( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than
Shwe sends felicitations to Hellenic Republic
Yangon, 25 March- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Cotis Stephanopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic, on the occasion of the
Independence Day of the Hellenic Republic which falls on 25 March 2001.
Prime Minister Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
Hellenic Republic
YANGON, 25 March?Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to
His Excellency Mr Constantinos Simitis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, on the
occasion of the Independence Day of the Hellenic Republic which falls on 25 March 2001.
( 2 ) Secretary-l attends Shwehtidaw
hoisting ceremony of Shwebokdaw Pagoda in Myaungmya
Yangon, 24 March- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt, accompanied by the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace
and Development Council Office and departmental heads left here by car at 6 am today to
attend the Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony of Shwebokdaw Pagoda in Myaungmya, Ayeyawady
At 9.45 am, the Secretary-l and party arrived at the pagoda in Myaungmya where they
were welcomed by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint,
member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Minister for
Science and Technology U Thaung, the deputy ministers, Deputy Commander Brig(;;en Tint Swe
and officials.The Secretary-l and party attended the Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony at the
central Mandat in the precincts of the pagoda on Dekkhina Hill in Myaungmya Township.
Also present on the occasion were
Ayeyawady Division level departmental officials, chairman and members of Myaungmya,
Labutta Einme and Wakema District and Township Peace and Development Councils,
departmental officials, members of the construction committee for the pagoda wellwishers,
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, religious organizations and local
people. First, conch shell was blown, followed by playing of royal drum and gong nine
Then, the Secretary-l and party and the congregation took the Five Precepts from
Myaungmya Zeyamedani Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Dhammapiya.Next, the Secretary-l offered Seinbudaw to be hoisted atop the pagoda and
provisions to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Dhammapiya. Then, the Secretary-3 offered Hngetmyatnadaw
and provisions to the Sayadaw. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann also presented Hsetthaphu
and offertories and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin four tiers of the Zun and
aftertories to the Sayadaw.
Then, the Sayadaw delivered a sermon. The Secretary-1 and party and the congregation
shared merits gained. Afterwards, the ceremony to donate cash towards the funds of the
pagoda was held at the venue. Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented K 2 million donated
by State Peace and Development Council to Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann. Then, an
official presented K 1 million donated by Yangon City Development Committee and Mingala
Than Tint Farming Equipment Trading owner U Kyaw Tint K 2,130,000 to the Commander.
Next, the Secretary-l conveyed the
Seinbudaw to go round the pagoda. The Secretary-3 conveyed the Hngetmyatnadaw and the
Commander conveyed tiers of the Shwehtidaw from the main Pandal to the Mingala Pandal. The
Secretary-l sprinkled scented water on tiers of the Shwehtidaw. Then, the Secretary-l and
party together with local people hoisted the tiers of the Shwehtidaw atop the pagoda
Similarly, the Secretary-1 sprinkled scented water on the Hsatthaphu and four tiers of the
Zun and hoisted them atop the pagoda through the decorated float.
Then, the Secretary-l sprinkled scented water on the Seinbudaw and the Hngetmyatnadaw.
The Secretary-1 together with the Secretary-3, the Commander and party took positions at
the top of the pagoda Next, the Secretary-l and party fixed the Seinbudaw and the
Hngetmyatnadaw at the pagoda. Members of the Sangha recited Jayanto Bodhiyamule Gatha
three times. Then, the Secretary-l performed the rituals of golden and silver showers to
mark successful completion of the ceremony.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to Bhumi Phassa Mudra Buddha
Image, Dhammacakka Mudra Image, Abhaya Mudra Image and Jhana Mudra Image in the cave of
the pagoda. The Secretary-l unveiled the stone plaque of the pagoda and sprinkled scented
water on it The congregation recited Buddha Sasaman Ciram Titthatu three times and the
Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony came to a close. After the ceremony, the Secretary-l and
party went to Myaungmya District Hospital where they were welcomed by Head of Ayeyawady
Division Health Department Dr Than Aung, District Health Department Officer Dr Min Ko and
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr
Kyaw Myint and specialists conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the hospital The
Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. After that, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded
to Myaungmya Jute Mill of Myanma Jute Industries where they were welcomed by General
Manager U Htay Hlaing Oo, Mill Manager U Phe Hsaung and officials. Deputy Minister for
Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung and officials reported on production
process of the mill. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. Then, the Secretary-l,
the Secretary-3 and party left Myaungmya for Yangon by helicopter and arrived back here at
2 pm.
( 3 ) Laying down of plans to
better transport conditions means bridging gap between urban and rural areas
Better transport conditions conducive to interaction, trading, mutual help and
reliance among national brethren and further flourishing of national unity
Secretary-3 addresses inauguration of Hsatthwa Bridge (Rakhine State)
Yangon, 24 March- A ceremony to inaugurate Hsatthwa Bridge (Rakhine State), built by
Bridge Construction Special Project Group 13 of the Public Works under the Ministry of
Construction, was held at the pandal near the bridge at Hsatthwa Village, Gwa Township,
Rakhine State, this morning, with an address by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present on the occasion were Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Minister
for Science and Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation
Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, heads of departments and officials, senior military
officers of Western Command, officials of the Public Works, the chairman and members of
Thandwe District Peace and Development Council, district-level departmental officials,
members of the executive committee of District Union Solidarity and Development
Association, the chairman and members of Gwa Township Peace and Development Council,
township-level departmental officials, the secretary, executives and members of Township
USDA, members of Township War Veteran Organization, Township Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, Township Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and
Red Cross Society, nurses, teachers, students, band and pompom troupes, Rakhine
traditional drum and dance troupes, engineers of Hsatthwa Bridge Project, employees and
local people from 24 Village-tracts in Gwa Township exceeding 12,000.
The Secretary-3 said that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself gave guidance
on development of Rakhine State, and the government has implemented the guidance with the
result that Hsatthwa Bridge has been opened today. Hsatthwa Bridge will contribute to
development of southern part of Rakhine State and can accelerate development of Rakhine
State. Therefore, today is a very auspicious day not only for Rakhine State but also for
the entire Union.
While striving to build The Union of Myanmar into a peaceful, modern and developed
nation, the State Peace and Development Council is also implementing regional development
projects in states and divisions and their contiguous areas which lagged behind in
development for various reasons, to ensure that all the regions in the Union are making
progress. The government is working for the further strengthening of the already-achieved
national unity and for the further flourishing of Union Spirit. While efforts are being
made for economic development on the basis of agriculture, secure and smooth transport
plays an important role. To ensure secure and smooth transport, road and bridge projects
have been implemented.
At the annual general meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association for
year 2000, Patron of the Association Senior General Than Shwe said that the network of
roads and bridges which have already been built and which are under construction with the
use of large sums of money is an economic infrastructure. They are also a social
infrastructure which enable national people to deal with one another in amity and unity.
Due to these benefits, only a bridge project involves implementation of many projects. The
national brethren of Rakhine State have already witnessed the fact that the special
projects, for which Head of State Senior General Than Shwe personally gave guidance,
include Hsatthwa Bridge Project and other projects designed for development of Rakhine
Rakhine State is endowed with natural resources, and has the potential for economic
development of the region. However, due to difficulties in the transport sector which is
very important to regional development, there are some limitations for development.
Therefore, with the aim of improving the conditions of Rakhine State, Head of State Senior
General Than Shwe gave guidance on special projects to establish a network of motor roads
among towns in Rakhine State and with other states and divisions. For, reliance was once
placed only on waterways inside Rakhine State, and the people had to travel to other
states and divisions by air and by water. The condition of transport in Rakhine State
today is by far better than the previous condition of transport.
Today, Yangon and Sittway are accessible by car. Rakhine State is a coastal region by
nature and is teeming with rivers and creeks. Therefore, ten big river-crossing bridges
and over 800 small bridges have been built on Yangon-Sittway Highway. Taungup-Thandwe
Motor Road can be used to reach Yangon through Nawadae Bridge across Ayeyawady River and
through Bago Division. Taungup-Ma-i-An road is under construction, and Minbu-An-Tattaung
road has already been built. Magway and Bago Divisions can be reached from Rakhine State
through An Pass and Taungup Pass.
Thandwe-Gwa-Ngathaingchaung road is being upgraded, and Ayeyawady and Yangon Divisions
will be accessible from Rakhine State through Gwa-Ngathaingchaung road. Hsatthwa Bridge
was previously a wooden bridge of bailey type. It collapsed very ,often due to erosion of
the banks by the tide. So, a 660-foot-long new reinforced concrete bridge with a
24-foot-wide motorway, was built. Hsatthwa Bridge is 126th of the bridges, 180 feet long
and above, built by the Tatmadaw government all over the nation. It is also l9th of its
kind in Rakhine State. In Rakhine State, there are seven big bridges in course of
construction. Out of these seven bridges, five are on Kyaukpyu-Yangon Highway. The laying
down of plans to better transport conditions means bridging the gap between urban and
rural areas.
With the improvement of transport conditions, natural resources and economic potential,
Rakhine State is now poised for development. Better transport can improve fisheries
industry including off-shore fishing and fish and prawn breeding. Beach resorts and
ancient cultural sites have the potential for development of tourism industry. Previously,
difficult transport distanced national brethren from coming into contact with one another,
and better transport conditions will be conducive to interaction, trading and mutual help
and reliance among national brethren and the further flourishing of national unity. In
conclusion, the Secretary-3 urged all to work for the development of Rakhine State and
improvement of standards of living of local people by making best use of better transport
conditions, and to strive to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep pace with other nations
in terms of development.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said that Hsatthwa Creek Bridge that
opened today was built according to the resolution of Special Projects Implementation
Committee Meeting No 1/99 held on 2 June 1999 and construction of the bridge started on 15
November 1999; the bridge is on Thandwe-Gwa Road in Gwa Township, Rakhine State, and it is
joined to Gwa-Ngathaing Gyaung Road, which links Rakhine State and Ayeyawady Division. The
bridge was built at a cost of K 340 million, and the Ministry of Construction has taken
the tasks for ensuring smooth and secure transport, the basic need for the emergence of a
new, modern and developed nation; ten bridges opened last year were constructed on
Yangon-Sittway Road, and for the time being seven bridgesMa-i Creek Bridge, Lamu
Creek Bridge, Myingyaung Creek Bridge, Kyaukkyi Pauk Bridge and Sanepauk Bridge on
Yangon-Kyaukpyu Road, Tanhlwe Creek Bridge andPyi Creek Bridge on Taungup-An Road-are
under construction, and another four bridges-Londawpauk Creek Bridge, Didok Creek Bridge,
Thanthan1achay Bridge and Wunphaik Creek Bridge- will be constructed on
Yangon-Kyaukpyu Road in Rakhine State.
Before the opening of the bridge, altogether 125 bridges, 180 feet and over in length,
were opened across the nation, and Senior General Than Shwe himself on 5 February 2000
opened Yangon- Sittway Road, 202 mile and three furlong-long, in Rakhine State and the 44
mile and three furlong-Taunggok -Thandwe Section was upgraded to tarred road. In
conclusion, the minister, on behalf of his ministry, expressed thanks to the commander of
Western Command, departmental officials and the local people who rendered assistance in
construction of the bridge, and urged all to provide assistance for the dur ability of the
bridge. Afterwards, Secretary of Gwa Township USDA U Myint Aung spoke words of thanks.
Later, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint presented gifts to Deputy Superintending Engineer U
Soe Myint and cordially greeted those present.
Minster Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the bridge. Then, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint
formally unveiled the stone plaque of the bridge. The Secretary-3 and party and guests
inspected the bridge The 660 feet Hsatthwa Bridge (Rakhine State) is in Hsatthwa Village,
Gwa Township, Rakhine State, and it includes 24 feet-motorway and three feet pedestrian
lane on both sides. The reinforced concrete bridge with a clearance of 85 feet can bear
60-ton of loads. The project started on 15 November 1999 and completed on 15 March 2001
and the bridge was successfully opened today. After the ceremony, the Secretary-3 and
party left for Myaungmya by helicopter to attend the Shwehtitaw hoisting ceremony of
Shwemoddhaw Pagoda in Myaungmya.
( 4 )
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung. sends felicitations
to Hellenic Republic
Yangon, 25 March- U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has
sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr George A Papandreou, Minister for
Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the
Hellenic Republic which falls on 25 March 2001.
2001 World Tuberculosis Day observed First TB Control Week
Campaign to be launched from 24 to 30 March
Yangon, 24 March- A ceremony to commemorate the 2001 World Tuberculosis Day was held at
the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Health
Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, directors-general
of departments under the Ministry of Health, the deputy directors-general, rectors,
directors, medical superintendents, officials of UN Agencies, members of Committee for
Observance of the World Tuberculosis Day, officials of related ministries, chairmen of
non-governmental organizations at home and abroad, executives, retired TB specialists
heads of District and Township Health Departments and guests.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said the World Tuberculosis Day is being observed in various
countries on 24 March. TB symptoms were found at primate fossils from Europe and in the
spine of Egyptian mummy about 3700 BC. He said that German scientist Robert Koch declared
that he discovered TB bacillus on 24 March 1882. In commemoration of his great important
discovery of TB, the World Tuberculosis Day is observed on that day every year.
Based on the discovery medicines that could kill or control the germ were prepared and
preventive methods were found out. TB control activities has been implemented for over 50
years. Despite these activities TB reared its ugly head gradually in the world. Therefore,
WHO declared a Global Emergency over TB in 1993 and supported DOTS Strategy. From the
socio-economic point of view, it was found that four-thirds of TB patients were the
workers of 15-54 age group that had the most productive power, he added. A worker can be
absent from his work for three or four months because of TB. He will lose 25 % or 30% of
his yearly earning and 15 years of his earning will be lost if he dies an untimely death.
Production force of the State would also be lost, the minister added. About 2,000
million people, one-third of world's population, were infected with TB. Among them about
eight million are TB patients and half of them are pulmonary TB patients. He said there is
a circle that the disease passes from one person to another and about two million, 25% of
eight million TB patients, die each year. In Myanmar there are some 80s000 TB patients and
half of them are pulmonary TB patients and about 20,000 die each year before their life
span ends. To review the WHO Report 2000 on Global TB Control, only two million TB
patients including Myanmar received DOTS treatment in 1998 and about 80 % were successful
in treatment. If every TB patient receive DOTS treatment, mortality rate, infection rate
and outbreak of disease rate will fall.
The minister said the slogan of World Tuberculosis Day this year is "DOTS: TB Cure
for All". The first TB Control Week Campaign will be launched in every village and
township in Myanmar for the first time from 24 to 30 March. This campaign is to be carried
out by primary health service personnel led by Heads of Township Health Department in
cooperation with personnel from voluntary health workers Union Solidarity and Development
Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Medical Association,
Myanmar Red Cross Society, Mynmar Nurses Association and Myanmar Health Assistants
Association, he added.
He spoke on ins installation of modern medical equipment at the hospitals in states and
divisions appointment of more persons in state and division health departments on disease
control and human resources, upgrading of rural health centres for promotion of health
standard of the people in rural areas under the guidance of Head of State Senior General
Than Shwe and high-ranking officials. According to the guidance, RHCs were upgraded and
new 250 RHCs were opened during the period of special four years plan, he said. National
Health Committee consisting of Secretary- 1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt as Chairman has been implementing health plans after formation of health
supervisory committees at different levels. The minister urged all to participate in TB
Control Week Campaign the length and breath of the nation.
This campaign is just a start and efforts are to be made for realization of the
objectives in a short time. In order to gain achievements, input was needed so the
Ministry of Health spent K 19.6 million in buying medicines for TB in l99Y K 25 million in
2000 and K 30 million in 2001. Zone/District TB Control Centres are to b formed to
implement DOTS Strategy in every township. WHO provided much assistance and donors and
organizations a home and abroad are invited, he added. In conclusion, he said the number
of workers who died of TB is more than that of those killed in the world wars and urged
all c us to apply DOTS in TB control activities. Acting Resident Representative of WHO
Anton Fric also spoke. After the ceremony, the minister and guests observed the exhibition
a concerted efforts of the National TB Control Plan the.Ministry of Health the lobby of
the IBC.
Minister attends opening of Min Wae Aung First Solo Show
Yangon, 24 March- Opening ceremony of Min Wae Aung First Solo Show in Myanrnar jointly
sponsored by National Museum, Department of Cultural Institute and Dr Daw Khin Sandar Win
was held at Multi Purpose Hall of National Museum at 10 am yesterday, attended by Minister
for Culture U Win Sein.
Also present were directors-general, deputy directors-general and directors of
departments under the ministry, patrons and executive committee members of Myanmar
Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon, Chairman U Thiha Thein Nyan and members of
Myanmar Photographic Society, artists, media persons, officials of foreign embassies in
Myanmar and guests.
At the ceremony, Director-General U Myint Thein Swe of Department of Cultural Institute
made a speech. Then, organizer Dr Daw Khin Sandar Win gave an account of the show. The
artist Min Wae Aung presented a painting entitled " Monks on the Morning Alms
Round" to the director-general. Then, the minister and guests viewed the paintings at
the show. Violinist Ko Tin Yi and group entertained the guests. The show will be opened to
public from 9 am to 4 pm till 29 March.
Collective ordination and novitiation ceremony held
Yangon, 24, March- The ninth collective ordination and novitiation ceremony of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation took place at the office of the ministry at
Thirmingala Lane on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning. Present on the occasion were
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint and
families of staff members and guests. Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kesara invested the congregation with the Nine Precepts.
Then, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and wife Daw Khin Myo Oo and b members presented
offertories to members of the Sangha. Next, Presiding Sayadaw of Kalaywatawya Sarthintaik
Joint Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Dipitakadhara
Dwipittakakovida Bhaddanta Jagarabhivamsa delivered a sermon. After the ceremony, the
minister and wife offered soon to members of the Sangha. A total of 174 men were ordained
and 34 youths were novitiated at Kalaywatawya Sarthintaik in Mayangon Township.
Schoolgirls initiated into nunhood
Yangon, 24 March- The tenth ceremony to initiate schoolgirls into nunhood of No 2 Basic
Education High School, Latha Township, was held at Shweminwun Yeiktha in Bahan Township
this morning. Present at the ceremony were Minister for Education U Than Aung,
Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin,
Principal Daw Khin Ohn Myint, teachers, members of parent-teacher association and School
Board of Trustees and guests.
Shweminwun Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhana administered the Eight Precepts. Members of the
Sangha recited the parittas. The minister, the headmistress and guests presented
offertories to the members of the Sangha, followed by sharing of merits gained. Similar
ceremony of No 2 BEHS, Sangyoung Township, was held at Daw Nanacari Myanaung Kyaungtaik,
Kyundaw Street, the same township. A total of 108 schoolgirls were initiated into nunhood
at the ceremony.
( 5 ) Commander inspects Vegetable and Poultry Farm Special Zone
Yangon,24 March- Member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected Yangon Division Vegetable
and Poultry Farm Special Zone in Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township, Yangon North
District, this afternoon.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than arrived at the zone at I pm and inspected the site
chosen for construction of vegetable depot in Special Zone No 1. Director of Yangon
Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported to the commander on the work for
construction of the vegetable depot. The commander attended to their needs.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected Taing Myankyaw poultry farm,
construction of chicken runs at Myo Myint Kyaw Poultry Farm and Shwe Tharaphu Co Ltd. The
Commander also inspected construction of tunnels and green houses for cultivation of
vegetables by Aung Engineering Co Ltd, tomato and chilly plantations, Coconut Peak System
for the maintenance of moisture content of vegetables and arrangements for storage of
vegetables. The officials conducted the commander round the work site. The Commander
looked into requirements. Afterwards, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met members of
Special Zone Supervisory Committee and national entrepreneurs.
Yangon Division Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U San Maung reported to the
commander on agriculture and livestock breeding work, Director of Yangon Division
Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein on construction of drains and roads, Division
Commissioner of Yangon Division Administration Department U Thein Swe on the paving of
laterite, Deputy Director of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races
and Development Affairs U Thein Htut on construction of roads in Special Zone No 3,
Officer on Special Duty of Yangon Division at the Ministry of Electric Power Captain Aung
Kyaw Oo on power supply and national entrepreneurs on agriculture and breeding tasks.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions to officials and inspected
construction of roads and the paving of laterite in Special Zone No 2. The Commander also
inspected construction of roads with the use of heavy machinery of the Ministry of
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs in Special Zone No 3.
The Commander gave instructions to the officials.
Parade columns practise final drills
Yangon, 24 March- Military columns which will participate in the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Parade practised final drills from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park and
back to Myoma Grounds from 5.30 am to 10 am today.
In the final drills, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min and Reserve Parade Commander
Col Hla Tun led the Tatmadawmen of parade columns including Anawrahta Column led by Column
Commander Col San Aye Hla, Kyansittha Column led, by Column Commander Col Sein Win,
Bayintnaung Column led by Column Commander Col Aye Myint Maung, Nawade Column led by
Column Commander Captain Aye Pe (Navy), Aungzeya Column led by Column Commander Col Thein
Hlaing, Hsinbyushin Column led by Column Commander Col Myo Thant (Air), Bandoola Column
led by Column Commander Col Htay Aung, Myawady Column led by Column Commander Col Aung Win
and Aung San Column led by Column Commander Col Hla Ngwe in accord with the parade agenda.
Chairman of Parade Work Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces
Day Ceremony Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of Best Company
Selection and Prize Presentation Commit- tee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo,
Chairman of Security Work Committee Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan
Hsint, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Commandant of Defence Services
(Army) Officers Training School Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu, senior military officers and officials
inspected the final drills.
( 6 ) More
special prize winners in painting contest announced
Yangon, 24 March- Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the Subcommittee for
Organizing the Painting and Sculpture Competition, under the Work Committee for Organizing
the Poem and Arts Competition chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, today
announced winners of the painting contest.
A total of 518 entries were sent to the basic education level painting contest in the
previous year. A total of 1,037 entries of this year were 519 more than the previous year
and the entries were of better quality. Hence, the Sub-committee for Organizing the
Painting and Sculpture Competition selected more special prize winners at the basic
education level. Maung Wai Yan Paing of Latha Pre-Primary School No 6, Maung Naing Aung
Lin of Hlinethaya Daycare School No 1, Ma Ei Khaing Phyo of Latha Pre-Primary School No 6,
Maung Aung Myo Thura Kyaw of Bahan Pre-Primary School No 1 and Ma Mya Pwint Thu of
Hlinethaya Day-care School No 1 won the special prizes at the pre-primary school level
painting contest.
Special prize winners at the primary level (junior) were second standard student Maung
Aung Ye Tun of Dagon Basic Education High School No 2, second standard student Ma Swe Zin
Zoe of Bahan BEPS No 4, second standard student Ma Htut Myat Noe Aung of Sangyoung BEHS No
2, second standard student Maung Nay Myo Oo of Kyauktada BEPS No 6 and Kindergarten
student Ma Cho Zin Thant of Tamway BEPS No 18.
Specia1 prize winners at thc primary school level (senior) were fourth standard student
Ma May Thin Nwe of Kamayut BEHS No 1, fourth standard student Ma Hsu Pan Sin of Kyauktada
BEPS No 6, fourth standard student Ma Thanda Thein Htaik of Institute of Education
Practising School, Kamayut, fourth standard student Maung Ye Tint Baw of Kamayut BEHS No 1
and fourth standard student Ma Hsu Myat Noe of Institute of Education Practising School,
Special prize winners at the middle school level were sixth standard student Ma Nang
Kein Hwan of Dagon BEHS No 2, seventh standard student Ma Ngu Wa of Dagon BEHS No 2, fifth
standard student Maung Nay Htoo Kyaw of Sittway BEHS No S, sixth standard student Ma Win
Win Maw of Institute of Education Practising School, Kamayut, - and fifth standard student
Ma Nwe Oo Wai of Latha BEHS No 2.
Special prize winners at the high School level were eighth standard student Maung Bo
Naing Lin of Sittway BEHS No 2, ninth standard student Maung Aung Min Thein of Tamway BEHS
No 1, eighth standard student Maung Win Htut Ko of Dagon BEHS No 1, ninth standard student
Maung Zarni Mon of Chaungzon BEHS and ninth standard student Maung Naing Tun Lin of Tamway
BEHS No 1. Prizes will be presented to winners at the different levels at the respective
military commands.
Wa Region Development Project Steering Committee meets
YANGON, 24 March- The fifth meeting of Wa Region Development Project Steering Committee
took place at the Kengtung Hotel, Kengtung, yesterday morning, addressed by Secretary of
the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win.
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win said that the third five-year plan for regional development,
drawn by Wa national leaders emphasizes agriculture to ensure regional sufficiency of
food. It is also learnt that Japanese government will build a 25-bed hospital worth US $
95,000 in Mongpauk under grassroots grant. Wa region development project-has been
implemented beginning 1998 by Myanmar, China and UNDCP in cooperation. It has been
estimated to spend US $ 15.5 million on implementation of the project, and over US $ six
million has already been spent. Although over US $ nine million is required there is only
US $ 600,000, which cannot cover the expense for the year 2001.
At the meeting held in December 2000, Managing Director of UNDCP Mr Pino Arlacchi
himself appealed for raising the fund, pointing out the decrease in cultivation of poppy
in Myanmar. At the news briefing on UNDCP World Drug Report 2000 held on 23 January this
year, Regional Office Director of UNDCP Mr Sandro Calvani said that Myanmar government is
making efforts as strenuously as it can in eradicating narcotic drugs. Sufficient
assistance has not 'been enlisted due to political constraints on Myanmar. The ratio of
the assistance which Myanmar received from international community over the past three
years to the assistance received by Thailand was one to 300. At the news briefing led by
Resident Representative Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu at the Yangon office of UNDCP on 21 February,
it was said that 5,800 metric tons of opium produced in the whole world constituted 80%
from Afghanistan and 15% from Myanmar. Over the past ten years, production in
Myanmar had declined by 40%. Now, the 15-year plan is being implemented. The total
value of opium was just about US $ 1 16 million, and income substitution can be made.
About 96% of farmers cultivated poppy because there was no sufficiency of rice. During the
period from 1976 to date, the assistance received in 2001 was the least. If there is no
outside assistance, the condition can get worse. Therefore, assistance should be extended
to free Wa region of opium by 2005. Also present at the meeting were national race leader
U Pauk Yu Hwa of Mongphyan District of Wa region, Resident Representative of Yangon Office
of UNDCP Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Project Officer Mr Xavier Bouan, Director-General for the
Progress of Border Areas and National Races Col Than Swe, Colonel Staff (Grade I) of the
Office of Strategic Studies Lt-Col Min Lwin and officials. Progress of work and future
tasks were discussed at the meeting which ended in the afternoon.
( 7 ) Health Deputy Minister leaves for S Africa
Yangon, 24 March- A delegation led by Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo
left here for South Africa by air this morning to attend 25th Meeting of Ministers of
Health of Non-Aligned Movement Member Countries to be held at Johannesburg on 26 and 27
March. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Health Maj-Gen
Ket Sein, directors-general of the Ministry of Health, Acting WHO Representative Dr Anton
Fric and others. The delegation comprises Deputy Director-General Dr Maung Maung Win and
Deputy Director Dr Than Zaw Myint of Medical Science Department.
Photo Exhibition & Book Fair and Market Festival 2001
Yangon, 24 March- Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the Photo Exhibition
& Book Fair and Market Festival 2001, organized by Ministry of Information, continued
for third day on the second floor of Yadanabon New Market in Mandalay today.
At 9.30 am, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein
Secretary Lt-Col Maung Pu, Chairman of Mandalay District Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Tin Tun and members arrived at the exhibition. Deputy Director-General U Aung Hsan
of Information and Public Relations Department and officials conducted them round the
exhibition. Bookshops from Yangon and Mandalay sold periodicals, novels, books on various
kinds of subjects to visitors at reasonable price. Today ' s sales of books amounted to K
352.915.S About 5 170 people visited the exhibition. A total of 255 bookworms read books
at the Sarpay Beikman Library. The exhibition continues till 31 March.
( 8
) EC of UMFCCI leaves for Singapore
Yangon, 24 March- Executive member of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
Commerce and Industry Dr Pwint San left here by air for Singapore to attend the
Infrastructure in a New Market Economy to be held from 25 to: 31 March. He was seen off at
Yangon International Airport by officials.
MWEA officials leave for Nepal
Yangon, 24 March- Adviser of Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association Professor
(Retired) Daw Yi Yi Myint and Secretary Daw Nu Nu Yi left here by air for Nepal to attend
the Asian NGO Workshop to be held from 26 to 27 March in Kathmandu.They were seen
off at Yangon International Airport by Chairperson of MWEA Daw Sein Sein, Vice-Chairperson
Daw Thet Yi and officials.
( 9
) Flowers, lights and water offered to Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 24 March- Hailing the 56th Anniversary Resistance Day (Armed Forces Day), a
ceremony to clean the platforrn of the Shwedagon Pagoda and offer flowers, 1ights and
water to the pagoda, under the organization of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and
Development Association, was held at Yahu (North-West) corner of the pagoda this morning.
Present on the occasion were Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint and executives,
secretaries of Yangon East/West/South Districts USDAs and executives, secretaries of
township USDAs in the division and executives and members totalling over 1,500.
They kept the Five Precepts and then offered flowers, lights and water to the pagoda.
Secretary U Aye Myint presented K 15,000 donated by the USDA members to member of the
Shwedagon Pagoda Board of Trustees Capt TinTun (Retd). They cleaned the platform of the
pagoda and performed meritorious deeds.
Armed Forces Day Exhibition from 26 March to 4 April
Yangon, 24 March- The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition will be opened to
the public free of charge at Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road here from 9
am to 6 pm daily from 26 March to 4 April.
Cooperatives Products Exhibition and Sales Festival from 2 to 8
Yangon, 24 March-Cooperatives Products Exhibition and Sales Festival, organized by the
Ministry of Cooperatives will be held in Saya San Palaza of Cooperatives Trade Centre at
the corner of University Avenue and Saya San Road from 2 to 8 April. Cooperative products
and various goods of state owned organizations and local and foreign companies will be
displayed at the festival. The entertainment programme will also be presented at the
Winners of computer art and applied computer skills contests
Yangon, 24 March- The Work Committee for Organizing the University/College/Institute
and Basic Education Level Literary and Arts Competitions held the basic education high and
middle school level computer art contest and applied computer skills contest on 23 and 24
Winners of the two contests were announced today. Ninth standard student Maung Zeya Tun
of Botahtaung Basic Education High School No 6 stood first, eighth standard student Maung
Bo Naing Lin of Sittway BEHS No 2 second and ninth standard student Maung Htein Lin Aung
of Myeik BEHS No third and 14 special prize winners at the basic education high school
level computer art contest.
Seventh standard student Maung Kyaw Zay Han of Yangon Institute of Practising School
stood first, fifth standard student Ma Phyo Myat Zin of Pathein BEHS No 6 second, seventh
standard student Maung Myat Zaw Hein of Sittway BEHS No 2 third and 14 special prize
winners in the basic education middle school level computer art contest. Tenth standard
student Ma Hsu of Pathein BEHS No 5 stood first, eighth, standard student Sai Thein Than
Tun of Taunggyi BEMS No 3 second, eighth standard student Maung Kyaw Min Oo of Botahtaung
BEHS No 5 third and 14 special prize winners in the basic education high school level
applied computer skills contest.
Prizes will be presented to first, second and third winners at the ceremony 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony on 27 March 2001. Special prizes will be presented
to winners at the ceremonies of respective LIDs and military commands.
Yangon bustling with life
YANGON, 24 March- The pagodas were thronged with members of the Sangha, nuns and laity,
amusement parks and recreation centres with holiday-makers, and cinemas with movie-goers
in Yangon City today. Such pagodas as Tooth Relic (Yangon), Thiri Mingalar Kaba Aye and
Melamu were crowded with pilgrims far and near performing meritorious deeds paying
homage, counting beads, practising meditation, offering Shwethingan, flowers and making
donations to the pagodas. Among the pilgrims, processions of Buddhist novice-to-be and
tourists were also seen. Happy World modern playground of Thiri Mingalar Market was
teeming with holiday-makers individually or in families or in groups riding amusement
vehicles, playing games including video game joyfully. The cinemas were also crowded with