( 1 ) State Peace and
Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Syria
Yangon, 17 AprilSenior General Than Shwe, Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of
felicitations to His Excellency Mr Bashar Al-Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic,
on the occasion of the National Day of the Syrian Arab Republic which falls on 17 April
( 2 ) Secretary-1 and
wife enjoy Maha Thingyan Festival on Atet Day
Yangon, 16 AprilSecretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe this
morning joined in Myanma traditional Maha Thingyan Festival at the pandal of the Ministry
of Home Affairs on Atet Day.
The Secretary-1 and wife together with
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office arrived at the pandal of the
Ministry of Home Affairs where they were welcomed by member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and wife Daw
Khin Hla Hla, the ministers, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung,
Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, departmental officials
and wives, Mr Ron Aldridge of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the US and wife,
Counsellor of Australian Embassy, Mr Cedric Netto of Australian Federal Police Force and
wife and families of service personnel of the ministry.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing extended the New
Year greetings.Families of service personnel entertained the guests to Thingyan songs and
dances.The Secretary-1 presented gifts to yein troupes.
The Secretary-1 and wife Dr Daw Khin Win
Shwe, guests, Minister Col Tin Hlaing and wife, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint
Maung, Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, heads of departments and their wives and officials doused
one another.The Secretary-1 and wife and party left the pandal in the afternoon.
( 3
) Yangon
Mayors Maha Thingyan Pandal successfully closed
Yangon, 16 April The
Yangon Mayors Maha Thingyan Pandal was closed at the pandal in front of the City
Hall at 4.55 pm today.
First, yein troupes and artistes took
their designated places.Joint-Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee U Kyi Win
announced the closing of the pandal for 1362 ME Maha Thingyan Festival.
Families of YCDC, Thingyan revellers, yein
troupes and artistes closed the pandal with singing Mantaungyeikkho song. From
morning till evening, traditional cultural troupes of border areas, currently here at the
invitation of Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National
Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, presented
traditional dances and songs to revellers and the audience, and they enjoyed the
festivities of Maha Thingyan.

Similarly, yein troupes Kabyarmay,
Mingalamay, Shwekyunmay, Nandawun-may, NweU Kabyar, Tein-hlwa Nunu, Bayintnaung Hteikhtar,
Shweyamin, Yenan Thuza, Myanma Shwethingyan, Panuyinmay, BEHS No 2 Kamayut, Santawwin,
Dagonmay, Yaminthuzar and Aung-nyeingyan entertained the public with yein dances.Likewise,
trainees of Myanma Affairs and International Studies Course No 2 and Executives
Advanced Management Course No 9 of Union Solidarity and Deve-lopment Association from
Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby arrived at the Yangon Mayors Maha Thingyan
Pandal and joyfully participated in the water-throwing festival together with Yangonites.
On Atet Day and today, the people and motorized revellers thronged in front and both sides
of the Mayors Pandal.
( 4 ) Pandals crowded with
revellers, pagodas with devotees in Mandalay
Yangon, 16 AprilThingyan festival in
Mandalay was crowded with revellers, who doused one another in accordance with the
tradition yesterday, and belles, wearing Padauk flowers, took part in the festivities.
Devotees thronged Maha Muni pagoda and other pagodas, where they meditated, kept Sabbath
and performed meritorious deeds.
At the Mayors central pandal in Mandalay, members of the dance
troupe from Mandalay City Development Committee and famous vocalists and film stars
entertained the revellers to the accompaniment of the music band.
Daw Yin Yin Shwe, wife of Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, together
with wife of the Secretary of MCDC, wives of MCDC members and wives of departmental heads,
enjoyed the entertainment programmes presented by the artistes.The artistes also
entertained the people at IT Link Computer pandal, Forest Department pandal, Health
Department pandal on the east of the moat and Nan Myint pandal and Hom Peng family pandal
on the west of the moat.The Decorated Floats Scrutiny Committee is scrutinizing the floats
from Meikhtila District and Mandalay District at night.Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and wife,
wife of Deputy Commander, families of MCDC and people enjoyed the entertainment of the
artistes at Mayors Central pandal, other pandals.
( 5 ) Maha
Thingyan held in Monywa
Yangon, 16 April
Myanmar Traditional Ma-ha Thingyan Festival for 1362 ME was held in Monywa. Revellers
enjoyed the water festival in front of Monywa City Hall and along Bogyoke Road and Strand
Road on the eve of Thingyan and Akya Day.
Artistes and yein troupe members sang
songs and performed dances at the pandal of North-West Command Headquarters and pandals of
ministries and private entrepreneurs in Monywa on Akya day evening. The people took part
in the festivities by car, cycle, bicycles and bullock cart.
Secretary of Sagaing Division Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Ye Htut, Division Commissioner of General Administration
Department U Thein Aung, Chairman of Monywa District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col
Than Nyunt and officials attended the competition of decorated floats at the pandals.On
Akyat day morning, pagodas, stupas and religious buildings were thronged with devotees.
Large amount of local people performed meritorious deeds at the religious buildings and
released birds.SoonU Ponnyashin and other pagodas in Sagaing, which is not too far from
Mandalay, were crowded with pilgrims.
( 6 ) Prizes presented to Ozi, Dobat and yein troupes and decorated floats
Yangon, 16 AprilA
ceremony to present prizes to outstanding Ozi, Dobat and yein troupes and decorated floats
was held at the Yangon Mayors Maha Thingyan Pandal on Sule Pagoda Road this
evening.Present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U
Ko Lay and wife Daw Khin Khin, Vice-Chairman Col Maung Pa and wife, Secretary Col Myint
Aung and wife, Joint Secretary U Kyi Win and wife, members of YCDC, heads of department,
guests, artistes and the public. Before the ceremony, prize winning troupes entertained
the audience.Mayor U Ko Lay, officials and their wives presented prizes to prize-winning
throng Yangon Mayors Maha Thingyan pandal on
Atet Day
Yangon, 16 AprilMinister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and
wife Daw Khin Hla Hla, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister for Home
Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye
Myint Kyu and officials arrived at Yangon Mayors Maha Thingyan pandal this
Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay and wife Daw Khin
Khin, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and wife and officials welcomed and doused the guests. The
guests were entertained to songs and dances. The Minister for Home Affairs and party also
entertained the Mayor and party to songs and dances.
Next, Y2 Mothers Group of Myanmar
Motion Picture Asiayon and national cultural troupes from border areas who are currently
here to participate in Maha Thingyan Festival at the invitation of Chairman of Work
Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, presented dances.
The Minister for Home Affairs, the mayor and artistes sang
a song "Mann-taung-yeik-kho" and took part in Thingyan Festival.
( 7 ) Merry-makers,
revellers joyfully participate in festivities of Maha Thingyan on Atet Day
Yangon, 16 April As
today is Thingyan Atet Day, yein troupes and vocalists entertained the audience to dances
and songs at pandals here.
The Yangonites took part joyfully in the
water festival in townships of Yangon Division. In the evening, the closing ceremonies
were successfully held at the pandals.
The number of the revellers who
participated in the water festival today was larger than that of the revellers who took
part in the festivities yesterday (Akyat Day). Some roads in Yangon City were temporarily
blocked as a result of heavy traffic. The traffic police directed vehicles in order to
ease traffic congestion and to prevent traffic accident.
Water and Sanitation Department of Yangon
City Development Committee attended to the needs of water supply to ensure that people
could enjoy the Maha Thingyan Festival.Ministry of Home Affairs pandal was closed
with the entertainment of yein troupes, ozi and dohbat troupes and dance troupes in the
Myanmar Pipes ACC Essories Co Ltd, Tokyo
Pipe, Summit Parkview Hotel, Cussons International Ltd and England Imperial Leather
pandals on Ahlon Road were crowded with the public.Water-throwing pandals on Parima Road,
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and Theinbyu Street were thronged with revellers.
Merry-makers and public took part in the
festivities of Thingyan in accord with displinery rules of Yangon City Maha Thingyan
Discipline Enforcement Committee.In this year, not only local people but also foreigners
enjoyed the Myanmar Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival.
( 8 ) Deputy
Minister inspects factories in Mandalay and Magway Divisions
Yangon, 16 April
Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun inspected construction of the warehouse
in the compound of the beverage factory in Mandalay on 9 April morning.
Then, the deputy minister proceeded to
Sagaing and visited Sagaing Garment Factory.The deputy minister gave instructions on
availability of raw materials, the manufacturing of finished products, quality control and
maintenance of machinery.The deputy minister inspected the factory.Afterwards, the deputy
minister went to the instant noodle factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries.He inspected
installation of machinery and production of instant noodle on an experimental scale.
Next, he proceeded to the textile and
finishing plant at Ywathitgyi in Sagaing.He met with the factory manager and officials and
gave instructions on availability of raw materials and the thrift use of engine oil and
production work.On 10 April morning, the deputy minister went to Pakokku.He inspected
construction of the staff quarters in the compound of the textile and finishing plant, the
condition of Pakokku Dyeing Factory, Winthuza Shop at Myoma Market in Pakokku and
production work of Cigarette Factory No 2, and gave instructions on fire preventive
On 11 April, the deputy minister went to
Salingyi.He inspected the site chosen for construction of the textile and finishing plant
and staff quarters on 12 April morning.He also gave instructions on water supply.
( 9
) Myeik Maha Thingyan Festival held
Yangon, 16 April A ceremony to open
the Myeik Central Pandal of 1362 ME Maha Thingyan Festival was held at the pandal in
Seiknge Ward in Myeik on 13 April evening. Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway attended the
ceremony and opened the pandal.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary of Taninthayi Division
Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Nyo and members, members of the leading
and sub-committee for organizing the Maha Thaingyan Festival, yein troupes and guests.
At 5.30 pm, the commander opened the Myeik Maha Thingyan Pandal. Yein
troupes sang the Mantaungyeikkho song and presented dances to the audience.Then, the yein
troupes entertained the audience with Myuhmaung Waikin song. The commander and guests
enjoyed the water-throwing festival.Afterwards, the commander attended the presentation of
yein dances at the pandal and the opening ceremony came to a close.
Yein troupes took part in the yein dance competitions at the central
pandal, the pandal in South Myeik Ward, the pandal in Kangyi Ward and the Construction
pandal beginning 7 pm.
Entertainment programmes were presented to audience at respective
pandals in Myeik from mornings to evenings of Thingyan Akya Day, Akyat Day and Aktet Day.