( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe
sends message of congratulations to Prime Minister of LPDR
Yangon, 29 March Senior
General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister
of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Mr
Boungnang Vorachith who has been appointed as Prime Minister of the Lao Peoples
Democratic Republic.
General Maung Aye-sends message of congratulations to
Vice-President of LPDR
Yangon, 29 March- General Maung Aye, Vice -Chairman of the State-Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message d congratulations Excellency
Lt-General Choummaly Sayasone who has been elected as Vice-President of the Lao People's
Democratic Republic.
( 2 ) Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe receives Vice-President of
Lao PDR Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone and party
Yangon, 29 March- Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services Senior General Than Shwe received Vice-President of the Lao Peoples
Democratic Republic Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone and delegation members, currently here to
pay a goodwill visit, at the Credentials Hall of Pyithu Hluttaw Building on Pyay Road at 3
pm today.
Also present at the call were
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, Deputy
Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Minister for Commerce
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Director of Supply and
Transport Brig-Gen Than Htay of the Ministry of Defence and Director-General Thura U Aung
Htet of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The Vice-President of
Lao PDR and party were accompanied by Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham.
( 3 ) Vice -Chairman of State
Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye receives Vice- President of Lao Lt-.Gen
Choummaly Sayasone and party

Yangon, 29 March- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union
of Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in Chief (Army) General
Maung Aye received Vice President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Lt-Gen Choummaly
Sayasone and delegation members, currently here to pay a goodwill visit, at the Zeyathiri
Beikman Tatmadaw Hall on Konmyinttha at 11 am today.
Also present at the call were Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win
Myint, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister
for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung , Director of
Supply and Transport of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Than Htay and Director-General
Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department. The Vice-President of Lao PDR and delegation
members were accompanied by Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San host banquet in
honour of Vice-President of Lao PDR and wife and delegation members
Yangon, 29 March- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union
of Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General
Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San hosted a banquet at Zeyathiri Beikman Hall on
Konmyint-tha in honour of Vice-President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Lt-Gen
Choummaly Sayasone and Madame Keosaychay Sayasone and delegation members, currently here
to pay a goodwill visit, this evening. At 6.30 pm, visiting Vice-President of Lao PDR
Lt-Gen Choummaly Saya-sone and Madame Keo-saychay Sayasone and delegation members arrived
at the Zeyathiri Beikman Hall where they were welcomed by Deputy Prime Minister Minister
for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla.
Afterwards, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General
Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San hosted a banquet at Zeyathiri Beikman Hall in honour of
Vice-President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone and
Madame Keosaychay Saya-sone and delegation members at 7 pm. Also present at the banquet
were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and wife Daw Khin Cho Oo,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen
Kyaw Than and wife, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla and
wife, Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife, Minister for Commerce
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife, senior
military officers of the Ministry of Defence and their wives and officials of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs. The guests were accompanied by Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham
and wife and staff of the embassy. Before and during the banquet, artistes of Fine Arts
Department of Ministry of Culture presented variety of songs, music and dances.
( 4 )
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives President of Daewoo
Int'l Ltd

Yangon, 29 March-Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt received President of Daewoo International Corporation Mr Tae Yong Lee and party,
who were currently here, at the guest house of Defence Services at 5 pm today. Also
present at the call together with the Secretary-1 were Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung, Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister at the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel and Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win
Aung. Matters related to bilateral co-operation and promoting investment between the two
countries were discussed.
Secretary-1 receives Malaysian Minister of Education

Yangon, 29 March- Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt received Chairman of Council of Ministers of Education of ASEAN member nations
Minister of Education of Malaysia Tan Sri Dato Seri Musa bin Mohamad and party at the
Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 9 am today. Also present at the call were Minister
for Education U Than Aung and Ambassador of Malaysia Dato' Muhammad Bin Noh.
( 5 ) Leading Committee for Observance of 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day holds work appraisal meeting
Yangon, 29 March- The Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary of Armed
Forces Day held a work appraisal meeting at Pyidaungsu Hall at Kyaikkasan Grounds this
morning with an address by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present were members of the Leading Committee, Chairman of the Management
Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and
members, ministers, members of the work committee, chairmen and member of various
sub-committees, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min and commanders of parade columns,
the joint parade commanders, battalion commanders and company commanders. The Secretary-3
made a speech. Then, the chairmen and officials of various committees reported on work
done by the the respective committees. The officials of Myanmar Police Force, Fire
Services Department and Myanmar Red Cross Society reported on their participation in the
56th Anniversary Armed Forces ceremony for year 2001. The meeting ended with concluding
remarks by the Secretary-3.
Lao PDR Vice-President arrives
Yangon, 29 March - A goodwill delegation
led by Vice-President of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Lt-Gen Choummaly
Sayasone and wife Madame Keosaychay Sayasone arrived here by air this morning on a
goodwill visit to the Union of Myanmar.
They were welcomed on arrival at Yangon
International Airport by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen
Tin Hla and wife Daw Win Kyi, member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than and wife, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife, Minister for Foreign
Affairs U Win Aung and wife, Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet,
department heads of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham and wife and embassy staff.
of Lao PDR visits Defence Services Museum
Yangon, 29 March - A goodwill delegation led by Vice-President of the
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone, visited the Defence
Services Museum on Shwe-dagon Pagoda Road this evening.The visiting Vice-President of Lao
PDR and members of the goodwill delegation, accompanied by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen
Pyi Sone, Director of Supply and Transport Brig-Gen Than Htay and officials arrived at the
museum at 5 pm.On arrival at the museum, they were welcomed by Commandant of Defence
Services Museum and Historical Research Institute Col Ye Htut and officials.
The Lao PDR guests viewed the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative
Exhibition booths at the museum. The visiting Vice-President of Lao PDR signed in the
visitors book and left there.
Madame Keosaychay Sayasone, wife of Laos
Vice-President, visits Women Development Centre, Maternal and Child Welfare Association

Yangon, 29 MarchMadame Keosaychay Sayasone, wife of
Vice-President of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic HE Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone,
and party, together with Daw Aye Pyi Wai Khin, wife of Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi
Sone, visited Women Development Centre in Thanlwin Street, Bahan Township, this morning.
They were welcomed there by
Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Working Committee for Womens Affairs Professor
Dr Daw May May Yee, Secretary Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing
and members.Prof Daw May May Yee explained facts about the centre to them at the
parlour.Then, Madame Keosay-chay Sayasone and party observed painting, weaving, kniting,
tailoring and sale centre of WDC.Madame Keosaychay Sayasone signed in the visitors
book.At 3 pm, Madame Keosaychay Sayasone and party arrived at Multi-Purpose Building of
Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (Central), corner of Thanthumar Road and
Parami Road, South Okkalapa Township, where they were welcomed by Chairperson of MMCWA
Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and CEC members.

Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe explained facts about the Association to
them.Madame Keosaychay Sayasone signed in the visitors book.Madame Keosaychay
Sayasone and party viewed photos of activities of the Association.Madame Keosaychay
Sayasone and party later visited Child All-round Development Centre, Cookery Course and
Tailoring Course of Domestic Science School, and Diagnostic Room for women at the
( 6 ) Hospital Management Diploma Course concludes
Yangon, 29 March - Hospital Management
Diploma Course No 4 of the Medical Science Department concluded at the meeting hall of MSD
this afternoon with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
The minister said the courses are being opened with the aim of
utilizing the qualified internal forces of the country to the utmost degree in upgrading
the standard of hospitals, which play a vital role in public health care.On the basis of
primary health care tasks, the Ministry of Health laid down and is implementing the
national health plan to uplift the standard of health of the entire nation in accord with
the national health policy.
In implementing the project, efforts are being made to bring equal
primary health care to major towns as well as to villages and border areas. In other
words, it is intended to narrow the gap of health between towns and villages.A hospital
should offer satisfactory conditions and environs and an effective treatment system for
patients. The ministry is providing modern medical equipment and skilled physicians to all
hospitals in accord with its policy.The Speciality Units which have been opened in
Mandalay are successfully performing various surgical operations. The health sector is
developing significantly with the assistance of the State.
Systematic management, leadership and maintenance are required to
ensure continuous improvement of the standard of hospitals.In accord with the guidance of
the Head of State, the health sector project running from 2000 to 2003 covered by the
four-year special national education promotion programme was laid down and has been
implemented with the aim of making sure that the nations standard of medical studies
and health care is on a par with that of the advanced ASEAN nations.
The minister urged trainee doctors to nurture themselves to become
skilled medical superintendents, to effectively apply their knowledge gained at the course
in their practical field in order to fulfil the health requirements of the people in
accord with the changing political, economic and social conditions.Also present were
Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of departments under the
ministry, deputy directors-general, rectors, directors, medical superintendents, the
course chairman, instructors and trainees.Altogether twenty-three doctors attended the
six-month course.
Child All-round Development Centre
2000-2001 academic year over
Yangon, 29 MarchA ceremony to mark the completion of the
2000-2001 academic year of the Child All-round Development Centre, opened by Myanmar
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, was held in conjunction with the presentation of
the variety concert at the Multi-Purpose Building of MMCWA, at the corner of Thanthumar
Road and Parami Road, South Okkalapa Township, this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairperson of the Association Professor
Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members, members of the
Supervisory Committee, teachers, school children and their parents and
guests.Joint-Secretary Dr Daw Nwe Nwe Oo acted as master of ceremonies. Prof Daw Kyu Kyu
Swe made a speech and then presented certificates to school children through respective
teachers.Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe also presented souvenirs to the school children who will
join the primary school for the 2001 academic year through the teachers. The school
children entertained those present with variety dances. Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win
Shwe presented gifts to the school children who took part in the entertainment programme.
( 7 ) Minister
meets GM of Traders Hotel
Yangon, 29 March Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met General Manager Mr Raymond Bragg and party of the Traders
Hotel at his office this aftenoon.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen
Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U Nyunt Aye of the Directorate of Trade, Managing Director U
Min Hla Aung of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading, Deputy Director-General U Thein Lwin
of Border Trade Department and officials.
meets Minister Counsellor (Commercial) of Thai Embassy
Yangon, 29 March Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met
Minister Counsellor (Commercial) of the Thai Embassy Mr Sriwat Suwarn and party at his
office at 1 pm today.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan,
Director-General U Nyunt Aye of the Directorate of Trade, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung
of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading and officials.
Minister receives Japanese entrepreneurs
Yangon, 29 March- Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein met
President Mr Shunichi Takenaga and party of Daimex International Co Ltd of Japan at his
office at 12.30 pm and Chairman of Japan-Myanmar Economic Cooperation Co Ltd Mr Shigemoto
Okuda and party of Japan at 1.30 pm today. Also present at the calls were Director-General
U Kyaw Lwin of the Directorate of Livestock and Fisheries, Director-General U Than Tun of
Fisheries Department and Head of Office U Myint Shwe.
for CPT receives local and foreign guests
Yangon, 29 March Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin met Chairman U Soe Win of Myanmar
Fisheries International Joint Venture Ltd and Executive Director Daw Kyawt Kyawt Lwin at
his office at 10 am today.They discussed communication matters related to International
Fish Market and Fish Jetty in Myeik.Similarly, the minister received Vice-President Mr
Carmel Dahan and party of Telrad Ltd at 11 am.Also present at the calls were Managing
Director U Maung Maung Tin of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and officials.
Agreements for exchange of notes signed
Yangon, 29 March- A ceremony to sign the
agreements for exchange of notes on the improvement of equipment for Yangon General
Hospital project and on the rural drinking water supply in Shan State project was held at
the meeting hall of National Health Committee of the Ministry of Health on Pyidaungsu
Yeiktha Road this evening. Present were Minister at the State Peace and Development
Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy
Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw
Tin, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General Col Myo Myint of
Development Affairs Department, officials, the deputy director-general of Foreign Economic
Relations Department, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori, Resident Representative of
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Mr Toshimichi Aoki and officials.
\First, Minister Brig-Gen Abel and
Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori signed to provide ¥ 624 million for the Memorandum of
Understanding on the improvement of equipment for Yangon General Hospital project and
exchanged the agreements. Then, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Ambassador Mr Shigeru
Tsumori signed to provide ¥ 225 million for the MoU on the rural drinking water supply in
Shan State project and exchanged the agreements. Later, Minister Brig-Gen Abel, Minister
Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori gave speeches.
Japanese youths visit Latha BEHS-2
Yangon, 29 March- A Japanese youth delegation comprising nine students together with
three members of Supervisory Committee led by Mr Shinichiro Muta of the Executive
Committee for Organizing Asian Pacific Children's Convention-APCC in Fukuoka, Japan,
visited No 2 Basic Education High School, Latha Township, this morning. The study group
observed skill demonstration of the students of No 2 BEHS. The Japanese youths were served
with lunch. The 16-member Japanese youth group comprising four supervisors and 12 students
arrived here on 27 March evening. One supervisor and three students are staying at the
houses of the students of BEHS in Pathein and touring the town; the remaining members of
the Japanese youth group are visiting Yangon. A welcoming ceremony was held at No 2 BEHS,
Sangyoung Township, for the visiting Japanese youths.
( 8
) Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image crowded with devotees
Yangon, 29 March-Members of the Sangha, devotees and pilgrims were seen making
donations at the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image at Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township today. Stone Sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons, the
engineers and workers of Buildings Construction Special Project Group-2 of Public Works,
Myanmar Handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group were carrying
out decoration and construction tasks. Patron of Maternal and Child Welfare Association of
the Ministry of Industry-2 , Daw Moe Moe Myint, wife of Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen
Saw Lwin and members, and Day Nursery Centre of MCWA donated K 20,000 towards the trust
fund of the Image. Bookshops of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of
Information sold various kinds of books on knowledge and aesthetics. Donation Centre is
opened daily and donations made by the public have amounted to K 162,932,909 from 5 August
2000 to date.
Project Management Unit Meeting on Secure Water Supply in Dry
Yangon, 29 March - The second Project Management Unit Meeting on Secure Water Supply in
Dry Zone to be implemented jointly by the Department of Development Affairs and Japan
International Co-operation Agency (JICA) was held at the Summit Parkview Hotel this
morning. Present at the meeting were Director-General of DDA Col Myo Myint and officials
from DDA, JICA, Badge Asia Japan and Japanese Embassy. Director-General Col Myo Myint gave
an opening speech. The officials of JICA and BAJ presented the proposed plan for the year
2001-2002. The three-year project was carried out with effect from July 2000. New
tube-wells have been drilled and 12 old tube-wells have been rehabilitated to supply water
for over 18,000 rural people. New tube-wells will be drilled in 17 villages next year.
Existing wells and pumps will be renovated and underground water survey will be carried
out in 11 villages to supply water to 27,000 rural people.
UMFCCI and PRC delegation seek areas of
economic promotion
Yangon, 29 March Members of Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and a Chinese delegation discussed
promotion of investment, economy and trade this afternoon at UMFCCI.The discussions with
the 15-member delegation led by Director Mr Long Baohua of Industrial Department of Hong
He Province, the Peoples Republic of China, were also centred on mineral exploration
including tin, copper, and zinc, farm machinery manufacturing and trade and sugar
production and trade.UMFCCI members including executives were led by Adviser of the
Federation Dr Kyaw Htin, Vice-President U Htein Win and U Win Aung and General Secretary U
Zaw Min Win.
Two Japanese professors also visited the Federation in the morning and
held discussion with UMFCCI members on the condition of the Federations sister
enterprises and a visit programme to export-oriented agro-based industries and garment
factories.The UMFCCI team which met the professors, Dr Minoru Kiryu of Osaka Sangyo
University and Dr Johzen Takeuchi of University of Nagoya, were led by Dr Kyaw Htin, U Win
Aung and U Zaw Min Win.
Malaysian Education Minister visits SEAMEO Regional Centre for
History and Tradition
Yangon, 29 March-A five-member education delegation led by Chairman of Council of
Education Ministers of ASEAN nations Minister of Education of Malaysia Tan Sri Dato Seri
Musa bin Mohamad arrived at SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition on Pyay Road
this noon.
They were welcomed there by Director of SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and
Tradition and Director-General of Universities Historical Research Department Daw Ni Ni
Myint and officials. Daw Ni Ni Myint explained the work being carried out and future
programmes to the delegation. The Malaysian Education Minister and party visited the
centre. Then, the Malaysian Education Minister and party arrived at New Century Resource
Centre, Resource Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts in the afternoon.
Rector of Yangon Institute of Education U Han Tin and Librarian of University Central
Library Daw Tin Phone Nwe explained facts about the centre. Minister for Education U Than
Aung hosted dinner in honour of the Malaysian Education Minister and party at Traders
Hotel .
school level completion certificate presented
Yangon, 29 March According to
the education promotion programmes of the Union of Myanmar, the high school level
completion certificate presentation ceremony for 2000-2001 academic year was held at Basic
Education High School No 6 on Minye Kyawswa Road in Ahlon Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were Staff Officer U Hla Myint of BED No 3
(Yangon City) and officials, Assistant Township Education Officer U Soe Myint,
Headmistress Daw Khin Pyone Cho and teachers, students who completed the lessons of tenth
standard and parents. At the ceremony, the headmistress explained the purpose of the
certificate presentation cere-mony and presented ceri-tificates to 198 students.
Similarly, the high school level completion certificate presentation
ceremony was held at Tamway BEHS No 1 this morning. At the ceremony, Headmaster U Win Maw
presented certificates to 270 students who completed lessons of tenth standard.Likewise,
BEHS No 6 of Botahtaung Township held the similar ceremony this morning. In Dagon
Township, Dagon BEHS No 2 held the high school level completion certificate presentation
ceremony this morning. At the ceremony, certificates were presented to 360 students.
inspects Mandalay Central Railway Station
Yangon, 29 MarchAccompanied by officials, Minister for Rail
Transporation U Pan Aung inspected construction of offices, rest rooms, security offices,
and installation of electrics, communications and water/sewage on the ground floor of
Mandalay Central Railway Station on 27 March. He also inspected ticket booths, shops and
car parks on the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor, the
fifth floor and the sixth floor, and left instructions on the use of the ground and first
floors in the third week of April and shifting of work of acting ticket booths.
Tree planting festival held in Mingaladon Station
Yangon, 29 March-Under the supervision of Yangon Command, the tree planting festival of
Mingaladon Station was held at Central Supply and Transport Battalion in Mingaladon
Township yesterday morning, attended by Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan
Hsint. Also present on the occasion were Yangon Station Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint,
station commanders of Hmawby and Indaing Stations, senior military officers of Yangon
Command, commanding officers of regiments and units of Mingaladon Station and families of
Tatmadawmen, officials of Yangon Division Forest Department and Myanma Agriculture Service
and guests. Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint gave instructions on planting trees in
the respective military stations.
Assistant Director U Myo Win of Yangon North District Forest Department explained the
advantages of nurturing saplings and planting trees and arrangements for planting 1.2
million of trees in Yangon Division in 2001 tree planting season and Mingaladon Station
Commander Lt-Col Win Naung on the purpose of the holding the tree planting festival and
nurturing saplings in the regiments and units. Then, the Insein Township Forest Department
Staff Officer and party demonstrated on preparations for plating trees. Afterwards, the
Deputy Commander and officials sowed tamarind seeds and planted toddy palms and inspected
plantations of families of regiments and units. A total of 119,875 saplings have been
nurtured in Mingaladon Station, so far. After the ceremony, the deputy commander and party
inspected raising of 1,000 layers with the use of battery cage by Maternal and Child
Welfare Association of the battalion.
( 9
) Medicines and medical equipment donated to MH
Yangon, 29 March-Honourning the Tatmadawmen, hoteliers and tourism operators donated
medicines and medical equipment to No 2 Military Hospital (500-bed) at the hospital this
morning. Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye
Myint Kyu, Commandant of the hospital Col Min Naing, specialists and wellwishers. Managing
Director of Exotissimo Travel Co Ltd Daw Su Su Tin explained the purpose of the donation.
Commandant Col Min Naing accepted the donations and spoke words of thanks.
Han Golf Masters New Generation Golf Championship opened
Yangon, 29 March-The opening ceremony of Han Golf Masters New Generation Golf
Championship organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and sponsored by Pan-West and Han Golf
Masters Pte Led was held at Silvery Course of YCDC Golf Course this morning, attended by
President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi, executives, Secretary
of Myanmar Professional Golfer's Association U Chan Han and executives, distinguished
guests and golfers. The participants took position at 1st tee and President Brig-Gen Win
Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi, Executives U Ko Ko Lay of PGA formally opened the
After the first round, Lin Moe Tun was leading with 49 strokes, and the runners-up were
Ye Myat Win with 50 and Okkar Oo with 51 in under 10 years level. Yan Myo Aye was leading
with 36 strokes, followed by Nay Bala Win Myint with 42 in 11-12 years level. Tin Win
Maung and Nyein Chan Soe tied at the third place with 44 each. In 13-14 years level, Phyo
Teza Aung stood at the first place with 84 strokes, followed by Tun Lin with 85 and Yan
Naing Phyo with 90. In ladies division, Miss Ji Hyui of Korea was leading with 78 strokes.
The runners-up were Sandi Toe Saung of Korea with 129 and Yadanar Moe with 139. Decker
Htet Doe stood first with 80 strokes in 15-17 years level. Aung Ko Htaik, Bo Bo Lay, Naing
Naing Lin, Thet Zaw Htwe and Kyaw Kyaw Aung shared the second place with 82 each. With the
aim of promoting Myanmar golf standard and turning out new generation golfers, Star
Ice-Cream, Canon, Rapier, Wilson and City Golf Resort also sponsor the tour. The second
round of the tour continues tomorrow.
140,000 stimulant tablets seized in Muse
Yangon, 29 March-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, on 11 March this year, waiting at Swunsaw
Ward, Muse Township, Shan State (North), stopped and searched a Nissan pick-up with number
plate 2Ka/2898 and arrested driver Kyauk Kyin Gan, son of U Kyauk Man, of Ward 7, near
Great Wall Junction, Lashio, together with 140,000 stimulant tablets bearing the letters
" WY". Action was taken against him under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law.