( 1 ) Government dailies need to improve
news writing and presentation to win public attraction
Yangon, 26 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt met officials, chief editors and staff of the News
and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information at the meeting hall of The New
Light of Myanmar daily on Strand Road this morning.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said the dailies published by the News
and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information play a key role in implementing
the States objectives. It is required for the chief editors, editors and staff at
different levels to work in accord with the policies laid down by the State.
Though the present government is the Tatmadaw government press freedom
is being granted to an appropriate degree; publication of over 100 private periodicals
have been permitted; and publication of new private journals are being permitted As the
reading population in Myanmar is growing, the dailies published by the ministry should be
in accord with the policy guidelines, should be correct and should meet the required
News presentation should be in accord with the time and situation. The
ministry staff should know the importance of the news value in line with the time and
condition. As the staff of NPE are experienced persons in the journalism filed they have
the ability to differentiate between the news which will benefit the nation and the people
and the news which will have bad effect on the nation and the people. They also know the
value and impact of the news. Thus, they should avoid featuring news reports which may
cause ill effects on the nation and the people.
Presentation of the newspapers should be
improved in form and content to win public attraction. Thus, they should strive to add
value and quality to the essence as well as the form of the dailies.As incorrect
translation of a news report or missing of a letter or a word in a news report may lead to
stating an opposite meaning, they should pay serious attention to preventing occurring of
such mistakes. As good impression of news photo is also a strength of a newspaper to win
public attraction, necessary equipment should be provided for the betterment of the news
photos.Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung reported to the Secretary-1 on plans to
improve the quality and standard of the dailies.
Managing Director of NPE U Tin Kha, chief editors and editors explained
work process of the dailies and requirements. Deputy Minister for Information U Thein Sein
and Adviser to the Ministry of Information U Kyaw Min gave supplementary remarks.The
Secretary-1 gave suggestions. He then cordially greeted those present at the meeting.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister for Information
Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Col
Pe Nyein, Director-General of Myanma Radio and TV U Khin Maung Htay, Director-General of
Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing Director of Printing
and Publishing Enterprise Col Myint Thein, Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture
Enterprise U Bo Kyi, directors of NPE, deputy directors, advisers, technicians, chief
editors and deputy-chief editors of the dailies, Myanma News Agency (Internal), Myanma
News Agency (External) and Myanma Alin press, managers, editors and chief reporters.
Accompanied by officials, the Secretary-1 inspected the publications of
NPE reflecting the States policy and vitilizing patriotism as well as the journalism
training hall.Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the computer room and the
press of the New Light of Myanmar. They were conducted round and briefed by Chief Editor U
Maung Maung Aye and Deputy Chief Editor U Thein Htut. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and
party proceeded to Kyemon Daily where they were welcomed there by Chief Editor U Ye Tint
and Deputy Chief Editor U Myint Swe. The Secretary-1 and party inspected computer rooms
and the press.
In the afternoon, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at
the Myanma Alin Daily in Bahan Township and inspected computer rooms and the press. The
Secretary-1 and party were shown round by Chief Editor U Ye Myint Pe and Deputy Chief
Editor U Tin Hlaing. During the inspection of the dailies, the Secretary-1 gave
suggestions on means to improve the quality and standard of the newspapers.
Secretary-1 receives national race leaders
Yangon, 26 March- Chairman of Work Committee for
Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Chairman U Lwe Moung of Shan State (North)
Special Region-3, Vice-Chairman U Nyi Lone of Shan State (North) Special Region-7,
Joint-Secretary U Mahn Thet Phaw of Kayah State Special Region-2, Vice-Chairman U Than Soe
Naing of Kayan Pyithit Party, Chairman U Ta Kaleh of Shan State Nationalities
Peoples Liberation Organization, leader of Mon Pyithit Party U Naing Aung Naing and
Secretary U Naing Yawda and Secretary of SSNA U Kan Ywet at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya
Road at 5.45 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing,
Deputy Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies and Deputy Director of Defence Services
Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Director-General Lt-Col Pe Nyein of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, Head of Department Col Kyaw Thein of OSS and officials.They
discussed matters relating to further strenghtening of Union Spirit and regional
development undertakings.
( 2 ) 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Art Competition and Exhibition
Yangon, 26 March- The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Commemorative Literary and Art Competition and Exhibition was opened at the Tatmadaw
Convention Centre on U Wisara Road this morning.
Present were Chairman of Leading Committee
for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, members of Leading Committee,
Chairman of Management Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chairman of Literary and Art
Competition Committee Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe and members, Chairmen and
members of Literary and Photo Competition Work Committee, Poem and Art Competition Work
Committee, University, College, Institute and Basic Education School Literary and Art
Competition Work Committee, Military Code of Conduct and Extempore Talk Competition,
Prize-Presentation and Finance Work Committee, TV Quiz Work Committee, Twelve Objectives
Computer Quiz Work Committee, members of Union Solidarity and Deve-lopment Association and
Chairman of Leading Committee for
Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint formally opened the competition and
exhibition.Next, Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe formally unveiled the painting of
Shwedaung Battle.The Secretary-3 and party had photo taken with prize-winners.The
Secretary-3 observed prize-winning colour photos, plaster sculpture, wooden sculpture,
statuette, novel, short stories and poems, computer drawings, marching songs and
Secretary-3 presents prizes to 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day booths
Yangon, 26 March- A prize presentation for the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day booths was held at the Defence Services Museum this morning,
attended by Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen
Win Myint.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, senior military officers, members of
committee for prize-presentation of booths, heads of departments, officials of
prize-winning booths, and guests. Staff Officer (Grade II) of Defence Services Museum and
Historical Research Institute Major Kyaw Kyaw Myint reported on prize-presentation of the
Leading Committee and list of prize-winning booths.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint presented prizes to the Ministry of
Construction, Ministry of Industry-1 and Ministry of Rail Transportation, Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation and Ministry of Forestry that stood first, second, third,
fourth and fifth respectively.Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented special prizes
to Ministry of Hotels and Tourism , Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Communications, Posts
and Telegraphs.
Next, Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe presented special prizes
to Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health. Chief of Staff (Navy)
Commodore Soe Thein presented first prize to Northern Command, second to North-East
Command and third to North-West Command.Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo presented
special prizes to Eastern Command, South-West Command and Western Command.Chief of Staff
(Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe presented first prize to Directorate of Ordnance Services, second
to Directorate of Supply and Transport and third to Directorate of Artillery and Armour.
Vice Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win presented special prizes to Directorate of
Signals, Directorate of Training and Directorate of Resettlement.The ceremony ended after
a speech by the Secretary-3.
( 3 ) Aircraft
in Sydney Air Race 2001 stop over at Yangon International Airport
Yangon, 26 March- An international air armada of
aircraft taking part in the London to Sydney Air Race 2001 to mark the Centenary of
Australia landed at Yangon International Airport on 25 March evening after stopping over
in Calcutta, India.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen
Hla Myint Swe and Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint greeted the pilots
Service personnel of the ground service division of Myanma Airways,
staff of the airport security unit, Department of Civil Aviation and the flight fuel unit
of the Ministry of Energy provided assistance to flight plan, tower control plan,
accommodation and ground-handling arrangements and other ariport services to the pilots.
The aircraft left London on 11 March and will complete its journey in Sydney on 8 April.On
the way, the aircraft will fly to the destination passing 17 countries, and will stop over
for 22 times to spend the night and five times for refuelling.
The majority of aricraft in the race are single-engine planes. A total
of 38 aircraft including a competitor helicopter and 32 planes from 10 countries, two
aricraft for TV crew, two staff aircraft, one administration and one reserve aircraft
participate in the race. The winner will pocket a prize money of US$ 150,000.Phukhet,
Thailand, at 7 am today.
The aircraft were seen off at the airport by Minister for Foreign
Affairs U Win Aung and Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Minister for
Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and Ambassador of Australia Mr Travor David
Willison.Officials supervised the aircraft to ensure smooth departure for Phukhet.
Minister inspects production of water pipes,
tanks and pontoons
Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin this morning inspected water pipes and pumps to be sent to
special projects at the main stores of Water Resources Utilization Department in
Ywathagyi, Dagon Myothit North.
The minister inspected large water pipes, motors, pumps, accessories
for pumps and rubber washers to be delivered to new water pumping projects in Sagaing
Division, Magwe Division and Yangon Division.
Then, he inspected steel water pipes, fuel storage tanks, pontoons to
be delivered to water pumping projects, produced by production workshop of maintenance and
supply department. He also inspected production of various sizes of steel water pipes and
left necessary instructions.
( 4 )
Minister meets foreign visitors
Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met Mr Carsten M Glombik
Allianz Aktiengeseell Schaft of Indo German Chamber of Commerce and party at his office at
1 pm today. Similarly, the minister met Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun and
party at the same venue at 2 pm today. Also present at the calls were Deputy Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, directors-general, managing directors and officials.
F&R Minister receives guests from China
Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Finance and. Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received
Vice-Chair man Mr Shen Ning Wu of Dong Feng Motor Corporation of the People's Republic of
China and party at his office at 9 am today. Also present at the call was Director of
Budget Department U Han Shein.
Minister receives Chinese Ambassador

Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received Ambassador of
China Mr Li Jinjun at his office today. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Pro-Rector (Admin) Dr Hla Pe of the International Theravada
Buddhist Missionary University, Director Daw Khin Nwe Han Kyi of the Department for
Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana and Head of Office U Maung Maung Myint.
Minister for PBANRDA receives PRC Ambassador
Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt received Ambassador of China Mr Li Jinjun at his
office at 3 pm today. Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin and
Brig-Gen Than Tun and directors-general of the departments.
Minister receives Indian guests
Yangon, 26, March- Minister for Industry- 1 U Aung Thaung received Managing Director Mr
Jurgen Schubert of Siemens Ltd of Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, which is based in
India, and party at his office at 8 am today. Also present at the call were Deputy
Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing
directors from the departments and Industries
Minister receives UNFPA Director
Yangon, 26 March - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Director of United
Nations Population Fund Dr Sheila Macrae at his office this morning. Also present were
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and officials.
( 5 ) Minister inspects roads and bridges
Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, together with officials,
inspected Yangon-Pathein Highway and Athoak-Yekyi-Ngathaingchaung Road by car on 22 March
On 23 March, he inspected Roe Nyinaung-2 and Gonminyoe Bridge Projects on
Gwa-Ngathaingchaung Road. He also inspected the asphalting of Gwa-Thandwe Section in
Sittway region and gave instructions. On 24 March, he inspected construction of Pyichaung
Bridge on Thandwe-Taungup Road. Then, he inspected land erosion at Kyaukgyi Bridge at Mile
Post 20. He also inspected construction of Taungup-Ma-i Road and Tanlwe Bridge Project.
Roads, bridge opened
Yangon, 26 March- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by Director-General of Development
Affairs Department Col Myo Myint, attended road-opening ceremonies in Kayan and Thongwa
Townships this morning.
First, the minister and party attended the ceremony to open Kwanmodein graval road,
5,100 feet long and 12 feet wide, in Kayan Township. Then, the minister attended the
ceremonies to open Kayan Creek Bridge, repaved Hngetkyaung road, 1,160 feet long and 12
feet wide, and repaved Pyidawtha road, 1,320 feet long and 12 feet wide, in Kayan
Township. Afterwards, the minister and party went to Thongwa and attended road-opening
ceremonies there.
Ro-Ro IV ferry boat launched
Yangon, 26, March- In honour of
Tatmadawmen, a ceremony to launch Ro-Ro IV ferry boat built at Dala Shipyard, Inland Water
Transport, the Ministry of Transport was held at Dala Shipyard this afternoon. It was
attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister at the Prime Minster's
Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Deputy Ministers
Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, departmental heads, officials, guests and employees of
the dockyard. Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe delivered a speech and formally launched the ferry
boat. The ferry boat used to be a timber log carrier. Construction work to change it to a
Ro-Ro ferry began on l December 2000 at a cost of K43.84 million The ferry, 130 feet long,
30 feet wide, 6 feet high can carry 7 trucks and 9 Sedan cars. It is powered by two 250
horse-power out-board engines and can carry 170-ton loads.
Minister inspects Central Fire Services Training School
Yangon, 26 March - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein
Htwa attended presentation of sports equipment to Youth Training School in Mandalay on 24
Accompanied by Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun,
Director-General of Social ; Welfare Department U Sit Myaing and officials, the minister
also inspected women's development centre, youth training school, girls training school
and women's vocational education school. Later, the minister inspected Relief and
Resettlement Department Office in Mandalay. In PyinOoLwin, he visited Central Fire
Services Training School. He then inspected mess hall, kitchen and the tower At 'the
meeting hall, he met trainees of basic fire fighting course and agricultural course.
( 6 ) Minister
inspects training of selected football team
Yangon, 26 March- Chairman of Myanmar
Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint inspected the training of
Myanmar tentatively selected football team, which will take part in the XXI South-East
Asia Games, at Padonma Sports Ground in Sangyoung Township this morning.
Officials of the ministry and coaches reported on condition of training for the SEA
Games to the minister who gave necessary instructions on ensuring success of the team.
USDA membership applications submitted
Yangon, 26 March- CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended a ceremony to submit USDA membership applications at Bahtoo
Hall in Ywangan Township on 24 March. Secretary of Ywangan Township USDA U Moe Tun
reported on works.
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone discussed aims and objectives of the association, future task, making
efforts to become an association on which the State relies and participation in social
affairs. CEC member Brig-Gen Pyi Sone accepted 1,025 membership applications from five
villages. He met departmental officials and townselders at the construction project
office. Brig-Gen Pyi Sone inspected USDA Office. Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone
inspected crops purchase centre of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in Ywangan
Township. He also inspected the site for construction of Township USDA office.
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met officials and USDA members in Pindaya Township and accepted 2,703
membership applications. On 25 March, he accepted 2,310 membership applications in
Nyaungshwe Township. Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone inspected crops purchase centre and
Shweleinmaw rice mill in Nyaungshwe Township.
Repaved roads put back into service in Pazundaung Township
Yangon, 26 March- A ceremony to put back into service repaved roads was held in Wards 8
and 9 in Pazundaung Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko
Lay, CEC members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan
and Col Maung Pa, Secretary of YCDC Col-Myint Aung, Joint Secretary U Kyi Win, member Col
Tin Soe and heads of departments, Commandant to Defence Services Records Office Commander
of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Chairman. of Yangon East District Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi and officials. Mayor U Ko Lay, Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and
officials formally opened the repaved roads. Chairman of the road repaving committee U
Thaung Myint presented a commemorative pennant and gifts to the mayor, Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan
and guests.
USDA members donate blood
Yangon, 26 March - Altogether 163 members of Yangon South District Union
Solidarity and Development Association collectively donated blood at No 2 Military
Hospital this afternoon as a gesture honouring the Tatmadaw members.
Present were Commandant of No 2 Military Hospital Col Min Naing and specialists,
officials, executive of Yangon Division USDA U Min Thein, Secretary of Yangon South
District USDA U Lwin Oo and executives and blood donors. Executive of Yangon Division USDA
U Min Thein explained the purpose of blood donation. Commandant Col Min Naing presented
certificates of honour to the blood donors.
Paper-reading session held
Yangon, 26 March- The paper-reading session of the Feedstuff and Medicine Purchase and
Distribution Sub-committee, was held at Tawwin Hall of Forest Department this morning.
Present were Chairman of Fish and Meat Extended Breeding and Production Minister at the
Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig Gen
Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Chairman of the
Sub-committee for Feedstuff and Medicine Purchase and Distribution Deputy Minister for
Forestry Col Thaik Tun, officials of Myanmar Fisheries Federation and livestock breeding
Chairman Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe gave a speech. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein explained
matters related to production of meat and fish and rural development projects and Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Thaik Tun on livestock breeding and production of feedstuff and
medicines. Then, guests viewed feedstuff and medicines displayed by entrepreneurs.
Afterwards, the paper reading session followed.
( 7 ) Member of MEC Board of Directors meets with German
and Indian Businessmen
Yangon, 26 March - Member of the Board of Directors of Myanma Economic Corporation
Brig-Gen Than Htay met with German and Indian businessmen led by Vice-President of
Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) Mr Schubert at the meeting hall of MEC today. They
discussed matters related to mutual cooperation. Also present were officials of MEC.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel receives delegation of IGCC
Yangon, 26 March- Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office
Brig-Gen Abel met with an eight-member delegation led by Mr Joachim Otto Siemers of
Indo-Germany Chamber of Commerce at his office this morning. Also present were officials
of National AFTA Unit.
'Soon' offered to Sayadaws of State Pariyatti Sasana University
Yangon, 26 March- Under the patronage of Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San, staff
families of the Cottage Industries Department offered 'soon' to 450 members of the Sangha
including the Rector and faculty member Sayadaws of State Pariyatti Sasana University
(Yangon) at Mogok Soonsarhsaung on Kaba Aye Hill this morning.
Present were Rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka- Pandita Bhaddanta Wunnita, Minister
for Cooperatives U Aung San, officials and staff families. Minister for Cooperatives U
Aung San donated provisions to the Rector Sayadaw. Then, the director-general of Cottage
Industries Department presented K 100,000 for 'soon' to Director U Tun Mya Aung of
Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana. Next, the staff families offered
'soon' to 450 members of the Sangha including the Rector and faculty member Sayadaws of
State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon).
Deputy Minister inspects construction of railroad and bridge
Yangon, 26 March- Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin inspected
the project of Donthami Rail-cum-Road bridge and attended to the needs yesterday. At the
briefing hall, the Executive Engineer briefed the deputy minister on progress of the work
and future plans. After inspecting the construction site, the deputy minister met with the
officials and supervisors, and gave necessary instructions on completion of the tasks in
time, quality control keeping of record, maintenance of machinery and application of own
skills effectively.
( 8
) BEHS completion certificates presented
Yangon, 26 March- A ceremony to present high school
level completion certificates for 2000-2001 academic year was held at Pyinnya Yadana hall
of No 4 Basic Education High School in Pazundaung Township this morning. The ceremony was
held under the education promotion programmes of Myanmar. It was attended by Director
(Planning & Finance) U Kyaw Thin of No 3 Basic Education Department (Yangon) of
Ministry of Education, Deputy Director (Education) U Nu and departmental officials,
Headmistress Daw Yi Yi Than, teachers, parents and students. The headmistress delivered a
speech and presented certificates to the students one by one. Then, the students sang the
song "Flowers are blooming." Altogether 127 certificates were presented to the
students in the morning session and 101 in the afternoon.
Armed Forces Day
Exhibition crowded with visitors
Yangon, 26 March- The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition was
opened at Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road at 9 am today.Altogether 686
people and members of the Sangha visited the exhibition which opens from 9 am to 6 pm
High school level completion certificates presented
Yangon, 26 March- A ceremony to present high school level completion completion
certificates for 2000-2001 academic year was held at Aung San Hall of No 1 Basic Education
High School in Ahlon Township yesterday morning.
It was attended by Director-General of No 3 Basic Education Department U Tin Win,
Director (Planning and Finance) U Kyaw Thin, Director (Education) U Khaing Soe, Deputy
Director (Education) U Nu of No 3 Basic Education Department (Yangon) of the Ministry of
Education, Headmistress Daw Khin May Win, members of the school board of trustees,
teachers and parents. The headmistress presented 350 certificates to the students.
New roads opened in Mon State Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 26 March- In honour of the Tatmadawmen, a ceremony to open new roads built on
self-reliance was held in Mudon Township on 24 March. First, Executive Officer U Ba Myint
of Township Development Committee, Chairman U Aye Maung of Village Peace and Development
Council and Chairman of Road Construction Committee U Yin Te formally opened the
l,170-ft-long Zetawun Road built at a cost of K 1,170,000 in Myoma Ward-4; Assistant
Engineer Daw Win Win Kyi, Chairman of Ward Peace and Development Council U Aung Than and
Chairman of Road Construction Committee U Kunbalai, 791-ft-long Main Road-5 built at a
cost of K 1,086,000 in Myoma Ward3; and Director of Mon State Development Affairs
Department U Nyo Win Myint, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Kyaw
Soe and Chairman of Road Construction Committee U Win Hlaing,
-10-mile-and-fourfurlong-long Abit-Tagun-dine tarred road built at a cost of K 21,000,000.
Similarly, a gravel road at Suganan Village in Kyaiklat Township, Ayeyawady Division, was
opened at the archway of the road on the same day. Chairman of Township Peace and
Development Council U Aung Myin and Executive Officer of Kyailclat Township Development
Affairs Department U Myint Maung formally opened a 900 ft-long gravel road built at a cost
of K 500,000.
Then, Chairman U Aung Myin and Chairman of Suganan Village Peace and Development
Council U Aye Shwe formally opened the five-mile-and-six-furloong-long
Suganan-Thayawe-Thapat earth road at the archway of the road Chairman U Aung Myin of
Township Peace and Development Council and Chairman of Thapat Village Peace and
Development Council U Kyaw Aye Myint formally opened the two-mile-and-two-furlong-long
Thapat-Phaun-gyoehtate earth road and a bridge on the road, which is 30-ft long and 8-ft
wide and built with the use of K 1,000,000 from the fund for development of rural areas.
Gravel road put back into service in Loikaw
Yangon, 26 March- A ceremony to put back into service Bado-Htayngahlya gravel road was
held at the road in honour of Tatmadawmen on 21 March morning. Present were Chairman of
Kayah State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing, Kayah State level
officials, commanding officers of regiments and units in Loikaw Station and local people
totalling over 5,000.
Chairman of Loikaw District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Tun and Director
of Kayah State Development Committee U Win Maung formally opened the road.Then, Director U
Win Maung presented commemorative pennants to Kayah State Chairman Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing
and District Chairman Lt-Col Tin Tun. Bado-Htayngahlya graval road, 2,400 feet long and 12
feet wide, was constructed at a cost of K 797,000. After that, Ihe Kayah State Chairman
attended the Summer Culture Course, organized by Kayah State Union Solidarity and
Development Association, at Sasana Beikman in Loikaw.
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets 15 years
Yangon, 26 March- Members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force,
acting on information, searched the house of Tun Hla, 29, of Aung Theikdi Street,
Bawamyint Ward in Thingangyun Township and seized 217.5 grams of marijuana at 10 am on 19
February 1999. Action has been taken against him in accord with Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law. The Yangon East District Court handed down 15 years'
imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him on 27 February.