( 1 ) The Law Amending the Myanmar Accountancy Council Law
(The State Peace and Development Council Law No 5/2001)
The 7th Waxing Day of Hnaung Tagu, 1362 ME
(30th March, 2001)
The State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts the following Law:
1. This Law shall be called the Law Amending the Myanmar Accountancy Council Law.
2. The following shall be inserted after section 27 of the Myanmar Accountancy Council
Law:"Provided that, such prohibition shall not apply to a person serving as an
auditor in any company exempted by the Government through a notification."
(Sd) Than Shwe Senior General Chairman
The State Peace and Development Council
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than
Shwe accepts credentials of Ambassador of New Zealand
YANGON, 30 MarchChairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union
of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe accepted the credentials of newly-accredited
Ambassador of New Zealand to the Union of Myanmar Mr Alan Williams at Dagon Yeiktha of the
Ministry of Defence at 10 am today.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Director-General
Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects
progress of carving Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
YANGON, 30 March -Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt arrived at Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni
Image is kept, at 6.50 pm today.
The Secretary-l was welcomed there by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin,
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and officials, experts and members of Pagoda Beard
of Trustees.
The Secretary-l paid homage to the Image. The Secretary-l inspected progress of carving
the Image and the officials reported on progress of work.
Then, he inspected completion of all-round construction work of the Hill, and the
officials reported on construction. After leaving instructions to officials, the
Secretary-l left the Hill at 7.30 Pm.
National entrepreneurs encouraged, participation of State sector
reduced, private sector given more rights
Central Body for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport holds
Meeting 1/2001

YANGON, 30 March - The Central Body for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport held
Meeting No 1/2001 in the meeting hall of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) this
afternoon with an address by Chairman of the Central Body Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief
(Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, ministers, deputy ministers, senior military officers of the
Ministry of Defence, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and
national entrepreneurs.
The Secretary-1 said that the purpose of the meeting was to further promote cooperation
between the State and the private sector and assign to the private sector the tasks for
ensuring secure and smooth transport.
Secure and smooth transport is the key to development of the State and national
prosperity and economic growth.
The better the transport sector is, the narrower the gap of economic development in all
the regions. The transport among the plains, urban areas and rural areas will become
easier and easier as well. In this way, the standard of living of the people will improve
all the more. Therefore, measures are being taken to make narrower and narrower the gap
between the rural areas and the urban areas and the hi11s and the plains and among regions
in the State.
When there is harmonious development among all the regions of the State, the people
will have more occasions to deal with each other due to easy and convenient transport. In
addition, friendly ties will be further cemented and the people will help each other and
become more and more interdependent. The spirit of national unity will become stronger and
stronger. At the same time, Union Spirit will flourish all the more.
Since its assumption of duties of State, the government has built roads, river crossing
bridges, railroads and new airports in order to ensure secure and smooth transport.
Therefore, it can be seen that the transport sector is improving and the economic growth
of the State is becoming larger and larger.
With regard to striving to achieve economic development and to make national economic
life of the State stronger and stronger, the private sector is required to cooperate with
the government.
The Secretary-1 quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying that in
uplifting the national economic life, it is needed to encourage private national
entrepreneurs, to reduce the participation of the State sector and to give more rights to
the private sector.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the government
is encouraging private national entrepreneurs and opportunities have been given to them to
cooperate with the state.
Arrangements will be made to enlist the more participation of private national
entrepreneurs in the tasks being carried out by the government such as building and
upgrading roads and bridges.
By cooperating with the government in upgrading roads and bridges and striving to
ensure secure and smooth transport, the private national entrepreneurs will achieve higher
working efficiency and will have appropriate economic benefits. In this way, the role of
the private sector will become higher and higher and the national economic life will
improve more and more.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 encouraged all to participate in the discussions on
further promoting cooperation between the government and the private sector. Then, the
private national entrepreneurs reported on construction of highways and roads with maps
and charts. The ministers and the deputy ministers also took part in the discussions. The
meeting ended with concluding remarks by the Secretary-1.
( 3 ) Seven ancient cannons
presented to Defence Services Museum
YANGON, 30 March Seven ancient cannons found at Andaman sea bed in the area
between Pathein lighthouse and Thamihla island were transferred to Directorate of Defence
Services Museum and Historical Research Institute this morning.
Two of the cannons were first found and salvaged by divers catching lobsters in the
area in Ngapudaw Township, Ayeyawady Division, on 21 December 2000. The divers, fishermen
from Kyaukchaung and Khamaukmaw villages in the township, salvaged one more cannon on 23
According to the information on the finds,
personnel of the regional Tatmadaw naval force combed the sea floor in the area and found
one ancient cannon on 7 January this year and two more, one each, on 19 January and 2
February respectively.
In addition to the three more finds by the Navy, Army personnel of the regional
battalion also salvaged one ancient cannon in the area on 2 January 2001.
The seven ancient cannons will be displayed at Defence Services Museum. Cmdr Win Shein
of Tatmadaw (Navy) and Maj Toe Maung Aye of Southwest Command explained the salvage of the
cannons. Staff Officer of Research Division of DDSMHRI U Zaw Zaw also explained historical
records of the cannons.
Director of DDSMHRI Col Ye Htut accepted the cannons from the representatives of the
respective bodies. The ceremony held at the Directorate was also attended by Cmdr Than
Htaik of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), military officers and guest.
National Convention Convening Commission meets
Yangon, 30 March - The National Convention Convening Commission held its meeting at the
meeting hall of NCCC this afternoon. Present were Chairman of NCCC Maj-Gen Saw Lwin,
Vice-Chairman Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and commission members. Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin chaired
the meeting. The National Convention Convening Work Committee and the National Convention
Convening Management Committee reported on their work. The meeting ended in the evening
with concluding remarks by the Chairman.
( 4 )
Vice-President of LPDR and party visit Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 30 March-The visiting Vice-President of the Lao People-s Democratic Republic HE
Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone and wife Madame Keosay Chaysayasone and party, accompanied by
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife, Director of Directorate of Supply and
Transport of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Than Htay and wife, Ambassador of LPDR Mr Ly
Bounkham and wife and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, arrived at the
Shwedagon Pagoda this morning.
They were welcomed there by Vice-Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, members of the Shwedagon
Pagoda Board of Trustees U Kin Maung Myint, U Thant Zin and U Ohn Myint, Secretary U Win
Kyaing and officials. Madame Keosay Chaysayasone offered water to the Buddha image at the
Sunday (north-west) Corner.
The visiting Vice-President and wife and
party visited King Thayawady Bell and Htidaw Stupa and had a souvenir photo taken. They
then paid homage to Kakusanta Buddha Image at Eastern Prayer Hall. The visiting
Vice-President and wife made a cash donation to the Pagoda through the deputy commander
and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees who presented a certificate of honour to them.
The visiting Vice-President signed in the visitors' book. The visiting Vice-President
and wife and party offered lights, flower and incense and paid obeisance to Kyauksein
Buddha Image at Ponnyakuthala Prayer Hall at Saturday (south-west) Corner. They went
around the Pagoda clockwise and then offered lights, flowers and incense to the Pagoda at
auspicious areas near Chanthagyi Prayer Hall. They left the Pagoda through the Northern
Stairway at 7.40 am.
Vice-President of Lao PDR and goodwill delegation leave for Shan

YANGON, 30 March - The goodwill delegation led by Vice-President of the Lao People's
Democratic Republic Lt Gen Choummaly Sayasone and wife Madame Keosaychay Sayasone left
here for Shan State by special Tatmadaw aircraft this morning to continue their goodwill
visit in Myanmar.
They were accompanied by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife Daw Aye Pyi
Wai Khin, Director of Supply and Transport of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Than Htay
and wife Daw Nwe Nwe Win, Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham and officials of
departments concerned.
The goodwill delegation was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Prime
Minister Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla and wife Daw Win Kyi, member of the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife Daw Marlar Tint,
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yone, Director-General of the
Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet and officials.
Domestic science courses conclude
YANGON, 30 March- The concluding ceremony of Tailoring Course No 15/2001 and Cookery
Course No 14/ 2001 was held in conjunction with opening of Tailoring Course No 16/2001 and
Cookery Course No 15/2001 at the multi-purpose building of Myanmar Maternal and Child
Welfare Association this morning. Present at the ceremony were Chairperson of the
Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and CEC
members, patrons of the course Supervisory Committee, course instructors and trainees.
Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe gave a speech on the occasion. The chairperson and the
vice-chairperson presented certificates to the trainees. The trainees presented equipment
for the Domestic Science School to CEC member (Treasurer) Daw Khin Myint Myint. Anyone
may,submit application to attend the courses which are being conducted bimonthly.
Cash donated to MMCWA

Yangon, 30 March-A ceremony to present K 4 million donated by Singapore Association of
Myanmar (SAM) to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the
multi-purpose building of the Association, at corner of Thanthumar Road and Parami Road,
South Okkalapa, this morning. Present on the occasion were MMCWA Chairperson Professor Daw
Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members and wellwishers.
Ambassador of Singapore to Myanmar Mr Simon De Cruz presented K 4 million to the
chairperson and the vice-chairpersons who presented a certificate of honour to him. Then,
Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of thanks.
( 5 ) Minister receives President of EEM

YANGON, 30 March - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin
received President of Electricite et Eaux de Madagascar Mr Francois Gontier and party of
France at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U
Kyi Tun and officials, Director of Yangon Wood Industries Limited U Saw Lu Lu Htaw.
Minister for Industry-2 receives PRC Ambassador

YANGON, 30 March - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of
People's Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun at his office this afternoon. Thee discussed
bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Also present at the call were Deputy
Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and officials.
Minister receives Ambassador of Thailand
YANGON, 30 March Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received the
Ambassador of Thailand Mr Oum Maolanon at his office this morning. Also present at the
call were Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director General
of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Pro Rector (Admin) of International
Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Dr Hla Pe and Head of Office U Maung Maung Myint.
Minister receives PRC Ambassador
Yangon, 30 March - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Ambassador of
People's Republic of China Mr Li Jin Jun and embassy staff at his office yesterday. Also
present at the call were Deputy Ministers for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen
Kyaw Win, the directors-general and the managing director.
Malaysian Minister concludes visit
YANGON, 30 March-The five-member delegation led by Chairman of Council of Education
Ministers of ASEAN nations Minister of Education of Malaysia Tari Sri Dato Seri Musa Bin
Mohamad left here for home by air this afternoon. They were seen off at Yangon
International Airport by Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, directors general of
departments under the Ministry of Education, Ambassador of Malaysia to Myanmar Dato'
Muharnmad Bin Noh and Ernbassy staff.
( 6 ) General
Secretary of ABC,calls on Minister
YANGON, 30 March- General Secretary Dato Yeoh Choo Hock and members of Asian Basketball
Confederation called on Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen
Thura Aye Myint at Kyauksein Hall of the Ministry of Sports at National Indoor Stadium- 1
in Thuwunna at 8 am today.
Also present at the call were officials of the Minis try of Sports and Myanmar
Basketball Federation.
They coordially discussed matters related to cooperation in basketball event. At 9 am,
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint,attended the opening ceremony of the Seminar
on Coaches, Referees and Rules 2000 Interpretation in the National Indoor Stadium-l in
Thuwunna and gave an opening speech. Afterwards, General Secretary of Asian Basketball
Confederation Dato Yeoh Choo Hock extended greetings and the opening ceremony then came to
a close.
Then, the minister cordially met those present at the seminar. A total of
45 persons 11 of States and Divisions, five of departments and 29 of Myanmar Basketball
Federation are attending the 8 seminar which will be held till 31 March.
Myanmar Mountaineering Team to scale Phungam Ice Mountain
YANGON, 30 March -Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen
Thura Aye Myint handed over State Flag to leader of Mountaineering Team of Myanmar
Mountaineering and Hiking Federation at Padamya Hall of National Indoor Stadium-l in
Thuwunna this morning.
Mountaineering Team of Myanmar Mountaineering and Hiking Federation will scale the
11,500 ft high Phungan Ice Mountain in Putao Distinct, Kachin State.
Present were officials of the Ministry of Sports, President of Myanmar Mountaineering
and Hiking Federation leader of Mountaineering Team Rector Dr Paing Soe and members.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech on the occasion. Then, Minister
Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint handed over the State Flag to Dr Paing Soe. Dr Paing Soe spoke
words of thanks. The Mountaineering Team of MMHF comprising 20 mountaineers climbed the
13,350 R high Mount Eimawbon in Hsawlaw Township, Myitkyina District, from 5 November to 1
December 2000. The Mountaineering Team of MMHF made up of 103 mountaineers climbed the
10,500-ft high Mount Victoria mountain in Kanpeelet Township, Mindat District,Chin State,
on 20 December 2000. The Mountaineering Team of MMHF comprising 41 mountaineers win climb
the 11,500 high Phungan Ice Mountain in Putao District, Kachin State.
Minister attends concluding ceremony of computer courses
YANGON, 30 March The concluding ceremony of Personal Computer for Office
Application Course, Personal Computer Operating Course and Post Master Course was held at
Communication, Post and Telegraph Training School of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications
this morning, attended by Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win
Tin. Present also were the Managing Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, the
Director-General of Directorate of Telecommunications, heads of department, the principal,
course instructors and trainees. Minister Brig-Gen Win Tin made a speech on the occasion.
Minister Brig-Gen Win Tin presented certificates and prizes to the trainees and
outstanding trainees
( 7 ) Sagaing Division farmers, officials urged to extend
irrigated cotton, sesame cultivation
YANGON, 30 March -Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected
cotton fields at Khetkha Village, Sagaing District, Sagaing Division, yesterday.
Accompanied by the directors-general of Water Resources Utilization Department and
Irrigation Department and members of the Division Agriculture Supervisory Committee,
Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin met cotton growers and staff at Agricultural Education Camp (Cotton) at
the village. During the meeting with farmers and Camp staff, the minister discussed
matters relating to agriculture, cotton purchase and water supply. He spoke of the need to
apply systematic cultivation methods to raise per acre yield of quality long-staple

Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin observed summer paddy fields in the surrounding areas of Khetkha and
Hteehline villages which are covered by Tatywa Pumped-Water Project.
At his meeting with farmers and departmental personnel, the minister urged them to
strive to reduce wastage and to extend irrigated cotton and sesame cultivation. After
inspecting crop irrigation in areas along the Project's feeder canal, the minister and
party arrived at Tatywa Pumped-Water Station.
At the briefing hall of the Station, Director-General of WRUD U Win Shwe briefed the
minister on supply of water lifted from Ayeyawady River by 12 floating pumps installed on
three pontoons and Irrigation of crops under canal system, members of Division
Agricultural Supervisory Committee on irrigation of 11,330 acres of triple cropping in
Sagaing Township and 5,218 acres in Wetlet Township and local authorities on extension of
irrigated areas.
The minister gave suggestions, saying, states and divisions which are self-sufficient
in food and which are included in the irrigated cultivation areas should give priority to
putting low land areas under paddy and designating special zones to cultivate cotton, oil
crops, beans and pulses and sugarcane, to grow crops chosen by the farmers as double
cropping, to effectively use irrigated water and to observe Irrigation laws.
Mayor inspects Uto-Kya-in Agricultural Project
YANGON, 30 March - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay,
accompanied by officials, inspected agricultural work at Uto-Kyain Agricultural Project in
Taikkyi Township and attended the ceremony making the completion of the sinking of a
tube-well by YCDC for water supply of Tinboakgyi, Kyaungsu and Thongwa Villages in
Zegontaung this morning.
Mayor U Ko Lay inspected onion and potato plantations and gave instructions on
cultivation of quality strains, proper flow of water into the plantations and the weeding
of the plantations. Then, the Mayor inspected the 25-ton rice mill in the projected area
and progress of work in building a new 25-ton rice mill. Afterwards, the Mayor attended
the ceremony marking the completion of the sinking of a tube well. He had a cordial
meeting with local farmers and gave instructions on cultivation of beans and peas, use of
water and construction of the road linking Zegon Road and Kyaungsu Village.
( 8
) Weinkaung region USDA members visit Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
YANGON, 30 March Altogether 45 members of Union Solidarity and Development
Association from Wa special region (Weinkaung region) on Thanlwin East in Tangyan
Township, Shan State (North), led by executive of Shan State (North) USDA U Tin Ohn,
Headmistress of
Weinkaung Affiliated High School Daw Thaung Thaung Win, accompanied by officials of
the Ministry of Home Affairs, went sightseeing in Yangon today.
First, the USDA delegation paid homage to Buddha's Tooth Relic Pagoda on Dhamma Pala
Hill in Mayangon Township at 8 am today. Then, they proceeded to Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township and paid obeisance to the image.
Afterwards, the delegation visited Hlinethaya Industrial City where Assistant Director
of Human Settlement and Housing Development Department U Myint Swe explained facts about
the industrial city. The USDA delegation also visited Hat Factory and FMI City in the
industrial city.
In the afternoon, the delegation visited Myanma Radio and Television and the National
Museum on Pyay Road and Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road. Central
Executive Committee member of USDA Col Tin Hlaing met the delegation at USDA Headquarters
on new University Avenue at 5 pm.
( 9
) Han Golf Masters' new generation golf tournament ends

Yangon, 30 March- The Han Golf Masters' new generation golf tournament, organized by
Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Pan-West and Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd,
continued for the second and final day at Silvery Golf Course of YCDC at 3 pm today.
Present were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye
Myint, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi, officials and
golfers. After the second day play, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing gave a speech.
The youngest golfer prize went to Zwe Lin Ngwe, 7. Rapier Putting Challenge winners were
Lin Moe Tun of the 10-year age event, Yan Myo Aye in the 11-12 age event and Kyaw Htet Lu
in the 13-14 age event. Yadana Moe with 273 strokes was third, Sandi Toe Saung with 248
second and Miss Ji Hyui of Korea with 155 first in women's event. Okkar Oo (104 strokes)
was third, Ye Myat Win (99) second and Lin Moe Tun (98) first in the under-10 age event.
Tin Win Maung (90 strokes) was third, Nay Bala Win Myint (84) second and Yan Myo Aye (78)
first in the 11-12 age event. Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented third, second and first prizes
to Tun Lin (173 strokes), Yan Naing Phyo (172) and Phyo Teza Aung (167) in the 13-14 age
event. Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented third, second and first prizes to Thet
Zaw Htwe (161 strokes), Derek Htet Do (160) and Bo Bo Thon (160) in 15-17 age event.
Marijuana possessors punished
YANGON, 30 March-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched Hla Moe and Sai Soe Naing (a) Lu Maw
in front of Htoo Video Theatre in Laythit Village, Htantabin Township, Bago Division, at
4.20 pm on 16 October 1999. The authorities seized 3.266 kilos of marijuana from Hla Moe
and nabbed their partners Ma Aye Aye Myint and Myint Win (a) Nyunt Win.
Htantabin Police Station filed Hla Moe, 27, son of U Thaung of Ward 17 in Shwepaukkan
Myothit, Sai Soe Naing (a) Lu Maw, 30, son of U Tun Kyaing, Ma Aye Aye Myint, 37, daughter
of U Tin Hla of Ward 9, Toungoo, and Myint Win (a) Nyunt Win, 37, son of U Than Aung of
,Ward 18 in Toungoo under the Sections 15/ 19 (A) 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law.
On 23 February, Toungoo District Court sentenced 15 years' imprisonment to Hla Moe
under Section l9(A), 12 years' to Ma Aye Aye Myint under Sections 19 (A)/ 21 and four
years each to Sai Soe Naing (a) Lu Maw and Myint Win (a) Nyunt Win under Section 15.