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Sunday, 13 May, 2001
( 7th  Waxing  of  Nayon  1363  ME )

Volume IX, Number 27

Loka Niti
Note the words of the wise

  • -The Learned must want to do good for himself and for others
    -If he can do no good even for himself, much less for others, he should avoid doing what is bad.

(1) General Maung Aye attends dinner in honour of graduate officers of 104th Intake of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School

YANGON, 12 May- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief  of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State  Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen. Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen. Tin Hla, Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence and heads of the State Peace and Development
Council Office and departments concerned, the General attended the dinner in honour of the graduate officers of  104th Intake of the Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School at the military appointment hall of the  school yesterday evening.

Also present were graduate officers, parents and relatives and guests.  First, the General cordially met the graduate  officers.  Then, the General and party, together with the graduate officers, had dinner and watched entertainment  programmes presented by artistes of Myanmar Music Asiayon and Myawady Anyeint troupe.



(2) Myanmar committed to completely wiping out narcotic drugs with or without external assistance

Opium production in Myanmar drops to 40% in ten years

Secretary-1 attends 15th Ceremony for Destruction of Seized Narcotic Drugs

YANGON, 12 May-The 15th Ceremony for Destruction of Seized Narcotic Drugs of Central Committee for Drug  Abuse Control was held at Aungthabye Yeyeiktha on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township this  morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt.

Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon  Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chairman of Central  Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairman Minister for  Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, ministers, deputy ministers, leaders of delegation to Ministerial level meeting of the  signatory countries to Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control in East Asia and the Pacific Sub-region  and members, observers, delegates of UNDCP and Drug Control Programme for East Asia and sub-region in the  Pacific Region, heads of department, ambassadors, Charges d’ Affairs ai, military attaches, resident representatives
of UN Agencies and officials, Secretary of CCDAC Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and members, members of work committees, senior officers of MPF, officials of Ministry of Information,  Patron of Foreign Correspondents Club U Sein Win, President of FCC U Sao Kai Hpa and foreign correspondents,  correspondents of foreign news agencies, local and foreign newsmen and guests.

Secretary of CCDAC Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win reported on latest  developments on Myanmar’s endeavours for eradication of narcotic drugs. He said :

At the outset, on behalf of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, may I thank you all for your august  presence at this 15th ceremony for Destruction of seized Narcotic Drugs.

I would like to state that today’s ceremony is an auspicious due, which is different from the previous occasions,  because we are able to invite representatives from countries in the sub-region who have come to attend the Senior  Officials Level Meeting and the Ministerial Level Meeting of 6 Nations MoU on Drug Control in the Sub-region  and it is a privilege to explain and share our experience with them.

You are well aware that opium cultivation started to take root and proliferate in our country owing to the evil  legacy of the colonialists. The divide-and-rule system exercised by them turned Myanmar into a State of insurgency  after she gained her independence. Insurgency and opium cultivation and production are inter-linked and it had  not been easy to unravel them. After independence, successive governments tried to find a solution through  military, political and organizational means and by means of negotiation, but no successful solution was identified.

With the advent of the State Law and Order Restoration Council in 1988, emphasis was placed on national  solidarity, re consolidation and development of border areas. Realizing the goodwill and benevolence of the  government, 17 armed groups relinquished their armed struggle and returned to the legal fold.

This success facilitated the first and foremost opportunity after independence for the all round development of  Myanmar and the enhancement of the basic needs of the national races of border areas.

The prevalence of peace and stability in Myanmar enabled access to formerly inaccessible and far-flung opium  cultivation and production areas. Due to the changes that are taking place it is perceived that eradication of drugs  could be achieved gradually, it law enforcement is carried out hand in hand with regional development.

Hence, the State leaders laid down the following two strategies for the elimination of narcotic drugs and  psychotropic substances.

The designating narcotic drug eradication as a national duty and the comprehensive implementation of that  strategy.

To development and enhancement of the standard of living of the national races in the border areas and total  eradication of poppy cultivation.

In order to implement the above two strategies, three tactics namely, Law Enforcement, Supply Elimination and  Development Elimination are laid down.

And to realise the above two strategies and tactics, the following three methods are to be practically utilised:-

For the producer and abuser of narcotic drugs to enlighten their belief, conviction and their psychological make-up  for the better.

For the easy accessibility and communication between those national races on the highland and those at various  other places.

To development the socio-economic condition of the national races and border areas.

These policies and directives reflect he true desire and intention of the state leaders to wipe out the scourge of  narcotic drugs.

In our country, poppy and heroin are mainly cultivated and produced in the Eastern and North Eastern part of  Myanmar where communication is extremely difficult. These regions are in close proximity to China and Thailand  where we also share very long and porous borders with them.

For many years, the poor national races cultivated opium poppy without hindrance, which had been the evil legacy  of colonialism. After independence, successive governments attempted to eliminate poppy cultivation, utilizing  force to destroy poppy fields without any success. With the advent of the military government, these opium growers  were provided with special programmes with a view to obtaining alternative from agriculture and animal  husbandry.

In addition, the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs was also  established to effectively and expeditiously implement development programmes. Communication, education,  health and border area developments programmes were undertaken.

However, it is regrettable that as we are afforded with the opportunity to undertake drug eradication programmes in  these once inaccessible areas and gaining momentum in our endeavours, due to political reasons, external  assistance from western countries were discontinued.

However as we have already set our goals to completely wipe out narcotic drugs as our national duty, we are  committed to achiever our goal whether we receive external assistance or not. Without relying on external  assistance and based on our own resources, we have drawn up a 15 Year Drug Elimination Plan, commenced from  1999 and will terminate in 2014.

This 15 Year Plan is to be implemented in the 5 Year Phases. We have already implemented the first of the first 5  Year Phase. 25 townships are targeted in the first 5 year phase, 20 townships in the second phase and 9 townships  in the third phase. Agriculture, animal husbandry, construction of roads and bridges, communication and  transportation, energy, trade and commerce will be affected. On the other hand, for demand reduction, treatment  and rehabilitation, educating the students and youths, mass media information and law enforcement will be  harmoniously executed.

The expenditure for the first year (1999-2000) of the first 5 Year phase amounted to 1319.6054 million Kyats and  1.495 million US$. The total expenditure for the 15 Year Plan is estimated at 33588.136 million Kyats and 150  million US$.

I would like to appraise not only the distinguished guests who are gathered here but also the international  community that Myanmar has been combating drugs with might and main based on self reliance, and without any  international assistance.

Here I wish to cite Mr Sandro Calvani, Representative of the UNDCP regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific  who stated during the World Drug Report 2000 press briefing on January 23, 2001 that the Myanmar Government  has carried out the fight against narcotic drugs with all out efforts, that although newspapers are reporting and  portraying as if Myanmar as a whole is producing drugs, which is not the case as drugs are produced only in some  areas in the border areas. He also stated that reporters should get permission from the government and visit border  areas and be better informed of the real situation.

Mr Calvani briefed that opium poppy farmers at the border areas are earning only 100 $ US annually and that  narcotic drugs could be eliminated by crop substitution to obtain alternative income and UNDCP is lobbying funds  to provide assistance to Myanmar’s crop substitution programmes. However he stated that UNDCP is unable to  secure sufficient funds to implement projects wholly because of political blockade. During the last 3 years, the ratio  of drug control assistance funds received from donor community by Myanmar and Thailand is 1 to 300.

Mr Calvani spoke favourably about Myanmar’s fight against narcotic drugs, and I wish to go on record that it  clearly portrays Myanmar’s dependence on its own resources and efforts.

With reference to Myanmar’s Law Enforcement sector, according to Base Line Surveys conducted annually as a  nation-wide movement since 1998, we have witnessed a declining trend in poppy cultivation. In 1998/99  cultivation season, the acreage was 102,066.766, in 1999/2000, cultivation acreage dropped to 90,455.1 acres and  in 2000.2001, acreage continued to drop to 81,661.10.

Manual eradication was also carried out annually by enforcement agencies and looking at figures, in 1988/99  season 9824.667 acres were destroyed, while in 1999/2000 season-10,987.762 acres and in 2000/2001 season-23,007.359 acres were destroyed. Year after year as the cultivation decreased, we have been able to destroy more  acreage of cultivation.

The Annual Reoirt of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) for year 2000 showed that out of the  global production of 5,800 metric tons of opium, 79% was produced in Afghanistan, 6% was produced in other  countries while Myanmar produced only 15%. It showed that production in Myanmar dropped to 40% during the  past 10 years. Climatic factor may be cited as one of the reasons.

However, it is an undeniable fact that the efforts of the Myanmar government, in spite of numerous constraints,  contributed towards the decline.

In this regard, the Yangon UNDCP press briefing of the INCB Annual Report, also stated Myanmar’s effort in  implementing a 15 Year Drug Elimination Plan starting 1999. It was stated that the total value of opium produced  in Myanmar amounts to only 116 million US$, so it is feasible to generate substitute income. It also stated 96% of  the poppy farmers in the "Wa" Region cultivated opium owing to insufficient rice and they would easily stop  cultivating opium if alternative crop is available.

In spite of this positive trend, it is unfortunate that external assistance is not forthcoming. A review of international  funding for drug control programmes in Myanmar reached its lowest point in 15 years in 2001. Myanmar’s actual  and factual situation was highlighted in this press briefing and it is evident that the decline in opium production is  the result of the endeavours of the Myanmar government.

If we review the figures of drug seizures in Myanmar, since 1988 annual seizures have been dropping significantly.  This declining trend supported the assessment that poppy cultivation and production in Myanmar has been  dropping considerably since 1997.

On the other hand, seizures of Amphetamine-Type-Stimulants in Myanmar were first made in 1996. Subsequently,  ephedrine used for the production of stimulants was seized staring 1997. We are very much aware that  neighbouring countries had been plagued with this problem for over a decade. It can be stated that ATS drugs  came into Myanmar only around 1996. But it is a fact that these ATS tablets were produced for the international  market inside and along the Myanmar border areas with precursor chemicals and paraphernalia trafficked in  illegally from neighbouring countries.

With regards to ATS, at the International Conference for a Drug Free ASEAN by 2015 organised by ASEAN and  UNDCP in Bangkok on October 11, 200, the US representative Mr Jim Callahan stated that he had visited the Wa  Alternative Development Project, and stated that it would be difficult to implement a development programme in  such a far-flung and remote area, but he believed that the basic foundation had been laid, which is an indication of  the success of the crop substitution programme.

He rightfully pointed out that local poppy farmers are involved in the stimulant production and stated it clearly  shows the hand of international drug syndicates working for a profit;- a fact that calls for increased law  enforcement strategies. This statement truly brought out the real nature of stimulant drugs production in the border  areas of Myanmar.

Also, stimulants still have limited market in Myanmar. Ephedrine powder, the starting material or precursor  chemical for manufacturing stimulants in neither produced nor available in Myanmar. Moreover, chemists and  skilled technicians for the production of stimulants and specific substances are not readily available in Myanmar  either.

In this connection, it is quite obvious that international drug syndicates, in collusion with local drug traffickers, are  illicitly manufacturing stimulants for the international markets.

In this regard, under the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, for interdiction purposes, up to 1999, 18 anti-drug units had been deployed at major trafficking routes and strategic locations around the country.

However, due to the fact on drug production, changes in trafficking routes, increased production of stimulant  drugs, trafficking routes of precursor chemicals and paraphernalia, increased coordination and cooperation with  neighbouring countries, 3 new anti-drug units were formed at Bhamaw, Bago and the new Mandalay International  Airport while some anti-drug units are redeployed due to the changing trafficking routes and drugs situation in the  country.

Myanmar, as a signatory to the 1988 UN Convention and to be in line with the stipulations of the Convention, 8  precursor chemicals were notified as controlled chemicals used in the production of narcotic drugs and  psychotropic substances. Due to the escalating problem of ATS production on the Thai Myanmar border, and a  increasing percentage of caffeine in ATS tablets, on October 2, 2000 under notification 3/2000, caffeine was added  to the list of controlled precursor chemicals.

In addition, under notification 1/2001 a supplementary list of 12 precursor chemicals were also notified as  chemicals used in the production of narcotic drugs. To date Myanmar has 21 controlled chemicals.

Myanmar is not only taking vigorous measures to suppress narcotic drugs domestically, but is also cooperating  closely with neighbouring countries such as China, Thailand, Laos and India, conducting alternate cross border  meeting at the border to solve drug problems arising and affecting along the common borders.

Myanmar has bilateral agreements on drug control with countries within the region such as China, Laos, Vietnam.  Philippines and also the Russian Federation, which is outside the region. Myanmar is also a signatory to the  Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Abuse Control with China, Thailand Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and  has been actively implementing the Sub regional Action Plan Projects agreed upon by the MoU.

With respect to international relations, Myanmar is an active player during last year, hosting the 20th Meeting of  the ASEAN Chief of Police (ASEANAPOL) in May 2000. Similarly, in November 2000, Myanmar hosted the 24th  Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies of Asia and the Pacific in Yangon.

What I have presented this morning illustrates the stand taken by Myanmar concerning drug elimination and the  efforts made to realise it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that since 21990 when we first conducted ceremony for the destruction of seized  drugs, we have now reached to the 15th occasion.

As the amount of drugs that have been torched since the first to the fourteenth destructions including the amount to  the destroyed today have been distributed, I shall not go into detail on it but give you a highlight on the drugs we  are going to destroy today, which are:-

Opium 1301.428 kgs

Heroin 116.469 kgs

Marijuana 439.931 kgs

ATS Tablets 27248615 tablets (2724 kgs)

Ephedrine 1562.692 kgs

The opium, heroin and stimulants we are going to burn this morning is worth 900 million US$ in the streets of the  United States of America. The grand total of all the narcotic drugs destroyed today is estimated at 920 million US$.

You are kindly invited to inspect the authenticity of the drugs displayed at the adjacent field before they are set  ablaze by yourself.

I would to conclude my presentation by extending my deep appreciation to members of the State Peace and  Development Council, Diplomats, Military Attaché and invited guests, who have given time from your busy  schedule to grace this occasion.

The Secretary-1 and party and guests watched bottles of cough mixture which contains narcotic drugs being  destroyed by the rollers.

Then, diplomats, military attaches and officials of UN Agencies tested narcotic drugs which will be burnt.

Afterwards, General Secretary Lt-Gen. Em Sam An of National Anti-Drug Authority of Cambodia, Director-General Mr Yang Fengrui of National Narcotic Drug Control Commission (NNCC) of the People’s Republic of  China, Chairman General National Drug Control Commission of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Minister Mr  Soubanh Srithirath at the Prime Minister of Thailand, Deputy Minister Police General Le The Tiem of Narcotic  Drug Control National Committee of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr  Gleb A Ivashentsov, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori, Ambassador of Korea Mr Chung Jung-Gum,  Ambassador of Cambodia Mr Nim Chantara and Mr Sandro Calvan of UNDCP and Drug Control Programme for
East Asia and sub-region in the Pacific Region who attended the Ministerial level meeting of the signatory  countries to Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control in East Asia and the Pacific Sub-region pressed the  buttons of remote controls to set on fire the narcotic drugs.

Then, the Secretary-1 and party and guests inspected torching the narcotic drugs.

A total of 1,301.48 kilos of opium, 116.469 kilos of heroin, 4.614 kilos of opium oil, 255.946 kilos of opium liquid,  493.931 kilos of marijuana, 296.090 litres of Phensedyl, 27,248,615 stimulant tablets, 1,562.692 kilos of  Ephedrine powder, 15.194 kilos of opium powder, ten kilos of brown opium, 153.370 litres of cough mixture, 0.8  litre of Methadone, ten kilos of Pethadine, 1,244 Diphenoxylate tablets, 150,000 Lizotan tablets, 54,000 Ephedrine  tablets, 18,304 litres of Codinephosphate, 6,343 Phenobarbital tablets, 604 Methaqualone tablets were destroyed .
According to the street price in US, the value of narcotic drugs was US $ 920 million.

The first destruction of seized narcotic drugs was held on 13 February 1990.

The total of narcotic drugs destroyed up to the 15th destruction were 123,694.208 kilos of opium, 3,747.529 kilos  of heroin, 159.519 kilos of opium oil, 435.604 kilos of opium liquid, 5,417.709 kilos of marijuana, 30,417.015  litres of Phensedyl, 80,855,208 stimulant tablets, 11,582.442 kilos of Ephedrine powder, 231.819 kilos of brown  opium, 1,518.121 litres of cough mixture which contains opium, 1,489 bottles of injection containing opium,  39,177 cough tablets, 7,911 Methaqualone tablets, 34.277 kilos of low grade opium, 722,32 Diphenoxylate tablets,
10 Morphine Sulphate tablets, 544,58 Ephedrine tablets, 8,008 Phenobarbital tablets, 23 bottles of Phenobarbital  injection, 30.452 kilos of stimulant, 10.8 litres of Methadone, 2,143.471 kilos of Phenyl Acetic Acid, 21.787 kilos  of opium powders and 150,000 Lizotan tablets.

The value of narcotic drugs destroyed up to the 14th destruction was about US $ 3,600 million according to the  retail price in the US.

The total value of narcotic drugs destroyed up to the 15th destruction was US $ 4,520 million.



(3) Secretary-1 addresses Sixth Anniversary of Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs’ Association

YANGON, 12 May- A ceremony to mark the sixth anniversary of Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs’ Association was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 5 p.m. today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State  Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt.

Also present on the occasion were Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of the Secretary-1, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of  Lt-Gen. Tin Oo, Daw Khin Cho Oo, wife of the Secretary-3, member of the State Peace and Development Council  Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife  Daw Marlar Tint, the ministers and their wives, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and  Training Board, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental
heads, members of Myanmar National Committee for Women’s Affairs, advisers, members of Panel of Patrons of  MWEA, advisers, the chairperson and EC members of MWEA, wellwishers and guests.

Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said: The success and progress of Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs’  Association, which is made up of women who are outstanding and efficient in the economic sector, evinces the  correct policy and noble goodwill of the government.

The national requirements to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand tall in the world are strong national economy  and the emergence of national forces which can contribute to the development of the nation.

While efforts are being made to further strengthen national economy, the objective of enabling the citizens of  Myanmar to enjoy the fruits originating from success is to be implemented. Therefore, the government is giving  encouragement in all sectors to improve businesses of national entrepreneurs which can shape the national  economy, that is to say, to ensure that the initiative to shape the national economy is to be kept in the hands of  national people.

As the government is giving encouragement, successful national entrepreneurs are emerging. Out of the women  mass who are working in keeping pace with the men throughout successive eras, a number of outstanding, efficient  and successful women entrepreneurs have emerged.

By tradition, Myanmar women are gentle and polite. As they have been given a deserving place on an equal  footing with that of Myanmar men in Myanma society, they are no less efficient than men. It can be attributed to  their innate ability.

In a bid to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations, the government has mobilized  national forces in respective sectors. It has also organized Myanmar women, who have shared duties with men in  the course of Myanmar history, into a national force.

Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association has organized women entrepreneurs and intellectuals and  intelligentsia in the economic sector as well as in the management sector into a women force. The association is a  socio-economic association which is striving to promote the business efficiency of women, to disseminate business  and management knowledge and to improve their socio-economic life.

Then, Patron of MWEA Dr Daw Yee Yee Hla and Chairperson Siha Sudhamma Singi Daw Sein Sein gave  speeches.

Secretary Daw Nu Nu Yi reported on the annual report for 2000-2001. Adviser Prof Daw Khin Aye Win of  Psychology Department of Yangon University reported on undertakings of MWEA.

Today’s donations included K 570,000 by Daw Hla Myint and party (Malaysia Travels), K 500,000 by U Aik Tun-Daw Than Than Win (Asia World Bank), K 459,000 by Daw Poh Poh Khaing (Champion  Pawhsanhmway), K  400,000 by Daw Yu Yu Khaing (Sinma Furnishings Co Ltd), K 400,000 by U Tun Myint-Daw Aye Aye Nyunt, K  300,000 by Saya Nay Lin and U Ko Ko Win, K 300,000 by U Myat Thin Aung-Daw Khin Myint Myint, K 250,000  each by U Khin Maung Aye-Daw Khin Lay and U Myint Oo-Daw Le Le Htar, K 150,000 by U Maung Maung
Lwin-Daw Sein Sein, K 100,000 each by Daw Theingi Win, U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Sein, U Ho Swan-Daw  Aye Aye Mu, U Aung Naing-Daw Ei Ei Khet, K 60,000 by U Maung Maung Oo-Daw Thet Yi, K 50,000 each by  Daw Khin Aye Myint, Daw Gin Nyo, Daw Khin Mar Win, Daw Tin Myint and Daw Tin Tin Nwe. The  chairperson and vice-chairpersons accepted the donations.  Then, the guests were served with dinner to mark the  sixth anniversary of the association.
Secretary-1 attends cornerstone laying ceremony for UMFCCI building

YANGON, 12 May-A ceremony to lay cornerstones for new building of the Union of Myanmar Chambers of  Commerce and Industry was held at the site chosen for construction of the building at No 29, Min Ye Kyaw Swa  Street, Lanmadaw Township, here, this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development  Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt.

Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and  Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the  State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, the president of UMFCCI, executives and  members, entrepreneurs, wellwishers and distinguished guests.

The Secretary-1, the ministers and officials took position at designated places.

The Secretary-1 placed silver casket with nine gems on the foundation.

The Secretary-1, the commanders, the president of UMFCCI laid cornerstones at designated places at the same  time. The Secretary-1 laid stone inscription on the foundation and sprinkled scented water on it.

After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the  ceremony.

The second session of the ceremony followed at the same venue. President U Win Myint explained work of  UMFCCI, and thanked to the wellwishers. U Win Myint of Golden Dragon Co Ltd presented K 3 million; U Kyaw  Win of Shwe Than Lwin Co Ltd, Chairman of Kan Baw Za Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win and wife Vice-Chairperson  Daw Nan Than Htwe (Siha Sudhamma Singi Siri Sudhamma Singi Agga Maha Siri Sudhamma Singi) family and  U Mya Han of Fortune International K 30 million each; U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co K 20 million; U  Htein Win-Daw Myint Myint of Myitmakha International Trading Ltd, U Win Aung of Dagon International, U
Htay Myint of Yuzana Co, U Teza of Htoo Trading and Ayeya Mye Agent Co K 10 million each for the  construction. The Secretary-1 accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.

Then, the donations totalled K 195.3 million and US $ 1,000 including K 5 million.  The 12-storey building is 209  feet in length and 80 feet in width. It has a basement in which 100 cars can park at the same time.

It consists of training halls, which will be installed international level offices and modern teaching aids, wedding  reception hall and reception hall, and it will be opened within one and half years.



(4) Secretary-1 receives Minister at Prime Minister's Office of Thailand

YANGON, 12 May- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Lt-Gen.  Khin Nyunt received Minister at the Prime Minister's Office of Thailand General Thammarak Isarangura at the  Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 2 p.m. today. Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U  Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department  and officials.



(5)Chairman of Council of the People’s Attorneys of Lao PDR concludes visit

YANGON, 12 May- Chairman of Council of the People’s Attorneys Mr Khampane Philavong and party of Lao  People’s Democratic Republic left here by air this morning after visiting here at the invitation of Attorney-General  U Tha Tun.

The Lao delegation was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Attorney-General U Tha Tun, Deputy  Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General Dr Tun Shin of Attorney-General’s Office, officials of the  Laotian Embassy, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Attorney-General’s Office.  Press Conference  on Meetings of Ministers and Senior Officials of the Signatory Countries to MoU on

Drug Control and High Level Bilateral Meetings on Drug Control

YANGON, 12 May - A Press Conference on Meetings of Ministers and Senior Officials of the Signatory Countries to the 1993 Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control and High Level Bilateral Meetings on  Drug Control hosted by the Union of Myanmar and co-organized by UNDCP was held at the Hotel Equatorial  yesterday afternoon. Present were delegates of signatory countries  Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, the  Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Union of Myanmar, Thailand, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the  MoU on Drug Control, Chief Editor of the New Light of Myanmar of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Maung  Maung Aye, Chief Editor of Myanma News Agency (Internal) U Win Tin, editors of dailies, Chairman of  Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Hpa and member correspondents, correspondents of AP, AFP,
Reuters, DPA and NHK news agencies. Joint Secretary of Myanmar Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control  Police Col Khan Aung and Mr Sandro Calvani of UNDCP for Asia and the Pacific sub-region made introductory  speeches.

Police Col Khan Aung, Mr Sandro Calvani, member of Chinese delegation Mr Wang Qian Rong and member of  Thai delegation Mr Rasamee Vistaveth replied to the queries put by the correspondents. Police Col Khan Aung  said, " Although we do not have any extradition laws or treaties with other countries what we want to say is that we  cooperate on a case-by-case basis at the request of some countries, and depending on the case or seriousness of the  case we always comply. Up to the moment, we do not have any specific money laundering law. But we are drafting
a money laundering law. We are studying laws from neighbouring countries like Thailand and Singapore. Based  on the laws we have studied we are drafting the money laundering law. We are also attending meetings and  workshops at the regional and international levels to learn about the money laundering law. Up to now we have  reached the fifth drafting. We anticipate the law will be enacted soon, possibly before the end of the year.

" The member of the Chinese delegation said, " For the past decade, we have made effective measures against illicit cultivation of opium, especially the heroin and opium. We are reducing effectively in those producing areas. But in the past few years, we see another emerging situation. that is ATS which is on the increase. Especially after the meeting in Shanghai in 1996, we have got the idea that the ATS drugs were more dangerous. We should pay more attention to these ATM drugs. These drugs are easy to be accepted by the young people, more difficult for the
law enforcement to interdict and more difficult for the people to realize the danger of these drugs." Mr Calvani said: "

A few weeks ago, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Thaksin held a special session. At the beginning of the session, the commission discussed the AIDS problem. The cause of AIDS spread is drug injection, particularly heroin, particularly exchange of needles. In some countries, 70% of new infections originated from drug injection. This is becoming an issue for the ministers of Interior, Home Affairs and Public Health. It is becoming a top priority for the economic development of the region. " We have to consider both problems together  the increase of the amphetamine type stimulants in terms of statistics. It is much bigger in number than injecting heroin. However, the side effect of injecting heroin is a smaller problem. It is having a bigger impact. So, two challenges have to be considered
together. Now amphetamine type stimulants have been replacing heroin. Now ATS is the problem  both have to be tackled together." The UNDCP delegate added, " We are very well aware of the developments in the Golden Triangle Area, not only for the drug control point of view, but also other threats coming from other activities of the trans-national organized crime.

" We fully subscribe to the conclusion of this meeting where you will find our balanced approach. The UN Special Session in New York in June 1998 clearly indicated that the way to go is balanced approach. More effective law enforcement, legal assistance and improvement of legislation are required." Concerning the production of Amphetamine, Police Col Khan Aung said, " we are aware that production is going on in border areas of Myanmar and Thailand and also in the border areas of Myanmar and China. Special measures are being taken." Police Col Khan Aung said, " We have taken action against any groups involved in drug production. The serious area, as mentioned by my Chinese colleague, is along the border.

" They blamed for causes from the region or along the region, approximately of Wa region. What I would like to emphasize is that it is not from the Wa region. We have a very very long border with Thailand and also with China." We talked about how we can cooperate in solving the difficulties of each other and we need to make more cooperation, cross border cooperation. We talked about how we can stop the flow of precursor and essential chemicals. At the same time, we need to do more cooperation in suppressing and stopping the smuggling of drugs." In response to the question of whether Thailand believes that the Wa group is the core of much of the stimulant pills coming into Thailand, the Thai delegate said that they do not believe that it is only Wa group. UNDCP is providing assistance for eradication of opium production and for cultivation of substitute cash crops. So the supply will decrease gradually. The problem has rooted for over decades. We need more time, patience, understanding and more cooperation. The Press Conference ended in the afternoon.



(6) Minister inspects roads and bridges in Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions

YANGON, 12 May-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun accompanied by officials left Shwegu at 8 am on 9 May and inspected Mandalay-Tagaung-Bhamo-Myitkyina road.

Officials reported to the minister on finished work and targeted work of Kyaytaw Kyi-Zinphone-U Daung Taung road at U Daung Taung camp. The minister gave necessary instructions.

Then, the minister and party proceeded to Han Htet via Win Khan on Mandalay-Tagaung-Bhamo-Myitkyina road. Minister heard a report on preparatory work for construction of Win Khan bridge at Win Khan camp. Minister left instructions.

Then, the minister and party inspected roads and bridges up to Han Htet. The minister and party left for Tagaung via Shwegu.

The minister left Tagaung at 8 am on 10 May. Officials reported to the minister on maintenance work of roads and bridges in Mandalay Division for the rainy season. The minister gave necessary instructions.
International Nurses Day-2001 observed

YANGON, 12 May- A ceremony to mark the International Nurses Day-2001, organized by Myanmar Nurses Association (Central), was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning.

Present were officials of the Ministry of Health, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (Central) Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Chairperson of MNA Daw E Barbaro, Acting Resident Representative of WHO Dr Anton Fric, members of MNA and guests.

Director-General Dr Wan Maung of Health Department read out the address of the Minister for Health.

Then, Senior Nurse Daw Mya Nwe of Central Women’s General Hospital presented K 20,000 to Chairperson Daw E Babaro.

Next, Chairperson Daw E Barbaro presented first, second and third prizes to Ma Hsu Kalya Hlaing of Yangon General Hospital Nurses Training School, Ma Khin Myo Tint of YGH Nurses Training School and Ma Nang Cherry Khaing of Central Midwifery Training School in the International

Nurses Day commemorative essay compatition respectively.  Afterwards, Chairperson of MMCWA Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe presented gifts to nurses of Waibagi Specialist Hospital.  Later, Director-General Dr Wan Maung presented gifts to over 80 years of age retired nurses.



(7) All-round construction of Mindhamma Hill continues with added momentum

YANGON, 12 May- Members of the Sangha, novices, nuns, and devotees visited Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township to pay obeisance to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, today.

Stone sculptor Siri Sudhamma Manijotadhara Sayagyi U Taw Taw and sons are putting on finishing touches on the Image.

Engineers and workers of Public Works participated in the construction of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi in which the Image is kept, southern and northern stairways and the retaining walls. Similarly, Myanmar handicraft technicians U Ohn Tin and group and U Hla Kyu and group carried out installation of Myanmar handicraft at Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and stairways.

The Sub-committee for the Greening of Mindhamma Hill also grew grass on 125 plots on the hill. Preparatory tasks for the garden are being undertaken by Irrigation Department with the use of heavy machinery to plant trees at the southern part of the hill before onset of the rainy season.

At the Nursery Garden of the hill, Forest Department grew 31,148 saplings including 26 kinds of plants, Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise 999 saplings and Parks & Playgrounds of Yangon City Development Committee 18,5000 saplings.

Those wishing to donate shady and flowering trees for the greening of Mindhamma Hill may buy saplings worth from K 25 to K 700 at Mindhamma Hill Greening Nursery Park on Mindhamma Road.

Wut associations recited religious verses on the hill.  Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information have opened various kinds of books, and Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon (Central) the souvenir shop.  Donations made by wellwishers from 5 August to date amounted to K 179,748,779.



(8) World Track and Field Day observed

YANGON, 12 May- Track and field events of under 20 were held in commemoration of Year 2001 World Track and Field Day at Aung San Stadium here this morning. Myanmar Olympic Committee General Secretary Sports and Physical Education Department Director General U Thaung Htaik, Myanmar Track and Field Federation President U Myint Tun, athletes and spectators watched the events. The track and field events included 100-metre and 1,500-metre races for both men and women, shot-put event, long-jump event, 110- metre hurdle-race for men and 100-metre hurdle-race for women were held. After the events, the officials presented prizes to the winners.

CEC member accepts USDA membership applications in Myothit

YANGON, 12 May- Member of Central Executive Committee of Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung accepted 7,000 USDA membership applications of Laydaingsin and Tebinsan village-tracts in Myothit Township yesterday. The master of ceremonies declared the two village-tracts as USDA villages. Then, the CEC member met local people. He gave necessary instructions and attended to their needs. The CEC member also inspected the rural health building and fulfilled the requirements. In Magway, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected Dyeing and Printing Plant and sales of Win Thuza Shop. Then, the minister inspected production of soft drinks of Myanma Foodstuff Industries there. Afterwards, the minister inspected production of
Soap Factory, storage of oil and materials for soap production and gave necessary instructions.



(9) KNU terrorists fire on Kawkareik-Myawady air-corn bus

YANGON, 12 May- KNU terrorists are disturbing community peace and tranquillity, committing destructive acts and torturing the people. On 11 May morning, about 40 members led by Tar Hmway of KNU terrorists fired launchers and small weapons on the air-conditioned bus with number plate 4Kha/8325 driven by U Hla Myint leaving Kawkareik for Myawady, at the estimated area N965165 between Kawkareik and Aukbote. On hearing the gunfire, local battalion and columns engaged with the terrorists and opened fire on them. The Tatmadaw columns are now in hot pursuit of the terrorists. The terrorists' gunfire killed co-driver U Na Bu and wounded Khin Zaw (a)
Mamut, son of U Khin Maung, Daw Kun Dut, daughter of U Aung Tun, Daw Nyo Nyo Lwin, daughter of U Aung Shwe, U Myint Aung, son of U Maung Maung, U Kyaw Naing, son of U Maung Maung and one member of the Sangha. The wounded persons are being warded at Kawkareik Hospital.

Yangon full of hustle and bustle

YANGON, 12 May-The pagodas were packed with pilgrims, amusement parks and recreation centres with holiday-makers and shopping centres with buyers in Yangon City today, Saturday. Such pagodas as Tooth Relic (Yangon), Thiri Mingalar Kaba Aye and Mailamu were crowded with members of the Sangha, nuns and laity far and near performing meritorious deeds. Among the pilgrims, tourists were seen at the pagodas. Holiday-makers flocked to People's Square and People's Park individually or in groups, and were playing various kinds of games there. Similarly, supermarkets, plazas, markets and stores were busy with people.  



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