( 1 ) Secretary-1 attends
enshrinement, Shwehtidaw hoisting and consecration ceremony of Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe
Yangon, 19 March- The enshrinement,
Shwehti-daw hoisting and consecration ceremony of Hsan-dawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda in
Kyaikto Township, Mon State, was held at the pagoda this morning.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt attended the ceremony and enshrined religious objects into the reliquary and hoisted
different tiers of the Shwehti-daw, the Hngetmyatnadaw and the Seinbudaw atop the pagoda.
Accompanied by ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), the Deputy Minister
for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and officials of
the State Peace and Development Council Office, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt left here
for Kyaikto, Mon State, by helicopter at 7.15 am to attend the enshrinement, Shwehtidaw
hoisting and consecration ceremony of Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda.
On arrival at Kyaikto, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by
Deputy Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myo Hla, Chairman of Kayin State Peace and
Development Council Col Saw Khin Soe and officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded
to Kyaikhtiyoe Hill by car. The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Chairman of
Working Committee for All-round Renovation and Shwehtidaw Hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy
Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Chairman of Fund-raising Committee
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Commander of No 44 Light
Infantry Division Brig-Gen Nay Win, Chairman of Thaton District Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Tin Aung, chairmen and members of Thaton, Kyaikto, Bilin and Paung Township
Peace and Development Councils, Chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees Maj Aung Chit
(Retd), officials and pilgrims.
First, the Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to the Seinbudaw, the
Hngetmyat-nadaw, the Shwehtidaw to be hoisted atop the pagoda and religious objects to be
enshrined in the pagoda at the central pandal on the pagoda platform At 9 am, the
enshrinement, Shwehtidaw hoisting and consecration ceremony of Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe
Pagoda was held at the central pandal.
Present were the Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Magway Sayadaw and member Sayadaws, members of the State Central Working Committee of the
Sangha of Thaton District, the Chairman Sayadaw of Mon State Sangha Nayaka Committee
(Sudhamma) and Ovadaça-riya Sayadaws of Kyaik-htiyoe Pagoda, chairmen of All Gana Sangha
Nayaka Committees of four townships in Thaton District and members of the Sangha totalling
28, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party together with chairmen and members of
respective working committees and sub-committees, departmental officials, members of the
Pagoda Board of Trustees, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association,
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, religious
wut associations, local people and pilgrims.
At the ceremony, Staff Officer U San Thin Hlaing of Religious Affairs
Department acted as master of ceremonies and read out the agenda of the ceremony.
First, the congregation recited Namo Tassa three times. Teingyar Htidaw
Hoisting Group blew conch shells, followed by playing of royal drum and the gong nine
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party and the congregation took the
Nine Precepts from Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha
Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara.
Laypersons offered parit-ta flowers, water, thread and sand to Sayadaws
and sprinkled them on the platform and the precinct of the pagoda.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe
offered the Seinbudaw to be hoisted atop the pagoda and offertories to Secretary Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Kumara.
Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairmans
Office Lt-Gen Min Thein offered the Hngetmyatnadaw to the Sayadaw.
Minister at the Prime Ministers Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe presented
second tier of the Htidaw and Daw Khin Phyu Win, wife of Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit
Maung, religious objects to the Sayadaw.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Hotels and Tourism
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Minister for Religious Affairs
U Aung Khin, Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, deputy ministers, who
accompanied the Secretary-1, offered different tiers of the Shwehtidaw and religious
objects to the Sayadaw. Then, the Secretary-1 supplicated on religious affairs to the
Sayadaw. The Secretary-1 said that a study of how Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda emerged in Kyaikto
Township, Mon State, shows that at the request of Gavampati Mahathera, the Buddha,
accompanied by 500 Mahathera, came to Suvannabhumi, the Golden Land, during His eighth
vassa. The Buddha delivered sermons to King Tissa Dhamma Siharaja, Tissa hermit, Siha
hermit and the people of Suvannabhumi. The Buddha himself gave six hermits including Tissa
hermit two strings of hair each.
Out of six hermits, four hermits built pagodas and enshrined the Buddha's strings of
hair in them. Tila hermit, who lived on Kelasa Hill, enshrined one string of hair in the
pagoda on the hill, and he kept the remaining one in his own hair-knot. Tissa hermit, who
lived on Kyaikhtiyoe Hill, also kept the two strings of hair in his own hair-knot. On the
demise of Tila hermit from Kelasa Hill, Tissa hermit received the remaining string of hair
kept in the hair-knot of Tila hermit, and there had been three strings of hair in the
hair-knot of Tissa hermit. When Tissa hermit was not in good health, the hermit had agreed
to enshrine the Buddha's hair in a stupa at the request of his brother Siha hermit and son
King Tissa Dhamma Siharaja.
Thagyarmin, king of celestial beings, took a huge boulder, 17 feet in height and 52
feet in girth, that looked like the hermit's cranium, and put it on a projecting tabular
rock, 83 feet in height and 55 feet in girth. At the centre of the top of the huge bolder,
a hole, three feet in depth and six inches in width, was dug. The Buddha's three strings
of hair were put into a casket, which was also enshrined in that hole. In 118 ME, a
three-feet-high stupa was built on the hole, which was called Kyaiknathiyo in Mon language
and Kyaikhtiyoe in Myanmar. Historical documents show that the bolder was situated without
touching the surface of the mountain edge. In the present condition, the bolder is still
situated on the mountain edge in a precarious position. When even a normal man pushes the
bolder, it is found that the bolder is shaking.
Although thousands of pilgrims who have visited the pagoda have tried the bolder, it is
still in its original position. If it had been a man-made bolder, it would have fallen
down and would have been broken into pieces. Therefore, the fame of Kyaikhtiyoe spreads
not only in Asia but also in the whole world. In 917 ME, King Bayintnaung, ruler of Bago
Hanthawady, himself donated Shwehtidaw to the pagoda. King Pyay of Inwa, King Minye
Kyawswa of Inwa and King Saneimin of Inwa also donated Shwehtidaws to the pagoda in 1031
ME, 1040 ME and 1062 ME respectively. After the formation of the Pagoda Board of Trustees
in 1265 ME, the pagoda was renovated.
The pagoda was renovated in AD 1936 and the new Htidaw was hoisted atop it. During a
visit to the pagoda in 2000, the Secretary-1 found that it required renovation. Thus he
submitted the matter to the Ovadacariya Sayadaws. According to the survey report of Deputy
Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and engineers, it was found that the
original frame of the pagoda required to be substituted with stainless steel frame; the
60-year-old pivot needed to be substituted with a stainless steel rod; new cement was
required to be laid and new gold plates should be offered. The State Peace and Development
Council formed the respective committees such as the Ovadacariya Committee, the Leading
Committee, the Work Committee and the Financial Committee to renovate the pagoda in accord
with the religious principles.
Systematic arrangements are being made to offer a new Htidaw and gold plates and gold
foils to the pagoda. The gold removed from the pagoda was systematically refined into 64
gold bars. The 64 gold bars were then cast into 26-gauge gold plates. More gold was bought
with the cash donated by the people to be offered to the pagoda. The stainless steel frame
of the Htidaw would be gilded with gold plates. Due to the generosity of the well-wishers
enough gold was received for the Htidaw. The Htidaw, the Seinbudaw and the Hnegtmyatnadaw
have become sublime as were cast under the supervision of Kyaikhtihsuang Saya-daw. The
original height of the pagoda was 13 feet eight inches. As it was laid with reinforced
concrete to ensure durability, its present height has become 22 feet five inches. Instead
of using bamboo and wood to erect the scaffold, steel pipes were used in accord with the
modern methods.
The steel pipes were donated by Dr Khin Shwe of Zaykabar Company. The decaying tiles
were removed and substituted with 20,000 two feet by two feet granite slabs on the pagoda
platform. A new 350-kv generator and underground wiring system was installed with public
donations. The pagoda was illuminated to be more sublime. The surface of the seven-mile
long mountain road to the pagoda was laid with concrete and a road drainage system was
added. The pagoda platform and its surrounding areas have been beautified with trees and
plants. The all-round renovation task of the pagoda has been completed in a short period
due to the ardent participation of the Buddhists and the effective leadership of the
State. He wished all the donors to gain merits and for propagation and perpetuation of the
Sasana. Then, Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadaja Baddhanta Panadipa
delivered a sermon and the Secretary-1 and members, wellwishers and the congregation
shared merits gained and the ceremony came to a close.
Then, the Secretary-1 conveyed the Seinbudaw, wife Daw Khin Win Shwe, the cluster of
gold bells. Minister Lt-Gen Min Thein conveyed the Hgnetmyetnadaw and ministers, deputy
ministers, senior military officers and donors, the sacred objects and objects to be
enshrined in the pagoda, Tagundaing and Htidaw Pagoda, and encircled the Nattaung
clockwise once and the sacred objects were conveyed to the scaffolds of the pagoda. Member
Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Magway Sayadaw, Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw
and the Secretary-1 put the sacred objects into the reliquary and sprinkled scented water
on them and enclosed the reliquary. Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw recited parittas. The
Secretary-1 fixed the tiers, Hgnetmyetnadaw and Seinbudaw atop the pagoda and sprinkled
scented water on them. Then, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver
showers to mark successful completion of the ceremony. Later, the Secretary-1 unveiled
stone inscription of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda. Afterwards, Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw and the
Secretary-1 hoisted shwehtidaw a top the Nattaung Tagundaing Shwehtidaw. Later, the
Secretary-1 unveiled the stone inscription of Nattaung Tagundaing. Then, the Secretary-1
hoisted the Htidaw atop at the Htidaw Pagoda. Then, members of the Sangha consecrated the
pagoda. Merits were shared. Then, the ceremony came to an end.
( 2 ) Section 2 of Shwewahyaung Road commissioned into service in Bilin Township
19 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt,
together with ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, the deputy commander
of South-East Command, the chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council and heads of department, left for
Kyaik-htihsaung Pagoda in Zoak-thoak, Bilin Township, by car at 12.30 pm today after
attending the enshrinement, Htidaw-hoisting and consecration ceremony of Kyaik-htiyoe
Pagoda in Kyaikto.
They were welcomed there by officials and local people of the township
and the village.The Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw Agga Maha
Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Panñadipa at Dhamma Beikman of the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 accepted K 50 million donated by Agga Maha Siri
Suddhamma Manijotadhara Dr Khin Shwe and wife Daw San San Kywe and Zegaba Family to the
funds for renovation of ancient pagodas being undertaken by Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw and for
regional development tasks.
The Secretary-1 presented K 135,000 to the disciples of Kyaikhtihsaung
Sayadaw who did voluntary work at the Shwehtidaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinbudaw hoisting
ceremony of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and K 450,000 to the disciples of the Sayadaw who
participated in the work of asphalting Section 2 of Shwe-wahyaung Road in Bilin Township.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party attended the ceremony to open the
eight-mile-long Section 2 of Shwewahyaung Road stretching from Kyaikhti-hsaung to Kelatha
Mya-thabeik.Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and Deputy Minister for Progress of
Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin formally opened it.The
Secretary-1 formally unveiled the commemorative obelisk of the road, and together with
Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw, sprinkled scented water on it.
The Secretary-1 inspected the new tarred road and had a cordial meeting
with departmental officials and employees, members of various organizations, band and
pompom troupes, students and local people.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the eight-mile-long tarred
road by car, and local people from villages along the road greeted them.
Bilin-Taungzun Road was previously a gravel one, and with the passage
of time, the road deteriorated.
With the patronage of Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw, local people built a
seven-mile-long tarred road, Section 1 of Shwewahyaung Road, stretching from Bilin to
Kyaikhtihsaung Village, and it was opened on 4-4-2000.
Yetkanthema-Kyaikto Earth Road, three miles and three furlong long, was
built.Today, with the patronage of Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw, support of the Ministry for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and participation of
Kyaikhtihsaung Pagoda Waiyawissa Association and local people of nearby villages, Section
2 of Shwewahyaung Road stretching Kyaikhtihsaung Village to Taungzun Kelathataung was
The new tarred road is eight mile long and 12 feet wide, which was
built as of 4.12-2000 and completed on 15-3-2000.The Secretary-1 and party visited Kelatha
Hsandawshin Pagoda in Bilin Township at 3 pm.
The Secretary-1 and party also inspected all-round renovation of the
pagoda.Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Myathabeik Pagoda on Myathabeik
Hill, and paid homage to the pagoda.
In Dhammayon of the pagoda, Director-General of Development Affairs
Department Col Myo Myint reported to the Secretary-1 on the construction of
seven-mile-three-furlong-long Taunggyi-Theinngu New Road, Section 3 of Shwewahyaung Road,
in Bilin Township.The Secretary-1 accepted K 100,000 donated by Master Chef Mr Gan San Soi
of Karaweik Palace to the fund of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda.
After that, the Secretary-1 and party went to Kyataya Pagoda on
Myathabeik Hill.Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw and the Secretary-1 hoisted Shwehtidaw atop the
pagoda.The Secretary-1 performed the ritual of silver and golden showers to mark the
successful completion of the ceremony.The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here by
helicopter in the evening.
( 3 ) Secretary-3 inspects Armed Forces Day Exhibition
Yangon, 19
March - Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces
Day State Peace and Development Council Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint
inspected the exhibition booths at the Directorate of Defence Services Museum and
Historical Research Institute this morning.
Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win
Myint arrived at the museum at 7.30 am .On the ground floor of the museum, the Secretary-3
inspected the main booth and the booth on the 12 National Objectives. On the first floor,
they inspected the booths of the Directorate of Defence Services Museum and Historical
Research Institute and those of ministries. Director of the Defence Services Museum and
Historical Research Institute Col Ye Htut and officials conducted them around the museum.
The Secretary-3 gave suggestions to officials.
On arrival at the Tatma-daw Convention Centre, venue of the Armed
Forces Day Literary and Arts Competition and Exhibition, the Secretary-3 and party were
welcomed by Chairman of Literary and Photo Competition Work Committee Depu-ty Minister for
Information U Thein Sein, Chairman of Poem and Arts Competition Work Committee Deputy
Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Painting and Sculpture Competition Sub-committee Rector
of the University of Culture U Soe Tint and officials. The Secretary-3 and party inspected
the booths of the Armed Forces Day Literary and Arts Competition and Exhibition.The
Secretary-3 gave instructions.
present donations for Tatmadawmen
Yangon, 19 March - Wellwishers
presented donations for Tatmadawmen hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day at the
Directorate of Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute this morning,
attended by Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint.Also present were
Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Labour Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe,
senior military officers, deputy ministers, officials and wellwishers.
Managing Director of Ayeyamye Services Enterprise U Thet Oo presented K
2 million, Ayeyamye Production Company K 500,000, U Kyaw Than and family of Myatagon and
Aungtheinhsu Lottery Shop medicines and medical equipment worth K 300,000 and students of
No 1 Basic Education High School Dagon Township K 200,000.Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint
accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers. U Thet Oo,
on behalf of the wellwishrs, explained the purpose of the donation. The Secretary-3
thanked the wellwishers.
( 4 )
Secretary-3 accepts cash,
gifts for Tatmadawmen of parade columns

Yangon, 19 March-Hailing the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, a ceremony to donate cash and gifts for Tatmadawmen of
columns which will participate in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day parade, was held
at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaik-kasan Ground at 2 pm today.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint accepted the donations and spoke words of thanks..
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Management Committee
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Secretary-General of Union Solidarity
and Development Association U Than Aung, CEC members of USDA Col Tin Hlaing and U Than
Shwe, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, chairmen and
officials of the work committee and working committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Brigade and Red Cross
and guests.
Secretary-General U Than Aung presented K 1 million for welfare of
Tatmandawmen of the columns, K 200,000 for welfare of members of Myan-mar Police Force of
Aung San column, K 200,000 for welfare of members of Fire Brigade of Aung San column, K
200,000 for welfare of members of Red Cross of Aung San column. Parade Commander Brig-Gen
Saw Hla Min accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the

Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min accepted K 8,500 pieces of Rose
soap, 8,500 packets of Rose detergent and 8,500 of Rose Tooth Paste worth K 1,248,990 by U
Sai Aik Tun of Euro-Asia Commercial Limited, 86,400 bottles of soft drinks worth K 475,200
by U Htay Oo of XO Food Industry, 7,200 bottles of soft drinks worth K 432,000 K 432,000
by U Chan Nyein of Scorpion Ltd, 10,416 bottles of soft drinks worth K 264,000 by U Thein
Tun of MGS, K 150,000 for 10 Flyingman sewing machines by MNWCWA, K 90,000 for 2000
bottles of drinking water by U Lwin Zaw Naing of GNG Co Ltd, K 40,700 for 550 bottles of
medicine by U Hla Win of Mokeseik Brand Embrocation, K 15,000 for 1,200 bottles of Alin
Yaung Asakyay-say by U Hla Myo of Alin Yaung Traditional Medicine Shop and K 110,000 by U
Htay Khaing of Aungthabyay Khaing Co.
On behalf of the well- wishers, U Maung Maung of Great Wall Embrocation Co explained
the purpose of the donation. Then, The Secretary-3 spoke words of thanks. Todays
donations presented by 12 wellwishers amounted to K 1,710,000 and gifts worth K 4,644,640.
Minister inspects drills of Aung San
Yangon, 19 March- Minister for Social
Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa arrived at the parade ground of Aung
San Column in Kyaikkasan Grounds this morning and inspected the drills of Aung San
Column.Then, the minister inspected the column office, hostels and the kitchen of two
companies for the Fire Brigade, that represent Aung San Column.Afterwards, the minister
met members of the Fire Brigade of the Aung San Column and attended to their needs.
( 5 ) Foreign guests call on Minister for CPT
Yangon, 19 March- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win
Tin received a delegation led by Senior Chief Engineer Mr Jiang Zuren of Datang Telecom
International Co Ltd, China at his office at 9.30 am today. The minister also received Dr
Andreas V Clausbruch, Mr Frank Schmidt and Dr Sepp E Teitze of Siemens Limited, Germany at
11 am today.Also present at the calls were General Manager U Tha Oo of Myanma
Telecommunications and officials.
Deputy Minister meets official of Hong Kong Trade Mission
Yangon, 13 March-Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan received Leader of
Hong Kong Trade Mission Mr Christopher Cheng, Jp and party at his office at 9.30 am today.
Also present were Director-General U Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade, Director-General
Col Nay Win of Border Trade Department, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung of Myanma
Agricultural Produce Trading and officials. Myanmar delegation led by Director-General U
Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade and Leader of Hong Kong Trade Mission Mr Christopher
Cheng, Jp and party discussed matters on economy, trade and investment.
Minister receives German guest
Yangon, 19 March-Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office
Brig-Gen Abel received Managing Director Mr Dieter Weinspach of German Consulting Firm at
his office at 11 am today. They discussed matters related to display of Myanmar products,
resources and business opportunities at Hannover Trade Fair to be held at Hannover,
Germany in 2001. Also present were officials concerned from the departments.
Minister meets guests from Singapore
Yangon, 19 March - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met Managing Director Mr
Arshad Ilyas of Sino Multi Biz Pte Ltd of Singapore and party at his office this
afternoon. Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of
Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department Col Nay Win,
Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials.
Win Thuza Shop (Sittway) opens

Yangon, 19 March- Hailing the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, a ceremony to open Win Thuza Shop (Sittway) of Regional
Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Industry-1 was held
at the department store at the corner of Strand Road and Yedwin Street in Kyaybingyi Ward,
Sittway Township, this morning.
Present on the occasion were Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Aung
Htwe, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, military officers and civilian officials,
members of USDA and social organizations and guests. Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe formally
unveiled the signboard of the shop.Director-General U San Kyi of Regional Industrial
Coordination and Inspection Department and Secretary of Rakhine State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Thein Kyaing opened the shop.
Then, the commander, the minister and officials inspected the
shop.Next, Director-General U San Kyi reported on matters related to the opening of the
shop. The commander also gave a speech on the
Minister meets staff of Win Thuza Shop
Yangon, 19 March- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung yesterday evening met the
in-charge and employees at Win Thuza Shop at the corner of Strand Road and Yedwin Street
in Kyaybingyi Ward, Sittway Township. He gave instructions on work. This morning, he paid
obeisance to Lawkananda Pagoda in Sittway and made donations. Then, he inspected Rakhine
State Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department and Rakhine State Peace
and Development Council Office. He also inspected the site chosen for opening the Rakhine
State Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department. USDA CEC member U Aung
Thaung met secretaries and executives of Rakhine State and Sittway District USDAs at
Rakhine State USDA Office. Then, he inspected the site chosen for construction of Soft
Drinks Factory in Sittway Modern Housing Estate. After that, the minister inspected the
warehouse of Win Thuza Shop in Phothaywa Ward, Pyidawtha Village-tract and gave necessary
( 6 ) MWEA
meets FICCI (FLO)
Yangon, 19 March-A meeting between Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association
and FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO) under Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry was held at the meeting hall of MWEA in Dagon Township this morning. Adviser of
MWEA Professor Daw May May Yi extended greetings. Leader of FLO Renuka Shah spoke words of
thanks. Then, they discussed economic matters. After the meeting, MEWA hosted lunch in
honour of FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO).
Commander attends fire engines
presentation ceremony in Mandalay
Yangon, 19 March- A ceremony to present one
fire engine donated by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council to Meiktila
District Fire Services Department and next one donated by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and
family to West Ywama Ward in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago Division, was held in front of the
office of Central Command Headquarters in Mandalay on 18 March morning.
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander
Maj-Gen Ye Myint handed over fire engines to respective Division Officers of FSD. After
that, the commander inspected extended construction of Myitnge-Sagaing section of Mandalay
Ring road and Shwekyetyet section in Amarapura Township, the site chosen for construction
of Ayeyawady River (Mandalay) and construction site of Mogoung Creek Bridge on Strand
Road. The commander and party inspected New Century Resource Centre on 80th Street between
34th and 35th Streets in Chanayethazan Township.
39 persons exchanged arms for peace in Feb
Yangon, 19 March- The State Peace and Development Council, upholding the Our Three Main
National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation with genuine goodwill with a
view to ensuring emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. Remaining armed
group members realized that their destructive acts did not benefit the nation and retard
development of their region. After understanding the genuine goodwill and correct
endeavours of the government, armed groups have been exchanging arms for peace
individually or in groups.
Captain Aung Min and Sgt Khin Maung Lwin of ABSDF armed group in Northern Command area;
Pvts Yway Hla and Pau Lu of Lahu armed group, bringing along one .38 revolver, six rounds
of ammunition and one grenade, in Triangle Region Command area; area incharge Soe Myint
(a) Sai Khat (a) Pho Cho of PLS armed group in South-East Command area; Pvts Saw Pi Naw,
Saw Ba Lo, Saw Htuk Htuk (a) Saw Aye Shwe, Saw Tha Htoo, Saw Htoo Mei, Saw Ba Toe, Saw
Hsay Ya, Saw Moe Hnget, Tun Naing Win (a) Saw Phee, Saw Kyaw Khee and wife Naw Phaw Pwe,
sons and daughters Saw Htoo Lay, Saw Det Ki, Naw Htoo Khee, Naw Ka Naw, Naw Mu Dan and Naw
Mu Cho, Pvts Saw Yu Ju and wife Naw Ge May, Pvt Pha Kaw of No 11 Battalion of KNU armed
group, Pvts Kha Laik (a) Chit Sein of combat company of No 4 Brigade and wife Naw Khin Aye
and sons and daughters Aung Chit Soe, Chit Than, Aye Htwe, Han Myint, Tint Lwin and Nu
Nang, Pvt Saw Thu Di and wife Yu Aye, daughter Win Win Than, Pvt Saw Bwe Htoo-wife Sein
Mya, daughter Khin San Mon, with one M-23, one .22, one long-barrel gun, one magazine, 18
rounds of ammunition, in Coastal Region Command area exchanged arms for peace at
respective military camps from 1 to 28 February. Officials of the military camps warmly
welcomed the 39 persons who exchanged arms for peace and attended to their needs. It is
learnt that there are still more members of armed groups to exchange arms for peace.
( 7 ) MEB
Managers hold work coord meeting
Yangon, 19 March - The managers (Lower
Myanmar) of Myanma Economic Bank held the financial-year-end work coordination meeting for
2000-2001 at Branch 1 of MEB this morning.
Present were Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein,
Governor of the Union of Myanmar Central Bank U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Managing Director of
Myanma Economic Bank Thura U Myint Shwe, heads of departments under the Ministry of
Finance and Revenue, managers of State and Division MEBs, managers of district branches
and guests.
The minister said that the government is making strenuous efforts for
the development of the State, and especially encouraging the market economic system which
will contribute to the economic development of the State.He added that as the policies
which are in conformity with the times have been implemented, the gross domestic product
is on the increase.
He stated that the ministry has laid down and put to practical use
finance and revenue policies which contribute to the economic growth of the country.He
urged the managers to work in accord with rules and regulations and directives and to
inspect banks and branches. Governor of the Central Bank U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Managing
Director Thura U Myint Shwe and the heads of department also spoke on the occasion.Then, a
general round of discussions followed.
( 8
) Certificates presented to the graduates of fine arts and drama school

Yangon, 19 March-A ceremony to present certificates to the graduates of
State School of Fine Arts and State School of Drama of Fine Arts Department, Ministry of
Culture for 2000-2001 academic year was held at National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street
this morning.
It was attended by Director-General U Kyaw Win of Fine Arts Department, chairmen and
secretaries of Myanmar Traditional Artistes and Artisans Asiayon, Myanmar Music Asiayon,
Myanmar Thabin Asiayon and Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon, officials of FAD, guests,
students and relatives. First, Director-General U Kyaw Win of Fine Arts Department
delivered a speech and presented certificates to 40 graduates.
After the ceremony, Ministry for Culture U Win Sein and guests viewed the sculptures and
paintings created by the students and enjoyed entertainment programmes performed by the
students. Those who want to attend three-year-courses of singing, dancing, playing musical
instruments, art and sculpture at the schools may contact Township Peace and Development
Councils and State Schools of Fine Arts and State Schools of Drama in Yangon and Mandalay.
A monthly stipend K 300 will be given to those who are selected to attend the schools.
Applications are to be submitted to the director, Research and Training Section, Fine Arts
Department, No 131, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township by 31 May 2001.
inspects Yankin Tax-free Market
Yangon, 19 March- Chairman of Yangon
City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected Yankin
Tax-free Market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township this morning.Joint-Secretary of
YCDC U Kyi Win and officials conducted the mayor round the market. Then, the mayor gave
necessary instructions to officials.
( 9
) Seized monosodium glutamate destroy in Taton

Yangon, 19 March-The authorities concerned searched a car with number plate 4 kha/
4200, which was on its way from Mawlamyine to Yangon, and seized 20800 boxes of smuggled
monosodium glutamate of the pot brand of 50-gram sachets, 2112 Bags of palace brand of
500-gram packets and 1400 Bags of ladle brand of 500-gram packets at Naungkala check-point
in Thaton Township on 14 March. The seized monosodium glutamate were destroyed in front of
Thaton District Peace and Development Council office the same day.
18,000 stimulant tablets
seized in Monghsu
Yangon, 19 March -A
combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanma Police Force,
acting on information, searched the house of Kyaw Kyaw Aung (a) Mogok of Konemyinttha
Ward, Region 3, Monghsu, Shan State (South), and seized 18,000 stimulant tablets bearing
the word "WY" on 26 February. Action is being taken against him under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Marijuana seized in Htantabin
Yangon, 19 March - A combined force of members of Defence Services Intelligence and
Myanmar Police Force acting on information seized Htay Win and Daw Kyi together with 979.8
grams of marijuana at Kalaingaing village, Htatabin Township, yesterday. Action was taken
against Htay Win, 35, son of U Hla Aung of Phyu Township and Daw Kyi, 50, daughter of U Po
Kyan of Thabyenyunt village, Thandaung Township in accord with the law. Toungoo District
Court sentenced Htay Win to 15 years imprisonment for drug trafficking and Daw Kyi to ten
years for her involvement.