( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Defence Services Commander-in-Chief
Senior General Than Shwe visits Maha Muni Buddha Image in Mandalay
Yangon, 18
AprilChairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, while in Mandalay and party visited Maha Muni
Buddha Image in Mandalay yesterday evening.
First, Senior General Than Shwe and party
paid homage to the image and offered gold foils to it.
Next, they paid obeisance to Yaydaw
Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Panñavam-sa. The Senior General signed
in the visitors' book and donated cash for the image to the members of the Pagoda Board of
Then, the Senior General and party
inspected preparations to offer gold Htidaw to Maha Thuwunna Pathada Gandhakuti
Kyaungdawgyi, where the image is kept, and gold bells.Afterwards, they viewed the
documentary photos of the image.
( 2 ) Business Information Group founded to
distribute Myanmars economic news internationally
Arrangements under way for soonest
emergence of ICT park
Yangon, 18 April Chairman of Myanmar Computer Science Development Council
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected
Business Information Group (BIG) and Bagan Cybertech on University Avenue in Kamayut
Township, and construction of Myanma Information and Communication Technology Development
building in Hline Township this morning.
During the inspection the Secretary-1 attended to the needs of the
officials, saying, BIG was founded with young men including MBA graduates with the aim of
studying and gathering information for
entrepreneurs such as businessmen, bankers and tourism entrepreneurs and distributing
Myanmars economic news internationally. It is also publishing Business Tank
magazine, which includes investment opportunities and tourist information. in Myanmar, in
Myanmar and English.
The departmental personnel and entrepreneurs here are requested to give
necessary assistance to ensure greater success to BIGs economic-related operations.
As Myanmar, an ASEAN member nation, is a signatory to the e-ASEAN agreement, she will have
to work with might and main for progress of computer technology.
Myanmar founded Myan-mar Computer Science Development Council and is
promoting the computer science stage by stage to the best of its capacity.
At present, global changes are occurring in the field of information
techno-logy with high momentum. Keen interest in computer science is rising among
todays youths. It can be seen that ASEAN nations and neighbouring countries are
broadening their field of computer science and that they are achieving rapid progress in
the sector. Qualified young men are emerging in Myanmar also as more and more youths are
studying the computer science. Arrangements are being made for soonest emergence of an ICT
park in Myanmar with the aim of paving the way for the youths to enter the field of
computer science and widening the future IT field and accelerating its functions. Plans
are under way to set up a telecommunication data centre in IT Park with the application of
V set network.
The State is giving encouragement for the development of the services
of Bagan Cybertech in enabling all the sectors of Myanmar such as the economic, banking,
farming, education, health and social areas to get abreast of the international nations in
the field of IT, which is becoming popular and developing with high momentum in the
international sphere.
The ICT Park, which is being set up from now on, will render much
assistance to the nation to partake in the globally developing software programmes with
the available human resources.
Chief Editor of BIG Daw Nandi reported to the Secretary-1 and party on
functions of the group, founding of the group, aims, reformation activities,
organizational set up, weekly issued economic news, services, information connections with
internal and external economic organizations, distribution of news bulletins to its
members and future programmes with the help of charts.
Staff Officer (Grade-I) of Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry
of Defence Lt-Col Tin Oo briefed the Secretary-1 and party on data communication
operations of Bagan Cybertech, and functions of projected e-Commerce and Intranet, saying,
ten private companies have already made arrangements to offer e-Shopping, e-Banking,
e-Reservation, e-Media, e-Journal and e-Book services. He added that other companies and
departments are also making arrangements to take part in e-Commerce programmes.
Concerning the Intranet, he explained the system, the system
programmes, rates, aims and services of the V-set net-working system of the information
communication technology park.
As regards the Bagan Cybertech, he said that the national portal or
resource centre will be set up to gather information and data from multiple sectors for
progress of information and communication technology and distribution of the news.
Officials then answered to queries raised by the participants
concerning the Bagan Cybertech.
The Secretary-1 and party and entrepreneurs visited the Bagan
Cybertech.At the briefing hall of the Myanma Information and Communication Technology
Development Building Project, the Secretary-1 and party heard a report on the design of
the building presented by Managing Director of Winner Company U Aung Zaw Myint, the area,
its architectural set up, installation of communication equipment and erection of the
tower and earth station by Lt-Col Tin Oo of OSS.
The Secretary-1 gave suggestions. Accompanied by officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, the Secretary-1 arrived at Business Information
Group and Bagan Cybertech at 9 am and was welcomed by member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, deputy ministers, heads of department,
the president and officials of Union of Myanmar Federation Chambers of Commerce and
Industry, members of the Myanma Information and Communication Technology Development
group, national entrepreneurs, computer industrialists and bankers.
( 3
) National Convention covening Commission meets
18 AprilThe National Convention Convening Commission held a meeting at the meeting
hall of NCCC Office here at 2 pm today.Present on the occasion were Chairman of NCCC
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Vice-Chairmen Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and commission
Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin
made a speech at the meeting.The National Convention Convening Work Committee and National
Convention Convening Management Committee reported on matters relating to the National
Convention.Members of the National Convention Convening Commission took part in the
discussions.Afterwards, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by Maj-Gen Saw Lwin.
( 4 ) Permanent Representative U Kyaw Tint Swe presents
credentials to UN Secretary-General
Yangon, 19 April - U Kyaw Tint Swe,
Permanent Representative of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York,
presented his credentials to the Secretary-General of the United Nations His Excellency Mr
Kofi Annan at New York on 9 April 2001.
U Hla Thann presents credentials to President of Singapore
Yangon, 19 April
- U Hla Thann, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the
Republic of Singapore, presented his credentials to His Excellency Mr Sellapan Ramanathan,
President of the Republic of Singapore, on 10 April 2001, in Singapore.
( 5 ) Commander honours members of Hiking and Mountaineering
Yangon, 18 AprilA
ceremony to honour the members of Myanmar Hiking and Mountaineering Association, who had
scaled 11,500 feet high Phonkan mountain in Putao District, Kachin State, was held at No 1
guest house in Myitkyina on 16 April morning, attended by Chairman of Kachin State Peace
and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and wife Daw San
San Yee.
Also present on the occasion were
Commander Brig-Gen Bo Kyi of Myitkyina Air Base, senior military officers and their wives,
State Secretary Lt-Col Myint Thein and members, departmental officers and 14 members of
MHMA including 14 women members.
President of MHMA Dr Paing Soe introduced
the mountaineers to the attendance and presented a pennant of the association to the
Commander who presented K 500,000 to the association and the ceremony came to a close.The
mountaineers scaled Phonkan mountain on 3 April and arrived at the summit on 9 April
morning. They gave necessary health care services to the local people in the villages
along the way.
Commander attends opening of Thingyan Central Pandal in
Yangon, 18
AprilCentral Pandal of Myanma Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival was opened at the
City Hall in Lashio Township in Northern Shan State on 13 April.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of
Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Commander of North East Command Maj-Gen
Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and wife, senior military officers and their wives,
Secretary of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Lt-Col Win Han, departmental
officials, townselders, guests and members of dance troupes.
Chairman of Lashio District Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Soe Win formally opened the Myanma Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival.
( 6 ) Deputy
Minister attends opening of Bayin theatre

Yangon, 18 April-Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein- attended the
opening of Bayin Theatre of Thein Exports & Imports Co and Thein Motion Picture
Enterprise held at the theatre at the corner of Bogyoke Aung San Road and Maha Bandoola
Garden Street here at 9 am today. Also present on the occasion were Managing Director U Bo
Kyi of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise, Managing Director Col Myint Thein of Printing and
Publishing Enterprise, member of YCDC Col Thaung Wai, departmental heads, Managing
Director U Hla Kyaing of Thein Motion Picture Enterprise, officials and invited guests.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Managing Director U Bo Kyi and Managing Director U
Hla Kyaing formally opened the theatre. Then, the Deputy Minister and party inspected the
theatre and the ceremony came to a close. The theatre is renovated by Thein Motion Picture
Enterprise, and Central Air-Conditioning System is installed there. The entrance fees are
K 75, K 100, K 150, K 200, K 300 and K 500.
Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival of Southern Command closes
Yangon, 18 April
Closing ceremony of Myanma Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival of Southern Command and
prize-presentation were held in front of Ayechanphyo Hall in Bago on 16 April.
Present were Chairman of Bago Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye and wife Daw
Kyi Kyi Ohn, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of
Toungoo Station, senior military officers, departmental officials and guests.Girls of the
command entertained the audience to solo dance. The commander and officials presented
prizes to winning yein troupes.
( 7 ) Meritorious deeds performed on Myanmar New
Year Day in Mandalay
Yangon, 18
AprilMeritorious deeds were performed and respects were paid to the aged persons on
the morning of auspicious Myanmar New Year Day of 1363 ME at Dhammayons in wards and
townships and at pagodas in Mandalay and parittas were recited in the evening.
Under the auspices of Yaydaw Sayadaw Agga
Maha Saddhamma Jotika-dhaja Bhaddanta Panña-vamsa, members of the Image Face Washing Wut
Association and the public washed the face of Mahamuni Image and offered soon
and water to the image at 5 am.
Devotees offered Shwe-thingan,
soon, water, flowers, lights and fruits to the Image and set fishes and birds
Devotees were served with Mohnlethsaung,
Shwe-yin Aye and juices by shopkeepers and departmental personnel at four different
stairways of the pagoda.
At 7 am,
over 500 members of Union Solidarity and Development Association of seven townships in
Mandalay District led by Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Tin Ohn released over 15,000 fishes at the moat by the side between 80th and 24th
The group then donated K 100 each to 67
elders at Home for the Aged at the foot of Mandalay Hill and also donated K 20,000 to the
home. They performed meritorious deeds such as shampooing and manicuring the elders in
accord with Myanmar tradition.
Likewise, staff families led by Mandalay
Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein set over 10,000 fishes free at the moat in front of office of
Mandalay Development Committee and then released 1,000 birds at Sandamuni Pagoda.
Similar activities were carried out at
famous pagodas such as Sandamuni, Kuthodaw, Kyauktawgyi, Shwekyeemyin, Thakya-thiha,
Eindawyar, Tooth Relic Pagoda (Mandalay), Yankin Hill, Mandalay Hill, etc. Holiday makers
also packed Zoological Gardens as well as at parks in the city.
Prizes presented to Thingyan yein
Yangon, 18 AprilA ceremony to
present prizes to yein troupes that participated in Myanma Traditional Maha Thingyan
Festival of South-West Command was held at central pandal of the command on 16
April.Present were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Deputy Commander
Brig-Gen Tint Swe and senior military officers and their wives, guests and yein troupes.
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe
presented prizes to yein troupes. Those present and yein troupes sang the song
( 8 ) English
version book to mark Armed Forces Day published
Yangon, 18 AprilThe
Work Committee for Organizing Poetry and Arts Competition in commemoration of the 54th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day with Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt as Chairman, has
published the 7th English version compilation of prize-winning works as assigned by the
Leading Committee for Organizing the Armed Forces Day.
Included in the book are prize-winning
poems, articles, essays and short stories.In the 448-page compilation, the works are
translated into English by U Ba Than (MA), Lt-Col Win Pe (Retd) (Amaytha), U Tin Nwe
Maung, U Thein Htut, U Khin Maung Aye, U Maung Hlaing (Maung Swe Nge), U Soe Myint, U Than
Hlaing Thit, and professors and faculty members of English Departments of Yangon
University, University of Foreign Languages (Yangon), Yangon Institute of Education and
Dagon University.
Copies of the book are available at the
bookstalls of Sarpay Beikman, No 529/531, Merchant Street, Yangon and News and Periodicals
Enterprise, and Myawady Literary House.
Cultural troupe members
visit Bago
Yangon, 18 April-A total of 146 members of border areas
national race cultural troupe from Putao (Kachin State), Kokang and Wa Regions (Northern
Shan State), Ponpakyin/Pankantkaw Region (Eastern Shan State), Homein Region (Southern
Shan State), Dimawhso Region (Kayah State), Haungthayaw Region (Kayin State), Maungtaw
((North) Region (Rakhine State), Rikhorda and Mindat Regions (Chin State) and
Nanyun/Panhsaung Region (Sagaing Division), accompanied by officials, visited the
Shwemawdaw Pagoda in Bago this morning. They were conducted round by the Pagoda Trustees.
After making donations to the pagoda, they visited Buddhology Museum. They then visited
Seinthalyaung Pagoda and also donated cash to the pagoda. They proceeded to Kanbawzathadi
Palace where they were conducted round it by Assistant Director U Myat Swe of the Ministry
of Culture. In the evening, they visited the Shwethalyaung Pagoda in Bago, and made
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets 25 years
Yangon, 18 April.A combined team comprising members of
local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information,
searched the house of Mya Thaung (a) Hlaing Bwa, 42, of a Minyekaungpon Street, Ward 104
in Dagon Myothit (South) Township and arrested him together with 4.082 kilos of marijuana
on 23 March, 2000. Dagon Myothit (South) Police Force filed him under Narcotic Drugs and
Psycho-tropic Substances Law. Yangon East District Court handed down five years'
imprisonment under Section 15 and twenty years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) to serve
separately on him on 7 March.
Heroin seized in Muse
Yangon, 18 April-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, stopped and searched a van (Ba/5199) driven
by Kyaw Li (a) Yan Sai Sin, son of U Li Kyein Mon, of Shaukhaw Village, Kutkai Township on
21 March, and seized 20 blocks of heroin weighing seven kilos. The authorities nabbed the
driver and Win Naing (a) Khan Kya Phu, son of U Kyon Chan Lint, of Ward 5, Kyugok
(Pansaing), who was on the vehicle which was on its way from Namt Hai Village, Muse
Township, to Kyuguk (Pansaing). Action was taken against the two under Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.