( 1 ) Senior
General Than Shwe sends felicitations to President of South Africa
Yangon, 27 AprilSenior General Than
Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has
sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Thabo M Mbeki, President of the
Republic of South Africa, on the occasion of the Freedom Day of the Republic of South
Africa which falls on 27 April 2001.
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Yugoslav President
Yangon, 27 AprilSenior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a
message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Vojislav Kostunica, President of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, on the occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia which falls on 27 April 2001.
General Than Shwe sends message of congratulations to Japanese Prime Minister
Yangon, 26 AprilSenior
General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister
of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Mr
Junichiro Koizumi, newly elected Prime Minister of Japan.
of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister Senior General Than Shwe
sends felicitations to President of Federal Government of Yugoslavia
Yangon, 27 AprilSenior
General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister
of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Zoran
Zizic, President of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on the
occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which falls on 27 April
Chief Executive and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
of Pakistan to pay visit to Myanmar
Yangon, 27 AprilAt the invitation of the
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief
of Defence Services of the Union of Myanmar, Senior General Than Shwe and Madame Daw
Kyaing Kyaing, His Excellency General Pervez Musharraf, Chief Executive and Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Begum Pervez
Musharraf, will pay an official goodwill visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near
( 2 ) State
Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe receives PLA Chief of General Staff Headquarters and party
Yangon, 26
April Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe received visiting Chief of
General Staff Headquarters General Fu Quangyou of Peoples Liberation Army of the
Peoples Republic of China and goodwill delegation members at the Credentials Hall of
the Pyithu Hluttaw Building at 3 pm today.

Also present at the call were
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Deputy
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye,
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic
Studies Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military
Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for
Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister for Defence Brig-Gen Khin Maung Win, Deputy
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director of Ordnance Col Hla Tun of the
Ministry of Defence and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
The Chinese General and party were
accompanied by Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun and
Military, Naval and Air Attaché Senior Colonel Xu Shulai.
( 3
) General Maung Aye receives PLA Chief of General Staff

Yangon, 26
April Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General
Maung Aye received visiting Chief of General Staff Headquarters General Fu Quangyou of
Peoples Liberation Army of the Peoples Republic of China and goodwill
delegation members at Zeyathiri Beikman Tatma-daw Hall on Konmyinttha at 9 am today.

Also present at the call were Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies
Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Adjutant-General
Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air)
Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung, Deputy Minister for Defence Brig-Gen Khin Maung Win and Director of Ordnance
Col Hla Tun of the Ministry of Defence.
The PRC General and party were accompanied by
Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun and Military, Naval and Air
Attaché Senior Colonel Xu Shulai.
General Maung Aye hosts
dinner in honour of PLA Chief of General Staff Headquarters and party

Yangon, 26 April Vice-Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief
of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye hosted a dinner in honour
of visiting Chief of General Staff Headquarters General Fu Quangyou of Peoples
Libreation Army of the Peoples Republic of China and goodwill delegation members at
Zeyathiri Beikman Tatma-daw Hall on Konmyinttha this evening.
Also present
at the dinner were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the
Office of Strategic Studies Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt,
Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi
Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for
Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for
Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister for Defence Brig-Gen Khin Maung Win and senior
military officers of the Ministry of Defence.
The PRC General and party were accompanied
by Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun and Military, Naval and
Air Attaché Senior Colonel Xu Shulai.Before and during the dinner, variety songs and
music were presented by artists of the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture and
cultural dances were presented after the dinner.
( 4 ) PLA Chief of General Staff HQ visits Defence Services
Yangon, 26 April The
goodwill delegation led by Chief of General Staff Headquarters, Peoples Liberation
Army, Peoples Republic of China General Fu Quangyou, currently here at the
invitation of Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye,
visited Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this morning.
Accompanied by Director of Ordnance
Services Col Hla Tun of Ministry of Defence, Military, Naval and Air Attache Senior
Colonel Xu Shulai and officials, General Fu Quangyou and party arrived at Defence Services
Museum at 10.30 am.

They were welcomed by Director of Defence
Services Museum and Historical Research Institute Col Ye Htut and Tatmadaw
officers.Officials conducted General Fu Quangyou and party round the exhibitions at the
museum.Then, General Fu Quangyou signed in the visitors book.Afterwards, General Fu
Quangyou and Col Ye Htut exchanged souvenirs.The goodwill delegation left there at 11.15
Foreign Minister U Win Aung sends felicitations to
Yugoslav FM
Yangon, 27 AprilU Win Aung, Minister
for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His
Excellency Mr Goran Svilanovic, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, on the occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
which falls on 27 April 2001.
Minister receives Japanese
Yangon, 26 AprilMinister for Progress
of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt received Senior
Adviser Mr Tomomitsu Iwakura of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, Ambassador of Japan Mr
Shigeru Tsumori, Vice-Chairman of Japan Noodle Entrepreneurs Association and members at
his office at 3 pm today.
They discussed matters related to extended cultivation of buck wheat in
Myanmar and exporting them to Japan.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Kyaw
Tin and Director-General Col Myo Myint of Development Affairs Department.
Ambassador U Linn Myaing appointed as Ambassador to USA
Yangon, 27
AprilThe Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar
has appointed U Linn Myaing, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of
Myanmar to the French Republic, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Union of Myanmar to the United States of America.
Ambassador U Hla
Maung presents credentials to Malaysian Sultan
Yangon, 27 AprilU Hla Maung,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to Malaysia,
presented his credentials to His Majesty Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj ibni
Almarhum Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah Alhaj Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia, on 19 April
2001, in Kuala Lumpur.
( 5 ) Diplomats briefed on recent attack on Pachee outpost
Yangon, 25 April A
briefing on incidents at the Myanmar-Thai border, particularly the recent attack on Pachee
outpost, was given to the Heads of Diplomatic Missions here by Deputy Minister U Khin
Maung Win of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Wunzin Minyarzar Hall, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs at 4.30 pm today.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win briefed
the diplomats with maps on the situation.
In his briefing, the deputy minister
stated that Myanmar has always adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence in
its relations with the neighbouring countries.

However, in some of the battles which took
place at the Myanmar-Thai Border, it has been found that some Thai troops were not only
providing assistance to the drug trafficking insurgent group SURA led by Ywet Sit but were
also directly involved in the assaults on Myanmar outpost. Moreover, Thai media had also
spread false and fabricated allegations against Myanmar regarding narcotic drugs.The
deputy minister also stated that such action could adversely affect the existing relations
between the two countries.
Then, the
deputy minister answered the queries raised by the diplomats.
The briefing was attended by Dean of the
Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Mr Ly Bounkham
and other heads of missions. After the briefing, the diplomats viewed the maps showing the
attack launched by SURA opium insurgents on Pachee outpost in Mongton Township and the
camps of SURA insurgents based on the side of Thailand along the Myanmar-Thai border.
Briefing on attack of SURA on Tatmadaw outpost
Yangon, 26 April - A briefing on the attack of SURA opium-trafficking insurgents on a
Tatmadaw outpost at the Myanmar-Thai border was given to the foreign military attaches at
Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at 11 am today.
Present were Head of Department of the Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of
Defence Col Thein Swe and officials and military attaches of the embassies.
General Staff' Officer (Grade 1 ) Cmdr Ngwe Tun (Navy) explained matters related to the
attack of the opium insurgent group on a Tatmadaw outpost at the Myanmar-Thai border on 22
April, Col Thein Swe replied to the queries raised by the military attaches.
After the briefing, the military attaches viewed the maps showing the attack of SURA
insurgent group on Pachee outpost in Mongton Township and camps of SURA opium trafficking
insurgents based on the side of Thailand along the Myanmar-Thai border.
Ministry of Industry-1 holds
coord meeting
Yangon, 26 April The
Ministry of Industry-1 held a meeting on the assessment of the performance of the ministry
in 2000-2001 fiscal year and the accomplishment of the target in 2001-2002 fiscal year at
the training hall of the ministry this morning, with an address by Minister U Aung Thaung.
Also present were Deputy Ministers
Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors of
departments and enterprises and factory managers.
The minister gave a speech.Then, the
factory managers reported on production work of their respective factories. Managing
directors and deputy ministers gave supplementary reports.
Afterwards, the minister gave instructions
on work.
Medicines and medical equipment
donated to Ministry of Health
Yangon, 26 April The
Ministry of Health is carrying out development of rural health and health education tasks
with added momentum for ensuring improvement of health standard of the whole people in
line with the guidance of the Head of State. For more effective undertakings in work, Five
Dragon Co Ltd, Tokyo Pipe Factory and entrepreneurs donated medicines, medical equipment,
TVs and cash to the Ministry of Health at 3 pm today.
Present were Minister for Health Maj-Gen
Ket Sein, Deputy Ministers Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, Ambassador of the
Republic of Korea Mr Chung Junggum, National Health Committee Secretary Health Planning
Department Director-General Dr Kyi Soe and guests. ROK Ambassador Mr Chung Jung-gum and MD
of Five Dragon Co Ms Rosa Pun explained the purpose of the donation.
Then, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein accepted
US$ 15,000 to be spent in purchasing medicines and medical equipment for rural health
development donated by ROK Ambassador Mr Chung Junggum, nine sets of TV worth K 2.8
million by seven Hong Kong-based companies through Managing Director Ms Rosa Pun of Five
Dragon Co Ltd, K 450,000 for purchasing TVs by U Myat Thin Aung and Daw Khin Myint Myint
of Aung Aung Enterprise, VDC players worth K 500,000 for health education tasks by
Managing Director Ms Rosa Pun of Five Dragon Co Ltd, K 100,000 for distribution of health
phamphlets in rural areas and Cussons and Baby Products worth K 400,000 by U Thein Han of
Tokyo Pipe Factory, K 200,000 for distribution of health phamphlets in rural areas by U
Htay Khaing of Aungthabye Khaing Co and K 230,000 for distribution of health phamphlets in
rural areas by President Dr Maung Maung Lay of Myanmar Medicine and Medicinal Merchants
and Entrepreneurs Association and eight companies.
The minister presented certificates of
honour to wellwishers and thanked for donations of the wellwishers.
These TVs will be installed at Central
Women Hospital, Children Hospital, South Okkalapa Women Hospital, Thingangyun Sanpya
Hospital, Yangon Eastern General Hospital, Insein Hospital, Mandalay Women Hospital,
Mandalay Children Hospital and teaching hospitals. Medicines and medical equipment will be
sent to respective departments. Todays donations by wellwishers amounted to K 4.6
million and US$ 15,000.
Myanmar and International Affairs Studies Trainees visit Sagaing
and Mandalay Divisions
Yangon, 24 April The trainees of
Myanmar and International Affairs Studies Course No 2 of Union Solidarity and Development
Association, accompanied by CEC member of USDA Deputy Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Principal Lt-Col Myo Myint, course instructors,
arrived at Letpan Chaypaw
water pumping project in NyaungU on 22 April morning.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung
explained the project, water supply project for rural and regional development to the
The trainees visited the agriculture
equipment productions factory of Agriculture Mechanization Department in Kyaukse (Inngon).
They went to Sagaing where member of panel
of patrons. of USDA Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win hosted lunch in honour of the trainees and extended
greetings to them.
The trainees arrived at Maha Nanda Lake in
Shwebo in the evening. The Chairman of Shwebo District Peace and Development Council
hosted dinner in honour of the trainees.
They paid homage to Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda
in Kantbalu on 23 April.The trainees visited Kindat dam,Thaphanseik dam and King
Alaungmintaya palace in Shwebo.
The Myanmar and International Affairs
Studies Trainees visited University for Development of National Races in Sagaing,
Ayeyawady River Bridge project in Amarapura, Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper
Myanmar), Central Training Centre of Myanmar Police Force and Central Fire Training School
of Fire Services Department in PyinOo-Lwin on 24 April.In the evening, the trainees paid
homage to Maha Myatmuni Yokeshindawmyat in Mandalay and made a donation to the pagoda
Member of Panel of Patrons of USDA Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint
hosted dinner in honour of the trainees.
( 6 ) Committee for Carving Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni
Image meets
Yangon, 26 AprilThe
Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept, was
teeming with members of the Sangha, nuns and laity today.
A meeting to coordinate carving the Image
was held at briefing hall at 5 pm, with an address by Chairman of Committee for Carving
the Image Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung.
Public Works of the Ministry of
Construction, stone sculptor Siri Sudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons, Myanmar
handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and group were carrying out work on carving, and all-round
development of the Hill.
Souvenir shop and book shops of Myanmar
Artists and Artisians Asiayon (Central), the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of
Religious Affairs were being opened.Members of wut associations recited religious
verses.The donations made by the public have amounted to
K 174,663,597.
( 7 ) Myanmar eradicating narcotic drugs in promoting
mental health care plans
Yangon, 26 April - Mental Medical Science Group of Myanmar Medical Association held its
first conference at MMA building today, addressed by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present were Deputy Ministers Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, Director of
Medical Services of the Defence Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, directors-general of
departments under the Ministry of Health, deputy directors-general, rectors, President of
MMA Prof Dr Myo Myint, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Prof
Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, officials of UN agencies, physicians, officials and resource persons. The
minister said national health policies have been laid down in accord with the guidance of
the Head of State and under the supervision of National Health Committee in conducting the
health care of the citizens in the entire nation.
As mental health care is important for social development, mental health care project
is included in drawing the National Health Plan. Trainings are being conducted for health
staff and treatment and rehabilitation programmes are being implemented at the towns
covered by the project. As the nation is promoting the mental health care activities, it
is also controlling and curbing danger of the stimulant pills and other narcotic drugs
harming today's youths. The Ministry of Health is taking the duty of treating drug-addicts
and research work. the stimulant pills and other narcotic drugs are the main agents
causing mental disorders among youth. The Health Ministry is cooperating with other
ministries in conducting mental health care task. In accord with the saying
"Prevention is better than cure", it is continuously launching public education
programmes on mental disorder. The minister recounted the history of mental health care
task in Myanmar, saying that further studies on mental disorder began at Institute of
Medicine I in 1977 and special nursing diploma course on mental disorder was initiated in
1974. The conference continues till tomorrow
Training courses open at MAPT
Yangon, 26 April The
closing ceremony of English Proficiency Course Nos 4, 5 and 6 and the opening of Course
Nos 7, 8 and 9, the Basic Management Course No 4 and the Advanced Rice Milling Course No
1/2001 were held at Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading at the corner of Pansodan and
Merchant Streets this morning, with an address by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen
Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade, Director-General Col Nay
Win of Border Trade Department, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung of MAPT, instructors and
Speaking on the occasion, the minister
said English Proficiency Courses have been opened with the aim of enabling employees of
the ministry to apply spoken English and literature in trading products of the country.
The minister then urged the trainees to strive for learning subjects on six basic
functions of the MAPT which are local purchase, milling, local sales, exports, imports and
investment matters, different ways of supervision, milling of export quality products,
account keeping and maintenance of commodities.Afterwards, the minister presented prizes
to outstanding trainees.
Workshop on e-Commerce Initiative in Myanmar held
Yangon, 26
AprilUnder the supervision of Myanmar Computer Scientist Association, a seminar on
e-Commerce Initiative in Myanmar was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road
here this morning.
Present on the occasion were Deputy
Ministers for Science and Technology U Hlaing Win and U Nyi Hla Nge, officials of
e-National Task Force, departmental personnel, President of Union of Myanmar Federation of
Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint, Chairperson of Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs Association Daw Sein Sein, President of Myanmar Computer Federation Dr
Tin Maung, executives and members of MCSA, Myanmar Computer Industry Association and
Myanmar Computer Amateur Association, officials of private computer companies and guests.
Secretary of Myanmar Computer Development
Council Chairman of e-National Force Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win made an opening
speech.Then, President of MCSA U Thein Oo read out paper on e-Commerce Key Success Factors
and Issue, Vice-President of MCSA U Thaung Tin paper on Technical aspects of e-Commerce
and Managing Director of Myanmar Inforithm U Chit Tun Pe paper on e-Trade.
Afterwards, Managing Director of Myanmar
Information Technology Pte Ltd U Tun Thura Thet read out paper on e-Shopping, General
Manager of ACE Data System U Ye Yint Win paper on e-Reservation, Managing Director of Maze
Media U Thaung Su Nyein paper on e-Media, U Ohn Naing of CE Technology paper on e-Book and
U Pyi Sone of MCC paper on e-Entertainment.
A general round of discussions followed,
and then the meeting came to a close.
Workshop on Promotion of Research Culture opened
Yangon, 26
AprilA ceremony to open Workshop on Promotion of Research Culture co-sponsored by
Myanmar Academy of Medical Science and Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) was
held at the meeting hall of DMR (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Street in Dagon Township this
morning, with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Present on the occasion were Deputy
Ministers for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Director of Medical
Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, the directors-general, the deputy directors-general, the
rectors under the Ministry of Health, Chairman of MAMS Dr U Ko Ko and members, the
directors, the medical superintendents, the professors, the chairmen of social
organizations, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra and the representatives of
UN agencies, guests and medical scientists.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister Maj-Gen
Ket Sein said that research work plays a crucial role for the success of health care
services. He quoted the giudance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying that
research work plays a leading role for the development of Myanma medical world.
Teaching, treatment and prevention
measures are to be based on the findings of the research, he said. It is time the health
sector had been upgraded with momentum for health and fitness of the entire people. In
doing so, the development of research is necessary, he noted. The aims of the workshop are
to realize the theory of the research culture, to review the disadvantages and advantages
out of the research and to materialize the suggestions and assessment, he stressed.
Adviser to WHO (South-East Asia Region) Dr Bennett A
Jayaweera said that five Myanmar medical scientists will participate. A total of 42
professors and medical scientists of departments, institutes of medicine and general
hospitals will take part in the workshop which continues up to 28 April.
( 8 ) Donations to
Disabled Training School
Yangon, 26 April
Wellwishers made donations to the Adult Disabled Training School of the Social Welfare
Department at the Social Welfare Training School on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road in Mayangon
this morning.
Present were Minister for Social Welfare,
Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Director-General of the Social Welfare
Department U Sit Myaing, Director of Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein, departmental
officials and wellwishers. Brig-Gen Aung Thein explained the purpose of the donation.
Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and Brig-Gen Aung Thein
accepted the donations. The donations were: K 200,000 each by U Maung Maung, U Maung Maung
Sein and brothers (Great Wall Ointment), and U Soe Tint and Daw Yin Nu (Soe Electrical
Appliances Family), K 100,000 each by Agga Maha Sirisudhamma Daw Hse; U Thaing Win and Daw
Htay Htay Nyunt (BTB Company), Daw Aye Myat Nwe and family of No 52, Saya San Road, Bahan
Township, and U Tin Win and Daw San Win (KN Co Ltd), K 50,000 each by U Soe Tint and Daw
Khin Aye Nyo (Thanmyanthu Denture Enterprise, Haji U Khin Maung Than (Lasanda), U Hla Htay
and Daw Tin Nwe Oo (Hmancho Medical Store), U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe (Thamada
Thingantaik) and U Khin Maung Tun (Htet Lin Medical Store).
UMFCCI President meets Malaysian
Yangon, 26 April - Myanmar entrepreneurs met officials of
TMM Biotech Sdn Bhd of Malaysia at Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and
Industry this morning. President of UMFCCI U Win Myint, Vice-President U Win Aung,
General-Secretary U Zaw Min Win and executives and agricultural entrepreneurs and the
directors of the Malaysian company Mr Jaffar Chua and Mr Ng Cheong Eng sought areas of
cooperation for agro-technological deve-lopment.
( 9
) Laotian
delegation concludes visit
Yangon, 26 April-Vice-President Mr Davone Vangvichith of
People's Supreme Court of the Lao People's Democratic Republic and party, who were on a
visit in Myanmar at the invitation of Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo of Supreme Court,
left here for home by air this morning. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport
by Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Supreme Court Judge U Myint Thein, Ambassador of LPDR
Mr Ly Bounkham and officials of Supreme Court.
The Strand Hotel celebrates its
Yangon, 26 April-A ceremony to celebrate the Centennial
of the Strand Hotel (Kanna Hotel) at the corner of Strand Road and Seikantha Road in
Yangon, built in 1901, was held at the hotel yesterday evening, attended by Minister for
Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, departmental heads, ambassadors and officials from the embassies
in Yangon, resident representatives of the UN agencies, local and foreign mediamen,
artists, gems and antique traders, general managers from the hotels in Yangon, ex-staff
and staff of the hotel and invited guests. The guests were hosted dinner. The hotel was
built in 1901 and it is the most ancient hotel in Myanmar. At that time, the hotel was one
of the best hotels in South-East Asia, and great guests and famous persons put up there.
Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services managed it in 1964. It was jointly renovated by MHTS
and hoteliers in Hong Kong in 1990 and was reopened in November 1993.
E-business workshop at UMFCCI
Yangon, 26 April - Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry agreed to hold an e-business workshop after coordinating with
Asian Institute of Technology Alumni Association (Myanmar Chapter) today. The aim of the
two-day workshop is to enable participants to launch effective business dealings through
e-commerce and information technology. General-Secretary U Zaw Min Win and executives of
UMFCCI and the Alumni, U Aung Myo Thaik of Winner Distribution Network Co Ltd and U Tin
Maung Than of Myanmar Fisheries Federation, agreed to organize the workshop on 4 and 5 May
at UMFCCI. Senior and middle level executives of companies, proficient in English, may
attend the workshop, which will present AIT certificates. Due to accommodation
limitations, only 50 participants will be admitted. Those wishing to participate may
contact UMFCCI not later than 2 May. Admission fee: K 7,000 per head.