( 1 ) Secretary-1
inspects all-round construction tasks at Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 21
AprilSecretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
arrived at Mindhamma hill in Insein Township, where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni image
is kept, and was welcomed there by Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura
Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, officials and
technicians at 3.45 pm today.
The Secretary-1 paid homage to the image.
Then, he inspected all-round construction tasks and was reported on tasks by the
officials.He also inspected the flooring of granite tiles at Southern Stairways, greening
tasks and construction of Hmankyaunghsaung for the image.After hearing the reports by the
officials, the Secretary-1gave instructions and left there at 4.30 pm.
Yuzana Co Ltd
presents K 30m for opening of multimedia teaching centres
Yangon, 22 AprilYuzana Co Ltd presented donation for opening
of multimedia teaching centres in basic education schools of the Ministry of Education at
Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this afternoon.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt accepted the
donation.Also present were the ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff
(Air), the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
heads of departments, chairman of Yuzana Co Ltd and members and guests.
Chairman of Yuzana Co Ltd U Htay Myint and
members presented K 30 million to the Secretary-1.
The Secretary-1 said Yuzana Co Ltd
presented K 30 million for opening of multimedia teaching centres in ten basic education
schools and the government is implementing the education promotion programmes in
cooperation with wellwishers.On behalf of the government and students, he expressed thanks
for such donation.The donation will be used to open multimedia teaching centres in basic
education schools that did not have such centres.
attends opening of 11th Yamaka and Pathana
special summer course of Insein Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik
Yangon, 22
AprilA ceremony to open the 11th Yamaka and Pathana special summer course was held
at Maha Santawwin three-storey building of Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Insein Township
this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt.
Also present were members of the Central
Working Committee of the Sangha led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kesara, Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Insein Ywama
Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhad-danta Nandavamsa, members of the Sangha,
trainee members of the Sangha and nuns, ministers, deputy ministers, the Vice-Chairman of
Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor, Adviser to the State Peace and Development
Council U Arnt Maung, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
heads of department, chairmen of Yangon North District and Insein Township Peace and
Development Councils and members, members of the board of trustees of Ywama Pariyatti
Sarthintaik, well-wishers and guests.
Secretary-1, well-wishers and guests received the Eight Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Kesara and sought an Ovadakatha.
The Secretary-1 presented offertories to
the Sayadaws and K 1.2 million for treatises to Chairman of Board of Trustees of Ywama
Pariyatti Sarthintaik Siha Sudhamma Manijotadhara U Chit Hlaing.
The ministers and the deputy ministers
also presented offertories to the Sayadaws. Course instructor Sayadaw of Insein Ywama
Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Tilokabhivamsa explained facts about the
Sayadaw Maha Dhammakahtika Bahu-janahitadhara Bhaddanta Indaka delivered a sermon. The
Secretary-1 and guests shared merits gained. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Tilokabhivamsa presented
treatises written by him. The course is being attended by 2,147 members of the Sangha, 120
nuns and five laymen and it continues till 27 May. Arrangements are being made for
publication of the lessons of the course on CD-ROM.The Secretary-1 inspected No 24 Basic
Education Primary School on Bayintnaung Road in Insein Township and gave instructions.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends ceremony to present cash and gifts to Tatmadawmen in
forward areas
Yangon, 22 AprilA
ceremony to present cash and gifts by wellwishers to the Tatmadawmen discharging duties in
far-flung forward areas was held at Tatmadaw Guest House in Inya Road here this afternoon.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies Director of Defence Services
Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony and spoke words of thanks.Also
present were ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy
ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, departmental heads and wellwishers.
Chairman of All Bus Lines Control
Committee (Yangon) U Phone Kyaw said that the Tatmadawmen are discharging national defence
duties at risk to their lives in far-flung forward areas upholding Our Three Main National
Causes. So in honour of the Tatmadawmen discharging national defence duties in forward
areas at risk to their lives, the wellwishers made donations today.
The Secretary-1 accepted K 5 million donated by Chairman of
Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win and wife Vice-Chairperson Sihasudhamma Singi, Siri
Sudhamma Singi Agga Maha Siri Sudhamma Singi Daw Nan Than Htwe and family; Gold Roast
coffee mix and cereal valued at K 2.2 million by U Aung Maw Hein (Myanmar Distribution
Group Co Ltd); K 1 million each by All Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon) and Chairman
of Tamil-Hindi Foundation Association U Zaw Zaw Naing and party; Mamee dried noodle worth
K 638,100 by Myanmar Mamee Co Ltd; various kinds of books worth K 610,250 by U Aung
Myat-Daw Chaw Thiri Khaing of Pyinnya Shwe-daung Publishing House; and Diamond brand
butter worth K 600,000 and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, the ministers and officials accepted
K 300,000 and various kinds of books worth K 263,350 by Myanmar Writers and Journalists
Association; K 500,000 each by Weint Sein Gold Shop and U Htay Yin of Royal Garden; K
200,000 and books valued at K 300,000 by Today Group; K 300,700 by U Thien Maung-Daw Pa Pa
(Sandi Traditional Medicine) and family; K 300,000 each by U Khin Maung Gyi-Daw Hla Hla
Than and family and U Thein Lwin (Sein Family construction material trading); Ko Ko snacks
worth K 200,000 by U Than Soe; dried fish powder worth K 200,000 by U Myat Lwin of Myat
Tha Bye family Co Ltd; K 200,000 by Lt-Col Yan Paing (Retd), Chairman of Myanmar-Muslim
Organization; Su Su Aye Aung ointment worth K 150,000 by U Win Kyi; K 100,000 and
Naing-Ngant-Gon-Yi Magazines work K 25,000 by U Moe Htet Myint (Myitwakyunpaw); K 120,000
by U Saing of North Okkalapa and family; assorted cakes worth K 114,000 by U Aung Khin
Myint-Daw Toe Toe Myint of A&T Confectionery; K 100,000 each by Headmistress U Khin
Ohn Myint of No 2 BEHS in Lath Township, U Win Maung of Pyay, U Shwe Tha of Maungtaw
Border Trade Merchant Association, Daw Aye Myat Nwe of AMN Co Ltd, Daw Mya Mya Win and U
Hla Myint of Kaythipan Medical Hall; cassette tapes worth K 100,000 by Kyitha
(Pwekyaikkhin); books worth K 82,940 by U Tint Shwe of Fashion Magazine Press; K 50,000 by
Consul-General U Thein Zaw and staff of Myanma Consulate-General in Kumming; K 100,000 by
trainees of Myanma Affairs and International Studies Course No 2, USDA Executive Advanced
Management Course No 9 and International Relations Course No 6; K 50,000 by U Tun Shwe of
Tun Shwe Wa medical hall; K 30,000 by Lanmadaw Township War Veteran Organization; soft
drinks worth K 30,000 by U Soe Maw-Daw Myint Myint; various kinds of books worth K 20,000
by La-wun-thit Publishing House and K 10,000 by U Tint Shein.
The Secretary-1 expressed his thanks to
the wellwishers for donating cash and foodstuff to the Tatmadawmen who are discharging
duty in the forward areas and border areas.The wellwishers include people from all strata
such as members of social organizations, ex-Tatmadawmen, teachers, embassy stuff and
entrepreneurs. Among the donations including cash and foodstuff, there are also cassette
tapes of patriotism-inspiring songs and publications.The leaders of the Tatmadaw are most
delighted at the donations made by the people with loving-kindness, goodwill and sympathy
to the Tatmadawmen discharging national-defence duty. Due to support and encouragement of
the people, a sense of love for the nation and the people is stirring in the Tatmadawmen
all the more, and they are ready to protect their nation and people against any enemy with
the spirit of sacrifice.
Since time immemorial, Myanmar people has
had a long tradition of protecting their nation and people against every enemy at risk to
themselves.The Tatmadawmen have pledged to defend the territory of the nation against any
invasion.In conclusion, the Secretary-1 thanked the wellwishers.The wellwishers donated a
total of K 12,760,070 and foodstuff and publications worth K 6,895,200 for the fifth time.
Secretary-1 accepts cash for
construction of new building in Mingalarama Pali University
Yangon, 22 April- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended a cash donation ceremony for construction
of a new building held at Mingalarama Pali University on Theinbyu Road, Botahtaung
Township, this morning.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, deputy
ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental
officials, wellwishers and guests. Chairman of Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw
Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vidhaja invested the congregation with the Five
Precepts. Then, members of the Sangha recited the parittas. Afterwards, the Secretary-1,
ministers and deputy ministers presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
The Secretary-1 accepted the donations-K 2 million by U
Khin Maung Htay-Daw Aye Aye Thant family, No (A-7), Natchaung Housing, Tamway; K 1.5
million by Daw Than Kyi family No 163, 34th Street, Kyauktada; K 400,000 each by Daw Myint
Myint family, Flat No 21, No 4 Building, 51st Street and U Thein Htay-Daw Le Le Win
family, No 99, 43rd Street, Botahtaung; K 300,000 each by Presiding Sayadaw of Mingalarama
Pali University Kyaungtaik member of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha
Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Ratthasara, U Ko Ko Naing-Daw Nu Nu Nge family
(Nu Nge Construction), U Khin Maung Lay and family ( Hlaing Printing House) and U Maung
Maung (Asia Plaza); K 200,000 by Sihasudhamma Mani-jotadhara U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe
(Thamada Thingantaik) and U Ko Ko Naing-Daw Mya Mya Win family, Yangon, and K 150,000 each
by Maung Myo Thant family, Ko Ye Win Htut-Ma Aye Sanda Khaing. Then, ministers accepted
donations-K 100,000 each by Daw Kyu Kyu, Theinbyu Lane, Yangon, U Kyaw Soe-Daw Tin Tin
family, 35th Street, U Khin Myint-Daw Thein Myint, U Zaw Lwin-Daw Myint Myat Khaing
family, U Toe Wa, Ko Win Htay-Ma Hnin Hnin Aung family, U Khin Maung Hla-Daw Khin Kyi
Htay, 46th Street, Botahtaung, U Nyi Nyi Hein-Daw Aye Khaing Than family, 45th Street,
Botahtaung, U Khin Tun-Daw Khin Nyunt family, 29th Street, Pabedan, U Maung Phyu-Daw Nyo
Mya Khaing, 49th Street, Pazundaung, U Ba Tun family, 89th Street, Mingalar Taungnyunt,
Daw Kyin Nu family, 40th Street, Kyauktada, Dr Tin Aung Aye-Daw Kyan Tin family, Pale
Myothit, Mingaladon, Saytra Rama Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta
Suriyadhaja, Taungup, Daw Aung Thu family and Ko Khin Maung Win-Ma Yin Yin Hlaing Win
family, 39th Street; K 50,000 each by Daw Pu Tu family, Butar Ward, Taungup, Daw Win Kyi
Win family, Taungup, U Ba Khant-Daw Khin Shwe, Pyidaungsu Yeikmon Housing, Thingangyun, U
Khin Maung Soe-Daw Khin Khin Mya family 49th Street, U Myint Aung-Daw Khin Thida, Maha
Bandoola Street, U Po Tin-Daw Tin Sein family, Tamway, Commander Ban Sein (Navy) and U
Than Maung-Daw Ngwe Kyi; and K 100,000 each by U Ba Khaing-Daw May Hla Kyi and Daw Tin
Shein, and Ko Than Shwe-Daw Ma Waing Shwe, Sittway.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ratthasara delivered a sermon, followed
by sharing of merits gained. Today's donations by 152 wellwishers totalled K 15,719,654.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 inspected the proposed site for construction of the
new four-storey building.
( 3
) Minister
U Soe Tha leaves to attend ESCAP meeting
Yangon, 22
AprilLeader of Myanmar delegation Minister for National Planning and Economic
Development U Soe Tha left here this morning to attend the 75th annual ministerial meeting
of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) to be held in Bangkok,
Thailand from 23 to 25 April.
He was seen off at the airport by Minister
for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and
National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, the directors-general of
departments under the Ministry of NPED and families. Myanmar Ambassador to Thailand U Myo
Myint will attend the meeting as Deputy Leader.
Director-General of Foreign Economic
Relations Department U Soe Lin, Deputy Director-General of Planning Department U Saw Lwin
and Director of Road Administration Department U Aung Myint left in advance on 18 April to
attend senior officials meeting to be held from 19 to 21 April.
leaves to attend ASEAN meeting
Yangon, 22 April Myanmar delegation
led by Rector U San Win of Mandalay University of Culture and comprising Prof (Admin) Daw
Khin Kyi Pyar of Yangon University of Culture left for Thailand by air this morning to
attend the 36th meeting of ASEAN Committee of Culture and Information to be held in
Thailand from 23 to 27 April. Deputy Director-General U Aung Kyaing of Archaeological
Department (Upper Myanmar) also left by air this morning to attend Workshop on Cultural
Heritage to be held from 23 to 28 April in Indonesia.
( 4 ) Minister inspects livestock breeding in Taninthayi
Yangon, 22
AprilMinister for Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein
accompanied by officials, on 21 April, inspected main building for tender sales at the
construction site of world class fish tender market project of Myanmar International
Fisheries Joint Venture Limited, cold storage facility and main jetty for loading and
unloading of fish at the industrial zone in Inlay Myaing Ward, Myeik.
Then, the minister inspected water
purifying plant under construction and offices and left necessary instructions.Afterwards,
officials of the joint venture limited reported to the minister on work and plans to be
carried out. Then, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt gave a supplementary report.
Minister gave instructions on emergence of quality control centre under HACCP system.
Later, the minister met with livestock
breeding entrepreneurs and departmental officials at the residence of U Tin Shein, poultry
farming entrepreneur. The minister urged the entrepreneurs to breed RIR strain chicken
which is suitable for the climate and environment of the region. There is sufficiency in
local meat consumption. He called for exporting meat.Then, the minister and party
inspected the poultry farm of U Nay Myo at Yaybone Ward in Myeik.
The minister met with fishery
entrepreneurs and owners of ice factories, fish and prawn processing plants and cold
storage facilities at the meeting hall of the limited. The minister attended to their
needs.Later, the minister visited Livestock and Fisheries Development Bank (Myeik Branch)
and Office of Division Head of Fisheries Department.The minister urged the service
personnel to make efforts to help private livestock breeding sector for the development of
livestock breeding sector of the State.
USDA CEC member attends
opening of guest house in Mandalay
Yangon, 21 April- Member of Central Executive Committee of
Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung attended the opening ceremony
of the guest house of Basic Education High School, Talineyat Ywathit in Taungtha Township,
Mandalay Division held at the hall of the school yesterday morning.
Donor Division Education Officer U Maung Tin (Retired) and
family handed over the documents related to the building and furniture of the guest house
for the school to CEC member U Aung Thaung and explained the donation. The CEC member then
handed over the documents to the headmistress and chairman of School Board of Trustees.
After making a speech on development of the school, the CEC member inspected the building.
He also presented offertories to Presiding Sayadaw U Nandavamsa of the monastery of the
village. Then he arrived at YwaU monastery of Neku Village and inspected palm-leaf
inscriptions preserved by Sayadaw U Jotika of the village monastery and supplicated
matters related to present them to Archaeological Department.
He presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, the USDA CEC member formally unveiled the signboard of the village USDA and
accepted 1,700 membership applications and presented K 300,000 for the village school. He
met with the secretaries, executives and organizers from Myingyan, Natogyi and Taungtha
Township USDAs at the hall of Taungtha Township USDA and heard the reports. He then gave
necessary instructions.
( 5 ) Vice-Chairman of Peoples Supreme Court of LPDR
Yangon, 22 April At
the invitation of Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo of the Supreme Court, a delegation led by
Vice-Chairman of the Peoples Supreme Court of the Lao Peoples Democratic
Republic Mr Davone Vangvichith arrived here by air this evening.
The delegation was welcomed at Yangon
International Airport by Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court U Than Oo, Justice of
the Supreme Court Dr Tin Aung Aye, Ambassador of LPDR Mr Ly Bounkham and officials of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Supreme Court.
( 6 ) List of
selected Japan-Myanmar childrens paintings announced
Yangon, 22 AprilThe
painting exhibition of the pre-primary school and nurseries under Social Welfare
Department and Akashi Pre-school in Japan was held at Lawkanat Art Gallery from 23 to 25
About 2,000 people visited the exhibition
organized by Kokoro Volunteer Group and viewed 171 paintings and selected their favourite
Among Myanmar paintings, No 48 drawn by
Maung Wai Yan Paing of No 6 Pre-primary school, Latha Township, won the first prize, No
101 drawn by Maung Htet Khaing of Htaukkyant nursery the second and No 15 drawn by Ma May
Thu Kyaw of Kan Yeiktha nursery third. Among the Japanese paintings, No 24 won the first
prize, No 9 the second and No 19 the third.
The guests under 12 selected Nos 20, 61 and 48 as the
first, second and third out of Myanmar paintings, and Nos 9, 24 and 33 as first, second
and third out of Japanese paintings. Gifts were sent to ten lucky draw winners from the
guests and three prize-winning Myanmar children.
( 7 ) Commander inspects development tasks in Bago Division
Yangon, 22 AprilBago
Division Peace and Development Council Southern Command Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye,
accompanied by department personnel, inspected the site for digging a drain between
Kalachaung Village and Kathitwaing Village in Thanatpin Township on 20 April. The drain is
22 feet wide and 20 miles long, and earth work has been done on 10-mile section.
The commander then went to the project for
dredging Sima Creek in Kanbe Village, Zibyugon Village-tract, Kawa Township, where
officials concerned reported on regional development tasks, agricultural work and
implementation of the project. He attended to the needs.
He inspected Paingkyun head regulator
construction project near Phala Village in Kawa Township, and left instructions.On
completion of the project, about 30,000 acres of land can be irrigated.He then visited
Aung-myebonthiha Shwepyiaye Pagoda in Htongyi Village, and offered provisions to Saya-daw
Bhaddanta Nandavamsa.Later, the commander inspected construction of the dispensary of the
village Maternal and Child Welfare Association, and fulfilled the requirements.
Commander inspects
construction of convalescent building
Yangon, 21 April- Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint accompanied by officials
inspected the construction of three-storey construction of convalescent building of
Mandalay General Hospital yesterday morning. Then the Commander inspected Obstetric &
Gynaecological Ward, convalescent building and Neuro surgical Ward and construction of the
platform. He left necessary instructions there.
( 8 )
Htidaw to be hoisted atop Lawka Marazein Khaungphu Pagoda
Yangon, 22
AprilKachin State Peace and Development Council Chairman Northern Command Commander
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, together with departmental officials, inspected preparations for
hoisting Htidaw atop Lawka Marazein Khaungphu Pagoda in Khaungphu Village, Myitkyina
Township, on 18 April.
After hearing the reports by members of
Working Committee for Organizing Htidaw-Hoisting Ceremony on progress of work, the
commander gave instructions.
Led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha
Maha Nayaka Committee Myitkyi-na Wuntho Kyaungtaik Saya-daw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha
Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Silavamsa, the commander, members of the Leading Committee
for Organizing Htidaw-Hoisting Ceremony, Working Committee and the Pagoda Board of
Trustees and officials concerned held a coordination meeting.
Secretary of Kachin State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Myint Thein, Secretary of Myit-kyina District Peace and
Development Council Maj Than Htay and officials of the Working Committee reported on
progress of work, future tasks and requirements to the Sayadaw and the commander, who gave
instructions and attended to their needs.
Yangon bustling with
Yangon, 22 April The
pagodas in Yangon were packed with monks and devout Buddhists and recreational facilities
crowded with holiday-makers today, Sunday.
At the Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon), the
devotees were telling beads, meditating, offering Shwethingan and flowers to the pagoda
and making donations. Among them, tourists were also seen.
Similarly, Thirimingala Kaba Aye Pagoda,
Maha Wizaya Pagoda, Koehtatgyi Pagoda, Chaukhtatgyi Shwetha-lyaung Pagoda, Ngahtatgyi
Pagoda, Thanlyin-Kyaikkhauk Hsandawshin Pagoda, Kyauk-tan Kyaikhmaw-wun Yele Pagoda and
Maelamu Pagoda in North Okkalapa were teeming with monks and devotees. The holiday-makers
were enjoying rest and recreation at Peoples Square and Peoples Park
individually or in groups. Yangon Zoological Gardens, Thaketa Amusement Park and
Myakyuntha Amusement Park were crowded with people.
Market Festival continues
Yangon, 22 April
Nursery Market Festival continued at Myepadetha Garden with a view to enabling
growers to cultivate vegetables, fruits and herbal plants on a manageable scale or
commercial scale.
Grafted seedlings are available. Garden
crops, vegetables, fruits, farm implements and books on agricultural methods are on
sale.Those interested in livestock breeding can observe various systems of poultry
farming.Feedstuff and canned meat are available. A fish-breeding exhibition is also opened
( 9
) New drum of Majuko Corp introduced
Yangon, 21 April- A ceremony to introduce new drum of
Majuko Corp (Yangon Branch) was held at Yuzana Hotel here this morning, attended by the
officials from Myanma Economic Holdings Limited, Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services, Asia
Pacific Edible Oil Co Ltd, General Manager Mr Sunil Patwari of Majuko Corp, Manager U Khin
Maung Aye and staff and entrepreneurs. General Manager Mr Sunil Patwari extended greetings
and General Manager of APEO Mr Joseph Poon briefed the attendance on production line and
Manager U Khin Maung Aye on distribution. The corporation imports CR coils from the
Republic of Korea and produces new drums which will be distributed to the edible oil
entrepreneurs and others in Myanmar. The new drums are available at the corporation at
Building C, Dagon Centre, Myenigon Township Ph-527660 and 728662.
Completion certificates
Yangon, 22 April No
4 Basic Education Middle School of Mayangon Township presented middle school education
completion certificates for the 2000-2001 academic year this morning.
The ceremony was attended by Deputy
Director (Education) of No 3 Basic Education Department U Nu, Headmaster U Aung Ko Ko,
members of the school board of trustees and the parent-teacher association, teachers and
students.A ceremony to present primary education completion certificates was also held at
10.30 am.