(1) Drug Elimination
Museum vividly illustrates Myanmar's firm national resolve to
totally eliminate narcotic drugs
The Museum
will go down in history as concrete landmark reflecting national
efforts to combat narcotic drugs
YANGON, 26 June - A ceremony to open the Drug
Elimination Museum in Kamayut Township was held this morning at the
museum, hailing the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking. The museum was built in accord with the guidance of
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe to
enable the entire people to understand the danger of narcotic drugs
which is a menace to entire mankind and to enable them to stay away
from the drugs and the world nations to know the true endeavours of
Myanmar to wipe out the drugs throughout the successive eras.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
He said:
I would like to greet you by wishing all of you
good health and well-being and wishing that all of you
may be able to bring about the total elimination of the scourge of
narcotic drugs from the earth by performing the duty assigned to
you in implementing this noble task. First of all, I would like to
proclaim that today is a red-letter day for the country as well as
for the entire people of Myanmar as this grandiose and very elegant
Drug Elimination Museum, which the entire nation is proud of, has
been successfully constructed and has been ceremoniously opened.
It is all the more significant since this
auspicious and unique ceremony coincides with the commemoration of
the International Day Against Narcotic Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking. It is our sincere belief that this auspicious event
will also benefit the entire mankind. This Drug Elimination Museum
will go down in history as a concrete landmark which will truly
reflect the history of Myanmar's concerted national efforts to
combat narcotic drugs under the correct leadership of Senior
General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council and through the co-operation among the Government, the
leaders of the national races, the entire people, the
Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control and its task forces.
Moreover, the Museum will record faithfully and
show vividly how opium and opium cultivation was introduced into
the nation by colonialists, how the acts of unscrupulous elements
who, with political motives, exacerbated the situation and how,
under the guidance of the successive Governments, the people of
Myanmar has been fighting continuously with a view to permanently
eradicating the dark shadow of narcotic drugs with great sacrifice
including loss of life and limb. All these historical facts will be
preserved in the exhibits in the Museum. In particular, with the
re-establishment of peace and national reconsolidation in the
country, which constitute the historic achievement of the State
Peace and Development Council, the positive conditions for the
eradication of narcotic drugs that has resulted from the concerted
efforts of the Government, leaders of the national races and the
local populace have now been recorded in this Museum.
If we look back at the history of Myanmar's
narcotic drugs problem, there are concrete evidences that opium
poppy cultivation was introduced by the colonialists to groups of
honest and simple-minded national races living in remote corners of
the country while Myanmar was under the colonial rule. Introduction
of opium to East Asia, including Myanmar, is indeed a dark page in
the history of mankind and it is an undeniable historical truth
that our people as well as the people of the world have been
suffering bitterly from this problem.
The Opium Wars clearly demonstrated that narcotic
drugs were used as a powerful weapon during the colonial rule for
nefarious motives. After the independence of Myanmar, the
unscrupulous elements attempted to prolong the twin legacies of the
colonialism internal armed insurgency and cultivation and
production of opium while providing encouragement to external
intervention. subsequently, poppy cultivation evolved into the
production of more sophisticated narcotic drugs such as heroin. The
proof of these undeniable historical facts can be seen in the
Museum's exhibits.
The endeavours of the successive governments from
ancient Myanmar Kings to the present government to combat the
scourge of narcotic drugs as a national responsibility throughout
history can be also found in this Museum. It will be recalled that
lots of members of the Tatmadaw (Armed Forces) have sacrificed their
lives during the military operations such as Sinbyushin, Yan Gyi
Aung; Bayint Naung; Mekong; Mohein as well as during the operations
launched by the present Tatmadaw Government in the whole of Shan
State and remote border areas for the benefit of mankind. Thousands
also lost their eyes and limbs.
Under the operations Melone; Paukpan; Hninpan,
Taunghtaitpan, HaymaOo, Ngayepan, poppy fields were destroyed.
More-over, significant number of poppy fields were destroyed by
aerial spraying during operation Taungyanshin. At present,
narcotics suppression efforts are being implemented together with
the endeavours for uplifting of the living standards of the
national races in the border areas as well as educating and
persuading the national races so that they will whole-heartedly
cooperate and participate in the elimination of poppy cultivation.
As can be seen, great achievement has been accomplished in these
endeavours. Regrettably, the achievements made through the active
participation of the leaders of the national races and the populace
of the regions under the leadership of the Government to achieve
the development of the regions and to eliminate poppy cultivation
have been ignored and the Myanmar people were subjected
continuously to various unfounded allegations over the last decade.
The drug problem in Myanmar is indeed a very complex and delicate
issue since it is linked not only to the political, social and
economic aspects of the nation but it also involves the sincere
national races in border areas which lagged behind in development.
Therefore, the problem must necessarily be tackled with patience and
understanding and will necessitate a certain amount of time, given
the complexity of the issue. Furthermore, elimination of drugs in
Myanmar is not only connected with peace and national unity of the
country but also with regional development and upgrading of
education, health and social life of the national races.
The whole-hearted cooperation of the local
populace can be further enhanced only when regional development and
economic prosperity is accompanied by higher education and health
standards resulting in the development of knowledge and correct
outlook of the national races. Because the Government and national
races leaders fully appreciate this fact, they are making tireless
efforts for the development of the border areas and the national
races by creating favourable conditions for development, such as
roads, bridges, dams and reservoirs, and projects for energy and
communications; for economic progress through crop-substitution,
livestock breeding and economic
development plans; and for social development through improvement of
education, health care and information foundations of the people.
At the same time, special emphasis is devoted in
these efforts on the strengthening of national solidarity. As
efforts for the elimination of narcotic drugs is being implemented
in parallel with endeavours for development, the national races now
have faith and confidence in the goodwill of the Government and are
now actively participating not only in development works of their
respective regions but also in the fight against drugs.
As a concrete result of these cooperative
efforts, Mong La region in eastern Shan State was successfully
declared as opium-free zone in April 1997. The positive
repercussions of this achievement are also felt by Kokang and Wa
regions. Consequently, the leaders of national groups together with
local people are enthusiastically taking part in efforts for total
eradication of opium production in their respective regions by the
year 2005.
As a result, series of crop-substitution economic
measures are now being undertaken in these regions. With the
conscious cooperation of the nation races, it has become more and
more evident that the prospects for attaining the objective of
eliminating narcotic drugs will be enhanced if the State is able to
provide the necessary inputs to these regions adequately.
Therefore, in accordance with the guidance given by the Chairman of
State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe, the
decision was made to implement a 1999-2000 to 2013-2014 15-year
master plan for total elimination of narcotic drugs, relying mainly
on our own resources.
The 15-year master plan consists of five working
methodologies, namely, eradication of drug production, demand
reduction, enforcement, mobilization of people's participation and
international cooperation. The drug menace is not only a problem
specific to any single country. Nor can it be solved by efforts of
any single nation. Moreover, neither can it be solved by a country
being isolated or denied cooperation. The events in the world have
already demonstrated that it cannot be solved by pointing fingers
or making allegations against an individual or a nation. Therefore,
I wish to sincerely state that it is high time for all nations of
the world to cooperate with mutual
understanding to find a solution to this problem.
For its part, the Union of Myanmar, with or
without the international community's assistance, is firmly
resolved to strive with our own resources for the total elimination
of drugs in the country within 15 years. Additionally, Myanmar,
being a member of the family of nations, will continue to cooperate
with the United Nations organizations, countries in the region,
ASEAN member countries as well as those countries that have
constructive stance toward Myanmar in combating this menace to
At the same time, I wish to say that the
assistance and cooperation of friendly countries and the United
Nations organizations will certainly speed up the momentum of
Myanmar's efforts in eliminating narcotic drugs. Today's grand
opening of the Drug Elimination Museum has vividly illustrated our
firm national resolve to totally eliminate narcotic drugs. The Drug
Elimination Museum will always stand as a record and a reminder to
the succeeding generations of youth the true historical events of
how the national races, imbued with the spirit of national unity
and the Union Spirit, had fought against narcotic drugs which is the
common enemy of all national
The Museum was constructed at a total cost of
over 820 million Kyats, of which 514 million Kyats was contributed
by the State as capital, 207 million Kyats by various ministries and
the Yangon City Development Committee, and 100 million Kyats by the
well-wishers from the public. This priceless historical landmark
which is also a source of national pride would not have been
possible without the support and assistance of various ministries
and the contribution and valuable advice and services of the
artists and sculptors, Myanmar handicraftsmen, and experts from
social organizations.
In conclusion; he said:
- On behalf of the Government of the Union of
Myanmar, I wish to place on record and express our sincere
appreciation for the physical and intellectual inputs made by
departmental personnel concerned, technicians, well- wishers from
social organizations, artists, sculptors, craftsmen, traditional
artistic craftsmen, as well as to those who have given financial,
modern electronic equipment and technical support and assistance to
make the opening of this historical Drug Elimination Museum
- Moreover, it is our hope that the display of
booths and showrooms of the Drug Elimination Museum will enhance
the correct outlook, thinking and awareness among the Myanmar youth;
- In closing, I wish to re-affirm our commitment
that, in accordance with the aims and objectives of this Museum,
the people of the Union of Myanmar will eradicate narcotic drugs as
a national undertaking under the leadership of the Government to
free the entire mankind from the narcotic drugs menace.
Also present were Secretary-3 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen. Win Myint, State Peace and
Development Council Member Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,
Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen.
Tin Tun, ministers, members of Central Committee for Drug Abuse
Control, the Chief Justice, the Attorney- General, the Chairman of
Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chairman of Yangon
City Development Committee the Mayor, senior officers of the
Ministry of Defence, deputy ministers, the Vice-Mayor, officials of
State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, the
secretary of CCDAC and the Work Committee members, ambassadors,
charge d' affaires, military attaches and diplomats of foreign
missions in Myanmar, officials of the UN agencies, local and
foreign journalists, heads of department of the Ministry of Home
Affairs, senior police officers, local authorities, members of
Myanmar War Veterans Organization (Yangon Division), Myanmar
Language Commission, Myanmar Historical Commission, Union Solidarity
and Development Association, Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Women's
Entrepreneurs Association, Myanmar Writers and Journalist
Association, Myanmar Thabin Asiayon, Myanmar Music Asiayon, Myanmar
Motion Picture Asiayon, Myanmar Artists and Artisans Asiayon,
Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association and Myanmar Border Areas
Development Association, officials of No 3 Basic Education
Department, township education officers, school heads, teachers and
students of Kamayut, Kyimyindine and Sangyoung townships in Yangon
West District, members of Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades,
students of Institute of Nursing, donors of the museum project
and guests. Artistes and school boys and girls staged songs and
dances before the start of the ceremony.
The Secretary-1 unveiled the plaque of the
museum. Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing,
Vice-Chairman Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and member
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Tin Win formally opened
the museum. Minister Col Tin Hlaing presented commemorative gifts
to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt and Secretary-3 Lt-Gen. Win Myint.
The Secretary-1 and party then visited the museum.
Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps
Ambassador of Laos Mr Ly Bounkham and diplomats signed in the
visitor's book. In booth 1 on the ground floor, .gem-studded
painting of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and
guidance on anti- drugs, oil painting of Vice-Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services General Maung Aye meeting with national races leaders on
his inspection tour in Kokang region, oil painting of opening of
Namting Bridge linking Wa and Kokang regions by Secretary-1 Lt-Gen.
Khin Nyunt, oil painting of the Secretary-1 signing in visitors book
at the opening of Laukkai Drug Elimination Museum in Kokang regions
and oil painting of Secretary-3 Lt-Gen. Win Myint meeting with Wa
national races leaders on his inspection tour in Wa region were put
on display. The world map and the maps showing the trafficking
routes of heroin, marijuana and Cocaine were displayed in booth-2.
In booth 3, the map showing how opium entered Myanmar and poppy
were put on display.
In booth 4, narcotic drugs control in the time of
Myanmar kings and announcement on narcotic drugs by King Padon were
displayed. Documentary photos on loss of lives due to the abuse of
narcotic drugs put on display in booth 5.
In booth 6, documentary photos on Kuomintang's
intrusion into Myanmar and their movement, evidences and
clarifications were shown. Pictures of withdrawal of Kuomintang
forces and plane crash of Lieutenant Peter were displayed in booth
7 and anti-drugs endeavours from 1948 to 1962 after gaining
independence in the booth-8 and anti-drugs endeavours from 1962 to
1974. In booth 9 anti-drugs endeavours from 1974 to 1988, seizures
of opium refinery by the Tatmadaw, precursors, painting of Ngayepan
and Taungyanshin Operations, photos and news reports of Ngayepan
Operations from 1 to 8, historic photos of Senior General Than
Shwe's activities in Moe Hein Operation Phase-6, historic photos of
the Secretary-1's activities in Moe Hein Operation Phase-8,
documentary photos and news reports of Moe Hein Operation Phase
from 1 to 12, painting of Moe Hein Operation, Senior General Than
Shwe's activities in Moe Hein Operation Phase-6, documentary photos
of Sisiwan Tarpan battle and engagements and operations in Monkyut
region and Barkyan region were displayed.
On the first floor of the museum, painting of
endeavours of drugs elimination in Myanmar was displayed. In booth
2 formation of Central Committee for Drugs Abuse Control,
organizational set-up and functions were put on displayed, in booth
3 policies on narcotic drugs, in booth 4 return to the legal fold of
armed groups, their locations and lists of armed groups that
returned to the legal fold, in booth 5 development in Kokang region,
in booth 6 documentary photos of armed groups that returned to the
legal fold, in booth 7, enacting of law on Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotrophic Substances, crime and punishment, law books,
notification on narcotic drugs. The booth-8 displays about the
salient points of special anti-narcotic squads; the booth-9, the
portraits of the Secretary-1 and ethnic leaders destroying poppy
fields; the booth-10, the map of Wa region and poppy substitution
crop cultivation; the booth-11, the definition of the stimulant
pills, types, raw materials, trafficking routes and their danger;
the booth-12, the destruction of seized drugs; the booth-13, the
map of Golden Triangle region; the booth-14, Myanmar's
international relations and signing of MoUs in eliminating the
drugs; the booth-15, the Myanmar-US joint opium yield survey; the
booth-16, the map of Mongla region; and the booth-17, the different
phases of the 15- year drug elimination project. The second floor
houses booths displaying the substitute crop cultivation and
farming, border areas development activities, treatment of drug
addicts, drug rehabilitation tasks, drug education programmes,
cooperations with global nations and organizations and the
activities of MNA.
(2) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt inspects
finishing touches of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
YANGON, 26 June- Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt arrived at Mindhamma
Hill where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is being kept in
Insein Township at 6 p.m. today. The Secretary-1 was welcomed by
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen. Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology
U Nyi Hla Nge, technicians and members of the Pagoda Board of
Trustees. First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt paid homage to Lawka
Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected finishing touches
of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, sample of lamp-post and
blue-print for construction of Hmam Kyaungsaungdaw. Officials
conducted the Secretary-1 round the project site. The Secretary-1
also inspected sample of Shwezawa Yun (Golden lacquerware) to be
installed at Gandakyuti Kyaungdawgyi. Myanmar handicraft technician
U Ohn Tin explained the progress of work. Secretary- 1 Lt-Gen. Khin
Nyunt then inspected construction of the southern stairway,
installation of Myanma handicraft at stairways, greening of
Mindhamma Hill and plantation of Dekkhina Sakha Bo tree. Then,
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt attended to their needs and left
there in the evening..
(3) Secretary-1 presents prizes to winners
in literature, music, painting and cartoon competitions to mark
Anti-Drug Abuse Day
YANGON, 26 June- A ceremony to present prizes to
winners in the literature, music, painting and cartoon competitions
to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking, organized by Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control,
was held at the administrative office of Drug Elimination Museum at
the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Roads at 9.15 am today,
attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Prime Ministers and
Lt-Gen. Tin Tun, the ministers, the Chief Justice, the
Attorney-General, the Yangon Mayor, the deputy ministers, officials
of the State Peace and Development Council, departmental heads,
senior police officers of the Myanmar Police Force, Ambassadors and
Military Attaches, resident representatives and officials of UN
agencies, members of the board of judges for the competitions,
members of the central committee for organizing the ceremony to
mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking, teachers, officials of the social organizations,
departmental officials and guests.
At the ceremony, Chairman of CCDAC Minister for
Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing delivered an address.
He said: The International Day Against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking, which falls today, has been celebrated
continuously for 14 years, inclusive of this year. On this occasion,
I am also pleased to say that, for the 4th time, we have included
today, the ceremony of awarding of prizes to the winners of
literature, music, painting and cartoon competitions commemorating
the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Under the guidance of the State leaders, this grand and imposing
Drug Elimination Museum has been constructed and it will be a
showcase to all domestic and foreign visitors of the endeavours
Myanmar is putting up in every aspect to really eliminate the curse
of narcotic drugs.
This will actually be a commemorative building
justifying to our efforts and this ceremony inside the Museum
Administrative Hall bears to that fact. It is a well-known fact that
the Government of the Union of Myanmar has carried out the task of
eliminating the scourge of narcotic drugs with our own resources
with great effort, which needs no elaboration.
The Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, and
the respective line Ministries have been increasing their efforts
in the crusade against the elimination of narcotic drugs as
envisaged by the State and the State Leaders, to which there has
been resounding success. In implementing narcotic drugs control,
Myanmar approaches the problem in a multi-faceted manner.
Educational programmes to wean the poppy farmers away from the old
lifestyle to a new lifestyle, by highlighting the adverse effects of
narcotic drugs, are carried out simultaneously with the development
plans. Substitute income for that obtained from opium are
Demand reduction programmes are also
simultaneously carried out together with supply reduction
activities. Besides heroin, the problem of stimulant abuse has
cropped up and become popular among the youth. It has the capacity
to elevate mood, dispel hunger and fatigue; and erroneous view
instilled into the youths by avaricious traffickers. It is not easy
for a youth to come out of its clutches once he gets addicted.
Preventive drug abuse education, lectures, exhibitions and
competitions are held to keep the youths from following the wrong
It is commendable that the non-governmental
orgainzation Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association (MANA) is joining
hands with the government in this endeavour. There is a need for the
emergence of more NGO's to join in the effort. The Central
Committee for Drug Abuse Control has striven to implement its law
enforcement effectively in accordance with the prescribed Drug
Laws. " No Precursor Chemicals, No Drugs " is a phrase that is being
used in the world today. Without the precursor chemicals necessary
for the production of drugs, it will not be able to produce
narcotic drugs. We are not in a position to produce precursor
chemicals. Joint measures are being taken
between neighbouring countries to stem the flow of trafficking in
precursor chemicals
Today, we are not the only country that is facing
the menace of drugs. Be the country small or big and powerful the
problem of drugs is faced by all nations of the world. The United
Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) has been
established under the United Nations to foster concerted
international action against illicit drug production, trafficking
and consumption.
Also, respective countries have drawn up
bilateral agreements, sub-regional action plans with their
neighbours to fight against drugs. Myanmar is state party to all
three Conventions on drugs; the 1961 Single Convention, the 1971
Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 UN Convention
Against Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances and has fully enforced their provisions. The Union of
Myanmar has drawn up and is implementing a 15-Year Narcotic
Elimination Plan from 1990/2000 to 2013/2014 using our own
It is also a world-recognized fact that opium
cultivated has decreased 30% compared to the previous year. Some
States and organizations have very kindly provided us with monetary
assistance to certain extent to eliminate narcotic drugs. I wish to
elaborate here that although our country has limited resources, we
have invested millions for kyats in our fight against drugs.
Whether we receives assistance or not, we will not waver from our
task. I solemnly declare that our country will continue to march
forward until we achieve our goal. At this commemorative ceremony,
it is also an occasion to honour the scholars who have participated
in our struggle to eradicate narcotic drugs.
At this function, to mark the International Day
Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, short stories, poems,
articles, songs, paintings and cartoons competitions are held and
fitting prizes are awarded. UNDCP Yangon Office also contributed
monetary assistance every year. These actions reflected high regard
the State holds on the occasion. This year the slogan by UNDCP
highlights sports Sports Against Drugs.
It is necessary to spend youth for their spare
time on sports and not on drugs. It becomes important for the
relevant departments and organizations to elevate the role of
sports. Then, Resident Representative of UNDCP Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu
read out the message sent by UN Secretary-General Mr Kofi Annan.
Afterwards, Resident Representative of UNDCP Mr
Jean-Luc Lemahieu presented K 150,000 for presenting prizes to the
winners in the competitions to mark the International Day Against
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to Chairman of CCDAC Minister
for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing. Next, the prize presentation
ceremony was followed.
First, the Secretary-1 presented first, second
and third prizes to Ma Aye Myat Mon of Dagon Basic Education High
School No 1, second year student Ma Thet Phyu Win of University of
Culture and Maung Nanda Aung of Latha BEHS No 1 respectively in the
15-20 age painting competition and special prizes to Maung Kyaw Thet
Aung of Bahan BEHS No 2, Ma May Theint Tun Ni of Kamayut BEHS No 2,
Maung Aung Myo Tun of Mandalay BEHS No 13, Ma Aye Ei Soe San of
Latha BEHS No 2 and Maung Kyaw Hsint of Bahan BEHS No 3
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented
first, second and third prizes to Maung Hla Han, U Aung Moe (Shanlay
Arts) and Ma Thazin Soe Myint (University of Culture) in the
above-20 age painting competition respectively and special prizes
to five winners.
CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Kyaw Zay
Han of Institute of Education Practising School, Maung Kaung Myat
Min Soe of IEPS and Maung Ye Htin Kyaw of Dagon BEHS No 1 in the
10-15 age painting competition respectively and special prizes to
five winners.
Vice-Chairman of CCDAC Minster for Foreign
Affairs U Win Aung presented first, second and third prizes to
Maung Kyaw Zeya of Bahan BEPS No 3, Maung Htet Naing Lin of Dagon
BEHS No 1 and Maung Kaung Myat Oo of Tamway BEPS No 18 in the
under-10 age painting competition respectively and special prizes
to five winners.
Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee
Mayor U Ko Lay presented first, second and third prizes to Maung
Than Taing Tun (Myo Win Tun-Monywa), Soe Min Thein and Daw Khin Toe
Aye in the above-20 age cartoon competitions and special prizes to
five winners.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented
first, second and third prizes to Ma Thet Phyu Win of University of
Culture, Maung Ye Kyaw Tha of University of Distance Education and
Maung Moe Htet Kyaw of Bhamo BEHS No 3 in the 15-20 age cartoon
competition respectively and special prizes to five winners.
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa presented first, second and third
prizes to Ma Thit Thit Han of Taikkyi Myoma BEMS, Ma Win Win Maw of
Institute of Education Practising School and Maung Phone Htet Aung
of Mingaladon EBHS No 5 in the 10-15 age cartoon competition
respectively and special prizes to five winners.
Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung
presented first, second and third prizes to Maug Ye Zarni Aung of
Institute of Education Practising School, Ma Thinzar Lwin of Latha
BEHS No 2 and Ma May Thet Zin of Lanmadaw BEHS No 1 in the under-10
age cartoon competition respectively and special prizes to five
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Zarni
Tun (BA-Philosophy), U Zaw Win (Zaw Win-Hnget-pyawthee) and Cartoon
Htay Aung (Bo Htay) in the poster (open) competition respectively
and special prizes to five winners.
Minister for Education U Than Aung presented
first, second and third prizes to Maung Nyein Chan Aung of Kyauktan
BEHS No 1, Maung Htet Aung Phyo of Thakayta BEHS No 2 and Maung
Nanda Aung of Latha BEHS No 1 in the poster (senior) competition
respectively and special prizes to five winners.
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Tin
Winn presented first, second and third prizes to Ma May Thet Zin of
Lanmadaw BEHS No 1, Maung Thiha Tin of Dagon BEHS No 1 and Ma Shwe
Wun Yan of Kyauktada BEPS No 6 in the poster (junior) competition
respectively and special prizes to five winners.
Resident Representative of UNDCP Mr Jean-Luc
Lemahieu presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Aung
Phone Wai (Aung Phone Wai), Ma Khin Zargyi Kyaw (Khin Zarni
Kyaw-Kawlin) and U Tin Aung Ngwe (Naygyi-Magway) in the short story
competition respectively and special prizes to five winners.
Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and
National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen. Than Tun presented
first, second and third prizes to U Ko Ko (Ko Ko-Research), Daw Hla
Thein (Ma Hla Thein) and Ma Aye Myat Myat (Aye Myat Myat-UFL) in
the article competition respectively and special prizes to five
Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen. Aung
Thein presented first, second and third prizes to U Khin Maung Tun
(Min Thway Nwe-Zigon), U Moe Aung (Maung Maung Moe Aung) and WOII
Khin Maung Latt (Maung Latt-Coastal) in the poem competition
respectively and special prizes to five winners.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen. Soe Win
Maung presented first, second and third prizes to WO Win Tun (Win
Tun-Myawady), Police Captain Tin Lin (Ko Tin Lin) and U Htein Win
(Moe Htut Khaung) in the song competition respectively and special
prizes to five winners.
Then, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for
the literature, music, painting and cartoon competitions to mark
the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Secretary of CCDAC Director-General of MPF Police Maj-Gen Soe Win
presented gifts to U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin), on behalf of the
board of judges. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 cordially met
guest and prize-winning students.
(4) Secretary-3 Lt-Gen. Win Myint attends
first four-monthly meeting of Ministry of Commerce
YANGON, 26 June- The first four-monthly meeting
for 2001 of Ministry of Commerce was held at the meeting hall of
the ministry on Strand Road this morning, attended by Secretary-3 of
the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen.
Win Myint.
Present also were Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen.
Pyi Sone, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Lt-Gen. Min Thein,Ê Minister for Livestock and
Fisheries Brig-Gen. Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Energy
Brig-Gen. Lun Thi, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung,
Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen. Kyaw Hsan, advisers at the
Ministry of Commerce, the directors-general, the managing
directors, the deputy directors-general, the general managers, the
directors, the Chairman of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry, managers, engineers, factory managers and
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen. Pyi Sone reported
on basic principles laid down by the Ministry of Commerce, trade
targets and export and import sectors with the help of video to the
Secretary-3. Then, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen. Win Myint delivered a speech
on the occasion. Then, the meeting was held.
(5) Myanmar Women's Day coordinated
YANGON, 26 June- A coordination meeting to hold
the Myanmar Women's Day which falls on 3 July was held at Social
Welfare Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon. Present
were Chairman of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's
Affairs Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
U Hlaing Win, Chairperson of Organizing Committee for Myanmar
Women's Day Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Vice Chairperson Professor Daw
May May Yi and committee members, advisers and officials. Dr Daw
Khin Win Shwe delivered a speech. Then, officials of various work
committees reported to the meeting on their progress work. Later,
the meeting ended with concluding remarks by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.
(6) Minister inspects new Boeing 737-300
for MAI
YANGON, 26 June-Minister for Transport Maj-Gen
Hla Myint Swe accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen. Kyaw Myint,
Director-General U Win Maung of Department of Civil Aviation and
officials, this morning, inspected a new Boeing 737-300 aircraft
for Myanmar Airways International which arrived here yesterday
evening at Yangon International Airport.
The 126-seater 12 for first class and 114 for
economy class plane will join MAI fleet in July. The minister and
party also inspected clearing of weeds with the use of machines and
repair work of aircraft at the mechanical department of Myanma
inspects mineral exploitation in Shan State (South)
YANGON, 26 June- Minister for Mines Brig-Gen. Ohn
Myint, accompanied by Managing Director U Hsan Tun of No 3 Mining
Enterprise and officials, inspected mines and factories in Shan
State (South) from 23 to 25 June. On 23 June, the minister met
employees of Heho mine and gave necessary instructions. The minister
then inspected the work site and production process. On 24 June,
the minister headed for Bawhsai Mine and inspected exploitation of
lead sulphide from the mine at Moegoung Hill. The minister gave
instructions on work site safety, emergency exit and signal system.
At Theingon Mine, the minister gave instructions
on boosting exploitation of minerals and supervision in fuel
utilization and met workers. The minister and party proceeded to
Tikyit, Pinlong Township and inspected coal exploitation of Shwe
Thanlwin Mining Co Ltd. Yesterday, the minister and party inspected
the coke plant being built in Kalaw by Oriental Prosperity Co Ltd
and coordinated on production of coke to be used in the smelting
plants, manufacturing for firewood-substitute briquette with the use
of the clean coal, extended searching for the cakine coal at the
surrounding areas of Inbyin region, Kalaw Township and availability
of raw materials. Then, the minister and party inspected the
advanced antimony refinery of May Flower Mining Enterprise Ltd and
production process of antimony trioxide.
(7) Yangon Division Police Force meets
YANGON, 26 June - Yangon Division Police Force
held its first four-monthly meeting this afternoon at Yangon
Division Police Commander's Office, addressed by Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. The commander said MPF which is a brother
organization of the Tatmadaw plays a vital role in ensuring the rule
of law and community peace and tranquillity. As its members are
trained to take part together with the Armed Forces in national
defence task in times of
emergency, it is a reliable force for the people. Police should
always keep in the fore the guidance given by Head of State Senior
General Than Shwe.
Also present were Deputy Commander Brig-Gen. Hsan
Hsint, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, chairmen of District Peace and Development
Councils, the commissioner of General Administration Department,
the division judge, the division law officer, the division police
commander and other police officers. Division Police Commander
Police Col Tin Win presented the trophies for outstanding
performance of police duties to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.
race for disabled held to mark Olympic Day
YANGON, 26 June-In commemoration of the Olympic
Day, Wheel-chair race for the disabled organized by Sports
Federation for the Disabled was held at Youth Training Centre in
Thuwunna on 24 June. Twenty men and six women participated in the
In three wheeler-race, Aung Gyi of Ministry of
Industry-1 won the first prize, Win Hsan Aung of Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation the second and Myo Tun of Ministry of
Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement the third. In men's
four-wheeler race, Soe Lwin of Yangon City Development Committee won
the first prize, Mya Khaing of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief
and Resettlement the second and Htein Lin of Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation the third. In women's four-wheeler race,
Nan Ma Sein of Ministry of Defence won the first prize, Tin Tin
Khaing the second and Sanda Myo Thant the third. After the races,
Chairman Brig-Gen. Aung Thein of Sports Federation for the Disabled
and officials presented prizes to winners.
(8) Modern banking services of MMB
explained in Taunggyi
YANGON, 26 June- Myanmar Mayflower Bank Ltd held
the ceremony to brief development and modern banking service of the
bank to entrepreneurs at the City Hall in Taunggyi, Shan State, 23
Present on the occasion were Secretary of Shan
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Maung, Chairman of
Taunggyi District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ye Tun Sein,
Chairman of Taunggyi Township Peace and Development Council U Bo Tu,
Executive Director U Win Naing of MMB, Managing Director U Khin
Maung, officials, bank staff of Mogok branch, MC Credit Card users,
entrepreneurs and businessmen. Executive Director U Win Naing of
MMB briefed those present on policy and development of the bank,
monetary and investment matters.
Managing Director U Khin Maung explained modern
banking services and situation of bank branches with the use of
data and charts. Then, officials answered the queries. After the
briefing, the executive director hosted a dinner to entrepreneurs
and presented souvenirs to them.
books donated to Ministry of Defence
YANGON, 26 June- A ceremony to present exercise
books donated by Ministry of Information for Ministry of Defence,
Adjutant-General's Office, Defence Services Schools of Education,
Defence Services Basic Education High Schools was held at the
Information Ministry of on Bo Aung Kyaw Road this afternoon.
Present were Deputy Minister for Information
Brig-Gen. Aung Thein, Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen. Maung Nyo,
Deputy Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Col
Kyaw Myint, Assistant Adjutant-General Lt-Col Soe Min, Managing
Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise Col Myint Thein,Ê
Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi,
Deputy Director-General of Information and Public Relations
Department U Aung Hsan, Director (News) of News and Periodicals
Enterprise U Hla Tun, Director (Admin) of Myanma Radio and
Television U Phone Myint Deputy General Manager (Production) Daw Mya
Mya, Head of
Office Captain Soe Aung and officials.
On behalf of the Minister for Information, Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen. Aung Thein explained the purpose of donation and
presented 50,000 exercise books to Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen.
Maung Nyo. Then, Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen. Maung Nyo spoke
words of thanks.
(9) 410,000 stimulant pills seized in
YANGON, 26 June-Members of local intelligence
unit and local police force stopped a Hilux Surf with number plate
Ah/9798 driven by Maung Naing (a) Kyaw Naing Swe of Sinde Village,
Yesagyo Township in Magway Division together with Ye Lwin of Ward
8, Tangyan and found 410,000 stimulant pills bearing the letters
"WY" at Tapin check-point in Kengtung on 13 June. The police
station concerned has taken action against them under Narcotic
Drugs and Psycho-tropic Substances Law.
traffickers get 15 years each
YANGON, 26 June-A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and local police force, acting
on information, searched the house of Thaung Kyi of Extended 3rd
Street, Kyauk Kyi Su Ward in Bago and found 497 grams of marijuana
in the kitchen on 26 August 2000. The Bago police station No 1 filed
Thaung Kyi, 45 and Kyu Kyu Mar, 38, under Narcotic Drugs and
Psycho-tropic Substances Law. The Bago District Court handed down
fifteen years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on them on 8 June.