( 1 ) Tatmadaw
abides by discipline conscientiously, so it wins the respects of the people
behave and speak well to ensure that you entertain a feeling of togetherness with the
Senior General Than
Shwe addresses Second Intake of DSIM graduation parade
Yangon, 23 AprilThe
graduation parade of the Second Intake of the Defence Services Institute of Medicine was
held at DSIM Parade Ground here at 7:30 am today with an address by Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Also present on the occasion were
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic
Studies and Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung
Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, the ministers, Military Appointments-General Maj-Gen
Tin Ngwe, Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Defence Services Inspector-General
Maj-Gen Lun Maung, Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, the deputy ministers,
directors of the Ministry of Defence, senior military officers, parents and relatives of
the graduating cadets and guests.
First, Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services Senior General Than Shwe inspected the graduating companies. Then, they marched
past the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.
Afterwards, the Senior General presented
the Best Cadet Award and Excellence in Study Award to Cadet Kyaw Htet and Excellence in
Training Award to Cadet Aung Myo Saw.
The Senior General said:
Today is the graduation day of the 2nd
Intake of the Defence Services Institute of Medicine. As you all have learnt military
science and medical subjects, you are about to be assigned duties in the Tatmadaw. Just as
today is the day when you put up a significant milestone in your life, so it is also the
day when the Tatmadaw gets added strength. On such a significant and noble day, I would,
in all seriousness, like to exhort you all I have to say.
As you all have lived the life of the
Tatmadawmen, you are required to be good Tatmadawmen. In addition, you all are medical
scientists, you are required to be well-versed in the respective fields.
Our Tatmadaw is a patriotic Tatmadaw born
in the struggle for independence. As the people and the Tatmadaw have been living with a
sense of oneness, the Tatmadaw wins the love of the people. The Tatmadaw abides by
discipline conscientiously, so it wins the respects of the people. As it has perseverance,
diligence and the ability to overcome any difficulty, the people place reliance on it.
Therefore, you all are required to regard
the areas where you are assigned duties as your native, and to work in the interests of
the people. Whoever you meet, you are to take care of them as your parents and relations.
You all are to behave and speak well to ensure that you entertain a feeling of
togetherness with the people.
In addition, to become good Tatmadawmen,
you all are required to bear good morals. You are to have loving-kindness, sympathy and
consideration for others. If you abide by 60 Soldiers Codes of Conduct, you are
naturally imbued with these qualities. So, you all are to firmly stick to Soldiers
Codes of Conduct, the moral precepts of the Tatmadaw.

You all have undergone military exercises
which platoon commanders have to take. Therefore, when it comes to national defence
duties, you all are able to discharge duties at battle fields like those from battalions.
You all are to have moral and physical courage. You are to have enough courage to make
decisions yourself and to be able to fight battle. You are to be able to provide
leadership for your subordinates in order that they work together under one command to
accomplish the mission.
To become a leader in whom subordinates
put their trust and confidence, you all are to live and practise in accord with leadership
qualities. As some members of the medical units fought the enemies courageously and
valiantly, they were awarded medals for gallantry. Although you all are members of the
medical units, you need to be determined to put on show your gallantry based on
As you are Tatmadaw-men medical
practitioners, I would like to say matters related to medical science. As you all know,
there is a saying which runs "Health is a blessing." If I have to add a little
to it, health is more important than wealth. It is only when one is healthy that one can
be physically and mentally strong and efficient. If one, however rich, is not healthy,
there is no point in ones being rich.
I would like to explain the saying
"The older a medical practitioner, the more efficient he is." In this place, the
word "old is metaphorically used to mean "having long experience and
having studied a lot." Everybody must have understood this fact. Therefore, to
acquire much experience in a short time, you all are to seek experience in earnest
irrespective of time and place. In order not to lose the already-acquired experience, you
have to "record it." By reviewing this record, you are to be able to create
lessons. If you make efforts to conduct research on these lessons, you will become a
reliable practitioner in the prime of life. Every promising person has unsatiable desire
to promote their ability. Those who do not have foresight will be lagged behind others.
Today, the four-year special plans for
promotion of national education are being implemented in the State. The medical sector is
also covered by the plans. Encouragement has been given to research work of international
standard with the aim of improving health care.
In order to uplift standard of medical
science and to be able to keep pace with the development trend of international medical
science, medical curriculum has already been revised. Therefore, you all are to conduct
research to make progress. You all are also to carry out research work as well as finding
new remedies individually or in groups. Only then, will the health sector of the State and
the Tatmadaw be independent.
The members of the medical unit, upholding
the motto "goodwill, loving-kindness and safety", are to implement the objective
of providing health care for the Tatmadawmen and their families regardless of place and
time. You all are to seriously bear in mind the fact that the aim of the Tatmadaw Medical
Unit is to contribute to the national defence strength.
You all, being patriotic Tatmadawmen, are
required to serve the people with your knowledge and skill. As we are today building a
new, peaceful, modern and developed nation in cooperation with the entire national people,
that all the citizens are healthy, strong and fit is a fundamental national requirement.
Therefore, the National Health Committee is implementing national health plans. The tasks
of providing national health care are being carried out with the objectives to
enable every citizen to attain full life expectancy and enjoy longevity and to ensure that
every citizen is free from disease. So, you all, true to members of the patriotic
Tatmadaw, are to take part in national health care tasks energetically.
I would like to say matters related to
Union Spirit to you who are about to discharge duties in various regions. In our nation,
since the dawn of the recorded history, national races have been living together. After
moving from place to place where land and water are available for the better life,
national races have lived together in states and divisions. Therefore, you all are to work
for the flourishing of Union Spirit which inspires all the national races to cherish and
treasure their one and only country and to work for her development.
In order to ensure the shining of the
motto of the Defence Services Institute of Medicine "Victorious medical practitioner
soldiers", I would like to urge you all to set an excellent example and lead the life
of a good Tatmadawman, to nurture yourselves to be imbued with leadership qualities in
order to become victorious soldiers ready for action in the battle field, to do your
utmost to become researchers who uplift the quality of the Defence Services Medical Unit,
to take care of the health of the Tatmadawmen and their families with goodwill and to
energetically take part in the national health care tasks, true to the members of the
patriotic Tatmadaw.Then, the Senior General left the parade ground.The Senior General also
met with two outstanding graduates and their parents at the main hall.
Excerpts from Senior Generals address
all are required to regard the areas where you are assigned
duties as your native, and to work in the interests of the people.
You are to be able to provide leadership for your
subordinates in order that they work together under one command to accomplish the mission
To acquire much experience in a short time, you all are to seek expe-rience in earnest
irrespective of time and place.
Those who do not have foresight will lag behind others.
You all are also to carry out research work as well as finding new
remedies individually or in groups.
Provide health care for the Tatmadawmen and their families regardless of place and time.
That all the citizens are healthy, strong and fit is a fundamental national requirement.
All are to work for the flourishing of Union Spirit which inspires all the national races
to cherish and treasure their country.
( 2 ) Senior
General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attend dinner in honour of graduates of 2nd
Intake of Defence Services Institute of Medicine

Yangon, 23 AprilA
dinner in honour of the graduates of the 2nd Intake of Defence Services Institute of
Medicine was held at the Convocation Hall of DSIM at 7 pm here today, attended by Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies and Director
of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe,
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint
and wife Daw Khin Cho Oo, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral
Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military
Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers, senior military officers, deputy
ministers and their wives, heads of department, Director of Medical Services, faculty
members of the DSIM, the graduates and their relatives.
After the dinner, artistes of Myawady
Music troupe, Myanmar Music Asiayon and Myawady Anyeint troupe entertained the guests to
songs and dances at the Convocation Hall.
( 3
) Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives Malaysian mediamen

Yangon, 23
AprilSecretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
received Director Mr Zainal Abidin Bakar of Information Division, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Malaysia and mediamen at Defence Services Guest House here at 3 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of Protocol Department
Thura U Aung Htet and officials and Ambassador of Malaysia to Myanmar Dato Mohammad Bin
( 4 ) Hosting of ministerial level meeting on MoU on drug
control and senior officials meeting in Myanmar coordinated

Yangon, 23 April A coordination
meeting on hosting the ministerial level meeting on MoU on drug control and senior
officials meeting in Myanmar from 7 to 11 May was held at the Ministry of Home Affairs
Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for
Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing said the ministerial level meeting of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
China, Cambodia and Vietnam that signed MoU on drug control in the sub-region, Senior
Officials Committee Meeting and High Level Bilateral (HILB) Meeting will be held in Yangon
from 8 to 11 May.
Myanmar will host the meetings in cooperation with UNDCP. The
ministerial level meeting was alternatively held every two years in member nations and SOC
meeting once a year after signing the MoU on drug control in the sub-region by the
countries concerned in 1993. He said senior officials meeting was held two days before the
ministerial level meeting and HILB meeting were also held. This year, HILB meetings of
Myanmar-Thailand, Myanmar-China, Cambodia-Vietnam and Cambodia-Thailand will be held on 8
May before the MoU meeting, he said.
The ministerial level meetings were held in Beijing in 1995, in Bangkok
in 1997 and in Vientiane in 1999 alternatively and senior official meetings were held for
seven times. The fourth MoU ministerial meeting will be held in Myanmar.He said that
arrangements have been made for the delegates to attend the 15th ceremony for destruction
of seized narcotic drugs and visit Kokang and Wa regions.A general round of discussions
was then followed.
( 5 ) Chief Justice and Attorney-General receive
Vice-President of Peoples Supreme Court of LPDR

Yangon, 23 AprilChief Justice U Aung
Toe received Vice-President Mr Davone Vangvichith of Peoples Supreme Court of the
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic and party at his office at 1.30 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Justices
of Supreme Court U Khin Myint, Dr Tin Aung Aye, U Myint Thein and U Chit Lwin, and
officials.The delegation visited the Shwedagon Pagoda in the morning and donated cash to
the fund of the pagoda. They also discussed judicial matters with Myanmar justices and
observed trials.The deputy chief justice hosted a dinner in honour of the visiting guests
at the Mya Yeik Nyo Hotel.The guests called on the Attorney-General at his office at 2 pm
Health Minister meets French
guest, Chinese ambassador

Yangon, 23 April-Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein met
President Professor Dr Alain Patel of AMFA, France at 2 pm and Ambassador of China to
Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at 3 pm at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road here today
separately. Also present at the calls were Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and
Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, and responsible officials of the ministry.
Minister receives Vice-Chairman of
People's Supreme Court of LPDR
Yangon, 23 April- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing
met a delegation led by Vice-Chairman of the People's Supreme Court of the Lao People's
Democratic Republic Mr Davone Vangvichith at his office at 2 pm today. Also present at the
call were Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director-General of
Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, Director-General of General Administration
Department U Aung Thein, Director-General of Special Investigation Department U Tun Hla
Aung, Director-General of Prisons Department U Kyaw Tun and Head of Office U Thet Tun.
( 6 ) Minister inspects construction tasks in Ayeyawady
Yangon, 23
AprilMinister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials from Public
Works, inspected roadworks of Yangon-Nyaungdon section on Yangon-Pathein Highway, progress
of work in extending Maubin-Samalauk section and new Tagway-Kazan Road and
Pathein-Kangalay section, and went to the construction site of Daka Bridge yesterday.
At the briefing hall, Project Deputy
Superintending Engineer U Onzapa reported on progress of work and future plans.
The minister gave necessary instructions
on completion of tasks in time, worksite safety and systematic storage, and inspected the
site.The minister also inspected Gonminyoe Bridge and Yoenyinaung Bridge No 2 on
Gwa-Ngathaingchaung Road, which have already been built and will be opened soon.He left
instructions at the construction site of Thegon Bridge on Yangon-Pathein Highway, and
inspected reconstruction of Kangalay Road section of Yangon-Pathein Highway.
Minister inspects Ahlon Asia World jetties
Yangon, 23
AprilMinister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, arrived at the office of Asia World Port Management Co Ltd at No 2
Ahlon Jetty here this morning.At the briefing hall, General Manager U Tin Soe of Myanma
Port Authority reported on progress of work and future plans to the minister.
The minister gave necessary
instructions.The minister inspected the installation of an imported 104-ton Port Tower
Mobile Crane and imported Fork-lift Truck and Reach Stacker.
Work efficiency promotion
course No 1/2001 for GAD Officers opened
Yangon, 23 April-Work efficiency promotion course No
1/2001 for District and Township Officers of General Administration Departments was opened
at Training School of GAD in Bahan Township this morning, with an address by Minister for
Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing. The minister said trainees are officers from District and
Township GADs in states and divisions. He said they are to implement the State's
objectives in conformity with the changing system after realizing the political, economic
and social developments of the country. The course was conducted with the aim to become
good administrators on whom the people rely and to achieve progress of their work
efficiency and personality and uplift of their moral. The three-month course is being
attended by 40 trainees.
CPT Minister attends opening of courses of MPT
Yangon, 23 April-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin
attended the opening of Basic Electronics Course, Personal Computer for Office
Applications Course-Windows, Introduction to Internet Course and Subscriber Line
Construction Course of Communication Postal Training Centre of Myanmar Posts and
Telecommunication this morning. Also present on the occasion were the managing director of
MPT, the director-general of Directorate of Telecommunications, the general manager of
MPT, the principal, course instructors and 87 trainees. The minister said to keep abreast
of the others and not to lose sight of modern technologies, staff of MPT are to be trained
to skilfully operate modern devices; Basic Electronics Course will offer basic electronic
technologies, which is important in communication and other social welfare, for seven
weeks and it will be beneficial to the trainees; all the citizens involved in building a
new, modern, developed nation and staff are urged to discharge duties for the development
of respective regions and to study the lessons hard.
( 7 ) Shwehtidaw of Shwe-U-min Pagoda in Taungtha Township
Yangon, 23 AprilA
ceremony to hoist Shwehtidaw of Shwe-U-min Pagoda built by King Alaung Sithu was held in
Welaung in Taungtha Township on 22 April.
Congregation received the Nine Precepts
from Myole Atulakari Kyaungtaik Sayadaw U Nagavamsa. CEC member of USDA U Aung Thaung and
wife Daw Khin Khin Yi, U Hla Ngwe-Daw Tin Shein and U Mya Than-Daw Khin Su presented
Seinphudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw, Hsatthaphudaw, tiers of Htidaw and offertories to members of
the Sangha.U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yi and personnel of the Ministry of
Industry-1 presented K 2.8 million for Shwe-U-min Pagoda.Altogether 26 wellwishers donated
K 163,327 for the pagoda.Sayadaw U Nagavamsa delivered a sermon and shared the merits
gained.U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yi and wellwishers conveyed the tiers of
Htidaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinphudaw atop the pagoda.
Tipitakadhara, Tipitaka
Kovida Sayadaws to be honoured in May
Yangon, 23 April-A meeting on holding the 53rd ceremony to
honour Tipitakadhara and Tipitaka Kovida title recipient Sayadaws took place at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs this morning. Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister
for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Adviser to the State Peace and Development
Council Office U Arnt Maung, Director-General U Sann Lwin of Department for Promotion and
Propagation of the Sasana, Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint,
and officials. The ceremony will be held in May 2001 and those wishing to donate cash may
contact phone numbers 665673 and 665621.
( 8 ) Malaysian Journalist Delegation tours Myanmar
Yangon, 23 April-Malaysian Journalist Delegation led by
Director Mr Zainal Abidin Bakar of Information Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
arrived here by air on 17th April to pay a study visit to Myanmar. At No 2 Tatmadaw Guest
House, on the same day, officials briefed the guests on politics, economy, education and
health, combating narcotic drugs and endeavours for the development of border areas and
national races.
Then, the delegation members visited Medical
Resource Centre on Bogyoke Aung San Road, Paunglaung multi-purpose dam project in Pyinmana
Township, Aye- yawady Bridge (Magway) project, Archeological Museum, Anada Temple,
Lawkananda Pagoda in Bagan-NyaungU, Thaphan-seik Dam in Kyunhla Township, Sagaing
Division, Industrial Zones (1) and (2) and Myanansankyaw Shwenandaw in Mandalay.
They arrived in Laukkai in Shan State North on 20th April
and were welcomed by military officers, national race leader U Ponkya Shin of Shan State
(North) special region (1) and party. Officials explained narcotic drug eradication work,
opium substitute crops cultivation and regional development tasks. The members visited
Drug Eradication Museum in Laukkai. On arrival at Mongla in Eastern Shan State, they were
welcomed by national race leader U Sai Lin of Special Region (4) of Eastern Shan State and
party. They visited Drug Eradication Museum in Mongla. Later, officials explained narcotic
drug eradication work, opium substitute crops cultivation and regional development tasks.
On 22 April, they met officials of Ministry of Commerce
here. Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung hosted dinner in honour of them at
Karaweik Palace. This morning, they studied Farmers' Hospital and summer paddy cultivation
and Bo Myat Tun Bridge. At Pan Hlaing sluice gate, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation U Ohn Myint explained irrigation projects.
ASEAN Football
Federation President leaves for home
Yangon, 23
AprilPresident of ASEAN Football Federation Tengku Tan Sri Dato Seriahmad Rithaudden
(Malaysia) and wife, who were here to attend the 8th Conference of ASEAN Football
Federation and 6th Councils Meeting, left for home this afternoon.Similarly, the
delegates from ASEAN countries also left for home yesterday.
Pakistani delegation arrives

Yangon, 23 April-A 16-member delegation led by Maj-Gen
Raza Muhammad Khan of National Defence College of Pakistan arrived here by air this
evening. The delegation was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Commandant of
National Defence College Maj-Gen Moe Hein and senior military officers, officials of the
Embassy of Pakistan to Myanmar. They visited the Shwedagon Pagoda in the evening.
( 9
) Cash and kind donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 23 April-Hailing the 10th Anniversary of Myanmar
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, well-wishers donated cash and kind to the
association at the hall of the association this morning. The ceremony was attended by
Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and CEC members
and wellwishers. Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Thein Win-Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Thiri
Thudhamma Theingi Daw Ni (Shwe Than Lwin Co) presented K 1 million, Managing Director Daw
Li Shun of Aung Kaung Myat Co K 500,000, Chairman U Thein Han of Excel Co Ltd equipment
for children worth K 450,000 and K 50,000, Managing Director of Kyaw Medical Co medical
equipment worth K 230,000, Nestle Co Ltd K 200,000, EAC (Dumex) Co K 100,000, Myanmar
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment Entrepreneurs Association Ferrous Sulphate worth K
40,000 and U Htay Khine-Daw Khin Mar Htwe of Aung Thabyaykhine Co Ltd K 100,000 to
Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe who accepted the donations and presented
certificates of honour to the wellwishers. Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke
words of thanks.
MMWCA photos scrutinized
Yangon, 23 April-Altogether 197 photos of the Photo
Competition on the activities of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association were
scrutinized at the hall of the association by Chairperson of the association Prof Daw Kyu
Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and members of Myanmar Photographic Society
this afternoon. Thiha Thein Nyan won the first prize, Shweinntha Khin Maung Win the second
and Zalun Township MWCA the third. The consolation prize winners were Shweinntha Khin
Maung Win, U Kyaw San (Kalay Myo), U Myint San (Myat Thu Photo), Ko Soe Hlaing (Mandalay),
Lay-myethna Township MWCA, U Myint Ngwe (Information and Public Relations), Photha
(Shweinntha Photo) and Thant Zin Ohn (E.C). The prize winners are to send negatives to MPS
No 25/27, 35th St (Lower Block) not later than 26 April and the prizes will be presented
on 29 April.
Tatmadaw (Navy) Marine Ye Nyunt
courses open
Yangon, 23 April-Tatmadaw (Navy) Marine Ye Nyunt Basic
Training Course No 1/2001 (Yangon Camp) and Advanced Course No 1/2001 jointly organized by
the Union Solidarity and Development Association and the Office of Commander-in-Chief
(Navy) were opened at Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Headquarters this morning. Present
were CEC member of USDA U Saw Tun, Commander of Navy Shipyard Headquarters Commodore Paw
Tun and officials.
Summer English Course opens
Yangon, 23 April-A ceremony to conclude the third PBM
Higher Inter- mediate English Course and the fourth PBM Intermediate English Course and
open new PBM Intermediate English Course of PBM English Language Centre was held at No14
(B), Baho Road, Thamaing Ward (2), Mayangon Township this morning. The courses available
at the centre are KG, Basic-1, Basic-2, Elementary-1, Elementary-2 and Intermediate Level.
For more information, Ph 666407 may be contacted.
Fifth Conference of Myanmar Health
Assistants' Association on May 4
Yangon, 23 April-Golden Jubilee of the day on which the
health assistants were given birth and Fifth Conference of Myanmar Health Assistants'
Association will be held at Pyihatungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan grounds from 4th to 6th May. At
the conference, booths of pharmaceutical companies and glasses makers will be opened.
Delegates, observers, the health assistants due for respects and the health assistants of
the first batch are asked to report to the management committee for the conference on 3rd
May 2001.