( 1 ) Cornerstone for Maha Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda laid in Kaungkha Myothit in Kutkai Township
Yangon, 1 Aug-A cornerstone laying ceremony of Maha Dhammayanthi Yan-aung Pagoda to be built in Thiri Manta Hill in Kaungkha Myothit was held in Kutkai Township in Shan State (North) yesterday morning, attended by Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Present on the occasion were members of the Sangha led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Myole Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Lashio Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kavindacara, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, the ministers, the deputy ministers, senior Tatmadaw officers of Hsenwi Station, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, members of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North), departmental heads, officials of Muse District and Kutkai Township, national race leader of Shan State (North) Special Region-5 U Ma Htu Naw and members, chairmen and officials of Special Regions, local people, well-wishers, members of social associations and wut associations.
The congregation received the Nine Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavindacara.

The laity presented the Paritta flowers, Paritta water, Paritta thread and Paritta sand to members of the Sangha.
Members of the Sangha recited metta sutta and Parittas.
The Secretary-1 presented the nine-gem casket to Saya-daw Bhaddanta Kavindacara.
Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo presented Mingala Mawgun bronze plaque to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavindacara.
National race leader U Ma Htu Naw presented the ceremonial brick to the Sayadaw.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party conveyed the gem casket, Mingala Mawgun bronze plaque, stone plaque and bricks to the site of laying the cornerstone.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 laid the foundation and sprinkled scented water on it.
The Secretary-1 then laid the gem casket.
He also laid the bronze plaque, stone plaque and brick and sprinkled scented water on them.
Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and U Ma Htu Naw laid the foundation.
The Secretary-1 and party sprinkled scented water on the foundation.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then performed the rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony.
Afterwards the ceremony to plant the Bo tree began.
The Secretary-1 planted the Bo tree and sprinkled scented water on it.
He then inspected the scale model of the Maha Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda. Later, he presented offertories to the Sayadaw of Lashio Myole Pariyatti Sarthintaik.
The commander, ministers and deputy ministers also presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
The Secretary-1 presented K 10 million, donated by the State Peace and Development Council for the pagoda, to the commander.
A lay disciple, on behalf of the donor Mongphon Sayadaw, presented K 100,000, the commander, on behalf of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North), presented K 20 million, Leader of Shan State (North) Special Region 5 U Ma Htu Naw presented K 10 million, Shan State (North) Special Region 1, K 100,000, Shan State (North) Special Region 2, K 100,000, Shan State (North) Special Region 3 K 100,000, Shan State (North) Special Region 7 K 200,000, SSNA group K 200,000, KIA Brigade 4 of Kachin Special Region 2 K 100,000, Mongpow people's militia K 200,000, Monghin Mongha people's militia K 100,000, Mong-pan people's militia K 200,000, Asia World Co Ltd K 1 million, U Aik
Aye and
family of Muse K 3.3 million, Asia Wealth Bank K 500,000, Ngwe Hsin Construction Group K 500,000, KDA central economic department of Special Region 5 K 500,000, regional Intelligence Unit K 500,000, Kaungkha region economic department K 300,000, battalions and units under the North-East Command K 1,520,105, European and Asian Development Limited K 150,000, departmental personnel of Muse K 150,000, Muse District Peace and Development Council K 100,000, Muse Border Merchants Association K 100,000, U Aik Maung and Daw Aye Tin K 100,000, North-East Command Maternal and Child Welfare Association K 60,000, and Muse tour groups K 56,000.
The Vice Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee delivered a sermon.
The congregation shared the merits gained.
The Secretary-1 and party offered "soon" to the Sayadaws.
They also paid respects to Mongphon Sayadaw Bhaddantananasanvara.
( 2 )
Secretary-1singles out requirements for national development
Development undertakings in Shan State (North) gaining momentum
Yangon, 1 Aug-Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, the ministers, the deputy ministers, Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing of Hsenwi Station, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and heads of department arrived at Namsalat region in Hsenwi Township on 30 July.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander Col Soe Win Tint and officials.
The Secretary-1 met officials of Namsalat region and discussed regional development.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Lashio and met members of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North), departmental officials, chairmen of Lashio District and Township Peace and Development Councils and members, district and township level officials, service personnel, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliatry Fire Brigade, trainee nurses, chairmen of Ward and Village Peace and Development Councils and members at the hall of the North-East Command.
Head of Shan State Planning Department U Win Maung reported on performance of production and services of Shan State for 2000-2001, targets of the short-term five-year plan beginning 2001-2002 and arrangements being made for exceeding the yearly targets.
Secretary of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Lt-Col Win Han reported on damage and loss of properties in Momeik, Mabain and Namhsan Townships due to floods during the first week of June 2001 and resettlement.
Shan State Additional Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U San Hla Baw reported on the targets for 2000-2001 for cultivation of crops and efforts made for exceeding the targets, the targets for 2001-2002 for cultivation of crops, cultivation of crops up to mid-July, efforts for rice sufficiency in the region and cultivation of opium substitute crops.
Shan State Additional Education Officer U San Shwe reported on opening of basic education schools and multimedia teaching centres in Shan State (North), appointment of teachers, academic matters and requirements.
Shan State Additional Head of Health Department Dr Kyi Myint reported on appointment of staff at the hospitals and construction of hospitals.
Shan State Additional Head of Interal Revenue Department U Aung Moe Kyi reported on functions of the department in Shan State (North) and tax collected in the first quarter of 2001-2002.
Director of Border Trade Department Lt-Col Saw Hla Tun reported on exports and imports from April to July 2001-2002 and financial matters.
A ceremony to present cash for households in Momeik and Nanhsam Townships hit by floods was held.

The Secretary-1 presented K 1,790,000 donated by the State Peace and Development Council and wellwishers to the commander.
The commander accepted K 1,043,105 donated by District and Township Peace and Development Councils and departments in Shan State (North), K 2 million by national race leader of Kokang Special Region-1 U Phon Kyar Shin, K 2 million by Asia Wealth Bank, K 1.5 million by Yoma Bank, K 1.5 million by Myanma Mayflower Bank, K 1 million by Asia World Co Ltd, K 1 million by Chairman U Soe Myint of Ngwehsin Construction Co Ltd, K 1 million by Chairman U Maung Myint of Sein Wuthmon Co Ltd and K 100,000 by Myanmar Universal Bank.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone
gave replies on education health and border trade.
The Secretary-1 said paddy cultivation should be
extended in all the districts and regions to ensure rice sufficiency in northern
Shan State. Monsoon and summer paddy can be cultivated in the region.
Thus, efforts should be made to ensure regional food sufficiency.
The natural conditions are good to cultivate maize, pesinngon and soya bean which have good market potentials abroad. In addition to these crops cultivation of buckwheat, a poppy substitute crop, should be extended.
Cooking oil crops such as groundnut, sesame and sunflower should be cultivated on commercial scale to reduce edible oil import and plans should be laid down to grow vegetables as in the surrounding areas of Yangon. Similarly, pepper, which has market potentials abroad should be cultivated on a wider scale.
Peace, stability, rule of law, infrastructure, production, human resources and zeal of the people are required for national development.
The government has been striving for the nation to get abreast of other nations since 1988.
Due to the efforts of the government and the trust of the national leaders in the government, armed groups have returned to the legal fold, leading to prevalence of peace and stability in the nation.
Due to the prevalence of peace and stability and the rule of law in the regions, transport sector has improved in the nation up to the border towns such as Muse and Chinshwehaw,
resulting in the regional economic growth. The State is building the
infrastructure such as roads and bridges, power supply and communication
facilities under the plan for progress of border areas and national races which
has been implemented since 1989.
As the State is building the infrastructure, the people should also strive to promote the production sector.
The departmental personnel should give encouragement to the people to strive with zeal to develop the agriculture production and import substitution sectors.
The regional people should strive with the assistance of the departmental personnel for effective utilization of the natural resources such as iron and coal.
The State is extending a large number of basic education primary schools, middle schools and high schools in border areas under the plan to develop the border areas and national races, creating opportunities for the regional youths to get access to the modern techniques and implementing plans to develop the human resources.
The State is launching organizational campaigns to enable all the children of school age to enrol at the schools.
The departmental personnel and the people should render assistance for the success of the campaigns.
As the State is implementing the 15-Year Narcotics Elimination Plan, local authorities at different levels should render effective supervision to wipe of the narcotic drugs from northern Shan State.
The crops which grow well in the region should be cultivated as poppy substitute crops. The departmental personnel should make efforts to properly collect taxes in the state including in the border regions. All the departments should make collective efforts for the success of the tasks.
As the government and the people are depending on each other, all the departments should make efforts with the participation of the people for the cent per cent success of the economic plans. CEC members of USDA Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Col Tin Hlaing, Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Brig-Gen Khin Maung met Secretaries of State, District and Township USDAs, executives at Shan State (North) USDA Office on 30 July.
Secretary of Shan State USDA U Aye Thaung reported on work done on organizational, management, economic and social affairs. CEC members took part in the discussions.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected People's Hospital in Lashio and met acting medical superintendent, physicians, doctors and nurses. He called on giving warm welcome and treatment to patients.
The minister inspected nurses training school.
Minister for Labour Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe met personnel of Labour Department, Social Security Board and Inland Freight Handling Committee at Shan State Labour Department in Lashio.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspected microwave telephone communication stations and post and telegraph office.
Deputy Ministe for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun met service personnel of Customs Department, Internal Revenue Department, Myanmar Economic Bank and Small Loan Division.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-gen Soe Win Maung met Shan State Additional Education Officers, Township Education Officers and school heads. The deputy minister gave instructions on supply of text books, school buildings and furniture and academic
( 3 ) Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation inspects pumped water projects
Yangon, 1 Aug - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected the main feeder canal and the tributary canals at Budalin Pumped Water Project in Budalin Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division, yesterday.
At the briefing hall, the minister heard a report on progress in implementing the project, future tasks, the facilities and power supply presented by Director-General of Water Resources Utilization Department U Win Shwe and officials.
Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected the map showing the villages covered by the project, the site of the main pumping station, and sub-pumping stations, speaking of the need for farmers to grow cash crops.
The minister then observed the site to implement the main pumping project and the flow of water of the Chindwin River.
At Ywathit village in the township, the minister inspected laying of pipes for irrigation and to supply water to the village, installation of transformers near the sub-pumping stations, construction of a 300,000-gallon capacity water tank, and coordinated with the village authorities matters relating to future tasks.
The minister also inspected large-scale cultivation of sunflower on over 5,000 acres and other sunflower fields in the township.
Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than reported to the minister on the method of supplying sunflower seeds from upper Myanmar model farms to sunflower fields in lower Myanmar.
The minister discussed with farmers costs and benefits of growing sunflower.
At Indaw village in the township, the minister visited Indaw Pumped Water Project, which is being implemented to cultivate crops all the year round. Officials of the Water Resources Utilization Department explained points of the project. The minister met with engineers of the project.
Together with officials, the minister also inspected Nyaungbingyi Pumped Water Station in Salingyi Township.
Energy Minister inspects fertilizer plant in Sale
Yangon, 1 Aug-Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi attended the coordination meeting to extend production of fertilizer held at the hall of No 1 Fertilizer Plant in Sale yesterday.
Managing Director U Kyaw Shein of the Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise and plant managers explained the production of the plants in the year 2001-2002 to the minister who attended to the needs and laid down future plans.
In the afternoon, the minister together with the managing directors of MPE, general managers of Oil Field attended the coordination meeting for extended production of petroleum and natural gas. At the meeting, the general managers of respective oil field reported on production of petroleum and gas and Managing Director U Kyaw Nyein of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise added supplementary report.
The minister attended to the needs and inspected maintenance tasks for the plant.
( 4 )
Minister U Pan Aung tours Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 1 Aug-Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung together with officials arrived at Kywezin quarry near Kyaukkyaw Village in Ayeyawady Division yesterday.
He gave instructions on production of rock and transportation of rock for railroads and attended to the needs.
The minister together with Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htain and officials inspected railroads and bridges.
The minister then met with the executives of township Union Solidarity and Development Associations at Myanaung, Htoogyi and Ingapu stations and gave instructions.
The minister also inspected Myokwin bridge and gave instructions on preventive measures taken against bank erosion and maintenance tasks for the bridge.
The minister met with the executives of district and township USDAs at Hin-thada and Yekyi stations and gave instructions.
Electric Power Minister inspects projects
Yangon, 1 Aug-Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, accompanied by Deputy Director-General U Saw Win of the Myanma Electric Power Enterprise and officials, arrived at the Coal Production Project in Teekyit, Pinlaung Township in Shan State (South) on 29 July.
The minister met with the officials of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Ministry of Mines there and gave instructions on site chosen for the plant and inspected current charcoal production of the plant.
On 30 July, the minister and party arrived at Yeywa Hydro-Electric Power Plant in Mandalay Division and heard reports of Project Director U Ba Si and officials at the briefing hall of the project. Then he gave instructions on tasks being carried out for construction of the dam, digging of tunnel and construction of Kyaukse-Belin-Yeywa road and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
The minister and party arrived at Paunglaung Hydro Electric Power Plant yesterday morning. The minister, Project Director U Soe Myint and officials viewed the construction of the plant, dam, spillways and sluice gates of the plant yesterday morning. He also heard the reports on Sittaung River Valley-1 Project by Director U Mya Than, Kunchaung Project by Manager U Maw Tha Htwe and officials at the briefing hall of the Kunchaung Hydro-Electric Power Plant this afternoon.
( 5 ) Seminar on Hepatitis-C prevention held
Yangon, 1 Aug-A Seminar on Developing IEC package regarding Hepatitis-C Prevention in Myanmar, organized by the Ministry of Health and Japan International Cooperation Agency, was held at International Business Centre here this morning. Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo, the directors-general, managing directors of the ministry, rectors, directors, heads of department and professors, presidents and officials from Non-Governmental Organizations and officials from the JICA.
Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo delivered a speech. He said: Myanmar, like in other developing countries, is facing the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Among the communicable diseases, Hepatitis C is an emerging disease that can cause serious health problems. Hepatitis C is a major cause of acute hepatitis and chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. Globally, an estimated 170 million persons or 3% of the world's population, are chronically infected and 3-4 million persons are newly infected each year. About 80% of the newly infected patients progress to develop chronic infection. Cirrhosis develops in about 10% to 20% and liver cancer in 1% to 5% of persons with chronic infection over a period of 20 to 30 years.
In Myanmar, among healthy population, that is blood donors, the prevalence of Hepatitis C is 2-3%.
Males have a higher prevalence rate than females. Significantly higher prevalence rates of 30-50% was found among those having multiple blood transfusions. Hepatitis B and C are major causes of chronic liver diseases in Myanmar both are mainly transmitted parentrally. However, sexual and perinatal transmission may occur, although less frequently in Hepatitis C. Therefore proper screening of blood for hepatitis C is important to prevent the spread of infection. The Ministry of Health is taking measures to prevent or reduce the transmission of Hepatitis C through setting up of blood donor screening for Hepatitis C and development of test kits.
JICA is co-operating in control of Hepatitis C by providing test kits for blood donor screening, technology and capacity building of health professionals.
The ministry of Health and JICA jointly held a seminar on Control of Hepatitis C infection in Myanmar in August last year. At that seminar, information regarding the disease was disseminated and participants discussed on the scope and nature of the problem and ways to control the spread of infection. Recommendations were drafted and submitted for further consideration. This workshop is the follow-up of the previous seminar and the main objectives are: to develop an IEC package regarding Hepatitis C prevention among the medical profession and the general public; and to develop means for improving blood bank systems in Myanmar.
Next, Resident Representative Mr Toshimichi Aoki of the agency delivered a speech and presented two keys of Blood Mobiles donated by the agency to the deputy minister.
The deputy minister and guests viewed the cars and had souvenir photos taken.
Then, the seminar started at 10.15 am.
Prof Dr Shigeru Okada chaired the seminar in the morning, and Dr Paing Soe in the afternoon. It will continue till 3 August.
( 6 )
Special breast feeding townships and hospitals honoured

Yangon, 1 Aug - The ceremony to designate special breast feeding townships and hospitals was held today at the Institute of Nursing under joint sponsorship of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, officials of the Ministry of Health, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Chairperson of Myanmar Women's Entrepreneurs Association Daw Sein Sein, Resident Representative of UNICEF Mr John B Mendis
and others.
Stake-driving and land cleansing ceremony for construction of dispensary of Yangon Command MCWA
Yangon, 1 Aug-A stake-driving and land cleansing ceremony for construction of dispensary of Yangon Command Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at Konmyinttha of the command this morning.
Present were Yangon Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kosalla and members of the Sangha, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife Patron of Yangon Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Daw Malar Tint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint and wife Daw Khin Ma Lay, commanders of military regions, Tatmadawmen, Managing Director U Thet Oo of Ayeyamye General Services Co Ltd and guests.
The congregation received the Nine Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kosalla. Members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta. The commander and wife, the deputy commander and wife and Managing Director U Thet Oo presented the stakes and offertories to the Sayadaw.
The commander accepted K 12 million donated by Ayeyamye General Services Co Ltd for construction of the dispensary. At the auspicious time, the commander and wife and officials drove the stakes and performed rituals of golden and silver showers.
The commander and wife and officials presented " soon " to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
( 7 )
On-job training course No 14 opens
Yangon, 1 Aug - On-job training course No 14 for the staff of the Auditor-General's Office and local accounts office was opened at the training school of Auditor-General's Office this morning.
It was attended by Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win, Director-General of the Auditor-General's Office Daw Thin Thin, Deputy Director-General Daw Tin Kyi Oo, directors, officials from the training school of the Auditor-General's Office, course instructors and trainees.
Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye delivered a speech.
Altogether 180 trainees are attending the two-month course.
Mayor meets YCDC officials
Yangon, 1 Aug-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay explained the speech given by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the meeting with officials of YCDC on 17 July at the meeting hall of YCDC this evening. Mayor U Ko Lay said Yangon city now possesses characteristics of a modern city of international standard and spoke of the need to maintain the standard of the city. He called for proper drainage and making efforts for successful implementation of cultivation and livestock breeding projects.
Those present reported on work done.
( 8
Dhammacakka Recitation Contest held
Yangon, 1 Aug- The Third Dhammacakka Recitation Contest organized by the No 3 Basic Education Department (Yangon) of the Ministry of Education and prize-presentation ceremony was held at the Dhammayon of the Ministry of Education on Gyatawya Street in Bahan Township this afternoon, attended by Minister for Education U Than Aung.
Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, the directors-general of the ministry, chairmen of committees for holding the contest, officials, invited guests and participants also attended the ceremony.
The contest was held from 30 July to 1 August and altogether 12 teams four men's teams and eight women's teams took part in the contest.
Minister U Than Aung, Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt and Director-General of the No 3 Basic Education Department (Yangon) U Tin Win presented prizes to the winning teams.
The minister also presented K 10,000 each to the participating teams and the ceremony came to a close.
( 9
Multi-media teaching centres opened
Yangon, 1 Aug- A ceremony to open multimedia teaching centre of No 2 Basic Education High School in Monyin, Kachin State, was held at the school on 25 July.
It was attended by Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Secretary Lt-Col Myint Thein, departmental officials, Headmaster U Myint Thein, teachers, members of the School Board of Trustees, parents and students.
First, Headmaster U Myint Thein and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Than Pe opened the ceremony.
Then, the commander formally unveiled the signboard of the centre, and together with those present, inspected the centre and viewed the entertainment of the students.
The commander then attended the opening of multimedia teaching centre of No 1 BEHS. Headmistress Daw Yi Lay Khaing and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Zaw Win opened the ceremony.
The commander formally unveiled the signboard of the centre and together with the guests, inspected the centre.
Afterwards, the opening ceremony of multimedia teaching centres of No 1 and No 2 BEHS was held at the meeting hall of No 1 BEHS.
Headmistress Daw Yi Lay Khaing and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Than Pe reported on efforts made for opening of the centres.
The commander delivered a speech.
Then, five wellwishers donated cash and teaching aids worth K 535,000 to Kachin State Education Officer U Maung Maung.
For the multimedia teaching centre of No 1 BEHS, Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung donated a set of computer, two cassette recorders and 12 sets of headphone worth K 240,800.
The cost of the centre was K 4,317,000.
The commandr proceeded to Monyin Township USDA and met with secretary of Township USDA, executives and ward and village organizers and gave instructions.
In the afternoon, the commander met the township level departmental officials at Seinleyadana Hall.
Officials concerned reported on regional development tasks and the commander attended to their needs. The commander also inspected the use of teaching aids at Thasi Ward BEPS in Monyin and donated K 50,000.
On 26 July morning, the commander met the officials of Myanma Railways at the guest house of Hopin Village Public Works.
The commander inspected private poultry farming in Hopin Village and met the chairmen of the villages Peace and Development Councils near Nankwin
Myanmar London Golf Tour continues
Yangon, 1 Aug-The third round of the first leg of the Myanmar London Golf Tour 2001-2002, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association, and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd was held at Bagan Resort Golf Club this morning.
After the third round, Myint Thaung seized the first place with 215 strokes in the Professional
Golfers' level. Aung Zaw Moe and Aung Win shared the second place with 216 each, Soe Kyaw Naing stood at the third place with 217, and Maung Pyone, fourth with 221.
Zaw Zaw Latt is still leading the tour with 228 strokes in the MenŐs Amateur level, followed by Nanda Kyaw (YCDC) and Aung Aung Kyaw with 232 each, and Thein Zaw Myint and Nay Lin Tun with 233 each. Yangon Airways, Canon, Kaung Myat Co Ltd, Pan-West (Callaway), Wilson, Ping, Bagan Resort Hotel, Sun Far Travels & Tours and Kanbawza Bank Ltd also co-sponsored the tour with the aim of raising the standard of Myanmar golf and turning out golfers all over the country. The tour continues