( 1 ) General Maung Aye meets
with departmental officials in Mon State, calls for concerted efforts for prosperity of
the State and the people
Yangon, 31 March
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, accompanied by Secretary-3
of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear Admiral Kyi Min, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for
Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers, senior Tatmadaw
officers, the Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation, heads of the State Peace and
Development Council Office and departments, left here for Mawlamyine, Mon State, by
Tatmadaw flight yesterday morning and arrived there at 9.30 am.
General Maung Aye and party were
welcomed at Mawlamyine Airport by Deputy Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myo Hla,
Tatmadaw officers, Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Maw
Maw and members, departmental officials and members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association. General Maung Aye met officials of Mon State at Yamanya Hall of
Mon State Peace and Deve-lopment Council.
Present were senior Tatmadaw
officers of South-East Command, members of Mon State Peace and Development Council,
departmental officials of Mon State, chairmen of Mawlamyine and Thaton District and
Township Peace and Deve-lopment Councils, managers of State-owned factories and officials.
Deputy Commander of South-East
Command Brig-Gen Myo Hla reported on matters related to gross national product (GNP) of
Mon State for 2000-2001 and progress of work, cultivation and production of paddy, rice
sufficiency of Mon State and preparations for realization of the objectives of the
short-term five-year plan beginning 2001-2002.
Mon State Manager of Myanma
Agriculture Services U Aung San reported on cultivation of monsoon paddy and summer paddy,
beans and peas, rubber, sugar-cane, kitchen crops; Deputy Director of Livestock Breeding
and Veterinary Department U Aung Myint on the fisheries sector of Mon State; and Director
of Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U Nyan Tun on productivity
of the State-owned factories in Mon State.
Then, Deputy Director of Planning
Department U Wan Shwe also reported on matters pertaining to the net value of goods
produced and services provided in respective economic sectors of Mon State and the rate of
economic growth.
Minister for National Planning
and Economic Development U Soe Tha reported on matters related to the total value of goods
produced and services provided in states and divisions, the contribution of Mon State to
gross national product (GNP) of the State, per capita income and tasks to be carried out
by Mon State in connection with the short-term five-year plan.
General Maung Aye said the State
Peace and Development Council is building a peaceful, modern developed nation by laying
down the correct political, economic and social objectives and upholding Our Three Main
National Causes non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national
solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty. Only when the State has economic, political
and defence strength, will Our Three Main National Causes be safeguarded forever and the
prestige of the nation be recognized in the community of the world.
He spoke of the need for
officials of Mon State and the people to uphold national policies and objectives laid down
and practised by the State in all seriousness and to make concerted efforts in harmony and
unity for progress of the nation. Endeavours are to be made for national development and
progress of Mon State with patriotism.
General Maung Aye said according
to the reports of officials, the total value of goods produced and services provided of
Mon State for 2000-2001 has increased. Similarly, economic progress rates of other states
and divisions are on the increase as well. He spoke of the need to implement the plans in
order that Mon State does not lag behind other states and divisions in terms of
According to the production
condition, there is surplus food sufficiency for over 51 million population at present.
But arrangements are to be made now for food sufficiency of over 100 million population in
the future, he said.
He spoke on extended cultivation
of main crops of the State such as paddy, cotton, sugarcane, peas and maize and other
successful crops in the region and seeking ways and means to boost per acre yield.
Duties have been assigned to
states and divisions to make arrangements in the regions for sufficiency of vegetable and
fish and meat besides paddy. Arrangements are also to be made in Mon State and perennial
crops that contribute toward economy are to be cultivated, he added.
In an effort to develop economic
progress, the government has made plans for participation of national economic
entrepreneurs and by promoting the participation of national entrepreneurs in Mon State,
the private economic sector will develop.
Beginning from 1992-93, the First
Short-Term Four-Year Economic Plan was implemented and average 7.5 % developed annually.
The Short-Term Five-Year Economic Plan was also implemented and the plan would end at
the end of March 2001, he said. According to the figures received, economic progress of
the State is expected to be over 8% average a year and individual income is also on the
increase, he said.
The General spoke of the need to
make efforts for further increase in individual income of Mon State than those of the
whole country, to compete among districts and townships and to fulfil requirements by
making field trips to townships and districts. Development of every township will bring
about development of the State, he added.
He said Myanmar is rich in above
and underground resources and natural resources and arrangements are being made for
development of investment and human resources by utilizing those resources beneficially
for national development. The State economy will develop with added momentum at the end of
the Five-Year Economic Plan, he said.
He called for development of
rural regions where most citizens live, better transportation, promotion of health and
education standard of rural people, supply of potable
water and arrangements for agriculture and livestock breeding to raise the socio-economic
life of rural people.
The General emphasized that all
are to make concerted efforts for prosperity of the State and the people when there is
opportunity to serve the nation for national development.
He said attention is to be paid
on efficient use of funds and minimizing loss and wastage of fuel, power and crops.
Next, The General cordially met
officials of State, Districts and Townships.
Then, the General and party
proceeded to Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) Construction Project where they were welcomed by
Deputy Chief Engineer (Bridge) U Khin Maung Aye and deputy superintending engineers and
In the briefing hall, Minister
for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun reported on facts about the bridge construction project
and tasks being implemented and Deputy Superintending Engineers U Myo Chit and U Ohn Han
on construction of approach roads on Mawlamyine and Mottama banks and progress of work.
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla
reported on assistance provided to the bridge construction project.After hearing reports,
the General gave necessary instructions and inspected the scale model of the bridge and
preparations for construction of the piers.The bridge to be linked Mawlamyine and Mottama
will be 11,635 feet long.
The main bridge will be 7,698.87
feet and approach roads 1,623.80 feet on Mawlamyine Bank and 2,312.19 feet on Mottama
Bank. The Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) will be the rail-cum-road one.
Construction of 23 foundation
piles on Mawlamyine Bank and eight on Mottama Bank were completed.
At 1.45 pm, the General cordially
met officers and other ranks and family members of regiments and units in Mawlamyine
Station at Aung San Hall of South-East Command Headquarters.
In the evening, the General and
party paid obeisance to U Khanti Maha Myatmuni Hsutaungpyay Pagoda on Nagawitha Mountain
Ranges in Mawlamyine.
The General presented donations
towards the funds of the pagoda and signed in the visitors book.
Secretary-3 Adjutant-General
Lt-Gen Win Myint and Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla also donated cash towards the funds of pagoda and
signed in the visitors book.Then, the General and party paid obeisance to Maha
Myatmuni Buddha Image, made donations and signed in the visitors book.Next, the
General and party went to historic Kyaikthanlan Pagoda and paid obeisance to the Buddha
images. The General presented cash towards the funds of pagoda to the pagoda board of
trustees and signed in the visitors book.
Afterwards, the General and party
went round the pagoda.In the evening, Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Organizing
Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen
Win Myint, who accompanied the General, together with members of MWVO Central Organizing
Committee Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and Minister for Progress of Border Areas
and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, met the chairman of Mon State
WVO Supervisory Committee and members, chairmen and members of Mawlamyine and Thaton
District WVO Supervisory Committees, the chairman of Mawlamyine WVO and members at Yamanya
Hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council. The chairman of Mon State WVO
Supervisiory Committee reported on undertakings of the Mon State WVO Supervisory
Committee. After hearing the report, the Chairman of MWVO Central Organizing Committee
gave necessary instructions.
Similarly, General Secretary of
USDA U Than Aung and Central Executive Committee members U Aung Thaung, U Soe Tha, Col
Thein Nyunt and Brig-Gen Khin Maung, who accompanied the General, met secretaries and
executives of Mon State, Mawlamyine and Thaton districts and 10 township USDAs in Mon
State at Aung San Hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council Office in the evening.
General Secretary U Than Aung and
CEC member U Aung Thaung gave instructions. In the afternoon, Minister for Electric Power
Maj-Gen Tin Htut, who accompanied the General, met the Mon State and township engineers
and personnel at the office of Mon State Myanma Electric Power Enterprise in Mawla-myine
and fulfilled the requirements. Then, the minister inspected Ngantay Sub-power Station. In
the evening, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Mawlamyine Hospital (350-bed)
and met Head of Mon State Health Department Dr Thein Win Naing, Medical Superintendent Dr
Maung Maung and officials.
In the afternoon, Deputy Minister
for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, who accompanied the General, inspected
Azin Horticultural Farm in Mudon, special summer paddy zone and Central Rubber Farm in
Beyan Village of Mudon Township and private chilli farm in
Pha-auk Village.
( 2 ) UMFCCI members urged to work with patriotism and clear national
outlook in the interests of national people
Yangon, 31 March The tenth
Annual General Meeting of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and
Industry was held at the Traders Hotel this afternoon, addressed by Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, the
deputy minister for commerce, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
heads of department, the president and executives of UMFCCI, chairmen and secretaries of
committees, the chairmen and secretaries of State/Division Chambers of Commerce and
Industry, guests, media persons and members of UMFCCI.

The Secretary-1 said that at a
time when the government has placed emphasis on efforts to strengthen the national
economic life with the aim of enabling the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other
nations, the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry formed with
national entrepreneurs is making progress, and this evinces the solidarity of a national
force on which the State can rely.
The State Peace and Development
Council is implementing economic policies and national economic plans which contribute to
development of the State and improvement of living standard of national people.
In view of the international
situations, it can be found that science and technologies are advancing at a blistering
pace, and globalization is taking place. It can be seen that every nation is making
all-out efforts to uplift their national economic life and not to lag behind others in the
process of international development.
On the other hand, some developed
nations who have gained the upper hand in terms of technology and economy have come to use
their advances in technology and strong wealth as a weapon; the gap of technology and
wealth among the nations in the world is getting wider and wider.
Therefore, developing nations
like Myanmar need to place emphasis on technological advances and strong economy, and
their entire national people need to work in unity and with might and main.
Similarly, some developing
nations which want to safeguard against inequality of opportunity for economic development
have come to place emphasis on cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis rather than
economic competition, and formed economic cooperation organizations. It is a significant
condition of the world today.
Therefore, the State Peace and
Development Council, taking into consideration the affairs of Myanmar and those of the
world and relying on the strength of national forces, is striving for the improvement of
national economic life. It is also cooperation with regional economic cooperation
organizations such as ASEAN and BIMSTEC in the international front.
In striving for the prosperity of
the State and emergence of favourable economic foundations, the government is promoting
economic cooperation with other nations and encouraging national economic forces with the
aim of keeping the economy of the State on the trend of national causes.
Due to encouragement of the
government, businesses of national entrepreneurs are today thriving in the various fields
of the economic sector.
Head of State Senior General Than
Shwe has also given guidance that in order to expedite the development of the State, the
businesses of national entrepreneurs are to be combined into national economic forces such
as agricultural force, livestock breeding force, industrial production force, commercial
force and financial force.
In accord with the guidance of
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, all the national economic forces have been
combined into a national economic force and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
Commerce and Industry was formed in 1999.
Today, the UMFCCI represents all
the businesses of national entrepreneurs and is serving as a focal point in the
international front.
As a matter of fact, the
formation of the chamber of commerce representing private entrepreneurs is an
international practice. It is learnt that the first chamber of commerce was formed in
France in 1599.
In Myanmar, Burma Chamber of
Commerce was formed in 1906 during the colonial period. Myanmar national entrepreneurs
were not allowed to joint it. It is safe to say that BCC did not promote the interests of
Myanmar Chamber of Commerce was
formed with Myanmar national entrepreneurs in 1919, and it was operating with the attitude
that only when economy is strong, can nationalistic spirit be strong. It is a legacy which
Myanmar entrepreneurs today should inherit.
In the time of the present
government, self-reliant efforts have been made for the development of the State, and
national forces on which reliance could be placed were formed as social organizations. In
1989, the Union of Myanmar Chambers of Commerce and Industry became alive again, and it
was upgraded into the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in
UMFCCI is operating with 13 work
committees. It is encouraging to see that today UMFCCI has a membership of 5,815 Myanmar
companies, 708 foreign companies and 2,840 members totalling 9,363. In addition, among the
members of UMFCCI, there are 16 state/division chambers of commerce and industry, nine
border trade associations and 16 other associations totalling 41 associations.
With regard to international
cooperation, it has joined Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce - ICC and ASEAN -
CCI, and has signed the memorandums of understanding with 18 organizations from 13
It has held discussions with
foreign economic organizations and private entrepreneurs, and the federation has also sent
its members to foreign nations to attend seminars, meetings, training courses and trade
fairs as well as on study tours.
In view of the regional and
international economic climate, the nations in South-East Asia region which suffered
economic stringency in 1997 have already recovered, and are working for their economic
development. Cooperation not only in trade but also in other economic sectors is improving
more and more. The role of private entrepreneurs is becoming higher and higher. The
challenges in the region are the rules and restrictions which have come into existence due
to agreements of WTO, protectionist measures of the nations, economic uncertainties which
strong economic organizations in other regions and the world economic powers are now faced
with and restrictions on trade concerning environmental conservation.
ASEAN has respective committees
in connection with promotion of economy and trade and it has also formed business councils
in cooperation with China, India, Japan, Korea, American, Australia and Canada. In the
sub-regions, some nations are implementing development programmes of three nations such as
Growth Triangle and Growth Area. Some nations have signed agreements on bilateral
cooperation with other nations as well as cooperating with the organizations in the
region. There are programmes for ASEAN Free Trade Area and ASEAN Investment Area which are
to be implemented by ASEAN member nations. In view of these conditions, UMFCCI needs to
safeguard the interests of the State and entrepreneurs in the nation.
International organizations have
set up Websites to be able to establish contact with foreign organizations. Permission has
been given to UMFCCI to set up Website, and it is expected that UMFCCI Website will soon
emerge. These are basics of e-commerce.
Local entrepreneurs who have to
penetrate the international market need to study and know international commercial terms.
They need to understand and know commercial laws of Myanmar, commercial laws of trading
partner nations and Incoterms of International Chamber of Commerce - ICC. The federation
needs to disseminate knowledge about local and international rules and regulations and
commercial terms to local entrepreneurs. Likewise, arrangements are to be made to provide
local entrepreneurs with the condition of the international market, information about
prices and business knowledge. If local entrepreneurs know these facts and economic
knowledge, they can become successful entrepreneurs who know how to work in the trade
sector in a right way.
The role of private businesses is
becoming higher and higher day by day in Myanmar today.
In view of the participation of
the private sector in the export and import business, during the period of ten months in
1999-2000 fiscal year, the total export value was US $ 910.10 million including US $
237.94 million by the State-owned sector and US $ 672.16 million of the private sector;
during the same period, the import value was US $ 1,963.99 million including US $ 522.51
million by the State-owned sector and US $ 1,441.48 million by the private sector. During
the period of ten months this 2000-2001 fiscal year, the total export value was US $
1,236.56 million including US $ 394.77 million by the State-owned sector and US $ 841.79
million by the private sector; the total import value was US $ 1,884.99 million including
US $ 363.55 million by the State-owned sector and US $ 1,521.44 million by the private
sector. In view of these figures, the State-owned sector improved by 65% in the export
sector and the private sector only by 25 %. The State-owned sector reduced its imports by
30% and the private sector increased its imports by 5 %. In view of the total value of
foreign trade, the export value increased by 35% and the import value by 4%.
As expected by the State, the
import value decreased and the export value increased. However, it can be said that the
performance of the private sector is still weaker than that of the State-owned sector.
Adopting the attitude that only
when the businesses of private national entrepreneurs are thriving, will national economic
life become strong and will living standard of national people become higher and higher.
Measures are being taken to reduce the participation of the State-owned sector and to
enhance that of the private sector.
It can be seen that efforts to
strengthen national economic life are replete with national essence such as trying to
enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations in the world, trying to
deal with other nations on an equal footing and trying to stand tall in the international
Today is the time when the nation
is being built. Therefore, economic competition is to be done not only from the economic
point of view but also from the national point of view. All are to work and cooperate in
the interests of the entire national people with patriotism and clear national outlook.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1
quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwes attitude and guidance on national
entrepreneurs as saying that it is necessary for national entrepreneurs to be prosperous
and successful in the economic life of the State. Their wealth is the nations
wealth. Economic powerhouse should be in the hands of the national entrepreneurs for the
nation to be politically and economically independent. The government is nurturing the
national entrepreneurs in enabling them to stand firmly with broad political, economic and
national outlook.He said the Senior Generals goodwill and hope on the national
entrepreneurs are prominent.
The Secretary-1 urged members to
make endeavours for prosperity of the UMFCCI, stable economic environment and better
economic foundations, firm national economic life, economic progress of the State and
keeping abreast with international community under the banner of UMFCCI.
Then, President of UMFCCI U Win
Myint spoke words of thanks.Before the meeting, President U Win Myint and Vice-President U
Win Aung reported to the Secretary-1 on condition for construction of UMFCCI Building with
the use of scale model and charts.The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions to
( 3 ) Yangon Division Vegetable Production and Livestock
Breeding Special Zone established to overcome dependence on food from other regions
Yangon, 31 MarchSecretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office inspected Yangon Division Vegetable Production and
Livestock Breeding Special Zone in Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby Township this morning.
On arrival at the special zone,
the Secretary-1 was welcomed by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman
of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than, the ministers, the deputy ministers, heads of departments and agriculture and
livestock breeding entrepreneurs.
At the briefing hall of Taing
Myan Kyaw poultry farm, Dr Myo Win reported to the Secretary-1 on objective of the poultry
farming, work undertaken, investment and future tasks. The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 was conducted
round the farm by Dr Myo Win.There are 10,000 CP Brown layers in the farm which produces
9,500 eggs a day. Another 10,000 layers will be raised in the coming year.
the Hmawby San hall, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than reported on implementation of
Yangon Division Vegetable Production and Livestock Breeding Special Zone, location of the
zone, roads, areas of the zone, reclamation of land, work undertaken for agriculture and
livestock breeding, construction of roads in the zone, power and water supply, allotment
of land to private entrepreneurs and the ministries concerned, agriculture and livestock
breeding, cultivation of vegetables in the zone, sale of vegetables and formation of
management supervisory committees at different levels.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture
and Irrigation U Ohn Myint reported on methods for availability of water.
The Secretary-1 said the
Vegetable Production and Livestock Breeding Special Zone Project is for food sufficiency
of five million population in Yangon City. No systematic projects for food sufficiency of
the people in the city were laid down in the past. People relied on vegetable and food
transported from various regions, he added.
He said the government is making
efforts for food sufficiency region-wise. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave
guidance on production of food in the environs of Yangon in order to overcome the
dependence on transported food from other regions, he said.
Therefore, he said, paddy, beans
and pulses and fish breeding special zone project is being implemented in Uto-Kya-in
region and vegetables and poultry farming special zone in Nyaunghnapin region under the
supervision of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself.

As agriculture and livestock
breeding activities in Uto-Kya-in and Nyaung-hnapin regions are successful, there will be
sufficiency for five million population in Yangon, he said. Export of surplus food will be
of much benefit to the State, he added.
These projects will also promote
cooperation between the State and the private sector and contribute to the progress of
national private economic enterprises, he said.
He called for concerted efforts
to realize the lofty objectives of the State.The aims of establishing the vegetable
production and livestock breeding special zone of Yangon Division are to enable the people
to consume fresh vegetables, meat and fish, to sell them at tax-free markets, to keep
commodity prices stable, to produce vegetables, fish and meat which can be put in the
foreign market and to augment the income of agricultural and livestock breeding
entrepreneurs. For the agricultural and livestock breeding work, there are 9,018 acres of
land 3,089 acres of land in the zone-1, 3,345 acres in the zone-2 and 2,584 acres in
the zone-3.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party
viewed vegetable patches in the compound of the supervisory committee.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party
inspected vegetables produced by the agricultural group of Marlamyaing and Sein Enterprise
Ltd.The Secretary-1 and party went to the agricultural site of Aung Engineering Company.
They were welcomed there by
Managing Director U Aung Gyi and agriculturalists.The personnel concerned reported on
fertilizer and water supply.The Secretary-1 and party inspected cultivation of vegetables
with the application of the high tunnel method and green house method.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and
party inspected the zone-1, the zone-2 and the zone-3 by car.
At the farm of the Ministry for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, the Secretary-1 and
party were conducted round the vegetable patches by Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin and
Brig-Gen Than Tun.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party
proceeded to the farm of Myanmar Police Force and General Administration Department and
inspected vegetable patches there.Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing reported on
agricultural and livestock breeding work.
At the farm of the Ministry of
Energy, the Secretary-1 and party heard a report presented by Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi on
cultivation and production of vegetables, income and poultry farming.The Secretary-1
inspected vegetable patches there.Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to the farm of
Myanma Agriculture Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
Managing Director of Myanma
Agriculture Service U Tun Than reported on the type of soil, the total area of the land,
the purpose of setting up the farm, cultivation of monsoon and cold season crops in
2000-2001, arrangements for cultivation of crops in summer, tasks being carried out by
Myanma Agriculture Service, distribution of strain seeds, transfer of agricultural methods
and condition of cultivation of vegetables at Nyaunghnapin.Next, the Secretary-1 and party
inspected vegetable patches.The Secretary-1 and party also inspected construction of the
basic education middle school at Nyaunghnapin Village.Deputy Minister for Education
Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and officials reported on progress of work.The Secretary-1 gave
instructions and left there.
( 4 ) Visiting
Laotian Vice-President and wife pays homage to Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda

Yangon, 31 March- Visiting Vice-President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone and Madame Keosaychay Sayasone and delegation members,
accompanied by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife, Director of Supply and
Transport of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Than Htay and wife, Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr
Ly Bounkham and wife and officials, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft on 29 March and arrived
at Heho Airport at 9.45 am. The visiting Vice-President and wife and party were welcomed
at the airport by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of
Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife Daw Khin Lay Myint, Commandant of Command and
General Staff College Col Nyan Win and wife, senior military officers and division level
officials. After that, the visiting Vice-President and wife and party, accompanied by
Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife and officials, went to Inlay Khaungdaing Hotel by car.
They were welcomed there by local people. At the hotel, they were served with luncheon.
Then, the visiting Vice-President and wife and party toured Inlay Lake by motor-boat and
proceeded to Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda. They offered flowers and lights and paid homage to
the pagoda. The Vice-President offered gold foil to the Buddha image and signed in the
visitors' book. Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo and Chairman of the pagoda board of trustees U
Hla Kyaw and the Vice-President exchanged religious souvenirs. After that, the guests
visited Shwehintha Loom in Inlay Thalay Village and went back to Taunggyi via Nyaungshwe
in the evening.
In the evening, Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife Daw Khin Lay Myint hosted a dinner
at Thanlwin Hall of Eastern Command Headquarters in honour of the Vice-President and wife
and party. Also present at the dinner were Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife, senior
military officers, Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham and officials. At the dinner,
traditional dances were presented to the audience and gifts were exchanged. After the
dinner, the Vice-President and wife presented the flower basket to members of traditional
dance troupe.
This morning, the guests, accompanied by Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife, visited
Shwephonepwint Pagoda in Taunggyi, paid homage to Shwephonepwint Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Nan-damala and paid obeisance to Padamaya Myatshin Cave Pagoda. They then paid obeisance
to ulamuni Lawka Chantha Pagoda in Taunggyi. The Vice-President signed in the
visitors' book. Afterwards, they visited Taunggyi Myoma Market and viewed development of
Taunggyi. Next, the LPDR Vice-President and wife and party left Heho Airport by Tatmadaw
aircraft to continue the goodwill tour in the country. They were seen off at the airport
by Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife, senior military officers and departmental
( 5 ) Bagan Security
Services opens
Yangon, 31 March The launching
ceremony of Bagan Security Services was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road
this morning.
Present were Deputy Chief of the Office of the Strategic Studies Deputy
Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, the deputy ministers, senior
Tatmadaw officers, heads of department, entrepreneurs and officials. Member of Board of
Directors of Bagan Security Services Co Ltd U Myint Aung explained the work of the
Security Services. Then, General Manager of FISCA Security and Electrical Engineering Co
Ltd U Zaw Min explained the work programme.
Merits sharing ceremony held
Yangon, 31 March A ceremony to share
merits for construction of new Maha Kammathanacariya Gonyi Dhammayon of Aungnan Mahasi
Sasana Yeiktha Monastery in Myitkyina, to donate cash for construction of Agga Maha
Kammathana-cariya Gonyi Mahathera Sankyaungdaw and to honour three Tipitaka Sayadaws Ashin
Silakhanda-bhivamsa, Ashin Vamsapala-lankara and Ashin Ganda-malalankara was held at the
new Dhammayon on 19 March.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Township Sangha Nayaka
Committee Bhaddanta Ketumala, Aungnan Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavinda and
members of the Sangha, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of
Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and wife Daw San San Yi and laypersons. Commander
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and family presented each K 30,000 to three Tipitaka Sayadaws.
Merits shared for renovation of CPT Ministry Dhammayon
Yangon, 31 March-A ceremony to share merits for renovation of the Dhammayon of the
Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, in Arzani Street, Bahan Township, was
held at the Dhammayon this morning. Present on the occasion were Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin and wife Daw Ni Ni Tin, Managing
Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin, Director-General of
Directorate of Telecommunications U Kyi Than, departmental heads, wellwishers and staff
The minister and wife and the departmental heads presented offertories to the
Sayadaws. The 40 years old Dhammayon was in disrepair and so it has been renovated and
extended to contribute to promotion and propagation of the Sasana. It was renovated with
the contribution of 5,000 FECs by Certified Public Accountant and Financial Consultant U
Hla Tun and K 11 million by wellwishers and families of the staff.
( 6 ) UMFCCI holds annual meeting
Yangon, 31 March The Union
of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry held the 10th annual meeting at
the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Present were Deputy Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, departmental heads, advisers to the UMFCCI, President of
UMFCCI U Win Myint, vice-presidents, officials and guests. President U Win Myint presided
over the meeting.Secretary-General U Zaw Min Win submitted the executive committee report
and the financial report to the meeting.Then, the 2000-2001 central executive committee
members and executive committee members resigned.
Next, Director-General U Nyunt
Aye of Directorate of Trade read out the lists of 20 CEC members and 40 EC members
including President U Win Myint, Vice-Presidents U Htein Win, U Htay Myint, U Win Aung and
Daw San San Yi, General Secretary U Zaw Win Min, Joint-Secretary-1 U Pyone Maung Maung,
Joint-Secretary-2 Dr Maung Maung Lay, Treasurer U Sein Than, Auditor U Sein Win Hlaing for
2001-2003 fiscal year.Then, President U Win Myint gave the concluding remarks.
Delegates of Mekong Meeting
of APC Refugees Displaced
Persons arrive
Yangon, 31 March
Delegation members arrived here by air this evening to attend the Second Mekong
Sub-Regional Meeting of APC Refugees Displaced Persons and Migrants.
Deputy Director-General Mr Bui Dinh Dinh of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Asia and the Pacific
Region Director Mr Francois Fouinal of UNHCR Office arrived here by air this evening. They
were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Director-General Col Maung Htay of
Immigration and National Registration Department, Deputy Director-General U Zaw Tun,
officials of the Vietnamese Embassy and UNHCR Resident Representative Mr Rajin Alochan
( 7 ) Weinkaung
region USDA tours Yangon
Yangon, 31 March Altogether 45
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association from Wa special region (Weinkaung
region ) on Thanlwin East in Tangyan Township, accompanied by officials of the Ministry of
Home Affairs, visited Yangon South District this morning.
First, the delegation visited Kyaikkhauk Pagoda in Thanlyin Township
and paid homage to the pagoda.
Then, USDA delegation arrived at International Thilawa port where Manager U Myint
Thaung explained the Thilawa port. They also visited Thakayta amusement park in the
Photo contest prizes
Yangon, 31 March The
prize presentation ceremony of the snap-shot photo contest of the Photo Exhibition &
Book Fair and Market Festival 2001 was held at Yadanabon New Market in Mandalay this
morning, attended by Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Working Committee for the exhibition
Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein.
Also present were Secretary of Mandalay Division
Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Deputy Director-General U Aung Hsan of IPRD
and officials. Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein presented first, second and third prizes to
respective winners. After the ceremony, U Khin Maung Sein (Zaw Literati House), on behalf
of all wellwishers, presented 1,909 books worth K 149,140 to the Deputy Director-General.
( 8
) Minister inspects Thaphanseik Dam Project
Yangon, 31 March Minister for
Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, this
morning arrived at Thaphanseik Multi-purpose Dam Project in Kyunhla Township which will be
opened soon.
The minister inspected completion of the dam, conduits of the hydel
power station and valves. Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department and
officials reported on tasks carried out and condition of water storage. The minister and
officials discussed condition of expansion of Budalin irrigated area and Ayadaw area and
canals. Thaphanseik Dam is being built on Mu River with the aim of fully utilizing water
of Mu River in irrigated areas. The hydal power station of the dam can generate 30 megga
watts. The minister and party inspected 1,500 acres of pre-monsoon long staple cotton
plantations in Singaing Township. He also inspected 3,900 acres of summer paddy, cotton
and sesame plantations.
Out of targeted over 150,000 acres, 140,000 acres of land have been put under summer
paddy in Mandalay Division with water supply from Sedawgyi, Kinda, Zawgyi, Hsinthay,
Ngalaik and Yezin dams. Over 96,000 acres of summer sesame were targeted and over 60,000
acres of land have been placed under summer sesame. Quality cotton strains are also
cultivated on 38,005 acres of land in 39 zones of pre-monsoon long-staple cotton.
Minister inspects industrial zone
Yangon, 31 MarchMinister for
Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and
officials, arrived at Indagaw Industrial Zone of the Ministry in Indagaw Region, Bago
Division, this morning.
At the briefing hall, the managing directors and officials reported on
progress of building for production of diesel engines of power tillers and power and water
supply. Then, the minister and party inspected machine shop under construction and
assembly shop, and arrangements for construction of forging shop, heat treatment shop and
The minister left instructions on timely completion of the buildings
and arrangements for sufficient power and water supply.
Minister inspects Thaphanseik Dam Project
Yangon, 31 March Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, this morning arrived at Thaphanseik
Multi-purpose Dam Project in Kyunhla Township which will be opened soon.
The minister inspected completion of the dam, conduits of the hydel
power station and valves. Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department and
officials reported on tasks carried out and condition of water storage. The minister and
officials discussed condition of expansion of Budalin irrigated area and Ayadaw area and
canals. Thaphanseik Dam is being built on Mu River with the aim of fully utilizing water
of Mu River in irrigated areas. The hydal power station of the dam can generate 30 megga
watts. The minister and party inspected 1,500 acres of pre-monsoon long staple cotton
plantations in Singaing Township. He also inspected 3,900 acres of summer paddy, cotton
and sesame plantations.
Out of targeted over 150,000 acres, 140,000 acres of land have been put under summer
paddy in Mandalay Division with water supply from Sedawgyi, Kinda, Zawgyi, Hsinthay,
Ngalaik and Yezin dams. Over 96,000 acres of summer sesame were targeted and over 60,000
acres of land have been placed under summer sesame. Quality cotton strains are also
cultivated on 38,005 acres of land in 39 zones of pre-monsoon long-staple cotton.
High school level completion certificates presented
Yangon, 31 March- A ceremony to present the high school level completion certificates
to students who completed lessons of tenth standard was held at Pazundaung Basic Education
High School No 2 this noon. Present were Director (Education) U Khaing Soe of No 3 BED
(Yangon City), Headmistress Daw Tin Win and officials and parents. First, students sang
the National Anthem and Myanma School song. Then, the headmistress presented cartificates
to students.
Similarly, the high school level completion certificates presentation ceremony was
held at Botahtaung BEHS No 3. Present on the occasion were Director-General U Tin Win of
No 3 BED (Yangon City) and officials. Headmistress Daw Tin San presented certificates to
students. Kyimyindine BEHS No 4 held the high school level completion certificates
presentation ceremony this morning. Present were Deputy Director U Nu of No 3 BED,
officials and students. Headmistress Daw Khin Soe explained the purpose of the ceremony
and presented certificates to 80 students. At Thingangyun BEHS No 4, a similar ceremony
was held on 29 March. Headmistress Daw Tin Tin Mya presented certificates to 284 students.
( 9
) Yangon City bustling with holiday-makers
Yangon, 31 March- Today is a holiday. Members of the Sangha and people flocked to
pagodas, parks and recreation centres in Yangon today. Devotees paid obeisance to
Shwedagon Pagoda and offered flowers, water, lights and donations to the pagoda.
Similarly, Sule and Botahtaung pagodas were crowded with members of the Sangha and
pilgrims. Likewise, holiday-makers visited the People's Park and PeopleÕs Square,
Shweyinbyin modern playground and cinemas.