( 1 ) Senior General
Than Shwe concludes inspection tour of Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Divisions

Yangon, 19 April
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Senior General Than Shwe arrived back here this evening after an inspection tour of
Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Divisions beginning 3 April.
Senior General Than Shwe, together with
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw
Than, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General
Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, deputy ministers, senior Tatmadaw officers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and heads of department, left
Mandalay by car yesterday morning.

Senior General Than Shwe and party arrived
at No 99 Light Infantry Division in Meiktila and were welcomed by Commander of No 99 LID
Brig-Gen Htay Oo and officials.
Then, Senior General Than Shwe inspected
light motor-vehicles manufactured by Meiktila Industrial Zone near LID Guest House and
gave guidance to the officials.
Afterwards, Senior General Than Shwe and
party inspected Meiktila-Pyinmana section of Yangon-Mandalay Highway and the bridges on it
and proceeded to Pyinmana. On arrival there at 1.30 pm, they were welcomed by member of
the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Brig-Gen Thein Swe of Pyinmana
Station and officials.
The Senior General and party spent the
night in Pyinmana.Senior General Than Shwe and party went to Sugar Mill No 4 (Taungsin
Aye) of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise in Lewe Township this morning.
Managing Director of Myanma Sugarcane
Enterprise U Myo Myint explained facts about the sugar mill to the Senior General.
Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on
availability of sufficient sugarcane for State-owned sugar mills and the boosting of
per-acre yield in cultivation of sugarcane in the sugarcane special zone.
Next, Senior General Than Shwe and party
left there by car and arrived at the regional battalion in Penwegon, Kyauktada Township,
Bago Division.
Then, they proceeded to Bago by car and
arrived at No 77 LID at 3 pm today.
They were welcomed there by member of the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Tactical Operations Commander
of No 77 LID Col Tin Hlaing, Secretary of Bago Division Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Aung Min and officials.
Senior General Than Shwe and party arrived
back here by car at 5 pm.Senior General Than Shwe toured three divisions for 17 days from
3 April to date.
The Senior General attended the opening
ceremony of Anawrahta Bridge spanning the Ayeyawady River in Magway Division.
Senior General Than Shwe attended the
graduation parade of the 43rd Intake of Defence Services Academy and the graduation parade
of the 3rd Intake of Defence Services Technological Academy, the opening of National
Kandawgyi Gardens in PyinOoLwin, the opening of the Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts
and New Century Resource Centre in Mandalay, the novitiation ceremony in Kyaukse, the
opening of Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged in Kyaukse and the opening of No 3 Paper Mill
The Senior General also attended the
inauguration ceremony of Thaphanseik Dam in Kyun Hla Township, Sagaing Division, on
Myanmar New Year Day.Senior General Than Shwe inspected Bagan Archaeological Museum,
training schools in Zebingyi, PyinOoLwin, tasks of Medical Research Department (Upper
Myanmar), factory projects in Kyaukse, Government Technological College and Peoples
Hospitals, pre-monsoon long staple cotton plantations in Singaing Township, Yeywa
Hydroelectric project, construction of the eight-lane Ring Road of Mandalay, the site
chosen for construction of Ayeyawady Bridge (Mandalay) and progress of work in
constructing a new building of Mandalay Railway Station and gave guidance to the
Secretary-General of Union Solidarity and
Development Association U Than Aung and CEC member U Thaung met secretaries and executives
of Pyinmana USDA and organizers of wards and villages at Kandawmingala Hall in Pyinmana
yesterday evening.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects Narcotic Drugs Elimination Museum, State
Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) Convocation Hall projects
Yangon, 19 April
State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected Narcotic Drugs
Elimination Museum Project in Kamayut Township, and the convocation hall project of State
Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) in Mayangon Township this morning.
Accompanied by officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, the Secretary-1 arrived at Narcotic Drugs
Elimination Museum Project at 9.30 am and was welcomed by Chairman of Central Committee
for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister for
Construction U Tint Swe, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun and Secretary of CCDAC
Director-General of Myan-mar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and members.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1
heard a report on progress in building the museum, display programmes and beautifying of
the compound presented by Minister Col Tin Hlaing. Officials then presented progress of
work and future tasks.

The Secretary-1 gave suggestions,
stressing the need to make efforts for emergence of a majestic museum of international
standard, to exhibit all the Myanmars drug elimination tasks undertaken throughout
the successive eras, to ensure complete and systematic exposition in order to realize the
aims of the museum and to grow rare tree species in beautifying the compound.
During inspection of the project, the
Secretary-1 attended to the requirements of the officials.
On arrival at the convocation hall project
at Kaba Aye, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Minister for Religious Affairs U
Aung Khin and officials.

At the project site, Minister U Aung Khin
reported to the Secretary-1 on progress in building the hall.
Deputy Minister U Tint Swe and officials
of Public Works explained the work and future plans and Myanmar designer U Ohn Tin
installation of traditional designs at the hall.
The Secretary-1 looked around the project
and attended to the requirements of the officials in striving to complete the project in
time and carrying out designing works. He then inspected the Research Library of Foreign
Missionary Division of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana.
Minister U Aung Khin, Director-General U
Sann Lwin of DPPS and officials explained the installation of a website to transmit the
rare Theravada Buddhist literature and manuscripts through the Internet.
During inspection of the pitaka repository
and Buddhist Culture Museum of the division, the Secretary-1 studied and paid homage to
ancient Buddha images.
( 3
) Resolution
on Myanmar adopted by Commission on HR far from being objective, impartial or fair
Resolution is politically motivated and clearly aimed at exerting continued
pressure on
Government of Myanmar
Yangon, 19 April The following
is the Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued today.
The 57th Session of the Commission on Human Rights adopted the
resolution on the situation of human rights in Myanmar on 18 April.
Though adopted after the recently concluded visit of the Special
Rapporteur Mr Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, who was provided with every opportunity to observe
the real situation in Myanmar, the resolution, except for a few elements, is far from
being objective, impartial or fair. Even the reflection in the resolution of the positive
and encouraging developments in the country is offset in the later part of the resolution
by accentuating the unfounded allegations of human rights emanating from those elements
who are bent on tarnishing the image of the Government.
Most disappointingly, the observations and concerns of the previous
Special Rapporteur, which have lost touch with the current reality in Myanmar, are given
undue prominence in a manner that has belittled the serious efforts of both the Government
of the Union of Myanmar and the newly appointed Special Rapporteur to convey to the
international community the true situation in the country and tended to impair the
momentum of cooperation that has been created in the successful visit of Mr Paulo Sergio
In view of all these reasons, it must be inescapably concluded that the
resolution is politically motivated and clearly aimed at exerting continued pressure on
the Government of Myanmar, which is a misplaced policy that will in no way contribute to
the promotion and protection of human rights, a noble cause that the international
community is trying to realize.
As the resolution is derogatory, unfair and partial, still retaining
many negative elements representing a policy of strong-armed tactics by a clearly biased
group of countries, Myanmar has no other alternative but to have dissociated itself from
the resolution.
Myanmar firmly believes that the continued pursuit of this policy will
not serve any useful purpose. As a government fully compassionate towards its citizenry,
the Government of Myanmar will unswervingly continue its efforts to improve the life of
the people of Myanmar.
( 4 ) Commerce Minister receives guests from Hong Kong
Yangon, 19
AprilMinister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Vice-President Mr Richard Yin
of SW Kingsways Capital Holdings Ltd, Hong Kong, and party at his office on Strand Road
here at 3 pm today.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan,
Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade
Department Col Nay Win and responsible officials of the ministry.
( 5 ) Minister
inspects 360-ton Rice Reprocessing Mills in Hlinethaya, Ahlon townships
Yangon, 19
AprilMinister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, accompanied by Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and officials, inspected 360-ton Rice Reprocessing Mill in Hlinethaya,
Township this morning.
In the briefing hall of the mill, Factory
Manager U Myint Cho reported on production process of the mill to the minister.
The minister gave instructions on meeting
the set standard, minimizing loss and wastage, arrangements for making the mill green and
pleasant and preventing the natural hazard.
Then, the minister and party met with the
factory manager and officials of 360-ton Rice Reprocessing Mill of Myanma Agricultural
Produce Trading in Ahlon Township at the briefing hall of the mill and left instructions
to officials.
troupe members continue excursion
Yangon, 19 AprilAltogether 146 members of border areas national race
cultural troupe from Putao (Kachin State), Kokang and Wa Regions (Northern Shan State),
Popankyin/Pankantkaw Region (Eastern Shan State), Homein Region (Southern Shan State),
Dimawhso Region (Kayah State), Haung-thayaw Region (Kayin State), Maungtaw (North) Region
(Rakhine State), Rikhorda and Mindat Regions (Chin State) and Nanyun/Panhsaung Region
(Sagaing Division), together with Deputy Director Maj San Wai of Progress of Border Areas
and National Races Department, visited the Nursery Market Festival opened daily at
Myepadetha Park in Bahan Township, this morning.They viewed the booths of the Festival and
bought seeds.
Afterwards, they visited Agricultural Museum, and the officials
concerned conducted them round the Museum.
They then visited Defence Services Museum where they were conducted
round it by officials. In the afternoon, they visited the National Museum.
Minister extends new year greetings to employees
Yangon 19 April - Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun, together with
Deputy Minister U Maung Aung, arrived at the Population Department yesterday afternoon.
The minister extended new year greetings to the officials and employees of the
ministry. He urged all the employees to keep up with the success of the ministry, to
cooperate in discharging duty with correct attitude and thought.
He also said that measures are being taken to further strengthen the foundation of the
work. Only when the foundation is strong, will the upper structure be strong. Stern action
will be taken against corrupt persons.
All the employees are to perform assigned tasks dutifully, to be loyal to the State and
to safeguard national prestige and' integrity.
Then, the deputy minister, Director-General of the Population Department Col Tin Yee
and Director-General of the National Registration Department Col Maung Htay reported on
progress of work.
( 6 ) Co-ord meeting held for hosting ASEAN Football
Federation Congress
Yangon, 19 April
Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint
delivered an opening address at the coordination meeting on hosting the Leading Committee
for the 8th ASEAN Football Federation Congress for 2001 and the 6th ASEAN Football Council
Meeting for 2000-2001 at the Youth SportsTraining Centre in Thuwunna this afternoon.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of MOC
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and members, officials of Yangon Command and
Ministry of Sports, directors-general and managing directors of departments and
enterprises concerned and guests. Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint gave a speech.
President of Myanmar Football Federation Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and
Physical Education Department reported on preparations for hosting the 8th Congress of
ASEAN Football Federation for 2001 and the 6th ASEAN Football Council for 2000-2001. Those
present took part in the discussions.
Minister inspects training of
tentatively selected Myanmar athletes
Yangon, 19 April-Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint inspected intensive training of tentatively
selected Myanmar footballers who will take part in XXI SEA Games at Padonma Football
Grounds in Sangyoung Township this morning. The minister provided training equipment to
improve the performance of the athletes. Then, the minister also inspected training of
tentatively selected Myanmar swimmers and judo athletes at National Swimming Pool on U
Wisara Road and training of volleyball players and weight-lifters at Aung San Stadium and
attended to the needs of officials.
( 7 ) Distribution of Myanmar Alin, Kyemon in Mandalay inspected
Yangon, 19 April-Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and
Periodicals Enterprise inspected printing and publishing of newspapers of Ministry of
Information to ensure distribution of dailies to the people of States, Divisions,
districts and townships in Upper Myanmar, at Myanma Alin and Kyemon Sub-printing House in
Mandalay on 16 April morning. The managing director inspected printing of Myanma Alin and
Kyemon dailies by the rotary machine and quality of papers. Afterwards, the managing
director urged officials to strive for production of good impression papers, to ensure
clear photos in the papers and to distribute quality papers without mistakes to the public
as soon as possible.
Religious title recipient Sayadaws honoured
Yangon, 19 April- A ceremony to honour four title-recipient Sayadaws and one lay person
was held at Atula Marazein Dhammayon in Taunggyi on 17 April. Also present were Chairman
of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo
and wife Daw Khin Lay Myint, military officers and families, departmental officials and
local people. Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Taunggyi Theindaung Kyaungtaik Saya-daw
administered the Five Precepts. The commander supplicated on religious affairs. Then, the
commander and wife, U Aye Kyaw and wife of AK Co donated robes and donations to Abhidhaja
Agga Maha Saddhammajotika title recipient Taunggyi Theindaung Kyaungtaik Sayadaw, Agga
Maha Pandita title recipient Administration Sayadaw of Nyaungshwe Kangyi Pariyatti
Sarthintaik, Maha Ganthavaaka Pandita title reciepient Deputy Lecturer Sayadaw of Taunggyi
Mingalayama Kyaungtaik and Ganthavaaka Pandita title recipient Assistant Lecturer Sayadaw
of Nyaung-shwe Khaungdaing Village Weikzalaya Pariyatti Sarthintaik. Afterwards, the
commander presented a gold medal to Siri Sudhamma Manijo-tadhara title recipient U Sai Tun
Yin of Taunggyi. In the afternoon, a ceremony to pay respects to 378 aged persons from
various wards in Taunggyi was held at the City Hall in Taunggyi. Then, a total of 750
members of the Sangha from 71 monasteries and 50 nuns from seven nunneries led by four
title recipient Sayadaws went from the Dhammayon to the corner of Myakantha eastern road
and Bogyoke Aung San Road. Local people donated provisions to the Sayadaws and nuns.
Coord meeting for offering Htidaw to Shwedagonlay Hsandawshin
Yangon, 19 April-A coordination meeting for hoisting Htidaw atop ancient Shwedagonlay
Hsandawshin Pagoda in Kyaikpadine village, Thanatpin Township, Bago Division and
renovation of the pagoda was held at the ordination hall of Shwedagonlay Monastery in the
village this morning, attended by Chairman of Bago Division Sangha Nayaka Committee
Presiding Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Agga Maha Gandhavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta
Vimala of Oktha Thiri Sarthintaik, Maha Sunsara Sayadaw Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja
Bhaddanta Kumara and Ovada Sayadaws led by Presiding Sayadaw Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja
Bhaddanta Dhammasara of Shwedagonlay Monastery.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Work Committee for Hoisting Htidaw Deputy
Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for
Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Adviser at the State Peace and Development Council
Office U Arnt Maung, Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo, Secretary of
Bago Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Min and members and responsible
officials and others.
Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and U Nyi Hla Nge inspected the condition of
Htidaw, Banana Bud, axis of the pagoda.
Then, the coordination meeting was held. The Deputy Ministers supplicated matters
related to all-round renovation tasks and forming of sub-committees, Adviser U Arnt Maung
on future tasks and Lt-Col Aung Min on budget to the Sayadaws.
The attendance took part in the discussions and the meeting came to a close with the
concluding remarks by Chairman Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko. The history of the pagoda is that
Hermit Gandha Vari received three strands of hair from the Buddha and built a small
pagoda with stone bricks at the edge of Suvunna Pabbada Mountain in 109 Maha Era. After
renovating Shwemawdaw Pagoda, in Bago, King Gaindhayaza of Hantawady found the pagodas and
built a 10.5 feet high pagoda over the old one and offered silver plates and gold Htidaw
to the pagoda in 264 Maha Era. The pagoda sent forth white rays for seven days and thus it
was called Kyaikpadan in Mon language. Later, the pagoda was renowned as Shwedagonlay
Pagoda and it was upgraded to 120 feet in height Sayadaws and devotees.
Now, under the ledership of the State Peace and Development Council, preparation, to
hoist Htidaw and all-round renovation of the pagoda are under way and devotees can make
cash-donation for the pagoda.
All-round construction of Mindhamma Hill goes on
Yangon, 19 April- Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township was crowded with members of the Sangha and devotees today.
Wellwishers made donations for carving the Image and all-round construction of
Mindhamma Hill. U Thein Aung-Daw Yi Yi Thein and family donated K 214,000 this morning. On
behalf of the Central Committee for all-round construction of Mindhamma Hill, Joint-
Secretary Cmdr Khin Maung Oo (Navy), officials and members of the Hill Board of Trustees
accepted the donations and presented a certificate of honour to the wellwishers.
Public Works of the Ministry of Construction undertook building and decoration of
Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and southern and northern stairways. Myanmar handicraft technicians
U Ohn Tin and group and U Hla Kyu and group carried out installation of Myanmar handicraft
at Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and the stairways.
Wut associations recited religious verses at the Image from morning to evening today.
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information sold various kinds of books.
Myanmar Traditional Artistes and Artisans Asiayon (Central) also opened the souvenir shop.
Donations wellwishers amounted to K 17 l .608,808 at the fund-raising unit of the image
from 5 August to this evening.
( 8 ) Respects paid to old
Yangon, 19 April- The old students of Penwegon Basic
Education High School held the 19th ceremony to pay respects to old teachers at the school
on 17 April. Over 500 old students paid respects to 45 old teachers of the school and
presented K 250,000 to the teachers. A trust fund worth K 750,000 was established at the
school so as to hold the respect-paying ceremony annually.
Cash donated to Rakhine State MCWA
Yangon, 19 April-A ceremony to donate cash by Asia Wealth
Bank Co Ltd to Rakhine State Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held in
conjunction with commemoration of second anniversary of opening Asia Wealth Bank Co Ltd
(Sittway Branch), at the hall in Sittway, Rakhine State, on 13 April evening. Present on
the occasion were Secretary of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Thein
Kyaing, departmental officials, Vice-President of AWB Co Ltd U Aik Tun and staff,
townselders and local entrepreneurs. Vice-President U Aik Tun presented K 500,000 to
Secretary Lt-Col Thein Kyaing who spoke words of thanks. The bank has a deposit of about K
152,000 million and a treasury bond of about K 70,000 million to the Central Bank. About K
87,000 million has been on loan to the entrepreneurs. The bank gave K 874.47 million as
income tax to the State in 2000-2001 fiscal year.
( 9
) Heroin seized in Chanmyathazi
Yangon, 19 April A
combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force,
acting on information while waiting at the corner of 66th Street and Khaingshwewa Street
in Chanmyathazi Township on 27 March, seized drug traffickers Tun Win, son of U Maran Bauk
of block Nga-1/29, Ward 3, Chanmyathazi Township and his wife Daw Kyi Kyi Lwin, daughter
of U Thein Lwin, together with 0.767 kilo of heroin in 50 soap boxes.
Action has been taken against them under the Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.