmadaw officers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Deputy Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Col Kyaw Myint and Col General Staff (Air) Col Ye Chit Pe of Commander-in-Chief (Air) Office presented provisions donated by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families to Sayadaws of Minnanda Sarthintaik, Thathana Alinyaung Sarthintaik, Thathanawantha Sarthintaik,Pyathat Sarthintaik and Waso Pariyatti Sarthintaik.
Officials accepted over K 700,000 donated by well-wishers.
Col Kyaw Myint supplicated on purpose of the donation.
Similar ceremonies were held Byugon Kyaungtaik, Athawkayon Shwekyin Sarthintaik in Insein Township this afternoon.
Present were Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Provost Marshal Brig-Gen Saw Hla, departmental officials.
Provisions 135 bags of rice, 54 viss of edible oil, 950 viss of iodized salt,65 viss of bean, 40 packets of soft salt for tooth brushing, 325 bottles of assorted traditional
medicines were donated by Yangon North District and Insein Township Peace and Development Council, Myanmar Salt and Marine Product Enterprise of Ministry of Mines, Traditional Medicine Department of Ministry of Health and well-wishers.
Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Provost Marshal Brig-Gen Saw Hla accepted K110,000 donated by well-wishers for soon padaythabin.
Then, officials shared the merits.
( 7 ) Cambodian Deputy Commander-in-Chief visits
National Defence College

Yangon, 11 Aug- Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army of Cambodia Lt-Gen Kun Kim and party, accompanied by Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Ambassador of Cambodia to Myanmar Mr Nim Chantara, visited the National Defence College this morning.
Deputy Commander-in-Chief Lt-Gen Kun Kim and party called on Commandant of the National Defence College Maj-Gen Moe Hein at the college at 9 am.
Commandant Maj-Gen Moe Hein extended greetings to the guests and explained facts about the college with audio-visual aids.
The officials of the Office of the Chief of Armed Forces Training, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Home Affairs explained their work and drug abuse control programmes of Myanmar.
Then, Lt-Gen Kun Kim and Commandant Maj-Gen Moe Hein exchanged gifts.
Lt-Gen Kun Kim spoke words of thanks.
Lt-Gen Kun Kim and party then toured the college.
They then proceeded to the Myanma Gems Museum on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon.
The visiting Deputy Commander-in-Chief and party visited the Drugs Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady Road and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township at 2.30 pm.
Director Police Col Sit Aye of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control conducted the Combodian delegation round the museum. The delegation then visited Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township and made donations towards the pagoda
( 8
Senior Officials Meeting Among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control Cooperation concludes

Yangon, 11 Aug- The second day and final day programmes of the Senior Officials Meeting Among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control Cooperation hosted in Yangon for the first time continued in the Administration Hall of the Drugs Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township this morning.
It was attended by the Myanmar delegation led by Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, the Chinese delegation led by Standing Deputy Secretary-General of NNCC of the People's Republic of China Mr Yang Fengrui, the Laotian delegation led by Deputy Director of LCDC Ms Phanthakone Sapasith and the Thai delegation led by Deputy Secretary-General of Narcotic Control Board Ms Rasamee Vistaveth and representatives of Myanmar Border Areas Development Association and Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association as observers.
The members of the delegations approved the minutes of the meeting.
The leaders of the Chinese, Laotian and Thai delegations made speeches.
Then, Secretary of CCDAC Police Maj-Gen Soe Win also made a closing speech, which brought the meeting to an end.
After the meeting, a Press briefing on the Senior Officials Meeting Among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control Cooperation was held.
China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have demonstrated political commitment to drug control
Yangon, 11 Aug- A Press briefing on the Senior Officials Meeting Among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control Cooperation was held in the Administration Hall of the Drugs Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamaryut Township this morning.

Present on the occasion were the Myanmar delegation led by Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, the Chinese delegation led by Standing Deputy Secretary-General of NNCC of the People's Republic of China Mr Yang Fengrui, the Laotian delegation led by Deputy Director of LCDC Ms Phanthakone Sapasith and the Thai delegation led by Deputy Secretary-General of Narcotic Control Board Ms Rasamee Vistaveth, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Director (News) of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Hla Tun, Adviser U Maung Maung Nyo, Chief Editor of the Myanma Ahlin U Ye Myint Pe, Chief Editor of the New Light of Myanmar U Maung Maung Aye, Chief Editor of Myanma News Agency (Internal) U Win Tin, deputy chief editors, editors, President of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Hpha and members.
First, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win said that in the joint-communique issued after
Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawattara visited Myanmar from 19 to 20 June at the invitation of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe, an agreement was reached to hold a meeting on narcotic drug control cooperation among Myanmar, China, Laos and Thailand. On 27 and 28 August, the ministerial level meeting among four countries will be held in Beijing, the People's
Republic of China.

While Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung was visiting Thailand at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Thailand offered a proposal to Myanmar to host the senior officials meeting. Therefore, Myanmar hosted the senior officials meeting. The meeting was attended by the Chinese delegation comprising one leader and four members, the Laotian delegation comprising one leader and two members, the Thai delegation comprising one leader and 12 members and the Myanmar delegation comprising one leader and 15 members.
At the meeting, three topics supply, law enforcement and demand Ñ and headings under these topics were also separately discussed.
Then, local and foreign journalists raised questions.
In replying to the question put by NTV correspondent U Aung Shwe Oo, Ms Rasamee Vistaveth, the leader of the Thai delegation, said
'This meeting in fact is a kind of preparation for the ministerial meeting. So we are trying to talk in detail what should be complete cooperation that should be strengthened, what we should initiate more that we can propose to the ministerial meeting at the end of this month. In the past even we have some misunderstanding in some part in some countries in some areas. However, the cooperation has been gradually increased and developed quite very well.
Regarding arrests and seizures of drug related cases, we ask for information from Myanmar CCDAC. At the same time we contacted the law enforcement people of Kunming, China. So you can see even in the past we carried out close cooperation. Cooperation bilateral, multi-lateral and sub-regional. In this meeting, I believe that we made cooperation more
Then, the member of the Myanmar delegation Head of Department of the Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defence Col Kyaw Thein said,
"We had covered three tactics, namely supply, demand and law enforcement.
At this senior officials meeting, we have tried to focus how effectively our cooperation among the four countries will be able to address the drug problem more effectively.
"Next, the member of the Myanmar delegation Director-General of the International Organizations and Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Win Mra said,
"What we have achieved through this meeting is that we are able to demonstrate to the world the political commitment on the part of the four countries that are sharing borders. We have six MoU countries involving UNDCP. We talked about co-operation and elimination of drug problems. But the promise, the assistance from the international community is lacking.
The drug elimination problem is the problem that we can't do alone. The international community knows that this is something that a country alone cannot grapple with.
Then, the member of the Chinese delegation said, "We think the four countries will have different drive in drug control field. We have the common interest among the four countries. That's why we need such a kind of meeting for us to have a forum to talk about how to further improve the existing
Afterwards, the member of the Laotian delegation said, "In this meeting, we have express our needs like China and Thailand, and also expressed the possibility how to help us.
This meeting is a very good ground for further expansion of our cooperation in the
In replying to the question raised by Nihon Kezei Shimbun correspondent U Hla Htwe, Col Kyaw Thein said,
"We can produce statistics and present to all the journalists present here from our
In replying to the question asked by Mainichi Shimbun correspondent U Sao Kai Hpa, Col Kyaw Thein said,
"This is a senior official meeting and somewhat of preparatory meeting for the forthcoming ministerial level meeting. We have discussed three sectors, namely supply, demand and law enforcement. There are some recommendations that we made, and proposals also had been made. But this will be discussed and finalised at the ministerial level
Then, the member of the Chinese delegation said,
"This meeting is preparatory meeting and we have talked all those possible considerations and recommendations for the ministerial meeting. We still need to report to the governments to get
In replying to the question put by AP correspondent Daw Aye Aye Win, the member of the Thai delegation said,
"Before we put up our request for international community to come and assist us, we decided to assist among ourselves. We need also government support in terms of financial, personnel and
"In replying to the question asked by Daw Thida Swe of MRTV 3, Col Kyaw Thein said,
"What we need is technical cooperation on all these three sectors. Some follow-up meetings will be done, and technical meetings will have to be done among
The member of the Thai delegation added, "All of us need to identify what is the precursor, what are chemicals and which route they come from. The main point is enhancing capacity and exchange of intelligence
"The member of the Chinese delegation continued,
"Regarding chemical control in China recently, we have paid a lot of attention to control, especially in Yunnan Province which is the main province where chemicals have been crossing the border into the clandestine laboratories. Currently we have approved 28 chemicals under control. We have put all those chemicals key elements for illicit production of heroin and ATS, amphetamine turned stimulants. We still need further enhance for example for the law enforcement side. We still need more information exchange and the expertise knowledge. We still need
In replying to the question raised by Fuji TV correspondent U Nyunt Tin, Col Kyaw Thein said,
"Rehabilitation work is included in demand reduction work."
The Press briefing concluded at 11.10 am.
( 9
) Officials of Archery Federations honoured
Yangon, 11 Aug- Chairman of Myanmar Archery Federation U Khin Shwe honoured Secretary of Asia Archery Federation Mr Um Sung Ho and member of Korea Archery Federation Professor Park Wong II of Sangji University at the Karaweik Palace this evening.
Present were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Vice-chairman Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and officials.
At the ceremony, Myanma Traditional dances were performed. Then, the minister and the guests presented gifts to those who took part in the entertainment programmes, and had the documentary photos taken.
The guests have arrived here with a view to rendering assistance for ensuring success of Myanmar archery team in XXI South-East Asia Archery Games, to observing progress of selected Myanmar archery team and to fulfilling more
Victorious Sepak Takraw team honoured
Yangon, 11 Aug- A ceremony to honour Sagaing Division Sepak Takraw men's team which won the championship shield in Year 2001 Inter-State/Division Sepak Takraw Tournament was held at the Town Hall in Monywa on 9 August.
It was attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Secretary Col Ye Htut, Division Sports and Physical Education Committee members, departmental officials and victorious players.
The players presented the championship shield to the commander. The manager of the team recounted the experience of the tournament.
Then, the commander gave a speech and presented honorary cash to the victorious players.
After the ceremony, the commander, the members of Division Sports and Physical Education Committee and the victorious players posed for documentary
Medical textbooks donated to MMA
Yangon, 11 Aug- A ceremony to present medical textbooks for the library of Myanmar Medical Association was held at the association this morning.
Counsellor and Medical Attache of Japanese Embassy in Myanmar Professor Masaki Hirota, on behalf of the Omura Medical Association, presented medical text- books and a cupboard to Myanmar Medical Association (Central) Chairman Rector U Myo Myint. Present also were executives of MMA and embassy staff.