( 1 ) Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister Senior General Than Shwe
sends felicitations to Israeli President
Yangon, 26 April Senior
General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister
of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Moshe
Katsav, President of the State of Israel, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the
State of Israel which falls on 26 April 2001.
of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister Senior General Than Shwe
sends felicitations to Israeli Prime Minister
Yangon, 26 April Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Ariel Sharon, Prime
Minister of the State of Israel, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the State of
Israel which falls on 26 April 2001.
( 2 ) PLA
Chief of General Staff HQ arrives
Yangon, 25 April At the invitation of Vice-Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Chinese goodwill delegation led by Chief of
General Staff Headquarters, Peoples Liberation Army, Peoples Republic of
China, General Fu Quangyou arrived here by air this evening on a goodwill visit.
General Fu Quangyou and party were
welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief
(Army) General Maung Aye, Chief of the Office the Strategic Studies Director of Defence
Services Intelligence Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt, Adjutant-General Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, Deputy Prime Minister Minister
for Military Affairs and Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, senior
Tatmadaw officers, Ambassador of PRC Mr Li Jinjun, Military, Naval and Air
Attache Senior Colonel Xu Shulai and officials.
( 3
) Secretary-1
meets Vice-Chairman of Peoples Supreme Court of LPDR
Yangon, 25 April
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received
Vice-Chairman of the Peoples Supreme Court of the Lao Peoples Democratic
Republic Mr Davone Vangvichith and party at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at
5 pm today.
Also present together with Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Chief Justice U Aung
Toe, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo,
Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.The guests were accompanied by
Ambassador of Lao Peoples Demo-cratic Republic Mr Ly Bounkham.
( 4 ) Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sends
felicitations to Israeli counterpart
Yangon, 26 April On the occasion of
the Independence Day of the State of Israel, which falls on 26 April 2001, U Win Aung,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations
to His Excellency Mr Shimon Peres, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel.
Minister for
PBANRDA meets Head of Bridge Asia Japan

Yangon, 25 April
Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein
Nyunt met Head of Bridge Asia Japan Mr Masahiro Araishi at his office this morning.
Present at the call were Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin, Director-General of Development
Affairs Department Col Myo Myint, Director-General of Border Areas and National Races
Development Department Col Than Swe, Deputy Director-General of Education and Training
Department U Tin Win and officials. They discussed availability of water in three
The BAJ group is implementing project for availability of
water in Bagan-NyaungU region in cooperation with Development Affairs Department starting
from July 2000.
Pakistani delegation tours Yangon

Yangon, 25 April-A 16-member delegation led by Major
General Raza Muhammad Khan of National Defence College of Pakistan toured Yangon this
morning. They first visited Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road where they
were briefed on the Museum by Director Col Ye Htut of Defence Services Museum and
Historical Research Institute. They proceeded to National Museum on Pyay Road and were
conducted round by Deputy Director of Department of Cultural Institute of the Ministry of
Culture U Than Win and Curator of the Museum Daw Mi Mi Thet Nwe and officials. Later, they
visited Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Road.
Laotian delegation visits Museum
and Industrial Zone

Yangon, 25 April-Vice-Chairman Mr Davone Vangvichith of
People's Supreme Court of the Lao People's Democratic Republic and party, who are
currently on a visit here at the invitation of Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo of Supreme
Court, together with officials from Supreme Court, visited National Museum and Hlinethaya
Industrial Zone this afternoon.
( 5 ) Drug smuggling insurgents attack on Tatmadaw outpost at
Myanmar-Thai border clarified at Press meet
Yangon, 25 April A
Press meet concerning the attack on a Tatmadaw outpost at Myanmar-Thai border by drug
smuggling insurgent group was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at 3 pm today.
In meeting the Press, General Staff
Officer (Grade-1) of Directorate of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Col San Pwint said
the Tatmadaw stationed its men at a military outpost at estimate T-905144 at Pachee near
Pungpa-hkyem, Mongton Township, at the border in Shan State East for border defence and
security. Pachee outpost located in Myanmar territory at the border is just a small
military camp guarded by a strength of only about 20 soldiers.
A Thai military camp is located about 50
yards opposite to the Pachee outpost in Thai territory. As the two military camps are
close to each other, the troops deployed at the bases had cordial relations between each
other in the past.
At midnight on 21 April 2001, three
truck-loads of a combined force of Thai army troops and members of Ywet Sits SURA
opium smuggling insurgent group arrived at the Thai military camp which is opposite to the
Pachee outpost. At 1.15 am the next day, heavy weapons and small arms began firing on the
Pachee outpost from the Thai military camp. Then, about 200 attackers from the Thai camp
approached the Pachee outpost. During the attack the searchlights from the Thai camp were
projected on the Myanmar outpost; and the Thai camp also gave continuous supporting heavy
weapons and small arms fire. Six soldiers of the Pachee outpost fell during the attack and
the remaining troops had to withdraw as the situation of firepower and manpower was
unequal. In addition to giving supporting fire, the Thai troops joined the SURA drug
smuggling insurgents in attacking the Pachee outpost; Ywet Sit group is just in name as
the majority of the attackers were Thai army troops.
Concerning the attack, the 23 April 2001
issue of The Bangkok Post daily of Thailand reported that when about 200 members of Ywet
Sit group overran a Myanmar Tatmadaw outpost, they seized seven bodies of Myanmar soldiers
and 170,000 stimulant tablets. Similarly, it is stated in The Nation Daily that seven
bodies of Myanmar soldiers and 150,000 stimulant tablets were seized. The iTV, a Thai TV
channel, quoted Ywet Sit as saying that seven Myanmar soldiers were killed and nearly
200,000 stimulant tablets were impounded when his troops attacked the outpost. It was also
reported on the Internet news that seven bodies of Myanmar soldiers and stimulant tablets
were seized during the attack. These news reports are just fabrications.
It was seen that Thai army troops are the
majority, and Ywet Sit group is just in name in attacking the Pachee outpost. The Thais
are making the slanderous scheme in order to hide the involvement of its troops and to put
the blame on Myanmar concerning the narcotic drugs. It can be obviously seen that the
scheme is a regular twists of Thailand. Similarly, the Ywet Sit group was placed in the
forefront while Thai troops gave supporting fire and took part in launching attacks on O-7
hillock, Lwemasok camp and Lwetawhkam camp in Tachilek in February. Myanmar has filed
protests for many times on the involvement of Thai troops.
It is known that the Thai troops are
stationed together with members of Ywet Sit group at the Pachee outpost. The Tatmadaw is
drawing strategies to reoccupy the outpost.
Head of Department of Office of Strategic
Studies Col Thein Swe and Lt-Col San Pwint gave replies to queries raised by the
The participants Managing
Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Director (News) U Hla Tun, chief
editors of the dailies, Chief Editor of Myanma News Agency (Internal) U Win Tin, Patron of
Myanmar Correspondent Club U Sein Win, President U Sao Kai Hpa and correspondents,
correspondents of The Myanmar Times together with the officials of the Ministry of Defence
viewed the maps showing the attack and maps showing the deployment of SURA drug smuggler insurgents in Thai territory
at Myanmar-Thai border.
( 6 ) Video Scrutiny Supervisory Central Committee meets
Yangon, 25 April - Video Scrutiny Supervisory Central
Committee of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise under the Ministry of Information held its
2/2001 meeting at the Head Office of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise on Kokkaing Yeiktha
Street in Bahan Township this morning. Present were Deputy Minister for Information
Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of VSSCC Managing Director of MMPE U Bo Kyi and committee
members and officials. Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein made a speech
on the occasion. Secretary of the Committee Director of MMPE U Thein Tun Aung reported to
the meeting on progress of video service from January to March, income of video service
and action taken agaunst video service in states and divisions. Then, those present took
part in the discussions. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the Deputy Minister.
Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint tours
Mon State
Yangon, 25 April- Member of Central Executive Committee of
the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint,
accompanied by Managing Director U Saw Win of Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise,
inspected self-reliance vegetable patch in Mon State MSMCE Office on 21 April. Then, the
CEC member met members of Kyaik-maraw Township USDA at the township office. In the
evening, the minister met employees of Mon State MSMCE and salt dealers at Mon State
Office. On 22 April, the minister, accompanied by officials, inspected salt production at
Panga Salt Field and gave necessary instructions.
The minister also inspected Kyaikkhami and Setse
Salterns. In the evening, the CEC member met USDA members at Thanbyuzayat Township Office.
On 23 April afternoon, the minister inspected all-round renovation of Mudon Kangyi Pagoda,
Mudon Home for the Aged and Kyaw Kyaw private salt mill in Mudon. He then met executives
of Mudon USDA. The minister paid respects to former teachers at Mudon Basic Education High
School No 1. On 24 April, the minister inspected Htanbinchaung salterns in Paung Township
and met executives at Thaton, Bilin and Kyaikto Township USDAs.
Tasks for Myanmar artistic works
discussed in Bago
Yangon, 25 April-Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt,
Deputy Director-General of Department of Archaeology U Tun Zaw and officials arrived in
Bago on 23 April. The deputy minister met officials and discussed tasks for greening in
the compound of Kanbawzathadi Palace, cleanliness of Bhama yathana Throne and other
buildings and compiling of the book on finding of ancient Hanthawady city and old
Kanbawzathadi Palace. On 24 April, the deputy minister and wife Daw Hla Yin attended a
ceremony to reordain Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Kyakhyat-waing Pariyatti Sarthintaik in
Bago State Ovadacariya Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma-jotika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Jotipala. They presented offertories to the Sayadaw. The deputy minister discussed tasks
for Myanmar artistic works. The deputy minister visited Shwemawdaw Pagoda and
Shwethalyaung Reclining Buddha Image in Bago.
( 7 ) Mayor leaves for India and Lao PDR

Yangon, 25 April -Chairman of Yangon City Development
Committee Mayor U Ko Lay left here by air for India and Lao People's Democratic Republic
this morning at the invitation of the Mayor of New Delhi and the Mayor of Vientiane. Mayor
U Ko Lay was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Vice-Chairman of YCDC Vice-Mayor Col Maung
Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung, Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win and committee members, heads of
department, Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham, Ambassador of
India Mr Shyam Saran and their families. The Mayor was accompanied by Head of Department
(Admin) U Myint Swe and Adviser to the Mayor U Kyaw Shein.
Yangon West District
traditional medical practitioners adopt work guidelines
Yangon, 25
AprilTraditional medical practitioners of Yangon West District organized a meeting
to show their support for adopting Senior General Than Shwes guidance in the message
to the opening ceremony of Traditional Medical Practitioners Conference as work guidlines
as well as the counsel of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt in the opening address.
The meeting was held at Padonma Theatre of
Fine Arts Department in Sangyoung Township this morning.
Present were Secretary of Yangon West
District Union Solidarity and Development Association U Tin Win, member-1 of the Sangyoung
Township Peace and Development Council Police Capt Aung Thein Maung, Secretary of Township
USDA U San Lwin and traditional medical practitioners of 13 Townships.
U Win Maung presided over the meeting and
members of the panel of chairmen were U Hla Myint of Sangyoung Township, U Aung Ko Ko of
Bahan Township, U Myint Han of Sangyoung Township, U Ngwe Soe of Kyauktada Township, U Hla
Htay of Pabedan Township, U Htain Win of Pabedan Township, U Pan Maung of Bahan Township
and U Maung Maung Oo of Lanmadaw Township.
Chairman U Win Maung and Secretary of
Yangon West District Union Solidarity and Development Association U Tin Win delivered
U Nyunt Shwe tabled a motion to adopt the
guidance of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe
in his message sent to the conference on 19 December 2000 as the work guidelines by all
traditional medical practitioners. U Wai Tha Tun seconded the motion.
U Tin Htut of Pabedan Township tabled a
motion to adopt the counsel of Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt in his address at the opening of the conference as future task for all
traditional medical practitioners. Daw Khin Thida of Sangyoung Township seconded the
Daw Aye Aye Than of Ahlon Township tabled
a motion to put on record the resolution, minutes and approvals of the conference. Daw Ni
Ni Aye Aung seconded the motion.
U Se of Bahan Township tabled a motion to
wipe out all hindrances in forming the Myanmar Traditional Medical Practitioners
Association. Daw Mya Mya Than of Kyi-myindine Township seconded the motion.
U Tun Myint of Bahan Township tabled a
motion to approve the motions tabled and seconded at the meeting. Daw Nu Nu Swe of Ahlon
Township seconded the motion.
The meeting chairman approved the motion,
after which the meeting came to a close with his concluding remarks.
Basic Aviation Course
for New Generation opens
Yangon, 25 April A
ceremony to open the Basic Aviation Course No 7/2001 for New Generation of Defence
Services (Air), co-organized by Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and
Commander-in-Chief (Air)s Office, was held at Namhsan Station Hall in Namhsan on 23
Present were Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung of Namhsan
Station, senior military officers, departmental officials, USDA members, guests and
trainees.Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung gave an opening speech.Altogether 50 trainees are attending
the courses which will last five weeks.
Coord meeting for holding photo competition held
Yangon, 25
AprilThe coordination meeting to hold Activities for Womens Affairs Photo
Competition organized by Myanmar National Committee for Womens Affairs and Myanmar
Photographic Society was held at the hall of Social Welfare Department at 1 pm today.
It was attended by Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe of
Work Committee for Holding Myanmar Womens Day, Vice-Chairperson Professor Dr Daw May
May Yee, Secretary U Sit Myaing, President of MPS U Thiha Thein Nyan and officials. They
discussed matters related to holding the competition, hailing Myanmar Womens Day
which falls on 3 July.
( 8 )
Jade Sales in Phakant 14-15 May
Yangon, 25 April
Under the supervision of Myanma Gems Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines, the State and
private companies cooperate to mine jade stones in Lonkhin and Phakant regions of Kachin
State through the profit-sharing system with the aim of ensuring the smooth circulation of
money of mining entrepreneurs who cooperate with the State under profit-sharing system in
work, developing the jade trading in the region and taking prevention measures against
jade smuggling.
Out of jade stones mined, lots of jade
will be sold through competitive bidding at the jade mining station based in Lonkhin,
Phakant Township. Those who obtained mining permits and gems sale
licences in accord with Myanma Gems Law may attend the sales and purchase jades.
Applications and regulations of the sales
are available at Myanma Gems Enterprise (Head Office) in Yangon, Jade Mining Unit (Camp)
in Myitkyina and Gems Mining Unit (Camp) in Mandalay, beginning 30 April 2001, and
applications are to be submitted at Jade Mining Unit (Lonkhin), from 30 April to 11 May.
Jewellery merchants can inspect the jade stones on 12 and 13 May. On 14 and 15 May, the
jade sales will be held through competitive bidding.
Interested persons may contact MGE (Head
Office), Gems/Jade Mining Units (Camp) in Mandalay and Myitkyina for more information .
Han Golf Masters' New Generation
Golf Tour ends
Yangon, 25 April- The second and final day of Han Golf
MastersŐ New Generation Golf Tour and the prize presentation ceremony were held at
Silvery Golf Course of Yangon City Development Committee this evening. The tour was
organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and co-sponsored by Pan-West and Han Golf Masters Pte
Ltd with the aim of turning out new generation golfers. Present were Preisdent of MGF
Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives, guests and fans.
After the second round, President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing gave
a speech at the prize presentation ceremony. Then, Director U Aung Hla Han of Han Golf
Masters Pte Ltd presented youngest golfer prize to seven-year old Zwe Lin Ngwe; Director U
Hsan Tun of Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd presented prizes to Rapier Putting Challenge winner
Oakkar Oo in the under-10 age class, Nyein Chan Soe in the 11-12 age class, Yan Naing Phyo
in the 13-14 age class; Managing Director U Myint Oo of City Golf Resort Club and U Thant
of Pan-West Myanmar presented prizes to hole-in-one scorers Min Min Thein in the 15-17 age
class and Phone Myat Min Khaing in the under-10 age class.
Joint Secretary U Yay Htet Doe of MGF presented first,
second and third prizes to Miss Ji Hyun Lee (Korea) who fired 158 strokes, Hnin Marlar
(193) and Na Yeong Kim (Korea) (121) in the women's event respectively. Managing Director
U Chan Han of Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd presented first, second and third prizes to Phone
Myat Min Khaing (94), Lin Moe Tun (95) and Nyan Lin Thant (104) in the under-10 age class
respectively. MGF executive U Tin Ngwe presented first, second and third prizes to Yan Myo
Aye (75), Nay Bala Win Myint (78) and Nyein Chan Soe (84) in the 11-12 age class
respectively. MGF General Secretary U Aung Kyi presented first, second and third prizes to
Phyo Teza Aung (159), Yan Naing Phyo (173) and Htein Win (180) in the 13-14 age class
respectively. Then, MGF President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented first, second and third
prizes to Derek Htet Doe (158), Thet Zaw Htwe (158) and Naing Naing Lin (159) in the 15-17
age class respectively. The tour was also co-sponsored by Star Ice-Cream, Canon, Rapier,
Wilson and City Golf Club.
( 9
) Heroin possessors given life sentence
Yangon, 25 AprilA
combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Yangon Special Anti-Drug
Squad, Bago Special Anti-Drug Squad and Myanmar Police Force of Yangon North District,
acting on information, arrested Aung Kyaw Soe (a) Htan Thi at Bayintnaung Cinema in Tamway
Township on 24 November 2000.
Further information led to the seizure of
36 grams of heroin concealed in two soap boxes each containing 18 grams of heroin at
room-6 of servant quarters 118 in Railway Compound, Mahlwagon Ward, Mingala Taungnyunt
Township, where Aung Kyaw Soe (a) Htan Thi stayed at.
Action was taken against ten
personsAung Kyaw Soe (a) Htan Thi, 23, son of U Aung Than, of Ywakauk Ward, Pyinmana
Township; Kyin Hoke (a) Zaw San (a) Nyunt Win, 27, son of U Kyi Sheik, of No 46, Shwe-U
Daung Street, Palemyine Compound, West Kanna Ward, Insein Township; Kyaw Kyaw, 28, son of
U Tun Oke, of Kazunkhin Street, West Kanna Ward, Insein; Aung Myo Win (a) Kalar, 26, son
of U Ohn Kyi, of No 304, 1st Saikpyoyay Street, Singu Ward, Insein; San Lwin, 28, son of U
Thein Han, of No 26, 1 st Kanthaya Lane, Kyunthayar Ward, Insein; Tin Htay Aung, 21, son
of U Tun Kyaing, of No 118, Bawga Park Street, Ward 8, Shwepyitha; Thet Naing Tun, 25, son
of U Than Tun; Ma Cho (a) Khin Mar Cho, 22, daughter of U Khin Maung, of 1st Myothit
Street, Ka/Kha Ward, Insein; Khin Maung Win (a) Kalar Lay, 32, son of U Tun Khin, of No
473, Nilar Street, Kanna Anauk Patamya Ward, Insein and Khin Aung (a) Bo Khin, 40, son of
U Tin Ngwe, of No 161, Pathein Park Street, Ward 6, Shwepyitha under Section 15/19(A)/21
of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Mingala Taungnyunt Police Station in
connection with the case.
Aung Kyaw Soe (a) Htan Thi was sentenced
to life sentence under Section 19 (A), Kyin Hoke (a) Zaw San (a) Nyunt Win, Kyaw Kyaw,
Aung Myo Win (a) Kalar, San Lwin, Tin Htay Aung, Thet Naing Tun, Mi Cho (a) Khin Ma Cho
and Khin Maung Win (a) Kalar Lay to life sentence under Section 19 (A)/21, and Khin Aung
(a) Bo Khin to 5 years imprisonment under Section 15 and life sentence under Section
19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Yangon East District Court
on 6 April 2001.
16,200 stimulant tablets seized at Myanmar-Thai border
Yangon, 25 April A combined team comprising members of local
intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and local people, acting on information, while
waiting at BP-1 of Myanmar-Thai border on 27 March, arrested drug traffickers Law Lauk
Wan, son of U Law Lauk Hsu of 121, Lwehsuhtit Road, Hsuhtit Ward, Chiangmai, Thailand,
Thaiphon Malihong, son of U Laikhton Malihong, Kyanphyin Malihong, daughter of U Laikhton
Malihong, Aik Lu (a) Chan Yoh Whah, son of U Aik Maung of Palaung Village,
Hopan/Howyetsalaung, Mongtung Township and Aik Yin, son of U Aik Thein together with WY
brand 16,200 stimulant tablets.Action is taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.