( 1 ) Secretary-1 attends
enshrinement and htidaw hoisting ceremony of Abhaya Nanda Zina Sasanalankara Shwemyodaw
Pagoda in Mingaladon Garden City
YANGON, 27 AprilThe enshrinement and htidaw hoisting ceremony of Abhaya Nanda
Zina Sasanalankara Shwemyodaw Pagoda in Mingaladon Garden City in Shwepaukkan Myothit,
North Okkalapa Township took place this morning, attended by Secretary-l of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Present also were Shwekyin Nikaya Yatanyu Maha Nayaka Shweumin Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Kosalla, the Joint-Secretary Sayadaw of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and members of
the Sangha, the ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, Acting Chairman and
members of Multi-Party Democracy General Election Commission, the deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department,
well-wishers, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red .Cross Society and
Auxiliary Fire Brigade and officials.
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party received the Five Precepts from Joint-Secretary
of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Yenangyoung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Members of the Sangha recited the parittas.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented Seinbudaw and alms to Yenangyoung Sayadaw
Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Tejaniya.
The ministers and officials and well-wishers presented hngetmyatnadaw, relics and tiers
of the htidaw and provisions to members of the Sangha.
Member of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Tipitaka Maha
Gandayon-kyaungtaik Tipitakadhara Dhammabandagarika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Sumangalalankara delivered a sermon.
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party shared the merits. Then, the Secretary-l, the
ministers, well-wishers and officials conveyed the Seinbudaw, hngetmyatnadaw, relics and
tiers of the htidaw.

Next, the Secretary-1 conveyed the relics and tiers of the htidaw onto the decorated
float and sprinkled scented water onto them.
The Secretary-1 enshrined the sacred relics into upper reliquary and closed the
reliquary .
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt sprinkled scented water on the reliquary.
The Secretary-1 and party then hoisted the tiers of I htidaw atop the pagoda.
The Secretary-l hoisted the seinbudaw and hnetmyanadaw atop the htidaw and sprinkled
scented water on it.
After the htidaw hoisting ceremony of the pagoda, officials fixed the shwehtidaws atop
the surrounding pagodas.
Then, Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt performed the ritual of golden and silver showers
to mark the success of the ceremony. After the ceremony, the stake-driving ceremony for
the construction of Theindawgyi (Ordination Hall) was held at the designated site.

The Secretary-1 and party drove in the stakes and sprinkled scented water
on the stakes.
Then, cash donation ceremony for the pagoda was held at Kalaywa Sayadawgyi Beikmamdaw
in the compound of the pagoda.

Well-wishers U Tay ZaDaw Thida Zaw presented K I million, Mr Chan of Gold Uni Co K
300,000; U Thein Maung-Daw Pa Pa of Sandi Traditional medicine K 100,040; Dr Thein Myint
Tun and family K 100,000; U Tun and family K 100,000; Maung Swe Set Naing and family K
100,000; Maj Tin Aung-Dr Cho Laymar K 100,000 and Dr Tint Lwin US $ 1,000 to,Secretary-l
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
( 2 ) Commander inspects regional development in Taninthayi
YANGON, 27 April Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyawy, accompanied by departmental
officials, inspected construction of approach roads and piers at Kakyweku Kyaukphya Bridge
construction site on 18 April. He also inspected construction of rural road and embankment
for land reclamation.
The Commander and party inspected construction of rural roads linking 76th mile post
and Kyaukmaw-Ngakone villages on Myeik-Dawei road.
The Commander and party inspected construction of rural roads linking 63 mile post and
Kyaukse, Paauk and Kamaaing villages on Myeik-Dawei road and renovation of Basic Education
Primary School in Kamaaing Village on 19 April.
He then inspected oil-palm farm of Annawa Soe Trading Co and met teachers of Basic
Education Primary School in Mindaw Ward in Thayetchaung Township.
Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway paid obeisance and offered alms to member Sayadaw of State
Central Working Committee of Sangha Gawthitarama monastery Sayadaw and Zeyawadi monastery
Sayadaw in Dawei.
Commander attends concluding ceremony of Short term On-job
Training Course No 3 for High and Middle School Heads
YANGON, 27 AprilThe concluding ceremony of Short-term On-job Training Course No 3
for High and Middle School Heads of No 2 Basic Education Department (Upper Myanmar) was
held at No 2 Basic Education Department in Aungmyaythazan Township on 25 April-morning.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Director-General Lt-Col Win Htain spoke on the occasion.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint attended the coordination meeting of the supervisory
committee for monastic education schools in Mandalay Division, which was held at Maha
Wizayaranthi Salay Kyaungtaik in Chanmyathazi Township.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint supplicated on religious affairs and presented 35 sets of
robe donated by Division Peace and Development Council to members of the Sangha.
Then, Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann
Lwin presented 9,200 pencils and 35 religious books to members of the Sangha.
Commander inspects regional development tasks in Shan State
YANGON, 27 April Chairman of Shan -State (North) Peace and Development Council
Commander of North-East Command Maj Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, accompanied by
departmental officials, went to Tamoenye Village in Kutkai Township on 23 April and met
departmental officials, national race leaders and local people.
The commander gave instructions on regional development, extended cultivation of opium
substitute crops, ex-: tended livestock. breeding tasks and opening for multimedia
teaching centre at Tamoenye Basic Education High School and attended to their needs.
Afterwards, the commander inspected construction of the 24-mile-long Tamoenye-Monsi
gravel road and gave instructions.
Next, the commander inspected the 20-mile-long Monsi-Tapa road.
The commander inspected Namtown Village BEPS and then paid obeisance to Yanaungmyin
Pagoda in Monsi Village.
On 24 April the commander went to Monsi BEMS and presented K 2 million toward the funds
of the school.
Afterwards, the commander inspected Monsi-Panpheik-Monhong earthern road and the site
for construction of TV retransmission station in Monhong Village.
( 3
) Public health nursing
training course opens
YANGON, 27 April A ceremony to open a public health nursing training course for
township nurses (grade l), jointly organized by the Ministry of Health and the World
Health Organization, was held at the Institute of Nursing this morning with an address by
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
The minister said that the nursing training course to be opened at the Institute of
Nursing h the assistance of WHO is an important one to improve the health care for the
entire people. The Ministry of Health is implementing national health plans under the
leadership of the National Health Committee and it has also paid priority to the primary
health care of the people.
For the public health care project covered by the National Health Plan (19962001 ) of
Myanmar, the public health nursing working project is of great importance.
More staff have been appointed and hospitals and clinics upgraded in order to bridge
the gap of health care between rural and urban areas and extensively and effectively
provide public health care.
With regard to thc fur her strengthening of the staff, requirements for the qualitative
and quantitative improvement of nurses, who play an important role in providing public
health care, are being fulfilled. The government is rendering assistance to enable nurses
to learn higher nursing education so that they can become skilled and reliable ones
in whom the people put trusts.
Now nurses are engaged not only in basic treatment tasks for public health care but
also in the tasks of uplifting the standard of health, controlling diseases and
rehabilitating patients.
Those who can provide technical supervision for health employees and midwives
discharging duties at rural health centres are township nurses (grade 1). The township
nurses (grade I ) are to give technical supervision for public health care to all the
nursing staff at townships and villages where they are assigned duties. Therefore, the
course is jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.
The present course is meant for the township nurses (grade 1) from Lower Myanmar and the
township nurses (grade I ) from Upper Myanmar will also be able to attend the next course.
The aim of the training course is to train the township nurses (grade I ) in three months
to be able to assess the main health requirements of the people, choose the most important
health problems and solve them one by one with public health nursing systems which are
changing and improving.
On completion of the course, the township nurses are expected to be able to better
solve public health problems than they could previously .
In conclusion, the minister exhorted all the nurses to work hard at the course in order
that they can carry out public health care tasks in accordance with the national health
policy of the State.
Resident Representative of WHO Dr Anton Fric also spoke on the occasion.
Altogether 50 trainees of states and divisions are attending the three-month course.
Yenwe Multipupose Dam under construction to irrigates over
230,000 acres of crops
YANGON, 27 AprilMinister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin
inspected construction of the foundation of Baingda Diversion Weir north-west of DaikU in
Bago Division-yesterday. Located near Bago Yoma mountain range, the diversion weir is
being built on Baingda Creek. At the briefing hall of the project, Director-General of
Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win explained construction of the dam and the
water-supply structure and designs of the main darn, the outlet conduit and the spillway
and irrigation capacity.
In meeting with the officials, the minister discussed location of feeder canals and
distributory canals, possible irrigated areas, contiguous irrigated areas of the cluster
of dams Yenwe, Baingda, Kaliya, Bawni and Pyinbongyi on Pyontaza plain.
After inspecting earth work of the main dam and the building of reinforced concrete
outlet conduit, the minister urged officials to strive to complete the project in time and
to ensure long-term durability of the dam.
Covered by Sittoun basin development project, the dam will hold 374,000 acre feet of
water to irrigate 86,700 acres of crops on 46,700 aceas of land and will prevent floods at
Pyontaza plain during monsoon.
In the evening, the minister visited Yenwe Multipupose Dam project south of Myochaung
village, Kyauktaga Township. He inspected condition of the foundation soil and geological
work. The officials explained geological finds and construction of the spillway.
The rock plus earth filled dam will be reinforced with a diaphragm at the centre. The
800-foot-long and 100-feet-wide spillway is being built with reinforced concrete. The dam
will supply water to over 230,000 acres of crops on over 110,000 acres of land.
Gravel road linking villages put back into service in Maubin
YANGON, 27 April A ceremony to put back into service Thongwa-Pandaw-Kyaungywa-
Khanaunghtaw road which links villages in Thonkhwakyun, Maubin Township, Ayeyawady
Division was held this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Director-General of the Development Affairs
Department Col Myo Myint and officials, Director of Ayeyawady Division Development Affairs
Department U Ohn Nyunt, district and township authorities, members of the Union Solidarity
and Development Association and social organizations and the people exceeding 3,00.0.
Director U Ohn Nyunt and Chairman of Maubin District Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Thein Hlaing formally opened the road.
The road is a 7.6-mile-long gravel one built at a cost of K 6.8 million provided by
Maubin Township Development Affairs Committee and K 2.8 million contributed by the public
totalling K 9.6 million.
The minister also attended the ceremony to hand over a new building of Basic Education
Middle School of Kyaungywa and formally opened the multimedia classroom of the school.
At the ceremony, member of the Central Executive Committee Col Thein Nyunt also
accepted USDA membership applications of Kyaungywa Village.
The minister then attended the ceremony to open a clinic in Kyaungywa Village and
inspected roads in Maubin.
The minister also visited MyoU Pawdawmu Pagoda.
Contract signed for extension of Fire Brick Factory
YANGON, 27 AprilMyanma Ceramics Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1 and
Daimaru Kogyo Ltd of Japan signed a contract for extension of Danyingon Upgraded Fire
Brick Factory at the Sedona Hotel yesterday evening.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Deputy Ministers
Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors of the
departments and industries under the ministry, Senior Executive Director Mr Koji Nagano of
Daimaru Kogyo Ltd and party and guests.
Assistant Director of MCI U Thein Lwin explained matters about extension of the
After signing the contract, Managing Director of MCI U Than Shwe and Mr Koji Nagano
exchanged documents.
Mr Koji Nagano spoke words of thanks, and then the ceremony carne to a close.
Myanma Ceramics Industries had the factory built by Daimaru Kogyo Ltd in 1987. The
factory produced 900 tons of brick a year.
On completion of the factory, it can produce 1,800 tons of upgraded fire bricks per
Dhammacariya Course of Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik opened
YANGON, 27 April The third Summer Dhammacariya Course of Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik was
opened at the Kyaungtaik of Maha Aungmyay Bhodhi Yeiktha on Pinshwe Nyaung Street in
Tamwaylay Ward. Tamway Township this morning.
Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Aungmyay Bonsan Sayadaw Abhidhaja
Maharatthaguru Bhaddanta Panindabhivamsa invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
Then, members of the Sangha recited parittas.
Next, Minister U Aung Khin accepted the donations? K 1.2 million by Daw Kyi Chup of San
Francisco,USA; K 100,000 by Daw Khin Wi and Daw Ahma of Kyauk Myaung, Yangon; K1 10,000 by
Lt-Col Tun Win-Daw Yi Yi Win and family; K I 10,000 by U Myint Soe-Daw Shin Mi Hnaung and
family (Pwint Lan Restaurant); K 30,000 by Minister U Aung Khin-Daw Yin Yin Nyunt and
family; K 30,000 by Dr Mya Mya Win and family; K 50,000 by Daw Sein Sein and fammily; K
50,000 by U Kyi Myint-Daw Aye Aye Thein and family; K 100,000 by U Thein Soe Oo-Daw Oo Mya
Thein and family; K 30,000 by U Myint Soe-Daw Hnin Hnin Aye and family; K 30,000 by Saya U
Kyaw Min; K 100,000 by U Tha Ave and wife and family; K 10,000 by Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han
Daw Khin Khin Mya and family; K 10,000 by Brig-Gen Hla Myint and wife Lt-Col San San and
family and K 20,000 by Daw Ma Ma Gyi of Japan.
Afterwards, the minister and well-wishers presented offertories to members of the
Sangha, followed by sharing of merits gained.
The course is being at tended by 1,080 members of the Sangha and 321 nuns.
Prizes for outstanding performance presented to factories
YANGON, 27 AprilA ceremony to present prizes for outstanding performance to the
factories of the Ministry of Industry-l for 2000 2001 fiscal year was held at the training
hall of the ministry at 5 pm yesterday.
Factory Manager U Zaw Win of Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory, which won first prize for
1999-2000 fiscal year, handed over the championship shield to Minister for Industry-l U
Aung Thaung.
The minister presented the special prize for MPF to Factory Manager U Zaw Win for 2000
2001 fiscal year, third prize for Kyangin Cement Plant to Factory Manager U Kyi Maung,
second prize for Sagaing Textile Factory to Factory Manager U Aung Win and the
championship shield and K 500,000 for Paint Factory to Factory Manger Daw Aye Aye Hla.
The coordination meeting on assessment of performance of the Ministry of Industry-l for
2000-2001 fiscal year and of achieving the target for 2001-2002 fiscal year was held for
the second day at the same venue this morning.
The managers of factories under Myanma Foodstuff Industries, Myanma Pharmaceutical
Industries, Myanma Ceramics Industries, Myanma General and Maintenance Industries and
Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries reported on assessment of production work of the
factories concerned for 2000 2001 fiscal year and the objectives of boosting production in
20012002 fiscal year, and the managing directors concerned on assessment of respective
The minister attended to their needs.
The ceremony ended at noon.
( 4 ) Information
Minister receives ROK Ambassador

YANGON, 27 AprilMinister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Ambassador of
Republic of Korea Mr Chung Jung-gum at Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road this
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Managing Director of
News and Periodical Enterprise U Tin Kha. Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture
Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Deputy Director-General of MRTV Lt-Col Thein Aung, Adviser to the
Ministry of Information U Kyaw Min and Head of Office of the Ministry Capt Soe Aung.
Minister receives foreign guests

YANGON, 27 AprilMinister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Korean
delegation led by Vice-Mayor Mr Jung Young-Seok of Changwon City at his office at 8.30 am
today. The delegation was by Korean Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Chung Jung-Gum.
Similarly the minister received General Manager Mr Poh Seng Chul of Weng Hong Hung
Garment Manufacturing (Yangon) Co Ltd at the same venue at 9.30 am today. Also present
were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Directors-General, Managing Director and
officials of the ministry.
Pakistani delegation leaves for home
YANGON, 27 AprilA 16-member delegation led by Maj-Gen Raza Muhammad Khan of
National Defence I College of Pakistan left here by air this morning.
They were seen off at l Yangon International Airport by Commandant of National Defence
College Maj-Gen Moe Hein and senior military officers.
Seminar on trade promotion between Myanmar-Korea held
YANGON, 27 April A seminar on the trade promotion-between Myanmar and Koreas,
organized by Kyongnam Korea Trade Centre of Changwon City of Korea and sponsored by the
commercial group of the Republic of Korean Embassy, was held at the Traders Hotel this
Korean enterpreneurs of 17 companies led by Vice-Mayor Mr Jung Yong-Seok of Changwon
City and Myanmar entrepreneurs of &3 companies -discussed trade promotion between the
two countries.
Also present on the occasion were Ambassador of ROK Mr Chung Jung-gum, Attache
(Commercial) Mr Kim Jae-chan and officials.
Altogether 30 Korean entrepreneurs from 17 companies took part in the discussions.
( 5 ) Minister
for NPED arrives back from Thailand
YANGON, 27 AprilThe Myanmar delegation led by Minister for National Planning and
Economic Development U Soe Tha arrived back here from Thailand by air yesterday evening
after attending the 57th annual ministerial meeting of Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) held in Bangkok from 23 to 25 April.
They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Finance and
Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, directors-general of the Ministry of National
Planning and Economic Development and families.
The delegation members Director-General of Foreign Economic Relations Department
U Soe Lin, Deputy Director-General of Planning Department U Saw Lwin and Director of
Directorate of Road Transport U Aung Myint also arrived back on the same flight.
( 6 ) National
Convention Convening Commission meets

YANGON, 27 April The National Convention Convening Commission held a meeting this
afternoon at the Commission Office.
Chairman of NCCC Maj-Gen Saw Lwin chaired the meeting.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of NCCC Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and the Commission members.
The NCCC secretary and members of the National Convention Convening Work Committee and
the National Convention Convening Management Committee presented matters relating to the
National Convention.
The Commission members then took part in the discussions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Maj-Gen Saw Lwin.
( 7 ) Inter-Ministry Archery Tournament continues
YANGON, 27 AprilThe Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman's Trophy Inter-Ministry
Archery Tournament, organized by Myanmar Archery Federation, continued at Kyaikkasan
Archery Range this morning.
Present were Chairman of MOC Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy
Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thein Aung, Vice-President
of MAF Police Col Aye Ko, General Secretary U Kyaw Oo and executives and fans.
Nan Aung of Yangon City Development Committee stood first with 1234 poi5ts in the men's
70 + 70 + 50 + 30 metres event, Win Min Zaw of Ministry of Sports second with 1223 points
and Nyi Nyi Tun of Ministry of Defence third with 1209 points.
In the women's 70 + 60 + 50 + 30 metres event, Thin Thin Khaing of Ministry of Home
Affairs stood first with 1227 points, Thin Thin Oo of Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation second with 1169 points and Myat Thuza Myint of Ministry of Home Affairs third
with 1 156 points.
The events of the tour continue tomorrow.
Honorariums for ASEAN Award-winning Short Stories presented
YANGON, 27 AprilA ceremony to present honorariums for ASEAN Award-winning Short
Stories (1967-1999) of ASEAN sponsored by Printing and Publishing Enterprise under the
Ministry of Information was held at the Sarpay Beikman Printing Press on Pyay Road here
this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Ministers for Information U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen
Aung Thein, Managing Director U Tin Kha of NPE, Managing Director Col Myint Thein of PPE,
Deputy Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung of MRTV, Myanmar Writers and Journalists
Association Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and CEC members, literati, prize
scrutinization committee members, writers and translators who were to receive the
honorariums and others.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein made a speech Adviser to PPE U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu
Shin) explained facts about the presentation of honorariums.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented honorariums to writers Hsaung Win
Latt, Pe Myint, and Nay Myo Thant as well as Ma Wa Wa Lwin Oo representing her; father
writer Ko Nay (Kawlin) who compiled short stories in the book of ASEAN Award-winning Short
Stories. Next, Deputy Minister U Thein Sein presented honorariums to translators U Moe
Hein (Tha-journal-kyaw), U Myo Myint Thaung, U Kyaw Min (Min Kyaw Min) who did translation
for some short stories in u book, and U Myo Thant, the coordinator On behalf of the
writers and translators Hsaung Win Latt expressed words of thanks.
( 8 ) Fifty-one
persons exchange arms for peace in March
YANGON, 27 AprilThe I State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three
Main National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation with might and main to
ensure emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
Remaining armed groups realized that their destructive acts did not benefit the nation
at all for a long time and their acts retarded development of their regions, and they
understood the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the government. The remaining
armed groups have been exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
WO-I Saw Yoe of No I Brigade of KNU armed group and village/area tax in-charge
Ahan of No 18 Battalion of No 6 Brigade, with one AK 47, one M-21 and 90 rounds of
ammunition, in South-East Command area; Capt San Aw, 2nd-Lt Aung Myat, Cpl Aik Tu Tu,
L/Cpl Aik Lyan, Pvts Aik Si, Aik Hnyar, Aik Su, Aik Hsan, Pan Yi, Aik Hta and Aik Htaung
of Wa armed group with one .38 pistol, one .32 pistol, two carbines, one M-22, one M-79
launcher, one M-23, one Winchester, one double-barrelled shot-gun, one long-barrelled
shotgun, one shot-barrelled gun, 176 rounds of ammunition, five magazines, five grenades
and one bandolier in Eastern Command area; Lt Win Hlaing (a) Khaing Lin Yon of AA armed
group in Western Command area; Pvt Mee Khe of No 9 Battalion of KNU armed group and Pvt
Zin Min Tun (a) Min Min of No 3 Company of No 2 Brigade with one M-16, one magazine and
3.0 rounds of ammunition in Southern Command area; Pvt Shein Min, wife Than Htay, sons
Lwan Oo and Zaw Min Tun and daughter Cherry of BCP armed group in Coastal Region Command
area; Sgt Bo Nge, L/Cpl Saw Ta Pho Lar, Pvts Saw Thein Ngwe, Saw Myint Lwin, Hla Wm Kyi,
Bar Htet, Saw Baw Baw (a) Pha Baw and wife Naw Pha Wah, son Saw Pho Khe, Pvt Saw Pho Chit,
wife Tin Mar Nwe, son Saw Aung Chit, Pvt Saw Wah Dae, wife Naw Pi, daughter Naw Thi Tu,
Pvt Saw Pho Ku, wife Naw Mu La, son Saw Bar Kalo and daughter Naw Lar Po of No 11
Battalion of KNU armed group, Pvt Saw Tu, wife Naw Di Zay, sons Saw Htoo Aung and Saw Kalo
Htoe of DO 7 Battalion, Pvt Saw Aye Po of No 4 Battalion, cadre Saw Bi Wm (a) Saprite of
No 12 Battalion, People's Militia Dah Nei (a) Kyaw Min, wife Naw Yoe Khin, sons Nyein Chan
Oo, Tbein Kyaw Oo and Lwin Oo of No 11 Battalion with one M-16, one carbine, one gun,
three magazines, 52 rounds of ammunition, five grenades and two RPGs in Coastal Region
Command area, exchanged anns for peace at the respective military camps and units from 1
ro 31 March.
The officials warmly welcomed 51 persons who exchanged anns for peace and attended to
their needs. There are still more members of armed groups to exchange arms for peace.
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets jail
YANGON, 27 April Myitkyina District Court handed down separate sentences on a
21-year-old man, three years' imprisonment for drug abuse and another 20 years' for
possession, on 19 February.
The man, Myat Kyaw Oo, was arrested together with 5.958 kilos of opium on 8 March at a
place between Mogaung and Htopoo railway stations while riding the Mandalay-Myitkyina
Up-55 train. Acting on information, a combined team of local Intelligence unit members and
railway police made a search and found the drugs in his possession. He is son of U Win
Maung of Taung Laylon village, Shwenyaung.