( 1 ) Head of State Senior General Than Shwe inspects Yeywa
Hydroelectric Power Project

Yangon, 14 April - Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe this morning left Mandalay for Yeywa Hydroelectric Power Project of
Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, which is being implemented on Myitnge River 28 miles to
the south-east of Mandalay.
The Senior General was
accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Deve-lopment Council Adjutant-General
Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air)
Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the deputy
ministers, senior military officers, heads of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and departments concerned.
In the briefing hall, Deputy
Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint reported to the Senior General and party on the
location of Yeywa Hydroelectric Power Project, the results of the feasible study, the
watershed area of Myitnge River and the condition of generating hydroelectric power.
Minister Maj-Gen Tin Htut
reported on the condition of building the hydroelectric plant, the suggestions given by
consultant companies and the tasks to be carried out in implementing the project, and
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin on the cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation in implementing the project.
Then, the Senior General enjoined
the officials to keep in store necessary materials for the project, to finish
implementation of the project ahead of schedule and to be thrift in carrying out project

Later, the Senior General
inspected samples of stones dug from the concrete dam and tunnel and samples of sand and
stones from Paleik and Htonbo to be used at the project.
Next, the Senior General and
party inspected the site chosen for construction of the concrete dam and project tasks
being carried out with the use of heavy machinery, and left there for Mandalay by car at
11 am.
Myitnge River is a tributary of
the Ayeyawady River, and Yeywa Hydroelectric Power Project is being implemented in order
to build Roller Compacted Concrete Dam on Myitnge River and to generate 3,316 million kwh
per year.

The concrete dam, 2,060 feet long
and 400 feet high, can hold 19,051,000 acre-feet of water.The hydroelectric plant, 413
feet long, 121 feet wide and 164 feet high, will be installed with four 175-mega watt
turbines and can generate 700 mega watts.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket
Sein, who accompanied the Senior General on the tour of Mandalay, inspected the
construction of Mandalay Institute of Dental Medicine and lecture hall of Mandalay
Institute of Nursing yesterday afternoon.
Senior General Than Shwe inspects
cotton special zone and attends opening of No 3 Paper Mill (Paleik)

Yangon, 13 April Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe, together with Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military
Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Chairman Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Ministers, Deputy Ministers,
senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and
departments concerned, left Kyaukse by car at 9 am today for Mogaung-Monpin pre-monsoon
long staple cotton special zone in Singaing Township.

At the briefing hall, the Senior
General and party heard reports presented by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation
Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin who explained that altogether 840,000 acres were targeted to be put
under cotton in the entire country in 2000-2001 fiscal and 803,000 acres had been
cultivated with cotton; this year it was targeted to put 860,000 acres under cotton; 39
pre-monsoon long-staple cotton special zones with 38,011 acres were designated in 17
townships of Mandalay Division; 2000 acres were to put under cotton in Singaing Township
and so far 2,113 acres have been cultivated with cotton; and cultivation method,
fertilizers, pesticides and necessary inputs were provided to farmers.
After hearing the reports, the
Senior General guided that crop-wise special zones were designated at suitable places and
crops are to be cultivated with modern cultivation techniques; focus must also be made for
boosting per-acre yield of crops and educating and encouraging the farmers to strive for
boosting production; and energetic efforts should be made to achieve success in
cultivation of cotton and sesamum in special zones. Next, the Senior General and party
inspected cotton pedigrees, saplings and plantations in Mogaung-Monpin zone.
Afterwards, the Senior General
and party proceeded to Paleik in Singaing Township by car and attended the opening
ceremony of No 3 Paper Mill (Paleik) of the Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries of the
Ministry of Industry-1. Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Mandalay City Mayor
Brig-Gen Yan Thein, PRC Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun, departmental officials, local
authorities and populace also attended it.
Senior General Than Shwe formally
unveiled the signboard of the paper mill by remote control. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint,
Minister U Aung Thaung and Tianjin Machinery Import & Export Corporation (Group)
President Mr Sun Jian Rong formally opened the mill by cutting the ribbon. Secretary-3
Lt-Gen Win Myint formally unveiled the stone plaque of the mill. At the hall of the mill,
Minister U Aung Thaung explained that the mill is the very first one to produce newsprint
in Myanmar and 25 tons of import-quility newsprint per day will be produced by it. He also
explained the area, preparatory measures, test-run employees strength, requirement of raw
materials and others. General Manager U Thein Win of MPCI explained the process of
newsprint production with the aid of video. Managing Director of News and Periodicals
Enterprise U Tin Kha explained matters on printing of newspapers in Yangon and Mandalay
and the quality of newsprints in being utilized.
Senior General Than Shwe then
provided necessary instructions. Minister U Aung Thaung then presented the embroidered
picture of the paper mill and gifts to the Senior General. Next, the minister also
presented souvenirs to Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and Deputy Prime Minister Lt-Gen Tin
Hla. The Minister also presented souvenirs and fruit baskets to PRC Ambassador Mr Li
Jinjun, Tianjian MIEC President Mr Sun Jian Rong, MD Mr Ding Jian Xin and Engineer Mr Pan
Yan Tian. GM U Thein Win of MPCI presented cash donations to Kyaukse District USDA,
Singaing Township USDA, Township Womens Affairs Committee and Township Maternal and
Child Welfare Association.
The paper mill was built with the aims of
supplying import-substitute newsprint, contributing towards regional development and
acquiring experience and techniques. The construction of the mill began in September 1999
and was completed in December 2000. The newsprint produced by the mill is now being
experimentally used in printing Myanma Alin and Kyemon dailies.
( 2 ) Senior General Than Shwe's family
bolds novitiation ceremony

YANGON, 12 April-The novitiation ceremony sponsored by the
family of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing was held at Thiri
Sasana Dhammayon in Kyaukse on 12 April morning. Present were State Ovadacariya Sayadaws
led by the State Ovadacariya Sayadaw of Maha Withoddayon Taikthit of Mandalay, the
Vice-Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and member Sayadaws, the
Chairman Sayadaw of Mandalay Division Sangha Nayaka Committee and member Sayadaws and
invited Sayadaws totalling 50 and 108 novices. Also present together with the family of
the Senior General and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear
Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister For Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and
wife Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, ministers; deputy ministers, senior military officers, the
Mayor of Mandalay, heads of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments
concerned, departmental officials of Mandalay Division, authorities from Kyaukse District
and Township, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association and guests. The Senior General and wife and family, party and the congregation
received the Five Precepts from State Ovadacariya Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Joint
Shwekyin Sasanabai Maha Withoddayon Taikthit Wasokyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Agghiya.
Then,'the members of the Sangha recited Parittas. The
Senior General and wife and family offered alms to the Sayadaws. Next, the Secretary-3,
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers and party presented alms
to the members of the Sangha. Divisional Sangha . Nayaka Committee Chairman Myataung
Shwewawin Monastery Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhadwdanta Sasanabhivamsa delivered a
The Senior General and family and the congregation shared
merits gained for good deeds. The Senior General and wife and family and party offered
'soon' to the Sayadaws, members of the Sangha and the novices. After the ceremony, the
Senior General and wife and patty paid homage to Yena Kyaungtaik Sayadawgyi Bhaddanta
Nanobhasa aged 8 in Kyaukse.
Senior General Than Shwe attends
opening of Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged in Kyaukse
Yangon, 12 April-State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Defence Services Commander-in-Chief Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing
Kyaing attended the opening of Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged in Kyaukse this afternoon. Also
present were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General
Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air)
Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Chairman Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, deputy ministers, senior
military officers, the Mayor of Mandalay, heads of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and departments concerned, departmental officials of Mandalay Division, Kyaukse
District and Township, families and wellwishers of Shwe Thanlwin Company, members of USDA,
MMCWA, Red Cross Brigade, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Working Committee for Women's Affairs,
and WVO, band and pom-pom troupes and local people.
Daw Thida Swe of MRTV acted as master of ceremonies and
read the agenda of the ceremony. The Senior General formally unveiled the signboard of
Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen
Saw Tun, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Patron of
Shwe Thanlwin Company medal recipient for excellent performance in the social field (Geade
II ) Siha Sudhamrna Manijotadtwa U Bein Win and wife Siha Sudhamma Singi, Sirisudhamma
Singi Daw Ni formally opened the building of Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged.

Then, a ceremony to mark the opening of Shwe Ceti Home for
the Aged was held. Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said that Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on building a home for the aged
in order to care for poor aged persons living in Kyaukse and its surrounding areas in
Mandalay Division. A 3.5acre plot of land was designated near Shwe Ceti in Kyaukse to
build a home for the aged. Shwe Thanlwin Company made an earnest request for donating a
home for the aged in Kyaukse.
The ground-breaking ceremony for the home for the aged was
held on 18-2-2000, and the construction work took 13 months. In addition all the buildings
for the home for the aged, beds, cupboards and furniture, clothes, medicines, water and
power supply, the hot water and cold water system, generators, an administrative vehicle,
a transport vehicle, an ambulance, a truck and staff quarters including a two storied
building with two units, a two-storied building with six units were donated. The main
building of Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged comprises the alter room, the ward for aged men
and the ward for aged women, a visiting room, an office room, a reading room, a clinic, a
mess, a store room, a kitchen room, birth rooms and toilets.
While Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged was under construction,
22 wellwishers made donations. The donations have been deposited at the bank, and with the
use of interests, aged persons of the home are served with food and looked after. In
conclusion, the minister thanked Shwe Thanlwin Company, other wellwishers, the commander
of central command and officials and local people.
Shwe Thanlwin Company Chairman U Kyaw Win said as the Head
of the State has been giving, encouragement for the emergence of economic foundations and
Shwe Thanlwin Company is also working hard, the company is making considerable progress.
The company has used its profits in making investment and donations for the sake of the
race, religion and Sasana in response to the goodwill of the Head of State.
A new Shwe Thanlwin Home for the Aged was donated in Dagon
Seikkan Township, Yangon, on 28-9-99. Then, the Senior General said that at the third
stage out of the three stages of life, people have to rely on the support of others, and
meet with sufferings.
The task of looking after aged persons who attain the
third stage of life is a noble and important social task. Although, in Myanmar, Daw Oo Zun
pioneered such a kind of task, it did not improve due to various reasons. The task of
caring for aged persons is an invaluable task, which can bring about the benefits not only
in this life but also in the hereafter. Just as the government is providing assistance for
the economic development of national entrepreneurs, they are also cooperating and
participating in the tasks being carried out by the State.
The rending of help to the social tasks related to
education and health as well as to the task of looking after aged persons who reach the
third stage of life, will enable those concerned to live in peace at all three stages of
life and also raise the social life of the State. At a time when the nation is being
built, national entrepreneurs are attending to the needs of social tasks. If the
government and national entrepreneurs cooperate in unity, the nation-building tasks will
become more and more successful, and a peaceful, modem and developed nation will emerge in
a short time.
Afterwards, the Senior General thanked the persons who
participated in the task of building Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged, the family of Shwe
Thanlwin Company and the wellwishers.
Shwe Thanlwin Company Patron U Thein Win and wife Daw Ni
handed over documents related to Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged and four vehicles to Chairman
of the Administrative Committee for Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged Chairman of Kyaukse
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein. Chairman of Shwe Thanlwin
Company U Kyaw Win presented commemorative gifts to the Senior General and party.
Next, the Secretary-3 accepted donations made for Shwe
Ceti Home for the Aged by the wellwishers. Then, the Senior General observed the scale
model of Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged, and had a cordial meeting with the aged persons. The
Senior General, wife and party also paid homage to Buddha images at the alter room, and
inspected the reading room and clinic. Shwe Ceti Home for the Aged can accommodate 100
aged persons. At present, 15 aged men and 15 aged women are being looked after.
( 3
) General
Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win
Shwe enjoy Maha Thingyan Festival of DDSI
Yangon, 14 April The Maha
Thingyan Festival of families of the Directorate of Defence Services Intelligence under
the Ministry of Defence was held at the pandal of Tatmadaw Guest House No 1 of the
Ministry of Defence at 9.15 am today.
Present on the occasion were
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San,
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic
Studies Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin
Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Daw Khin Cho Oo, wife of Secretary-3
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than and wife, Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and wife, ministers and
their wives, the Yangon mayor, deputy ministers, senior military officers, families of
DDSI, military attaches and families of foreign missions.

First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe welcomed the guests and military attaches.
Actors and vocalists entertained
the guests with songs and dances with the accompaniment of A-1 Soe Myint modern music
troupe and dances of families of DDSI.The guests took part in dousing water on one
another. Then, they were served with refreshments.
Afterwards, the General and wife
left Tatmadaw Guest House.Next, the Secretary-1 and party, together with military attaches
and their families of foreign missions, arrived at Yangon Mayors Pandal in front of
the City Hall of Yangon City Development Committee. They were welcomed there by Mayor U Ko
Lay, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, officials and families.
the Secretary-1 and guests were entertained with dances and songs by girls and boys of
Fine Arts Department and Basic Education High School No 2 of Kamayut Township.
Next, the Yangon Mayor and wife
and staff of YCDC presented gifts to the Secretary-1 and guests.
The Secretary-1 and party,
together with foreign military attaches and their families, attended the entertainment
programme of the Yangon Mayors Pandal and enjoyed the water festival together with
families of YCDC. Then, the Secretary-1 and party left the mayors pandal.
Afterwards, the military attaches
and their families of foreign missions, who accompanied the Secretary-1, together with
officials, proceeded to the Sixth Maha Thingyan Pandal of the Ministry for Progress of
Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs at the National Races Village near
Thanlyin Bridge in Thakayta Township, where they were welcomed by Minister Col Thein Nyunt
and wife Daw Kyin Khaing, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, officials and traditional
cultural troupe members Kachin, Kokang, Wa, Shan, Kayan, Kayin, Mro, Chin and Naga
national races who are currently here at the invitation of Chairman of Work Committee for
Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
At the pandal, dance and yein
troupes presented Maha Thingyan yein dances, traditional dances to the audience. The
national race youths of Homein region, Shan State (South), entertained the guests with
Myanma orchestra.On behalf of wellwishers, U Lwe Cho of MTA peace group presented K 1.75
million donated by national races organizations which have exchanged arms for peace and
national entrepreneurs from Thandaung Hill Station Construction Project to traditional
cultural troupes.

Then, the military attaches,
together with Minister Col Thein Nyunt and wife, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun,
departmental heads and staff, joyfully participated in the Maha Thingyan festival.
In the afternoon, the military
attaches left the pandal of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races
and Development Affairs.
( 4 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife participate in
Thingyan Festival
Yangon, 13 April State
Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe
participated in the Thingyan Festival of Myanmar Police Force (Special Investigation
Department) family at the Aung Thabyay Ye Yeiktha in Mayangon Township here this morning.
Ministers and their wives, Deputy Ministers and their wives, heads of department and
families also took part in it.
The Secretary-1 and wife arrived
at SID at 8.30 am and they were welcomed by Ministers, Deputy Ministers, heads of
departments and families. Next, the Secretary-1 and wife and guests were entertained with
music and dances. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Ministers,
Deputy Ministers and guests were sprinkled water using eugenia sprigs.
Thence, Secretary-1 Chief of the Office of
Strategic Studies Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe proceeded to the second communal Thingyan Festival of DDSI families at
the Directorate of Defence Services Intelligence on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon. They
were welcomed there and entertained to Thingyan songs and dances. The Secretary-1 and wife
presented prizes to music and dance troupe members. Then, they joyfully took part in the
water festival by dousing water on each other and left in the afternoon. Refreshments were
served to all comers by units at the Thingyan Festival celebrated by the DDSI.
Cultural troupe members
present entertainment
Yangon, 14 AprilAt the
invitation of Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National
Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, 146
traditional cultural troupe members of national races from states and divisions arrived
here to take part in Maha Thingyan Fistival.They presented entertainment programmes at the
pandals of the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development
Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs today.
( 5 ) Secretary-l discusses development of Mingaladon Garden City
and Yangon Industrial Zone, attends opening of A1 Garment Factory

Yangon, 12 April-A clarification on development of Mingaladon Garden City and Yangon
Industrial Zone and opening of A 1 Garment Factory were held at the factory in Mingaladon
Garden City today, attended by Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the Yangon mayor, the deputy ministers, officials of
the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments, members of the board
of managing-directors of Mingaladon Garden City and Yangon Industrial Zone and A I Garment
Factory, industrialists, officials and service personnel.
Managing Director of Mingaladon Garden City and Yangon Industrial Zone U Khin Shwe
reported on location and areas of the zone, plots sold for construction of factories,
progress of work, construction of roads in the zone, power supply, proper drainage,
telephone lines, greening of its environs and requirements.
The Secretary-l said economic enterprises including housing projects were delayed
progress due to financial crisis in South East Asia. But economic stability regained
because of the government's encouragement in agriculture, livestock breeding and other
economic enterprises, and housing projects resumed, he said.
He said Head of State Senior General Than Shwe often gave guidance on providing
assistance to national
economy. He quoted the Senior General as saying that. success of national enterprises
was beneficial to the people and was the basic foundation for well-being of the State.
The Secretary-l said for promotion of national economic life and raising of living
standard of the people the national entrepreneurs carried out some works of the State. By
doing so, the government could implement more other major projects.
He called on the national entrepreneurs to lay emphasis on the interests of the State
and the people with their gaining authority to do more works and the respective ministries
to provide necessary assistance.
The areas of Mingaladon Garden City and Yangon Industrial Zone are over 3,000 and 1,000
acres. Entrepreneurs bought plots for 40 factories.
The factories are now being constructed. Next, Managing Director of A I Garment Factory
U Yan Win reported on the purpose of the factory, loca tion and area. investment, strength
of workers and number of machines, finished goods and the market. The Secretary-1 formally
unveiled the signboard of the factory. U Khin Shwe, U Yan Win and Mr D H Lee formally
opened the factory. The Secretary-1 and guests inspected production process at the
The factory designed by Myanmar engineers was built on 5.9 acres of plot with the
investment of K 400 million and machines worth US $ 1.2 million are installed. Altogether
900 Myanmar employees with 13 foreign technicians are working at the factory which
produces man's and lady's suits, coats and jackets. It is the first factory to produce
man's suits. The factory will produce 720,000 units of clothing in 2002 and 1,200,000 in
2003 for export.
( 6 ) Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint attends opening
ceremony of Mandalay Mayors Maha Thingyan Pandal
Yangon, 14 April The opening ceremony of Mandalay
Mayors Maha Thingyan Pandal was held in front of Mandalay City Development Committee
Office on 26th street between 71st and 72nd streets yesterday evening, attended by
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present were the family of
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Senior General Than Shwe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, Chairman of Central
Committee for the Celebration of Mandalay Maha Thingyan Festival Chairman of MCDC Mandalay
Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, heads
of department of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments, Mandalay
Division level departmental officials, members of Central Committee for Mandalay
Maha Thingyan Festival, members
of MCDC and their wives, artistes, dance troupes and people.Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan
Thein extended greetings.Then, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen
Yan Thein formally opened the Mandalay Mayors Pandal.Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint
and party cordially greeted with officials, dance troupe members and guests.
Over 3,000 yein troupe members of
Basic Education Schools from Aungmyaythazan, Chanmyathazi, Pyigyitagun and Chanayethazan
Townships presented entertainment programme with Myananda song.
Then, Ngwengan, Myanan Mandala,
Shwe Toe Maungme, Kinta Shweyi, Htilamay, Cherry Maungme, Shwethinmaung decorated floats,
yein troupe members of MCDC presented entertainment programmes.
( 7 ) Dinner to mark success
of Myanmar-Japan cultural exchange dance show
Yangon, 14 April-A dinner to mark the success of
Myanmar-Japan cultural exchange dance show held at the National Theatre from 9 to 11
April, took place at Karaweik Palace at 6 pm on 12 April.
Present were Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association Minister for Home Affairs
Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Professor Daw Mya May Yi, U Khin
Shwe and Dr Mya Mya Win and executives, heads of department, EC members and film stars of
Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon, officials of the Japanese Embassy, leader of Japan dance
group Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe and members and officials.
Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association Minister
for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing made a speech on the occasion. Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe spoke
words of thanks.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing presented gifts to Mr Tsuyoshi
Watanabe. Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe presented a souvenir painting and a kendo sword to
Minister Col Tin Hlaing. Then, Minister Col Tin Hlaing presented gifts to dance show
members. Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe presented gifts to Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe. Vice-Chairperson Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe presented gifts to dance show members of Japan.
Minister arrives back from
Yangon, 13 April
Minister for Hotels & Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin arrived back here by air at 11 am today
after visiting Malaysia at the invitation of Malaysian Minister of Culture, Art and
Tourism Mr Dato Abdul Kadir bin Haji Sheikh Fadzir.
He was welcomed back at the
airport by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San,
Deputy Minister for Hotels & Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, the Malaysian Ambassador
to Myanmar and others. Members of the delegation Coastal Region Command Deputy Commander
Brig-Gen Tin Latt and Director-General U Khin Maung Latt of Directorate of Hotels and
Tourism also arrived back.
The minister and party went round
Kuala Lumpur on 6 April morning. At 2.30 pm, he called on the Minister of Culture, Art and
Tourism of Malaysia and discussed matters on bilateral cooperation. At 5 pm, the minister
and party visited Genting Highlands and watched magic-on-ice entertainment.
On 7 April, they visited
recreation centres, Indoor Themes Park, Outdoor Themes Park, Cable Car tou-rism transport
and casino. In the evening, the Senior Vice-Chairman Mr Dato Anthony Yeo of Public
Relations & Human Resources hosted dinner in honour of the minister. On 8 April, the
minister and party visited Selangor Pewter Factory and Petronas Twin Towers. The minister
attended the dinner to mark annual conference of PATA. On 9 April, the minister attended
the opening ceremony of the PATA 2001 at Dewan Merdeka, Putra World Trade Centre and then
met families of the Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia. At 2.30 pm, they left Kuala Lumpur for
Penang by air. In the evening, the minister and party were served with dinner at Penang
Cultural Centre.
On 10 April, the minister and
party visited the National Museum in Penang. In the evening, they left for Lang-kawi
Island by air. On 11 April, the minister visited tourism attractions on the island. In the
evening, Lankawi Development Authority (LADA) hosted a dinner for the delegation. On 12
April, they visited Lankawi Crystal handicraft workshops, Prime Ministers Exhibition
and Summer Palace. They left Langkawi by air for Kuala Lumpur in the evening. The minister
and de-legation left this morning for Myanmar by MAL and arrived back here at 11.10 am.
( 8 ) Mindhamma
Hill crowded with pilgrims during Thingyan
Yangon, 14 AprilLawka
Chantha Abhaya Labbha Muni image at Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township was crowded with
pilgrims today.
With the patronage of Minister
for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung and wife Daw Nyunt Nyunt Lwin, on behalf of staff of
the Ministry, Head of Office U Hla Myint and wife presented
K 566,991 to Joint Secretary of Committee for Construction of the image Commander Khin
Maung Oo (Navy) and officials.
During Thingyan Festival,
pilgrims were served with refreshments.Engineers and workers of Public Works are carrying
out the tasks for laying of concrete for stairs.Wut associations will recite parittas from
12 to 16 April, Atet Day.Donation centre will be opened daily from 7 am to 9 pm during
Thingyan Festival.
Sale of gems and jade of UMEHL 15-20
Yangon, 12 April The 14th sales of gems and jade for the year 2001 of Union of
Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd will be held at Myanma Gems Emporium, No 66, Kaba Aye Pagoda
Road, from IS to 20 May. Inspection of jade can be made from 15 to 20 May and sales with
bargain and auction systems will be conducted on 20 May.
Buyer registration can be made starting from 12 May with the fee K 4,000 for citizens
and US $ 20 for foreigners. Private jade and gem entrepreneurs may entrust their items for
sale from 18 to 30 April, and 0.4 per cent of the items' value is to be paid to UMEHL. Tax
on sold items will be collected in accordance with law and rules of the Ministry of Mines.
Contact can be made with Myanma Ruby Enterprise and Myanmar Imperial Jade at No 24/26,
Sule Pagoda Road, Yangon, for more information.
( 9
) Mayors Maha Thingyan
pandal opens
Yangon, 13 April The
opening ceremony of Yangon Mayors Maha Thingyan Pandal was held in front of the City
Hall here at 4.30 pm today. Mayor U Ko Lay extended greetings and formally opened the
water festival by cutting the ribbon. Also present were YCDC Vice-Chairman Vice-Mayor Col
Maung Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung, cultural troupe members of border areas currently in
Yangon at the invitation of the State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1, film
artistes, musicians and vocalists, threatrical artistes, invited guests and the
people.After the opening cere-mony, decorated floats took part in the competition at the
Mayors Pandal from 7 to 10 pm.
YCDC donates cash to social
Yangon, 13 April A
ceremony to donate cash by Yangon City Development Committee to social organizations on
the eve of 1362 ME Maha Thingyan was held at 2 pm today at the meeting hall of the YCDC.
Mayor U Ko Lay delivered an address and presented
cash and kind. Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, YCDC Secretary Col Myint Aung, Joint-Secretary U
Kyi Win, officials, ambassadors and diplomats of foreign embassies in Yangon, personnel of
social organizations and guests were also present.
Todays donations of YCDC includes K 5
million for Psychiatric Hospital; K 1.5 million each for South Okkalapa Maternal and Child
Hospital, Mary Chapman Deaf and Dump School, Christian Blind School and Kandaw-galay
Christian Nunnery Home for the Aged; K 1 million each for Metta Wadi Orphanage and Muslim
Free Hospital; K 1.5 million each for Parahita (Tiger) School, and child patients of
Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital; K 0.5 million for child patients of Shwepyitha Township
Hospital; K 0.5 million for the blinds of Thingangyun Township disabled cooperative
society; K 1.5 million for Kayan Home for the Aged; K 1.5 million for Wingabar
Womens Home; K 0.5 million for Kyauktan Marswe Orphanage; K 1 million for Botahtaung
Salvation Army; K 0.5 million each for Shwegondaing Nursery and Haukkyant Nursery; K 1
million for Kyaikwaing Youth Training School; K 1 million for Kaba Aye Youth Training
School; K 1 million for Duban Girls Training School; K 1 million for Myanmar
Anti-Narcotics Association; K 1 million for Kawhmu Aung-zabu Orphanage; K 0.5 million for
Kyimyindine Home for the Blind; K 0.5 million for Tezeindayama Orphanage; K 0.5 million
for Hninzigon Home for the Aged; K 0.5 million for Mayangon Disabled Adult Training
School; K 0.5 million for Womens Vocational Training School; K 1 million for Myanmar
Society of the Blind; K 0.5 million for Mayangon Disabled Youth Training School; K 0.5
million for Society for Protection of Cruelty to Animals; K 1 million for Border Area
Youths Orphanage; K 1 million for Mayangon Ward- 5 NanU Orphanage; K 1 million for
Kayan KanU Monastery Orphanage; K 1 million for Twantay Phayagyi Village monastic school
and orphanage; K 1 million for Taikkyi Tawlati Station Hospital; K 1 million for Hpa-an
Aungnan Ward-5 Orphanage; K 0.5 million for St Mary workshop for the blind; K 0.5 million
for Meiktila Shayhsaung School for the Blind; K 1 million for Kamayut Girls
Development Centre; K 1 million for Thanlyin Bala Arman Ngatan Orphanage; K 1 million for
Hlinethaya No 7 Monastic Primary School; and K 0.5 million for Shwe Thanlwin Home for the
Yangonites joyfully celebrate
Thingyan Festival
Yangon, 14 AprilPeople
in Yangon Division cele-brated Akya Day the first day of the Thingyan today. The
word Thingyan comes from a Pali word Thinkanta and it means change. This is the period of
change from old 1362 ME to new 1363 ME. It is also new year celebration.Myanmar people
douse water on each other in accordance with the tradition. Roads and streets in Yangon
were teeming with revellers in their cars today.