( 1 ) Progress cannot be
achieved without work
Large and small river bridges being
built to bring proportionate progress to all regions of nation
Senior General Than Shwe attends opening of Anawrahta Bridge linking
Chauk and Seikphyu on Ayeyawady River
Yangon, 4 April Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe attended a
ceremony to open Anawrahta Bridge on Ayeyawady River in Magway Division today.
The main structure of the 5,191-foot Anawrahta Bridge, linking Chauk
and Seikphyu townships in the division, is 4,191 feet long. The length of the approach
bridge is 1,000 feet. The steel frame body of the main structure is supported by
reinforced concrete pillars. The approach bridge built of reinforced concrete spans and
floors is also supported by reinforced concrete pillars.
The motorway on it is 28 feet wide. Each of the pedestrian lanes on
either side of the road is six feet wide. The waterway under the facility is 350 feet wide
and its clearance is 60 feet at the highest water level.
Construction of the bridge started on 26 July 1996 was completed on 10
March 2001. It can bear up to 60-ton trucks. It was built at a cost of K 3,284 million and
US $ 5.05 million.
Accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military
Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, senior
military officers, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen
Thein Zaw, heads of State Peace and Development Council Office and other departments, the
Senior General left NyaungU for Chauk in Magway Division this morning.
On arrival at Chauk, the Senior General and party were welcomed by
Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Commander of No 101 Light Infantry Division
Brig-Gen Ye Myint, officials and members of Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Senior General Than Shwe and party then attended the opening ceremony
which was held on Chauk bank.
Also present were division level officials of Magway Division,
departmental per-sonnel of NyaungU and Kyaukpadaung townships in Mandalay Division and
Magway, Yenangyoung, Chauk, Seikphyu, Pakokku, Minbu and Saw townships in Magway Division,
members of USDA, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire
Brigade, teachers and their pupils, members of bands and dance troupes, local people, the
superintending engineer and staff of the bridge contractor group of Public Works totalling
over 20,000.
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint said Ayeyawady
and Chindwin Rivers flowing through Magway Division are valuable drainage systems of the
nation as they are not only the main waterways for the people of the division but also the
water courses where natural resources can be obtained. On the other hand, the rivers posed
as natural barriers denying easy links between the people residing on either banks of the
respective rivers.
Hsinbyushin Bridge, the first facility spanning the Chindwin, in
Yesagyo Township was commissioned into service in September 1999 to ensure speedy
transport between the two adjacent regions, the east bank and the west bank of the
The State built the Anawrahta Bridge, the second river crossing bridge
in Magway Division, to ensure 24-hour speedy transport between the east and west banks of
the Ayeyawady River.
The bridge has smoothen the traffic between Chauk Township on the east
bank and Seikphyu Township on the west bank, providing with Seikphyu, Saw, Pauk and
Kyaukhtu regions on the west bank and Mindat and Kanpelet townships in southern Chin State
with better transport and economic and social development.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe with a view to bringing
proportionate progress to all the regions of the Union to the most possible degree in the
long run has laid down special projects to build bridges across all large and small rivers
including the Aye-yawady, the Chindwin, the Thanlwin and the Sittoung.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than
Shwe during his inspection of the facility on 14 April 1996 said the major bridges are
being built to promote close contacts and overcome development imbalance between the
regions due to transport difficulty.
Transport development will contribute to strengthening relations among
the national people leading to enhancing a better understanding among them.
Efforts should be made for flourishing of Union Spirit, which is the
mutual understanding and love between all the national races, who have lived in weal or
woe on the same land since yore. Only when the correct patriotism, which will strengthen
Union Spirit, can be vitalized will the unity among the national races be further
Roads and bridges have been extended in the entire nation to further
consolidate national solidarity; in addition to the Anawrahta Bridge, other Ayeyawady
River bridges, which are, Nawadae Bridge in Bago Division, Maubin and Bo Myat Tun bridges
in Ayeyawady Division, and Bala Min Din Bridge in Kachin State, have already build by the
present government. Thus, five new bridges have been built on the Ayeyawady River.
Takaw-et and Tarsan bridges in Shan State and Hpa-an Bridge in Kayin State have been added
on Thanlwin River.
The Secretary-3 then elaborated on building of bridges in the entire
nation, totalling 63 bridges of lengths above 500 feet 31 facilities (500-foot to
1,000-foot) and 32 facilities (over 1,000-foot). Moreover, bridges such as Ayeyawady
Bridge (Magway), Ayeyawady River Bridge (Dedaye) and Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) are
under construction at present.

Saidu bridge spanning the Myittha river, Mann Chaung bridge, Yaw Chaung
bridge, Nwetamai bridge and Mone Chaung bridge have been built for smooth and convenient
transport in the western part of Magway Division.
Improvement of transport is a prerequisite for development of all
States and Divisions in the Union. To fulfil this requirement, a road network linking all
the regions in the length and breadth of the Union is being built. Moreover, bridges are
being built where and when necessary. Yangon-Sittway highway, like Pathein-Monywa highway
lying west of this Anawrahta bridge, makes possible the travel by car from Rakhine State
to other States and Divisions direct.
People in Rakhine State can now travel to Ayeyawady, Bago, Magway,
Sagaing divisions by using Yangon-Sittway highway and then via Pathein-Monywa highway.
Similarly, they can also journey to other States and Divisions by crossing the bridges
spanning the Ayeyarwady river, namely, Nawaday bridge (Pyay) and this Anawrahta bridge.
People in Chin State also can reach other States and Divisions through Hakha-Gangaw road
or Mindat-Kyaukhtu-Saw road and then crossing Sinphyushin and Anawrahta bridges. In other
words, States and Divisions have been linked with one another by these bridges. Magway
Division also has now become a main gateway to Rakhine and Chin States.
All the national brethren born in the Union are to build a unified,
consolidated and modern nation by making the most of advantages offered by these roads and
bridges. It is because these roads are good infrastructures have been built with a view to
ensuring the strength and development of the Union.
Moreover, as these infrastructures have been built by Myanmar engineers
themselves on self-reliance and through their own technical know-how, they are milestones
all the entire nation should value and be proud of.
We must regard the successful building of the Anawrahta bridge as the
victory not only of Public Works, the Ministry of Construction, but also of the Union and
all the nationals residing in it.
In conclusion, the State is indebted to all the staff of Public Works,
the Ministry of Construction for their strenuous efforts for successful completion of
Anawrahta bridge. In addition, on behalf of the State Peace and Development Council, I
would like to thank the chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council, local
officials and people for their assistance and cooperation in the construction of the
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint said inauguration of the bridge has opened a
network of direct links between Yangon and Seikphyu, Hsaw, Kanpelet and Mindat via Chauk,
Pauk, Htilin, Gangaw, upper Chin State, Sagaing Division, Salin, Pwintphyu, Rakhine State
via Minbu-Ann road, western bank of Ayeyawady River, Bago Division and Ayeyawady Division;
thus further strengthening amity among the national people.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said 127 bridges of over 180-foot in length
have been constructed at a cost of over K 49 billion and over US $ 129 million. since
1988, new roads have been built at a cost of over K 7.5 billion.
Addressing the local people who were present at the ceremony, Senior
General Than Shwe said as the State and the entire people have wish for national
development, the people also want regional development as well as individual progress.
"If we want development we must work. No progress can be achieved without work",
he said.
As work is the foundation of development, the government as well as the
State service personnel and the people must work hard. The required human resources are
being nurtured to enable the people to work intelligently and qualitatively.
In so doing, priority is being given to national education promotion
task in order to acquire human resources of high education level. As health in addition to
education is required to work effectively, the State has laid down plans to uplift the
health standard of the people.If the people have real wish and goodwill for individual,
regional and national progress, they all should work hard.
Senior General Than Shwe presented gifts to Superintending Engineer of
the Bridge Project U Soe Han.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened
the bridge.The Senior General unveiled the plaque.After inspecting the bridge, the Senior
General and party cordially greeted local people present at the meeting.They also
inspected Seikphyu development undertakings.
Excerpts from Senior General Than
Shwe's address
* As the State and the entire people wish for
national development, the people also want regional development as well as individual
* If we want development we must work. No progress can be achieved
without work.
* As work is the foundation of development, the government as well
as the State service personnel and the people must work hard.
* The required human resources are being nurtured to enable the
people to work intelligently and qualitatively.
* In so doing, priority is being given to national education
promotion task in order to acquire human resources of high education level.
* As health in addition to education is required to work effectively,
the State has laid down plans to uplift the health standard of the people.
* If the people have real wish and
goodwill for individual, regional and national progress,
they all should
work hard.
( 2 ) Senior General Than Shwe visits pagodas in Bagan-NyaungU
Yangon, 4
AprilChairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace
and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers, senior
military officers, and heads of the State Peace and Development Council Office and
departments concerned, left here yesterday morning by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at
NyaungU, Mandalay Division, at 10.45 am.

The Senior General and party were welcomed
at Bagan-NyaungU Airport by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye
Myint, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Minister for Culture U Win Sein,
Commander of No 101 Light Infantry Division Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Magway Division
Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Brig-Gen Than Tun of Kyaukpadaung
Station and departmental officials.
The Senior General and party visited Lawkananda Tooth Relic Pagoda in
Bagan and went around the pagoda clockwise.
Then, the Senior General made a cash donation to the pagoda funds
through the chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees.The Senior General and party
proceeded to Shwezigon Pagoda, and paid homage to the Buddha images at the eastern archway
of the pagoda and then went around the pagoda clockwise. The Senior General also donated
cash to the pagoda funds through the Pagoda Board of Trustees.
Before his departure, families of the shops of eastern stairway of the
pagoda presented local products to the Senior General.The Senior General and party next
visited Alodawpyi Pagoda, and the Senior General presented donations to the Pagoda Board
of Trustees.Later, the Senior General and party visited renovated ancient pagoda No 1,478,
Hsinmyashin Pagoda.
Senior General Than Shwe inspects Bagan Archaeological
Yangon, 4 April-Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than
Shwe returned by helicopter to Bagan-NyaungU this morning after attending the inauguration
of Anawrahta Bridge in Magway Division. Senior General Than Shwe inspected Bagan
Archaeological Museum of Department of Archaeology and gave guidance. At the briefing hall
of the museum, Minister for Culture U Win Sein reported to him on renovation of pagodas in
Bagan, maintenance of pagoda mounds, putting the wall paintings on record and public
donations for renovation and preservation of cultural heritage in Bagan. Senior General
Than Shwe gave guidance and signed in the record book in the Archaeological Museum. The
Senior General inspected the booth of scale models of palaces of Myanmar Kings and gave
( 3 ) General Maung Aye receives Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuanwong of Royal
Thai Army and party
Yangon, 4 AprilVice-Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye received Commanding General of 3rd Army Area
of Royal Thai Army Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuanwong and party, who attended the 18th Meeting
of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee, at Zeyathiri Beikman Tatmadaw Hall of
Konmyinttha, here, at 3.30 pm today.
Also present
at the call were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the
Office of Strategic Studies Director of Defence Service Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt,
member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chairman of
Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command
Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Chief of Staff (Navy)
Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Ambassador of Myanmar to
Thailand U Myo Myint, Director-General of Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs Thura U Aung Htet, Military Attaché of Myanmar to Thailand Col Kyaw Han,
Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and Military Attaché Col Chaiwat
( 4 ) Development of gem mining in Myanmar coordinated
Yangon, 4 AprilA coordination meeting
on development of gem mining in Myanmar was held at the Ministry of Mines this morning,
with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Also present were members of the Leading Committee for Development of
Gem Mining in Myanmar, the attorney-general, members of Gem Supervisory Central Committee,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments and
enterprises under the Ministry of Mines.
The Secretary-1 said Myanmar is rich in valuable resources such as
gems, minerals, petroleum and natural gas. There are major gem lands such as Mogok gem
land, Mongshu gem land and Phakant jade land and small and medium gem lands and many
regions with rich gold deposits, he said.
He spoke of the need for officials at different levels to take
systematic measures on mining and trading of gems through proper management in the
interest of the country. He said it would be beneficial to the country if tax could be
collected fully.
He said various committees had been formed for development of gem
mining. In the past, there were great losses to the country as the smugglers traded
precious stones in unscrupulous ways. Therefore other nations made profits, he said.
He said the State earned US $ 16.57 million in 1998-99 financial year,
US $ 23.46 million in 1999-2000 and US $ 47.8 million in 2000-2001 (up to March) since
measures were taken in accord with the Myanmar Gems Law.The Secretary-1 said systematic
plans are under way for the benefit of the nation and the people. He urged organizations
and national entrepreneurs who received permits to mine gems to make efforts to earn
profits without harming the interests of the State and in accord with rules and laws.
Next, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint reported on earnings of
Myanma Gems Enterprise during 2000-2001, sale of jade, gems and pearl at the Mid-Year Gems
Emporium, the 38th Myanma Gems
Emporium and progress of cooperation between the State and the private sector.
Chairman of the Gem Supervisory Central Committee Deputy Minister for
Mines U Myint Thein reported on cooperation between the government and national
entrepreneurs, conditions of
organizations that received permits to mine gem and jade, efforts of the Gem Supervisory
Central Committee and mining blocks in the gem lands. Those present took part in the
discussions.The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the Secretary-1.
( 5 ) Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee meets
Yangon, 4 April-A Thai delegation led by Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuan-wong, Commanding
General of the 3rd Army Area of Royal Thai Army arrived Kengtung by special flight at
11.45 am on 2 April to attend the 18th Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border
Committee in Kengtung. The delegation members were welcomed at Kengtung Airport by member
of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee Commander of
Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Vice Chairman of Myanmar-Thailand Regional
Border Committee Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway and committee
members, military and civil officers.
The preliminary meeting of secretariat members of the 18th Meeting of the
Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee was held at New Kengtung Hotel in Kengtung in
the afternoon, attended by Myanmar delegation led by Col Thein Swe of OSS and Thai
delegation led by Maj-Gen Wutthipong Homwiset-wongsa of Thailand-Myanmar Cooperation
The opening ceremony of the 18th Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border
Committee took place at New Kengtung Hotel in Kengtung on 3 April morning, attended by
Myanmar delegation led by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of
Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Chairman of Myanmar-Thailand Regional
Border Committee Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, and Thai
delegation headed by Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuanwong, Commanding General of the 3rd Army Area
of Royal Thai Army. Commander Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuanwong made
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuanwong held a separate
discussion on mutual interests between the two countries at New Kengtung Hotel. The
meeting of secretariat members of the 18th Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border
Committee continued at the same venue at 1.30 pm. During the meeting, the two heads of
delegation and other delegation members played golf at the Triangle Golf Course.
In the evening, Commander Maj-Gen Thein Sein hosted a dinner in honour of those who
attended the meeting at New Kengtung Hotel. The 18th Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand
Regional Border Committee concluded at the same venue at 10 am today, and Commander
Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Lt-Gen Watanachi Chimuanwong signed the agreement. The meeting
concluded based on mutual friendship and respect between the Tatmadaws of the two
countries. After the meeting, members of Thai delegation left Kengtung for Yangon by
special flight.
( 6 ) Commanding General of Thai 3rd
Army Area leaves after attending Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee Meeting
Yangon, 4 April-A dele-gation led by Commanding General Lt-Gen Watanachai Chimuanwong
of the 3rd Army Area of Royal Thai Army attended the 18th meeting of Myanmar-Thailand
Regional Border Committee and left here for home this evening. Lt-Gen Watanachai
Chi-muanwong and delegates attended the meeting held at Kengtung and arrived in Yangon by
special aircraft of Royal Thai Army at 3 pm today.
The guests were welcomed at the airport by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Commander of
Regional Control Command (Loikaw) Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing, Myanmar Ambassador to Thailand U
Myo Myint, Military Attach' Col Kyaw Han, officials from Ministry of Defence, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Embassy of Thailand. The Thai Commanding General and delegates later
visited the Shwedagon Pagoda. Then, the guests left for home by special aircraft at 5.15
pm. They were seen off at the airport by Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Commander Brig-Gen
Nyunt Hlaing, Ambassador of Thailand Mr Oum Maolanon, Military Attach' Col Kyaw Han,
Military Attach of Thailand Col Chaiwat Satondee and officials from Ministry of
Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Thai dailies carry ambiguous news
Yangon, 4 April-The 18th Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee was
held in Kengtung from 2 to 4 April. Tatmadaws of the two countries discussed matters
related to eradication of narcotic drugs, border issues, return of the illegal immigrants
and promotion of tourism at the meeting. The discussions were made based on goodwill
relations band mutual respect between the two Tatmadaws avoiding complicated matters.
Regarding these discussions, news reports carried on 4 April 2001 issue of Bangkok Post in
Thailand are not in conformity with the facts discussed at the meeting and the paper
reported incorrect information. News about the border issue discussed at the meeting was
erroneously reported by the newspaper.
( 7 ) Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni crowded with
Yangon, 4 April-The Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni image at Mindhamma Hill was crowded
with monks and laity from far and near today. Stone Sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara
U Taw Taw and sons continued carving the image. Engineers, workers of Public Works of the
Ministry of Construction continued making construction of pyres of Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi
for the image. Myanmar handicraft technicians U Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group
were carrying on decoration tasks. Donation Centre is open from 7 am to 9 pm daily and
public donations have amounted to K 164,735,695 from 5 August 2000 to date.
Foodstuff donated by wellwishers sent to Tatmadawmen in remote
forward areas
Yangon, 4 April-Head of Department of Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of
Defence Col Than Tun and party continued sending the foodstuff and gifts donated by
wellwishers to Tatmadawmen discharging national defence duties at the risk of their lives
in far-flung forward areas to the camps in remote front-line areas. The foodstuff and
gifts which arrived at Tachilek on a convoy on 1 April were transported to Monghsat on 2
A ceremony to hand over the foodstuff and gifts donated by wellwishers was held at Yan
Gyi Aung Hall of Monghsat Station on 3 April, attended by Head of Office of Strategic
Studies Col Than Tun and military officers, Col Tint Lwin of Monghsat Station and
Tatmadawmen and Union Solidarity and Development Association members. Head of Department
of OSS Col Than Tun explained facts about transport of the foodstuff and gifts, the
goodwill and national spirit of wellwishers in supporting the Tatmadawmen shouldering
national defence duties, and Col Tint Lwin spoke words of thanks. Then, Col Than Tun
handed over the foodstuff and gifts to Col Tint Lwin. Next, Col Tint Lwin together with
Col Than Tun and party continued transporting the foodstuff and gifts to camp commanding
officers and Tatmadawmen of the respective camps in far-flung forward areas.
( 8
) UMFCCI President meets Vietnamese delegation
Yangon, 4 April-General Manager Mr Dang Juy Hiep of Southern Steel Cooperation,
Vietnam, and party called on UMFCCI President U Win Myint at the meeting hall of the
federation this morning.
Delegates of Mekong Sub-Regional Meeting
Yangon, 4 AprilOfficials of APC, IOM and UNHCR,
leaders and members of delegations from Cambodia, the Peoples Republic of China, the
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Vietnam and Thailand and observers from Brunei
Darussalam who attended the Second Mekong Sub-Regional Meeting of the APC on Refugees
Displaced Persons and Migrants left here for home by air this morning. They were seen off
at Yangon International Airport by Director-General of Immigration and National
Registration Department Col Maung Htay, Deputy Director-General U Zaw Tun and officials.
( 9
) Tree planting ceremony of Yangon Station held
Yangon, 4 April-Tree planting ceremony of Yangon Station under the arrangement of
Yangon Command was held at the regional battalion in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
Yangon Division Peace and development Council Chairman Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than delivered an address. Then, the commander and officers planted trees. A total
of 107,970 saplings have been planted in Yangon station areas. Over 500,000 saplings have
been grown and over 1.7 million saplings will be planted during monsoon in Yangon
Division. The commander met with military officers concerned and discussed implementation
of agriculture and livestock breeding tasks. About 2,000 viss of chicken, 30,000 eggs and
3,000 viss of fish produced from regiments and units under Yangon Command are sold daily
at tax-free markets and other markets.
Drug abusers sentenced
Yangon, 4 April-Members of the local intelligence unit and local Myanmar Police Force,
acting on information, found 42 marijuana plants weighing 146.97 grams near Kyaw Hlaing's
hut at Moksoema ridge on the west of Bago Yoma in Phyu Township on 27 November 2000.
Action was taken against Kyaw Hlaing, 32, of Khintangyi Village in Phyu Township and U
Shwe Phe, 70, of Ophogon Village in Phyu Township in accord with Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law. The Phyu Township Court handed down five years' imprisonment
under Section 15 and seven yearsÕ imprisonment under section 16 (A) on Kyaw Hlaing to
serve separately and four years' imprisonment under Section 15 on U Shwe Phe on 12 March.