( 1 ) You must be seamlessly integrated with the people,
organize them so that people share your conviction in national politics
Daring comes only to those capable of sacrifice
Senior General Than Shwe addresses graduation parade of the 43rd Intake of DSA
Yangon, 6 April- The graduation parade of the 43rd
Intake of Defence Services Academy was held at the parade grounds of Defence Services
Academy in PyinOoLwin at 7.30 am today, with an address by Commander-in-Cheif of Defence
Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Commander of Central
Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Maj-Gen Saw Tun, U Thaung, Maj-Gen
Tin Htut, U Than Aung and Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Military Appointment-General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe,
Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Defence Services Inspector-General Maj-Gen Lun
Maung, Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace
and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, directors of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen
Aung Kyi, Brig-Gen Kyi Win, Col Thein Tun, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint, Brig-Gen Khin Maung
Tint, Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Brig-Gen Than Htay, Col Hla Tun and
Brig-Gen Aung Hlaing, senior military officers, military attaches of foreign missions,
parents and relatives of cadets and guests.
At the ceremony, the Senior General inspected cadet companies. Then,
the Commander-in-Cheif of Defence Services took the salute of the graduation cadet
company.Afterwards, the Defence Services Commander-in-Cheif presented Aungsitthi Award to
Cadet Win Ko Ko, Excellent Training Award to Cadet Than Win Aung, Excellent Study Award
(Arts) Cadet Maung Maung Lwin and Excellent Study Award (Science) Cadet Tun Naing
Win.Then, the Commander-in-Cheif of Defence Services delivered an address. He said:
Today is the graduation day of the 43rd Intake of the Defence Services
Academy. You have successfully completed the study of military and other relevant subjects
leading to Bachelor degrees in Arts, Science and Computer Science and will be appointed as
junior leaders of the Tatmadaw. Today is a milestone in the lives of you, Comrades, who
have successfully completed long-term study and training. It is also a day of invigoration
for the Tatmadaw. At this graduation ceremony, there are certain points on which I would
like to put special emphasis. You need to be a good Tatmadawman and a good leader
in order to be in tune with the attribute of the Defence Services Academy,
"Victorious soldiers of the future". In order to be a good Tatmadawman, you have
to bear in mind all the time a message from an old warrior: If ever my son joins the
army, tell him this, "The army is a great training school where qualities that go
into the making of great men are taught, provided you can actually keep it up". The
Tatmadaw is indeed a great training school. All through life as military personnel, you
will receive constant training, guidance and supervision. Strict obser-vance is necessary.
The most fundamental provision for life
as a Tatmadawman is none other than the Soldiers Code of Conduct with Sixty rules
grouped in six sections: individual conduct, conduct toward superiors, conduct toward
subordinates, conduct toward other comrades, conduct toward the people and conduct toward
the enemy. By observing all these rules of conduct, you Comrades, will definitely be the
noble Tatmadawmen. Being noble is the glory born of moral probity and immaculateness. Just
as we take care to wear our pasoe firmly, all Tatmadaw-men must see to it that the
Soldiers Code of Conduct is observed. Only then will the prestige and glory of the
Tatmadaw be augmented.There are two infallible guidelines that a good Tatmadawman must
take to heart for all time: to be superior in kind and to be one with the people. Being
superior in kind is related to the training motto: From quantity to quality.
Training falls into two categories: self-training and supervised
training. At the Defence Services Academy, you have received supervised training. After
graduation, you need to keep up sustained self-training in order to acquire new skills and
competencies. Again, as you will be in control of the units in discharging duties, you
need to create a new force out of the combined talents of the service personnel in your
charge. You need to be good trainers capable of providing continuous supervision and
training to you subordinates.In this regard, we must ensure that physical and mental
training are balanced. Physical training may give mental benefits just as mental training
may make new physical strength available. The training concept of achieving skill through
training, confidence through skill, daring through confidence and success through daring
is of particular significance in all lines of duty.
As for being one with the people, you Comrades are born of the people.
After joining the Armed Forces, you have to leave your homes and communities, parents and
relatives to go wherever you are posted. You must think of the region you are posted as
your own, your native community, work for the development of its education, health,
transportation, community peace and tranquility and work for regional economic
development. In addition you must act seamlessly in conformity with the culture and
religious faith of the region you are posted to and learn the language the people speak.
Think of those you come into contact with as your own parents and kinsfolk and serve them
with cetana and goodwill.
You must be seamlessly integrated with the people, organize them so
that people share your conviction in national politics. You must be capable of organizing
the people for combat and building base regions. You must take to heart the fact that
being one with the people is the only way to victory.When we enlisted, we attested holding
the national flag. This is a special characteristic of the Tatmadaw organization. You are
the ones to sacrifice your lives if necessary in the defense of the Four Oaths. Their
essence is forever being faithful to the National Cause, upholding and passing on Twelve
Noble traditions of the Tatmadaw, working and discharging duties with one resolve, with
one voice, under one command, and making a firm resolution to sacrifice even our lives of
the nation, for our nationals and for the Tatmadaw.
A good Tatmadawman must possess the
spirit of sacrifice and daring in the service of the nation and the Tatmadaw. Daring comes
only to those capable of sacrifice. The will to win must be intense. You must dare to take
the initiative. To become a good Tatmadawman, I urge you to make your unit excel, fight to
win and win the peoples hearts.You will initially have to take up your duties as a
junior leader when you reach respective units. You have to nurture yourself to be a
respected and trusted leader of your own troops. Leadership is an art developed through
self-cultivation and learning theories and practices. You yourselves must always reassess
your leadership qualities. In assessing leadership, there are facts to be
considered-whether you have ability to accomplish your mission and whether you have the
ability to persuade all of you troops to implement the mission unitedly.
A true leader must have creativity and inventiveness. Without
creative leadership, one will only know dogmatic formulae and never will be a good leader
who can bring about progress. Creativity is based on knowledge. As a super structure
cannot be built without the foundation, one should have the will to learn perpetually to
enrich knowledge. You should strive to catch up with ever accelerating age of wisdom as
the realm of knowledge is so broad and deep. The advancement of science and technology
today force rapid changes in various aspects. You, Comrades, who will have to discharge
the duty of defending nation, must have adequate military knowledge. One cannot be a
modern leader without being acquainted with up to date science and technology in defense
and national security. The information on sophisticated weapons and equipment must be
obtained and studied. And the ever-changing art and science of war must always be studied.
Research and development yield richer knowledge to be practically applied.
A leader must be outstanding in good conduct which consists of
morality, morale, good will, exemplary discipline and loyalty.A habit is a settled
practice and morality means ethical behaviour. Therefore, moral courage must be developed
to avoid bad habits and manners.With regard to morale, there must be unyielding and
undaunted spirit as well as determination to preserve the noble traditions of the Tatmadaw
sacrificing life and limb. Good will toward others means the spirit of voluntarily serving
community welfare and sincere nature. A sincere person usually possesses morality and good
discipline due to noble character.
The alternative meaning of discipline is code of conduct. As Tatmadaw
is a society organized with the military code of conduct, you, the leaders, can control
your fellow troops only by exemplary discipline. Loyalty follows morale and discipline.
Loyalty is being true to the country and its nationals. Those who break its trust shall go
the way of traitors to ruin and destruction. Loyalty must be kept among the rank and file,
to both ones superiors and fellow comrades. In addition, "comradeship"
consisting of admiration, attachment and loyalty among fellow comrades, must be
The betterment of a unit depends upon its commander. A
unit usually goes well under a good commander and deteriorates otherwise. Therefore, a
commander must have strong will to strive for the benefit of his unit at all times. The
benefit of a unit means strengthening the Three Capabilities, implementing the Four
Structuring Tasks, fulfilling the Five Basic Qualities and keeping high morale among all
troops and families. Troops, families including dependents must be healthy, happy, active
and there must be inspiration and trust born of admiration and respect for their
commander. For that, a commander must always sacrifice his own privileges. Benefits of the
unit and community must always get priority. This is a good commanders spirit which
is also parent-like. Being a patriotic Tatmadaw, each and every military mission is
solemnly carried out with a good commanders spirit. In other matters, executing
cohesively with parental spirit (Of Cetana, Metta and Karuna) is preferred. So, admiration
and respect of fellow ranks will be attained as long as you are upholding sympathy.
As a unit is an organization, a team spirit with unanimous will is
indispensable. While simultaneous effort is needed in military capability in accordance
with battle procedure, cohesive execution with team spirit is essential for organizational
and administrative capabilities. Only by doing so, synchronization of each ones
tasks can achieve synergy more effectively.Therefore, you must be able to build sustained
unity in your unit. Firm belief in National Cause, comradeship, effective organizing
activities and proper leadership are essentials for the consolidation of an organization.
Proper leadership is constituted with good command and control. The
word "command" means the process of correct appreciation, decision making and
issuing relevant orders during contingencies. The word "control" is supervision
to ensure the proper implementation of military principles, rules and regulations, and
customs.Tenacity, industry, endeavour and perseverance are prerequisites of a fine leader.
Also are physical and moral courage. Whenever a mission is assigned, the morale to
accomplish it with resolve and tenacious will to achieve it even if one has to sacrifice
his own life are required. Physical and moral courage are the capabilities for daring
action. as muscles of a human body get strong after repeated exercise, the quality of
valour also shines with experience. Besides, military personnel must have physical and
moral courage. Only those born of patriotism and possessing.
physical and moral courage shall become bold and daring leaders. Only
with a strong will, the will to sacrifice, valour to fight to the last bullet and last
man, determination to uphold the honour of the Tatmadaw even at the risk of own lives,
combat spirit such as sense of cooperation and comradeship, will the military capability
of the unit you lead be enhanced. In addition, a leader must always be militarily alert.
Round the clock observation is essential. Information on the enemy must be obtained by all
means and you must always be alert and be able to take the initiative.
In order to enable a unit one leads to possess the Three Capabilities,
the Four Unit Structuring Tasks must be implemented, which are already laid down
precisely. These are:
(One) Training
(Two) Administration
(Three) Welfare
(Four) Morale
In structuring a unit with training, each individual must recognize his
own responsibility and must be able to accomplish it competently and also be capable of
cooperating with others. Individual capability is the basis for overall efficiency of the
entire Tatmadaw. Thus, a unit must be trained with the aim of total accomplishment of the
missions as prescribed by their organizational structure.
Structuring a unit with administration means driving the mechanisms of
General Staff duties, Adjutant and Quartermaster General staff duties in conjunction with
each other. Even though the General Staff, Adjutant and Quartermaster work is not
complicated, these must be implemented in accordance with established regulations and
instructions in a timely manner. Administrative machinery ensures the functioning of the
Tatmadaw, from the smallest detachment to the entire Tatmadaw.
The reason for structuring with welfare is that most of the units are
based in remote areas. Even if rear headquarters are based in areas that have good
communications, troops have to serve in rugged regions. Thus, transport, communication and
logistic hardships must be dealt with. Welfare must be provided to the smallest detail so
as to achieve good administration and morale. As these welfare activities such as
agriculture, livestock breeding and production can meet the needs of the public, providing
welfare also means serving the people. As our Tatmadaw is a patriotic Tatmadaw, I would
like to say that welfare must be emphasized.
A units must be built by morale because good morale is the first
priority for a good unit. When doing military appreciation the morale of the enemy as well
as that of our own troops must be assessed correctly. Own troops must have high morale and
be filled with eagerness to fight. If the enemy is low in morale and deprived of the will
to fight wars will be won before the actual combat begins. Thus, morale building must be
understood and realties must be constantly observed. It is also required to boost morale
as necessity arises.
Try to understand these Four Unit Structuring Tasks thoroughly and
implement them effectively. These are also the tasks being executed by the leaders, from
the smallest unit to the entire Tatmadaw.In order to become victorious soldiers of the
future, you must know the nature of warfare that will develop in the years to come. The
main tenets of modern warfare are the capability to strike preemptively, initiative, deep
strikes and synchronization. As a result of development in technology and electronics,
weapons have become more destructive. Volume of fire has become massive as well as
accurate and effective. They have also increased in range. Intelligence equipment has
become hihly sophisticated. Dissemination of information ahs become very fast and more
information sources available, thanks to information technology.
As always, if there are advantages, there also are disadvantages.
Electronic equipment can be countered with methods of electronic counter-measures and
electronic deception. Therefore, only when you become highly qualified human resources can
you fulfill the responsibility of your era.In conclusion, I would like to say that
defending the Nation is the main responsibility of our Tatmadaw. In order to defend our
nation in the future, our Tatmadaw is being transformed into a Strong, Capable and Modern
Tatmadaw. You, Comrades, are the new blood who have to shoulder the responsibility handed
over to you.
Furthermore, this is the time the
Tatmadaw has to discharge the duties of State in addition to defence duties. Thus you must
understand the Unit building measures as well as those for nation building. Strenuous
efforts to achieve Political, Economic and Social objectives must be made relentlessly to
build a Peaceful, Developed and Modern nation. I have to urge to assume the life of a
Tatmadawman dependable for our Nation, our People and our Tatmadaw. With this, I
conclude.Then, the Senior General left the parade grounds.After the parade ceremony, the
Senior General met four oustanding ward winner cadets and their parents at the hall of DSA
Excerpts from Senior General
Than Shwes speech
* Being superior in kind is related to the training motto: From
quantity to quality.
* You need to create a new force out of the combined talents of the
service personnel in your charge.
* You must act seamlessly in conformity with the culture and religious
faith of the region you are posted to and learn the language the people speak.
* You must take to heart the fact that being one with the people is the
only way to victory.
* You have to nurture yourself to be a respected and trusted leader of
your own troops.
* There must be unyielding and undaunted spirit as well as
determination to preserve the noble traditions of the Tatmadaw sacrificing life and limb.
* A sincere person usually possesses morality and good discipline due
to noble character.
* Loyalty must be kept among the
rank and file, to both ones superiors and fellow comrades.
* Own troops must have high
morale and be filled with eagerness to fight.
Chairman of State Peace and
Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Senior General Than Shwe arrives at PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 6 April- Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace
and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint,
ministers, senior military officers, heads of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and departments concerned, arrived at Mandalay International Airport in TadaU
Township by Tatmadaw aircraft via NyaungU in Mandalay Division on 4 April afternoon.
The Senior General and party were welcomed at the airport by Mandalay
Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win and
departmental officials.
The Senior General and party stopped over at Mandalay International Airport and
proceeded to Pyin-OoLwin by helicopter. At 3.20 pm, they arrived at PyinOoLwin where they
were welcomed by Military Appointment-General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Judge Advocate-General
Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Defence Services Inspector-General Maj-Gen Lun Maung, Chief of Armed
Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, senior military officers of PyinOoLwin station and
departmental officials.
( 2 ) New
archway and stairway of Shwethalyaung Reclining Buddha Image in Bago inaugurated
Yangon, 6 April - The reconstructed eastern archway and
stairway of Shwethalyaung Reclining Buddha Image in Bago were inaugurated this morning at
the pagoda.Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
unveiled the stone plaque.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command
Maj-Gen Tin Aye, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office, heads of department, local authorities, members of Division, District and
Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations, Maternal and Child Welfare
Association and religious associations, teachers, students, donors and guests.
Chairman of Bago District Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Myo Tint and Chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees Capt Tun
Myint (Retd) formally opened the archway and the stairway.Member of State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sasana administered the Five
Precepts.Sayadaws recited parittas.The Secretary-1 and donors presented offertories to
Sayadaws.Siri Sudhamma Singi Daw Khin Kyi of Yangon presented US $ 100,000 to the
Secretary-1 for all-round renovation of Naungdawgyi Pagoda in Bago.Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Sasana delivered a sermon.The congregation shared the merits.The Secretary-1 sought advice
from Ovadacariya Sayadaws to renovate the Naungdawgyi Pagoda with public
donations.Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party paid obeisance to the Image.
At Kanbawzathadi Palace Reconstruction
Project, the Secretary-1 looked into the requirements in rebuilding the royal audience
hall in accord with its original design.At Seinthalyaung Reclining Buddha Image in Bago,
the Secretary-1 and party attended ceremony to present donations for construction of a
tazaung for the Image.The Secretary-1 present K 500,000 from the welfare funds to the
Pagoda. Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye accepted the cash.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye, wife
Daw Kyi Kyi Ohn and family presented K 100,000, Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan
Aung and family K 100,000, families of the Ministry of Rail Transportation K 1 million,
Bago District and its townships K 2.5 million and Bago Township K 500,000.The Secretary-1
accepted the donations.Afterwards, Thayawady Township Peace and Development Council
presented K 21,000, Mr Ta Chou Huang US $ 3,000, Justmeet Corporation of Japan and
Dohpyitha Company K 300,000, U Thein Lwin and Daw Myint Myint Zaw K 100,000, U Aung Kyi
Myint and Daw San Kyi (a) Daw Mya San Kyi K 70,000, U Tin Aung and Daw Kyi K 55,000, U
Khin Maung and Daw Kyin Pu K 10,000, U Myint Sein K 20,000, U Kyaw Thaik K 20,000, U Aye
and Daw Thein Thein K 100,000 and Daw Khin Thein and brother Maung Thet K 20,000.
Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung
Khin accepted the donations.Todays donations amounted to K 5.416 million and US $
3,000.The Secretary-1 spoke words of thanks, saying, Bago region is a place where Buddhism
flourished throughout the successive eras of history. The people built religious edifices
in the region. As some of the religious edifices are in a deteriorating situation at
present, people are restoring them under the leadership of the State.Reinforcement task is
being carried out to strengthen the durability of Shwemawdaw Pagoda in Bago. All-round
renovation of the Shwethalyaung Image started five years ago; the eastern archway and
stairway have already been built and they will be inaugurated this morning.
A donor presented US $ 100,000 for renovation of Naungdawgyi Pagoda.
The pagoda will be restored to its original style under the ovada of the Sayadaws.The
tazaung of Seinthalyaung Buddha Image is being built with the donations to make the Image
more sublime.Plans are under way to renovate the ancient Yahanda Theindawgyi which can
accommodate 1,000 monks for ordination, to build the gandakudi for Maha Myat Muni Image
and to host the htidaw of the ancient Shwedagonlay Pagoda.He wished happiness to all the
donors.After paying homage to the Image, the Secretary-1 inspected progress in
construction of the tazaung and Myanmar designs which will be installed there.He also
cordially greeted the pilgrims, USDA members and local people.
Cornerstones laid for
construction of building of Hanthawady International Airport
Yangon, 6 April - A ceremony to lay cornerstones
for construction of the building of Hanthawady International Airport under the Department
of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport was held at the airport near Bago in Bago
Division this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command
Maj-Gen Tin Aye, ministers, deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, Ambassador of the
Republic of Korea Chung Jung-gum and officials, members of Division, District and Township
Union Solidarity and Development Associations, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and
Working Committee for Womans Affairs and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye said that
regional development tasks are being carried out in accord with the guidance of the Head
of the State in order to accelerate progress of Bago Division. In doing so, to develop the
agriculture sector, dams and embankments have been built, and to better the condition of
transport, roads and bridges have been constructed. In accord with the guidance of the
State to ensure smooth and secure transport, the building of Hanthawady International
Airport is being built near Bago.
Out of the 12 National Objectives, the four economic objectives include
the one calling for the development of the economy inviting participation in terms of
technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad. The sooner
the projects are completed, the earlier the State can enjoy benefits. It is required to
complete Hanthawady International Airport ahead of schedule. Bago Division Peace and
Development Council, on its part, will provide necessary assistance, and local people need
to cooperate in this task.
Myanmar is a member of the ASEAN. It is needed to show to the world the
beautiful landscape and ancient culture of Myanmar and noble traditions and disposition of
Myanmar people. Only when there is easy access among tourists from neighbouring countries
and other countries in the world and Myanmar people, can friendly relations among them be
further strengthened. The officials and employees of departments, local people and local
authorities are to cooperate with patriotism and love for the nation in building
Hanthawady International Airport which will promote the role of the tourism industry of
the State.
Then, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe said that in accord
with the guidance of the Head of State, the government is building the Union of Myanmar
into a peaceful, modern and developed nation. In this regard, Mandalay International
Airport was inaugurated on 17 September 2000 in Upper Myanmar, and a feasible study for
construction of an international airport was carried out beginning in May 1990, and the
site was designated in 1993.A stake-driving ceremony for construction of the runway,
12,000 feet long and 200 feet wide, was held on 21 March 1994, and Public Works is
undertaking earth work. About 22.94 percent of earth work has been completed.
All the tasks related to the building
of the airport will be completed in four years. Hanthawady International Airport will be
able to provide services for 1,000 passengers for arrival and 1,000 passengers for
departure at the same time. There will be conveyor belts, escalators, boarding bridges,
power generators, sub-power stations, emergency fire-fighting systems and security rooms
at the airport. Modern electronic equipment will also be installed at the airport.The
government formed construction supervisory committees in October 2000.Completion of the
modern new airport means the opening of another door to the international community, and
the tourism sector of the State will get huge benefits, and so will the private sector.
Chief Executive Officer of Archon Co Ltd
of the Republic of Korea Mr Jeong Sang extended greetings, and presented K one million for
Tatmadawmen discharging duties in far-flung areas to the Secretary-1. Afterwards, the
first session of the ceremony ended. The second session of the ceremony then followed. The
Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers took positions at designated places. Adviser
to the State Calendar Committee U Kyaw read out the stone inscription. The Secretary-1
laid the casket containing nine gems in the middle of the foundation. The Secretary-1, the
commander and the ministers laid the cornerstones at designated places at the same time.
The Secretary-1 laid stone inscription of the building in the middle of the foundation.
The Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers sprinkled scented water on it. After the
ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the
completion of the ceremony.
( 3 ) All-round
construction of Lawka Chnatha Abhaya Labha Muni Image coordinated
Yangon, 6 April - A coordination meeting was held to seek counsel from member
Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee for all-round construction Lawka
Chnatha Abhaya Labha Muni Image at the briefing hall on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township
this afternoon. Present were Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung
Ko,Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council Office U Arnt Maung, technicians,
members of the pagoda Board of Trustees and officials. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung
Ko made a speech on the occasion. Those present took part in the discussions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the Deputy Minister. Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Muni image at Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township was crowded with members of the
Sangha and people from far and wide today. Stone sculptor Siri Sudhamma Manijotadhara U
Taw Taw and sons continued carving of the image. Engineers and workers of Public Works and
Myanmar handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and party are carrying out tasks for roofing of
Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and construction of tiers at the southern and northern stairways.
Wut associations recited parittas from morning till evening. The Ministry of Religious
Affairs and the Ministry of Information opened the book shops and souvenir shops there.
Donations received from 5 August to date totalled K 165,487,922.
( 4 ) All-round education outstanding awards presented
Yangon, 6 April- A ceremony to present basic education
level (division level) all-round education outstanding awards for 2000-2001 academic year
of Yangon Division was held at No 2 Basic Education High School in Sangyoung Township this
morning, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Also present on the occasion were members of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council, the director-general of No 3 Basic Education Department and
officials, the chairmen of district/township Peace and Development Councils in Yangon
Division, teachers, prize-winning students and their families and guests.Then, Maj-Gen
Khin Maung Than presented prizes to the first, second and third prize-winners in essay,
poem, extempore talks, general knowledge, computer painting, TV quiz, poster and poster
painting competitions and others.Next, officials presented prizes to the first, second and
third prize-winners in other competitions.
( 5 ) Myanmar delegation leaves for Malaysia
Yangon, 6 April - Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin
Maung Thein left here by air for Malaysia this afternoon to attend the Fifth Meeting of
ASEAN Finance Ministers to be held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, from 7 to 8 April. The
Myanmar delegation was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for National
Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung,
Ambassador of Malaysia Dato Mohammad Bin Noh, Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw
Kyaw Maung, directors-general and managing directors of the ministry and their families.
The delegation comprises Deputy Director of Ministry of Finance and Revenue Maj Yan Lin as
delegation member. Vice-Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Than Lwin and Deputy
Director Daw Khin Saw Oo left here by air for Malaysia on 2 April to attend the Meeting of
ASEAN Finance and Vice-Governors of Central Bank.
Minister receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 6 April - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received the Ambassador of
People's Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun at Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road this
morning. The minister also received Ambassador of France Mr Bernard du Chaffaut at 3 pm.
Present also were Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of
MRTV U Khin Maung Htay,Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U
Chit Naing,Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Adviser to the
Ministry of Information U Kyaw Min and Head of Office Captain Soe Aung.
( 6 ) Japanese artistes arrive
Yangon, 6 April- Japanese artistes led by Executive of Japan-Myanmar Friendship
Association Mr Watanabe arrived here by air this evening. In cooperation with Myanmar
artistes, they will present Myanmar-Japan cultural exchange dance varieties at National
Theatre on Myomakyaung Street here from 9 to 11 April. They were welcomed at Yangon
International Airport by the executives of the association and officials.
Variety show on Myanmar-Japan culture exchange rehearsed
Yangon, 6 April- The rehearsal of variety dance show on Myanmar-Japan cultural exchange
continued at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street here this morning. Members of
Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon, film stars and artistes of the Ministry of Culture
rehearsed programmes to be presented at the show under the supervision of Patron of MMPA
Bogalay U Tint Aung. Executives of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association viewed the
( 7 ) Trainees visit Uto-Kyainn region
Yangon, 6 April - The Secretarious member of Union Solidarity and Development
Association U Ko Lay met the 120 trainees of Myanmar and International Study Course No 2
led by Commandant of Central Public Relations Unit Lt-Col Myo Myint at Shwewatun Hall of
Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Project Site in Uto-Kyainn region in Taikkyi Township
this morning. U Ko Lay explained fact about the State's objectives, production of
agricultural and livestock breeding work being carried out by YCDC and rural development
work. Then, the trainees studied agricultural and livestock breeding work in the region,
construction of Paddy Vegetable and Fruits Research Centre, club house in Uto-Kyainn golf
club and Innsu island recreation center in the region.
Division/district/township level USDA executives in Yangon
Division meet
Yangon, 6 April- The monthly coordination meeting of executives of
division/district/township Union Solidarity and Development Associations of Yangon
Division USDA was held at the Office of the association at the corner of West Race Course
and Saya San Streets here this morning with an address by member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. Also present on the occasion were USDA CEC member
Col Maung Pa, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Kyaw Tint
and executives of division/district/township USDAs of Yangon Division. Speaking on the
occasion, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said that the executive meeting of
division/district/township USDA of Yangon Division is being held on a monthly basis to
make amendments to the finding after a review of the monthly-work done. He called on the
executives to make relentless effort in order to be imbued with the conviction, to carry
out community and social affairs as model persons in their townships. USDA CEC member Col
Maung Pa also spoke.
Ordination and Novitiation ceremony for 135 persons held
Yangon, 6 April - The Altogether 135 persons were avdained and novitiated at a ceremony
monk held by Dagon Myothit (South) Union Solidarity and Development Association and
Wellwisher U Mya Han and wife Daw Khin Sabe Kyi (Fortune International Limited) was held
at Nikaya Sarthintaik in Dagon Myothit (South) Township this morning. Present were
Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja
Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Myingyan Kosaungtaik Saya-daw Bhaddanta Sobhita and members of
the Sangha,Central Executive Committee member of USDA Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko,executive of
Yangon East District USDA U Soe Shein, Secretary and EC members of Township USDA and
officials. Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kalyana administered the Five Precepts. Members of
the Sangha recited the parittas. Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and wellwishers presented
offertories to members of the Sangha. Then, CEC member Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko presented
certificate of honour to the wellwishers. Afterwards, Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kalyana
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
( 8
) Training of Service Providers for Violence Against Women ends
Yangon, 6 April- The Training of Service Providers for Violence Against Women,
organized by Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs, concluded at the
Social Welfare Training School of Social Welfare Department on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road at 3
pm today. Present were Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Prof Dr Daw May May Yi, committee member
Head of Working Group for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation Dr Daw
Khin Win Shwe, working committee members, member of Yangon Division WCWA Daw Marlar Tint,
heads of working groups, officials, instructors and trainees. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe gave a
speech. Then, In-charge of the course Daw Khin Saw Win read out the report of the course.
Afterwards, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented certificates to trainees. On behalf of all
trainees, member of Kachin State WCWA Kachin State Law Officer U Soe Myint spoke words of
thanks. Altogether 34 trainees of State and Division WCWAs attended the course.
Cooperative Products Exhibition continues
Yangon, 6 April- Cooperative Products Exhibition continued for the fifth day at
Cooperative Commercial Centre at Saya San Plaza in Bahan Township today. Bago Division
Cooperative Society, ACT Group, Htet Akakyaw Agriculture and General Business Cooperative
Society, Shan State Cooperative Society displayed their products at the exhibition.
Entertainment programmes are arranged for the visitors' pleasure during business hour.
Excavation work carried out in cooperation with French experts
Yangon, 6 April Excavation work on pre-historic bronze age and iron age at Hnawgan
region started on 23 February by Department of Archaeology, Ministry of Culture. The
excavation site is located near Hnawgan village in Mahlaing Township, Meiktila District,
Mandalay Division. The work in collaboration with National Research Centre, France, began
on 9 March. It is being carried out in an effort to discover the missing historical links
of bronze age and iron age in the history of civilization in Myanmar. Shells of snails,
iron weapons, rock beads and bundles of copper strings were already unearthed from the
site. Minister for Culture U Win Sein inspected the site on 4 April.
( 9
) 245 drug-related cases exposed in Feb
Yangon, 6 April- The Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department
could exposed 245 drug-related cases in February. The authorities seized 53.973 kilos of
opium in 42 cases, 1.4579 kilos of heroin in 82 cases, 1.3217 kilos of opium oil in two
cases, 12.4976 kilos of low-grade opium in 15 cases, 15.4756 kilos of marijuana in 15
cases, 71,806 stimulant tablets in 46 cases, 0.0003 kilo of stimulant powder, 7.5075
liters of cough syrup in two cases, document related to 1 kilo of opium paper in one case,
2,850.052 liters of chemical liquid in two cases, 4,458.029 kilos of chemical powder, 29
cases for failure to register and nine other cases. Action is taken against 341 persons-
264 men and 77 women- in 245 cases in February 2001.
Stimulant tablet traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 6 April- A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence
unit, the local battalion and Myitkyina Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information,
searched the house of Lyo Yin Myint in Hmawshan Village, Seikmu Village-tract, Phakant
Township, at 4.30 am on 28 April, 2000. The authorities seized 46,600 pink colour WY brand
stimulant tablets in a plastic bag in his bedroom. Phakant Police Station filed Lyo Yin
Myint, 47, son of U Lyo Mu Son of Kyukok (Pangsai), Sai Kham Aik, 34, son of U Yi Hlaing,
Sai Win Maung, 27, son of U Law Phon of Nankham Township, Labya Naw Toung, 29, son of U
Labya Tu of Kachinsu Ward, Bhamo and Maung Maung Aung, 26, son of U Aik Kham of ward 5 in
Lashio under Sections 15/ 19 (A)/ 20 (A)/ 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Law. On 26 March 2001, Myitkyina District Court sentenced Lyo Yin Myint to 30 years'
imprisonment under Section 19 (A), Sai Kham Aik, Sai Win Maung and Labya Naw Toung to 5
years' each Section 15 (A) and 30 years' each under Sections 19 (A)/ 21 to serve
separately and Maung Maung Aung to 30 years' under Sections 19(A)/ 21.