( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe
inspects booths of Defence Services Museum, display of Armed Forces Day Commemorative
Literary and Arts Competitions and Exhibition

Yangon, 23 March- Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than
Shwe this morning inspected the display of booths of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Commemorative Exhibition at the Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road and the
display and arrangements of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary
and Arts Competitions and Exhibition at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road,
and gave guidance to officials.

Accompanied by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye,
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint,
Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla
and Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the Senior General arrived at the Defence Services
Museum at 9 am.
They were welcomed there by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi
Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung
Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, ministers, deputy ministers and senior military officers.

First, the Senior General and party inspected records on endeavours of
ministries and books compiled by respective ministries displayed in the entrance hall of
the Museum.
Director of Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute
Col Ye Htut conducted the Senior General and party around the Booth on Twelve National
Objectives of the State.
Then, the Senior General and party inspected the display of the Defence
Services (Air) Booth.
After that, the Senior General and party proceeded to the Tatmadaw
Convention Centre on U Wisara Road, where they inspected the display and arrangements of
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Arts Competitions and
Exhibition. The Senior General and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Organizing
Committee for the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Arts
Competitions and Exhibition Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe and officials.
Then, the Senior General inspected prize-winning works of the photo competition and the
painting and sculpture competitions held in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day, and paintings which portray Myanmar culture and which were painted in honour
of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. The Senior General also gave guidance to
( 2 ) General Maung Aye inspects full dress rehearsal of parade columns
Yangon, 23 MarchVice-Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye inspected full dress rehearsal of parade
columns which will participate in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade at the
Resistance Park this morning.The General, together with Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies Director of Defence Services
Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than,
Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla,
Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers and senior military
officers, arrived at the Resistance Park at 6 pm. Then, the General and party inspected
full dress rehearsal of Anawrahta Column, Kyansittha Column, Bayintnaung Column, Nawade
Column, Aungzeya Column, Hsinbyushin Column, Bandoola Column, Myawady Column and Aung San
Column marching from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park under the leadership of Parade
Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min.
Afterwards, the General gave instructions to the officials and left the
park at 8 am.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 receives VP of Petronas Co

Yangon, 23 March- Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Vice-President of Petronus Co
Dato Shamsul Azhar Abbas and party at Guest House of the Ministry of Defence at 4 pm
Also present at the call were Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone,
Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairmans Office Brig-Gen Abel,
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi and
Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.The guests were accompanied
by Ambassador of Malaysia Dato Mohammad Bin Noh.
Secretary-1 receives Regal Integrated Marine Resources
Ltd Chairman
Yangon, 23 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt received Chairman of Regal Integrated Marine Resources Ltd Mr Yoshitaka Kawamoto,
Managing Director Mr Choo Kok An and party at the Guest House of the Ministry of Defence
at 5 pm today. Also present at the call were Minister at the State Peace and Development
Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister
for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Vice-Chairman of Myanmar
Investment Commission Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Deputy Chief of Office
of the Strategic Studies Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw
Win, Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet and officials. They
discussed matters relating to economic investment.
Transport infrastructure plays key
role in developing nation
Secretary-1 meets minister,
deputy ministers, officials of Ministry of Rail Transportation

Yangon, 23 March Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt met the minister, the deputy
ministers and heads of the departments of the Ministry of Rail Transportation at the
ministry this morning.
The Secretary-1 said as is known to all, the present government has
built all the infrastructure including roads, bridges and railroads with high momentum.
The transport infrastructure such as roads, bridges and railroads plays
a key role in developing the nation.
There is significant progress in the transport infrastructure at
present when compared with the situation of pre-independence period.
There was very few transport infrastructure in Myanmar during the
colonial period as the colonial government built roads only when they were required for
military and administrative purposes and economically viable and beneficial to its mother
Thus, the government has built many railroads, motorways and bridges,
spending large amounts of money.
Road, air and water transport are inclusive in the transport sector;
and among them rail transport ensures public and freight transport at the least cost.
The Ministry of Rail Transportation has laid down new projects phase by
phase to build a network of railways linking the entire nation.
Shwenyaung-Taunggyi, Aungban-Pinlaung-Loikaw and
Pyay-Aunglan-Taung-dwingyi-Myingyan Yoma belt railroads were successfully built with the
labour contributed by the Tatmadawmen.
In addition to the Hsihseng-Namsang, Ye-Dawei and Thaton-Myaingalay
railroads, the 5,600-foot long railroad tunnel through Pondaung-Ponnya mountain range to
link Pakokku and Kalay via Gangaw is under construction.
Mottama-Mawlamyine Bridge Project and Mawlamyine Railway Station
Project have been initiated.
These major projects are being implemented under the guidance of Head
of State Senior General Than Shwe; and there are many projects which are being implemented
under the ministrys programmes. In addition to regular tasks such as maintenance and
repair of railroads, the ministry is also occasionally implementing the tasks under
separate assignments.
Thus, the ministry is required to lay down systematic plans to complete
the enormous tasks in time.
It can overcome the difficulties and complete the tasks in time only if
it assigns duties to those concerned systematically and gives supervision at different
levels. At the same time, it must fulfil all the requirements of the projects. It should
also cooperate with other bodies which have the duty to render assistance to its projects.
All the tasks will be completed according to schedule if the necessary arrangements can be
made at all stages and strenuous and harmonious efforts made.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has already given guidance on
the projects of the ministry. Thus the staff should seriously accept Senior General Than
Shwes guidance and with the conviction that the victory of the ministry is theirs
they should strive with zeal, innovation, effective supervision and cooperation for
successful implementation of their tasks.
Also present at the meeting were Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan
Aung, Deputy Ministers Thura U Thaung Lwin and U Pe Than, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, directors-general and managing directors of departments and
enterprises under the ministry and general managers.
( 4 )
Minister receives
German guests

Yangon, 23 March-Minister for Hotels and
Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Mr Dieter Weinspach of Weinspach Consult GmbH of the
Federal Republic of Germany at his office this morning.
They discussed matters related to tourism promotion of Myanmar and
participation in Hannover Fair 2001 to be held in Germany.Also present at the call were
Deputy Minster Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and
Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi
Tun and officials.
meets Israeli reporters

Yangon, 23 March-Minister at the
State Peace and Development Council Chairmans Office Brig-Gen Abel met Reporters of
News Agency on Tourism Promotion Mr Dan Ben Canaan and Mr Shalom Yerushalmi, who
accompanied The Vered Group of Companies of Israel, at his office this morning.Also
present at the call were officials of National AFTA Unit.
Justice meets PRC Ambassador

Yangon, 23 March-Chief Justice U
Aung Toe met Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at
his office this morning.Also present at the call were Supreme Court Justice U Khin Myint
and Director-General U Tin Aye.
receives officials of NK Communications
Yangon, 23 March- Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin received Mr Harri Autio and party of
NK Communications of Finland at his office at 11 am today.Also present at the call were
Managing Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin and officials.
& P Minister receives Chinese Ambassador

23 March-Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun received Ambassador of the
Peoples Republic of China to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Maung Aung,
Director-General of Immigration and National Registration Department Col Maung Htay,
Director-General of Population Department Col Tin Yee and officials.
meets Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 23 March-Attorney-General U Tha Tun met Ambassador of the Peoples
Republic of China to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at his office this morning.
Also present at the call were Director-General of
Attorney-Generals Office Dr Tun Shin and Assistant Director U Ah Lon Maung.
Sports Minister meets Chinese Ambassador

Yangon, 23 March-Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen
Thura Aye Myint met Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun
at his office this afternoon. Also present at the call were officials of the Ministry of
( 5 ) Parade columns
donate cash to fund of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
Yangon, 23 March
- Parade columns, which will participate in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Ceremony, donated cash towards the funds for all-round construction of Lawka Chantha
Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township and Sasanamala Visodhani
Ordination Hall of Pathadikayon Kyaung-taik in Hline Township this afternoon.
First, the congregation recited Namo Tassa three times.On behalf of
officers and other ranks from the parade columns, Parade Commander Brig-Gen
Saw Hla Min and column commanders presented K 500,000 for all-round construction of the
Chairman of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image Carving Committee
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and party accepted the
donations and presented certificates of honour to wellwishers.
Then, on behalf of officers and other ranks from the parade columns,
Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min presented K 50,000 for construction of Sasanamala
Wisodhani Ordination Hall of Pathadi-kayon Kyaungtaik in Hline Township.
Deputy Director of Military Training Col Than Myint accepted the
donations and presented a certificate of honour to the wellwishers.Then, the Lawka Chantha
Abhaya Labha Muni Image Carving Committee held a coordination meeting at the briefing hall
of the Hill.Before the meeting, they recited Namo Tassa three times.Chairman of the
Committee Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung gave an opening
speech.Scholars and committee members reported on progress of work in carving Lawka
Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.Then, Committee Chairman Deputy Minister for Home Affairs
Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung gave necessary instructions to officials and the meeting ended
with the three-time reciting of Buddha Sasanam Çiran Titthatu in the evening.
Wellwishers donate cash and gifts to Tatmadawmen of
parade columns
Yangon, 23 March- Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, a ceremony to present
cash and gifts to Tatmadawmen of parade columns which will participate in the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade was held in the meeting hall at Myoma Grounds on U
Wisara Road this morning, attended by Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min.
Also present on the occasion were Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi,
Reserve Parade Commander Col Hla Tun, senior military officers and wellwishers. Parade
Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min accepted 6,000 bottles of traditional medicines and 6,000
bottles of embrocation worth K 600,000 donated by physician U Hla Htay of Hmancho
Traditional Medicine Clinic, K 200,070 by (U Thein Maung) Daw Pa Pa of Sandi Traditional
Medicine family, 2,000 bottles of embrocation worth K 120,000 by U Tun Shwe (Tun Shwewa)
Traditional Mediine Clinic, 10,000 eggs worth K 120,000 by U Kyaw Kyaw and family, K
100,000 byU Hla Myint of Kaythipan Medicinal House family, K 100,000 by Capt Khin Maung
Zaw (Retd) of Green Hill Inn, 30 bags of rice worth K 72,000 by Chairman U Nyein of
Myammar Rice Wholesalers Association and OK Rice and Groundnut Oil family, K 50,000 each
by Siha Sudhamma Manijotadhara U Than Naing of Thamada Thingan House, U Tin Aung of Win
Yadana Transport Services and Captain U Aung Myint Soe and family and K 20,000 by U Kyin
Sein and family. The Parade Commander presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Today's donations presented by 11 wellwishers amounted to K 1,482,070 including K
570,070 and gifts worth K 912,000. On behalf of all well-wishers, U Hla Myint of Kaythipan
Medicinal House explained the purpose of the donations. Then, Parade Commander Brig-Gen
Saw Hla Min spoke words of thanks for their donations.
inspects booth of CPT Ministry
Yangon, 23 March Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin arrived at Defence Services Museum
on Shwedagon Pagoda Road yesterday afternoon.
The minister inspected the extended opening of post offices, telegraph
offices and telephone exchanges, published stamps, satellite stations and auto-exchange
buildings, connection of microwave links, communication of satellite system to overseas,
connection of underwater cable, Internet communication, kinds of telephone used in
Myanmar, functions and development of Directorate of Telecommunications and charts at the
booth of the Ministry of Communications, Posts and
BEHS level completion certificates
23 March- A ceremony to present Basic Education High School level completion certificates
for the 2000-2001 academic year was held at Basic Education High School No 3, Sangyoung
Township, this morning.Headmistress Daw Khin May Thwe made a speech, and presented
certificates to 127 graduates.Similar ceremonies were also held at BEHS No 4 and No 1,
Sangyoung Township, this morning.Headmistress of BEHS No 4 Daw Kyu Kyu Shwe presented
certificates to 165 graduates; Headmistress of BEHS No 1 Daw Aye Aye Mon, 176
graduates.Present at the ceremonies were the directors and officials of No 3 Basic
Education Department (Yangon), the township education officer, guests, teachers, members
of the school board of trustees and the parent-teacher associations.The
certificate-presenting ceremonies will be held at all the schools.
( 6 ) National Convention Convening Commission meets
Yangon, 23 March - The National Convention
Convening Commission held a meeting at the meeting hall of the National Convention
Convening Commission this afternoon.Present were Chairman of NCCC Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and
commission members.The secretary of NCCC and members of the work committee and the
management committee for organizing the National Convention reported on matters related to
the National Convention.The members of NCCC also took part in the discussions.The meeting
ended with concluding remarks by the chairman of the commission.
Course in Diplomatic Skills
23 March-A ceremony to conclude Course No 2/2001 in Diplomatic Skills for senior
officials, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was held at Shin Ditha Pamauk
Hall of the Ministry this morning.Present at the ceremony were Minister for Foreign
Affairs U Win Aung, Myanmar ambassadors, veteran diplomats, rectors and professors,
departmental officials, course instructors and trainees.
The minister made a speech on the occasion and presented certificates
to the trainees. Altogether 36 trainees from various ministries attended the ten-week
government gets debt relief of over ¥ 1,777 million
Yangon, 23 March - Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun and
Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori exchanged notes on debt relief at the meeting hall
of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue this morning.According to that Exchange of Notes,
Myanmar government will get a debt relief of ¥ 1,777.367 million from Japanese
government.Present on the occasion were officials of the departments concerned and
Japanese embassy.
( 7 ) Sayadaw to conduct missionary services in India,
Yangon, 23 March - Chancellor of Thidagu World Buddhist University of Sagaing Hills and
Ovadacariya and Honorary Professor of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary
University Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Maha Dhammakathika
Bahujana Hitadhara Ashinnanissara left here today by air for India to conduct missionary
services there.
The Sayadaw is accompanied by Rector of Thidagu World Buddhist University Honorary
Professor of Abhidhamma Department of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary
University Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandavacaka Pandita Agga Maha Pandita Ashin
Nandamalabhivamsa, Registrar of Thidagu World Buddhist University Sayadaw Agga Maha
Gandavacaka Pandita Ashin Pantita-varabhivamsa, Tampawady U Win Maung, photographer
Hlagonyi U Kyaw Win and Secretary of Thidagu Missionary U Han. They will also visit Japan.
( 8
) Minister inspects veterinary medicine factory
Yangon, 23 March-Chairman of Committee for Extended Production of Meat and Fish
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by Director of
Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department U Soe Lwin, arrived at Veterinary Medicine
Factory of Peace & Perfect International Co Ltd at No 6, Ananda Gonyi Street, O-zu
Ward, Tamway, this afternoon.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Veterinary Medicine Production and Distribution
Sub-committee of the Factory Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun and Sub-committee
members, proprietor of the factory U Pyi Phyo Aung and officials. The minister and party
inspected the factory. U Pyi Phyo Aung explained facts about standard work being carried
out and contribution of the veterinary medicines. Later, the minister attended to the
Yangon Mayor inspects Kya-inn agricultural zone
Yangon, 23 March-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor of Yangon U Ko Lay
met with degree and diploma holders in agriculture and livestock breeding at Shwewatun
Hall in Uto, Taikkyi Township this morning. They will be assigned duties at Production
Department for effective implementation of agriculture and livestock breeding projects of
YCDC. A total of 46 BVS and B Ag degree holders and livestock breeding and agriculture
diploma holders have been appointed to the posts of deputy supervisors and assistant
Speaking on the occasion, the mayor said in carrying out the tasks of agriculture and
livestock breeding for implementing an economic objective of the State that development of
agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well,
meeting the target of YCDC and the objective of the State depends on employees present
there at the moment. Not only agriculture and livestock breeding work but also a research
centre have been constructed in Uto region. The research centre is the largest in South
East Asia and high-yield strains are going to be developed, he added. Afterwards, the
mayor inspected construction of green houses with the use of bamboo obtained in the region
for cultivation of kitchen crops. Then, he inspected reclamation work there. The mayor
attended to the needs.
( 9
) Discipline Enforcement Committee for Myanma Traditional Cultural Water Festival for 1362
ME meets

Yangon, 23 March-The Discipline Enforcement Committee for Myanma Traditional Cultural
Water Festival for 1362 ME held its coordination meeting at the meeting hall of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Office this afternoon, with an address by Chairman
of the Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.
Also present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee
Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and officials. disciplined manner, and the water festival will be
held with four objectives to preserve Myanma traditional cultural water festival in accord
with Myanma tradition and custom, to enable the public to courteously take part in water
festival with peace of mind, to enable the public to discharge the duties of the State in
their utmost in the new year after enjoying the water festival, and to keep on preserving
the essence of Myanma traditional culture.
He stressed the need to prevent the acts that are contrary to the characteristics of
Myanma culture and tradition, Myanma costume, and the acts that are harmful to others, and
the acts that are injurious and hazardous to others in view of the fine objectives of
Myanma traditional cultural water festival. He urged the officials concerned to control
and supervise the acts and expressions which are detrimental to peaceful enjoyment of the
water festival by the public, and to make arrangements for festivities in consonance with
their regions.
Then, Secretary of the Committee General Staff Officer (Grade 1) Lt-Col Khin Zaw Oo
presented the list of the Committee members, and Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint on matters concerning the discipline enforcement.
This was followed by a general round of discussions. The meeting ended with the concluding
remarks by Chairman of the Committee Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.
GDP Computation Course ends
Yangon, 23 March-The GDP Computation Course No 2/2001 of Planning Department under the
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development concluded at the training hall of
the department at the Ministers' Office on Theinbyu Street here this afternoon with an
address by Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha. Also present
were directors-general of departments and organizations under the ministry, directors of
PD's Head Office, officials, guests and trainees. A trainee gave an account of the course
and the minister presented certificates to trainees who had completed the course. A total
of 43 trainees from PD's Head Office and state/division/district/township PD's Offices
attended the course.