( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than
Shwe sends felicitations to Pakistan
Yangon, 23 March - On the occasion of the anniversary of Pakistan Day, which falls on
23 March 2001, His Excellency Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of
felicitations to His Excellency Muhammad Rafiq Tarar, President of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan and to His Excellency General Pervez Musharraf, Chief Executive of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends
cornerstone-laying ceremony for Myanma Information and Communication Technology
Development Building in Hline Township
Yangon, 22 March-A ceremony to lay cornerstone for Myanma Information and Communication
Technology Development Building was held in Hline Township this morning, attended by
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present at
the ceremony were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers,
deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace
and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of Myanmar Computer Technology
Development Council, chairmen of Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientist
Association, Myanmar Computer Industry Association, Myanmar Computer Amateur Association
and officials and guests. Chairman of MCTDC Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected scale models of
the building and gave instructions.
The ceremony stated at 7.10 am, and master of cere-monies Daw Thida Swe of
Myanma Radio and Television, read out the agenda. Then, Sayagyi U Kyaw read out the stone
inscription of the building. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 laid the nine-gem casket at the
designated place. At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers
put cornerstones at the respective places at the same time. The Secretary-1 placed the
stone plaque at the designated place and sprinkled scented water on the casket, the
cornerstones and the plaque. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of
golden and silver showers to mark successful completion of the ceremony.
Secretary-1 receives Chief of Mission of UNHCR
Yangon, 22 March-Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt- Gen Khin
Nyunt received Chief of Mission Mr Rajiv Kapur of UN High Commissioner for Refugees in
Yangon at the Guest House of the Ministry of Defence at 5.30 pm today. Also present at
call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Immigration and Population
U Saw Tun and officials.
( 3 ) Minister U Aung Thaung
receives Chinese guests

Yangon, 22 March-Secretary-1 Minister for Industry -1 U Aung Thaung met Director
of Shandong Building Material Machinery Factory of the People's Republic of China Mr You
Shouzhi and party at his office at 4 pm yesterday. Also present at the call were Deputy
Minister Brig- Gen Kyaw Win and officials.
( 4 )
World water day observed to enhance public
awareness in ensuring availability of clean water
Minister for Health delivers address at World Water Day Ceremony
Yangon, 22 March-A ceremony to mark the World Water Day 2001 was held at the
International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning, with an address by Minister for
Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein. The minister said water is one of the main resources of the
world. It is also an essential and valuable resource for man. As health, social and
economic sectors depend on availability of clean water, systematic water management which
ensures effective water control systems and long-term existence of water resources is
As a means to pay attention to the above-mentioned facts, 22 March has been designated
as "World Water Day" at UN General Assembly in accord with the decision made by
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development which was held in 1992.
Myanmar also has many sayings emphasizing the importance of water to the life of man; and
the sayings have proved that Myanmars value water as their lifeblood. Seventy-five percent
of the world's surface is covered by water, and water constitutes about 70 percent of the
weight of a human body. Water is also included t as a major portion in the daily
food of the people.
Every year millions of I people of the world are suffering from diseases and health
problems or die due to contaminated water and inadequate supply of water. Of the enormous
amount of the world's water, only two percent or 1.4 billion cubic kilos is fresh water.
Thus, the nations of the world are having to face and solve water problems. In Myanmar,
efforts are being made to ensure adequate clean water supply to all the sectors including
agriculture and health sectors throughout successive years.
Six major projects covered by the national health plan is being implemented in accord
with 15 national health objectives; availability of water and environmental
sanitation has been included in the environmental health project, one
of the six major projects.
In Myanmar the Ministry of Health, thc Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and
National Races and Development Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the
Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Forestry, Yangon City
Development Committee and Mandalay City Development Committee are the main bodies striving
to ensure availability of water in the entire nation.
The coordinated efforts of many departments might make it difficult to collect data.
Therefore, it is assumed that it will be easier if a focal point is set up and data are
collected. So,a focal point should be designated to collect accurate and sufficient data
concerning water.
The motto of the World Water Day jointly observed by the Ministry of Health and the
World Health Organization in 2001 is Water and Health. The aims of observing the World
Water Day are to enhance public awareness about the relation between the use and
availability of clean water and health, to promote the cooperation and coordination of the
organizations which are working together for availability of water, to reduce the number
of outbreak of waterborne diseases, to broaden the horizons of the public about water and
health and to get the success of the tasks in thc limelight.
As of today, sustained efforts are to be made to ensure sufficiency of clean water for
all Myanmar people throughout this year, and Planning Committee is to be formed, and
emphasis is to be placed on tasks for the use and availability of clean water. In Myanmar,
water supply projects are under way, and the pilot projects for monitoring the quality of
drinking water have been set into motion recently.
Thanks should be expressed and encouragement should be given to various departments
which have embarked on the task of turning quantity into quality, that is to say, from the
task of tapping water resources to that of ensuring the use of pure water. All are to
exert continued efforts for the quality assurance of water being used by the people of
Myanmar. In conclusion, the minister urged all present to discuss tasks which are feasible
and can ensure the availability of clean water for the people of Myanmar.
Also present on the occasion were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein, deputy ministers, Rector Brig-Gen Hla Myint of Defence
Services Medical Institute, President of Myanmar Academy of Medical Sciences Dr Ko Ko and
members, directors-general, managing directors, deputy directors-general, directors,
medical superintendents and rectors, hospitals and institutes under the Ministry of Health
and departments concerned, resident representatives and officials of UN agencies,
chairmen, executives and officials of NGOs and guests.,
WHO Resident Representative Dr Agostino Borra read out the message for the World Water
Day ceremony sent by South-East Asia Region Director Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei of WHO. After
the ceremony, Minister Lt-Gen Min Thein, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, the deputy ministers,
the officials and guests viewed the exhibition marking the World Water Day in the
reception hall of IBC.
Afterwards, the World Water Day Commemorative Seminar was held at the central hall of
IBC at 9.30 am.
Deputy Director-General Dr Soe Aung of Health Department presided over the seminar.
Assistant Engineer Daw Li Li Tin of Yangon City Development Committee, Assistant Engineer
Daw Nyunt Kyi of Development Affairs Department, Assistant Director U Kyaw Win of Health
Department (Sanitation Division), Director U Kyaw Win of Water Resources Utilization
Department, Programme Officer of UNICEF Dr Deepak and Deputy Director (Health Education)
Dr Khin Maung Lwin of Health Planning Department submitted papers to thc seminar.
Those present took part in the discussions and the seminar concluded in the evening.
Minister inspects land reclamation, construction of road,
bridges in Hlegu
Yangon, 22 March- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by Director-General Col Myo Myint of
Development Affairs Department, yesterday morning inspected land reclamation at Vegetable
Cultivation and Production Special Zone No 3, construction of the road from Kyargansu to
Hlegu and building of bridges on Kyargansu-Ngahsutaung section in Hlegu Township.
In the briefing hall, the minister and party heard reports on building of bridges on
Kyargansu-Ngahsutaung section, construction of earthen road on Kyargansu Hlegu section and
land reclamation at the Vegetable Cultivation and Production Special Zone No 3. Then, the
minister and party inspected construction of the bridge on Ngahsutaung road and gave
necessary instructions.
At the Vegetable Cultivation and Production Special Zone No 3, the minister inspected
the land reclamation and gave instructions on work. Out of 1,600 acres of land of
the zone, 1,060 acres of received land have been allotted to the departments concerned. so
far. Entrepreneurs also started their work in the region.
Then, the minister and party inspected water pumping test at the tube well by plastic
propeller near Taguton Village. The minister and party inspected Construction of earth
road from Kyargansu Hlegu by heavy machinery. Out of four miles, three miles of the- road
have been completed. Hlegu-Kyagansu Hsatthadaw-Hmawby Road is seven miles shorter than
Hlegu -Htaikkyant-Hntawby Road. On completion of the road, cultivators, breeders and local
people will be able to travel from Hlegu to Hmawby more conveniently.
( 5 ) Minister inspects locomotive workshop
Yangon, 22 March-Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by Managing
Director of Myanma Railways Col Min Swe and officials, inspected Ywahtaung Locomotive
Workshop in Sagaing Township on 20 March. The minister inspected construction of rail-bus
for transport of tourists and gave instructions. Then, the minister inspected construction
of coaches which can carry 500 passengers and attended to the needs. The minister later
met with Workshop Manager U Myint Khaing, engineers, division level officials and
responsible persons and urged them to speed up the work.
Mayor inspects Uto Golf Course, receives Chinese guests
Yangon, 22 March-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected
the construction of golf course at Uto Recreation Centre in Taikkyi Township and received
the director of Zeng Zu Municipal Radio and Television, China, this morning. The Mayor
accompanied by the officials arrived at the golf course construction project in Uto
Recreation Centre in Taikkyi Township and inspected land preparation, planting of grass on
greens and trees. Then, the Mayor inspected construction of Agriculture Research Centre
and gave instructions on meeting the targeted standard and completion of the tasks in
time. Then, the Mayor received Director Madame Wu Yu Hua of Zeng Zu Municipal Radio and
Television, China and party at Uto Shwewatun hall. Member of the committee Col Thaung Wai
briefed them on condition of agriculture camps and agriculture and livestock breeding
tasks in Uto-Kya-in region, and replied to the queries raised by the guests. Afterwards,
the guests looked around the region in cars.
( 6 ) Lawka
Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni image crowded with devotees

Yangon, 22 Mar- Members of the Sangha, foreigners, devotees and pilgrims were seen
making donations at the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni image at Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township toady.
Stone Sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons, the engineers and
workers of Buildings Construction Project Special Group-2 of Public Works, Myanmar
handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group were carrying out
decoration and construction tasks.
Wut associations recited parittas from morning till night in turn. Bookshops of
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information sold various kinds of books on
knowledge and aesthetics. Donation Centre is opened daily and donations made by the public
have amounted to K 159,084,527 from 5 August 2000 to date.
( 7 ) Minister inspects factories in Bago,
Magway Division

Yangon, 22 March - Minister for Industry-2 Maj- Gen Saw Lwin, together with officials,
arrived at No 1 Agricultural Machinery Factory (Hsinde) under Myamna Agricultural
Industries in Padaung Township, Bago Division (Western Branch), on 18 March.
The minister inspected manufacturing of power tillers and water pumps at the workshop-1
and gave instructions on putting agricultural machinery of high quality in the market.
On 19 March, the minister visited No 2 Agricultural Machinery Factory (Malun) in Minhla
Township, Magway Division. In the briefing hall of the factory, General Manager U Thein
Aung and Managing Director U Than Tun reported on production work, strength of the staff,
research and development work and financial matters.
The minister later toured the factory, and inspected the tailoring course No 2/2000 con
ducted by the factory and the .self-reliant per-primary school of the factory.
The minister and party arrived at No 2 Automobile Factory under Myanma Automobile and
Diesel Engine Industries on 20 March and spent the night there. Yesterday, the minister
inspected manufacturing of two ton light trucks and Mazda Jeeps at the factory.
Managing Director U Soe Thein and General Manager U Kyaw Myo Win reported on production
work. The minister gave instructions on the work. Afterwards, the minister went to No I
Machine Tool Factory under Myanma Machine Tool and Electrical Industries, and inspected
production work and construction of Power Cable Manufacturing Shop.
( 8
) Minister inspects solo art show
Yangon, 22 March- Minister for Culture U Win Sein inspected preparations being made for
artist Min Way Aung's solo art show (Myanmar) to be staged at the multi-purpose hall of
the National Theatre of Cultural Institute Department this afternoon.
Officials and U Min Way Aung reported on thc salient points of the show to the minister
who gave necessary instructions. A total of 35 paintings of oil and water colour, etc will
be exhibited at the show the is to be held with the sponsorship of the National Theatre of
CID and Dr Khin Sanda Win and the paintings are not for sale.
The show will be opened to the public free of charge from 23 to 29 March from 9 am to 4
pm daily. On 23 March, Tayaw U Tin Yi Band troupe will present the entertainment as a
special programme.
( 9
) Photo Exhibition & Book Fair opened in Mandalay
Yangon, 22 March-A ceremony to open Photo Exhibition & Book Fair and Market
Festival of Upper Myanmar was held on the second floor of New Modern Yadanabon Market on
78th Street (Between 33rd and 34th Streets) this morning, attended by member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen
Aung Thein, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein.
Also present were Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U
Chit Naing, Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise Col Myint Thein,
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior military officers, Secretary of Division
Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and division level officials, members of the
Work Committee for Organizing the Exhibitions, Union Solidarity and Development
Association, Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association and others. The commander, the
deputy minister and the mayor formally opened the ceremony. Then, the commander formally
unveiled the signboard of Sarpay Beikman Library (Mandalay) of Printing and Publishing
Enterprise. Next, the commander, the deputy minister, the mayor and guests viewed the
photo booths of the ministries concerned, documentary photos, prize-winning photos, book
booths of the Ministry of Information and Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association,
booths of Mandalay Institute of Medicine, Mandalay University, the Ministry of Science
& Technology and Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana. The Sarpay
Beikman Book Shop and 13 private book stalls of Yangon and Mandalay were opened at the
fair which continues till 31 March.