( 1 ) Secretary-1 inspects
factories of Ministry of Industry-2 in South Dagon Industrial Zone
Yangon, 5 April - Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected factories of the Ministry of
Industry-2 in South Dagon Industrial Zone this morning.
Accompanied by officials of the Office of the State Peace and
Development Council, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt arrived at South Dagon Industrial Zone
at 8.30 am.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party were welcomed there by
ministers, deputy ministers and heads of department.
At the briefing hall of the industrial zone, Minister for Industry-2
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin reported on matters related to location, establishment and total areas of
the industrial zone, areas of the factory, the areas allotted for expansion of the
industrial zone, the strength of the staff and production work of the Ministry of
Industry-2 and production work and staff welfare of the joint-venture factories.
Managing Director of Myanma Machine Tool and Electrical Industries U
Kyaw Win reported on matters related to productivity, investment, operation, scholarship
and the strength of the staff of Dry Cell Battery Plant, Bolt & Nut Plant, Acetylene
Gas PLant, Oxygen Gas Plant and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinder Plant, and greening of
surrounding areas of the factories.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave instructions to
officials.Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party then inspected installation of machines
for production of gas containers at LPG Cylinder Plant.
General Manager of New Projects in South Dagon Industrial Zone U Aye
Thaung conducted the Secretary-1 round the plant.The Secretary-1 attended to their
needs.Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinder Plant will produce two kinds of gas containers
26-litre gas container and 40-litre gas container and will be able to produce
50,000 containers in all per year.
The Secretary-1 proceeded to Dry Cell Battery Plant and inspected
production process of dry cell battery at the plant.
General Manager Daw Le Le Win conducted the Secretary-1 round the
plant.The Secretary-1 attended to their needs.The plant is producing five million of UM1H
dry cell battery per year.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party
went to the automobile assembling factory of Myanmar-Suzuki Automobile Co and inspected
the assembly line of the factory.
Deputy Managing Director Daw Myint Myint Than conducted the Secretary-1
round the factory.
The Secretary-1 attended to their needs.Myanmar-Suzuki Automobile
Assembling Factory produces 330 Carrier Trucks, 287 Wagons and 600 motorcycles in
2000-2001 fiscal year.Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party went to Battery Plant and
inspected production process of battery there.
General Manager of South Dagon Industrial Zone U Aye Thaung conducted
the Secretary-1 round the plant.The Secretary-1 attended to their needs.Battery Plant has
an annual production capacity of 50,000 plastic batteries.Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
and party also inspected production process of bolt & nut at Bolt & Nut
Plant.General Manager U Aye Thaung conducted the Secretary-1 round the plant.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions to them.Bolt & Nut Plant can
produce 100 bolts and 180 nuts per minute.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected process of spray work at
Spray Workshop of Myanmar-Suzuki Automobile Co Ltd.Deputy Managing Director Daw Myint
Myint Than conducted the Secretary-1 round the plant.
The Secretary-1 and party then inspected production process of
acetylene gas there.General Manager U Aye Thaung conducted the Secretary-1 round the
plant.The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Acetylene Gas Plant is producing 45 cubic metre of gas per hour and 60
containers of gas per day.
The Secretary-1 also inspected production process of oxygen gas at
Oxygen Gas Plant.General Manager U Aye Thaung conducted the Secretary-1 round the
plant.Oxygen Gas Plant is producing 100 cubic metre of gas per hour.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party proceeded to Myanmar-Daewoo
Electronic Factory of Myanmar-Daewoo Electronic Co Ltd and inspected production process of
electronic equipment.
Deputy Managing Director U Tin Aung conducted the Secretary-1 round the
factory.The Secretary-1 gave instructions to officials.
Myanmar-Daewoo Electronic Factory is producing TV receiver, VCR,
refrigerator,VCR head, rotary transformer and washing machines.Afterwards, Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at Myanmar-Akarat Transformer Plant of Myanmar-Akarat
Transformer Co Ltd and inspected production of transformers at the plant.
Managing Director Mr Vithep Vachirabhahu and General Manager U Myint
Maung Tun conducted the Secretary-1 round the plant.The Secretary-1 gave instructions to

Myanmar-Akarat Transformer Plant produces 33/11 KV, 33/6.6 KV, 11/0.4
KV and 6.6/0.4 KV transformers and Rated Power 50 KVA-2000 KVA.Then, the Secretary-1 and
party inspected vehicle parts, 15 HP diesel engine and machinery parts, electrical
products, tyre, paddy harrowing & winnowing machine, Zwe tractor, two-ton vehicle and
10-ton Container Truck car manufactured by Ministry of Industry-2 at the briefing
hall.Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and officials conducted the Secretary-1
round the briefing hall.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave necessary instructions to
officials.Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave instructions to the minister, the
deputy minister and heads of department on providing of technology to promote the
industrial products quality of private national entrepreneurs, to coordinate with other
ministries to search local raw material for imported industry raw material, to success the
joint-venture companies and to promote the industrial products quality manufactured by
local entrepreneurs.
( 2 ) Work coordinated for development of Myanmar Airways International
Yangon, 5 April A work coordination
meeting on development of Myanmar Airways International under the Ministry of Transport
took place in the meeting hall of the ministry this afternoon, addressed by Secretary-1 of
the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, the chairman and members of the
board of directors of MAI and officials.
Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on the total
flight hours of MAI from April to December in the Year 2000 and from January to February
in the Year 2001, the total number of passengers, the total tons of cargo, income and
expenditure and conditions of passengers and cargo transported by Yangon-Bangkok flights,
Yangon-Singapore flights, Yangon-Hong Kong flights and Yangon-Kuala Lumpur flights.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of MAI U Maung Maung Ohn reported on
implementation of decisions taken at work coordination meeting No 4/2000.Member of the
Board of Directors of MAI Mr George Yin Soon reported on future tasks concerning MAI.
Then, those present took part in the discussions on development of
MAI.Afterwards, the Secretary-1 said that tasks for development of MAI need reviewing and
remedial measures are to be taken if needs be. In the light of the future tasks put
forward by the board of directors, systematic plans are to be drawn up and implemented.
The Secretary-1 added that ministries and departments which are dealing
with the Ministry of Transport are to provide assistance in order that more success is
achieved and called on members of the board of directors to work hard for development of
( 3 ) Secretary-1 receives Japanese delegation
Yangon, 5
AprilSecretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
received a Japanese delegation led by Director-General of Commerce and Information Policy
Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan Mr Hajime Furata and
Chairman of Japan-Myanmar Chambers of Commerce and Industry Business Co-operation
Committee Mr Tomoo Takahara at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at 4 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister at
the State Peace and Development Council Chairmans Office Brig-Gen Abel, Deputy
Minister for Science and Technology U Hlaing Win, Director-General of Protocol Department
Thura U Aung Htet and Ambassador of Japan to Myanmar Mr Shigeru Tsumori.They discussed
matters related to bilateral co-operation.
Ambassador U Thein Aung accredited
to Turkey
Yangon, 6 April- The Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Thein Aung,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Arab Republic
of Egypt, concurrently as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of
Myanmar to the Republic of Turkey.
( 4 ) H & T Minister leaves for Malaysia
Yangon, 5 AprilA dele-gation led by
Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, at the invitation of Minister of
Culture, Arts and Tourism of Malaysia Mr Dato' Abdul Kadir Bin Haji Sheikh Fadzir, left
here for Malaysia by air this morning to pay an official visit there.
The delegation comprises Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command
Brig-Gen Tin Latt and Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Communications,
Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin, Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San, Deputy
Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Ambassador of Malaysia to Myanmar
Mr Dato' Mohammad Bin Noh and officials of the departments and enterprises under the
receives Thai Ambassador

Yangon, 5 AprilMinister for
Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint received Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon at his
office on Kanbe Road this afternoon.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for
Mines U Myint Thein and officials.
( 5 ) Working Committee for All-around
Renovation of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda meets
Yangon, 5 April-The members of Working Committee for All-round Renovation of
Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda held a coordination meeting on the platform of the pagoda
in Kyaikto, Mon State, yesterday afternoon. Present were Chairman of the Committee Deputy
Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for
Science & Technology Professor U Nyi Hla Nge, Head of Office of the Ministry of
Religious Affairs U Maung Maung Myint, Commanding Officer of local regiment Lt-Col Win
Shein, Chairman of Kyaikto Township Peace and Development Council U Myo Myint, Pagoda
Trustees, wellwisher Agga Maha Sirisudhamma Manijotadhara Zaygabar Co Chairman Dr Khin
Shwe and others. Deputy Minster Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko gave specific instructions. Then,
Deputy Minister Prof U Nyi Hla Nge presented supplementary report.
Afterwards, members of the committee, in-charges of sub-committees and members of the
Pagoda Board of Trustees reported on work done and future tasks. The meeting then ended
with concluding remarks by the committee chairman. The Ministry of Electric Power donated
K 4,883,760; Myanma Electric Light Cooperatives K 2.5 million; and U Hla Aung (Daw Myint
Myint Aye) and family of No 56, A/1, 7 1/2 mile, Pyay Road, Mayangon Township, K 100,000
to the Pagoda through the deputy ministers and Lt-Col Win Shein who presented certificates
of honour to them. The deputy ministers and party inspected all-round construction of the
Pagoda, and offered gold foils to the Pagoda. A total of 1,899 gold plates were offered to
the Pagoda.
Minister inspects factories of Ministry
of Industry-1
Yangon, 5 April Minister for
Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials, arrived at the Instant Noodle Factory
(Sagaing) of Myanma Foodstuff Industries in Sagaing Division yesterday morning.
The minister inspected installation of packaging machines and gave
instructions on test-running of the factory in the fourth week of April and production on
commercial scale in the first week of May.
Then, the minister proceeded to Sagaing Textile Factory of Myanma
Textile Industries in Ywathitgyi, Sagaing Township, and inspected production process of
the factory.
After that, the minister and party
arrived at Win Thuza Shop in Monywa and inspected sales of goods produced by Ministry of
Industry-1, Ministry of Industry-2, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation and Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries.
At Monywa Dyeing and Printing Factory, the minister inspected
bleaching, dyeing, heating and printing and products of the factory. The minister gave
instructions on improvement of textile designs and boosting production.
The minister then inspected the site for construction of the
200-loom-capacity building.In the afternoon, the minister and party arrived at Salingyi
Textile Factory Project of Sagaing Division where Managing Director U Oo Thein Maung of
MTI and General Manager U Nyunt Aung of Myanma Maintenance and General Industries reported
on arrangements to be made for implementation of buildings of the Salingyi Textile Factory
Project. Then, the minister inspected sites for main buildings chosen.
Minister for Transport inspects Dalla
Yangon, 5 AprilMinister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and Managing Director of Inland Water Transport U Tun
Aung Myint, arrived at Dalla dockyard of Inland Water Transport and inspected the vessels
in dock and fish-breeding tank which has been repaired.
After hearing the reports of the managing director and officials, the
minister and party inspected the completion of the 1400-ton watertight-dockyard
constructed by IWT. The officials reported on completion of work to the minister who
attended to the needs.
Then, the minister and party inspected reparing of 10-ton crane,
construction of 100,000-gallon barge, renovation of vessels and construction of 500-ton
new dock.
The minister in the briefing hall of the IWT met with the engineers and staff, and made
a speech. Afterwards, the minister inspected inland vessels, ocean-going vessels, Dalla
dockyard and Dawbon wharf on a water-craft.
Minister inspects hospitals in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 5 April- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Director-General
Dr Myint Lwin of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) and Head of Mandalay Division
Health Department Dr Thein Tun, yesterday inspected the Primary Eye Health Care Training
School in Singaing Township. Dr Sein Win of Kyaukse Zone reported on arrangements being
made for training of the school. The minister gave instructions on upgrading of the school
up to international level one and attended to their needs. The minister and party then
went to Kyaukse District Hospital and inspected the wards of the hospital. Medical
Superintendent Dr Maung Maung reported on hospital functions and tasks being carried out.
The minister fulfilled the requirements and gave necessary instructions. In the afternoon,
the minister and party proceeded to construction site of Psychiatric Hospital (25-bed) in
Amarapura Township. Rector Dr Mya Mya Than reported on construction of Institute of
Pharmacy (Mandalay) and Managing Director U Kyaw Wai of Aung Kaung Kyaw Construction on
the construction of the psychiatric hospital. The minister then inspected the construction
site. On arrival at the Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin, the
minister inspected doing research, the entomology department, the health system research
department, the computer department, the bio-medical library and the harbal plantation.
Then, the minister inspected the PyinOoLwin Township Hospital.
( 6 ) Ancient plam-leaves, parabeiks
Yangon, 5 April Under the patronage
of Dwipitaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Tejaniya of Sagutaik Aungmingala Monastery of
Chanaye-thazan Township, Sayadaw Ashin Panñindaka yesterday afternoon donated ancient
palm leaves and parabeiks to the New Century Resource Centre and the Resource Centre for
Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts which will be opened soon in Mandalay. Minister for Education
U Than Aung accepted the palm-leaves and manuscripts.
Also present were Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and
officials.The Sayadaw donated 42 palm-leaf manuscripts and parabeiks on religious matters
compiled in Konbaung era. Then, Presiding Nayaka of Kyaw village monastery Bhaddanta
Tejinda of Kani Township presented 120 palm-leaves and 20 parabeiks on religious affairs
and traditional medicine.
member hosts dinner for Momauk USDA members
Yangon, 5 April A total of 42 Union Solidarity and Development
Association members of Maswe/Theinlon villages of Momauk Township, Kachin State, currently
here at the invitation of member of Panel of Patrons of Union Solidarity and Development
Association (Central) Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win
Myint, led by USDA Central Executive Committee member Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung arrived
at Uto-Kya-in agricultural project in Taikkyi Township this morning.Member of the
Secretariat of USDA Mayor U Ko Lay explained facts about the project on agriculture.
Then, they visited agricultural work, vegetable patches, fish breeding
ponds, production tasks and the recreation centre in the project area. Yesterday evening,
USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung hosted a dinner in honour of 42 members of
Momauk USDA on the lawns of the office of the director-general of Prisons Department. The
CEC member presented gifts to the USDA members.
USDA Executives Multiplier Management Course concludes
Yangon, 5 April-Executives Multiplier Management Course No 10 of Union Solidarity and
Development Association sponsored by Mingalar Taungnyunt Township USDA and the First
Summer Cultural Course concluded at the office of the USDA this morning with an address by
USDA CEC member U Aung San. Present on the occasion were Executive of Yangon East District
USDA U Tin Aung, Secretary of Mingalar Taungnyunt Township USDA U Kyaw Yi and executives,
ward organizers and executives, well-wishers and trainees. CEC member Minister U Aung San
made a speech. The Minister and officials gave away prizes to outstanding trainees of the
Completion certificates presented
Yangon, 5 April- The primary school level completion certificates were presented for
2000-2001 academic year at a ceremony held at No 2 Basic Education High School in
Sangyoung Township this morning. First, the students sang the National Anthem and Myanmar
School songs. Headmistress of the school Daw Khin May Gyi presented the certificates to
444 students. Then, the students sang the song of honour and the ceremony came to a close.
Likewise, the high school level completion certificates were presented for 2000-2001
academic year at a ceremony held at No 3 Basic Education High School in Kamayut Township
this morning. Headmistress of the school Daw Shwe Shwe Mya presented the certificates to
148 students. The high school level completion certificates were presented for 2000-2001
academic year at a ceremony held at No 2 Basic Education High School in Sangyoung Township
this morning.
Headmistress of the school Daw Cho Cho presented the certificates to 376 students. The
high school level completion certificates were presented for 2000-2001 academic year at a
ceremony held at No 2 Basic Education High School in Thingangyun Township this morning.
Headmaster of the school U Sein Win presented the certificates to 500 students. The middle
school level completion certificates were presented for 2000-2001 academic year at a
ceremony held at No 3 Basic Education High School in Mingala Taungnyunt Township this
morning. The headmistress of the school presented the certificates to 406 students.
( 7 ) Cooperative Products Exhibition continues
Yangon, 5 April-The Cooperative Products Exhibition continued for the fourth day at
Cooperative Commercial Centre at Saya San Plaza in Bahan Township today. The exhibition
was crowded with people choosing various kinds of personal goods and household goods.
State/Division Cooperative Societies and companies, entrepreneurs in Yangon also displayed
cosmetics, clothes, leather ware, foodstuff, personal goods and household goods, engines
and machinery, farm implements and machinery, plastic ware, indigenous medicines. The
visitors can buy various kinds of quality materials at one place at reasonable prices.
People can enjoy the Solo Show, entertainment of models, Karaoke lounge at the exhibition
which opens from 9 am to 9 pm. Vocalists J Maung Maung, Jet Mya Thaung, Soe Thu, Yadanar
Oo, Zarli Naing, The The, Thiri Ko Ko and The Nu See Zar will entertain the visitors
Advanced Computer Course of DAD concludes
Yangon, 5 April- Director-General Col Myo Myint of Development Affairs Department
attended the conclusion ceremony of Advanced Computer Course No 1 at the hall of DAD
(Engineer Division) on Thanlyetsun Road in Botahtaung Township This morning. Also present
were Deputy Director-General U Mya Nyein of DAD, directors, officials and trainees. The
director-general made a speech and presented certificates and gifts to trainees and
instructors. Then, the director-general inspected computer appliance of the trainees. The
purposes of the course is to be qualified in drawing up, town-plans, finding out the route
of new roads, drawing up construction plans for roads, bridges and buildings, strength of
buildings, planing for distribution of water pipelines. A total of 21 civil engineers from
State, Division and township development committees attended the course which lasted one
Extended Production of Meat & Fish Committee meets
Yangon, 5 April-The Committee for Extended Production of Meat and Fish met with
entrepreneur companies of Kyauktan Prawn Breeding Zone, Mayan Zwebata Prawn Breeding Zone,
Letkhokgon Prawn Breeding Zone and Wetkite Prawn Breeding Zone at Fisheries Department in
Kyauktan Township, Yangon South District, this morning, with an address by Chairman of the
Committee Minister to Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe. The officials of Fisheries
Department and entrepreneurs of the respective zones reported on work being carried out
for extended breeding. Then, the committee chairman and the vice-chairman discussed
systematic prevention of the diseases, proper water in-flow and water out-flow,
cooperation among the entrepreneurs. In the evening, Committee Chairman Minister Lt-Gen
Tin Ngwe and Committee Vice-Chairman Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein inspected
conditions and progress of the project and gave instructions on PH and temperature of the
breeding ponds and growing rate of the prawns.
( 8
) KNU insurgents cruelly kill 24 woodcutters
Kyaukkyi,5 April-KNU insurgents are committing terrorist acts such as disturbing
community peace and tranquillity, doing destructive acts and killing innocent people.
On 23 March, a group comprising ten insurgents led by Saw Bi Kho with the rank of
company commander, of Battalion-8 of KNU Brigade-3 and 15 led by Saw Kay with the rank of
company commander, of Company-1 of KNU Battalion-9 holding small arms arrived at
Moegyopyittaung in Kyaukkyi Township. They arrested 27 villagers collecting firewood in
the forest for failure to extort money and tied the hands behind their backs and took
them. The insurgents slashed the villagers to death, using grubbing hoes and wood sticks
at the hillside, about 300 yards from the place where they were nabbed. Out of 27, the
two, Kyaw Min Aung of Maubinseik Village, Kyaukkyi Township and Myint Lwin of Zayatkyi
Village, Htantabin Township, sustaining serious injuries on their heads, managed to
On 24 March, they were rushed to Kyaukkyi Hospital where they are undergoing medical
treatment. Aung Moe of Nanwinmyaung Village, Kyauktaga Township also escaped from the
insurgents and returned to the village on 24 March. The other 24 were killed at the place
where they were subjected to torture. They are U Kyi Paing, 46, of Thatipahtan Ward,
Penwegon, U Than Aung, 40, of Zayatgyi Village, U Win Myint, 54, of Thatipahtan Ward, U
Maung Myint, 40, of Nanwinmyaung Village, Kyauktaga Township, U Tun Kyi, 45, of Kyaungso
Village, Kyauktaga Township, Tun Myaing, 30, of Magyibin Village, Kyauktaga Township, Than
So, 23, of Magyibin Village, Bo Win, 20, of Magyibin Village, Tin Thaung, 33, of
Thatipahtan Ward, Maung Win, 30, of Aung Thu Kha Ward, of Kyaukkyi, Than Zaw, 25, of Aung
Thu Kha Ward, Kyaw Min Soe, 20, of Aung Thu Kha Ward, Than Lwin, 26, of Kyaukkyi, Shwe
Toe, 26, of Letpat Village, Kyaukkyi Township, Myint Aung, 35, of Nanwinmyaung Village,
Win Bo, 25, of Nanwinmyaung Village, Maung Soe, 25, of Nanwinmyaung Village, Kyi Soe, 26,
of Nanwinmyaung Village, Win Naing, 18, of Nanwinmyaung Village, Win Shwe, 25, of
Nanwinmyaung Village, Zaw Naing Tun, 20, of Nanwinmyaung Village, Angelay, 25, of
Oakkyuttan Ward, Toungoo, Khin Maung Nyunt, 30, of Kyaungso Village and Khin Maung Soe,
28, of Kyaungso Village. The Tatmadaw columns are in hot pursuit of the KNU insurgents.
( 9
) Opium refinery
raided in Lashio
Yangon, 5 AprilA combined team
comprising local Tatmadawmen, members of local intelligence unit and Myanma Police Force,
acting on information, raided an opium refinery in the ravine on the north-west of Tawnay
Village, Lashio Township in Shan State (North) on 17 March and found four ownerless huts
which were used in heroin-refining, 1068.11 litres of spirit, 363.68 litres of
hydrochloric acid, 9.87 litres of acetic anhydride, 204.3 litres of Lysol, 400 kilos of
ammonium chloride, 400 kilos of charcoal, 75 flasks and 20 other equipment used in
refining drugs.
On 18 March, the team continued searching near the camp and found
ownerless 327.312 litres of hydrochloric acid and 7000.84 litres of spirit. The police
station concerned has taken action over the seizure.
Heroin and stimulants seized in Chanmyathazi Township
Yangon, 5 April-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of Aik Nyo of Ward 1,
Myothit in Chanmyathazi Township, Mandalay and arrested him and his wife Ma Hmway together
with 0.18174 kilo of heroin and 6,600 stimulant tablets kept in the ceiling and floor of
the house on 7 March. The police station concerned took action against them under Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.