( 1 ) Tatmadaw must be capable of defending
the nation at any time and in any era
Our policy places special emphasis on development of friendly and cordial ties with our
neighbouring countries and on cooperation with them for mutual benefit and economic
Lessons from history teach us to act with caution forever National independence can be
lost again with one ill-considered blunder
Yangon, 27 March- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe delivered an address at
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade in the Resistance Park on U Wisara Road here
The following is a translation of the address.
Today is the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, an auspicious day for our nation and
the Tatmadaw. Myanmar's independence was regained due to the Resistance launched by our
Tatmadaw together with the people. Thus, on such a significant historic day, I will tell
you some principal points that have to be told. Comrades,
Just as it had unswervingly discharged the duty of independence struggle, the Tatmadaw,
hand in hand with the entire people, has been safeguarding the regained independence and
sovereignty not to be lost again since the time of independence in 1948 to date.
There emerged internal armed conflicts in our country as soon as independence was
attained. Armed insurrections also occurred due to ideological conflict. Tranquility and
rule of law were jeopardized by the splits in the then ruling party. Moreover, an external
aggression was also encountered. Despite these dangers, the Tatmadaw has defended the
nation, upholding the legacy of its noble traditions.
The Tatmadaw must be capable of defending the nation at any time and in any era. Thus,
it is being built up to become a strong, efficient and modern Tatmadaw in accordance with
our traditions. Comrades,
Ours is a patriotic Tatmadaw born in the history of independence struggle. Never
looking for any privilege, like pay or rations, we defended our country with life and
limb. Being a patriotic Tatmadaw, ours is one that never waits for others' goading to
safeguard our national identity from devastation.
Thus, for our country to endure, we have always upheld Our Three Main National
CausesNon-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of national solidarity and
perpetuation of sovereignty. Glancing back at our history, we find there were frequent
threats of disintegration of the Union. To avoid such dangers, there must be unity among
nationals. If the Union collapses, independence and sovereignty will be lost. That is why,
we have shed so much blood and sweat and sacrificed lives to protect the Union from
disintegration. Comrades,
All the nationals had settled down and lived together in our country even before
history was recorded. It is a state where all the nationals, after moving to greener
pastures, lived together in all regions throughout the country in unity and amity. That is
why all our nationals living in every part in every region within the country must avoid
sectarianism and act with due regard for others. It is essential to nurture Union Spirit,
which is to cherish and value the one and only motherland unitedly with an enduring family
spirit to take part together in the development of the State and to collectively defend
the country.
When solving problems among us, conflict and confrontation will only worsen matters
rather than bring about solutions. Hence, we are practising the principle of harmony as a
Bearing in mind that we live on the same land and have grown up together, I would like
to say that we need to collectively work in building our country with amity.
As for international relations, our country, practising an independent and active
foreign policy- in accordance with the five principles of peaceful coexistence, enjoys
friendly relations with nations of the world. Moreover, our policy places special emphasis
on development of friendly and cordial ties with our neighbouring countries and on
cooperation with them for mutual benefit and economic progress. As this is the time of
nation building in our country, we bear no malice or hostility towards any country and are
indeed determined to foster friendly relations with all nations of the world.
Great caution must be taken in discharging national defence duty so that the
independence, which has been safeguarded for more than 50 years by the Tatmadaw and the
people together, may not be lost. Hence, I wish to say that the " three
training forever, alert forever and combat ready for ever must always be observed.
The Tatmadaw had to take over duties of the State in 1988 for the benefit of the State
and the people. The people were then deprived of security. The security of the State was
likewise in a critical situation. The country was on the verge of disintegration. After
unavoidably taking over dudes of the State, efforts are being made relentlessly to
accomplish the task. The political, economic and social conditions of the State which had
deteriorated had to be rebuilt from scratch. The Tatmadaw has been continually
consolidating the stability and tranquility of the State attained through its efforts.
Although in form the government seems to be military as the Tatmadaw has taken over State
duties, in practice it is building a modern, developed and democratic state which the
people desire. Countries that have long practiced democracy are found to have become
modern, developed, wealthy and industrialized. Their people have high per capita incomes
and well-developed human resources and also cooperate for national interest regardless of
partisan differences.
Thus, measures are being taken for increase.in per capita income and development of
national economy, for national solidarity to be strong and politics to be stable, for
elimination of internal insurgency so that rule of law and tranquility prevail, and for
developing highly qualified human resources in our country as preparatory groundwork for
the emergence of a developed and peaceful democratic state.
In the world today, you will see a number of developing countries facing all kinds of
trouble and misery for having tried to make too hasty a transition to the processes of
democracy without first building the necessary foundations. In our country, too, we
experienced chaos and instability when the multiparty democratic system was put
into practice right after gaining independence before the nation had a chance to become
strong. Lessons from history teach us to act with caution forever. National independence
can be lost again with one ill-considered blunder.
Today we have adopted a market-oriented economic system, in accordance with the wishes
of the people. In the economic sector, a knowledge of economics, an economic outlook and
business competence are necessary for the transition from the centralized to the free
market economy. If we need preparations even for an economic reform, a political
transition will naturally require a higher degree. of sound preparations. The reason is
that without political stability, the economy cannot achieve significant growth.
While measures are being taken to enhance familiarity with the fundamentals of the
market economic system, the State is building the economic infrastructure as rapidly as
possible. Dams, reservoirs, bridges. roads, and factories have emerged all over the
country. These are the undeniable milestones of history that evince the development of the
nation. No one can blindly naysay them given their sheer magnitude and the benefits
realized. These infrastructure developments are a legacy of the nation that generations to
come will utilize for national unity and region-wise economic development.
In our country, a new society that offers better living conditions is being built in -
accordance - with social objectives. In the new century, educational and health
opportunities are being provided with great momentum, keeping abreast with international
The building of good foundations for a new democratic nation is tantamount to
initiating a revolution for the transition
from an old system to a new one. If the implementation is smooth, completion and
success will come sooner. However, in practice, difficulties, obstacles and hindrances
stand in the way and have to be overcome. We need to go forth and build with revolutionary
alertness, revolutionary perseverance, revolutionary courage and unyielding diligence.
Only then can we achieve a peaceful, prosperous, modern and new nation that all of us
desire, making our country a democratic nation where development, stability and
tranquility prevail.
The Tatmadaw is discharging national defence duty and national construction duty
together with the entire people. In carrying out national defence duty, the Myanmar Police
Force, the Myanmar Fire Brigade and the Myanmar Red Cross Society are well-organized and
trained comrades. These organizations of good traditions, with belief in national causes
and unity, are precious sons the country can depend on.
Moreover, the Myanmar War Veterans Association has been reorganized. As Myanmar war
veterans, comprised of all nationals, have experiences of sacrifice and straightforward
and honest character, they are already strongly imbued with Union Spirit based on
comradeship. This prestigious organization firmly
democratic nation where development, stability and tranquility prevail.
The Tatmadaw is discharging national defence duty and national construction duty
together with the entire people. In carrying out national defence duty, the Myanmar Police
Force, the Myanmar Fire Brigade and the Myanmar Red Cross Society are well-organized and
trained comrades. These organizations of good traditions, with belief in national causes
and unity, are precious sons the country can depend on.
Moreover, the Myanmar War Veterans Association has been reorganized. As Myanmar war
veterans, comprised of all nationals, have experiences of sacrifice and straightforward
and honest character, they are already strongly imbued with Union Spirit based on
comradeship. This prestigious organization firmly established with these veterans of vast
military experience and zealous Union Spirit, will ardently strive for the benefit of the
The Union Solidarity and Development Association formed with more than 16 million~of
the new generation is the national association which always puts the interests of the
people in the fore. A mass meeting was held in Bagan on 1 January 2000, and Six
Resolutions were laid down. All Tatmadawmen must implement these Six Resolutions as they
have been laid down with firm and accurate aim in the interest of each and every citizen.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is the spirit to sacrifice for the defence
of the nation that has brought us together in the Tatmadaw. As we have pledged to
sacrifice even our lives for the nation and the people, the Tatmadaw has been able to
overcome all hardships and difficulties with perseverance, diligence and zeal. We gladly
take for granted that it is only natural to come by hardships and take risks in our work.
Being imbued with esprit de corps, encompassing amity, attachment and loyalty that
Tatmadawmen have for one another, we are organized and united. That is why our Tatmadaw
stands today as an efficient Tatmadaw which has been able to uphold Our Three Main
National Causes at the risk of our lives.
In implementing national defence and national construction duties, I urge you,
(1) to participate with might and main'
(2) to defend the country with your lives,
(3) to uphold Our Three Main National Causes at the cost of your lives, and
(4) to abide by the Twelve Traditions of the Tatmadaw with "The Brave never
die" morale.
Excerpts from the Address of Senior General Than Shwe
- Being a patriotic Tatmadaw, ours is one that never waits for others' goading to
safeguard our national identity from devastation.
- Glancing back at our history, we find there were frequent threats of
disintegration of the Union.
- When solving problems among us, conflict and confrontation will only worsen
matters rather than bring about solutions. Hence, we are practising the principle of
harmony as a basis.
- As this is the time of nation building in our country, we bear no malice or
hostility towards any country and are indeed determined to foster friendly relations with
all nations of the world.
- I wish to say that the "three forevers"training forever, alert
forever and combat ready forevermust always be observed.
- Although in form the government seems to be military as the Tatmadaw has taken
over State duties, in practice it is building a modern, developed and democratic state
which the people desire.
- Without political stability, the economy cannot achieve significant growth.
( 2 ) Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services Senior General Than Shwe addresses 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade
Yangon, 27 March- The 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Parade was held at the Resistance Park on U Wisara Road today with an
address by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade was held in accord. with the objectives?to
forge national solidarity with Union Spirit; to strive together with the people for the
emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation; to crush together with the people
all dangers threatening the State and to build a modern Tatmadaw of high calibre- to be
able to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye,
Secretary-l of State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic
Studies and Director of Defence Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Chairman of
Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony
Secretary~3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than,
Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister for Military Affairs and Quartermaster-General.Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chief
of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Military
Appointment-General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Defence
Services Inspector General Maj-Gen Lun Maung, Chairman of Work Committee for the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, the
ministers, the deputy ministers, Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) senior officers of the
Ministry of Defence, advisers at the State Peace and Development Council Office, officials
of the State Peace and Development Council Office, ministries, Supreme Court,
Attorney-General's Office, Auditor-General's Office, Office of Civil Service Selection and
Training Board and Yangon City Development Committee, members of National Convention
Convening Commission, members of Information Committee of the State Peace and Development
Council, delegates of Myanmar War Veteran Organization Headquarters, military attaches,
members of Japan Minamikan and Chairman Mr Shigemoto Okuda of Japan-Myanmar Economic
Cooperation Co Ltd and members, Chairman Mr Yasuhiro Izumiya of Japan-Myanmar History and
Cultural Development Association and members, senior officers of regiments and units under
Yangon Command, media persons of News and Periodicals Enterprise, local and foreign
newsmen, correspondents of NHK TV, Fuji TV, Asahi TV and news agencies, members of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council, officers of Myanmar Police Force, officials of
Fire Services Department and Myanmar Red Cross Society, delegates of Myanmar Maternal and
Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Dental Association,
Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, Myanmar Music
Asiayon, Myanmar Motion Pictures Asiayon, Myanmar Thabin Asiayon, Myanmar Traditional
Artistes and Artisans Asiayon, Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs,
Myanmar Women Sports Federation, Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association, the Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, invited Mawgun award winners,
delegates of Union Solidarity and Development Association and trainees and winners of
competitions in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. Tatmadawmen,
members of MPF, Myanmar Fire Brigade and Myanmar Red Cross Brigade who will be
taking part in the marching columns of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade
assembled at Myoma Sports Grounds at 5 am.
At 5.45 am, Parade Adjutant Cmdr Moe Yu
(Navy) presented to Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min nine columns that would march to
the Resistance Park.
Altogether 6,539 members of the Tatmadaw, MPF, Red Cross and Fire
.Brigades participated in the marching columns. A total of 308 Tatmadawmen led by Lt-Col
Hla Myint of Directorate of Signals attended thc parade.
Along the route from Myoma Ground to the Resistance Park, the marching columns were
accorded rousil4 welcome by the families of military units, battalions, 'directorates and
commands, members of USDA, the families of MPF and Fire Brigade, the families of No 11
L1D, Camp Commandant Office of Yangon Command, Phugyi Station, Directorate of Supply and
Transport, Ayeyawady Naval Region Command, members. of MPF and Red Cross Brigade and
nurses, Students of basic education ,schools who waved the miniature flags, presented;
lowers and garlands to the Tatmadawmen.
Singing marching songs, the parade columns entered the Resistance Park through No 1
Gate and took position in the park at 7 am.
The Senior General, accompanied by Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the
56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, arrived at the park
at 7.20 am.
The Senior General was welcomed and ushered to reviewing stand by General Maung Aye,
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admilal Maung Maung
Khin, Lt-Gen Tin Tun and Lt-Gen Tin Hla After the Senior General had taken position on the
reviewing stand, the columns saluted him.
Next, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min presented the columns to the
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.
The Senior General then inspected the columns. The Central Military Band played the
National Anthem while those present saluted the Flag of the Union of Myanmar.
After paying tribute to the fallen leaders and members of the Tatmadaw, the columns
made up of the Tatmadawmen, members of MPF, Red Cross and Fire Brigades took the Four
Then, the Senior General delivered an address.
The columns led by Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min marched past the Senior
General, exited the park through No 1 gate of the Resistance Park and left for Myoma

Then, the Senior General left there and the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade
ended at 8.40 am. Various kinds of flowers are in full bloom in the Resistance Park, venue
of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade. There are archways and banners along the
route. The ten signboards, 30 feet long and 12 feet wide each, described "56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, 27 March 2001" in hailing the Armed Forces Day, were
erected on the corner of Dagon Park, near the Myoma School in the Myoma Sports Grounds, on
the side of U Wisara Road, in the Myoma Sports Grounds, at the corner of Military
Hospital, a¢ the corner of Pyay Road and Shin Sawpu Road, at the corner of Pyat Road and
Bagaya Road near Yadanabon Cinema, Hanthawady Roundabout near Sarpay Beikman, at the
corner of U Wisara Road and Dhammazedi Road ahead Olympic Building, at the corner of Bahan
Sports Grounds and Bahan Roundabout near Motor Transport Battalion.
Similarly, various signboards with mottos of the Tatmadaw in commemoration of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day were erected at the road corners, parks, gardens, roundabouts
along the route. The Resistance Park was illuminated in the evening.
( 3 ) Chairman of State Peace and
Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and
Daw Kyaing Kyaing host Armed Forces Day reception and dinner
Yangon, 27 March- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of'
Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw
Kyaing Kyaing hosted the reception and dinner in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day at Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinttha of Yangon Command Headquarters this
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar
Commander-in Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing
arrived at the reception and dinner at 6.45 pm.
Afterwards, Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw,Kyaing Kyaing cordially rnet
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chie of
Defence Services Commander - in Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies Director of Defence
Services Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Chairman of the Leading Committee for
Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win
Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen
Kyaw Than, Chairman of the Management Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Ceremony Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy
Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Military Affairs and Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla and Dean of
Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr Ly Bounkham and
ambassadors and their wives Charge d' Affaires ai of the embassies and Military Attaches
and their wives member of Japan Minamikan and Chairman of Japan
Myanmar Economic Cooperation Co Ltd Mr Shigemoto Okuda and,members, Chairman of
Japan-Myanmar History and Cultural Development Association Mr Yasuhiro Izumiya and
members, national entrepreneurs, delegates of Union Solidarity and Development Association
from states/divisions.
Also present at the reception and dinner were the ministers, the chief justice, the
attorney-general, the auditor-general, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and
Training Board, the Yangon Mayor, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence and
their wives, senior military officers of Yangon Command; the parade commander and column
commanders, officials of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Services Department and Myanmar Red
Cross Society, local and foreign journalists, departmental heads, members of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Observance Committee, Work Committee and guests.
Before the reception and dinner, variety songs were presented to the audience by Myanma
Athan modern music troupe. During and after the dinner, the Fine Arts Department of the
Ministry of Culture entertained the guests with dances.
( 4 )
Prizes presented to best companies, columns in Armed Forces
Day Parade
Yangon, 27 March- A ceremony to present prizes to best companies and best columns in
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade was held at Myoma Grounds on U Wisara Road
this morning, attened by Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony Adjutant General Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of the Parade Work Committee for Observance
of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen
Win Myint, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Chairman of Security Work
Committee Deputy Commander of Yangon Command' Brig-Gen Hsan' Hsint, Deputy Adjutant
General Col Khin Soe and members of the Parade Work Committee and senior military
The Chairman of the Leading Committee took the salute of the Tatmadawmen, members of
Myanmar Police Force, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross Brigade of respective columns
led by Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min. Then, the Chairman of the Leading Committee
presented prizes to nine military bands of nine columns, Bag-pipe Troupe and Central
Military Band.
Afterwards, the Chairman of the Leading Committee presented the third prize to the
military band of Hsinbyushin Column, the second to the military band of Anawrahta Column,
the first to the military band of Nawade Column; the third prize for marching song to No 3
Company representing Eastern Command, the second for marching song to the company
representing No 99 LID and the first for marching song to the company representing
Directorate of Ordnance; the third prize for military discipline to the company
representing Directorate of Supply & Transport, the second for military discipline to
the company representing Yangon Command and the third for military discipline to the
company representing Directorate of Artillery & Armour, the third prize for parade to
the company representing Directorate of Medical Services, the second for parade to the
company representing Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s Office and the first for parade to the
company representing No 11 LID; the third model prize to the company representing No 77
LID, the second model prize to the armour company representing Directorate of Artillery
& Armour and the first model prize to the company representing Commander-in-Chief (
Navy)'s Office and the best column award to Anawrahta Column. Respective leaders, company
commanders and the column commander accepted the prizes. Next, the AdjUtant General
presented model third prize, model second prize and model first prize to leaders of No 1
Company representing Myanmar Red Cross Brigade, No 1 Company representing Auxiliary Fire
Brigade and No 1 Company representing MPF which participated in the Aung San Column
Later, the Chairman Adjutant-General took the salute of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw
Hla Min, Tatmadawmen, members of MPF, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross Brigade, and
the ceremony came to a close.
( 5 ) Prizes presented to winners in military code of conduct,
extempore talks competitions
Yangon, 27 March- A ceremony to present prizes to winners in the Military Code of
Conduct and Extempore Talks Competitions (Central Level) to mark the 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day was held at the new hall of the Ministry of Defence this morning,
attended by.Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Ceremony Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present on the occasion were senior military officers of Defence Services (Army,
Navy and Air) of the Ministry of Defence, winners in the Military Code of Conduct and
Extempore Talks Competitions (Central Level) and competitors.
At the ceremony, Leading Committee Chairman, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint delivered an address.
Then, the Adjutant-General presented the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's
certificate of honour to BC/ 29420 Lt Kyaw Min Htaik of North-West Command, the first
prize winner at the officer level military code of conduct competition, the Defence
Services Commander-in-Chief's certificate of honour to Ta/ 121639 Under-Officer Tin Aung
Win of No 11 LID, the first prize winner at the WO level, the Defence Services.
Commander-in-Chief's certificate of honour and the promotion order to Navy 23122 PO Thein
Han of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), the first prize winner to the Lt Cpl
to Sgt level, the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's certificate of honour and the
promotion order to Ta/ 20609 Pvt Phyo Maung Hla of the Office of Yangon Command, the first
prize winner at the Pvt level; the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's certificate of
honour to BC/ 29158 Lt Hla Phone of No 33 LID, the first prize winner at the officer level
extempore talks competition, the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's honorary
certificate and the promotion order to No 519802 WOI Win Myint of Western Command, the
first prize winner at the WO level, the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's honorary
certificate and the promotion order to Air/ 24534 Cpl Zaw Moe of the Office of the
Commander-in-Chief (Air), the first prize winner at the L/Cpl to Sgt level, the Defence
Services Commander-in-Chief's honorary certificate and the promotion order to Ta/ 36270
Pvt Ohn Thaung of No 11 LID, the first prize winner at the Pvt I PVP1 Chief of Staff (Air)
Maj-Gen Myint Swe presented first, second and third prizes to Navy/ 23122 PO Thein Han of
the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), Air/ 21045 Sgt Kyaw Zaw of the Office of the
Commander-in-Chief (Air) and Navy 28421 CPO Naing Win of the Office of the
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) at the level from L/ Cpl to Sgt military code of conduct
competition respectively; first, second and third prizes to Ta/ 20609 Pvt Phyo Maung Hla
of Yangon Command, Navy/ 26664 LS Aung Naing of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief
(Navy) and Air/ 26369 Pvt Naing Oo of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air) at the
pvt level respectively.
Military Appointments General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe presented first, second and third prizes
t o BC/ 29158 Lt Hla Phone of No 33 LID, BC/ 31978 2nd-Lt Than Zaw Soe of Kawkareik
Station; and N-634 Lt Moe Thida Aung of South-West Command at the officer level extempore
talks competition respectively; first, second and third prizes to No/ 519802 WOI Win Myint
of Western Command, Ta/ 121630 Under-Officer Chit Ko Ko' Win of No 11 LID and Air/ 22519
Navigator-2 Moe Oo Tun of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air) at the WO level
Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe presented first, second and third prizes to
Air/ 24534 Cpl Zaw Moe of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), No/ 905254 Sgt/Clerk
Sein Than Kyaw of the Camp Commandant's Office of the Ministry of Defence and Navy/ 25569
PO Kyaw San Htwe of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) at the level from L/Cpl to
Sgt extempore talks competition respectively; and first, second and third prizes to Ta/
46270 Pvt Ohn Thaung of No 11 LID, No/ 658184 Pvt Ye Naung of Yangon Command and No/
816729 Pvt Tin Tun of South-West Command at the Pvt level respectively.
( 6 ) Prizes
presented to winners of Armed Forces Day Literary and Art Competition
Yangon, March 27- A ceremony to present prizes to winners of 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Literary and Art Competition was held at Myanyilar Hall of No 2 Basic Education
High School, Latha Township this atternoon, attended by Chairman of Management Committee
for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.
Also present were members of Management Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, members of Literary and Art Competition Organizing
Committee, members of Work Committee for Holding Literary and Art Competitions, members of
Work Committee for Holding Poem and Art Competitions, members of Work Committee for
Holding Literary and Art Competitions for universities, colleges, institutes and basic
education high schools, members of Prize Scrutinizing and Finance Committee, prize winners
and guests.
Prizes were presented to Special Prize winners of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Literary and Art Competition in Yangon Command. Winners in Art Competition were ten in
preprimary division, ten in primary school (junior) division, ten in primary school
(senior) division, nine in middle school division, eight in high school division, four in
open division and 51 special prize winners. Winners in Essay Competition were five in
university, college, institute division, one in high school division and six special prize
winners.- Winners in Poem Competition were two in university, colleges institute division,
one in middle school division, two in long poem division-1, one in short poem division-1,
three in in long poem division-2- and nine special prize winners. Winners in Sculpture
Competition were five in open division (plaster), five in open division (wood) and ten
special prize winners.
Winners in story Competition were 5 in novel (amateur) division, 5 in short story
(amateur) division and six special prize winners. Winners in Article Competition were nine
special prize winners.
-Winners in Colour Photo Competition were two in Nation Building Endeavours
(professional) division, seven 0 in Nation Building Endeavours (amateur) division, seven
in adorable cultural art (amateur) and 16 special prize winners. Winners in Marching Song
Competition were five special prize winners and nine in military songs.
Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces
Day Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented cash awards and
certificates of honour to the winners. Then ceremony came to an end.
( 7 ) Military attaches pay tribute to the Fallen Heroes
Yangon, 27 March - The military attaches of foreign embassies in Myanmar, who attended
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, paid tribute to fallen comrades at the
Memorial to Fallen Heroes after the parade at 9 am today. They were welcomed by Chairman
of Maintenance Committee for the Memorial, Commandant of Defence Services Records Office,
Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint and officers at the Memorial.
The military attaches led by Dean of Military Attaches of Lao People''s Democratic
Republic Col Phanh Sonephachanh paid tribute to the fallen comrades, laid a flower basket
and signed in the visitors book.They posed for documentary photos.
( 8
) Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence of LPDR to visit Myanmar
Yangon, 28 March- At the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military
Affairs of the Union of Myanmar Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
National Defence of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Lt-Gen Choummaly Sayasone will
pay an official visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
( 9
) Photo Exhibition & Book Fair and Market Festival continues
Yangon, 27 March- The Photo Exhibition & Book Fair and Market Festival
2001, continued on the second floor of Yadanabon New Market in Mandalay today.Over 50
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association led by Secretary of Chanmyathazi
Township USDA U Tin Tun visited the exhibition.A total of 14 bookshops sold books worth
K537,990. Altogether 309 people read books at the Sarpay Beikman Library. A total of
15,843 people visited the exhibition.