( 1 ) Secretary-1
inspects regional development tasks in Magway, Mandalay Divisions
Yangon, 16 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air),
deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of
department and officials, left here for Magway by Tatmadaw aircraft yesterday afternoon,
and arrived there at 3 pm.
The Secretary-1 was welcomed at Magway Airport by member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and
Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, military officers and civilian officials and
members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The Secretary-1 attended the opening of Magway Soft Drinks and Ice
Factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries and the soap factory of Myanma Pharmaceutical
Industries under the Ministry of Industry-1 near Magyikan village, Magway Township, and
formally unveiled the signboards of the factories.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to the construction site of a new
airport near Hsataingkan Village, Magway Township.
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported on the condition of the axis of the runway
and earth work.
Director of the Directorate of Civil Aviation U Win Oo reported on
construction of the runway and engineering work.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions, and
inspected earth work for construction of the runway.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Thaphanseik
Pumped-Water Project near Tha-phanseik Village on the bank of Ayeyawady River in Magway
Township.The Secretary-1 inspected the project.In the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 heard
a report on facts about the project and water supply for agriculture presented by Minister
for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin.Brig-Gen Thein Zaw also reported on
assistance being provided for the project.The Secretary-1 gave
instructions on systematic water supply for agriculture and cultivation of suitable crops.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to Myinkin-Kanpya Pumped-Water
Project at Myinkin Village on the bank of Ayeyawady River in the north of Magway Township.
In the briefing hall, Minister Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin reported to the Secretary-1 on the building of irrigation network and
arrangements for water supply.Brig-Gen Thein Zaw also reported on assistance being
provided for the project.
Then, the Secretary-1 said that Thaphanseik Pumped-Water Project and
Myinkin-Kanpya pump water project are being undertaken to lift water from Ayeyawady River
to the southern and northern parts of Magway to ensure sufficient water supply for
agricultural work and to make Magway lush and green.
Thaphanseik Project is being carried out according to the guidance of
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe with a view to ensuring water supply for 6,000
acres of cultivable land, and the project will irrigate over 7,000 acres of lands.
Myinkin-Kanpya Project is being undertaken to irrigate a total of 3,000
acres of fields after extending irrigation network as only 500 acres were irrigated
On completion of the two electrical river-water pumping projects, over
10,000 acres of land around Magway can be irrigated.Next, the Secretary-1 and party went
to Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) on the bank of Magway.
In the briefing hall, Deputy Chief Engineer (Project) U Han Zaw
reported on construction of the bridge, and Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun gave
an additional report.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected the project and called for timely
completion of the bridge.
Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) will link Magway on the eastern bank of
Ayeyawady River and Phaya Koehsu Hill, Htaukshabin Village, Minbu, on the western bank of
Ayeyawady River.
The length of the main bridge is 6,969 feet and that of the approach
structure, 2,020 feet. The total length of the bridge is 8,989 feet. The lower structure
of the bridge will be built of reinforced concrete, and its upper structure of steel
truss.The Secretary-1 and party stopped for the night at Magway.
The Secretary-1 and party, together with
member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, left for Mandalay
International Airport by Tatmadaw aircraft this morning, and then they proceeded to
Moekaung Village, Singaing Township, Kyaukse District, Mandalay Division by Tatmadaw
helicopter.The Secretary-1 inspected the areas around Moekaung Village and Tarma Village
where regional development tasks can be carried out.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to the construction site of
Shwezeti Home for the Aged donated by Shwe-thanlwin Company in Kyaukse.Managing Director
of Shwethanlwin Company U Moe Kyaw Thu reported on progress of work.

Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the construction site.The Secretary-1
and party later went to Peoples Hospital in Kyaukse.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported on the upgrading of the
hospital and health care services.Medical Superintendent Dr Maung Maung reported on
requirements for health care services.
The Secretary-1 inspected the hospital.After that, the Secretary-1 and
party went to Kyetpyay Natural Herbal Garden at Kyetpyay Village, Pyinmana Township,
Mandalay Division.The Secretary-1 inspected the herbal garden.
Director-General of Traditional Medicine Department Professor Dr Kyaw
Myint Tun reported on the purpose of establishment of the garden, the growing of herbal
plants, the location of the garden and collection of rare herbal plants, and Minister for
Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein gave an additional report.
After hearing the reports, the Secretary-1 gave instructions on
maintenance and extended cultivation of the harbal plants which can the region,
cultivation of harbal plants especially Arthemesia Annua for doing research on health.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the site
for construction of Traditional Medicine Research Centre near Kyetpya Village in Pyinmana
After that, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Paunglaung
Multi-purpsoe Dam Project in Pyinmana Township where they were welcomed by Col Ohn Myint
of Pyinmana Station and departmental officials.
In the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 heard reports on construction of
Underground Power Station in the tunnel and arrangements for construction of power grid to
connect power from Paunglaung Hydel Power Station to Pyinmana Sub-Power Station by Deputy
Chief Engineer (Hydel Power) U Win Kyaw. Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut gave
a supplementary report.
Then, Director U Win Maung of Irrigation Department reported on
construction of the main enbarkment and the spillway.
Minister for Agriculture and Irriation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin reported on
requirements and supply of heavy machinery at the worksite.
The Secretary-1 attended to their needs and said that Paunglaung
Multi-purpsoe Dam Project is being implemented to be able to meet power requirements of
industries which will soon rise. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance
on completion of the dam project according to schedule. Therefore, efforts are to be made
for timely completion of tasks with a view to fulfilling requirements of the State after
overcoming difficulties in work.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented fruit baskets to consultant engineers
and workers of the project.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected construction of the main
embankment and the underground power station in the tunnel.Next, the Secretary-1 and party
proceeded to Toungoo by helicopter. They were welcomed there by member of the State Peace
and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye and senior military officers.After that, the
Secretary-1 and party left Toungoo by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived back here in the
( 2 ) Secretary-1
attends opening ceremony of Magway soft drinks and ice factory, soap factory (Magway)
Yangon, 16 March-A ceremony to
open the soap factory (Magway) of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries, and Magway soft drinks
and ice factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries under the Ministry of Industry-1, built
near Magyikan Village, Magway Township, Magway Division, was held at the archways of the
respective factories yesterday, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the signboard of
Magway soft drinks and ice factory.
Then, Managing Director of MFI U Kyaw Myint and Chairman of Magway
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Zaw Thein formally opened the factory, and
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party inspected it.Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt formally unveiled the signboard of the soap factory (Magway).
Later, Managing Director of MPI U Myint Oo
and Lt-Col Zaw Thein formally opened the factory, and Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and
party inspected it.
At the briefing hall, Managing Director U Kyaw Myint reported on
matters concerning Magway soft drinks and ice factory and Managing Director U Myint Oo on
matters relating to the soap factory (Magway) to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
In reply to the reports, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt expressed his
pleasure to see the successful construction of the soap factory by Sein Ban Industrial
Co-operatives formed with Myanmar industrialists, and urged those concerned to build other
factories such as textile factory and pulp factory.
Magway soft drinks factory was built with the aim of enabling the
people who live in the environs of Magway, Central Myanmar, to consume healthy soft drinks
at reasonable price, to boost the production of soft drinks in order to substitute imports
and to create job opportunities in the region.
The factory will produce Cream Soda, Vinto, Orange, Sparkling and Soda with a capacity
of 600 dozens per day, and 180,000 per year. It will also produce ice with a capacity of
100 ice blocks each weighing 300 lbs per day and over 30,000 ice blocks per year.
Secretary-3 views display of
Gems Emporium

Yangon, 16 March- State Peace and Development
Council Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint arrived at the 38th Myanma Gems, Jade and Pearl
Emporium, being organized by Central Committee for Organizing the Emporium, at Myanma Gems
Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
He was welcomed there by Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung
Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Patron of the Central Committee Minister for Mines Brig-Gen
Ohn Myint, Chairman of the Central Committee Deputy Minister for Minies U Myint Thein,
Secretary Managing Director U Khin Oo of Myanma Gems Enterprise and members.
First, the Secretary-3 viewed gems, jades, jewellery and jade figurines
to be sold at fixed prices of MGE and private jewellery shops and paintings illustrated
with pieces of gems, jade blocks which are on display on the ground floor, uncut jade lots
on display in the compound of the mart, jewellery and gems lots and pearl lots on the
third floor. The patron, the chairman, the secretary and officials of the Central
Committee conducted the Secretary-3 round the mart.Then, the Secretary-3 attended the
third-day sale of jade lots through competitive bidding at the Gems Hall and left the mart
in the afternoon.
( 3 ) Stimulant
tablets problem began to spread in Myanmar after drugs coming from Thailand were seized at
Central Committee for Drug Abuse
Control holds meeting
Yangon, 16 March-The Central Committee for Drug
Abuse Control held a meeting at the Drug Elimination Museum this afternoon, with an
address by Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
Also present were CCDAC Vice-Chairmen Minister for Foreign Affairs U
Win Aung and Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development
Affairs Col Thein Nyunt and members, chairmen of working groups and guests.
The minister said the meeting was held to present the future tasks for
which decisions are to be made and to refute drug-related attacks on Myanmar by Thai
media. At present, dailies published in Thailand are launching open attacks on Myanmar
concerning the narcotic drugs problem. A news report "Thai Premier Thaksin possible
to deal harshly with Myanmar on narcotic drugs" featured in The Bangkok Post issued
on 13 March 2000 stated that the Thai Prime Minister might demand that Myanmar to wipe out
all drug-related problems in order to keep Thailand free from narcotics.
Holding of an anti-drug conference under the chairmanship of the Prime
Minister for two days is an excellent and profound commitment, expressing the extent
Thailand is giving priority to the drug problem. Myanmar, as a neighbouring nation with a
similar objective, is happy to know Thailands special attention to this matter. It
is comprehensible to all that Thai government officials, instead of finding ways and means
to solve their own problem by themselves, issued news reports in deliberately putting the
blame on Myanmar as if their internal problems are Myanmars. There are many
opportunities for official bodies of both nations to solve problems of bilateral concern.
They instead of making coordinations through the proper channels are
putting the blame on the other while failing to see their own fault on the problem, that
can be solved in accord with the good-neighbourly practices; thus their act should be
regard an act which is violating the principles of good-neighbourliness.
The Thai dailies also said that at a conference on narcotic drugs held
in Chiang Rai for two days under the leadership of the Thai Prime Minister, it was stated
that the narcotic drugs which were being sold in Thailand were mainly produced by Wa
national people of Myanmar; that Mongyun in Wa region was built into a large modern town
at a cost of millions of bahts realized through the drug business; and that all the
delegates to the conference including the Prime Minister were amazed to learn that the
town had a first-class hotel, a large hospital and a dam to generate hydro-electric power.
These facts should be reviewed. Thailand has been confronted with the
problem of production, trafficking and abuse of stimulant tablets since a decade ago. The
problem entered Myanmar from the border with Thailand in 1995. It is reiterated that as
the Thai government officials have never made efforts to effectively control the problem,
it has become uncontrollable in Thailand and that they are putting the blame on others
with baseless accusations. There is no stimulant tablet problem in Myanmar until 1996. The
stimulant tablets began to spread in Myanmar after the pills which came from Thailand were
seized at the border in the later period of 1996. The first seizure of stimulant tablets
was in Tachilek Township at the border. It could be obviously seen that they were smuggled
into Myanmar from Thailand. Since then Myanmar anti-drug officials have known the
stimulant tablet and systematically laid down plans to curb the drugs. Highest amount of
stimulant tablets seizures
were made in 1999 ad 2000. Thai-made stimulant-pill-manufacturing machines were impounded
in Tachilek Township on 23 January 1999 in one of the seizures. These are the undeniable
facts indicating the nation from which the problem of stimulant tablets spread into
The Thai dailies have admitted that Myanmar has not a single basic
condition to produce stimulant tablets; that Ephedrine, the basic material, is smuggled
into Myanmar from China and Thailand; that the precursors are smuggled into Myanmar from
China, India and Thailand; that the manufacturing machines illegally enter Myanmar from
Thailand; and that the names of ten Thai citizens who have invested a large amount of
money to run the drug production and trafficking business in Myanmar territory at the
border is obtained. If the overall review is made on the matter Where do the
abusers, investors and experts come from? It is quite clear to see the persons who
are responsible in this matter which has no relations with Myanmar at all. They should
reconsider whether the act of blaming others instead of solving the problem through
cooperation is right or wrong.
Thailand is facing the problem of stimulant pills since ten years ago
and it has become the main problem among the universities, colleges and schools in 1996.
In addition to conducting stimulant tablet eradication task as a National Campaign since
1999, Thailand has also launched a special military operation under the command of Thai
armed forces targeting 26 villages at Myanmar-Thai border in Mae-i, Chiangmai and Chiang
Rai Provinces beginning 15 July 1999. It has become a food for though that Thailands
act in leaving the regions where Ywet Sits SURA group which has bases in Peinlon and
Maheintet in Thai territory and is engaging in terrorist acts and drug business, Kyaukhsit
Hsuhline group which is a MTA remnant group and remnants of KMT are active and putting the
areas facing Lwehsanhsaw region in southern Wa region under the special military operation
When the Myanmar Tatmadaw crushed Ywet Sits SURA drug smuggler
insurgents at Myanmar-Thai border recently, Thailand instead of crushing the drug
smugglers was accommodating them in its territory; thus the Thai dailies should reconsider
that such acts are totally against their
accusations on Myanmar.
There is no southern Wa group at Lwehsanhsaw region as stated in the
accusations made by Thailand concerning the stimulant drug problem: it is a group under
the control of U Pau Yu Chan of the Pansang central headquarters. It was said that the
southern Wa group received Thai mechanical and technical assistance in implementing
Mongyun development task such as building of roads, dams and power stations. In May 1999,
Thai officials visited the region which they called southern Wa region, met with regional
officials and witnessed the launching of opium substitute farming and businesses. It is
strange that even in this situation, they are making accusations.
As the drug problem is rising in relations with the insurgents at the
border, the problem will continue to exist as long as the insurgents are permitted to stay
at the border.
Concerning Wa region development undertakings, the International
Conference on keeping ASEAN region free from drugs in 2015 was held on 11 October 2000 at
the UN regional office in Bangkok. At the conference, a representative from US Mr Jim
Callahan said he had visited the Wa region development project in Myanmar; that there were
difficulties in implementing the project as it was situated in a remote place; that it is
believed that the foundations had already been laid; that he had found evidence that the
regional development task and poppy substitution task were gaining success; that regional
poppy growers were not concerned with the stimulant
tablet production business which was just a separate business; that control and
eradication is the main task which required special attention.
At the Trans-Atlantic Drug Conference of the fourth law making body
which was held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on 21 February, 2001, Japanese representative Mr
Yasuguki Eda stated in his address the Japanese governments assistance toward Wa
region deve-lopment plan. Concerning the root cause of the poverty pro-blem of the drug
producing countries, he said that giving assistance to poppy growers would enable them to
earn their living without depending on illegal poppy cultivation. He added that creation
of markets for the opium substitute crops in order to fulfil their basic needs would lead
them to discarding poppy cultivation; that the substitute crop cultivation and market
establishment being implemented under Japanese assistance were the proof. Mr Yasuguki said
that Myanmar was the second largest opium producer after Afghanistan; that as the ethnic
people of the mountain regions in north-east Myanmar made peace with the government,
regional development programmes could be laid down and implemented at the areas; that
Japan had presented US $ 1.6 million to Wa region development programme in order to reduce
consumption and production.
Measures are now being taken to provide heavy machinery, employees and
water supply necessary for the six agricultural villages covered by the project.
Therefore, agriculture is improving. Crops suitable to the region such as paddy, horse
gram and groundnuts have been chosen and grown on an experimental scale. Knowledge about
prevention of soil erosion has been imparted.
As regards basic health care, community-based health clinics have been
built. It is satisfactory to see that Japan has provided assistance for the projects
concerning giving courses on basic health care to local people through government
In addition, arrangements have been made to cultivate buckwheat.
Cultivation of buckwheat will be extended on more than 3,000 acres of land, and buckwheat
will be exported to Japan. As Japan government provides assistance for this project, the
infrastructure and social life of local people in the projected region will improve.
Experts of international cooperation agencies are allowed to participate in infrastructure
development programmes.
It is found that cultivation of opium in Myanmar is declining. Thanks
should be given to Myanmar government for its cooperation with other nations. Japans
efforts to eradicate narcotic drugs and its participating in this task in Myanmar are very
encouraging. Moreover, it was reported to the 24th HONLEA meeting held in Myanmar in
November 2000 in connection with Myanmas narcotic drug eradication efforts, that at
the neighbouring nations, seizure of opium and heroin was on the decrease, that the opium
and heroin trafficking route changed, and that heroin has been trafficked from the west
Asia. In addition, that matter has been included in the report of Interpol. These are the
fruit of Myanmars efforts.
In replying to the question raised by AP correspondent at the news
briefing of World Drug Report 2000 of UNDCP at the office of ESCAP in Bangkok, Thailand,
on 23 January 2001, Mr Sandro Calvani in charge of the central division of East Asia and
Pacific Region of UNDCP said that Myanmar government is making efforts as strenuously as
it can in eradicating narcotic drugs. There were news reports that Myanmar was allegedly
producing narcotic drugs. In contrary to the assumption of news agencies, it was not in
Myanmar but in some villages at the border. News agencies should ask Myanmar government
for permission to conduct a tour of study at the border in order to know the true
situation. Farmers at the border areas earned about US $ 100 per year from cultivation of
opium, and by substituting other crops, cultivation of opium can be eradicated. UNDCP has
raised funds to provide assistance for the opium substitute crops cultivation tasks of
Myanmar government. But sufficient assistance has not been enlisted due
to political constraints on Myanmar, and UNDCP did not manage to undertake the project
fully. The ratio of the assistance which Myanmar received from international community
over the past three years to the assistance received by Thailand from international
community was one to 300.
Furthermore, a news briefing in connection with the annual report of
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) on 21 February 2001 was held at the office of
UNDCP in Yangon. At the news briefing, Ms Yamaguchi said that as regards production of
opium and heroin, 5,800 metric tons of opium produced in the whole world constituted 80%
from Afghanistan and 15% from Myanmar. Over the past ten years, production in Myanmar has
declined by 40%. Although it can be argued that it was because of weather, it is
undeniable to the fact that the decline can be attributed to the efforts of Myanmar
government. Now Myanmar government is striving to totally eradicate narcotic drugs by 2014
by means of launching the 15-year plan. The total value of opium was just about US $ 116
million, and income substitution can be earned. About 96% of farmers in Wa region
cultivated poppy because there was no sufficiency of rice. If there are substitute crops,
they will no longer cultivate it. Although the condition was favourable, international
assistance was not obtained, and during the period from 1976 to date, the assistance
received in 2001 was the least, and if there was no outside assistance, the condition
could get worse.
Then, Minister Col Tin Hlaing said that UNDCP gave a full account of
Myanmars narcotic drug eradication efforts at the news briefings held in Bangkok and
Yangon, and it aimed to enable news agencies to see what is true as it is.
Due to various reasons, Myanmar government had to take the initiative
to enable the armed groups to exchange arms for peace. Although it was no easy task,
success was achieved.
These national groups are cooperating with the government in working
for regional development and eradication of narcotic drugs. As some terrorist
opium-trafficking insurgent groups like the group of Ywet Sit who want to get rich quick
are producing and trafficking narcotic drugs, and in consideration of the interests of
mankind, attacks are being launched against these groups. If, like other national groups,
they cooperated with the government, these problems would not arise.
In connection with eradication of narcotic drug production, the
minister said that Narcotic Drug Eradication Museum, through which efforts can be made to
carry out educational programmes for local people who are playing a very significant role
in eradicating opium cultivation, was opened in Laukkai on 27 December. Thus, the
anti-narcotics awareness of the local people can be raised and it will also be a great
help for the efforts to make the entire region free from opium.
At the opening of the museum, the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council said that under the leadership of the government, national race
leaders and local national people were working hard in unity for the development and
prosperity of respective regions and for the improvement of their standards of living.
Therefore, the outlook of the local people became broad, and they came to understand the
ill effects of narcotic drugs. In this way, the cultivation of opium was gradually on the
decline. It is invariably needed to continuously carry out educational and organizational
work to ensure that local people are not again engaged in poppy cultivation which they
already abandoned, and to provide assistance for the regional development and economic
development tasks.
In accord with the guidelines of the Secretary-1, members of the CCDAC
are required to fulfil requirements of local national people and those of regional
development tasks.
With regard to prevention and suppression, the minister said that
during the poppy cultivation season in 1999-2000, there were 90,455 acres of poppy, out of
which 10,987.762 acres were destroyed. During this poppy cultivation season in 2000-2001,
there are 80,602.13 acres of poppy, out of which 21,242 acres were destroyed. It is found
that cultivation of poppy this year has declined in comparison with cultivation of poppy
last year. Prevention and suppression groups are searching and destroying poppy fields to
reduce opium production.
At the corner of Saya Chon Street and Pho Yaza Road in Ward-35, Dagon
North, Yangon, 13-1-2001, 5,000 stimulant tablets hidden in seven sticky rice bamboo tubes
were seized. On 9-3-2001, 37,400 stimulant tablets were also seized. In Myanmar,
concerning illegal money obtained from the trafficking of narcotic drugs, action can be
taken in accord with the 1999 Narcotic Drug Law. However, it is needed to make a new
specific law. The office of the Attorney-General is leading the work of drafting Money
Laundering Law. The work is now in progress. After the draft is approved, Money Laundering
Law will be enacted.
According to 88 Convention Article 7, a committee has been formed to
provide Mutual Legal Assistance. CCDAC is coordinating necessary tasks with international
community. CCDAC members are to work harder to ensure that plans drawn up in the country
are successful and the goals of leaders of State are achieved.
Members of the ASEAN have been determined to work for the emergence of
Drug Free ASEAN in 2015. As Myanmar is implementing the 15-year narcotic drug eradication
plan, it is needed to make efforts to be able to exhibit the tasks done in a year with
documentary photos. As leaders of State have got Myanmas narcotic drug eradication
programmes and efforts shown to the international community, ASEAN member nations and
friendly nations, narcotic drug eradication programmes included in the plan are to be
carried out obviously.
To accomplish the plan, local national people are organized and
educational work is to be carried out. Region-wise plans are also to be drawn and
In connection with reduction of abuse of narcotic drugs, the minister
added that Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
inspected Shwepyiaye Youth Rehabilitation Camp on 29 December 2000. During his visit, the
Secretary-1 gave instructions on spiritual development of the youths, giving them
vocational education, integrating them into the society and carrying out youth nurturing
tasks in order to use their labour for the State; the Secretary-1 inspected vocational
training courses such as brick production work, tinsmith and blacksmith; the Secretary-1
also said that according to reports and the present condition, Shwepyiaye Camp and
villages have been making more progress than before. Therefore, it is needed to exert
continued efforts to maintain the success of the camp.
On 12 January 2001, the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council personally inspected construction of Drugs Elimination Museum in Kamayut Township,
and instructed the officials to open the museum on 26 June 2001, on which International
Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking will fall. Therefore, it is required to
start work for the opening of booths at the museum.
There is another encouraging measure. Myanmar and the Peoples
Republic of China signed a MoU on control of chemicals used in production of narcotic
drugs and stimulant tablets on 21-1-2001. According to the MoU, the two nations can
effectively carry out tasks regarding prevention of trafficking of chemicals through
various routes, exposing drug-related cases and taking action, programmes for control of
narcotic plants and other substitution development programmes, programmes for reduction of
abuse of narcotic drugs, exchange of news about treatment and rehabilitation, exchange of
information, taking action against those who commit drug-related crimes, giving training
to employees and providing technical assistance. Invariably, Myanmas narcotic drug
eradication efforts will meet with success as it is working in cooperation with
neighbouring nations.
In conclusion, the minister said that as Myanmars narcotic drug
eradication efforts are now gathering momentum, and it can be attributed to the
participation of the CCDAC members, ministries, departments and non-governmental
organization. Success has been achieved in the country, and as UNDCP has recognized
Myanmars efforts, it is found that success has been achieved in the region as well.
All are to strive for total eradication of narcotic drugs in Myanmar and to rebut the
preposterous drug-related accusations of Thailand and some media.
Then, Vice-Chairmen of CCDAC Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung
and Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col
Thein Nyunt took part in the discussions.The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the
( 4 ) Junior Teachership Course No 10, Primary Teachership Course No 33
of UDNR conclude
Yangon, 16 March- Junior Teachership Course
No 10 and Primary Teachership Course No 33 of the University for Development of National
Races concluded at Pinlon Hall of the university this morning.
Present were Chairman of the UDNR Council member of the State Peace and
Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Vice-Chairman of the
University Council Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt,
members of the University Council Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Hlaing Win,
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Progress of
Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, members of
CSSTB U Aung Myint and U Kaung Nyunt, Director-General U Khin Maung Myint of Service
Personnal Affairs Department, Acting Director-General U Hla Kyi of Civil Service Selection
and Training Department, Rector Col Zaw Min Thein of UDNR, Rector Col Aung Hsan Win of the
Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar), representatives of State and Division
Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, Pro-rector Daw Khin Si Si and
faculty members, guests, graduating trainees and their parents.
Rector Col Zaw Min Thein of UDNR read out the report related to the
courses.Vice-Chairman of the University Council Dr Than Nyunt presented certificates to 56
trainees of Junior Teachership Course and 66 of Primary Teachership Course from
Taninthayi, Bago, Magway and Mandalay Divisions and Mon and Rakhine States.Rector Col Zaw
Min Thein presented certificates to 203 trainees of Yangon Division, Shan State (North),
Shan State (South), Chin State and Sagaing Division.Representatives of State and Division
Peace and Development Councils presented cartificates of appointment to them.
Then, Chairman of the University Council Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win
presented model trainee awards to Maung Than Tun of An Township, Rakhine State and Ma Swe
Swe Win of Ingapu Township, Ayeyawady Division.
Speaking on the occasion, the commander said that as the government is
striving for emergence of peaceful, tranquill, modern and developed nation, trainings are
to be given to youths for turning out educated yourths as fundamental forces in a short
time with a view to meeting the target. The training has been given under a three-year
course starting from Course No 33. The training has concluded successfully after three
years of the course which the trainees in the past had to study for four years. The
government has established the UDNR and is training and turning out youths as teachers.
The Primary Teachership Course to be upgraded to the degree course for education will
start in the coming year. Arrangements are being made for learning of youths at
Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree Colleges and for enabling the graduates to
discharge duty in their respective regions. As a result of goodwill of the State, national
youths from border areas are effectively participating in the development of border areas
and these areas will soon be improved as developed areas.
In conclusion, the commander urged the trainees to discharge the
assigned duties at basic education schools and to nurture pupils for becoming wealthy sons
on whom the State relied.
After the ceremony, Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win, Chairman of CSSTB Dr Than Nyunt and
party had documentary photo taken together with graduated trainees.
( 5 ) Ministerreceives Ambassador
Yangon, 16 March-Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing met Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori at his office at the corner of Saya San
Road and Industry-1 Road, this morning.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy
Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Hla Tun and Head of Office U Thet
Business Symposium held
Yangon, 16 March-The Business Symposium,
organized by Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Hong
Kong General Chambers of Commerce, was held at the meeting hall of UMFCCI on Merchant
Street yesterday morning.
Present at the meeting were UMFCCI President U Win Myint,
Vice-President U Htein Win, U Win Aung, Adviser Dr Kyaw Htin, Secretary General U Zaw Min
Win and executives, industrialists, timber entrepreneurs, garment manufacturing
entrepreneurs, fishery entrepreneurs, gem merchants, and trade mission members led by
Director Dr Eden Woon of Hong Kong General Chambers of Commerce of the Peoples
Republic of China.They discussed matters related to investment, trade and industry.
Then, a memorandum of understanding between UMFCCI and Hong Kong General
Chambers of Commerce was signed.
Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association meets
Yangon, 16 March- The
Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association held Meeting No 6/2001 in conjunction with the
coordination meeting on Myanmar-Japan variety dances for cultural exchange at Mya Yeik Nyo
Royal Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this evening.
Present were Chairman of the Association Minister for Home Affairs Col
Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Prof Daw May May Yi and Dr Mya Mya
Win, the executive committee members, the Sub-committee for Myanmar-Japan Variety Dance
for Cultural Exchange, patrons of Myan-mar Motion Picture Asiayon Bogale U Tint Aung and
Gita Lulin U Ko Ko, Chairman U Sein Tin, officials.
On the occasion, the Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing
gave a speech. Officials reported on matters related to their respective sectors.Then,
Chairman Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Prof Daw May May Yi and
Dr Daw Mya Mya Win gave necessary instructions.The meeting ended with the remarks by the
American round-the-world
adventurers meet Press
Yangon, 16 March - An American couple, Jim
Rogers, 58, and Paige Parker, 32, held a Press meet on their Millennium Adventure at
Traders Hotel today.
The American couple said they started their adventure in Iceland on 1
January 1999, driving their custom-built Mercedes-Benz off-roader through 86 countries in
Europe, Africa and Asia before arriving at Tamu in Myanmar on 7 March via Manipur State in
India. After travelling through the stopovers, Monywa, Mandalay, Bagan and Pyay, along the
route from Tamu they arrived at Yangon on 14 March.
While in Bagan, they visited many splendid pagodas such as Ananda
Temple and were amazed to find a large array of magnificent religious buildings in a
single region. They have found Bagan most significant during their tour of over 80
nations. They learned existence of Shwedagon Pagoda, the oldest stupa in the history of
Buddhism, in Myanmar. During the visit in Myanmar, they said they have noticed that
Myanmars are religious, kind and hardworking people who also observe discipline.
Myanmar has many places which can attract tourists. Thus,
Myanmars tourist industry has many poten-tials to develop. Myanmar is a suitable
place for investors as it has adopted the market-oriented economy and its privatization
programme is in progress.
They will leave for Ranong in Thailand after their 16-day stay in
Myanmar. They have planned to arrive back in New York on 31 December this year, three
years after the start of their journey, which is the final destination of their
round-the-world adventure expedition.
The Press meet was attended by Managing Director of News and
Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Director (News) U Hla Tun, chief editors, editors, media
persons of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club and journalists of other periodicals.
( 6 ) Work
coordinated to promote export of marine products
Yangon, 16 March- The Fishery Department of the Ministry
of Livestock and Fisheries held a work cordination meeting on promotion of export of
marine products in the meeting hall of the department in Ahlon Township yesterday
afternoon. Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein gave
instructions on earning more foreign exchange and promotion of export of marine products.
Director of the Fishery Department U Tin Win discussed matters related to cold storage
factories and promotion of export of marine exports by companies. The personnel of
fisheries companies reported on export of marine products.Then, the minister attended to
their requirements.
Minister addresses
conclusion of courses of MPT
Yangon, 16 March - Subscriber Apparatus Course,
Radio Operator Course and Basic Material Storage Course concluded at the communications
and postal training Centre of the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs here
yesterday afternoon.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin made
a speech.Also present were heads of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Myanma Posts
and Telecommunications, officials of MPT, the principal of the training school, course
instructors and 51 trainees.The minister presented certificates to the trainees and prizes
to outstanding trainees.
Committee for opening
booth on nation-building endeavours meets
Yangon, 16 March- The committee for opening
the booth on naton-buildin endeavours at
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition for 2001 held a meeting at the Defence
Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda in Dagon Township this afternoon.
Present were the chairman and members of the committee, officials of
the Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute and ministries.Chairman of
the committee Minister for Labour Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe made a speech.Then, a general round of
discussions followed.The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the minister.The
minister and committee members also inspected the diaplay of the booth.
Myanmar Olympic Committee
Yangon, 16 March-The Myanmar Olympic Committee
held its meeting at National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna at 1 pm today, with an address
by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Also present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of MOC
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and members, officials of the Ministry of Sports,
the Chairmen of Myanmar Sports Federations, and officials and guests.Secretary of MOC
Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik reported on
tasks being done by MOC, and the Chairmen of MPFs and officials on progress of sports
techniques and medal standing, and future tasks.Then, the chairman fulfilled the
requirements of officials.
Minister inspects
computer sections
Yangon, 16 March-Minister for Immigration and
Population U Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister U Maung Aung, inspected computer
sections of Population Department on Mahabandoola Street and Immigration and National
Registration Department on Pansodan Street this morning.
The minister met with the staff and gave instructions on effective use of computers,
working with plans, carrying out work for the staff to attend the University of Computer
Science, ensuring accuracy of data and security measures.
Deputy Minister inspects booth
of Ministry of Information
Yangon, 16 March-Deputy Minister for
Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein this evening arrived at Defence Services Museum at which
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Exhibition is is to be staged.
The deputy minister was welcomed there by Director-General of Myanma
Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Director-General of Information and Public
Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U
Tin Kha, Managing Director of Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi and officials.The deputy
minister inspected preparations being made for the booth of the Ministry of Information.
Then, the deputy minister inspected the colour photos to be exhibited
at booth of the Ministry of Information.
( 7 ) Commander inspects regional
development tasks, livestock breeding and agricultural works in Yangon Division
Yangon, 16 March-Member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than accompanied by Secretary of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and division level departmental officials
inspected regional development tasks, livestock breeding and agricultural works in Yangon
Division this morning.
First, the commander and party arrived at prawn breeding camp of Yuzana
Co Ltd at Thilawa Prawn Breeding Zone in Kyauktan Township, Yangon South District at 11 am
today. At the briefing hall , Staff Officer U Khin Maung Win of Yangon Division Fisheries
Department reported to the commander on leasing of 1098 acres of land to ten companies for
prawn breeding in Thilawa Prawn Breeding Zone in Kyauktan Township, prawn breeding work of
companies and work being carried out on 5,226 acres of lands in Kyauktan Township.
Officials of Yuzana Prawn Breeding Group, Yangon City Development Committee, Winner
Brothers Co Ltd, King Fishery Co Ltd, Top King co Ltd, Advance Seafood Co Ltd, Universal
Concord Co Ltd , Pale Nadi Co Ltd, Pyi Aung Yadana Co Ltd and UFE Co Ltd reported to the
commander on work and Chairman of Kyauktan Township Peace and Development Council on
regional development task being carried out in the township.
Speaking on the occasion, the commander urged the entrepreneurs to
undertake tasks speedily. And he fulfilled the needs.Then, the commander inspected prawn
breeding work and the laboratory at Yuzana Prawn Breeding Camp and gave necessary
Afterwards, the commander inspected prawn breeding camp of YCDC and
digging of prawn breeding ponds with the use of heavy machinery at Thilawa Prawn Breeding
Zone. At the zone, 700 acres have been dug out of 1098 acres of pond and over 9.8 million
of shrimp fry have been put into the ponds.
Later, the commander inspected laying of additional asphalt layer on No
2 Highway being implemented by Public Works in Dagon Myothit East, Yangon East District
and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander proceeded to Maso Bridge Agriculture and Livestock
Breeding Project being implemented by YCDC. At the briefing hall, officials reported to
the commander on work and he gave instructions on finishing the work by the end of April.
Later, the commander inspected digging of fish breeding ponds with the
use of heavy machinery and vegetable plantation there.Next, the commander inspected
digging of 50 acres for fish breeding pond being implemented by Myanmar Pyi Tha Hay KM Co
near No 2 Highway and fulfilled the needs.
Afterwards, the commander inspected tree plantation of Indaing Station
near No 2 Highway and left necessary instructions.Next, the commander inspected progress
in digging of 250 acres for fish breeding pond being implemented by Myanmar Pyi Tha Hay KM
Co near Yangon-Bago six-lane highway and fulfilled the needs.
There are already 24,000 acres of fish breed-ing ponds in Yangon
Divi-sion and 8,000 acres are scheduled to be dug in the open season this year. To date,
7,000 acres have been dug. Therefore, a total of 31,000 acres have been dug. And plans are
under way to dig the remaining acres.
inspects regional development tasks, livestock breeding and agricultural works in Yangon
Yangon, 16 March-Member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than accompanied by Secretary of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and division level departmental officials
inspected regional development tasks, livestock breeding and agricultural works in Yangon
Division this morning.
First, the commander and party arrived at prawn breeding camp of Yuzana
Co Ltd at Thilawa Prawn Breeding Zone in Kyauktan Township, Yangon South District at 11 am
today. At the briefing hall , Staff Officer U Khin Maung Win of Yangon Division Fisheries
Department reported to the commander on leasing of 1098 acres of land to ten companies for
prawn breeding in Thilawa Prawn Breeding Zone in Kyauktan Township, prawn breeding work of
companies and work being carried out on 5,226 acres of lands in Kyauktan Township.
Officials of Yuzana Prawn Breeding Group, Yangon City Development Committee, Winner
Brothers Co Ltd, King Fishery Co Ltd, Top King co Ltd, Advance Seafood Co Ltd, Universal
Concord Co Ltd , Pale Nadi Co Ltd, Pyi Aung Yadana Co Ltd and UFE Co Ltd reported to the
commander on work and Chairman of Kyauktan Township Peace and Development Council on
regional development task being carried out in the township.
Speaking on the occasion, the commander urged the entrepreneurs to
undertake tasks speedily. And he fulfilled the needs.
Then, the commander inspected prawn breeding work and the laboratory at
Yuzana Prawn Breeding Camp and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the commander inspected prawn breeding camp of YCDC and
digging of prawn breeding ponds with the use of heavy machinery at Thilawa Prawn Breeding
Zone. At the zone, 700 acres have been dug out of 1098 acres of pond and over 9.8 million
of shrimp fry have been put into the ponds.
Later, the commander inspected laying of additional asphalt layer on No
2 Highway being implemented by Public Works in Dagon Myothit East, Yangon East District
and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander proceeded to Maso Bridge Agriculture and Livestock
Breeding Project being implemented by YCDC. At the briefing hall, officials reported to
the commander on work and he gave instructions on finishing the work by the end of April.
Later, the commander inspected digging of fish breeding ponds with the
use of heavy machinery and vegetable plantation there.
Next, the commander inspected digging of 50 acres for fish breeding
pond being implemented by Myanmar Pyi Tha Hay KM Co near No 2 Highway and fulfilled the
Afterwards, the commander inspected tree plantation of Indaing Station
near No 2 Highway and left necessary instructions.
Next, the commander inspected progress in digging of 250 acres for fish
breeding pond being implemented by Myanmar Pyi Tha Hay KM Co near Yangon-Bago six-lane
highway and fulfilled the needs.
There are already 24,000 acres of fish breed-ing ponds in Yangon
Divi-sion and 8,000 acres are scheduled to be dug in the open season this year. To date,
7,000 acres have been dug. Therefore, a total of 31,000 acres have been dug. And plans are
under way to dig the remaining acres.
Commander meets officials
of Chin State USDA, MPF
Yangon, 16 March- Chairman of Sagaing Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, accompanied
by Commander of Regional Control Command (Kalay) Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye, Chairman of Chin
State Peace and Development Council Col Than Win and officials, paid homage to Sayadaws of
the monstery in Haka on 10 March.
At Chin State Peace and Development Council Office, the commander met
secretaries and executives of District and Township Union Solidarity and Development
Associations, and gave instructions on work.
The commander attended to their needs. The commander then presented K 4
million for Chin State USDA to U Aung Min and K 1 million for test-running of small hydel
power projects in Chin State to Commissioner U Saw Myint of Chin State General
Administration Department.
Afterwards, the commander met police officers at the same venue.The
commander heard reports on tasks being undertaken by Commander of Chin State Police Force
Police Col Thura Tin Hla and officials and attended to their needs.
Commander attends cash donation ceremony for
Home for the Aged
Yangon, 16 March-The first cash donation for
construction of the Home for the Aged in Kachin State was held at the Town Hall in
Myitkyina on 9 March, attended by Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and wife, Commander of Myitkyina Air Base
Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, Deputy Commander of the command Brig-Gen San Tun and senior military
officers, the Secretary, departmental officials, the Chairman of Work Committee for
Construction of the Home and members, wellwishers, townselders and guests.
First, Chairman of Fund Raising Subcommittee for Construction of the
Home Head of Kachin State Internal Revenue Department U Khin Maung Soe reported on the
raising of funds and Kachin State Law Oficer U Soe Myint on the list of wellwishers of the
first donation and the fund.
Chairman of Work Committee for Construction of the Home for the Aged
Kachin State Commissioner U Khin Aung accepted K 300,000 donated by Commander Maj-Gen Kyaw
Win and wife Daw San San Yi and family, and presented a certificate of honour to them.
Then, the commander and officials accepted cash donated by state/district/township
level departmental officials and wellwishers, and presented certificates of honour to
them. Altogether 101 well-wishers donated K 10,009,080 at the first cash donation
( 8
) Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and Shwehtidaw conveyed to
Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
Yangon, 16 March- A ceremony to convey Sein-budaw,
Hngetmyat-nadaw and Shwehtidaw, being kept at Chanthagyi Tazaung of Shwedagon Pagoda,
before being hoisted atop Hsan-dawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda, was held at the Tazaung this
Chairman of Fund-raising Committee for All-round Renovation and
Shwehtidaw Hoisting atop Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen
Thura Myint Maung, Chairman of the Working Committee Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs
Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for Science and Tecnology U Nyi Hla
Nge, departmental heads, officials and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees conveyed
the Seinbudaw, the Hngetmyat-nadaw and the Shwehtidaw round Shwedagon Pagoda.
While they were carrying the Seinbudaw, the Hngetmyatnadaw and the
Shwe-htidaw to the vehical through Eastern Stairways of Shwedagon Pagoda, members of the
Sangha, devotees and the public paid obeisance to them and donated cash and jewellery
towards the funds of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda.
Then, Chairman of the Working Committee Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura
Aung Ko and party conveyed the Seinbudaw, the Hngetmyatnadaw and the Shwehtidaw to
Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda by car.
Before the departure, wellwishers donated cash and jewellery to
officials. Chairman of the Working Committee Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko
accepted K 60,000 and one gold foil donated by U Nay Zaw Linn-Daw Khin Swe Win of Pyay,
one ruby ring, a pair of ruby ear-plugs, a locket and two earrings by U Aye Maung-Thaung
Tin of Mudon, K 50,000 by U Tun Shwe-Daw Hla Yin Win of Yangon, one gold coin by U Soe
Myint-Daw Sein Win Hlaing of Yangon, a pair of pearl ear-plugs, an emerald Buddha image
and a Shwedagon design marble Ceti by Ko Mya Win-Ma Mon Mon Myat of North Okkalapa, a pair
of pearl ear-plugs by Sayama Daw Khin Win Kyi of Bo Sun Pet Street and a sapphire necklace
by Sayama Daw Than Than Hla of Bahan Township.
All-round construction of
Mindhamma Hill continues
Yangon, 16 March-Members of the Sangha, the
public and devotees thronged Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in
Insein Township today.
Stone sculptor Siri Sudhamma Manijotadhara Sayagyi U Taw Taw and sons
participated in the carving of the Image from this morning to evening.Myanmar handicraft
technician U Tin Ohn and
U Hla Kyu and party also participated in construction and decoration of Gandakuti
Kyaungdawgyi in which the Image is being kept.Wut associations recited religious verses
there from morning to evening.
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information sell various
kinds of books. Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon (Central) opens a
souvenir shop.Donations of well-wishers amounted to K 156,792,871 at the fund-raising unit
of the Image on Mindhamma Hill from 5 August to this evening.
K 3.6m donated to
Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 16 March-A ceremony to donate K 3.6
million to the Shwedagon Pagoda was held at the Chan-thagyi Tazaung of the Shew-dagon
Pagoda this morning.
The K 3.6 million is part of the donations made by the public to
Seinbudaw, Hnget-myatnadaw and Shwehtidaw, which are to be hoisted atop Hsandawshin
Kyaikhtiyo Hsandawshin Pagoda.
Present at the ceremony were Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the Shwedagon
Pagoda Board of Trustees led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Presiding Sayadaw of Aungmyebon-sankyaung in Bahan Township Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru
Bhaddanta Paņindabhivamsa, Chairman of Fund-Raising Committee of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Chairman of Work Committee
for All-round Renovation and Htidaw Hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda Deputy Minister for
Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman of the Work Committee Deputy
Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, departmental heads, members of the
Shwedagon Pagoda Board of Trustees and pilgrims.
The vice-chairman Saya-daw invested the congregation with the Five
Precepts.Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung presented K 3.6 million to member of
the Shwedagon Pagoda Board of Trustees U Kyi Myint.The deputy ministers and those present
offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Later, the vice-chairman Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits
( 9
) Jade sales fetch US$ 1.8m on 3rd day
Yangon, 16 March- The 38th Myanma
Gems, Jade and Pearl Emporium continued for the third day this morning.Sale of 48 jade
lots fetched US$ 1,857,257.Taunggyi Gems Master (Myanmar) Company offered US$ 451,388
which was highest price in the sales of jade lots through tender system.
Chairman of the Central Committee for Organizing the Emporium Deputy
Minister for Mines U Myint Thein presented a painting illustrated with pieces of gems and
a certificate of honour to Taunggyi Gems Master (Myanmar) Co.The sale of jewellery and
jade figurines at fixed prices fetched US$ 3,594. The sale of gem lots begins tomorrow
morning. A total of 672 gem merchants 440 from foreign countries and 232 from local
have arrived here to attend the emporium.