( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe inspects factory projects in
Yangon, 11 April
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace
and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla,
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Deve-lopment Council Commander of Central Command
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, senior Tatmadaw officers, heads of State Peace and
Development Council Office and the respective departments, left Mandalay for Kyaukse by
car yesterday.
Senior General Than Shwe and party arrived
at factory projects to be implemented by the Ministry of Industry-1 in the zone near
Kyaukse-Phyaukseikpin motor road.

At the briefing hall of the zone, Minister
for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung reported to the Senior General on matters pertaining to
construction of the 500-ton cement plant project, brick factory project, bicycle
factory project, sewing-machine factory project, shoe factory project, vest factory
project and candy factory project.
The Senior General gave instructions on
the work to be done, speaking of the need to strive to complete the factories in time.He
said efforts should be made for development of transport, water supply, education and
health sectors of the villages in the project areas.Then, Senior General Than Shwe and
party inspected the area of the project and implementing of tasks sector wise.
Senior General Than Shwe and party
proceeded to Hsinmin Cement Plant project of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd near
Nwalekauk Mountain in the east of Kyaukse.
At the
briefing hall, Chairman of UMEHL Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint reported to the Senior
General on matters relating to construction of the 400-ton Hsinmin Cement Plant No 1 and
700-ton Plant No 2 projects.Director of UMEHL Col Aung San and adviser Lt-Col Nyunt Hlaing
(Retired) explained construction of the factory, the project period and production plan.
Then, Senior General Than Shwe gave
instructions to officials and inspected the site chosen for Hsinmin Cement Plant and
Kyaukse District ring road.
( 2 ) State striving to ensure health and longevity for people
General Than Shwe inspects Government Technological College and District Hospital in

Yangon, 11 AprilChairman of the
State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General
Than Shwe, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi
Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye
Myint, the ministers, the deputy ministers, senior Tatmadaw officers, heads of State
Peace and Development Council Office and the respective departments, arrived at Government
Technological College in Kyaukse at 9:30 am today. They were welcomed by Minister for
Science and Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win, the principal, teachers and
the students.
At the briefing hall, Minister U Thaung
reported on opening of the college, condition of the courses, teaching aids and condition
of GTCs, Technological Universities, Computer Colleges, Universities of Computer Science,
Government Technical Institutes all over the country, arrangements for appointing of
teachers, opening of training courses and new courses, and accepting of more students to
the Senior General and party. The Minister also reported on research on 48 herbal plants
and their effects.
The Senior
General said as human resource is needed in building a modern deve-loped nation,
universities and colleges are being opened and modern teaching aids are supplied;
qualified teachers are also appointed for the success in training the students to be
outstanding; measures are also to be taken for easy learning of modern technologies in the
world to train the students to be international standard technicians and to be able to
keep abreast of the others; a scrutinizing system is needed to co-operate with the
ministries to appoint the technicians nurtured from the colleges and universities.
Then the Senior General inspected the map
and model of GTC. Afterwards the Senior General and party viewed lectures being given to
the second year students with modern teaching aids at Kyaukse GTC.
The Senior General and party proceeded to
No 7 Basic Education Primary School in Tazoegate Ward in Kyaukse Township where they were
welcomed by principal Daw Khin Malar and teachers.
Afterwards, the Senior General inspected
the school and its surrounding and left instructions.
The Senior General and party headed for
District Peoples Hospital in Kyaukse and they were welcomed there by Minister for
Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, the medical superintendent,
specialists, doctors and nurses.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported to the
Senior General and party on upgrading of peoples hospitals in Mandalay to be on a
par with those in Yangon to create opportunities for people of upper Myanmar to enjoy
advanced medical treatment in accord with the Senior Generals guidance.
Requirements have been provided to Kyaukse
District Hospital to possess the characteristics of a district hospital. Singaing, Myittha
and TadaU Townships hospitals have been upgraded.
Then, Medical Superintendent Dr Maung
Maung and regional head of Trachoma Control Dr Sein Win reported on public health care
The Senior General in his
guidance said that the State has already fulfilled the requirements of the organizational
sector such as extension of hospitals for promotion of health standard, upgrading of
special hospitals, bringing out of nurses, doctors and specialist physicians and provision
of modern disease diagnostic equipment and surgical
equipment, and the medicine, medical equipment and medical science sector.
Work is in progress in upgrading some
township hospitals to 50-bed facilities and hospitals in Bhamo, Meiktila, Hinthada and
Kale to 200-bed facilities in accord with the population, transport situation and other
Health and longevity is the highest wish
for human beings. As the State is striving to realize the wish so also the Ministry of
Health has the duty to do so.
According to the nature of the work of the
health staff, they in addition to earn money will also gain merits for the goodwill; thus,
they should kindly and warmly welcome and treat all the patient with goodwill.
Health staff are required to correctly
change their public relations attitude and outlook.
They should properly accept to look into
these requirements in discharging their duties such as health education, disease control
and treatment.
The health standard will further rise and
the people will enjoy longevity if the State, the ministry, and staff are dutiful in their
respective sectors.
It is required for all to be healthy and
to be able work well in the task to set up a modern and developed nation.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, on behalf of
Senior General Than Shwe, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and family, presented two Toyota ambulances
for Kyaukse District Peoples Hospital and three Toyota ambulances for Singing, TadaU
and Myittha Township Peoples Hospitals to Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung also
presented ten bicycles to Kyaukse District Health Department Office.The Senior General and
party inspected Kyaukse Hospital.They also inspected Kyaukse in a motorcade.
( 3
) Priority
given to narcotic drugs eradication projects in conjunction with border areas development
Kachin State Special Region 1 (Panwa
region) marks 10th anniversary of regaining peace
Yangon, 11 April The 10th
anniversary of regaining peace in Kachin State Special Region 1 (Panwa region) was held on
9 April at Panwa, Chibwe Township, Kachin State.
Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National
Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered
an address on the occasion.
The Secretary-1 said holding of the ceremony on a grand scale reflects
strengthening of unity among the brethren of the Union.
The remote border areas including the Kachin State Special Region 1
were unstable under the domination and manipulation of the Burma Communist Party in the
past; local national people such as Kachin, Kokang, Wa, Shan, Ahka and Pa-O struggled to
free themselves from the domination of BCP some ten years ago when the Tatmadaw government
started to take over the States duties; at present, peace is prevailing in all the
remote border areas as the national races together with the government are striving for
peace; and it can be said that it is the significant success of the entire national
As all the national brethren such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar,
Mon, Rakhine and Shan are of the same race living in the Union in weal or woe and amity
since yore, they are the descendants of the people of the same ancestry, ideas, morals and
traditions and culture, possessing the spirit of eternal unity.
After brushing external instigation aside with the family spirit in
other words with the Union Spirit, the national solidarity, which is the historical
heritage, has been built firmly; this is a milestone effort in history.
The Secretary-1 quoted Head of State Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Senior General Than Shwe in his address at the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Parade, as saying, "All the nationals had settled down and lived together
in our country even before history was recorded. It is a state where all the nationals,
after moving from place to place where land and water are available for the betterlife,
lived together in all regions throughout the country in unity and amity. That is why all
our nationals living in every part in every region within the country must avoid
sectarianism and act with due regard for others.
"It is essential to nurture Union Spirit, which is to cherish and
value the one and only motherland unitedly with an enduring family spirit to take part
together in development of the State and to collectively defend the country.
"When solving problems among us, conflict and confrontation will
only worsen matters rather than bring about solutions. Hence, we are practising the
principle of harmony as a basis."
The State has given priority to building a firm national solidarity to
enable the nationals to pay attention only to regional development in order to totally
terminate misunderstanding, dissension and suspicion among them for the eternal prevalence
of peace and stability.
Due to the efforts made with the brethren spirit, the 10th peace
anniversaries have been held in one region after another in the nation.
The Secretary-1 then elaborated on the governments endeavours for
the progress of border areas and national races at a time when favourable conditions are
flourishing in the regions.
In the Kachin State Special Region 1 alone, the State has built or
upgraded facilities such as nearly 100 miles of roads including Chibwe-Hsalaw and
Manmein-Chibwe roads, one major bridge and seven suspension bridges, 34 primary schools,
five middle schools, two high schools, four hospitals, 12 dispensaries and four
retransmission stations.
From fiscal 1989-90 up to February 2001, the State has spent K 174.75
million for development of all the sectors including the economic spheres such as
agricultural and livestock breeding sectors of the region. The Kachin State Special Region
1 group is also endeavouring many regional development undertakings. As the State has to
undertake the regional development tasks on a national scale, it cannot carry out the
tasks to the extent of its wish.
From fiscal 1989-90 up to February 2001, the State has spent K
20,475.85 million for development of all the border areas of the nation.
The State is implementing the tasks not on financial terms alone, but
also for building economic and social development infrastructures in order to fulfil the
requirements of all the sectors of the border regions.
Economic enterprises such as farm and industrial production sectors are
being set up in the areas in accord with the favourable conditions.
Arrangements are under way to cultivate perennial crops including tea
and sugarcane which may grow well in Panwa region and to cultivate buckwheat in Thanlwin
east region to export the crops to Japan.
In addition to the existing universities and colleges, courses on
higher studies are being opened to promote the human resources of the border areas.
Priority is being given to implementing narcotic drugs eradication
projects in conjunction with the border areas development plans to keep free the areas
from the problem of the drugs which was created in order to shunt the border areas from
the course of progress and to put the peoples live under the domination and
exploitation of foreigners.
It can be obviously found in history that poppy cultivation was
introduced to innocent people of remote border areas for economic benefits since the time
the nation was under colonial subjugation.
As peace is prevailing in the border areas at present, the government
in cooperation with national races leaders has systematically laid down and implemented
narcotic drug eradication projects.
Some nations which are gaining commercial benefits from drug
production, which is still existing at some of the extra remote border areas, and some
countries wishing to cause economic hardships in Myanmar by giving narcotics as a reason
are ignoring Myanmars efforts to root our drugs are making slanderous accusations
and disturbance to hinder the efforts.
In addition to drug eradication method, the government with the
participation of national races leaders are organizing and educating the national people,
setting poppy substitution agricultural and farming and production businesses in striving
to develop the public social standard.
The nation laid down the 15-year drug eradication plan and designated
periods to root out the narcotics region wise; its has declared to keep the nation totally
free from drugs in the entire nation; and the national task is being implemented on
self-reliant basis. The international assistance for the plans is nil.
Shan State Special Region 4 (Mongla region) was been declared
"Opium Free Zone" in 1997, and the resolution to wipe out poppy growing in Shan
State North Special Region 1 (Kokang region) has been successfully realized.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance to special
projects for progress of rural areas and provision of infrastructure for development of
health, education and social sectors. In accord with the guidance, efforts are being made
to bring proportionate progress to all regions of the nation including border areas and
strengthen national solidarity and Union Spirit.
The Secretary-1 urged all the national races to strive to further
promote the good results of the peace and national solidarity and Union Spirit, to enable
Myanmar to stand as an independent and sovereign nation free from domination and to
further cement the existing friendly relations between Myanmar and the Peoples
Republic of China.
Speaking on the occasion, leader of Kachin State Special Region 1
national race group U Sa Kon Tein Yein said the region is seeing developments in all the
sectors under the kind assistance of the State within the ten-year period.
Efforts have been made for national as well as regional development.
The people are supporting the development undertakings and partaking in them.
He said they take pride of the peace and development efforts, thanking
the State, the people and the friends for their assistance. He highly expected the
Secretary-1s presence and advice at the ceremony.
All the peace and development are the successful signs of the
States protection and assistance. Peace and development are the good result for
unity and which is a foundation in building a new nation.
Doves were freed to mark the ceremony.The Secretary-1 and party and U
Sa Kon Tein Yein and members took part in the Manaw dance festival marking the ceremony.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of
Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, ministers, deputy ministers, Chief of Staff (Air),
senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council, heads of
department, leaders and representatives of Kachin State Special Region 2, Shan State North
Special Regions 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 7, Shan State South Special Region 6, specially invited
guests from the neighbouring country, members of Kachin State Special Region 1 and local
( 4 ) Secretary-1 and wife attend Myanmar-Japan cultural exchange dance
Yangon, 11 April Myanmar-Japan
cultural exchange dance show and Myanmar-Japan souvenir festival sponsored by
Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung
Street in Yangon this evening, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe arrived at
the National Theatre at 6 pm and were welcomed by member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife Daw Marlar Tint, Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship
Association Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, the ministers and their wives, heads
of departments, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori and officials.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party inspected Myanmar-Japan
souvenir festival.
Japan cultural group presented entertainment programmes and hosted
Japan traditional tea ceremony in honour of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe viewed the
Japan traditional photos exhibition and Japan traditional flower exhibition.
A ceremony to hold reception to mark the success of Myanmar-Japan
Cultural Exchange dance show was held at the guest hall of National Theatre at 8:30 pm.
Present were Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win
Shwe, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than and wife Daw Marlar Tint, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, the
ministers and their wives, Vice-Chiarman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association,
Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori and leader of dance troup, Mr Tsugoshi Watanabe and

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and Director of Myanmar-Japan Friendship
Association Mr Ikedar exchanged gifts.
Then, Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association Minister Col Tin
Hlaing presented a certificate of honour to General-Secretary of Japan-Myanmar Friendship
Association Mr Koichi Oka.
Mr Sanpe of Japanese cultural group presented gifts to Minister Col Tin
In his greeting, The Secretary-1 welcomed Myan-mar-Japan cultural
exchange dance show presented by Japanese friends. Myanmar and Japan established friendly
relations in the course of long history and the people from Myanmar and Japan had close
relationships for years. Japanese friends often visited Myanmar and carried out
commemorative work. He said during his recent inspection in Myitkyina a Japanese friend
was building a reclining Buddha image and another constructing a clock tower in the
junction in Myitkyina.
He said Myanmar-Fukuoka Friendship Association donated a Womens
Affairs domestic training school in Kachin State. These showed that Japanese people had
close relations with Myanmar people, he said.
When the Japanese friends grew old, they came to Myanmar and carried
out commemorative work. This cultural exchange programme revealed the history of
Myanmar-Japan friendly relations, he said.
He believed that the show would strengthen Myanmar-Japan friendly
relations for posterity.
On behalf the government, the Secretary-1 expressed thanks to Japanese
Ambassador for his active cooperation. He said Myanmar people always welcome Japanese
friends and invite them to visit Myanamar. Director of Japan-Myanmar Friendship
Association Mr Ikedar spoke words of thanks.
Marine Cadets urged to enhance dignity of nation, people and to
be loyal to State Mercantile Marine Cadet Training Course No 28/2000 concludes
Yangon, 11 April-The conclusion of Mercantile Marine Cadet Training Course No 28/2000
and opening of Mercantile Marine Cadet Training Course No 29/2001 were held at the
Institute of Marine Technology on Bayintnaung Road this morning, with an address by
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present on
the occasion were ministers, deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments, advisers, Principal of
IMT, guests, cadets, new generation youth members of the Union Solidarity and Development
The parade company marched past Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe. The
minister said 99 Mercantile Marine Cadets and 100 Mercantile Engineer Cadets would
graduate and he was glad to produce new Myanmar seamen for the country. The IMT will train
altogether 250 cadets at the Course No 29/2001Ñ125 each in Mercantile Marine Cadet
Training Course and Mercantile Engineer Cadet Course according to the guidance of cost
sharing system of dissemination of mercantile trade technology and human resource
development in order to increase the number of cadets in the mercantile sector given by
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Senior General Than Shwe and guidance of producing 300 cadets yearly by the Secretary-1.
The minister said among the number of seamen in neighbouring countries the Philippine
seamen are the largest, Myanmar seamen second, Indonesians third and Vietnamese fourth.
The Institute of Marine Technology systematically opened under the supervision of the
government is only in Myanmar. IMT has produced 50,100 Myanmar officers and other ranks
have been produced by IMT so far and 15,642 Myanmar seamen with various ranks are working
on ships in the world. He said Myanmar seamen are famous among shipping companies for
their hard work, obedience, skill in marine technology and cooperation.
The government laid down plans and provided assistance to development of marine
technology, he added. Myanmar accepted training equipment worth US $ 100,000 from Japan
under Grassroots Grant Assistance this year, he said. The minister stressed the importance
of teamwork and leadership and pointed out the cadets are a reserve force of Tatmadaw
(Navy) in times of emergency. He urged them to try to become marine junior officers on
whom the State could rely.
The Secretary-1 met the cadets. He said at a time when the government is placing
emphasis on development of human resources to be able to keep abreast of other nations,
producing new generation technicians of mercantile marine sector constitutes the
fulfilling of a national requirement. He quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as
saying that it is very important to cultivate human resources in an effort to develop the
State and it is necessary to continuously produce highly qualified human resources. The
government is making systematic arrangements for promotion of education of new generation
youths in basic, higher, vocational education and marine science in accord with the
guidance of the Head of State and it is also making efforts for uplift of marine
technology, he said. Today, he said, the State Peace and Development Council is making
efforts for equitable progress of the country to catch up with international developments
and implementing plans for strong national economy and uplift of living standard of the
Marine transport sector relating to foreign trade plays an important role in striving
for the development of national economy. Modern science and technology, communication
techniques and communication and transport systems are developing. But it is found that
reliance has to be placed on waterways for commerce, goods transport and oil and gas
transport. So, marine transport is still playing a crucial role, he said. Moreover, with
the development of tourism industry, travelling with ocean-liners and luxury-liners
becomes very common. It is also found that marine transport is developing as a firm
economic enterprise in the world. Therefore more and more skilled seamen, marine officers
and engineers are needed and the career in marine science has become popular as
professional one.
The Secretary-1 spoke at length on rapid development of marine technology and producing
skilled seamen, marine officers and engineers in most of the countries in the East for
earning foreign exchange. He said most youths have become interested in marine science for
it is a well-paid job and can get a lot of foreign experiences for them. Marine science
courses are being conducted to produce seamen and technicians on mercantile marine for
uplift of sea transport sector that can effectively contribute to development of national
economy and raising of living standard of the people, he said. Today, IMT is conducting 37
kinds of courses in accord with the curricula of the Standard of Training Certificate and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 (as Amended in 1995), a convention of International
Maritime Organization (IMO).
He spoke on the government's assistance to training of cadets, extension of courses and
teaching with modern equipment at IMT according to the guidance of Head of State Senior
General Than Shwe cost sharing system of dissemination of mercantile trade technology and
objectives of promotion of education of international standard. The Secretary-1 urged to
discharge their duties applying good qualities of work efficiency, correct techniques,
conscientiousness and discipline learned at the IMT, to enhance the dignity of the nation
and the people and to be loyal to the State. He spoke of the need for them while working
abroad to cooperate in unity in safeguarding interests of the nation and the people with
national outlook, to study changing techniques and modern equipment and to improve their
He called on them to try to become brilliant marine officers who can bring honour to
the nation. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged them to strive for keeping abreast with
other nations, progress of national economic life, earning of foreign exchange and raising
of living standard of the people with their marine science, to try to become
well-qualified mercantile officers who can promote dignity of the nation and the people,
to be loyal to the State and the people and to safeguard national interest. Next, Minister
for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe presented gifts to the Secretary-1.
( 5 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attends 75th Birthday
Ceremony of Daw Khin Nwe Yi

Yangon, 11 April - The 75th Birthday Ceremony of Mother Daw Khin Nwe Yi in memory of
Chairman of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Association Siri Sudhanna
Manijota-dhara Father U Pwint Kaung, was held at Fanyin Dhammayon of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha
on Thathana Yeiktha Ward in Bahan Township this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.
Present also were Ovada-cariya of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja
Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Panasippa (YayU) and members of the Sangha,
nuns, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo,the ministers, the deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental officials,
executives of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Association, wellwisher Daw Khin
Nwe Yi and families and officials. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party received the
Five Precepts from Bhaddanta Panasippa (YayU). Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and
wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented offertories to Bhaddanta Panasippa (YayU). Then,
Daw Khin Than Nwe and wellwisher Daw Khin Nwe Yi presented alms to Bhaddanta
Panasippa (YayU). Wellwisher Daw Khin Nwe Yi supplicated on the donation.
Wellwisher Daw Khin Nwe Yi presented K 27.2 million to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
including K 1 million for Lawka Chantha Abaya Laba Muni Image; K 1.1 million for Mandalay
Maha Myatmuni Pagoda; K 3.1 million for Maha Santithukha Kyaungdawgyi; K 15 million for
construction of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Dhamma Salla Soon- sarkayungsaung; K 2.5 million for
Relief and Resettlement Department of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement,
K 1 million for Soon Padaythabin of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha in memory of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, K 1
million for Soon Padaythabin of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha in memory of those sacrificing the
life while discharging duties together with Lt-Gen Tin Oo; K 1 million for Tatmadawmen in
forward areas; K 1 million for Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and K
500,000 for Tipitaka Kyaung. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented certificate of honour
to Daw Khin Nwe Yi. Then, wellwishers presented K 20.4 million for construction of Mahasi
Sasana Yeiktha Dhamma Sala Soon- sarkayungsaung to Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung
Khin who presented certificate of honour to donors.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt supplicated on the donation. He said
wellwisher Daw Khin Nwe Yi and family donated K 37.5 million and other wellwishers donated
K 19.8 million. Buddha Sasanad is being propagated with assistance provided by the State
and Sangha and wellwishers, he said. Then, Bhaddanta Panasipa (YayU) delivered a sermon,
followed by sharing of merits. After the ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe performed the ritual of golden and silver showers to mark the success
of the ceremony.
( 6 ) Stake driving ceremony for Hsinmin Cement Plant project in
Kyaukse held
Yangon, 11 April-A ceremony
to drive stakes for Hsinmin Cement Plant project (Kyaukse) of the Union of Myanmar
Economic Holdings Ltd to be constructed near Nwalegauk Mountain, Kyaukse (East), Kyaukse
Township, Mandalay Division, was held at the pandal of the plant project this morning,
attended by Chairman of UMEHL Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present were Minister for Industry-1
U Aung Thaung, officials of UMEHL, guests, departmental officials, members of Union
Solidarity and Development Association, band troupe, pom pom troupe, Mingalar traditional
drum troupe, elephant dance troupes and local residents.At the auspicious time, Chairman
Lt-Gen Win Myint drove a stake and sprinkled scented water on it.
Then, Minister U Aung Thaung and party,
officials of China National Building Material Equipment Corporation and Yunnan Machinery
Import and Export Corporation of the Peoples Republic of China drove stakes and
sprinkled scented water on them.
Afterwards, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint
performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark successful completion of the
ceremony.UMEHL will build one 400-ton cement plant (wet process) and one 700-ton cement
plant (dry process) in Kyaukse Township.After the ceremony, the Secretary-3 presented cash
assistance to USDAs of the townships in Kyaukse District to mark the success of the
Later, the Secretary-3 briefed matters on developments of
economic, health, education, transportation and social sectors of local people due to
implementation of the projects.
Sun to pay homage to Buddha image
in Maha Wizaya Pagoda
Yangon, 11 April-The Sun will pay homage with its rays
twice at 8.25 am and 3.15 pm on Myanmar New Year day, 17 AprilÑto the Buddha image in the
Gandhakutitaik at Maha Wizaya Pagoda on Shwedagon Pagoda Road here. Devotees can pay
homage to the image at those moments to get their wishes answered.
( 7 ) The Literary Messenger of Friendship Award preseted
to Great Poet Laureate U Soe Nyunt
Yangon, 11 April-A ceremony to present The Literary Messenger of Friendship Award to
Deputy Minister for Culture of the Union of Myanmar U Soe Nyunt (Poet Htila Sitthu, The
Great Poet Laureate) by Writers Association of the People's Republic of China was held at
the National Theatre on Pyay Road in Dagon Township here this morning, attended by
Minister for Culture U Win Sein. Also present on the occasion were the auditor-general,
the deputy ministers, officials of Civil Service Selection and Training Board,
departmental heads, literati, invited writers, Ambassador of PRC Mr Li Jinjun and
officials of PRC Embassy, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Sein Win and
members and guests. Ambassador of PRC Mr Li Jinjun explained the purpose of presenting the
He said: China and Myanmar have a history of ever-lasting friendship and loving
kindness of swemyo-paukphaw relationship existed since yore; literature played a leading
role in cooperation and exchange of visits between the two countries for years countable
by the thousand; during the period of over 50 years exchange in literary world between the
two countries increased significantly with the encouragement of Heads of State of the two
countries and translation of some literary works in Myanmar into Chinese created a
brilliant chapter in the history of literary and cultural exchange between the two
He said Poet U Soe Nyunt is a good friend of the people of PRC and the one who loves
and appreciates the history and culture of China and puts loving-kindness in the people of
PRC; Ayeyawady-Yangtze Friendship Poems resulted from the feelings of Sayagyi U Soe Nyunt
during his visit to China, and translation of the poems into Chinese and the presentation
of The Literary Messenger of Friendship Award by the PRC Writers Association is further
significance out of the significance of cooperation in exchange of friendship literary
field between the two countries.
He said he felt honoured for the translation of the collected poems into Chinese and
thanked Myanmars who made concerted efforts contributing to Chinese-Myanmar friendship.
Then, Ambassador Mr Li Jinjun presented The Literary Messenger of Friendship Award to
Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt (Poet Htila Sitthu). Next, the ambassador handed over books of
poem translated into Chinese to Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt ( Poet Htila Sitthu).
Later, Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt ( Poet Htila Sitthu) spoke words of thanks. He said:
the presentation of the literary award is a milestone in the history of Chinese-Myanmar
friendship, the exchange of visits between the far-sighted leaders of the two countries in
different eras contributed to further strengthening of the friendship; the exchange of
visits between cultural troupes, economic associations, literary organizations, education
groups and artistes between the two countries occur on a monthly or yearly basis; he has
experienced the friendship and hospitality extended by the people of PRC during his stay
in China during the five trips to China. He expressed thanks to members of Writers
Association, officials of the embassy and the Government of PRC for the literary award.
The literary award is the first ever of its kind presented to international literati by
Writers Association of PRC with the consent of Ministry of Culture of PRC. Afterwards,
Minister U Win Sein, Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt and the deputy ministers had a souvenir
photo taken together with the ambassador, officials of the embassy and literati.
( 8 ) Minister meets fisheries
Yangon, 11 April-Minister for Livestock & Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein,
together with Director-General of Fisheries Department U Than Tun and Managing Director of
Livestock, Breeding and Fisheries Development Bank Col Aung Myint, arrived at
Bikhokabingyi village in Kayinchaung, Twantay this morning. He met with fisheries
entrepreneurs in the township and discussed matters related to development of fish and
prawn breeding. Director-General U Than Tun and Deputy Director-General U Hla Win added
supplementary reports after the reports of the entrepreneurs. Then the minister inspected
the site chosen for construction of the Basic Education High School at Kayinchaung Fish
Breeding Model Village donated by the fisheries entrepreneurs and the completed building
and gave instructions.
Completion certificates presented
Yangon, 11 April-Middle and primary school level completion certificates were presented
at the hall of No 1 Basic Education High School, Latha today. Headmaster U Ohn Myint
presented middle school level completion certificates to 222 students and primary school
level completion certificates to 177 students.
Mercantile Marine Cadet Training Course No 28/2000 concludes
Yangon, 11 April-The conclusion of Mercantile Marine Cadet Training Course No 28/2000
and the prize-presentation ceremony of Institute of Marine Technology of the Ministry of
Transport was held at the institute on Bayintnaung Road in Kamayut Township at 10 am
today, attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than,
departmental officials, the principal and heads of the institute, course instructors,
cadets and relatives. Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe presented prizes to 15 outstanding
cadets and certificates to the graduating cadets.
( 9
) Illegal monosodium glutamate destroyed

Yangon, 11 April-A total of 2,572 500 gram packets of pot brand, ladel brand, palace
brand and red leaf brand monosodium glutamate were seized on Mottama-Yangon express trains
on 6 and 28
March 2001 and at Naungkala check point in Thaton on 29 March 2001. The authorities
concerned destroyed them at Duyinseik Creek in Thaton Township on 5 April.
Heroin, raw opium seized in Lashio
Yangon, 11 April-A combined team comprising members of local Tatmadawmen, intelligence
unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of U Zina (a) Sai
Hsai Mein of Konmo Village, Lashio Township, Shan State (North), on 16 March. U Zina
managed to escape, and his wife Nan Aye Hlaing (a) Ma Aye Han, daughter of U Chin Seinda,
was arrested together with 21 cups of heroin weighing 0.48 kilo and 0.7 kilo of raw opium.
Action was taken against her under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Marijuana possessor punished
Yangon, 11 April- Yangon North District Court punished a marijuana possessor giving him
25 years' imprisonment on 13 March this year. A combined team comprising members of local
intelligence and local Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of
Kalapu (a) Nyunt Tin and seized 179.6 grams of marijuana on 26 August 2000. Taikkyi Police
Station took action against Kalapu (a) Nyunt Tin, 32, son of U Han Tin of Wundan Kwetthit,
Shanzu Ward, Taikkyi, under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law. Yangon North District Court heard the case and sentenced him to 25 years
in imprison under Section 19(A) of the Law.