( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of congratulations to Prime Minister of
Republic of Bulgaria
Yangon, 7 Aug- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Mr Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha who has been appointed as Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria.
( 2 )
Government systematically implementing education reform programmes designed to produce highly-qualified human resources
Special Refresher Course No 45 for Basic Education Teachers opens
Yangon, 6 Aug- The Special Refresher Course No 45 for Basic Education Teachers was opened at the Nawarat Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) in Hlegu Township this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Yangon mayor, deputy ministers, senior military officers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, Rector of CICS Col Win Maung, course instructors and trainee teachers.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said the government is now implementing significant education reform programmes after laying down systematic plans with the objective of uplifting the standard of national education. It is certain that the
teachers' educational efficiency will improve, as they have got an opportunity to attend the special refresher course conducted with lofty aims and they will come to clearly understand the State's educational objectives, national education policies, education promotion plans and related tasks, he said.
In an effort to enable the nation to keep abreast with other nations in the international community and effectively use her own national forces, the State Peace and Development Council is systematically implementing the education reform programmes designed to produce highly-qualified human resources, he said.

A study of the international situation shows that rapid advances in science and technology have brought about the gap of technology among the nations of the world, which, in turn, leads to the widening gap of wealth and development among them, he said.
He said the nations of the world are competitively implementing plans designed for the development of the education sector in order to make best use of advances in science and technology for national interests.
He kept on saying that advances in science and technology accelerate globalization and are also a key factor that affects the development of the education sector. Under these circumstances, it is very important to lay down plans in the education sector with national awareness with the aim of steering the State on the correct trend of national interests.
In this connection, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave the guidance on creating the future of the State in accord with national requirements at the conclusion of the Myanmar and
International Studies Course No 1.
The Secretary-1 quoted the Senior General as saying that the present era is marked with rapid changes and developments. It is required to possess the ability to make preparatory calculations and estimations to realize the aim in accord with the changing situations. Regarding the ability, there are two parts, which are the existing strength and the new strength to be rebuilt. In addition to the existing natural and human resources strength, a highly-intellectual human resources capable of facing the changing condition must be built.
The Secretary-1 said in accord with the guidance of the Head of State, the government is implementing education promotion programmes and national education promotion programmes phase by phase with the objective of producing brilliant human resources who, making the best use of the changing knowledge and technology, can face challenges at present and in future.
Now, he said, various subjects have been changing and developing.
The task of creating a constant learning society is becoming a main objective of the education sector in the age of knowledge. That is why the education promotion programmes are being implemented systematically from primary to university levels with the aim of creating opportunities for students to acquire education.
The education promotion programmes in the basic education sector were
implemented beginning 1998-99 and success has been made. In order to
accelerate the rate of achieving success and strike a balance of
development between the basic education sector and the higher
education sector, the special four-year national education promotion
plan and long-term education promotion plans are being implemented,
he said.
In accord with the special plan for promotion of national education, the lofty objectives of the basic education
sector promotion of efficiency of the basic education schools for nurturing the students to become qualified good citizens, getting opportunity to learn education through modern technique and keeping abreast with the education level of developed countries in South East Asia and then reaching international standard by creating a constant learning
society have been implemented to some extent. So better foundations have been laid down in education sector in Myanmar, he said.

As favourable conditions have emerged in the education sector of Myanmar, efforts are to be speeded up to develop human resources with the aim of building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, to create an educational society which enables the use of modern technology and can contribute to intellectual development, to turn Myanma society into a constant learning society, to upgrade the education standard of Myanmar up to the international standard, to ensure that love of the Union, national interests, national value and national norms are preserved although globalization process is taking shape.
These are education aims to be realized.
To implement these aims, working programmes were drawn up and are being implemented. These working programmes are designed to ensure the emergence of an educational system which contributes to the modernization and development of the nation, to enable every citizen to acquire basic education, to improve the quality of the basic education, to enable citizens to learn vocational education, to create opportunities of learning modern communication technologies and professional subjects, to turn out citizens who have acquired well-rounded education, to promote educational management efficiency, to work for the development of basic education with the participation of the public, to carry out informal education tasks and to conduct educational research.
While efforts are being made to realize educational aims and to implement working programmes, over 200,000 teachers are teaching over 7 million students at over 39,000 basic education schools.
In implementing working programmes of the basic education sector successfully, the concerted effort of the government, teachers, parents, students and wellwishers plays an important role.
Therefore, only when national education programmes are successful, can national interests be promoted and can the future of the nation be determined in accord with national requirements. Teachers need to organize wellwishers, students and parents to entertain that belief and to cooperate in implementing national education programmes.
The government believes that if Myanmar youths who naturally have high intellectual power can be taught modern technologies and the standard of education can be upgraded up to the international level, the Union of Myanmar will be able to keep abreast with other nations and to stand tall in the international community.
In accord with that belief, students of today are being nurtured to be able to use new technologies skilfully in striving to promote national interests in future.
As the government is implementing plans designed to promote the education standard up to the international level, teachers are required to actively take part in that task.
Therefore, with the aim of ensuring the emergence of stalwart persons who are capable of defending the nation, teachers are required not only to improve the education standard of students but also to nurture them to possess high moral character and instil in them a sense of love for national culture, nationalism, patriotism, national solidarity and Union spirit.
The Secretary-1 also urged them to strive for the perpetual existence of a good educational environment in which student youths can pursue education with peace of mind.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 exhorted teachers to strive for the successful implementation of education promotion programmes, development of human resources and emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation, to train students to become outstanding and efficient persons in accord with education promotion programmes and to instil in students a sense of patriotism and Union spirit.
The Secretary-1 cordially greeted the teachers and left the CICS.
The five-week course is being attended by 1,514 teachers from states and
( 3 ) Industry-1 Ministry offers
Waso robes

Yangon, 6 Aug- Under the patronage of Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yee, the staff and families of the Ministry of Industry-1 held the fourth Waso robes offering ceremony at the training hall of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, here, this morning.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Nayaka Sayadaw
of Kyaukkon Kyaunggyitaik in Yankin Township Bhaddanta Visara (Dhammacariya).
Then, members of the Sangha recited the parittas.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yee, the deputy ministers, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises and family members of the staff presented Waso robes and offertories to the members of the Sangha. The Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained. After the ceremony,
"soon" was offered to the members of the Sangha.
Basic Course on WTO Appraisal opens
Yangon, 6 Aug- The Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue opened Basic Course No 12 on WTO Appraisal at the customs training school this afternoon.
Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein said WTO appraisal system has been practised in some countries since 1995. The Customs Department of Myanmar has introduced the declaration of customs appraisal. Customs officers have been trained by opening on-job training courses and workshops. Public education programmes are also being launched in collaboration with the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The trainees are urged to study lectures given at the course and to put them into practice.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun, Director-General of the Customs Department Lt-Col Khin Maung Lin and department heads, course instructors and trainees.
Altogether fifty-five trainees are attending the two-week course.
Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation holds coord meeting
Yangon, 6 Aug- The first four-monthly work coordination meeting of the Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation was held in the meeting hall of the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department in Insein Township here this morning.
Chairman of the Committee for Meat and Fish Production Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and Patron of the federation Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein made speeches.
President of the federation Dr Mya Han gave a speech and representatives from states and divisions reported on matters related to livestock breeding. The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the President of the
( 4 ) Minister presents sports equipment
Yangon, 6 Aug- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented body building and sports equipment to No 2 Basic Education High School, Sangyoung Township at noon today.
Also present were Daw Win Shwe, wife of Minister for Education U Than Aung, the wife of Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, officials from the ministry, invited guests, members of the School Board of Trustees, the headmistress, teachers and students.
The minister delivered an address and presented sport equipment to Headmistress Daw Khin May Gyi, who spoke words of thanks.
Then, the attendance enjoyed the sport skill demonstration of the students.
After the minister signed in the visitors' book, the ceremony came to a close.
The minister then attended a similar ceremony held at No 2 BEHS, Latha Township.
Headmistress Daw Khin Ohn Myint accepted the sports equipment presented by the minister and spoke words of thanks.
Minister visits Myanma Gems Enterprise

Yangon, 6 Aug- Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint visited Myanma Gems Enterprise this morning.
The minister inspected lots of jade of entrepreneurs to be sold at the Mid-Year Gems Emporium which will be held in October 2001, the cutting of raw jade mined from Mamon Block No 1 and jade rocks produced from Hsankywet Block No 1. The minister also gave instructions.
Workshop on boosting productive force held
Yangon, 6 Aug- The Myanma Industrial Development Committee, Human Resources Cultivation Sub-committee and Management Committees of Mingaladon, Shwepaukkan and North Okkalapa Industrial Zones held the opening ceremony of workshop on boosting productive force at the meeting hall of Cottage Industries Department in North Okkalapa Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, the deputy ministers, departmental heads, guests and 60 trainees from Mingaladon, Shwepaukkan and North Okkalapa Industrial Zones.
Chairman of Working Committee for Myanma Industries Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and Chairman of HRCS Deputy Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win Sein made speeches.
( 5 ) Construction Minister inspects roads and bridges

Yangon, 6 Aug- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, inspected the Toungoo-Paukkhaung-Pyay road in cars and arrived at Seinyay Camp at mile post No 77/0 this morning.
At the briefing hall, Superintending Engineer U Saw Aung Nyein of Road Construction Special Group-5 reported on condition of road and bridges between mile post Nos 51/0 and 109/7, future plans, strength of machinery and Bago Division Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Lwin then briefed on condition of roads and bridges between the mile post No 51/0 and Pyay, future plans and strength of machinery of Road Construction Special Group-7 to the minister who gave instructions and inspected the
Commander inspects Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone

Yangon, 6 Aug- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected progress in cultivation of vegetables and poultry farming in Hanawy gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements at Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township, Yangon North District this afternoon.
The commander arrived at Taing Myan Kyaw layers breeding farm of Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone-1 at 1.45 pm.
The officials reported on production of eggs. The commander gave instructions to maintain the level of egg production. He then inspected the growing of sweet potatoes, taro and lady's fingers and gave instructions.
Later he inspected breeding of 2,500 CP Breed layers and construction of chicken-runs at the poultry farm of U Min Min Soe and the breeding of RIR Breed layers at Myo Myint Kyaw Poultry Farm and left instructions.
He inspected the breeding of 10,000 Shaver-579 strain layers being undertaken by Myanmar Standard Co Ltd. Member of Board of Directors of Myanmar Standard Co Ltd U Sein Win reported on arrangements for production of chicks.
The commander attended to the needs.
The commander met with members of Special Zone Supervisory Committee and national agricultural entrepreneurs and livestock breeding entrepreneurs at
Hmawby Hsan Hall of the Special Zone-1.
In-charge of the Special Zone-1 Yangon Division Agriculture Manager U San Maung reported on land preparation, cultivation and breeding of layers and broilers in the Zone-1, Special Zone-2 in charge Deputy Commissioner of Yangon North District General Administration Department U Saw Hla Myint on land preparation, cultivation and poultry farming,Special Zone-3 in-charge Head of Yangon Division Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win on land prepration poultry farming and digging of fish breeding ponds and the national entrepreneurs on requirements.
The commander next gave instructions to the departmental officials on proper drainage in the special zones, growing of vegetables, assistance to be provided for livestock breeders and the planting of landscaping trees and windbreaks on both sides of the roads in the zones during this month and fulfilled the needs of the national entrepreneurs.
The commander inspected progress in cultivation of vegetables in the Special Zone-1, the growing of tomatoes and paprikas of Myanmar Agro-peace Group with the use of green houses tunnels, progress in construction of cold storage for storing vegetables and gave instructions.
After inspecting the vegetable patches, the commander left the Special Zone in the evening. In the zones, 2,000 acres of vegetables have been cultivated, 35,000 acres of windbreaks planted, 105,000 broilers and layers bred and 300 acres of fish breeding ponds
Cash donated for construction of Soonlaung Dhammayon
Yangon, 6 Aug- The second cash presentation
ceremony for Soonlaung Dhammayon under construction of families of Auditor-General's Office and other offices at the corner of Saw Yan Paing Street and Aung Yeiktha 1st Street in Ward 28, Dagon Myothit (North) Township, here, was held at the Dhammayon on 4 August morning.
Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye delivered a speech and accepted the cash donations.
Waso-robe offering of Home Affairs Ministry held

Yangon, 6 Aug- The eighth Waso robes offering ceremony of the Ministry of Home Affairs was held at the assembly hall of the ministry this morning, attended by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and wife Daw Khin Hla Hla.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, the director-general of Myanmar Police Force, the directors-general and deputy directors-general of the ministry, directors and family members of the staff.
Vice-Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhid-haja Maha Ratha Guru Bhaddanta
Painda Bhiva-msa invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
The attendance led by the minister presented Waso robes and offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Then, merits gained were shared and the ceremony came to a close.
( 6 )
Myanmar cultural group arrives back
Yangon, 6 Aug- A Myanmar Cultural delegation, comprising Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute Daw Nu Mra Zan, Writer U Khin Maung Tint (Tekkatho Phone Naing) and Film Director and Script Writer U Kyi Soe Tun, that left for the Republic of Korea under the cultural exchange programme between ASEAN member nations and the ROK, arrived back here this evening.
They were welcomed back at the airport by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, departmental heads, officials and families.
During their stay in the ROK, the delegates discussed matters related to Myanmar culture and Myanmar motion picture, and presented a paper entitled the History and Future Orientation of Myanmar Cinema
Director-General of Directorate of Industry arrives back
Yangon, 6 Aug- Director-General U Tin Hlaing of the Directorate of Industry under the Ministry of Industry-1 arrived back here after attending the 30th meeting of the ASEAN industrial cooperation working group held in the Philippines from 2 to 4 August. He was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun, directors of the Directorate of Industry and officials.
Myanmars stand second, third in ASEAN International Open Chess Tournament
Yangon, 6 Aug- The First ASEAN International Open Chess Tournament was held in Brunei from 29 July to 4 August. Altogether 83 players including 20 grand masters and masters from ASEAN member nations, America, England, Australia, Hungary, India and Belgium took part in the tournament.
Iran Rogers from Australia stood first in the tournament, and a player from Indonesia stood first in ASEAN member nations, Nay Oo Kyaw Tun (YCDC) from Myanmar second and Myo Naing (Ministry of Home Affairs) third.
( 7 ) Mindhamma Hill Greening Committee meets
Yangon, 6 Aug- The Committee for Greening of Mindhamma Hill held its meeting this evening at the briefing hall on the hill where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of the Committee for Greening of Mindhamma Hill Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Htun, Vice-Chairman of All-round Construction of Mindhamma Hill Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and sub-committee members, officials, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees and invited guests.
Deputy Minister Col Thaik Tun spoke on the occasion.
A general round of
discussions then followed.
The meeting came to
a close with the concluding
remarks by the deputy
Hospital equipment, medicine
donated to DSGH
Yangon, 6 Aug- Honouring the Tatmadawmen who are discharging duties in the forward areas upholding the Our Three Main National Causes, a ceremony to donate medicine and hospital equipment worth K 3 million to the Defence Services General Hospital (Mingaladon) was held at the hospital this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Commandant of DSGH Col Tin Thein Lwin, professors, Managing Director of Ayeyamyay General Services Co Ltd U Thet Oo and members of board of directors.
Managing Director U Thet Oo explained the purpose of the donation and presented medicine and hospital equipment to Col Tin Thein Lwin.
Director Brig-Gen Mya Thien Han spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a
Cardiac patients given treatment at Yangon General Hospital
Yangon, 6 Aug- Cardiologist Dr Peter Smith of Hammersmith Hospital in London, Britain, under the arrangement of Ministry of Health, will give treatment to the cardiac patients at Cardiac Surgical Department of Yangon General Hospital for a week in cooperation with Cardiologist Professor Dr Khin Maung Aye and Lecturer Dr Khin Maung Lwin of Yangon General Hospital and Professor Dr Khun Soe Moe of Mandalay General Hospital. The team started operations on cardiac patients this morning.
In the afternoon, a talk on cardiology was held attended by specialists and doctors.
Dr Smith will give treatments to the patients at the Defence Services General Hospital in Mingaladon. He will visit Mandalay General
( 8
USDA CEC member offers Waso robes
Yangon, 6 Aug- Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Deputy Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Thein Aung attended the ceremony to offer
"soon" to 200 members of the Sangha and the first Waso robes offering ceremony of Ingapu township association held at the hall of Shwesandaw Pagoda in Ingapu, Ayeyawady Division on 4 August morning.
The CEC member then delivered a speech at the annual general meeting of township USDA at the township hall. He accepted 1,120 membership applications and presented K 200,000 for Dagethagyi Village Basic Education Primary School and accepted cash donations for the township association and the school. The deputy minister presented prizes to those who got prizes in courses organized by districts and townships, outstanding students who won distinctions in 2001 matriculation exam, schools that win the highest pass rate in the examination and outstanding teachers.
Myanmar beat Malaysia 3-0

Yangon, 6 Aug- The opening of the Myanmar-Malaysia Men's Sepak Takraw matches was held at Thuwunna Stadium here this afternoon, attended by Chairman of the Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Among the spectators were members of the leading committee of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, invited guests, Ambassador of Malaysia Mr Dato Muhammad Bin Noh and embassy staff, familiy members, players and fans.
The minister, President of Myanmar Sepak Takraw Federation U Hla Myint and the ambassador greeted the players. The tentatively selected Myanmar team beat the selected Malaysia team in three matches. The friendly matches for the second and third day will be held at 2 pm on 7 and 8
Prizes presented to winners of Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 6 Aug- The prize-presentation ceremony of the Ninth Myanma Traditional Performing Arts Competitions of the Yangon West District was held at Ahlon Hall in Ahlon Township here this morning, attended by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Vice-Chairman Yangon Command Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint and wife, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and wife, members of the committee for holding the competitions, supervisory committee members, judges and others.
Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein delivered an address and presented gifts to the judges.
Then, officials presented prizes to the winners.
( 9
) Ministry of Health issues Order
No 3/2001 concerning narcotic drugs
Yangon, 6 Aug- The Ministry of Health issued Order No 3/2001 specifying the weight of narcotic drugs and psychotrophic substances on 2 August.
The order said that if the under-mentioned or more than the under-mentioned weight of narcotic drugs or psychotrophic substances concerned is kept or transported or carried or handed over, it is assumed that it is meant for sale.
The weight of narcotic drugs or psychotrophic substances mentioned in the order is three grams of Amphetamine, two litres of Codeine liquid, five grams of Codeine tablets, 0.25 gram of Diphenoxylate, 10 grams of Pethidine injection and 10 grams of Pethidine
First Aid Instructor Course concludes
Yangon, 6 Aug- First Aid Instructor Course No 2/2001 organized by Myanmar Red Cross Society and International Federation of Red Cross concluded at the headquarters of MRCS this afternoon.
President of MRCS Dr Kyaw Win spoke on the occasion. The president and executives of MRCS and Residential Representative of IFRC Mr Yutaka Oiwa presented certificates to the trainees.
Altogether 35 trainees from seven states and divisions attended the two-week
School Health Week to be
Yangon, 6 Aug- Under the education promoting programme of the Ministry of Education, the School Health Week has been designated according to the educational calender. The authorities announced that the basic education schools and training schools are to observe the School Health Week from 13 to 17