( 1 ) Htidaw of Gandakuti Taik hoisted
Yangon, 28 March - The htidaw hoisting ceremony of Gandakuti Taik of t Myotha monastery
near Myotha Village in Kyaukse Township was held there on 26 March morning.
Present were 40 members of the Sangha led by Vice-Chairman of Mandalay Division Sangha
Nayaka Committee Bhaddanta Aloka, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife, Chairman of Kyaukse
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi , Shein, officials, wellwishers and
residents. Moekaungtaik Dedaye Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sumana administered the Five
Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited the parittas. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife
presented seinbudaw and hnetmyatnadaw to the Dedaye Kyaung Sayadaw.
Officials presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Then, the Dedaye Kyaune
Sayadaw delivered a sermon. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Yaydaw Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Pannavamsa sprinkled scented water on the seinbudaw, hnetmyatnadaw and tiers of
Shwehtidaw. After the ceremony, the Commander and party offered "soon" to
members of the Sangha. The Commander and party then inspected Kyaukse-Pyauk-seikpin road
and construction of Kyaukse Cement Factory and gave instruction to officials.
Chinese monks conclude studying at SPSU
Yangon, 28 March- A total of five monks from the People's Republic of China left here
for home by air this afternoon, after studying at the State Pariyatti Sasana University
(Yangon) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. They were seen off at Yangon International
Airport by Rector of the University Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta
Vannita, Pro-Rector (Admin) of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Dr
Hla Pe and officials, and those of Chinese Embassy.
( 2 ) Installation of
microwave links in progress
Yangon, 28 March - Minister for Communications, and Telegraphs Brig- Gen Win In
inspected progress in building a microwave stations and microwave tower and installation
of machines on the 8,871 feet high Thiriruttamma mountain in Tiddim Township, Chin State,
on 24 March. The microwave facilities on the mountain are part of Kalay -
Thiriruttamma-Tiddim microwave link which is included in the project to improve the
communication on system an the west bank of Ayeyawady
River and border areas. In Tiddim, the minister met departmental personnel and
townselders, saying, Kalay - Thiriruttamma-Tiddim microwave link is being installed to get
the town accessible to the microwave link system, falter opening of the link, Tiddim will
be able to make local and foreign calls easily; over US $ 1.43 million have 'been spent in
building the link. He urged officials to strive for soonest completion of the link. The
minister then inspected the telephone exchange in the town. The next day, he inspected
erection of a microwave tower and station and preparations being made to install machines
on a 3,069,foot high mountain in Mawlaik Township. The facilities are included in Kalay-Tamu
microwave link project.
In Tamu, he looked into the requirements in installing the town microwave station,
tower and machinery, During inspection of satellite ground station, phone exchange and
Post and Telegraphic Office, the minister heard a report on operations of the respective
divisions presented by officials help of charts. At the auto-exchange station in Kalay
Township, the minister heard a report on in, stallation of auto 1ines and extension
programmes. The minister also visited the town Post and Telecommunication Office. He was
accompanied by officials Myanma Post and Telecommunication duing the tour.
Minister inspects timber extraction work in Bago, Mandalay
Yangon, 28 March- Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, accompanied by officials,
left for Bago Division (East) by car on 25 March. The minister arrived at
Sittaung/Oakphyat and Myesay timber extraction camps in Pyu Township and met with heads of
Forest Departments in Nyaunglebin and Toungoo Districts. He gave instructions on taking
action against illegal 'timber extraction.
Then, he inspected Thagaya, Shwepyiaye and Phayagon timber extraction camps.
Afterwards, he inspected special teak plantations in Saingya forest reserve. He headed for
Pyinmana, Mandalay Division, and left instructions on timber extraction in southern and
northern parts of Pyinmana. He next inspected timber extraction camp in Yeni, Kayin State,
Myanma Timber Extraction Enterprise in Yedashe Township and Nanchun Training Centre. He
left instructions on timber extraction of Thandaung region in Kayin State. The minister
arrived back here yesterday evening.
Road show presentation on Myanmar International Fish Auction
Yangon, 28 March- A road show presentation on Myanmar International Fish Auction Market
of Myanmar Fisheries International Joint Venture Ltd (MFIJV) was held at Sedona Hotel on
26 March. Present were Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Minister
for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, the directors-general and managing
directors under the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, officials of MFIJV. fisheries
entrepreneurs and guests.
Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Chairman of MFIJV U Soe Win spoke and
Vice-Chairman Mr Jean Pichon of MFIJV extended greetings. Managing Director of MFIJV Mr
Jean Robert Behar explained points about the MFIJV. Executive Director Daw Kyawt Kyawt
Lwin reported on measures undertaken at the market. Officials of MFIJV replied to
questions raised by those present.
( 3 ) Military Attaches visit
Armed Forces Day Exhibition
Yangon, 28 March- Military Attaches of foreign embassies in Myanmar and their families
together with responsible officials visited the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Exhibition at Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road . this morning.
Deputy Chief of the Office of the Strategic Studies Deputy Director of Defence Services
Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win extended greetings to the military attaches at the hall of
the museum and Director of fence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute Col Ye
Htut briefed them on display of the exhibition. Dean of Military Attaches Military Attache
Col Phanh Soqephachanh of Lao People s Democratic Republic spoke words of thanks.
Afterwards, they posed for documentary photos with the officials and left there.
National Seminar on drug control held
Yangon, 28 March- A ceremony to open National Seminar on Development of Institutional
Capacity for Demand Reduction Among High Risk Group AD/RAS/ 98/C 75 co-sponsored by
Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia signatories of Memorandum of
Understanding on cooperation in the fight against Narcotic Drugs in the sub-region, and
UNDCP was opened at the meeting hall of Myanmar Literary Resource Centre on Pyay Road here
this morning, with an address
by Chairman of the Central Work Committees of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse
Control Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung. Also present on the
occasion were directors general of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of
Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Information and directors,
Representative of UNDCP in Yangon Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Planning Manager Mr Marc Morival,
officials and others. The Supervisory Body wi11 focus on the techniques for the project.
The two seminar is being attended by 30 trainees from Health Department, Social Welfare
Department, Myanmar Red Cross Society and Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Associations.
Chairman of Council of Education Ministers of SEA nations
Minister of Education of Malaysia arrives
Yangon, 28 March- At the invitation of Minister for Education U Than Aung, a
five-member education delegation led by Chairman of Council of Education Ministers of
South East Asia nations Minister of Education of Malaysia Tan Sri Dato Seri Musa Bin
Mohamad arrived here yesterday. The delegation was welcomed at the airport by Deputy
Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, the directors-general of departments under the
Ministry of Education and officials of Malaysian Embassy.
Construction Minister inspects roads and bridges
Yangon, 28 March- Minister for
Construction, Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by responsible officials, inspected
construction sites at mile posts No 12/0 and 14/6 on Taungup-Ma-I road where Deputy
Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut reported on work done, on 25 March morning. After
giving instructions there, the Minister asked the officials to choose new construction
site for the bridge between mile posts No 19/7 and 20.
Then, the Minister and party proceeded to Tamu bridge project. The Deputy
Superintending Engineer reported on work done to the Minister who attended to the needs. H
e assigned duties of construction of approach bridge to Road Construction Special Group-8
and gave instructions on completion of the tasks in time and carrying out the tasks
simultaneously and inspected the site. The Minister arrived in Ma-I bridge project and
attended to the needs. He also inspected work done at the site of Ma-I-Sane section of
Ma-I-Kyaukphyu road.
Afterwards, the Minister attended to the requirements of the worksite of
Padaung-Taungup road and gave instructions on renovation of Okshipbin-Phetye-Myanaung
road. On 26 March, the Minister and party inspected Phetye-Yekyi road, and arrived ,back
here in the evening.
( 4 )
Education Minister meets Malaysian counterpart
Yangon, 28 March- Minister for Education U Than Aung met Chairman of Council of
Ministers of Education of ASEAN member nations Minister of Education of Malaysia Tan Sri
Dato Seri Musa Bin Mohamad and party at the Trade Centre of Myanma Timber Enterprise this
They discussed matters related to
educational cooperation among ASEAN nations. Also present at the call were Deputy
Ministers for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, and directors-general of
the departments under the ministry. Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt reported on reforms on
education system and academic matters in higher education sector, history of SEAMEO
Regional Centre for History and Tradition and the director-general of No 1 Basic Education
Department on,educational functions on basic education sector. Educational cooperation
between the, two countries was also discussed. Also present at the seminar were
directors-general of departments and chairmen of boards under the ministry and rectors.
Minister inspects Shwenyaung-Taunggyi Rail Road
Yangon, 28 March- Minister for Rail
Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected ground levelling on 180ft
hill on Shwenyaung-Taunggyi Rail Road on 25 March. The next day, the minister met
engineers and officials at the briefing hall of Banyin-Saik Khaung work site office.
Minister U Pan Aung gave instructions to officials and inspected the axis of Saik
Khaung-Punchaung railroad and site chosen for construction of Punchaung bridge and Alin
and Ahmaung caves along the railroad. The minister also inspected construction of
Banyin-Saik Khaung railroad- and looked into the requirements.
( 5 ) Cash and kind donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 28 March- A ceremony to donate
cash and kind to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the hall of
the association at the corner of Thanthuma Street and Parami Road in South Okkalapa
Township this afternoon. It was attended by Chairperson of MMCWA Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe,
Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members and wellwishers.
Dr Ye Naing Win and wife presented K 500,000 for Breast Cancer Clinic of MMCWA, on
behalf of Myanmar doctors in foreign countries, wife of Ambassador U Myo Myint to Thailand
Dr Daw Tin Moe Aye four breast models, Saddhammajotikadhaja Thiha Thuddhamma Manijotadhara
U Kyaw Khin Myint (Maung Yint Kyu-Myaungmya)-wife Daw Khin Khin Sein and family 500 books
worth K 65,000 and Proven Technology Co Ltd (Toyo Battery) K 100,000 to Vice-Chairperson
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe who accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to
the donors. Then, Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe expressed thanks.
Cash donated for renovation of ancient Pagodas
Yangon, 28 March- A ceremony to present cash for renovation of ancient pagodas was held
at the Ministry of Culture on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning. Present on the occasion
were Deputy Minister for Culture U. Soe Nyunt, Director-General of Department of Cultural
Institute U Myint Thein Swe, Director-General of Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han,
Director-General of Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win, Rector of University of Culture
(Yangon) U Tin Soe, Rector of University of Culture (Mandalay) U San Win, officials and
Mr and Mrs Raymond Delangle of Hyphens Marking and Technical Service Representative
Office of Singapore and Dr Myint Myint Kyi and family of No sa7, Pyay Road, Kamayut
Township, presented K 500,000 and Ambassador (Retd) Col Maung Maung (Retd) and family of
Padomma Street, Dagon Township, presented K 300,000 to the deputy minister who presented
certificates of honour to them and spoke words of thanks.
Third National Workshop on SEF for Greater Mekong Sub-region
Yangon, 28 Marc- The Third National Workshop on Strategic Environment Framework for the
Greater Mekong Sub-region, organized by the National Commission for Environmental Affairs
(NEC) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) was opened at Hotel Equatorial his morning,
attended by
high-ranking officials from the ministers concerned. Secretary U Aung Bwa of NCEA made
an opening speech. Project leader Mr Vikron Mathur of Stockholm Environmental Institute,
experts from UNEP/RRC-AP the officials from the NCEA and the ministries concerned also
took part in the discussions.
( 6 ) Water
supply project launched in Manpyin.Village Lashio Township
Yangon, 28 March- A ceremony to launch water supply project at Manpyin Village and to
open repaved road on self-reliance basis in Than1win Village was held at Manpyin Village
in Lashio Township on 24 March.
Present were Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Commander of
North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, military officers, Chairmen of
State, District and Township Peace and Development Councils and members, departmental
personnel, officials of Development committee, members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association and local people. Secretary of Village Peace and Development
Council U Sai San Tun presented gifts to the commander and guests. The commander and patty
formally opened thc repaved road and Thanlwin-Hsindaw gravel road.
Deputy Minister leaves for Japan
Yangon, 28 March- Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, at the
invitation of the Government of Japan, left here for Japan by air this morning to study
information services from 28 March until 3 April. The deputy minister was accompanied by
Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise Col Myint Thein.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Information Maj-Gen
Kyi Aung, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay,
Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing
Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Managing Director of Myanma Motion
Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, General Manager of PPE Lt-Col Thet Soe and officials, Head of
Office of the Ministry Capt Soe Aung and officials of Embassy of Japan.
( 7 ) High school level completion certificates presented
Yangon, 28 March- A ceremony to present the basic education high school level
completion certificates for 2000-2001 academic year was held at Dagon Thiri Hall of No 1
Basic Education High School in Dagon Township this morning.
Also present were Minister of Education of Malaysia (Chairman of Council of Education
Ministers of South East Asia nations) Tan Sri Dato Seri Musa Bin Mohamad and members.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, the directors-general of No 1 and No
3 Basic Education Departments, Headmaster U Kyaw Kyaw, Chairman of School Board of
Trustees U Hla Tin, Vice-Chairman of PTA U Khin Maung Lay and executives, teachers,
students and parents. Headmaster U Kyaw Kyaw presented certificates to 730 students who
completed high school level education.
Primary school level completion certificates presented
Yangon, 28 March- A ceremony to present the basic education primary school level
completion certificates for 2000 2001 academic year for the first time was held at Yangon
Institute of Education Practising School this morning under Myanmar's Education Promotion
Present on the occasion were Minister of Education of Malaysia (Chairman of Council of
South East Asia Education Ministers) Tan Sri Dato Seri Musa Bin Mohamad and members,
Director-General of No 1 Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo, Deputy Director-General of
Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) Dr Myo Myint, Rector of Yangon Institute of
Education U Han Tin, Prorector Dr Khin Zaw; heads of departments and officials,
Headmistress Daw Khin Win Aung guests, teachers, schoolchildren and their parents.Headmistress
Daw Khin Win Aung presented certificates to 266 school children. In the afternoon, the
headmistress also presented certificates to 361 school children.
( 8
) Mayor receives Chinese guests
Yangon, 28 March- Chairman of Yangon City
Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received Deputy Director Madame Wu Yuhua of Zeng Zu
Municipal Radio and Television and party, who are currently here at the invitation of
Chairman of YCDC Mayor U Ko Lay, at his office at 7 am today. They cordially discussed'
matters related to co-operation on promoting the standard and development tasks of Yangon
and Zeng Zu Cities. Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of YCDC Vice-Mayor Col
Maung Pa, Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win, committee members, heads of the departments and
( 9
) CEC of MWJA meets
Yangon, 28 March- The Central Executive Committee of Myanmar Writers and
Journalists Association held its 3/2001 meeting at the meeting hall of MWJA Office this
afternoon. Present were Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice- Chairman (1) U
Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha), Vice-Chairman (2) U Than Maung (Than Maung), Secretary U Hla
Tun (Hla Tun -Twantay) and CEC members.
Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) chaired the meeting and CEC member U Khin Swe (Shwe
Son Nyo) acted as master of ceremonies. Chairman U Sa Myaing (Ko Hsaung) made a speech on
the occasion. Secretary U Hla Tun explained work done on the resolutions of previous
meeting. Then, officials of various groups presented progress of their work. CEC members
took part in the discussions. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Chairman U Hla
Myaing ( Ko Hsaung).