( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe inspects carving of Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Muni Image
Yangon, 2 April Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General
Than Shwe inspected the carving of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image and all-round
construction work of Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township this morning.
The Senior General, accompanied by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief
(Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for
Military Affairs and Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, arrived at Mindhamma Hill at
9.15 am.

They were welcomed by member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, the deputy ministers, members of the
Central Committee for All-round Construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image,
work committee and sub-committees, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office heads of department, members of the pagoda board of trustees, technicians and
In his report to the Senior General on the carving of the Image and
progress of all-round construction work, the Secretary-1 said that in accord with the
guidance given by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than
Shwe while inspecting Mindhamma Hill in November 2000 for the first time, measures are
being taken to carve the Image and to decorate Gandakutitaik and covered stairways with
Myanmar arts and crafts in cooperation with painters, sculptors and technicians of Myanmar
arts and crafts, architects and engineers.
Arrangements are being made to keep the precincts of Mindhamma Hill
green and pleasant by growing flowering plants and Bo trees.
Wellwishers are making donations to the funds for the carving of the
Image, the building of Gandakutitaik and the covered stairways and all-round construction
work of Mindhamma Hill, and the donations are being used systematically.
Then, the Senior General said that systematic arrangements are to be
made to ensure the emergence of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image. In building
Gandakutitaik, it is required to ensure that pilgrims can catch sight of the serene face
of the Image from afar and are filled with a sense of peace and tranquillity and a deep
reverence for the Image. Arrangements are to be made to keep the
purest white marble of the Image in its pristine condition and in perpetuity, and to keep
the Image in the glass shrine. It is required to take time in building Gandakutitaik and
covered stairways, and not to do this in a haste.
Afterwards, the Senior General inspected the carving of the Image,
progress of construction work of Gandaku-titaik and covered stairways, all-round
construction work of Mindhamma Hill, progress of work in building the retaining wall in
the south of Mindhamma Hill and greening work, and gave guidance on the work.
After that, the Senior General observed Buddha images carved out of
marble blocks which were broken off from the carving of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni
Image.Next, the Senior General paid homage to the Image, and left there at 10.45 am.
( 2 ) Cooperative Products Exhibition opens
Yangon, 2 AprilThe Cooperative
Products Exhibition was opened at Saya San Plaza Cooperative Commercial Centre in Bahan
Township this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Deve-lopment Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the
auditor-general, the mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
departmental officials, heads of departments and enterprises under the Ministry of
Cooperatives, Korean Ambassador, officials, members of Leading Committee for the
Cooperative Products Exhibition and Sale and guests.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the Cooperative
Products Exhibition and Sale.
Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San and Managing Director of
Cooperative Commercial Centre Saya San Plaza Construction Committee U Khin Shwe formally
opened the Cooperative Products Exhibition and Sale.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected booths of State/Division
Cooperative Societies, State-owned economic enterprises and companies and entrepreneurs.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected learning of trainees of
applied computer technology and foreign language courses of Yangon Cooperative Degree
College at the Cooperative Commercial Centre.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected fuel-substitute paddy husk powered
engine of Myanma Inventors Cooperative Society Ltd, barbed wire making machine,
chain-linked fence making machine and wire meshes of Luthit Industrial and Private Co Ltd,
workshop of Thaung Win industrial rice mill and farm equipment, saloon cars produced by
Shwe Brothers workshop and Shan Star Jeep produced by Shan Star Jeep Cooperative Society
Ltd in Ayethayar Industrial Zone in Taunggyi.
Various kinds of local made personal goods and household goods were put
on display at the 109 booths of State/Division Cooperative Societies, State-owned economic
enterprises, companies and entrepreneurs.
The exhibition and sale will be open daily from 9 am to 9 pm till 8
April.Entertainment programmes will be presented to the public.
( 3 ) Second Mekong Sub-Regional Meeting of the APC on Refugees, Displaced Persons
and Migrants held
Yangon, 2 April The opening ceremony
of the Second Mekong Sub-Regional Meeting of the APC on Refugees, Displaced Persons and
Migrants was held at the Hotel Equatorial on Alanpya Pagoda Road this morning, with an
address by Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun.
Also present were ministers, ambassadors and diplomats, resident
representatives and officials of UN Agencies in Yangon, officials of APC, IOM and UNHCR,
leaders and members of delegations from Cambodia, the Peoples Republic of China, Lao
Peoples Democratic Republic, the Union of Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand, observers
from Brunei Darussalam, heads of departments under the Ministry of Immigration and
Population, local and foreign journalists, officials from non-governmental organizations
and guests.
Minister U Saw Tun delivered an address. He said:
It is an honour and a pleasure for me to address this auspicious
gathering on the occasion of the inauguration of the 2nd Mekong Sub-Regional Meeting of
the Asia-Pacific Consultations on Refugees, Displaced Persons and Migrants. The Government
of the Union of Myanmar is greatly honoured to have the opportunity to host this important
meeting. I would also like to extend a hearty welcome to all distinguished guests and
Sound and comprehensive judicial, legislative, and executive systems
play important roles in the reconstruction of civil society relating to repatriation and
reintegration. This meeting will enhance exchange of experiences and development of
invaluable perspectives. The deliberations of this meeting will focus on "Exchange of
Information and Best Practices on Emerging Issues relating to Cross Border
Migration". Information Sharing is an indispensable key to developing better
understanding of the migration situation across the region. Economic disparity, poverty,
and degradation of environmental conditions have an impact on the size and flow of
irregular migration. I hope the delegates will share with each other frank and fruitful
This meeting will provide an ideal opportunity for us to reflect on
past achievements and to look at how we should resolve the issues even better in future.
The issue of irregular migration is globally prevalent and persistent. Consultations
between countries, based on mutual understanding, equity and goodwill, will facilitate the
approach to orderly migration. Further problems will not arise if all countries respect
each others sovereignty, existing laws and international practices.
Inter-governmental co-operation and collaboration in tackling this issue will bring forth
tangible results. It is the spirit of responsibility sharing and co-operative partnership
that holds the key to any sustainable solution.
One of the root causes of irregular migration is lack of development,
therefore relevant international assistance and collaboration are essential for
sustainable development. Myanmar wishes to stress the importance of international
co-operation and responsibility sharing in protecting the rights of refugees and migrants.
I am convinced that through such Information-Sharing Meetings as these, the good relations
of friendship and close co-operation between our countries and peoples will be further
In the year 2000, dignitaries that visited our country included the
Prime Minister of Cambodia, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, and the Vice-President of the
Peoples Republic of China. These visits have consolidated the harmonious relations
we have with countries in the Mekong sub-region. Not only does the Union of Myanmar have
cordial relations with Mekong countries, but also peaceful co-existence with all
neighbouring countries. Accordingly, we have full co-operation and collaboration with
countries across the Asia-Pacific region.
Since recent years, a number of regional meetings have been
continuously and successfully hosted in Myan-mar, and this time also, I look forward to a
successful meeting. I am sure the present theme will generate candid and open discussions
and enhance the already-close relationships within the sub-region. Co-operation and
co-ordination between United Nations Agencies and relevant countries, International
Assistance to facilitate necessary activities in Countries of Origin and Receiving
Countries, are indispensable reinforcements. Furthermore, I wish to reiterate the
importance of concerted co-operation, goodwill and mutual accommodation between countries

In conclusion, I wish all the delegates a most pleasant and enjoyable
stay in our country, the Union of Myanmar.Next, Coordinator Ma-dame Rosalinda V Tirona of
APC, Asia and Pacific Regional Director Mr Francois Fouinat of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Regional Senior Adviser Mr Yorio Tanimura of IOM
also spoke on the occasion.The meeting continues tomorrow.Minister U Saw Tun hosted a
dinner in honour of delegates at Royal Garden Restaurant in Kandawgyi.
( 4 ) National Environmental Education Week, 2001 launched
Yangon, 2 April A ceremony to launch
the National Environmental Education Week, 2001, organized by the National Commission for
Environmental Affairs and the Myanmar National Working Committee for Womens Affairs,
was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning.
Present on the occasion were the ministers, the Chief Justice, the
Attorney-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, members of
the National Commission for Environmental Affairs, members of the Myanmar National Working
Committee for Womens Affairs, departmental heads, Ambassadors and Charges
dAffaires of embassies, officials of UN agencies, local and foreign correspondents,
personnel of NGOs and guests.
Chairman of the National Commission for Environmental Affairs and
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung delivered an address. He said:
It is my great pleasure to deliver an address at this opening ceremony
of the First National Environmental Education Week jointly organized by the National
Commission for Environmental Affairs and the Myanmar National Working Committee for
Womens Affairs from 2 nd to 6th April.
Environmental conservation is a must for every nation and every person.
As we all know, the world today is beset with numerous environmental problems. Everyday
news concerning environmental issues appear in the newspapers, on the radio and
television. We have witnessed heavy rains and floods in several parts of Europe and Asia
due to climate change; frequent occurrence of forest fires in America, Australia and South
East Asia; drought and famine in Africa; deforestation and wildlife extinction; land and
water pollution which caused hazards to all lives including people, flora and fauna. Human
actions are indeed creating these problems. There are now over 6 billion people living on
this Earth. With the growing population, there is a rising tide of human needs for food,
clothing and shelter. If we are using the natural resources unsustainably for our present
needs, and polluting the environment through reckless disposal of many kinds of wastes we
are being unfair and unjust to the future generations. Environmental protection should be
done by taking into account long term perspective and benefits. Disregard for
environmental matters has resulted in increased environmental degradation with damaging
Environmental problems are global in nature. It is evident that
environmental problems that arise in one place could impact other places as well. Examples
are:-acid rain and the oil spills. Gases such as sulphurdioxide and nitrogen oxide emitted
from factories can be carried by the wind to fall as acid rain in another place.
Similarly, oil spills can drift from one place to another causing negative impacts. As the
environment problems affect not only a single person or a single nation but to all
mankind, we must work in unison in all environmental conservation endeavours.
Environmental problems can be addressed at the global, regional and national levels. As
prevention is better that cure, it is best to prevent environmental problems before they
occur. We therefore should not fail to undertake environmental protection activities
eventhough there exist no serious environmental problems at present. This necessitates
educating the public about environmental matters. Only if the magnitude of the
environmental problems are fully understood, the public will keenly participate in
environmental activities. The present National Environmental Education Week is held mainly
with this aim.
During the week, public talks and lectures will be given at a number of
factories in Yangon. Cleansing of the Kandawmingalar lake will also be carried out with
public participation. In the States and Divisions, talks and lectures on environment will
be given by the respective Sub Committees on Womens Affairs. Environmental education
materials have been distributed to all these sub committees for that purpose.
The National Commission for Environmental Affairs has been continuously
promoting public environmental awareness. In this respect, World Environment Day
celebrations are especially held every year. The activities include, photo, painting,
poster, poetry, and essay contests, environment exhibition and broadcasting of songs and
environment programmes on radio and television. The holding of the National Environmental
Education Week will further strengthen the efforts to promote public environmental
It is indeed commendable that the Myanmar National Working Committee
for Womens Affairs has formed the Sub Committee on Women and the Environment with
the aim to promote womens active participation in environmental affairs.
Womens strength is crucial for the nations economic and social sectors.
Likewise, it is also important for the environment. Women and girls are the most
profoundly affected group of environmental degradation. For example, in the rural areas
women and girls are working in close contact with the environment.
They are engaged in agriculture and livestock breeding. They also
collect water and gather firewoods. These women and girls bear the brunt of soil erosion,
pasture degradation, forest depletion and water shortage. Environmental conservation is
therefore vitally important in the rural areas. Environmental conservation activities are
being undertaken in the rural areas in Myanmar to prevent environmental degradation.
Special priority is being given to implement the dry zone greening projects, environmental
sanitation programmes and rural water supply projects so that the socio-economic wellbeing
of the rural population has gradually improved.
It should be noted that women working in the factories in the urban
areas are most vulnerable to health risks due to industrial pollution. Women should also
take great care about indoor air pollution as it is also hazardous to health.
During the 20 th century, the world had learned bitter experience of environmental
deterioration. It is necessary to address these environmental problems and prevent further
problems from arising. A large number of environmental policies, laws and conventions have
been adopted at the global level. Additionally, the global sustainable development
programme known as Agenda 21 was adopted in 1992. In Myanmar also, a plan of action for
sustainable development namely Myanmar Agenda 21 has been formulated and adopted in 1997.
Throughout the world, cleaner production technologies are being gradually introduced to
prevent environmental pollution. As we now have in place, measures and means to protect
and remedy the global environment situation, it is crucial that they should be applied and
In conclusion, I wish to stress that as the environment is the basis
for the sustainability of life on earth we should attach great priority to environmental
conservation activities in the interests of the present and future generations.
Environmental activities should be carried out not only during the National Environmental
Education Week but every day. Finally, I also wish to express my appreciation and
gratitude to the Myanmar national Working Committee for Womens Affairs, to all the
departments concerned for their cooperation to make this National Environmental Education
Week a success, and to all those who attend the opening ceremony today.
Then, environmental conservation songs were presented and the ceremony
came to a close.
( 5 ) Minister for
A&I meets Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 2 AprilMinister for
Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin met Ambassador of the Peoples Republic
of China to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at his office at 10 am today. Also present at the call
were heads of the departments and enterprises under the ministry.
Minister receives Chinese

Yangon, 2 AprilMinister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing met Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun at
his office at 9 am today.
Also present at the call were Director-General of Myanmar Police Force
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and Head of Office of the ministry U Thet Tun.
Minister receives Vice-President of Nestle Trading Ltd
Yangon, 2 AprilMinister for
Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Vice-President Mr Khun Nophadol Siwabutr of Nestle
Trading Ltd, Thailand and party at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road at 11 am
today.Also present at the call were responsible officials from the ministry.
( 6 ) Minister meets MD of Samra International

Yangon, 2 April Minister for
Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Managing Director Mr Harjap Singh of Samra International
Pvt Ltd of India at his office this morning.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Thein Tun, directors-general of departments and officials.
meets Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 2 AprilMinister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin met
Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun at his office at 11 am
today.Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General U Khin
Maung Latt of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, Managing Director U Kyi Tun of Myanma
Hotels and Tourism Services and officials of the Chinese Embassy.
Minister meets Director of UNHCR

Yangon, 2 April-Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun met Director Mr
Francois Fouinat of the office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva in
Switzerland at his office this evening. The director is here to attend the Second Mekong
Sub- regional Meeting of APC Refugees Displaced Persons and Migrants. Also present were
Deputy Minister U Maung Aung and officials and UNHCR Resident Representative Mr Rajiv
Minister receives MD of Myanmar Daewoo Ltd

Yangon, 2 April- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin
received Managing Director Mr Jeong-Hwan Park of Myanmar Daewoo Ltd at his office this
morning. They discussed communication matters. Also present were Managing Director U Maung
Maung Tin of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and officials.
( 7 ) Minister
inspects Bagan-NyaungU Airport, Mandalay International Airport
2 April Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by officials,
inspected Bagan-NyaungU Airport yesterday.Then, the minister and party left Bagan-NyaungU
Airport for Mandalay International Airport.
At the construction site of staff quarters of the airport, General
Manager of the Airport Lt-Col Tun Hlaing and departmental officials reported on
construction of the staff quarters. The minister attended to their needs.The minister
inspected greening tasks beside the runway.Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen
Nay Win and General Manager Lt-Col Tun Hlaing conducted the minister round the
airport.Then, the minister gave necessary instructions.
AWB and MIP Co Ltd sign MoU
Yangon, 2 April-A ceremony to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on loan for promoting
export between Asia Wealth Bank and Myanma Industrial Port Co Ltd was held at the head
office of AWB on Strand Road in Ahlon Township yesterday afternoon.
It was attended by Vice-President of AWB U Aik Tun and Managing Director U Aung Zaw
Naing, Managing Director of MIP Co Ltd U Ko Ko Htoo and departmental officials,
entrepreneurs and distinguished guests. Vice-President U Aik Tun explained the loan
project for promoting export in detail. Then, Vice-President U Aik Tun and Managing
Director U Ko Ko Htoo signed the MoU.
During the six-year period, AWB donated about K 550 million for education, health and
social welfare sectors. It has also lent about K 85,000 million to the entrepreneurs. AWB
is lending money to the entrepreneurs for promoting export as well as for development of
other industries, construction, agriculture, livestock breeding and other sectors.
Medicines donated to No 1 Base Central Medical Store Depot
Yangon, 2 April- U Tha Tun (Excellent Performance in Social Field-Second Class) of
Myanma Economic Corporation donated medicines worth K 20,000 in honour of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day to No 1 Base Central Medical Store Depot this morning.
Commandant of the depot Lt-Col Thein Soe accepted the donations and spoke words of thanks.
( 8
) Communal novitiation of national races held in Pinlaung
Yangon, 2 April- The communal novitiation ceremony of national races in wards of
Pinlaung Township was held at Mwedaw Monastery in Pinlaung on 25 March. On 28 March,
"soon" was offered to Chairman Sayadaw of Pinlaung Township Sangha Nayaka
Committee Yinhmi Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vayama and monks from 37 monasteries. Mwedaw
Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sumana novitiated 256 boys. Pa-O national race leader U Aung Kham
Hti donated K 500,000 for Atulamanaung Pagoda. Local people donated K 3.8 million for the
novitiation ceremony.
Mandolin, Myanmar guitar and banjo
competition held

Yangon, 2 April A ceremony to open
the mandolin, Myanmar guitar and banjo competition, organized by Myanmar Music Asiayon,
was held at Mya Nanda Hall of the Asiayon in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township
yesterday.Present were Chairman of MMA Patron of the Leading Committee for Organizing the
competition Accordion U Ohn Kyaw, Vice-Chairman Hin-thada U Myint Ngwe and officials and
A total of 65 musicians took part in the competition.The prize
presentation ceremony was held at the same venue this evening.Chairman of MMA Accordion U
Ohn Kyaw and Vice-Chairman Hinthada U Myint Ngwe presented prizes to respective winners.
literature and photo exhibition opens in Haka
Yangon, 2 April Chin State
Department of Cultural Institute opened a book, literature and photo exhibition on the
culture of Chin national race at the Cultural Museum in Haka on 23 March.
Present were Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col
Than Win, departmental officials and service personnel.Chairman Col Than Win formally
opened the exhibition.Then, the chairman and party viewed books, literature and photos
related to the culture of Chin national race at the exhibition.
( 9
) President of MHF visits training of hockey coaching course
Yangon, 2 April-President of Myanmar Hockey Federation Commander of No 4 Military
Region Commander of Yangon Station Commandant of Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen
Myo Myint today visited Hockey Coaching Course which is being conducted at Thein-byu
Hockey Pitch from 31 March to 6 April. He also met Mr Tayab Ikram of International Hockey
Federation. Also present were executives from the federation.
Seized monosodium
glutamate destroyed
Yangon, 2 AprilA team comprising
members of the local intelligence unit and Kungyangon Township Police Force found 1,804
one-pound packets of ladle brand monosodium glutamate in an old hut near Tawkhalu Creek in
Kun-gyangon Township on 16 March.The packets were destroyed on 21 March.
Stimulant tablets seized in Tangyan
Yangon, 2 April-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, while waiting at the Tangyan-Mongshu bus
terminal on 6 March 2001, searched Ma Aye Kya, daughter of U Pu Mauk Kham, Naungmo
village, Mongkyaing, Tangyan Township. The authorities arrested her together with 19,186
stimulant tablets bearing the letters " WY" hidden in a pillow. Action was taken
against her under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.