( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe
stresses need to build human resources to serve national, public interests
Progress of 35 million rural people or 60 percent of population important in
developing nation
Myanmar and International Studies
Course No 2, Executives Advanced Management Course No 9, International Relations Course No
6 open
Yangon, 21 MarchA ceremony to open Myanmar and International
Studies Course No 2, Executives Advanced Management Course No 9 and International
Relations Course No 6 of Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at
Pyidaungsu Hall of Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township this morning, with an
address by Patron of USDA Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Also present were Patron of USDA
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, members of
the State Peace and Development Council, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung
Khin, Lt-Gen Tin Tun and Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers, the Chief Justice, the
Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and
Training Board, members of Panel of Patrons of USDA, CEC members of USDA, deputy
ministers, senior military officers, directors-general and managing directors of
departments and enterprises, distinguished guests, Officer in-charge of the courses Lt-Col
Myo Myint, course supervisors and trainees.
The Senior General said the subjects on the national affairs
international relations and Myanmar and international studies will be lectured at the
courses which opened today. In addition to conducting courses on national affairs for
youth at USDA central and regional levels, the Association is also opening courses on
traditions and culture, arts, language, technology and vocational education in the entire
Over 7.7 million youth have attended the respective courses which have
been opened since over seven years ago. Plans are under way to open cultural and technical
courses during this years summer holidays to train nearly 1.5 million youth.
The education, intellectual and the social abilities of the citizens
are the national power which guarantees the nations future. The citizens who have
high hope and conviction, looking forward to the interests of the Union and the people are
the nations resources. Qualified citizens will have the calibre to build a peaceful,
pleasant and developed nation. Thus, human resources which serve the nation and
peoples interests should be developed.
The special national education programme was laid down and is
implementing to transform the Myanmar society into a constant learning society. The
national education will be uplifted in harmony with the growth in Gross Domestic Product.
The education, health and social conditions of the entire national people will be
developed together with the economic growth.
The respective targets have been overfulfilled in implementing the
short-term economic plans, which have been drafted to increase GDP growth. The present
second short-term five-year plan ends in March. According to the pre-assessment data, the
targets are sure to be overfulfilled. The central and regional level officials have
already coordinated to implement the third short-term five-year plan during the period
from fiscal 2001-2002 to 2005-2006. It is hoped to see significant growth in GDP and per
capita income during the plan period. The agricultural sector will enjoy progress as usual
during the period and it is estimated to achieve marked increase in the ratio of
investment in the industrial sector.
Efforts should be made under long-term goals in striving for the
emergence of a peaceful and developed nation. Aims should be set for multi-sectorial
development. Efforts should be made with the natural force, human force and the spiritual
force of the entire national people for progress of the whole Union. All should exert
efforts with the spirit to love the Union to ensure absolute progress in all the national
affairs. All the national affairs are to be realized through concerted efforts of the
citizens. The task to give priority to the rural development undertakings has already
included in the objectives of the third short-term plan. Progress of the 35 million rural
people or 60 percent of the national population is important in developing the nation.
Greater attention should be paid to rural development tasks than in implementing the
previous national economic plans. The basic needs of the villages should be fulfilled in
all aspects.
The transport sector is included in the main requirements of the rural
areas. As the volume of work of the development task is greater in hill regions than in
the plains due to the geographical conditions, it is being implemented under the State
leadership. The respective ministries and local administrative bodies should undertake the
development task in the plains. Water availability projects for dry areas is included in
rural development task. In the meantime efforts should be made to ensure irrigation water,
the task which is involved in economic structure. Irrigation projects including river
pumped-water projects and underground-water tapping projects are included in the task to
ensure supply of cultivation water.
At the same time, livestock breeding should be conducted in addition to
agriculture in the rural economic sector. Forest conservation and plantation, extension of
fuel wood plantation and region-wise perennial crop plantation should be conducted in the
environs of the rural areas. Rural agriculture, livestock breeding, water supply,
ecological soil preservation and transport development undertakings are the practical way
towards poverty alleviation. Efforts are also required to uplift the rural economic
sector. As over 36,000 primary schools have been opened in rural areas all the children of
the areas are in a position to get access to the primary education. Efforts should be made
in cooperation with the people for betterment of the school buildings and their environs,
to enable school age children to attend classes, to uplift the education standard, to get
adequate number of teaching aids and to enable rural youth to pursue higher education.
Similarly, public participation is required in giving health education to rural people for
their health and fitness and uplifting the standard of the health staff, buildings and
equipment at all rural delivery rooms, dispensaries and station hospitals.
As the rural development tasks are to be implemented in the
multi-sectors, a major rural development project will emerge if all these sectors are
combined. This major project will be included as a sector in the coming five-year plan.
The government since its assumption of the duties of State is making
zealous efforts in undertaking regional development tasks. A law was enacted and aims
realized for progress of border areas and national races. The Central Committee for
Development of Border Areas and National Races, the Work Committee and the subcommittees
have been formed in implementing the task. The State has a firm conviction that the
national consolidation is the requirement of history. As it would be difficult to bring
peace and development to the nation if all the forces of the nation are in disunity, Our
Three Main National Causes is being practised as the fundamental policy in practically
striving to build peace. Our Three Main National Causes is firm to be upheld as the basic
policy concerning the Union interests for all the forces of the nation. Due to mutual
trust and understanding national races in border areas are striving hand in hand with the
government in implementing regional and national development tasks within the framework of
the law.
The national races possessing the Union Spirit and anti-colonialist
spirit struggled to win back independence which was lost. National peace and stability
lost soon after regaining of independence due to eruption of armed conflicts resulting
from the consequences of the colonialists divide-and-rule policy. Lack of peace and
stability had lead to absence of security and occurrence of backwardness in border areas.
Efforts are being made in laying the foundation of national
conciliation, which is the most important task in building a peaceful, modern and
developed nation. The law has been enacted for progress of border areas and national
races. The objectives of the law are; for development of economic, social and transport
sectors of the national races of border areas in accord with the objectives, which are,
non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and
perpetuation of sovereignty; to further strengthen the amity among the national races; to
set up economic enterprises in order to totally wipe out poppy cultivation; and to
maintain security, rule of law and regional peace in border areas.
The State formed the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs as a separate body to successfully realize the aims.
Economic structures such as road and bridge construction projects, energy projects and
communication projects have been implemented with high momentum for rapid progress of
social, economic and administrative systems. The fruits of development can be seen in the
respective regions and sectors due to prevalence of regional peace and stability and
cooperation between the State and the national races.
If the results of development are assessed, it can be seen that peace
foundation has been laid in the border areas. The cooperation of the national race
organizations understanding the States goodwill and joining hands with the State
based on mutual trust has brought unity, peace and security. The opportunity to strive for
development of border areas has achieved due to these favourable conditions. The attitude
of the objective of peace, stability and development is constructive. The collective
realization of the constructive objective is the constructive approach. The constructive
objective and approach are the key to the success and development.
Myanmar already has an international relations policy; and it has been
always adhering to the policy without fail. As special attention is being paid to ensuring
national peace, unity and development, the nation is also launching regional and
international cooperations with full confidence. It values the regional stability. As the
nation values her sovereignty she also respects the sovereignty of all nations. As it is
among the leading countries in laying down the five principles of Peaceful Co-Existence,
it is precisely accepting and adhering to the principles with full trust. The initial
values of Myanmar society "Enhance amity, diminish enmity" and "Say
it seldom, make it stick" have been practised as Myanmars code of conduct
in international relations. If the code of conduct receives equal response, the better
environs of relations can be attained.
In conclusion, the Senior General urged
the trainees to study all the endeavours valuing and realizing the whole national affairs
to build the Union into a peaceful and modern nation; to study the implementations of the
States plans with high acceleration in order to develop the entire nation including
rural areas and to take part from the respective sectors in the task, and to strive to
analize the true nature of every matter and to live in accord with the tradition, stand,
codes of conduct and Union Spirit of Myanmar.
After the ceremony, the Senior General cordially greeted the trainees
and had a luncheon together with them.Later, the Senior General left the Unit in the
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's speech
* Over 7.7 million
youth have attended the respective courses which have been opened in over seven years.
* The education, intellectual and social
abilities of the citizens are the national power which guarantees the nations
* The national education will be uplifted in
harmony with the growth in Gross Domestic Product.
* Efforts should be made with the natural force,
human force and the spiritual force of the entire national people for progress of the
whole Union.
* All the national affairs are to be realized
through concerted efforts of the citizens.
* As the rural development tasks are to be
implemented in the multi-sectors, a major rural development project will emerge if all
these sectors are combined.
* Myanmar values regional stability. As the
nation values her sovereignty she also respects the sovereignty of all nations.
* As it is among the leading countries in laying
down the five priciples of Peaceful Co-oexistence, it is precisely accepting and adhering
to the principles with full trust.
* The initial values of Myanmar society
"Enhance amity, diminish emity" and "Say it seldom, make it stick
have been practised as Myanmar code of conduct in international relations.
( 2 ) Parade columns continue march and drills
Yangon, 21 MarchMilitary columns
which will participate in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade continued parade
drills from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park and back to Myoma Grounds from 5.30 am to
10.30 am today.
Under the leadership of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min and
Reserve Parade Commander Col Hla Tun, Anawrahta Column led by Column Commander Col San Aye
Hla, Kyansittha Column led by Column Commander Col Sein Win, Bayintnaung Column led by
Column Commander Col Aye Myint Maung, Nawade Column led by Column Commander Captain Aye Pe
(Navy), Aungzeya Column led by Column Commander Col Thein Hlaing, Hsinbyushin Column led
by Column Commanderr Col Myo Thant, Bandoola Column led by Column Commander Col Htay Aung,
Myawady Column led by Column Commander Col Aung Win and Aung San Column led by Column
Commander Col Hla Ngwe took part in the drills in accordance with parade orders of the
Armed Forces Day.
Chairman of Parade Working Committee for Observance of the Armed Forces Day Chief of
Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of Best Parade Column Scrutiny Committee
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi,
Commandant of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu, senior
military officers and officials inspected the drills.
Cash donated for hailing Armed Forces
Yangon, 21 MarchHailing the
56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the families of All-Private Bus Lines Control Committee
(Yangon) held a cash presentation ceremony at Dhammarakkhita Dhammayon of the Maha Wizaya
Pagoda on Shwe-dagon Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Present at the ceremony were member of the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Chairman of Committee for Construction of Maha Wizaya Pagoda Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, senior military
officers, member of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Parade Commander of the
56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min and members of Parade Work
Committee, departmental heads, Chairman of ABLCC U Phone Kyaw and members and
sub-committee members.
Secretary of ABLCC (Yangon) U Myat Hla explained the purpose of the
donations. Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint
presented K 20 million by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council for families of
regiments under the Command, to the commander.Chairman U Phone Kyaw presented K 1.1
million by ABLCC for all-round construction of the Maha Wizaya Pagoda and K 4 million by
ABLCC for families of regiments of the Command, to the commander.Then, the deputy
commander, Chairman U Phone Kyaw and officials presented cash donations by ABLCC to the
parade columns, military hospitals, peoples hospitals and religious associations and
social organizations.
Medical Superintendent of Yangon Psychiatric Hospital Dr Toe Aung spoke words of
thanks. The donations totalled K 29.2 million-K 20 million by Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council and K 9.2 million by ABLCC.
( 3 ) Ambassador U Thein Aung accredited to Morocco
Yangon, 22 March- The Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Thein Aung, Ambassador to the
Arab Republic of Egypt, concurrently as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Union of Myanmar to the Kingdom of Morocco.
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs leaves for Chile
Yangon, 21 March-Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win left here by air
this afternoon to attend the First Ministerial Meeting of the East Asia-Latin America
Forum to be held in Santiago, Chile. He was seen off at Yangon International Airport by
officials of the ministry. Director-General U Thaung Tun of Polical Department and
Director (Americas Division) U Denzil Abel of Political Department will also be attending
the meeting.
( 4 )
Commander inspects livestock breeding farms in Hmawby, Insein
Yangon, 21 March-Member of the State Peace
and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, accompanied by officials of the
command, inspected livestock breeding farms being undertaken by the command this morning.
At the briefing hall of No 2 poultry farm in Hmawby Township, In-charge of the farm Maj
Myat Nyein reported on raising of broilers and layers, and production and sale of eggs. In
response to the report, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said that the command let the battalions
and units under the command engage in livestock breeding work as it is carrying out the
task; the No 2 poultry farm has realised the target as its current egg production is
20,000 eggs per day, and urged officials to supervise the undertakings so as not to
decrease the production of broilers and layers, to constantly raise the layers, to
systematically raise RIR chicks, and fulfilled the requirements. Next, the commander
inspected raising the layers with the use of Battery Cage system and extension of the
farms, and gave necessary instructions. At the briefing hall of No 1 poultry farm in
Sawbwagyigon, Insein Township, In-charge of the farm Maj Ko Ko Aung reported on raising of
broilers and production of RIR chicks. In response to the report, the commander said that
No 1 and No 3 poultry farms are mainly raising the broilers, and called on the officials
to breed the broilers in accord with the target. Afterwards, the commander looked into the
briquette factory and fulfilled the needs. Later, the commander inspected the incubator at
No 1 poultry farm, and left necessary instructions. The commander and party proceeded to
Taing Shwegon vegetables and meat shop, and urged officials to sell the vegetables and
meat at reasonable prices and left there.
Extension of Fish & Meat Production Committee meets
Yangon, 21 March-The coordination meeting of Committee for Extended Production of Meat
an Fish was held at the hall of Fisheries Department on Hsinmin Road in Ahlon Township
yesterday. It was attended by Chairman of the Committee Minister at the Prime Minister's
Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and Vice-Chairman Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen
Maung Maung Thein. At the meeting, mem-bers of the committee in-charge for states and
divi-sions the deputy ministers reported on work done and arrangements for tasks of
respective regions, commit-tee members of Extended Prawn Breeding and Produc-tion,
Extended Meat Produc-tion Special Work Group and Extended Fish Breeding and Production on
work done and tasks to be carried out in their respective sectors, and entre-preneurs on
production of fryshrimp and meat. Secretary Deputy Minister U Aung Thein added
supplementary reports. The ministers attend-ed to the needs and the meeting came to an
end. After the meeting, Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein together with officials inspected the
sites chosen for jetty and ice factory, and construction of ship of Pyi Aung Yadana Co Ltd
and gave instructions.
( 5 ) Commander
opens sports training courses for coaches
Yangon, 21 March- The opening ceremony of
Sports training courses No 2 for coaches of states and divisions of Upper Myanmar was held
at Yadanabon Hall of Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay) in Chanayethazan Township on
19 March morning, attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
Also present were Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Chairman of
Mandalay Division Sports and Physical Education Committee Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay
Win, Tactical Operations Commander Col Tun Kyi and departmental officials,
Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and Physical Education Department, Principal U
Kyaw Soe Myint of Sports and Physical Education Institute, coaches, trainees and
others.The commander made an opening speech. Altogether 66 trainees of states and
divisions are attending the two-week courses on football, volleyball, track and field and
attends coord meeting
Yangon, 21 March- Shan State (North)
Peace and Development Council Chairman North-East Command Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura
Tin Aung Myint Oo attended the coordination meeting of Agriculture and Planning Sector
held at the hall of the command from 15 to 17 March.It was attended by Tactical Operations
Commanders, Shan State( North) Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Win Han and
members, local authorities and officials. The commander gave an opening speech. The
chairmen reported on work done and future tasks for agriculture and regional development
and officials on work progress to him who attended to the needs. Then, he gave concluding
( 6 ) New road opened in Kengtung
Yangon, 21 March- Chairman of Shan State
(East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein
Sein attended the opening of new gravel road at Yanlaw Village in Kengtung Township, Shan
State (East) on 17 March morning.
Also present on the occasion were senior military officers from the
command, members of State/District/Township Peace and Deve-lopment Councils, departmental
officials, members of Myanmar Police Force, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, USDA, Myanmar Maternal
and Child Welfare Association and local people.
Executive Officer of Township Development Affairs Department U Aye Myint reported on
facts about the road. The commander and Director of State Development Affairs Department U
Thet Hnin Oo formally opened the road which is 3420 feet long and 12 feet wide and built
at a cost of K 2,569,500.
( 7 ) Minister inspects Shangaing Sluice
Gate in Waw Township
Yangon, 21 March-Accompanied by officials concerned, Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin arrived at Shangaing Sluice Gate to be opened soon in Waw
Township, Bago Division this morning. At the briefing hall, the director of Construction-6
of Irrigation Department reported on progress of work, Deputy Director-General of ID U
Khin Zaw on creeks of inundated lands, Sittaung River, progress of sluice gates from
Myitkyo to Tawa, Shangaing and Paingkyon Sluice Gates and advantages of the sluice gates
to the minister who looked into the project.
The minister gave instructions on turning more sown acreage in response to the sluice
gates, boosting the yield of paddy, proper flow of water in the inundated areas. The
Shangaing Sluice Gate will irrigate over 25,000 acres of lands on completion. In the
afternoon, the minister arrived at the project site of Lagonpyin Dam under construction
near Thamigalay Village, at the border of Yangon and Bago Divisions. At the briefing hall,
officials reported on progress of work and tasks being undertaken to the minister who then
inspected the project, and Alineni Dam under construction. Lagonpyin Dam and Alineni Dam
will irrigate over 10,000 acres of lands in Bago Township and 12,000 acres of lands in
Hlegu Township on completion. In the evening, the minister inspected the plantations of
Myanma Agriculture Service and Myanma Farms Enterprise and left necessary instructions.
Mines Minister inspects booth
Yangon, 20 March-Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint inspected the preparations to
open the booth of the Ministry of Mines at the exhibition to be held in commemoration of
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day at Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road
this morning. The heads of the departments and officials briefed on display of the booth
and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Construction Minister inspects roads and bridge
Yangon, 21 March-Minister for
Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by the officials, met with the staff at the toll
gate on Yangon-Pathein Road and gave necessary instructions and inspected the extension
and paving of Pathein Road in Yangon Division yesterday. Then the minister inspected the
repair of Yangon-Pathein Road in Nyaungdon Township and attended to the needs. The
minister also inspected repair of road sections on Danubyu-Zalun Road and Myokwin-Kwinkauk
Road, upgrading of Kwinkauk-Gwa junction and road at Kyaukchaung on Pathein-Monywa Road
and gave instructions to the officials. The minister then proceeded to 240-feet long
Khonminyoe bridge and 180-feet long Yoenyinaung bridge on Gwa-Ngathaingchaung Road. He
gave instructions and attended to the needs.
( 8
) Coop Products Exhibitions on 2-8 April
Yangon, 21 March-A coordination meeting
for holding the Cooperative Products Exhibition and Sales to be held at Saya San Palaza of
Cooperative Commercial Centre at the corner of Saya San Road and University Avenue in
Bahan Township from 2 to 8 April, was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of
Cooperatives at 2 pm today, with an address by Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San.
Present on the occasion were directors-general and managing directors of departments and
enterprises under the ministry, officials, members of Leading Committee for Holding the
Cooperative Products Exhibition and Sales, the chairmen and secretaries of working
committee, representatives of enterprises, companies and cooperatives societies. Patron of
Leading Committee Minister U Aung San heard reports by the officials and gave necessary
instructions. Over 150 show rooms of cooperative societies from states and divisions,
Government enterprises, companies and private entrepreneurs will participate in the
exhibition with their products local goods, foodstuffs, garments, electronic accessories,
spare parts of tractors and engines, furniture, handicrafts, stationery, personal and
household goods. The exhibition will also include entertainment programmes such as stage
show and song festival.
Preparations for Photo Exhibition, Book Fair and Market Festival
Yangon, 21 March-Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, Photo Exhibition, Book
Fair and Market festival will be held on the first floor of Yadanarbon Market in Mandalay
from 22 to 31 March. Chairman of Work Committee for Holding the Exhibition Deputy Minister
for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein inspected the preparations for the exhibition
yesterday morning. He was conducted around by Work Committee Secretary Director-General of
Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Deputy Director-General U Aung
San and committee members. Then, he inspected preparations for opening of Sarpay Beikman
Library (Mandalay) of Printing and Publishing Enterprise and gave instructions.
( 9
) Woman gets 15 years' imprisonment
Yangon, 21 March-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence
unit and Muse Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Ma Thaung Yin, who
was on a bicycle, at Manwein Village, Muse Township, on 25 October 2000, and found 15
grams of heroin concealed in her bag. Muse Police Station took action against Ma Thaung
Yin, 40, daughter of U Mauk Khan Lwe, of Swansaw Ward, Muse, under Section 15/19 (A) of
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. She was sentenced to 15 years'
imprisonment under Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by
Muse District Court on 31 January 2001.