( 1 ) Senior General address graduation parade of
3rd Intake of Defence Services Technological Academy
Yangon, 9 April- The graduation parade of the 3rd Intake of Defence Services
Technological Academy was held at the parade grounds of DSTA in PyinOoLwin at 7.30 am
today, with an address by Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development
Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military
Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye
Myint, Ministers Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Maj-Gen Saw Tun, U Thaung, Maj-Gen Tin Htut, U Than
Aung, Maj-Gen Ket Sein,- Military Appointment General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Judge
Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Defence Services Inspector-General Maj-Gen Lun Maung,
Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Directors of the Ministry of Defence
Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Brig-Gen Kyi Win, Col Thein Tun, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint, Brig-Gen
Khin Maung Tint, Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Brig-Gen Than Htay, Col Hla Tun and Brig-Gen Aung
Hlaing, senior military officers, parents and relatives of graduate cadets and guests.
At the ceremony, the Senior General inspected the cadet companies. Then, the Senior
General took the salute of the graduate cadet company.
Then, the Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services presented Best Cadet Award to Cadet Han Win Tun, Excellent Training Award to
Cadet Aung Myo Hein and Excellent Study Award to Cadet Han Win Tun.
The Senior General said that today is the concluding day of the Third Intake of Defence
Services Technological Academy. All the engineering cadets have already learnt military
science and subjects of DSTA, and are going to be assigned duty as technician junior
leaders. Today is the day when all the cadets won the victory and it is also the day when
the State and the Tatmadaw are invigorated again.
All the cadets have already adopted the life of the Tatmadawman, so they are required
to work hard to become a fine Tatmadawman. A Tatmadawman is subject not only to civilian
laws but also military laws and discipline. They are required to abide by the Soldier's
Code of Conduct and military rules and regulations. They are the ones who have taken an
oath to sacrifice their lives for their State and people.
Therefore, all the cadets are to
safeguard the State with military science they have already learnt. In case of national
defence and security, all of them are able to go into battle like those from light
infantry divisions. The Tatmadawmen are required to be able to discharge any kind of duty
for the sake of the State. It is a fine tradition of the patriotic Tatmadaw. Therefore,
all the engineering cadets are to nurture the spirit of winning the battle. All of them
are to be imbued with physical and mental abilities. All of them are to have the ability
to make decisions themselves.
Moreover, ail the engineering cadets are to bear good moral character. Bearing good
moral character means observing discipline strictly, paying priority to common good rather
than self-interests and having the morale of virtue. To acquire these abilities, all the
engineering cadets are to strictly abide by the Soldier's Code of Conduct.
All the engineering cadets will have to discharge duty as junior leaders at various
units. To become a good leader, all of them are to live up to leadership qualities. All of
them are to have the spirit of a good commander and that of parents in order that they
become leaders who won respects and trust of their subordinates. All of them are to have
the will to work for the good of the units. All the cadets are to be able to build up the
unity of the units which they lead. In addition, true to be Tatmadaw engineers, all the
cadets are to have the will to broaden their horizons. All of them are to take innovative
Engineering is the practical application of scientific knowledge acquired through
conducting research on nature for the interests of man kind. Science is a kind of
knowledge gained through conducting research upon re search. It is human beings who
creating science and technologies advancing at an incredible pace. With the use of a
machine, the work which many ordinary persons have to do can be done very quickly.
However, there is no machine which has the ability to compete an outstanding and efficient
person. Therefore, human ability is the most fundamental factor in every sector. To
improve the science and technology of the Tatmadaw, Defence Services Technological Academy
has already produced 300 engineers including those from the present 3rd Intake. As of
1999-2000 training year, the department of civil engineering, the department of mechanical
engineering and the department of electrical engineering have conducted master of
engineering courses.
At the present ceremony, not only the bachelor of engineering degree but also master of
engineering degree will be conferred. In order to uplift the quality of instructor
officers, MPhil courses have been opened, and MPhil degree will be conferred today. Plans
are under way to open master of engineering courses of other fields. At the same time,
doctorate courses will be opened. The officers graduated at 1st Intake are now doing
master of engineering courses. Similarly, the officers graduated at 2nd Intake will soon
attend master of engineering courses. While assuming the duties of State under unavoidable
circumstances, the Tatmadaw is exerting strenuous efforts not only for the short-term
development but also for the long-term development of the State. It is urgently needed to
have human resources of high quality.
All the military engineers are to discharge two duties at the same time building
a modern Tatmadaw and building a modern and developed nation. The aim of building a
strong, efficient and dynamic Tatmadaw is to keep pace with the advances in military
science and technology. Today, when war is waged, arms and ammunitions are produced
competitively. Therefore, military science and technologies are advancing so much so that
a name Revolution Military Affairs has to be coined. In view of the nature of military
development, the first generation had only infantry and cavalry units, and at that time,
gunpowder was not used. During the period of the second generation, gunpowder and shotguns
were used. In the time of the third generation, rifles and cannons were invented and used.
The fourth generation used automatic rifles, tanks, communication machines and air planes.
In the time of the fifth generation, automatic weapons were invented.
During the present era, weapons based on data processing are being used. Manoeuvre,
fire power, protection and leadership are sine qua non for combat power. The advantage of
modern warfare is the use of electronic technology. In the fields concerning commanding,
communication, intelligence and information, digital technologies are used. Electronic war
is to be waged through electronic counter-intelligence and counter-sabotage. The
engineering officers of the Tatmadaw (Army), (Navy) and (Air) produced by this academy
needs to work in cooperation.
Not only do they need to be able to repair military equipment, vessels and aircraft but
also they need to be able to modify them. For the second stage, it is necessary for them
to be able to produce modern military equipment in the country without having to rely on
others. The Tatmadaw engineers need to be able to produce whatever others invent. Although
science and technology are advancing, there are many fields which cannot be explored with
the use of science. Therefore, all the engineering cadets are to work hard and conduct
research in these fields. Not only are the engineering cadets to discharge the duty of
safeguarding the State but also they are to help build the nation with their knowledge.
Today the nation is being built into an agro-based industrialized nation. To build a
developed industrialized nation necessitates highly-qualified scientists and technicians.
Myanmar needs to be able to produce machinery and electronic machines. So long as a wheel
does not start rolling, it will never ever gather momentum. If it starts rolling, it will
surely gain momentum. Therefore, industrial zones have been established all over the
nation. In producing goods which can be put on the foreign market, design technology is
important. Then, machinery parts which can be produced in the country are to be produced.
By means of producing machinery parts in cooperation with foreign technicians, technology
is to be learnt.
Technologies including metallurgy are to be studied. The technologies of the nations
which are keeping abreast with the times are to be observed. Production work is to be done
on an experimental scale with the use of their technologies. Only then, will all the
engineering officers become the ones who are reliable in building an industrialized nation
and benefit the nation. The Senior General said that the cadets are the engineers who will
have to take part in the industrial revolution of the State and the Tatmadaw, that they
will have to be well-versed not only on military affairs but also in the affairs of the
State and that he would like to give guidance on the importance of the Union Spirit as
they are going to be assigned duties in various regions.
The Senior General stressed that the national races have been living in the nation
since time immemorial, that there are various national races living together in amity and
unity in each and every State and Division as they are moving from place to place where
land and water are available for the better life. Therefore, he said, all the cadets
should love and cherish the motherland, lend themselves to the development tasks of the
nation and they should take upon themselves the task further of strengthening the Union
Spirit wherever they are posted.
In conclusion, the Senior General urged the cadets to try to become good soldiers as
well as able military leaders, to modernize the Tatmadaw by revving up the development of
science and technology, to extend themselves in building the modern and developed nation
and to safeguard the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw even at the risk of their own
lives. Then, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe left the
parade grounds. After the parade, Senior General Than Shwe met with two outstanding cadets
and their parents in the guest room of the Academy and encouraged them.
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's speech
- Tatmadawmen are required to be able to discharge any kind of duty for the sake of the
- There is no machine which has the ability to compete an outstanding and efficient
person. Therefore, human ability is the most fundamental factor in every sector
- Tatmadaw is exerting strenuous efforts not only for the short-term development but also
for the long-term development of the State
- The aim of building a strong, efficient and dynamic Tatmadaw is to keep pace with the
advances in military science and technology
- Although science and technology are advancing, there are many fields which cannot be
explored with the use of science
- By means of producing machinery parts in cooperation with foreign technicians,
technology is to be learnt
( 2 ) Yangon South District
traditional medicine practitioners express their desire to take guidance of Senior General
Than Shwe and guidelines of Secretary-1 as working norms
Yangon, 9 April- The traditional medicine practitioners of Yangon South District
expressed their desire to take as working norms the guidance contained in the message sent
by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe to Myanmar
Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference held on 19 December Year 2000 and the
guidelines given by Chairman of Myanmar National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt as the Conference was held in Shinsawpu
Hall of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council in Thanlyin this morning.
Present were District Commissioner of General Administration Department U Pe Thant,
District Secretary of Union Solidarity and Development Association U Lwin Oo, Chairman of
Thanlyin Township Peace and Development Council U Kyin Han, executives of Township
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, guests and traditional medicine practitioners of
nine townships in Yangon South District. Traditional medicine practitioner U Myint Kyaing
Aye of Thanlyin Township presided over the ceremony with traditional medicine
practitioners U Khin Maung Oo of Dalla Township, U Kyee Yin of Thanlyin Township, U Aung
Than of Kawhmu Township, U Ba Thein Kyin of Kayan Township, U Tun Aung of Thongwa
Township, U Tin Shwe of Kungyangon Township, U Aye Min of Kyauktan Township and U Weikzaw
of Thanlyin Township as members of the panel of chairmen. Chairman of the ceremony
traditional medicine practitioner U Myint Kyaing Aye and District Commissioner U Pe Thant
gave speeches.
Traditional medicine practitioner U Win Maw of Thanlyin Township tabled a motion
calling on all the traditional medicine practitioners to take as working norms the
guidance contained in the message sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Senior General Than Shwe to Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference
held at Kyaikkasan Grounds in 19 December Year 2000. Traditional medicine practitioner U
Mya Lin of Dalla Township seconded the motion. Traditional medicine practitioner U Myo
Myint of Thongwa Township put forward a motion calling for taking as working norms the
guidelines contained in the speech made by Chairman of Myanmar National Health Committee
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the Conference
held on 19 December 2000 as all the traditional medicine practitioners should implement
these guidelines without fail. Traditional medicine practitioner U Min Zaw of Kawhmu
Township seconded the motion.
Traditional medicine practitioner Daw San Thurein of Kawhmu Township tabled a motion
caling on the traditional medicine practitioners of Yangon South District to support the
resolutions made, matters placed on record and matters approved at the Traditional
Medicine Practitioners Conference held at Pyidaungsu Hall of Kyaikkasan Grounds on 19
December 2000. Traditional medicine practitioner U Saw Kyaw Mya of Dalla Township seconded
the motion. Traditional medicine practitioner U Mahn Tun Tin of Kungyangon Township tabled
a motion calling on the traditional medicine practitioners to oppose and remove every
activity which can hinder the formation of Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners
Association and to participate in this tasks. Traditional medicine practitioner U Saw Tun
of Kayan Township seconded the motion. Traditional medicine practitioner U Thaung Nyunt of
Kyauktan Township put forward a motion calling for the approval of the motions tabled on
the occasion. Traditional medicine practitioner U Tin Oo of Thongwa Township seconded the
motion. The chairman of the ceremony sought the approval of the ceremony, and all the
traditional medicine practitioners gave their approval. Chairman U Myint Kyaing Aye made a
concluding remarks and the ceremony came to a close.
( 3
) Myanmar-Japan Cultural Exchange
Variety Dance Show opens
9 April- A ceremony to open the Myanmar-Japan Cultural Exchange Variety Dance Show
organized by Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association was held in front of the National
Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street this evening.
Present were Chairman of the Association
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, ministers, deputy ministers and their wives,
Vice-Chairperson of the Association Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of
Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Vice-Chairpersons of the Association Prof Daw May May Yee, Dr Khin Shwe and
Dr Daw Mya Mya Win, executives, departmental heads, officials of NGOs, Patron of Myanmar
Foreign Correspondents Club U Sein Win and correspondents and guests.
Chairman of
the Association Minister Col Tin Hlaing delivered an opening address. He said:
May I first express my pleasure and honour
for having the opportunity to deliver an address at the opening ceremony of the Cultural
Exchange Variety Dance Show of the Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association.
Myanmar and Japan have maintained friendly
ties and exchanged bilateral interrelation since ancient times. During the time of the
State Peace and Development Council Government, interrelations between Myanmar and Japan
have been developed and bilateral cordial ties further strengthened.
The Japan-Myanmar Friendship Association
was founded in Japan and the Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association in Myanmar with the aim
of broadening bilateral co-operation and co-ordination in the economic, health, education,
social, cultural, fine arts, scientific and technological fields.
Todays Cultural Exchange Variety
Dance Show of the Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association is a result of the interrelations
and co-operation between the Japan-Myanmar Friendship Association and Myanmar-Japan
Friendship Association.
All the nations and the peoples of the
world have their own culture and I believe that the world will be a peaceful, prosperous
and pleasant place if there is understanding and respect for each others culture as
it will lead to the gradual strengthening of amity between different races.
In this world today, it is heart-rending
to see occurrence of conflicts between one race and another, commotion and bloodshed to
the detriment of global peace and development. If these occurrences are studied
objectively from the root cause, it can be easily seen that they have erupted due to lack
of understanding of and respect for each others religion, traditions and culture.
It is hoped that the Cultural Exchange
Variety Dance Show which begins today will lead to the further strengthening of
understanding and love between the peoples of the two nations. And I also hope that we
will be able to organize more bilateral friendship promotion programmes in the future.
In conclusion, I would like to express my
heartfelt thanks to the departmental personnel, members of art organizations such as
Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon and Myanmar Music Asiayon, sports federations and
Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association, wellwishers and volunteers who had rendered
assistance for the success of the Cultural Exchange Variety Dance Show.
With this I conclude.Thank you.
Then, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru
Tsumori gave a speech. He said:
In December of last year, Myanmar-Japan
Friendship Association was formed and within a short period of time thereafter, it gives
me great pleasure to state that we are witnessing the Cultural Festival of great magnitude
and grandeur. It can be said that, this is one of the memorable achievements in connection
with the future cooperation of Friendship Associations in both the countries.
Perhaps, this is the first time that the
Cultural Variety Dance show of such magnitude has arrived in Myanmar from Japan. Moreover,
such richness of cultural dances and exhibitions assembled in one place are even rare to
see in Japan.
It is important for us Japanese people and
people of Myanmar to have a better understanding of each countrys culture. In
cultural exchange, people from each country can participate individually and thus it is
the basis for advancing of mutual friendship that is so vital in the magnitude of factors
that are necessary to achieve the goal of friendship.
The Cultural Exchange show which is going
to be held in Yangon, is in reality, to deepen the friendship between the two peoples and
thus by beginning a Festival of this nature, it is hoped that it will deepen the already
firm relationship that exist between the two countries.
Finally, I would like to convey my
heartfelt thanks to His Excellency Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association
Minister for Home Afrairs Col Tin Hlaing and the former Ambassador of Japan to Myanmar,
HE, Mr Tajima and all the responsible persons from the two Associations who tirelessly
exerted their efforts to make this show, a success.
Leader of the troupe of Japan-Myanmar
Friendship Association Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe and member of Myanmar-Japan Friendship
Association Daw San San Tun read out the message sent by former Ambassador of Japan to
Myanmar Mr Takashi Tajima.
Then, Chairman Minister Col Tin Hlaing,
Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori, Mr Yokoyama Hyoe and Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe of Japan-Myanmar
Friendship Association formally opened the Myanmar-Japan Cultural Exchange Variety Dance
Show and the Market Festival.
Afterwards, ministers and guests viewed
the market festival, beating of Japan traditional drum, Japan traditional tea party, the
documentary photo booth and Japan traditional Ekebana booth.
Afterwards, ministers and guests attended
the Variety Dance Show.Film stars and vocalists presented variety dances and songs to the
audience.After the show, Chairman of the Association Minister Col Tin Hlaing presented the
flower basket to the Myanmar-Japan cultural troupe.
The Myanmar-Japan Cultural Exchange
Variety Dance Show and the Market Festival will be held up to 11 April.
( 4 ) Press conference on Myanmars efforts on
drug control
Yangon, 9 April- A
Press conference on Myanmars efforts to control hard drugs was held at Tatmadaw
Guest House on Inya Road this morning.
Present were Heads of Office of Strategic
Studies Col Thein Swe and Col Kyaw Thein, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police
Maj-Gen Soe Win, senior officers of the Ministry of Defence and MPF, members of the
Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, President of Foreign Correspondents Club U Sao
Kai Hpa and correspondents and local and foreign newsmen.
Head of Office of Strategic Studies Col
Thein Swe spoke on the occasion.
Head of
Office of Strategic Studies Col Kyaw Thein gave clarification on governments efforts
to control hard drugs. He said that drug problem is an evil legacy of imperialists and it
not only tarnishes the prestige of the State and social norms but also poses a danger to
mankind of the world. The problem is related to honest national races from hills.
Therefore the government with deep consideration is making arrangements for them. The drug
issues exist not in a nation; there are cases of illicit trafficking of hard drugs in
other sovereign nations. Therefore, the government has placed emphasis on launching the
anti-drug campaign as a national task in conjunction with non-governmental organizations,
UN agencies, neighbouring countries and those in sub-region.
In particular, the countries in South-East
Asian region including Myanmar are faced with opium and opium-related narcotic drugs,
heroin, Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS), Ecstasy, Cannabis and Volatile Substances.
According to the opium yield survey
jointly conducted by Myanmar and the US, the yield of opium in Myanmar has been dropping
considerably since 1997. Opium cultivation in 1999 declined to 31%; opium yield to 38%. It
was the lowest decline after 1988. It is expected that opium yield this year would be less
than that of the previous year due to destruction of 21,242 acres of opium under the
arrangement of the respective commands in 2001 and establishment of opium free zones by
national armed groups, bad weather, scarcity of rain and insects. According to Base Line
Data conducted as a nationwide movement in 1998, opium yield fell down yearly. The prices
of raw opium and heroin went up two or three times than those of the previous years.
Drug trafficking is generally undertaken
in China-Myanmar and Thai-Myanmar far-flung border areas where transport is inaccessible.
Especially in Thai-Myanmar border areas, Kuominton group, Kyauksit Su Laing group from
remnant MTA, Maha San group of WNA group, SURA Ywitsit group and KNPP group continue to do
drug business with terrorist acts. A large amount of precursor chemicals including
Ephedrine which is needed for production of ATS and Acetic Anhydride for heroin refinery
are produced in India and China for use in industry. They are imported from Thailand.
Precursor chemicals an controlled chemicals from other industrialized nations came to
border areas illegally. Before 1996, Acetic Anhydride came to Myanmar via neighbouring
countries and Ephedrine, ATS producing equipment and Caffeine also came from Thailand.
The government has placed emphasis on
development of border areas and reconsolidation of national solidarity. Seventeen armed
groups, giving up their armed struggle returned to the legal fold. The government
undertook anti-drug measures with their participation. From September 1988 to March 2001,
31,014 kilos of opium, 4,548 kilos of heroin, 34,634 litres of Phensedyl, 312,602 litres
of acids and chemicals, 17, 630 kilos of Ephedrine and 82,586,607 tablets of
Methamphelamine were seized and 128 opium refineries and 111,645 acres of opium were
destroyed. The seized narcotic drugs were destroyed in Yangon for the 14 times and in
border areas for 20 times.
From 23 October 2000 to 19 March 2001, the
Tatmadaw columns cleared Haymoelon region in northern Shan State and exposed five opium
refineries and two ATS laboratories and seized 1,729,500 tablets of ATS, 433 kilos of
Ephedrine, 33 kilos of Phenyl Acetic Acid, 265.5 kilos of opium, 46.171 litres of acid and
19,726 of chemicals, ATS producing equipment and other related precursors. Acting on
tip-off, the Tatmadaw columns cleared the west region of Tawnay Village in Lashio Township
and exposed eight refineries and seized 7,168 litres of alcohol, 690 litres of
hydrochloric acid, 9.8 litres of Acetic Anhydride, 204 litres of loizaw, 400 kilos of
Ammonium chloride, 400 kilos of bone charcoal, 75 flasks and others.
At a time when Myanmar can control
successfully drug problem related to opium, it faces with ATS problem. ATS problem started
during the past decades. It was a major problem for neighbouring India and Thailand.
Myanmar began to face it after 1996. During this year in Yangon, 61,400 stimulant tablets
were seized 24,000 stimulant tablets in South Okkalapa Township on 19 January and
37,400 stimulant tablets in Mingaladon Township on 9 March. Chemicals, equipment,
electricity and skill are needed to produce stimulant tablets. The above-mentioned
paraphernalia are illegally brought to the country in various ways and means from
neighbouring countries. Regarding the ATS, Myanmar promoted her cooperation with
neighbouring countries and those in Sub-region. Myanmar has laid down the plans to prevent
spread of ATS in the country and is implementing them.
A total of 15,607 kilos of Ephedrine,
5,022 kilos of Caffeine and 28.571 millions of ATS tablets were seized 5.916 million
of ATS tablets in 1996, 2,420 kilos of Ephedrine and 5.028 million of ATS tablets in 1997,
3,819 kilos of Ephedrine and 16.026 million of ATS tablets in 1998, 7,052 kilos of
Ephedrine and 28.753 million of ATS tablets in 1999, 2,316 kilos of Ephedrine, 2,022 kilos
of Caffeine and 22.643 million of ATS tablets in 2000, 3,000 kilos of Caffeine and 4.205
million of ATS tablets in 2001 and three laboratories were exposed in 2000.
The world
today is facing with the threatening of Transnational Organized Crime Groups. The groups
involve transnational crimes and drugs and became rich. They get millions of US dollars
yearly. Out of transnational crimes, the common problem in Asia and the Pacific region is
illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotrophic substances. In order to control
the drug problem, it is necessary to take measures for the nation-wise control part
through balance approach, to promote cooperation at basic level, to lay down plans for
eradication of narcotic drugs and to undertake measures for substitute crops and earning
substitute income. Opium and marijuana can be used as narcotic drugs. But they are
produced with the combination of chemicals for efficacy. Therefore no precursors no drugs.
It is also necessary to take measures for control of chemicals and cultivation of narcotic
The governments efforts on drug
control were presented with the aid of projector.Officials replied to the queries raised
by newsmen.Those present at the press conference viewed documentary photos and maps on
drug control.
( 5 ) Commander
inspects development and agricultural matters in Taikkyi
Yangon, 9 April
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, accompanied by
Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min of Phugyi Station, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and officials, visited Taikkyi Township this morning and
inspected regional development and agricultural tasks in the township.
On arrival
at Kanthaya Village of Taikkyi Township, the commander inspected construction of the
40-mile-long development road linking East Kya-in Village in Hlegu Township and Taung-nyo
Village in Taikkyi Township. Superintending Engineer U Soe Nyunt of Yangon Division Public
Works reported on progress of work. The commander urged the officials to strive for timely
completion of the road.
Then, the commander inspected the
construction of the road near Bantpwegon Village. He gave instructions on quality of the
road, timely completion of construction work and arrangements to be made for paving
laterite on the road.
The commander and party also inspected the
construction of the earthen road between the construction site of Okkan Creek Bridge near
Kywebok Village of Taikkyi Township and Kywebok Road.
The commander then went to the
construction site of Wooden Okkan Creek Bridge. Deputy Director of Taikkyi Township
Development Affairs Department U Aung Kyaw Nyein reported on progress of construction
work. Afterwards, the commander inspected construction work near Kywebok Village.
The road linking between Kanthaya and
Kywebok villages in Taikkyi Township will be 13 miles long. The earth work of the road
will be completed at the end of April.
Then, the commander arrived at the
agricultural site of Fortune International Ltd in Magari and Tabuhla regions of Taikkyi
Township. In the briefing hall, the officials of Fortune International Ltd reported on
progress of land reclamation in Magari region and cultivation matters.
Factory Manager of Okkan Sugar Mill U Tun
Aung Kyaw reported on sugar production and construction of the road running from
sugar-cane plantations to the mill.
Fortune International Ltd has planed to
reclaim 11,481 acres of land in Magari and Chaungsauk Tabuhla regions. Out of the targeted
8,030 acres of land in 2000-2001 year, 1,200 acres of land have been put under monsoon
paddy and 6,530 acres under other crops. In this sugarcane season, Fortune International
Ltd has sent over 5,000 tons of sugarcane to the sugar mill.
The commander inspected sugarcane
cultivation in Magari region.At Ywatha Village of Taikkyi Township, Superintending
Engineer U Soe Nyunt reported on progress of construction of Ywatha-Tawlati-Yebawthoung
Road and paving laterite on the road.
The work to pave laterite on
Ywatha-Tawlati-Yebaw-thoung Road in Aingka-laungkyun has been completed. Therefore, local
people from Bawlekyun region, Yebaw-thoung, Kyudaw and Myochaung in Htantabin Township can
easily reach Yangon City through Yebawthoung Bridge and Myochaung Bridge.
Under the arrangements of Yangon Division
Peace and Development Council, buses are running on
the route with a view to ensuring smooth transportation for local people of
Aingkalaungkyun and Baw-lekyun.
( 6 ) U Nyunt Maung Shein presents
credentials to ROK President
Yangon, 10 April-U Nyunt Maung Shein, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of Korea, presented his credentials to His Excellency
Mr Kim Dae-jung, President of the Republic of Korea, on 4 April 2001, in Seoul.
Myanmar delegation leaves for China
Yangon, 9 April- At the invitation of
Minister of Information Industry Mr Wu Jichuan of China, a Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin left here by air this
noon to attend the China-ASEAN ICT Seminar to be held in Shangxin, the People's Republic
of China, from 10 to 12 April and to observe research and development tasks in Shanghai on
13 and 14 April.
The minister and party were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister at the
Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung
Maung Thein, Ambassador of China Mr Li Jinjun, departmental officials and relatives. The
minister was accompanied by Pro-Rector of Mandalay University of Computer Studies U Kyaw
Swa Soe and Chief Engineer U Tint Lwin of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications.
( 7 ) Fund-raising Committee of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha
Muni image meets
Yangon, 9 April-The meeting of the Fund-raising Committee of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Muni image was held at the briefing hall of the image at Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township this afternoon, attended by Chairman of the committee Vice-Chairman of Yangon
City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Vice-Chairman Secretary of YCDC Col
Myint Aung and committee members, departmental officials and members of Pagoda Board of
Trustees. Chairman Col Maung Pa made a speech. Then, the attendance discussed matters
related to fund-raising for all-round renovation of the image, and the meeting came to a
close with the concluding remarks by the Chairman.
Buddha Pujaniya held at Shwesandaw Pagoda in Twantay
Yangon, 9 April - The Buddha Pujaniya of Shwesandaw Pagoda in Twantay was held at the
pagoda on 4 April morning. Present were Chairman Sayadaw of Township Sangha Nayaka
Committee Bhaddanta Kusala and Ovadaariya Sayadaws of Shwesandaw Pagoda, township
authorities, the chairman and members of the pagoda board of trustees, departmental
personnel, families of the local battalion and members of Township, Ward and Village Union
Solidarity and Development Associations. The congregation took the Five Precepts, and the
Sayadaws recited Parittas. The congregation were treated to cold drinks. Buddha Pujaniya
was held till 2nd Waning of Tagu.
Supreme Court Justice inspects
courts in Kayin State
Yangon, 9 April-Supreme Court Justice U Khin Myint, from 2 to 7 April together with
officials, inspected the state court, district courts and township courts in Kayin State
and gave instructions on policies of judicial power, prevalence of law and order,
disposing of cases as soon as possible with right decisions and avoiding of committing
bribery and corruption. The Supreme Court Justice met with the chairmen and members of
State/District/Township Peace and Development Councils, justices, law officers, officials
and attended to the needs.
Respects paid to the elderly at Auditor-Generals office
Yangon, 9 April-Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, officials and staff paid respects to
the elderly who are retired persons at Auditor-General's office on Lower Kyimyindine Road
in Ahlon Township on 6 April afternoon. First, 47 retired persons of 75 years and above
were introduced one by one. The Auditor-General presented cash as token of respects to
them. Afterwards, those present paid respects to them.
( 8 ) Energy Minister inspects drilling
of oil test-well
Yangon, 9 April-Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, accompanied by Commander
Brig-Gen Ye Myint of No 101 LID, inspected drilling of test-well No 39 at
Kyaukkhwet-Letpanto natural gas area in Pakokku, Mandalay Division on 7 April and gave
necessary instructions. Then, the minister inspected completion of drilling of Thagyitaung
oil test-well No 1 in Pauk Township. The minister also inspected the site chosen for Sabay
test-well No 1 near Sabay Village in Pakokku Township. The minister attended the opening
of tube-well presented by the ministry built at a cost of K 200,000 at Htanzin (North)
Village in Htangwa Village-tract, Natogyi Township yesterday. The minister explained the
donation. Director U Sein Hlaing of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and Chairman U Hla
Hsaung of Village Peace and Development Council formally opened the well which produces
1,600 gallons of water per hour. Also present on the occasion were the chairman and
members of Natogyi Township Peace and Development Council, members of Township USDA and
MMCWA and departmental officials.
Deterrent Punishment Sub-committee holds coord meeting
Yangon, 9 April- The Deterrent Punishment Sub-committee of the Crime Reduction,
Education and Information Committee held No 14 coordination meeting at the Yangon Division
Police Commander's Office this noon. Present were Chairman of the sub-committee Deputy
Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman Commander of Yangon Division Police Force
Police Col Tin Win, directors of the Supreme Court and the Attorney-General's Office, the
division judge, the division law officer, officials of Prisons Department and Immigration
and National Registration Department, the Secretary of the sub-committee the Deputy
Commander of Yangon Division Police Force and officials. Chairman Deputy Attorney-General
U Khin Maung Aye and Vice-Chairman Police Col Tin Win gave speeches. Then, members of the
sub-committee took part in the discussions.
( 9
) Basic education middle
and primary level completion certificates presented
Yangon, 9 April-A ceremony to present the basic education middle and primary level
completion certificates of No 7 Basic Education Middle School, Yankin in Yangon Division
was held at the school this morning. First, the students sang the National Anthem and
"The flowers are in full bloom" song. Then, Headmaster U Tin Maung Tun presented
middle school level completion certificates to 135 students and primary school level
completion certificates to 91 students.
Observance of Thingyan festival coordinated
Yangon, 9 April-Work coordination meeting of Committee for Preserving Tradition and
Awarding Prizes in Traditional Water Festival for 1362 ME was held at the city hall of
Yangon City Development Committee this morning, attended by Chairman of the committee
Chairman of YCDC Mayor of Yangon U Ko Lay. Also present were Deputy Minister for Culture U
Soe Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, departmental officials,
officials of various organizations and guests. First, the mayor made a speech. Afterwards,
Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung reported on plans to present prizes under the sponsorship
of YCDC. Deputy ministers and officials took part in the discussion. The meeting came to a
close with concluding remarks by the mayor. After the meeting the mayor and guests viewed
rehearsal of variety dances at the city hall.