( 1 ) Secretary-1
attends Shwehtidaw Hoisting of Thetthapadaung Shweyinaye Pagoda in Hlinethaya Township
Yangon, March 17- A ceremony to hoist Shwehti-daw,
Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinbudaw atop Thettha-padaung Shweyinaye Pagoda in Kyonsu Village,
Hlinethaya Township, Yan-gon North District, was held on the platform of the pagoda this
morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Also present on the occasion were members of the Sangha led by Maha
Gantha-vacaka Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Presiding Nayaka of Alodawpyi
Kyaungtaik Bhaddanta Ari-yavamsa, member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than, the ministers, the Yangon Mayor, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace
and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of division/district/township
Peace and Development Councils, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and
Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, members of the pagoda
Board of Trustees, wellwishers and local residents.
Staff Officer of Religious Affairs Department U Hla Hsan Win acted as
master of ceremonies.Kwetthitkyaung Saya-daw of Mingalaramakyaung-taik in Insein Township
Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Siri invested the congregation with the Nine Precepts.
Members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta.The Secretary-1 presented the Seinbudaw to
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa. Then, the Secretary-1 presented offertories to the Presiding
Nayaka Sayadaw of Alodaw-pyi Kyaungtaik.
The commander presented the Hngetmyatnadaw
to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik.The ministers, the deputy
ministers and wellwishers presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.U Myint
Than-Daw Mar Mar Oo and family of Ayeyeikmon Housing Estate in Hline Township donated K
1.2 million; U Tun Aung-Daw Than Nwe and family of Phanset Street, Kanna Ale Ward, Insein
Township, K 500,000; U Maung Maung Myint-Daw Thaung Kyi and family of Mingaladon Township
K 400,000; Daw Kyin Hta and family of 33, 25th Street, Pabedan Township, K 350,000; Daw
Yin Hlaing and family of Seittathukha Street, Pauktaw Ward, Insein Township, K 380,000;
Daw Aye Khin and family of Monywa K 200,000; Daw Aye Kyi and family of Gangaw Street,
Sangyoung Township, K 150,000; U Kyaw Shwe-Daw Myint Myint Aye and family of Ward 12,
Hlinethaya Township, U Tin Aung Htay-Daw Khin Htay and family of Ward 13, Hlinethaya
Township, Leading Patron of Shweyinaye Passenger Transport Service U Kyaw Myint and
family, and U Tun Shein-Daw Ah Mar and family of Badomma Street, Dagon Township, K 100,000
each and U Maung San-Daw Talokema and family of Ward 13, Hlinethaya Township, K 50,000 to
the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 accepted the donations and presented certificates of
honour to the wellwishers.Abhidhamma Course Instructor Sayadaw of the State Pariyatti
Sasana University Sasana Tekkathila Dham-macariya Bhaddanta Pana Nanda delivered a sermon,
followed by sharing of merits gained.The Secretary-1 conveyed the Seinbudaw, the commander
Hngetmyatnadaw and the ministers, the mayor, the deputy ministers and well-wishers the
tiers of the Shwehtidaw around the
pagoda clockwise.The Alodawpyi Saya-daw, the Secretary-1, the ministers, the mayor, the
deputy ministers and well-wishers sprinkled scented water on the objects and hoisted them
atop the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 hoisted Shwehtidaw, Hngetmyat-nadaw and Seinbudaw atop
the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on them.After the ceremony, the Secretary-1
performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony. Later,
the Secretary-1 and party and wellwishers offered soon to the members of the
Government always finds
ways and means to attend to needs of economic and social life of people
Secretary-1 inspects Shwepyitha Industrial Zone
and development tasks of Htantabin Township
Yangon, 17 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected Shwepyitha Industrial Zone and
development tasks of Htantabin Township this morning.The Secretary-1, accompanied by
member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing, deputy ministers and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
arrived at the fluorescent lamp and spare parts factory of Royal Green Manufacturing Ltd
in Shwepyitha Industrial zone at 10.30 am.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed
by Director-General of the Department for Human Settlement and Housing Development U Arnt
Kyaw and officials, Managing Director U Sein Wan of Royal Green Manufacturing Ltd and
employees.The Secretary-1 and party were conducted round the factory by Managing Director
U Sein Wan.The Secretary-1 also observed fluorescent lamps manufactured at the factory.In
the hall of the factory, Director-General U Arnt Kyaw reported to the Secretary-1 on the
establishment and progress of Shwepyitha Industrial Zone.Managing Director U Sein Wan
reported on facts about the factory, its test-running, production work and domestic
distribution and export programmes.
The Secretary-1 said that modern machinery and high technology are used
at the fluorescent lamp and spare parts factory, and it is found that the factory can
produce goods of high quality.It is necessary not only to increase production but also to
enhance quality of goods. Training is to be given to employees in order that they can put
high technology to use. The government has adopted the attitude that as many as such
modern factories emerge and as much as the businesses of national entrepreneurs are
thriving, the nation will be able to make more and more progress. Therefore, the
government has provided necessary assistance.
The factory has been set up with the
cent-per-cent investment of the national entrepreneur. Imported modern machinery has been
installed at the factory, and high technology is used in manufacturing Superlamp brand
fluorescent lamps and spare parts of high quality.The factory can manufacture 1,200
fluorescent lamps an hour and from 13,000 to 23,000 a day.The Secretary-1 and party then
inspected the construction of Shwepyitha-Htantabin Short Cut linking Ayeywalay Village in
Shwepyitha Township and Rakhineyoegyi Village in Htantabin Township and development tasks.
In the briefing hall near Yaydwingon Village, Wahtaya Village-tract,
Htantabin Township, Director of Division Land Records Department U Naing Win reported to
the Secretary-1 on the building of Shwepyitha-Htantabin short-cut road.Commander Maj-Gen
Khin Maung Than gave an additional report.The Secretary-1 inspected the area near
Yaydwingon Village where development tasks can be carried out, and gave instructions.Earth
work has already been carried out on the seven-mile-two-furlong-long section of
Shwepyitha-Htantabin short-cut road, and laterite has already been laid on the
two-mile-seven-furlong-long section.

The Secretary-1 also met with division, district and township level
departmental officials and gave instructions on development of Htantabin Township in
Myawady Hall of Htantabin Township Peace and Development Council Office.Also present were
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, deputy
ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of
department, district and township authorities and guests.
Chairman of Htantabin Township Peace and Development Council U Thaung
Han reported on the location, area and households and population of Htantabin Township,
cultivation of monsoon paddy, summer paddy and cold season crops in 1999-2000 and in
2000-2001 and matters related to dams and embankments, livestock breeding, transport,
education, health and the building of roads linking villages.The departmental officials
reported on matters related to agriculture, health and education, and Commander Maj-Gen
Khin Maung Than gave an additional report.
The Secretary-1 said that Htantabin Township constitutes Tetthitkyun
and Bawlekyun. Previously, it was accessible from Yangon only by water. Although it is
near Yangon, it lagged behind in development due to difficulty of access.Head of State
Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance that regional development tasks are to be carried
in order to ensure development of Htantabin Township and improve the standard of living of
local people.In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, regional development tasks
have been carried out, and the government built Myochaung Bridge across Hlaing River
linking Hmawby Township and Htantabin Township and Yaybawthaung Bridge linking Taikkyi
Township and Htantabin Township with the aim of improving transport infrastructure which
is fundamental to regional development.
Now that a road linking the top of Shwepyitha Bridge and Htantabin
Township has already been built, Htantabin Township is accessible to Insein Township by
car.In addition, arrangements have been made to carry out more regional development
tasks.While the government is attending to matters related to regional development,
departmental officials and local people also need to work hard for the development of
their own region, agriculture and production work.
Only when there is regional development and economic progress, can
local people participate in the tasks for improvement of the education, health and social
sectors. As a result, their standards of living will improve all the more.Under the
leadership of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the government is always finding
ways and means to attend to the needs of the economic and social life of the
people.Accordingly, the government is working in the interests of the people with
goodwill, and if the people, joining hand in hand with the government, work their hardest,
a peaceful, modern and developed nation will soon emerge.In conclusion, the Secretary-1
urged all to work at full stretch in the interests of the State and the people.Then, the
Secretary-1 had a cordial meeting with those present.Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party
inspected the condition of land erosion at Htantabin Bank and gave instructions.
( 2 ) Over
US $ 8m realized from sale of gems and jade at Emporium
Yangon, 17 March- Patron of Myanma Gems Emporium
Organizing Central Committee Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, accompanied by
officials, arrived at the 38th Myanma Gems Emporium being staged at Myanma Gems Mart on
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 3 pm today.
The minister and party were welcomed there by Myanma Gems Emporium
Organizing Central Committee Chairman Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary
Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and members.The minister inspected
sale of gems through tender system and competitive bidding and left the venue in the
evening. A total of US $ 3,736,733 was fetched from the todays sale of 42 gem lots,
and sale of gems continued until evening.Sale of 299 uncut jade lots from 14 to 16 March
fetched US $ 4,302,239 while todays sale of gem ornaments at fixed prices fetched US
$ 2,566.
Sale of uncut jade, gem lots, fixed price gem ornaments, jade
figurines, gems and jade realised US $ 8,066,538 from 14 March to date. Chairman of Myanma
Gems Emporium Organizing Central Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein
presented a jewellery-studded painting and a certificate of honour to Mr Chat Chai of JJ
& Ton Jewellery Ltd, Thailand who bought gems at the highest price. Altogether 674 gem
merchants-442 from 192 companies of foreign countries and 232 from 94 local
companies-attended the Emporium.Pearl lots will be sold through tender system on 18 March.
Minister inspects Kyaukse
Cement Plant, Paleik Newsprint Mill
Yangon, 17 March- Minister
for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials, arrived at Kyaukse Cement Plant
Project of Myanma Ceramics Industries in Myinsaing area of Kyaukse Township yesterday
morning, and inspected construction of the tower at the foot of Limestone Hill.
In the briefing hall, officials reported matters
on construction of buildings of plant, roads and future tasks. The minister gave necessary
instructions. Officials also reported transportation of machinery parts of the plant.
Then, the minister met Chinese engineers engaged in the construction of the plant. The
minister also inspected the site chosen for the foundation of the kiln of the plant.
In the afternoon, the minister arrived at Kyaukse and inspected goods
of Winthuza Shop. Next, the minister proceeded to 25-ton Newsprint Mill of Myanma Paper
and Chemical Industries in Paleik, Singaing Township. General Manager U Thein Soe
conducted the minister round the mill.
In the briefing hall, officials reported on preparations for opening of
the mill. Then, the minister arrived at Paleik Textile and Finishing Plant of Myanma
Textile Industries.He inspected production process of the plant.After that, the minister
inspected the warehouse of newsprint, and gave instructions on fire preventive measures.
Minister meets officials of Bago East and West timber
extraction areas
Yangon, 17 March- Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, accompanied by the
director-general of Forest Department and officials of Myanma Timber Enterprise, arrived
at Bago Division Forest Department Office on 14 March. The minister met the secretary of
Bago Division Peace and Development Council, the commander of Bago Division Police Force
and officials of Bago Division (East) Forest Department and Myanma Timber Enterprise, and
gave instructions on extraction of timber in the low-lying area where six dams and
reservoirs will be built in Bago Division (East).
Then, the minister met officials of Bago Division (East) timber extraction area at the
Yeiktha of Bago (South) timber extraction area and discussed timber extraction in 2000
2001 and tasks to be carried out in 2001-2002. Yesterday and today, the minister met the
division manager and officials of ThaYet. Aunglan, Taungdwingyi, Pakokku, Minbu and Gangaw
timber extraction areas and coordinated timber extraction in 2000 2001 and target for
2001-2002. Afterwards, the minister met officials of Forest Department and gave
instructions on forest conservation and planting of saplings on Thayet-Minbu Road and
inspected Shwesettaw Sanctuary. Then, the minister met officials of Myanma Timber
Enterprise in Pyay and Thayawady and gave instructions on work.
( 3 ) Convocation
of University for Development of National Races held
Yangon, 17 March- The tenth convocation of University for Development of
National Races was held at Convocation Hall of the university yesterday morning, attended
by Chairman of the University Council of UDNR Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe
Win, Vice-Chairman Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt,
members Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Hlaing Win, Deputy Minister for
Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Ministry for Progress of Border
Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, C1SSTB members U Aung
Myint and U Kaung Nyunt, Director-General of Civil Service Affairs Department U Khin Maung
Myint, Acting Director-General of Civil Service Selection and Training Department U Hla
Kyi, Rector of UDNR Col Zaw Min Thein, Rector of Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper
Myanmar) Col Aung San Win, member representatives of state/division Peace and Development
Councils, division-level departmental officials, chairmen of district/township Peace and
Development Councils, Pro-Rector Daw Khin Si Si, faculty members, guests, trainees and
others. Chairman of the University Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win
conferred M Ed degree on seven trainees, M Phil (Education) on six and B Ed on 33 and made
a speech.
Commander tours townships in Putao District
Yangon, 17 March- Chairman of Kachin State Peace and
Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, accompanied by
Secretary of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Thein and
departmental officials, arrived in Putao on 12 March.
In the hall of Putao Airport, the commander met officials and discussed
extended construction of Putao Airport and attended to their needs.Then, the commander and
party inspected Affiliated Basic Education Middle School of Namhauk Village in Mamule
Village-tract and the paddy purchasing depot of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in
Putao and gave necessary instructions to officials.On 13 March morning, the commander
attended the meeting on All-round Construction of Kaunghmulon Pagoda at the Dhammayon of
the pagoda in Machanbaw Township.
The commander gave instructions to officials on timely completion of
all-round construction of the pagoda and availability of construction materials and fuel.
The secretary of the state, the chairman of Putao District and officials reported on
construction of the pagoda.Then, wellwishers presented donations for all-round
construction of the pagoda. The commander and officials accepted US$ 100 donated by Nippon
Koei Electronic Co of Yangon and US$ 100 by leader of Consultant Group of the company Mr
Takayama, K 20,000 each by Olympic Co and Assistant Chief Engineer U Soe Myint Lwin and
family of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, K 5,000 by U Han Thein Lwin and family. Next,
the congregation took the sermon delivered by the Sayadaw, followed by sharing of
merits.The commander and party then inspected all-round construction of the pagoda.
In the evening, the commander met district and township authorities,
departmental personnel and social organizations at the Town Hall in Putao. The commander
gave instructions on conditions of projects being implemented by the State, regional
development tasks in the state and urged officials to strive for implementation of
regional economic, social and transportation tasks by departments in cooperation with
local people. The commander presented a generator for Putao TV re-transmission station to
the in-charge of the station.Afterwards, Chairman of IMF Co U Soe Myint presented musical
instrument for Putao BEHS band, two computer sets and one printer worth K 759,650 and
ratton entrepreneur U Khin Maung Win a generator for Duttan Ward of Putao to the
commander.The District Chairman and departmental officials reported to the commander on
implementation of regional development.
On 14 March morning, the commander met secretaries and executives of
Putao District, Putao, Machanbaw and Nagmon Township Union Solidarity and Development
Associations at Khakaborazi Yeiktha of their local battalion and fulfilled their
Commander pays respects to Abbot
Sayadaws in Falam Township
Yangon, 17 March- Chairman of Sagaing Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Secretary
of Chin State Peace and Development Council and officials paid obeisance to Abbot
Sayadaw and members of the Sangha of Lonpee Tawya Kyaung in Falam Township on 11 March.The
commander presented offertories including K 220,000 to members of the Sangha.The commander
and officials also paid respects to Abbot Sayadaw of Myoma monastery and presented
offertories to members of the Sangha.
( 4 ) Minister inspects hotels a Chaungtha Beach
Yangon, 17 March- Minister for Hotels and Tourism
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U
Khin Maung Latt and offi-cials yesterday met hoteliers and officials, at Chaungtha
Beach Hotel and discussed tourism development.The minister spoke on tourist arrivals,
international cooperation, the ministrys efforts for upgrading hotels and
development of tourism. He said as Chaungtha Beach is only 109 miles away from Yangon it
can be developed
The minister gave instructions on conservation of environment,
formation of organizations for maintenance of beach, better services in hotels and proper
regulations at the hotels.The minister inspected construction of extended buildings of
Chaungtha Beach Hotel. This morning, the minister and party inspected Grand Hotel, Thiri
Hotel, Chaungtha Resort Hotel, Chaungtha Oo Hotel, Min Min Soe Hotel and Shwe Joe Hotel.
Minister inspects test
well in Nyaungdon (South) oil and gas area
Yangon, 17 March- Minister for Energy
Brig-Gen Lun Thi, accompanied by officials, went to Nyaungdon (South) oil and natural gas
field in Nyaungdon Township this afternoon and inspected production of natural gas and
condensate at Test Well No 9.In the briefing hall, Chief Engineer (Drilling) U Myint Thein
reported to the minister on drilling of Test Well No 9, Managing Director U Kyaw Nyein of
Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise on daily production and future prospects of Nyaungdon
(South) Oil and Gas Field and Director (Oil Exploration/Development) U Sann Lwin on
geological conditions for oil exploration in Ayeyawady Division. The minister gave
necessary instructions.
Then, the minister presented K 300,000 as bonus to workers who engaged
in the drilling the Test Well No 9 in a short time.Afterwards, the minister inspected
storage of condensate in Nyaungdon (South) area.A total of 4.5 million cubic-feet of
natural gas and 90 barrels of condensate have been exploited from Test Well No 9.
Arrangements are being made for transportation of natural gas through pipeline from
Nyaungdon to industries in Yangon.
Minister for Rail
Transportation inspects extension of bridges

Yangon, 17 March- Minister for
Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accom-paied by Managing Director of Myanma Railways Col
Min Swe and officials, met service personnel of Road Administration Department and
Transport Planning Department in Myingyan on 15 March.The minister inspected extension of
Hsindewa Bridge and gave instruction on durability and early completion of the bridge.The
minister also inspected extension of Myinkyachaung Bridge and fulfilled the requirements.
He gave instructions on opening of the bridges by the end of April.
Minister for Health attends Public Hearing of MAMS
Yangon, 17 March- A Public Hearing sponsored by Myanmar Academy of Medical Science was
held at the meeting hall of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) this morning, with
an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein. Also present on the occasion were
directors-general of departments under the Ministry, Chairman of MAMS Dr U Ko Ko and : .
executives, MAMS members, and experts. Chairman of MAMS Dr U Ko Ko explained the type,
essence, objectives and advantages of PH.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein expressed pleasure for concerted
efforts made by MAMS in uplifting the world of medical science and the standard of the
State after over two years of its formation; it is found that so many works have been
materialised during the period; as the type of present PH is a new one, it will contribute
much to implementing the tasks, and he urged the medical experts to hand down their
medical skills and experience to new generation. This was followed by a general round of
Then, the minister, accompanied by Director-General of Health Planning Department Dr
Kyi Soe, inspected Yangon West General Hospital, where Deputy Director-General of Health
Department Dr Hla Pe, Acting Medical Superintendent Physician Dr Khin Khin Thet and
officials reported on work undertaken. The minister then inspected Delivery Ward, Medical
Ward, Pediatric Ward, Operation Theatre, Xray Unit and Laboratory, and enquired after the
warded patients. Before attending to the needs of officials, the minister met with health
staff and explained about the Movement's promotion in health sector, requirement for
better and improved treatment and teaching in the hospitals, the objectives of health
sector, and fulfilled the requirements.
( 5 ) Minister inspects
construction of bridges in Bago Division
Yangon, 17 March- Minister
for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and officials of Public Works (Head Office) inspected
repairs of Toungoo-Phyu section on Yangon-Mandalay Road this morning.
The minister went to the construction site of Phyu Creek
Bridge at mile post No 2/143. Superintending Engineer (Planning) U Myint Lwin reported on
progress of work and tasks to be undertaken. The minister gave instructions.The minister
inspected maintenance of the road between Phyu and Nyaunglebin Townships.The minister and
party proceeded to the site of Sittaung Bridge (Shwekyin-Madauk) on Shwekyin-Madauk
Road.They were welcomed by Project Senior Engineer U Win Aung and officials.U Win Aung
reported on progress of work. The minister fulfilled requirements of construction
materials, and gave instructions.
Minister inspects
displays at the booth of nation-building endeavours
Yangon, 17 March- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung, together with Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and
inspected preparations to open the booth of the Ministry of Industry-1 at the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition to be held at the Defence Services Museum this
Displays at the booth were products of Myanma Textile Industries, Myanma Foodstuff
Industries, Myan-ma Pharmaceutical Industries, Myanma Ceramics Industries, Myanma General
and Maintenance Industries, Myanma Paper and Chemicals Industries and documentary
photographs of opening ceremonies of Win Thuza shops in states and divisions.
Basic Spoken English Course concludes
Yangon, 17 March- Conclusion of Basic Spoken English Course No 1 and opening of
Financial Procedures Course No 1 were held at Border Trade Department on Bo Sun Pat Street
yesterday morning.
Present were Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw
Hsan, Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border
Trade Department Col Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U
Min Hla Aung, trainees and officials. The minister presented prizes to outstanding
trainees .and certificates to a trainee. The eight-week Spoken English Course was attended
by 17 trainees.
"Soon" offered to member of the Sangha
Yangon,17 March- Led by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wife Daw Aye Pyi
Wai Khin, families of Directorate of Trade presented cash donation for a day's meal of 450
members of the Sangha of the State Pariyatti Sasana University at the Mogok Soonsarhsaung
of the University yesterday morning.
Present on the occasion were Chief Patron of the State Pariyatti Sasana University
(Yangon) Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Wannita and members of the
Sangah, the minister for Commerce and wife, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and wife
Daw Kyi Kyi Win, departmental heads and their wives and guests. The chief patron Sayadaw
administered the Five Precepts. The minister and wife and departmental heads presented
offertories to the members of the Sangha. Then, the minister presented K 100,000 for a
day's meal to Pro-Rector of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Dr Hla
Pe. Later, merits gained were shared, and 'soon' was offered to the members of the Sangha.
( 6 ) Religious
edifices of Shwedagon Pagoda being renovated
Yangon, 17 March- The renovation of religious structures
in the sacred ground of the Shwedagon Pagoda is now under way.Similarly, the prayer halls
on the platform- U San Chein Tazaung at Wednesday (South) Corner, U Kyi Ein-Daw Than
Tazaung, Rakhine Tazaung at Saturday (S-W) Corner and Palele Tazaung at Yahu (N-W) Corner
are being renovated.The original wellwishers and those who had made donations for
renovation of the structures may contact the Pagoda Board of Trustees within one month
from now to make contributions to the renovation.
Yangon City bustling with activities
Yangon, 17 March- Members of the Sangha and devotees were seen bustling at pagodas,
parks and recreation centres in Yangon today. Pilgrims paid obeisance to Tooth Relic
Pagoda (Yangon) and offered flowers, water, lights and made donations to the pagoda.
Tourists also visited the pagoda. Similarly, Kaba Aye and Meilamu pagodas were crowded
with members of the Sangha and pilgrims. Likewise, holiday-makers were seen at the Happy
World modern playground-2 at Thiri Mingala Market and' cenimas.
Indian delegation arrives
Yangon, 17 March- A 17-member delegation led by Chairperson Ms Renuka Shah of FICCI
Ladies Organization of India and Ladies Business Forum, Calcutta Chamber of Commerce
arrived here yesterday. They were welcomed at the airport by officials of the Ministry of
Commerce, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and Indian Embassy.
( 7 ) Yangon Mayor
inspects regional development tasks, livestock breeding and agricultural work in Yangon
North District
Yangon, 17 March- Chairman of Yangon City Development
Committee Mayor of Yangon U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials of Supervisory Committee for
Agriculture and Livestock Breeding and heads of department,, inspected regional
development tasks, livestock breeding and agricultural work in Yangon North District this
First, the mayor inspected cultivation of summer paddy at Kyainn and
Zigon agricultural regions.Afterwards, the mayor inspected development undertakings in
Thongwa, Kyaungsu and Tingoakkyi village-tracts.Later, the mayor inspected the breeding of
fowls at Htaukkyant and Pale fowl breeding camps and left necessary instructions.
( 8
) Applied Accounting and Management Course concludes
Yangon, 17 March- Course No 3 of Applied Accounting and
accompained Management Course UMFCCI Level-1 opened under the supervision of Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and with the assistance of Myanmar
Society of Accountants concluded at the meeting hall of UMFCCI building at the corner of
Merchant Street and 39th Street this afternoon.
It was attended by Adviser to UMFCCI U Khin Maung Yi, Secretary General
U Zaw Min Win and Central Executive Committee members, course instructors, trainees and
Secretary General U Zaw Min Win and Chairman of Business Education
Committee U Sein Win Hlaing and Vice-Chairman of MSA U Thein Hlaing made speeches. Awards
and certificates were presented to outstanding trainees and trainees.
Nursery Market Festival
Yangon, 17 March- The Nursery Market Festival
continued at Myepadetha Park in Bahan Township today.Interested persons attended the basic
course on cultivation of vegetables. This morning and evening, the lectures on cultivation
of cucumber and preparing of pickled cucumber were given to trainees. Similarly, the
training courses will be held every Saturday and Sunday.
( 9
) Sanitation work carried out at DSGH
Yangon, 17 March- Hailing the 56 h Anniversary Armed Forces Day, a total of 1,200
members of Myanmar Police Force Battalions Control Command, the Criminal Investigation
Department, the Special Investigation Department, the Railways Police Force, the YCDC
Police Force and Yangon Division Police Force, 350 members or Fire Brigades and Red Cross
Societies four Yangon Districts totalling 1,550 carried out sanitation work at Defence
Services General Hospital in Mingaladon this morning.
Deputy Director-General of MPF Police Brig-Gen Hla Tun and senior police officers,
Commandant of DSGH Col Tin Thein Lwin, Commandant of Obstetric, Gynaecological and
Pediatric Hospital Lt-Col Thein Tan and officials inspected the sanitation work.
Books donated to Sarpay Beikman Library in Mandalay
Yangon, 17 March- Wellwishers from various townships donated books for Sarpay Beikman
Library to be opened in Mandalay.
U Chit Thaung of Hline Township donated 156 books, Major Than Swe of Mayangon Township
199 books, U Kyaw Zeya of Sule Pagoda Road 108 books, U Khin Soe of Thanlyin Township 197
books, Daw Mya Than of Thuwunna 100 books, Daw Thin Soe Kyi of South Okkalapa 216 books,
Deputy General Manager (Admin) of Printing and Publishing Enterprise) 1,685 books, U Khin
Maung Lay of Kyauktada Township 120 books, Daw Wa Tin (Retd) of Sarpay Beikman 100 books,
U Aung Soe of Thingangyun Township 213 books, U Htay Aung of Bahan Township 124 books,
Editor Daw Thin Thin Zin of Sarpay Beikman 105 books, Captain Hin Kyaw 100 books, U Pyone
Maung Maung-Daw Khin Thida Tun of Innwa Bookshop 1,264 English magazines and Librarian Daw
Tin Phone Nwe of Universities Central Library 1,244 books. Altogether 6,773 various kinds
of books have been received so far.