( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
accepts credentials of Head of Delegation of
Commission of European Communities
Yangon, 10 Aug- Mr Klauspeter Schmallenbach, newly accredited Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Dagon Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 10 am today.
Also present on the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol
( 2 )
General Maung Aye receives Cambodian Deputy Commander-in-Chief
Yangon, 10 Aug- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye received Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Cambodia Lt-Gen Kun Kim and party at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Khin Maung Tin, high-ranking officers of the Ministry of Defence and Ambassador of Cambodia Mr Nim Chantara.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 receives officials of UN agencies

Yangon, 10 Aug- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Mr Patrice Coeur-Bizot of UNRC, Mr John B Mendis of UNICEF, Dr Agostino Borra of WHO, Mr Jean-Lue Lemahieu of UNDCP and officials at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at 4 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.
( 4 ) Deputy Prime Minister receives Mexican Ambassador

Yangon, 10 Aug- On behalf of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, Deputy Prime Minister Lt-Gen Tin Tun received Ambassador of Mixico to the Union of Myanmar Mr Eduardo Ramos Gomez who has completed his tour of duty here, at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at 12 noon today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.
CPT Minister
receives Hong Kong delegation
Yangon, 10 Aug- Minister for Commnications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw received Business Development Manager Mr Celine Lin Hui of Hong Kong's Corporate Access Ltd at his office this morning.
Also present at the call were Managing Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin and officials.
Minister receives guests

Yangon, 10 Aug- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received General Manager of Mitsubishi & Co Ltd of Japan Mr H Shimomaki and party at 9 am and General Manager of Arab Bangladesh Bank Ltd of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr MD Mahmudur Rahman at 9.30 am at his office parlour today.
Also present on the occasion were Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and Adviser at the Ministry of Finance and Revenue U Kyi
Minister U Tin Winn receives Mexican Ambassador
Yangon, 10 Aug- Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Tin Winn received Ambassador of Mexico to the Union of Myanmar Mr Eduardo Ramos Gomez at his office at 4.30 pm
( 5 ) National Convention Convening Commission meets

Yangon, 10 Aug- The National Convention Convening Commission held a meeting at the meeting hall of its office at 2 pm today.
The meeting was attended by Chairman of NCCC Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Vice-Chairman Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and commission members.
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin presided over the meeting.
The secretary of NCCC, National Convention Convening Work Committee and National Convention Convening Management Commitee reported on matters relating to the National Convention.
Members of the commission took part in the discussions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin.
Stone plaque marking successful Shwethingan offering unveiled
Yangon, 10 Aug- A ceremony to unveil the stone plaque marking the successful completion of offering Shwethingan to Chaukhtatgyi Shwethalyaung Buddha Image and all-round renovation work was held on the platform of the Buddha Image and in Maha Theindawgyi in Bahan Township, Yangon West District, this morning. State Peace and Development Council Member Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than supplicated on religious affairs and offered alms to Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
The ceremony to unveil the stone plaque was held on the pagoda platform at 8 am.
Also present were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Vice-Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, senior military officers, heads of department, pagoda trustees, wellwishers and others.
Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, Chairman of Bahan Township Peace and Development Council U Tun Hla Aung and Chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees Dr U Myo Paing formally opened the ceremony. Then, the commander formally unveiled the stone plaque.
Afterwards, the commander, together Minister U Aung Khin and party, paid homage to Chaukhtatgyi Shwethalyaung Buddha Image.
Next, the merit-sharing ceremony was held in Maha Theindawgyi at 8.30 am.
Present were State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Vice-Chairman Aung-myaybonsan Sayadaw Abhi-dhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Panindabhivamsa and members, Ovadacariya Sayadaws of Pagoda, Tipitakadhara Sayadaws, members of the Sangha, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister U Aung Khin, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint and senior military officers, members of the pagoda board of trustees, wellwishers and guests.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Panindabhivamsa administered the Nine Precepts.
In his supplication, the commander said that while endeavouring to build the Union of Myanmar into a peaceful, modern and developed nation, the government is also working for the perpetual existence and propagation of Theravada Buddhism.
It has been renovating pagodas and religious edifices all over the nation. In Yangon, the Shwedagon Pagoda, Sule Pagoda, Botahtaung Pagoda and so on have been renovated.
The government has also renovated Chaukhtatgyi Shwe-thalyaung Buddha Image at a cost of K 48.5 million.
Then, the commander, the minister and the officials offered alms to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein supplicated on all-round renovation of the Buddha Image and the offering of Shwethingan.
Agga Maha Pandita Tipitakadhara Bandagarika Sa-Ca-A Dhammacariya Agga Mahakyaw Pali Paragu Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained for good deeds.
The commander, the minister, the officials, the members of the pagoda board of trustees and the wellwishers offered
"soon" to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Transport Minister inspects Dawbon Dockyard

Yangon, 10 Aug- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe together with Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, inspected Dawbon Dockyard this morning.
At the briefing hall of the dockyard, an official reported on matters relating to monthly repair of ships and income to the minister who gave instructions.
The minister and party then inspected the newly built of a tug-boat equipped with twin engines and a tanker which can carry 120,000 gallons of oil.
The officials concerned reported on the building of the vessels to the minister who attended to their needs.
Minister inspects Central Fire Services Training School in PyinOoLwin Township

Yangon, 10 Aug- Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, accompanied by Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun and Principal of Central Fire Services Training School Col Kyi Win, inspected construction of the buildings of the school in PyinOoLwin Township on 8 August.
Then, the minister proceeded to Zeebingyi Basic Educational Primary School which was opened with the guidance of the Head of State and inspected the use of teaching aids there.
The minister also inspected Domestic Science Training School and attended to requirements.
Afterwards, the minister inspected livestock breeding and agriculture tasks of the Central Fire Services Training School and left
Minister for Mines inspects tin refinery

Yangon, 10 Aug- Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint inspected tin refinery of No 2 Mining Enterprise in Thanlyin Township this morning.
He inspected the production of low grade tin concentrate jointly run by the enterprise and Myanmar Pongpipat Company.
The minister heard the reports and attended to requirements.
Then, the minister proceeded to Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise in Thakayta Township and inspected the factory where he left instructions.
( 6 )
Departments, companies sign contracts
Yangon, 10 Aug- The departments under the Ministry of Health and companies this afternoon signed contracts to upgrade hospitals at the ministry.
The contracts were signed under the programme to purchase hospital equipment to upgrade the hospitals.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein delivered an address, speaking of the need to strive for the earliest arrival of purchased goods and to strictly observe the principles of the contracts.
Also present at the ceremony were Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo, the directors-general the rectors of departments and institutes under the ministry, technicians and officials of the companies which will purchase hospital equipment.
15-year Narcotics Elimination Plan plus successful interdiction efforts of regional nations along common borders paying off
Co-operation, friendship and mutual understanding will play important role on drug control
Yangon, 10 Aug- The opening ceremony of the Senior Officials Meeting Among China, Laos, Myan-mar and Thailand on Drug Control Cooperation, which was hosted in Yangon for the first time, was held at the Drugs Elimination Museum this morning, with an address by Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
The minister said: During the goodwill visit of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, Dr Thaksin Shinawatra to Yangon from 19 to 20 June this year, at the invitation of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Senior General Than Shwe, a Joint communique was issued at the conclusion of the goodwill visit in which the cooperation for the control and suppression of narcotic drugs among the four Nations namely, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand to be initiated by meetings was agreed in principle.
The Meetings were agreed to be held at three levels, the Senior Officials Meeting, the Ministerial Meeting and the Meeting of the Heads of State.
The hosting of the Senior Officials Meeting by Myanmar came about due to the proposal of the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Myanmar, U Win Aung, during his visit to Thailand from 22 to 23 June this year, that the Senior Officials Meeting be hosted by Myanmar.
We all are aware the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, crimes related to narcotic drugs, terrorism, the laundering of proceeds from narcotic drugs have an adverse effect on the political, economic and social well-being of the nations of the world and is also detrimental to regional peace, security and stability.
The problem of narcotic drugs being not only the concern of any one country, cannot be addressed by any one country alone is a fact becoming more apparent. Therefore it is imperative that the Senior Officials, the Ministers and the Heads of State of the sub-region cooperate and coordinate in finding a solution to the problem.
The danger of drugs is recognized by all the governments and the peoples who have a common will to suppress it.
We believe that all countries share this sentiment. However, the strategies and approaches to address the problem cannot be identical, because the basic political, economic, administration, legislation, culture, customs, religion etc are not the same.
Therefore to create a platform for cooperation, the United Nations Conventions are drawn up and promulgated. Similarly, for regional cooperation, forums and gathering such as ASEAN, ASOD, ASEANAPOL, AMMTC, ASEAN
Plus China (ACCORD Plan) are necessary and thus have been created to work together and achieving success to an extent.
Also in the region, MoU Sub-regional Action Plan has been formulated and implemented to achieve regional cooperation, which are necessary undertakings and which have been found to be successful.
As far as Myanmar is concerned, since 1992 June 12, it has entered into agreements with Thailand and China and UNDCP for Drug Control Programmes implementing projects along the common borders.
China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and UNDCP are also the founding members of the MoU agreement in 1993 signed at the General Assembly of the United Nations for the drugs control in the sub-region.
Cambodia and Vietnam become members at the 1995 MoU Ministerial Meeting in Beijing, China, increasing the membership to six countries. Similarly, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand are also cooperating with Ministerial level meetings held alternately among the three countries.
Myanmar also has bilateral agreements with Vietnam, the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Laos and the Russian Federation.
We are also at the stage to sign a cooperation agreement with Malaysia.
Furthermore, cross border drug control meetings are regularly held at the central level and field officials with China, Thailand and India.
During these meetings the sharing and exchange of intelligence information's and cooperation is greatly enhanced.
(See page 12)
In this connection, under the MoU Project of Cross Border Cooperation (D 91), Border Liaison Offices were opened and are operating at Loi Je, in the Kachin State and at Chin Shwe Haw, in the Northern Shan State. In addition, preparation is underway for opening up Border Liaison Offices along the Myanmar Thai border.
I can confidently say that the cooperation within the region, coupled with the implementation of the 15-Year Narcotic Elimination Plan in addition to the successful interdiction efforts of China, Myanmar and Thailand along the common border in recent years is starting to pay off.
We have been able to narrow down the operations of traffickers, witnessing a decreasing trend in opium and heroin production.
The international drug syndicates operating along our common borders are now gradually abandoning heroin production and are at present taking on the production of stimulants at the border of our four countries. The bulk of the stimulants manufactured are being trafficked across the borders to China and Thailand.
The concerned efforts by Myanmar, China and Thailand to stop the illicit flow of ephedrine and other precursor chemicals resulted in the traffickers based in the Golden Triangle to shift their trafficking operation along the Mekong River.
So it becomes apparent that it is imperative that our 4 countries, the major players in the Golden Triangle area as well as the Mekong sub region stand united in the fight against narcotic drugs.
Based on the strategic location and crucial role we must play in this scenario, the State leaders of our countries with great vision identified the need to establish forums for cooperation and coordination at the Senior Officials, Ministerial and State levels.
Having stressed the vital role of Senior Officials who will laying the ground work for the Ministerial and State level Meeting, may I urge an all out effort by the delegates during this meeting.
China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand had come a long way working together as neighbours sharing common borders and particularly in the drug control field, since 1993 as signatories to an MoU on drug control in the sub region, we have gained ample experience.
Our background on cooperation, friendship and mutual understanding will also play an important part and I am confident that it will be an advantage to achieve success in our endeavours.
I wish to reiterate that the meeting is important because the deliberations, recommendations reached at this meeting will pave the way for a successful meeting of the Ministers at Beijing later this month.
Agreement and understanding reached at the Meeting will result in the enhancement of mutual understanding, assistance and increased in drug control programmes in the sub region.
However, we have to be realistic and admit that these efforts by our four countries alone cannot overcome the enormous drug problem threatening our sub region and the world at large.
It is apparent that cooperation and assistance from the world community is essential;. So it is also crucial to urge the international community not only to provide assistance but also take an active role part in our fight against drugs.
In conclusion may I earnestly urge the delegates of the four countries present here today, to frankly and openly discuss problems confronting the Golden Triangle and the Mekong sub region, to find practical and lasting solutions to ultimately get rid of drugs in our society.
I wish you all the success in your deliberations and a successful conclusion of the meeting.
Also present were Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Tin Win, the deputy ministers who are the CCDAC members, ambassadors, charge d' affaires ai and diplomats of foreign missions in Myanmar, officials of UN agencies in Myanmar, Secretary of CCDAC Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and members, members of the work committee, heads of department, senior officials and delegates of China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, representatives from the Myanmar Border Areas Development Association and the Mynamar Anti-Narcotics Association, Director (News) of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Hla Tun and chief editors, President of Myanmar Foreign Correspondent Club U Sao Kai Hpa
and members and guests.
Community Health Nursing Course No 1 for Township Nurses (Grade-I) opens
Yangon, 10 Aug- Community Health Nursing Course No 1 for Township Nurses (Grade-I), jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, was opened at the Institute of Nursing this morning with an address by Ministry of Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Director-General of the Department of Medical Science Professor Dr Maung Maung Wint, deputy directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, rectors, directors and officials, Residential Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra, Chairman of the Myanmar Academy of Medical Science Dr Ko Ko, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, President of Myanmar Red Cross Society Dr Kyaw Win, heads of Township Health Departments, course instructors and trainees.
In his address, the minister said that this is the second time such a kind of course has been jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.
The government has been implementing political, economic and social objectives with the aim of ensuring the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
The Ministry of Health is implementing health plans in order to realize one of the social objectives
"Uplift of health, fitness and education standard of the entire
In accord with the health policy, the Ministry of Health is making all-out efforts in order to provide comprehensive health care covering uplift of standard of community health, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation on the basis of primary health care approach.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, a five-year rural health development plan (2001-2006) is being implemented to improve the health standard of the people in rural areas. Arrangements are also being made to upgrade the standard of hospitals all over the nation with the aim of improving the quality of health care.
As the development of the nation and the high standard of health depend on the health of individuals, primary health care is of vital importance. National health plans being implemented by the Ministry of Health are based on community, and the community health nursing plan is covered by the community health care plan.
In addition, while working for the development of the health sector in accord with the guidance of the Head of State and under the leadership of the National Health Committee, the Ministry of Health is also working for the qualitative and quantitative improvement of nurses.
Township nurses (grade-I), who are playing a fundamental role in community health care tasks, are required to be prepared to provide effective community health care. In order to fulfil requirements of health care, refresher courses need to be opened and nurses need to be trained.
Therefore, the Ministry of Health and WHO have conducted courses of this kind for township nurses (grade-I) with the aim of enabling them to provide community health care systematically. Township nurses (grade-I) from states and divisions in Upper Myanmar will attend this course.
Modern nursing systems and lectures on how to attend to the requirements of community health care will be taught at the course. Moreover, subjects on nursing management, supervision and leadership will also be taught.
Then, WHO Residential Representative Dr Agostino Borra spoke on the occasion.
Altogether 50 township nurses (grade-I) are attending the three-month course.
( 7 ) Cambodian delegation arrives

Yangon, 10 Aug- A 22-member delegation led by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army of Cambodia Lt-Gen Kun Kim arrived here on a goodwill visit by air this morning.
The delegation was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and senior military officers, Ambassador of Cambodia Mr Nim Chantara and embassy
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Cambodian Royal Army meets Chief of Armed Forces Training

Yangon, 10 Aug- Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army of Cambodia Lt-Gen Kun Kim called on Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint at the Ministry of Defence this afternoon.
Also present were Commandant of National Defence College Maj-Gen Moe Hein, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and officials of the Ministry of Defence, Ambassador of Cambodia Mr Nim Chantara and the goodwill delegation members.
The Cambodian delegation visited the Defence Services Museum on the Shwedagon Pagoda Road at 3.00 pm.
Then, the Cambodian delegation went to the Shwe-dagon Pagoda at 4.00 pm.
The delegation members paid homage to the pagoda and made donations to the funds of the pagoda. Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint hosted a dinner in honour of the Cambodian
Malaysian delegation arrives

Yangon, 10 Aug- At the invitation of member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, the Malaysian delegation led by Secretary-General of UMNO and Minister for Information Mr YB Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob arrived here by air at 11.45 am today.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by CEC members of USDA Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung and Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe, and Ambassador of Malaysia Mr Dato Mohammad Bin Noh.
The Malaysian delegation called on Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung at the headquarters of USDA.

Secretary-General U Than Aung explained the tasks of the association.
Also present were CEC members U Than Shwe, U Thaung, U Maung Pa and Deputy Minister for Science and Technology Dr Chan Nyein and officials and the Malaysian ambassador.
Then, the Malaysian delegation visited the Drugs Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamaryut Township in the afternoon.
Afterwards, the Malaysian delegation called on Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung at Myanma Radio and Television.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of MRTV U Khin Maung Htay, Director-General of the Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein, Adviser to the Ministry of Information U Kyaw Min, Head of Office Captain Soe Aung and officials and the Malaysian
( 8
Cash donated for renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan

Yangon, 10 Aug- A ceremony to present cash for renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan was held at the parlour of the Ministry of Culture at No 131 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Director-General of Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe, Director-General of Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han, Director-General of Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win, Rector of University of Culture (Yangon) U Tin Soe, Rector of University of Culture (Mandalay) U San Win, officials and wellwishers.
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint, wife Daw Khin Cho Oo and family presented K 1 million; Maj Thurein Kyaw-Daw Nan Kalya Win and family of Yangon Command, U Kyaw Kyaw Sein-Daw Nan Yadana Win of Htoo Maw Co and family, U Aung Moe Kyaw-Daw Nan Shwe Wah Win and family and Sai Wunna (a) Ko Zaw Win Myint of Tawwin Electronic Equipment Trading K 500,000 each; directors and staff families of Yangon City Bank K 2.25 million; Supreme Court Judge Professor Dr Tin Aung Aye-Daw Khin Win and family members of Yangon K 150,000; lay persons of Bup Hwa Buddhists from Peaceful Unification Pagoda led by leader of Korean Mission of the Republic of Korea Ven Do Rim K 3 million; U Aung Kha-Daw Than Nyunt and family and U Myint Thein-Daw Nyunt Nyunt Kyi and family of No 3, Zalitaung Housing, Thumingalar Street, Thingangyun Township, Yangon, K 1.2 million; Dr Win Tin-Dr Phyu Phyu and family of No 124, Thanlwin Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, and U Kyaw Than Win-Daw Su Su Aung and family K 855,000; U Sai Nwe-Daw Yin Yin and family of No 5/B, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township, Yangon, K 800,000; Prof U Kyi Soe-Dr Hla Hla Tint and family of No 58/4, Inya Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon, K 500,000; Head Master of Basic Education High School, Hline Township, Yangon, U Chit Hlaing-Daw Khin Mi Mi and family and teachers K 425,000; teachers, staff and students of Botahtaung No 4 BEHS K 400,000; U Maung Maung-Daw Hla Hla Win and family of No 10, Thitsar street, Mingala Taungnyunt Township, Yangon, K 150,000; U Nyunt Wai-Daw Mya Kyi and family of Thitsar Mandaing Pitakat Sarpay of No 36, 2nd Street, Bahan Township, K 100,000; Lt-Col San Thein (Retd)-Daw Khin Win (a) Daw Mya Mya Thein and family of No 43, Zeyawady Street, Sangyoung Township, Yangon, Daw Wah Wah Myint of No 13, Thiri Street, Parami Avenue, Yangon, family members of Room No 23, Building 39, Bahosi Housing, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, U Kyee Shein-(Daw Khin Hla) and U Sein Mya-Daw Myint Myint and family of 79th Street, West Myin-pyaingkwin Street, Bo Sein Hman Ward Bahan Township, Maj Khin Maung Myint (Retd)-Daw Naw Gracy and family of No 194, 27th Street (Upper), Pabedan Township, Yangon, and U Soe Paing-Daw Khin Mya Yin and family of No Ka-55, Yazadarik Street, Myaingthaya, Maw-lamyine, Mon State, K 100,000 each to Minister U Win Sein who presented certificates of honour to them and spoke words of thanks.
Today's donations of 18 wellwishers totalled K 13.43 million and the donations made by the public to date have amounted to K 523 million and over US $ 8,000.
China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand need to stand firm and united to overcome narcotics threat in subregion
Yangon, 10 Aug- The Senior Officials Meeting among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control Cooperation was hosted in Yangon for the first time at the Drugs Elimination Museum this morning.
Present at the meeting were Standing Deputy Secretary-General of NNCC of the People's Republic of China Mr Yang Fengrui and delegation, Deputy Director of Supply and Demand Reduction, LCDC, of Laos Mr Bounphone Soulinthone and delegation, Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and delegation, Deputy Secretary-General of Narcotic Control
Board (NCB) of Thailand Ms Rasamee Vistaveth and delegation and representatives from Myanmar Border Areas Development Association and Mynamar Anti-Narcotics Association as observers.
The meeting elected Police Maj-Gen Soe Win as the chairman.
Addressing the meeting Police Maj-Gen Soe Win said; China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand are members of the Six-Country MoU with UNDCP on Drug Control cooperation in the Subregion. In addition, we also have among ourselves, bilateral agreements and MoUs on drug control cooperation.
However, the problems faced and programmes implemented in each country are different in many ways.
If we look at the six countries of the MoU, we will find that some countries are facing illicit cultivation, production and trafficking problems while others face trafficking and abuse problems making coordination and cooperation different between individual countries.
The four countries at the meeting here today basically have the same problems; namely illicit cultivation, production, trafficking and abuse.
Our countries are all in the proximity of the Golden Triangle as well as belonging to the Mekong, a major conveyor of the traffic of drugs and precursor chemicals. Even though we had been able to decrease the production of opium in the sub region to a certain extent, the problem of amphetamine type stimulants, ice and ecstasy increased drastically because the ATS business generates more profits.
A country's strength lies within the country itself; so also the collective strength of our four countries lies within us. We need to stand firm and united to overcome the threat in the subregion.
Our countries, as I have stated, have common drug problems for which we need to lay down strategies and tactics that are common as well as being adaptable to each country.
It is important here that we draft an Action Plan based on a balanced approach to supply reduction, demand reduction and law enforcement.
The fruitful deliberations here at this meeting shall be the forerunner to the Ministerial Meeting that will be held in China.
Another point for discussion here at this meeting is on the "Draft Beijing
Declaration" and the "Press Release".
In conclusion, may I cordially invite active participation by all friends and colleagues in the discussions and also urge all present here today to be open, frank and productive in their discussions on the agenda. Myanmar has made an all-out effort to make your stay in Myanmar as comfortable as possible.
The delegates from the four nations discussed supply reduction, drug eradication and demand reduction.
They then gave suggestions on the "Draft Beijing
Declaration" and the "Press Release" which will be issued at the Ministerial Meeting to be held in China.
The meeting then discussed the draft agenda of the Ministerial Meeting, selection of the date and venue for the next Senior Officials Meeting and preparations of the meeting minutes.
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win hosted a dinner in honour of the delegates at the
museum. The meeting continues on 11 August.
( 9
) Volleyball Championship ends
Yangon, 10 Aug- The final matches of Year 2001 Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s Championship Shield Men's and Women's Volleyball Tournament and the prize presentation ceremony were held at Thiha Dipa Gymnasium in Thanlyin this morning.
Present on the occasion were Commander of Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Captain Maw Thein, Officiating Commander of Naval Training Command Cmdr Myint Thein, Officiating Commander of Central Naval Hydrographic Depot Cmdr Maung Oo Lwin, senior military officers, officers and other ranks and their families.
No 1 Major War Vessel Group team won the championship shield in men's tourney and Mawrawady Naval Region Command team in women's tourney.
Then, individual prizes were presented to the outstanding players.
Capt Maw Thein and the officials presented the championship shields to the winning teams.
Korea beat China 3-1 in volleyball match
Yangon, 10 Aug- The second day of the Myanmar-China-Korea Tripartite friendly Volleyball matches continued at National Stadium-1 in Thuwunna here this evening.
Among the spectators were Chairman of the Myanmar Olympic Committee Minster for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Minister for Transport U Pe Than, Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and committee members, officials of embassies of the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China, officials of the Ministry of Sports, members of leading patrons of the Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, President and executives of Myanmar Volleyball Federation.
Kyonggi University team of ROK beat Jiangsu Province team of PRC 3-1 in the friendly volleyball
UMFCCI CEC member leaves for Malaysia
Yangon, 10 Aug- CEC member of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Tun Aung left here for Malaysia by air this morning to attend Tenth ASEAN
Farmers' Week to be held in Malaysia.
He was seen off at Yangon International Airport by officials.
NPE Credit Society meets
Yangon, 10 Aug- The co-operative credit society of the News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information held its annual general meeting for 2000-2001 financial year at the Myanma News Agency (Internal) at No 212, Theinbyu Road, Botahtaung Township, this afternoon.
It was attended by Head of Township Co-operatives Department Daw Nu Nu Aye, officials and members of the Society. Chairman of the co-operative society of NPE (Head Office) Manager U Nyunt Hlaing presided over the meeting. Secretary of the credit co-operative society Superintendent of MNA (Internal) Daw Swe Swe Naing read out the financial statements for 2000-2001 financial year. Then, a general round of discussions followed.