( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe
pays homage to Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw, Shwehtidaw for Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
Yangon, 15 March-Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than
Shwe paid reverence to Seinbudaw, Hnget-myatnadaw and Shwehtidaw to be hoisted atop the
Hsan-dawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda, at Chanthagyi Tazaung on Yahu (North-West) Corner of the
Shwedagon Pagoda this morning.
At 7.30 am, the Senior General,
accompanied by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy
Comman-der-in-Chief of Defence Ser-vices Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye,
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3
Lt-Gen Win Myint and Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla,
arrived at the Southern Stairway of the Pagoda where they were welcomed by member of
the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin,
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees and officials.
First, the Senior General went round the pagoda.Then, the Senior
General offered flowers, lights, banners and flagstaff and paid obeisance to the
Seinbudaw, the Hngetmyatnadaw and the Shwehtidaw to be hoisted atop Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda, at
Chantahgyi Tazaung.
Next, the Senior General visited religious buildings and Buddha images
on the platform of the pagoda, and cordially conversed with pilgrims. Afterwards, the
Senior General went onto the upper terrace of the pagoda and went round the pagoda
clockwise. The Senior General also offered flowers, lights and incense to Padamya Myatshin
Buddha Image and paid homage to the Image. Then, the Senior General left the pagoda at 9
( 2 ) Leading
Committee for Observance of 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day holds meeting

Yangon, 15 March - The sixth
coordination meeting of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day was held at the new hall of the Ministry of Defence at 2 pm today, attended by
Chairman of the Leading Committee Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present were Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Minister for Labour Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe and chairmen of work
committees and officials.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint delivered the opening address.Secretary of
the Leading Committee Deputy-Adjutant-General Col Khin Soe explained the resolutions of
the previous meeting.Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than reported to the
meeting on work done.
Vice-Chairman of Parade Work Group Director of Military Training
Brig-Gen Aung Kyi reported to the meeting on matters relating to the military
parade.Chairman of Nation-Building Endeavours Exhibition Committee Minister Maj-Gen Tin
Ngwe explained the progress in making preparation for the exhibition.Secretary of Literary
and Arts Competitions Committee Lt-Col Saw Myint of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)
explained accomplishments of the committee.
Chairman of Literary and Photo Competitions Work Committee Deputy
Minister for Information U Thein Sein, Chairman of Poem and Arts Competitions Work
Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Secretary of Institutions of Higher
Learning and Basic Education Level Literary and Arts Competitions Work Committee
Director-General of Higher Education Department (Lower Myan-mar) U Saw Lwin, Chairman of
TV Quiz Work Committee Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay
and Secretary of Twelve Objectives Exhibition Work Committee Lt-Col Win Maung of
Directorate of Resettlements explained sector-wise implementation.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo briefed the meeting on matters
relating to invitation, military code of conduct and extempore talks competitions,
selection of the best parade company and prize winners, Lt-Col Mya Thein of
Quartermaster-Generals Office on hosting the dinner, erection of archways, holding
of literary and arts exhibition and accommodation task, Col Kyaw Myint of Directorate of
Public Relations and Psychological Warfare on staging entertainment programmes, publishing
a documentary book on the Armed Forces Day, holding of literary and arts competitions and
information matters.
Col Khin Maung Myint of Directorate of Military Engineers explained
progress in beautifying the Resistance Park, Lt-Col Soe Tint of Directorate of Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers preparations being made at Myoma Grounds and Maj Kyaw Kyaw Myint
of Directorate of Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute preparations
being made for the Armed Forces Day Exhibition.
Col Ohn Myint of Directorate of Supply and Transport reported to the
meeting on welfare programmes for the Tatmadawmen of the parade columns, Director of
Signals Col Thein Tun on posting of billboards, Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya
Thein Han on medical care programmes and Commandant of Defence Services Records Office
Brig-Gen Myo Myint on garlanding programmes.
Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Hla
Tun, Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun and Executive Director of
Myanmar Red Cross Society Col Aung Than also took part in the discussions.
Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min and Reserve Parade Commander Col
Hla Tun explained progress in conducting parade drills.The meeting ended with concluding
remarks by the Secretary-3.
( 3 ) Auditor-General receives
Ambassador of Sri Lanka

Yangon, 15 March-Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye
received Ambassador of Sri Lanka Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa at his office at 3 pm today.Also
present at the call were Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win and Director-General Daw Thin
Thin of the Auditor-Generals Office.
Minister receives MD of Swiftwinds Travels & Tours

Yangon, 15 March- Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Managing
Director U Kyaw Win of Swiftwinds Travels & Tours Co Ltd and party at his office at
1 pm today. Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director
General U Khin Maung Latt of Directorate of Hotels & Tourism Managing Director U Kyi
Tun of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services and officials.
( 4 ) Minister inspects products for market festival

Yangon, 15 March- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung,
accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors
of departments and enterprises, inspected preparations to serve Satuditha to service
personnel of departments and enterprises and to hold a lucky-draw programme at Kunthaya
Hall as a gesture hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and various kinds of
garments, cosmetics, personal goods, foodstuff, beverages, medicines and ceramic wares for
the market festival of Myanma Foodstuff Industries, Myanma Textile Industries,
Myanma Ceramics Industries, Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries, Myanma Paper and Chemicals
Industries and Myanma General and Maintanance Industries of the ministry which will be put
on sale at the market festival in the compound of the Ministry of Industry-1 on Kaba Aye
Pagoda Road here this morning.
The Ministry of Industry-1 has held the market festivals and the Studitha-serving
programmes with the aim of enabling service personnel to be happy and boost production.
Out of 3,102 personnel in the compound of the ministry, lucky draws have been presented to
1,480 on 9 March and the same programme was held for the remaining 1,622.
Cooperative Products Exposition on 2-8 April
Yangon, 15 MarchThe Cooperative Products Exposition
& Sales Festival, to be organized by Cooperativre Department, Cottage Industries
Department and Cooperative Export & Import Enterprise under the supervision of the
Ministry of Cooperatives, will be held on a grand scale at Saya San Plaza of Cooperative
Trade Centre at the corner of University Avenue and Saya San Road from 2 to 8 April.
Products, personal and household goods, foodstuff, garments, electronic
equipment, stationery, handicraft, construction and industrial materials, farming
equipment, natural fertilizers, furniture and export products of cooperatives, State-owned
economic organizations, local and foreign companies will be displayed at the festival.
Arrangements have been made to sell the goods and products to the public at reasonable
At the festival, a stage show will be presented to visitors.Anyone may
visit the festival from 9 am to 9 pm daily.Admission is free. Those wishing to sell
products and goods at the festival may dial phones 243864 and 543227 of the Leading
Committee for the Organizing the Festival for more information.
New office building
Yangon, 15 March-A ceremony to open the new
building of Immigration and National Registration Department in Kachin State was held at
the building near Pyidaungsu Road, Myothit Ward, Myitkyina, on 7 March.
Present at the ceremony were Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun, senior
military officers, Secretary of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint
Thein, local authorities and guests. The commander formally opened the building and
inspected it.
( 5 ) Jade sales fetch over US$
1.1m on 2nd day
Yangon, 15 March-A total of
US$ 1,153,491 was realized from the sale of 23 jade lots at Myanma Gems Emporium through
tender system today.
Out of 30 bidders, a gem merchant from Hong Kong offered
US$ 58,998, the highest price, for raw jade lot No 1011 the floor price of which was US$
16,800. The sale of jewellery and jade figurines at fixed prices fetched US$ 1,733. The
sale of jade lots continues tomorrow. A total of 660 gem merchants 428 foreign
merchants and 232 local merchants have arrived here to attend the emporium.
Mayor inspects City Farm
and Recreation Centre
Yangon, 15 March-Chairman
of Yangon City Development Committee Yangon City Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by
responsible officials, inspected progress of agricultural tasks at City Farm and
Recreation Centre of YCDC in Taikkyi Township and attended to the needs this morning.
Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Yangon
City Mayor U Ko Lay inspected ploughing for cultivation of summer paddy, transplanting of
paddy, potato plantation, construction of golf course and head regulator, blending of
natural fertilizer for Green House plantations. During his inspection tour, Mayor U Ko Lay
gave necessary instructions to the officials.
( 6 ) Minister attends opening of
Myoma upgraded cinema
Yangon, 15 March-A ceremony to open Myoma upgraded cinema was held at the cinema,
corner of Bogyoke Aung San Street and 36th Street, this morning.
Present at the ceremony were Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Aung Thein, departmental heads, distinguished guests, the chairman of Myanmar
Motion Picture Asiayon and executives, artistes, officials of December Construction Co Ltd
and staff of the cinema. Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture, Enterprise U Bo Kyi
and Managing Director of December Construction Co Ltd and the cinema U Thet Lwin formally
opened the cinema. The minister unveiled he signboard. Managing Director U Thet Lwin
presented commemorative pennants to the minister, the deputy minister and the managing
director of MMPE, and conducted them round the cinema.
The minister, the deputy minister departmental heads and guests saw some scenes of a
film. Starting on 16 March, there will be five shows a day at the cinema.
Malaysian Minister
leaves for home
Yangon, 15 March-Minister
of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz, who attended
Myanmar-Malaysia Business Opportunities Seminar, and members left for home this
evening.They were seen off at the airport by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone,
Director-General U Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade and officials, Malaysian Ambassador
Dato Muhammad Bin Noh and officials from the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry.
( 7 ) Cash donated to No 2 Military Hospital
Yangon, 15 March- Hailing the 56th Anniversary of Armed Forces Day, Pantanaw Sayadaw of
Mingalamandaing Kyaungtaik, Arzarni Street, Bahan Township, Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Vinayacarabhivamsa donated cash and kind to No-2 Military Hospital (500 Bed) at the
hospital this morning. Present at the ceremony were the Sayadaw, Commandant of the
Hospital Col Min Naing and specialists and lay disciples of the Sayadaw.
On behalf of the Sayadaw, U Kyaing San Shwe presented K 150,000 and hospital equipment
worth K 50,000 to the commandant who presented a certificate of honour to him and spoke
words of thanks. Then, U Kyaing San Shwe, on behalf of the Sayadaw, also presented K
564,220 for construction of Soonsar Kyaunghsaung of Thiho Saruhintaik in Pantanaw and K
100,000 for construction of Dharnmayon in the compound of Mingalamandaing Kyaungtaik in
Bahan Township to the officials.
Commander tours Myingyan, Kyaukse and
Yangon, 15 March - Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint
attended the opening of the summer cultural course and summer English proficiency course
of the Central Command at No 18 Basic Education High School, Nanmyo, on 12 March morning.
The commander then inspected the building of the axis of
Sagaing-Ngazinyaing village road, the axis between Ngazinyaing Village and Chaungkhwa
Village, the axis between Chaung-khwa-Ale Village and Buyauk Village and the digging of
drains on both sides of the axes.At Buyauk Village, Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein reported to the
commander on the building of axis, 21 miles and fourfurlongs long, of the village road in
Kyaukse District.
The commander inspected the axis of
Buyauk-Thetpan-Thinhteik-Ayeswa-Thabyengu-DaungU village road and the digging of drains on
its both sides.At Kanna Village, Ngatogyi Township, Myingyan District, the commander heard
reports on the building of the axis of 13-mile-long Kanna-Pyinsi-Zedaw village road in
Myingyan District and the axis of Hsegyi-Kyetpyit-Hseto road in Meiktila District.
In the afternoon, the commander inspected land preparation work for
cultivation of summer sesame with the use of water from Kinta Dam on the four-acre land of
Farmers U Mya Than and U Nyunt Wai in Yitkan Camp, Yitkan Village-tract, Myittha Township.
The commander also inspected cultivation of long-staple cotton at
Yitkan Camp and the irrigation network of Thittetkon Diversion Weir.It is targeted to
cultivate summer sesame on 20,350 acres of land and long-staple cotton on 13,300 acres of
land in Myittha Township.On 13 March morning, the commander inspected water supply along
Kyaukme Canal of Hsedawgyi Dam near the field of Farmer U Tin Aung at Kyaukme
Village-tract, Patheingyi Township, and collective ploughing work on his eight-acre field.
The commander also inspected Eingyikan Power River-Water Pumping Project at Meethwayboak
Village-tract, Singaing Township. The commander also visited Shwesayan Pagoda near
Shwesayan Village, Patheingyi Township.
( 8
) Gifts and certificates of honour presented to gem
Yangon, 15 March - The 38th
Myanma Gems Emporium Central Committee presented gifts and certificates of honour to those
who attended the emporium for 30, 20, 15 or 10 years successively beginning 1964 at Myanma
Gems Hall on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Present were Patron of the Central Committee Minister
for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Chairman of Myanma Gems Emporium Working Committee Deputy
Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U
Khin Oo and members of the Central Committee and local and foreign gem merchants.
Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint presented a gem mosaic and a certificate of
honour to Mr Lee Fu Wai of Yue Fung Jade Co of Hong Kong who attended the emporium for 30
years successively.
Deputy Minister U Myint Thein and officials presented certificates of
honour to Mr Lee Ming of Ming Kee Jade Co of Hong Kong, Mr Wong Sui Fai of Ho Fai Jade Co
and Mr Solomon K Samuels of SKS Enterprise of the USA who attended the emporium for 20
years consecutively, Mrs So Shan Wai of Cheung Tai Jade Co of Hong Kong who attended the
emporium for 15 years successively, a gem merchant of Japan and three gem merchants of
Hong Kong who attended the emporium for ten years successively.
( 9
) Cruiseliner mv Silver Wind arrive
Yangon, 15 March - Under the arrangements of Myanma Hotels and Tourism
Services of he Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and Sliver Sea Cruises Co Ltd of US,
cruiseliner mv Sliver Wind, carrying 202 tourists and 207 crew members, arrived at Bo Aung
Kyaw No 3 Jetty at 10.45 am today.
The tourists who
arrived by the cruiseliner were welcomed at the jetty by officials at the Ministry of
Hotels of the Tourism and Myanma Port Authority. The tourists group including a large
number of Americans visited Yangon downtown today and will make one- night-tour of
On 16 March, they will tour
Bago and Bagan, They will leave Bo Aung Kyaw Jetty on 18 March.