( 1 ) Modern
patriotic police force to be established to serve public interest
General Than Shwe inspects training schools in PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 8
AprilChairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe yesterday morning inspected training schools
near Zibingyi Village in Pyin-OoLwin Township and Medical Research Department (Upper
Myanmar) near Sitha Village and gave guidance.
Senior General Than Shwe
and party arrived at Central Fire Services Training School of the Fire Services Department
under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement near Zibingyi Village by
helicopter at 9 am. They were welcomed by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr
Than Nyunt, Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and
Maj-Gen Sein Htwa reported to the Senior General on implementation of the guidance given
by Senior General Than Shwe himself while inspecting the training school on 9 April 2000.
Director-General of the Fire Services
Department U Myint Tun reported on courses being conducted at the school, courses to be
opened in 2001-2002, matters related to modern fire fighting equipment, construction of
the training school building, agriculture and poultry farming.

In his guidance, Senior General Than Shwe
said members of the Fire Brigade are to be trained to be able to perform not only the
tasks of the Fire Brigade but also duties pertaining to security, community peace and
tranquillity and national defence as a reserve force of the State. The training school
needs to train members of the Fire Brigade to be able to contribute toward, maintain and
safeguard regular production work in respective regions in times of emergency, he said.
The Senior General spoke of the need to
ensure strong and correct set-up of the Fire Brigade in accord with the tasks, to
systematically prescribe the codes of conduct and to get all the members to observe them.
The Senior General gave guidance on
teaching the trainees who hail from various regions to realize the tasks of ensuring the
flourishing of Union Spirit in the regions where they will be assigned duties.
The Senior General and party observed
modern fire extinguishers and equipment and documentary photos. Principal of Central Fire
Services Training School Col Kyi Win and officials reported on salient points of the
training school.
The Senior General and party inspected the
growing of trees, seasonal and perennial plants and the fire fighting training couse.
The Senior General and party went to the
central training division of Myanmar Police Force where Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing reported on the setup of the central training division, courses conducted and being
conducted, teaching methods, requirements for improvement of quality of courses and
implementation of the guidance by the Senior General.
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win of MPF reported on
the growing of trees, seasonal and perennial plants, poultry farming and construction of
The Senior General said that police force
was used as a machinery for suppression to prolong the life of enslavement during colonial
period and a modern patriotic police force serving the interests of the people is to be
built in the independent state.
He said that it is necessary to review
whether the police force can actually and practically safeguard community peace and
stability, prevalence of law and order and work security or not and arrangements are to be
made for improvement of work efficiency.
It is important to undertake the tasks of
the police force correctly in accord with the law.He spoke of the need to train the fire
brigade to be the most united and disciplined one as an reserve force of the State so that
the fire brigade can effectively participate in the National Defence Plan. The fire
brigade is to have the firm spirit of sacrificing their life for the State and the people
any time or in any circumstance.
Moreover, the fire brigade is to be trained to strengthen Union
Spirit for safeguarding the Union.
The Senior General spoke of the need to
take necessary measures in order to ensure that production work can be done peacefully any
time, and professionalism and conviction must be combined in establishing a modern
patriotic police force.
The Senior General and party inspected the
central training division museum, the library and the laboratory, a spoken English course
and a computer course conducted for the trainees of Police Sub-Inspector Course No 42.
The Senior General and party proceeded to
the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) where Chairman of CSSTB Dr Than
Nyunt reported on courses, supply of teaching aids and progress of construction work of
the buildings. The Senior General gave guidance and inspected the scale model of CICS
(Upper Myanmar).

The Senior General and party went to
Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) near Sitha Village in PyinOoLwin Township by
helicopter. They were welcomed by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and officials.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported on the
objectives of establishment of Medical Research Department (Upper Myan-mar),
organizational set-up, research work, future tasks and implementation of the guidance by
the Senior General, supply of modern equipment for promotion of medical research work and
human resource work.
Director-General of Medical Research
Department (Upper Myanmar) Dr Myint Lwin reported on research work, the growing of herbal
plants, research work jointly conducted by Mandalay Institute of Medicine and Mandalay
General Hospital and research work to be conducted.
The Senior General said that research work
is important for development of Myanma medicine, and spoke of the need to make efforts for
conducting research work on use of standardized traditional
medicine, collecting data regarding
well-known trditional medicines famous in various parts of the nation, the finding of
less-known Myanma potent medicines and production of efficacious medicines.
The Senior General and party inspected
construction of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar).
( 2 ) Senior General Than Shwe attends opening of National Kandawgyi
Yangon, 8 April Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe attended the opening of the National Kandawgyi Park in PyinOoLwin,
Mandalay Division, this morning.
Also present were
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin
Hla, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central
Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of
Defence, the Mayor of Mandalay, the Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development
Council, heads of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments
concerned, division-level departmental officials of Mandalay Division, the commandant and
senior military officers of PyinOoLwin Station, departmental officials of PyinOoLwin
District and Township, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and

Before the opening ceremony started,
Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone reported to the Senior General and party on matters
related to the National Kandawgyi Park.
The minister said that in accord with the
guidance of the Senior General, the task of building the National Kan-dawgyi Park in
PyinOoLwin has been implemented.
The task has been undertaken by the Forest
Department and Woodland Co Ltd. The Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council and the Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation provided assistance for water
supply of the National Kandawgyi Park. The task of building the National Kandawgyi Park
will be carried out inthree phases. The first phase of the task has been completed.
Therefore, the opening ceremony was held.
Strenuous efforts had to be made to
complete the first phase of the task within six months. The second and third phases are
major construction tasks, and they will be completed in two years.
The Ministry of Forestry has established
national conservation areas throughout the nation, and now there are four big gardens and
28 sanctuaries.
The total area of the sanctuaries
constituted 0.7 percent of the area of the nation in 1988, and now it has increased up to
3.2 percent. Plans have been made to expand the total area of the sanctuaries up to 5
percent of the area of the nation.
Then, the Senior General gave guidance on
making the National Kandawgyi Park pleasant and beautiful and keeping seasonal flowers in
full bloom.
Afterwards, the Senior General inspected
the scale model and pictures of the National Kandawgyi Park.
Next, the opening ceremony was held. The
Senior General formally unveiled the stone plaque of the National Kandawgyi Park.Commander
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Minister U Aung Phone also formally opened the National Kandawgyi
After that, the Senior General and party
inspected the National Kandawgyi Park.Previously, the National Lake Garden was Maymyo
Botanical Gardens, which was opened in 1917. The previous total area of the National
Kandawgyi Park was 240 acres, and now the area has become 436.96 acres 366.96 acres
of land area and 70 acres of water area.
Previously, in the National LKandawgyi
Park, there were only 246 species of local hardwood and 7,888 trees. Now there are 482
species and 12,127 trees. There were 42 species of exotic hard wood and 1,529 trees
before. Now there are 67 species and 3,577 trees.
Previously, there were only 10 species of
bamboo, and now there are 75 species. Previously, there were 40 species of orchid, and now
there are 133 species. There are also rare species of birds.
The National Kandawgyi Park have been
opened with the aim of enabling people to enjoy rest and relaxation, giving education,
conducting research and promoting eco-tourism industry.
( 3 ) Coordination meeting on holding Myanmar-Japan variety
show held
Yangon, 8
AprilExecutive Committee meeting of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association and
coordination meeting on holding variety show under Myanmar-Japan cultural exchange
programme were held at the National Theatre this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of
Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing,
Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Professor Daw May May Yi, U Khin Shwe and Dr Mya
Mya Win, executive committee members, departmental officials, advisers, members of
sub-committee for holding the variety show, Patrons of Myanma Motion Picture Asiyon
Bogalay U Tint Aung, Gitalulin U Ko Ko and chairman U Sein Tin, member of the
Japan-Myanmar Association Leader of Japanese Troupe Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe and members,
officials and guests. General Secretary U Ye Htut of the Myanmar-Japan association acted
as master of ceremonies. Minister Col Tin Hlaing made a speech. Then, officials of
sub-committees reported on work. Afterwards, a general round of discussions followed.
Later, Mr Tsuyoshi Watanabe explained the
programmes to be performed. Then, chairman and vice- chairpersons also took part in the
After the meeting, the chairman and
members inspected Myanmar-Japan traditional food stalls and viewed dress rehearsal.
( 4 ) Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 9 AprilThe
government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr Vivek Katju as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Union of
Myanmar in succession of Mr Shayam Saran.
Mr Vivek Katju was born on 11 August 1951. He joined the
Ministry of External Affairs of India in 1975 and served in various capacities in the
diplomatic missions of the Republic of India in Cairo, Abu Dhabi, Washington, Suva and
Kuala Lumpur. He is presently serving as Director/Joint Secretary at the Ministry of
External Affairs, New Delhi.
Ambassador U San Thein presents
credentials to President of Poland
Yangon, 9 April-U San Thein, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of Poland, presented his
credentials to His Excellency Mr Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of the Republic of
Poland, on 3 April 2001, in Warsaw.
( 5 ) Mindhamma Hill crowded with
Yangon, 8 April-Mindhamma hill, where the Lawka Chantha
Abhaya Labha Muni image is kept, was crowded with members of the Sangha, devotees,
pilgrims from far and near toady. Stone Sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw
and sons, engineers, workers of Buildings Construction Project Special Group-2 of Public
Works, Myanmar handicraft technicians U Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group
continued all round renovation tasks. Wut associations recited parittas from morn till
night daily in turn. Bookshops of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of
Information are opened at the hill. Myanmar Traditional Artistes and Artisans Asiayon also
opened a souvenir shop there. Donation Centre is opened and donation made by the public
have amounted to K 165,818,963 from 5 August 2000 to date.
( 6 ) Htidaw
hoisted atop Pagoda in PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 8 April-A ceremony to hoist Shwehtidaw,
Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinbudaw atop Ponakara Maha Vira Pagoda of Central Training Division
of Myanmar Police Force in Zibingyi Village, PyinOoLwin Township, PyinOoLwin District,
Mandalay Division, was held in conjunction with consecration of the Pagoda on the platform
of the Pagoda on 6 April morning. Present at the ceremony were members of the Sangha led
by Mandalay Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Agga
Maha Pandita Myataungtaik Shwewahwinkyaung Sayadaw and Agga Maha Saddhamma-jotikadhaja
Monyway Sayadaw, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and wife Daw Khin Hla Hla,
Director-General of MPF Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife Daw Khin Khin Ohn, senior police
officers and their wives, departmental heads, guests, wellwishers and local residents. The
minister and wife presented the Seinbudaw, the Hngetmyatnadaw and offertories to the
Myataungtaik Sayadaw.
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife presented the Shwehtidaw
and offertories, Chief of Staff (Police) Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win, Police
Quartermaster-General Police Brig-Gen Win Soe and senior police officers and their wives
satellite pagodas, Shwehtidaw and offertories to the Sayadaws. The Myataungtaik Sayadaw
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained. The Seinbudaw, the
Hngetmyatnadaw and tiers of Shwehtidaw were conveyed around the pagoda clockwise thrice,
hoisted atop the pagoda and then sprinkled with scented water. Monyway Sayadaw and members
of the Sangha consecrated the pagoda. Rituals of golden and silver showers were performed
to mark the success of the ceremony. Later, "soon" was offered to the members of
the Sangha.
Central Supply and Transport Depot
holds ordination and novitiation ceremony
Yangon, 8 April- Under the patronage of Director of Supply
and Transport of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Than Htay and wife Daw Nwe Nwe Win,
family of the Central Supply and Transport Depot held the third ordination and novitiation
ceremony at Kyaikkaloh Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Mingaladon Township yesterday and today.
Yesterday, 55 men were ordained, 18 boys novitiated and five women initiated into the
Buddhist order. This morning, Commandant of the Depot Col Win Naung and Daw Le Le Thwin
and wellwishers donated offertories and " soon " to Presiding Nayaka of the
Sarthintaik Mogok Vipassana Dhamma Yeiktha Sayadaw Maha Ganthavanaka Pandita Bhaddanta
andavara-bhivamsa and newly-ordained monks and novices. Present were senior military
officers, guests, wellwishers and families of the Quartermaster-General Office, the
Directorate of Supply and Transport, Yangon Command Headquarters and military stations.
( 7 ) Commander inspects
construction work
Yangon, 8 April-Chairman of Bago Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, together with Secretary
Lt-Col Aung Min and officials, inspected progress of construction of delivery ward of Bago
Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, in Oktha Myothit, Bago, and Bhattaggasala
two-storey Soonsarkyaunghsaung of Bago Myoma Sarthintaik on 6 April afternoon. After being
conducted round the buildings by officials concerned, the commander fulfilled the
requirements. The commander then inspected renovation of Myoma sports ground in Bago. The
responsible persons reported on work being done and holding sports events. The commander
attended to the needs.
Students of Falam Township sightsee
Yangon City
Yangon, 8 April- Students of Rikhodur Village Basic
Education High School of Falam Township, currently here under the arrangement of the Work
Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, accompanied by officials of
Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department, No 1 and No 3 Basic Education
Departments, visited Shwedagon Pagoda this morning. They also visited Memorial to Fallen
Heroes on Arzarni Beikman Road. Company Commander Maj Kyaw Thura of Guard of Honour
explained facts about the memorial. The students visited Yangon Zoological Gardens and the
Aquarium and then teaching and learning of students of Botahtaung BEHS No 6 at the
multimedia classroom. Next, they visited Yuzana Plaza on Banyadala Road in Mingala
Taungnyunt Township.
( 8 ) WVO EC
member tours Mandalay Division
Yangon, 8 April-Executive Committee member of Central
Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung met members of WVO at the office of Union Solidarity and Development Association in
Taungtha Township, Mandalay Division yesterday morning. Then, he proceeded to the dyeing
factory of Myanma Textile Industries in Myingyan where he inspected production process.
Afterwards, he met with members of various organisations at the town hall in Myingyan. He
donated K 100,000 each to Myingyan District Maternal and Child Welfare Association and
Fire Brigade. Later, he inspected Win Thu Zar shop of Ministry of Industry 1. Next, he
made a speech at the concluding ceremony of Executive Multiplier Management Course No 10
held at the office of Myingyan District USDA. He accepted cash donations for Myingyan
District USDA. Afterwards, he met with EC members of Myingyan, Ngazun, Natogyi, Taungtha
and Kyaukpadaung townships at the same venue.
( 9
) 2nd leg of new generation golf tour 24-25 April
Yangon, 8 April- The second leg of the Han Golf Masters'
new generation age-wise golf tournament, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly
sponsored by Pan-West and Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd, will be held at Silvery Golf Course of
Yangon City Development Committee on 24 and 25 April. In the second leg, there will be
four classesÑ the under-10 age class, the 11-12 age class, the 13-14 age class and the
15-16 age class. New generation golfers may enlist at Han Golf Masters Office, Mya Yeik
Nyo Training Golf Course, ph 543207 and HGM (Pro-Shop) at Silvery Course, ph 641341, not
later than 23 April noon.
Cooperative Products Exhibition
Yangon, 8 April-The Cooperative Products Exhibition of
Ministry of Cooperatives continued for the seventh day at Saya San Plaza in Bahan Township
today. Cooperative societies, companies, entrepreneurs and State-owned organizations sold
local-made products at the exhibition. Cosmetics, clothes, personal goods, household
wares, electronic devices, plastic wares, agricultural and farm machinery, PVC pipes,
granite tiles, glassware, natural fertilizer and others are on display. Entertainment and
sale promoting ad programmes will be presented tomorrow.