( 1 ) Secretary-1 attends cash presentation
ceremony for all-round construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
Yangon, 14 March-A
ceremony to present cash towards Fund-Raising Committee for all-round construction of
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image was held at the pandal on Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township this morning.
Present at the ceremony were Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, member of
the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, deputy ministers,
the vice-mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, members of
Work Committee for All-round Construction of the Hill, members of the Fund-Raising
Committee, departmental heads and wellwishers.
Eye Specialist Dr Khin Maung Than-Daw
Sein Sein Yee and family presented K 10 million; Yangon City Bank Co Ltd K 3 million; gem
merchant of JJ & Ton Jewelry Ltd Mr Prasert Likhitlert US$ 2,900; traditional medical
practitioners and traditional medicine entrepreneurs K 1,200,690; public donations for
Thu-dawsin Sannan K 1 million and Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung
Maung Thein and wife Daw Myint Myint Aye and family K 100,000 to the Secretary-1, who
presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, member of Board of Directors of Myanma Industrial Development
Bank U Hla Myint of Mandalay, the chairman of Myint Family Co Ltd, Vice-chairperson Daw
Yee Yee Nyunt and family of Mandalay K 1 million; U Aung Than-Daw Sint Sint and family of
Yadanamon 7th Street, Yadanamon Housing Estate in Hline Township K 600,000; Deputy
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and wife Daw Kyi Kyi Win and family K 60,000;
Mindhamma Hill Pagoda Board of Trustees and U Ohn Lwin-Daw Kyin Htwe and family of Panlon
Road, Ward 32, Dagon Myothit (North) Township K 500,000 each; U Than Lwin-Daw Myint Myint
Zaw and family (VOA) K 72,000; regiments under Central Command and Mandalay Division Peace
and Development Council K 1.2 million; Maj Khin Maung Win (Retd)-Daw Aye Aye Win and
family of Aung Mingalar Street, Kyauk-myaung, Tamway, K 500,000; U Aye Min-Daw Kyi and
family of Pauk Zedi Street, Mayangon Township, K 450,000; Director-General of Central
Equipment Statistics and Inspection Department Lt-Col Tin Maung Tun and staff K 200,100;
Sayadaw U Jatila of Wailuwun Kyaungtaik, Sangyoung Township, and lay disciples, U Thein
Hlaing-Daw Aye Aye Su and family of Padauk 12th Lane, Ayeyeikmon, Hline Township, U Sai
Lon and brothers and sisters of 12th Street, Lanmadaw Township, U Hlaing Soe-Daw Htay Htay
Yee and family of Myakantha Street, Hline Township, families of No-1 Military Intelligence
Unit, Diamond U Pe Than-Daw Khin Htwe Khaing and family of Boyaza Street, Kyaukkon, Yankin
Township, graduated officers of DSA Instake (16), U Tin Win-Daw Sanda Maw and family of
Myenu Street, Myenigon, Sangyoung Township, U Han Kyi-Daw Ngwe Thein, lay disciples of
member Sayadaw of the State Central Working Committee of the Sasana Dagon Pariyatti
Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Guna Nanda, Secretary of Multiparty Democracy General
Election Commission U Aye Maung-Daw Khin Mya Mya and family, and Mindhamma Hill
Yoeya-natnan K 200,000 each; Sayadaw U Kovida of Wailuwun Kyaung, Myeik Taung Ward, Myeik,
U Mya Si-Daw Kyin Aye and family of Myaungmya Street, Sang-young Township, U Soe Nyunt-Daw
Khin Thi and family, Daw Kyin Kyin Thein of U Bo Tun Street, Bogon, Insein Township, and
Lt-Col Aung Thein-Daw Khin Than Htay and family K 150,000 each; U Myint Kyi Oo-Daw Le Le
Win and family, and late Wunna Kyaw Htin U Maung Gyi (Retd)-Daw Kyin Kyin K 120,000 each;
Police Col Ko Ko Lay-Daw Aye Aye Nwe (Prof, University of Culture), U Bahadu-Daw Myint
Myint Thein and family, U Saw Tha Shwe (currently in Japan), Daw Cho Cho Thin of NHK News
Agency and family, U Soe Thein-Daw Aye Aye Thant and family, and U Kyaw Kyaw Win-Daw Thin
Thin Le and family K 100,000 each; U Shwe Win-Daw Mya Sein and family K 80,000; U Soe
Han-Daw Khin Kyi Nyunt and family K 100,000; Maj Maung Maung Myo Nyunt-Daw Mu Mu Kyaw and
family K 80,000; U Tun Tun Kyaw-Daw Kyin Su and family, and U Sein Aung-Daw Saw Win and
family K 300,000 each; U Pale Maung-Daw Mu Mu Khin and family K 150,000; U Min Kyi-Daw
Myint Myint and family K 100,000; U Zaw Win Hlaing various items of jewellery worth K
300,000; and the people US$ 312, 54 FECs and K 25,076,307 to the commander and the
ministers who presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Afterwards, U Zaw Win-Daw Win Pa Pa and family presented 465.58 carats
of topaz worth US$ 14,000 to the Secretary-1 who presented a certificate of honour to
Next, Chairman of Fund-Raising Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa
reported on financial statements and Chairman of Work Committee for All-round Construction
of the Image Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko on carving of
the Image and progress of building Gandhakuti Kyaugdawgyi, southern and northern stairways
and retaining walls.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 inspected the carving of the Image and progress of
construction of the Image, and left instructions.
( 2 ) Minister
U Aung Khin receives Japanese Ambassador

Yangon, 14 March-Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin
received Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 3
pm today.
Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung
Ko, Director-General U San Lwin of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana,
Director-General Dr Myo Myint of Religious Affairs Department, Pro-Rector (Admin) Dr Hla
Pe of International Therevara Buddhist Missionary University and Head of Office U Maung
Maung Myint.
Commerce Minister
receives Malaysian Minister
Yangon, 14 March-Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen
Pyi Sone received Minister for International Trade and Industry of Malaysia Dato
Seri Rafidah Aziz and party at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road, here at 9.45 am today.
Also present at the call were Minister at the State Peace and
Development Council Office Brig-Gen Abel, Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt
Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department Col Nay Win, Officer on Special Duty at
the Union of Myanmar Investment Commission Office Col Lin Thaw, President of the Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint and Ambassador of
Malaysia Dato Muhammad Bin Noh.
Minister meets Ambassador

Yangon, 14 March-Minister for Immigration and Population U
Saw Tun met Ambassador of Bangladesh Mr Ahmed Rahim at his office at 9.30 am today.Also
present were Deputy Minister U Maung Aung, Director-General of Immigration and National
Registration Department Col Maung Htay and officials.
Minister receives Indian guests

Yangon, 14 March-Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San received
Chairman of National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Mr Ajit Kumar
Singh and party at his office at 2 pm today. Also present were Director-General Col Soe
Win of Cooperatives Department, Director-General U Sein Than of Cottage Industries
Department, General Manager U Myo Than of Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise,
Adviser Dr Than Htaik and officials.
Minister receives Japanese visitors

Yangon, 14 March-Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung received General Manager of Mitsubishi Cooperation of Japan Mr Shuho Yamannokuchi
and Project Manager of Tokyo head office Mr M Sato at his office at 2.30 pm today.Also
present were Deputy Minister Brig- Gen Kyaw Win and officials.
Minister receives Indian guests
Yangon, 14 March- Minister for Commerce
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Executive Director of National Agriculture Cooperative
Marketing Federation of India Ltd Mr B P Singh and party at his office at 3.30 pm today.
Similarly, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met Managing Director of Vimpex Limited of India Mr
Naresh Kumar Dinodiya and party at his office at 4.30 pm today.
Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U
Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade, Director- General Col Nay Win of Border Trade
Department, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading and of
( 3 ) Maesai alone losing millions
of bahts daily due to Thailands
unilateral closure of Tachilek-Maesai Friendship
Press conference on true facts concerning closure of Friendship Bridge
Yangon, 14 March-A press conference to explain the true situation
concerning the closure of Tachilek-Maesai Friendship Bridge was held at Tatmadaw Guest
House on Inya Road here at 9.30 am.
Deputy Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies Deputy Director of
Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win said local and foreign journalists were
invited to the meeting to inform the public about Myanmars continued closure of the
Tachilek-Maesai Friendship Bridge although the Thai side opened it at 11.35 am on 12 March
After the outbreak of armed conflicts at Tachilek at the border, the
Maesai side, without informing Myanmar, unilaterally closed the bridge beginning at 7.05
am on 13 February 2001. All the border trade came to a halt as the No 3 Thai Military
Command issued a directive to close indefinitely all the legal and illegal border gates to
Thailand along the border at Chiangmai, Chiangrai and Mae Hong Son under its control.
It was found that the Thai authorities and responsible organizations
did not inform border authorities-from Myanmar side, the Township Border Committee or the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar or the Myanmar Embassy and Military Attachés
Office in Bangkok about the closure.
As the friendship bridge used by local people and citizens of both
countries as the main travel link was one-sidedly closed under the Thai military
directive, the Myanmar side also closed all arrivals and departures through the bridge
from Tachilek on the same day at 7.50 am. The flow of border trade between the peoples of
the two countries came to a stop due to the closure of all the border gates including the
friendship bridge.
Concerning the close of the bridge, the Thai military officials gave a
reason, saying that they closed the bridge in order to protect their territory from
intrusion of Myanmar troops to prohibit exporting of rice, medicines and fuel oil to
Myanmar side and to stop entering of goods via Lao and Chinese border along the Mekong
River route at the Golden Triangle Region. They did so with the aim of cutting food,
medicine and fuel supplies to the Tatmadaw columns and the regional militia of Myanmar.
Not even a single crises occurred in Myanmar except from causing only a
slight rise in food and fuel oil prices at the border resulting from the close of border
gates. But in Thai side Thai merchants and small traders faced economic losses owning to
the halt in the trade of regional produce and wholesale dealers also faced economic losses
as their investments in export and import business stopped yielding profits as they had to
store the goods. Feeling disappointed to face such economic failures, Thai merchants and
small traders in Maesai carried their unsold goods and regional produce by car and dumped
them in front of Maesai Police Station on 8 March as a show of protest. According to the
news reports from Thailand it was known that the termination of the flow of trade had led
to daily losses of bahts in millions in Maesai.
As there were disappointments among the regional people and traders
there appeared plans to stage strikes; and the regional people took out their frustration
on the media persons, as they (media persons) were exaggerating the information in order
to sell their news reports.
According to Chiangrai District Chamber of Commerce it is known that
Maesai was suffering much economic losses resulting from the closure made by the Thai side
as the annual purchase of goods from Myanmar side at the town reached nearly three billion
bahts; that the town was in the No 1 position; and all along the border gates it was the
town earning the highest amount of revenues.
Due to the above mentioned situations, Commander of No 3 Thai Military
Command Lt-Gen Watanachai on 7 March said that as the situation at the border returned to
stability all the border gates including Maesai-Tachilek and Maesot-Myawady gates would be
opened on 12 March. But it was known that the directive prohibition of the export of
necessary supplies including medicines, food and fuel oil for the Myanmar Tatmadaw was
still valid.
Though the announcement on the opening of the bridge was made on Thai
domestic TV channels and in Maesai, the Thais never sent any information to or made any
consultations with the Myanmar side. Lt-Gen Watanachai arrived at Maesai on 12 March at 7
am and discussed with Thai officials matters relating to the opening of the bridge.
At 7.45 am on that day, a delegation from Thai Immigration Department
arrived at Myanmar bank, met with Myanmar officials and explained the following six points
concerning the opening of the bridge:
(a) The friendship will be opened on 12 March at 11.45 am;
(b) No vehicle will be allowed to cross the bridge and all arrivals
must be on foot;
(c) The bridge will be opened only from 6 am to 6 pm daily;
(d) Arrival or departure at the border gate will be permitted only to
Thai and Myanmar citizens. No foreigner will be permitted to make arrival or departure.
(e) All arrivals or departures will be permitted only a days stay
and overstays will be dealt with legal action: and
(f) Complete papers and documents are required for all arrivals and
Conditions presented by Thai Immigration delegation were not the facts
discussed with our side. It was found that these facts were only the ones which they
one-sidedly fixed as their hearts content. Therefore officials from our side just
met them and no discussions were made.
At 11.35 am, they reopened the Maesai side of the Friendship Bridge and
there were no official contact with our side at that time. Things were done according to
the instructions of No 3 Military Command. At 12.30 pm, an official letter from Chairman
of Maesai TBC dated on 11 March containing the following points in connection with the
opening of the bridge.
(a) To meet members of border committee on both sides in the middle of
the Friendship Bridge
(b) To delay the traffic temporarily and but pedestrians can go on foot
after opening of the bridge from 6 am to 6 pm.
(c) To delay entry for tourists in order to avoid unnecessary problems
(d) To permit transport of daily foodstuffs on manageable scale except
various kinds of fuel, rice, medicines and vehicles and spare parts
(e) To permit bringing back of vehicles left in Thailand and Myanmar
sides under the inspection of officials on both sides
After opening the bridge on their side, the letter was sent to us only
when we did not open our side. It was found that they made feel the pulse of Myanmar,
thinking that Myanmar would open the bridge if they did. Their letter was written like a
form in which Myanmar was to follow their one-sided conditions they stated.
Looking back the one-sided conditions of closing the Friendship Bridge
by Thai side, reopening of the bridge without official information and discussion and walk
on the bridge, the Thai army considered that Myanmar had to follow their acts regarding
border issues between the two countries. They treated us like a country under their
Ignoring the equality between the two countries, mutual respect, good
traditions to be observed by neighbouring countries, international law and procedures and
customs on border issues, they treated us like a satellite country that followed their
Moreover, Chairman of TBC said one-sidedly although Thailand opened the
border gate, Myanmar didnt. Despite opening the gate under the agreement between the
two countries, Myanmar didnt open its gate. So Myanmar did not keep her word and the
people from both sides were not satisfied with this. It showed the position that Myanmar
did not need to depend on Thailand and Myanmar had no cetena on opening of the gate.
True situation was that Thai officials did not inform the opening of
the bridge in advance. Flow of commodity in border halted and there may occur
demonstration of Thai people and traders who were suffering losses. Therefore the
Friendship Bridge reopened according to their will without giving any information to
Myanmar Embassy and Office of Military Attaché in Bangkok and Township Border Committee.
Due to their one-sided acts, Myanmar still closes the bridge on her
side. The Friendship Bridge on Myanmar side will be closed as long as regional authorities
do not receive any instruction from the superior. Therefore the clarifications on
Myanmars correct stand and attitude were given.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win,
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for
Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, heads of departments of OSS, senior military officers,
Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, Director (News) of NPE U Hla Tun, chief editors of
the dailies, Chief Editor of Myanmar News Agency (Internal) U Win Tin, Patron of Myanmar
Foreign Correspondent Club U Sein Win, President U Sao Kai Hpa, Secretary U Nyunt Tin and
member correspondents and officials.General Staff Officer (Grade-I) of OSS Lt-Col Tin Oo
acted as master of ceremonies.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win replied to queries raised by the
journalists.Similarly, the true facts concerning the close of Tachilek-Maesai Friendship
Bridge were explained to military attaches of foreign missions in Myanmar at the same
venue at 11.30 am.General Staff Officer (Grade-I) of OSS Lt-Col Hla Min explained the
matter on closing of the bridge.
Heads of departments of OSS Col Kyaw Thein and Col Thein Swe answered
to questions raised by the military attaches.
( 4 ) Chinese delegation concludes visit
Yangon, 14 March-The
goodwill delegation led by Member of the Communist Party of China Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection and Executive Vice-Chairman of Chinese Association for International
Understanding Mr Li Chengren, currently here on a goodwill visit at the invitation of
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council member of Panel of Patron of the
Union Solidarity and Development Association Lt-Gen Win Myint, left here this afternoon.
The delegation was seen off at the airport by
Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung, CEC members U Khin Maung Thein, U Than Shwe, U
Thein Sein, U Thein Nyunt, U Khin Maung and U Aung Thein Lin, Ambassador of the
Peoples Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun and embassy staff.
On behalf of Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, member of the Secretariat of the USDA U Khin
Maung Thein hosted a luncheon to the members of the delegation at the Oasis Restaurant at
Yangon International Airport and presented gifts to them.
Shwehtidaw of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda paid homage
Yangon, 14 March- Monks and laity today thronged the Chanthagyi Tazaung on the platform
of the Shwedagon Pagoda, where the Seinbudaw, Hngetmyat-nadaw and Shwehtidawgyi to be
hoisted atop the Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda are kept for public homage until 16
March. Devotees have been donating cash and jewellery for the Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda, and K
2,581,805 and 304 kinds of jewellery have been received from the donations.
( 5 ) Over US $ 1.2 million fetched
from sale of 228 jade lots at Gems Emporium
Yangon, 14
March-Accompanied by officials, Patron of Myanma Gems Emporium Central Committee Minister
for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, arrived at the 38th Myanma Gems Emporium held at Myanma Gems
Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Myanma Gems
Emporium Central Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary of the
Central Committee Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and members.
The minister inspected the sale of jade lots through tender system, and
left the venue in the afternoon.A total of US $ 1,291,491 was realized from the sale of
228 jade lots through tender system today.
Out of 22 bidders, a gem merchant from Hong Kong offered US $ 71,000,
the highest price, for uncut jade lot No 180 whose floor price is US $ 9800; out of 33, a
gem merchant from Hong Kong offered US $ 22,388, the highest price, for uncut jade lot No
413 the floor price of which is US$ 2,500; and out of 24, a gem merchant from Hong Kong
offered US $ 15,444, the highest price, for uncut jade lot No 415 the floor price of which
is US $ 1,500.The jade lots were sold at prices much higher than floor prices because only
the reasonable floor prices had been fixed and due to the superior quality of jade
lots.Sale of jade figurines, gems and jewellery at fixed prices fetched US $ 18,683.The
sale of jade lots continues tomorrow. A total of 648 gem merchants 421 foreign
merchants and 227 local merchants have arrived here to attend the emporium.
Myanmar-Malaysia Business Opportunities Seminar held
Yangon, 14 March-Myanmar-Malaysia Business Opportunities Seminar, co-sponsored by
Ministry of Commerce and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and
Industry was held at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road at 10 am today.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister at the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister of
International Trade and Industry of Malaysia Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz and members,
departmental officials, the President and officials of UMFCCI, representatives of
companies and organizations at home and abroad, Ambassador of Malaysia Dato' Muhammad Bin
Noh and Embassy members and guests.
President of UMFCCI U Win Myint made an opening speech on the occasion. Minister
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister Brig-Gen Abel and Minister Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz gave
speeches Oh Myanmar-Malaysia business opportunities. The ministers and officials replied
queries raised by those present. In the afternoon Myanmar and Malaysian entrepreneurs
discussed economic matters.
( 6 ) Commander
inspects cultivation works in Patheingyi, Amarapura
Yangon, 14 March-Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by
departmental officials, inspected soil preparation for cultivation of summer paddy in the
paddy field of farmer U Ba Maung at Plot No 450 in Nandar Village-tract, Patheingyi
Township on 11 March and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Then, the commander inspected paddy cultivation and fertilizers
production and left intructions on water supply, meeting the target and timely completion
of the work.
A total of 36,800 acres have been put under summer paddy against the
target of 159,000 acres in Mandalay Division.Later, the commander inspected work being
carried out at the long staple cotton plantation of farmer U Htay Win at Plot No 571 in
Cotton Special Region, Shanywagyi, Tamotsoe Village-tract, Amarapura Township, and gave
instructions on meeting the target, systematic use of water and attended to the needs of
Altogether 492 acres of long staple cotton have been cultivated against
the target of 500 acres in Amarapura Township.Afterwards, the commander inspected the
water supply to summer paddy fields, summer sesame crops at Kinbetlettan Canal and
attended to the requirements.
Commander inspects
harvesting of metpe in Nyaunglebin Township
Yangon, 14 March-Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye and departmental officials arrived
at the model plot of farmland of farmer U Thaung Lay in Pewun Village Tract in Nyaunglebin
Township on 10 March.
Division Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U Hla Myo reported on
cultivation of metpe species, use of fertilizers and pesticides, per acre yield and
Local farmers reported on condition of crops, success and requirements.
The commander gave instructions on cooperation with departments for increasing per acre
yield, use of modern techniques, regional development work and rural health care.
The commander inspected successful cultivation of pedisein, pesinngon,
matpe, pepoke, niger and sunflower, fertilizers, sample of pesticides and metpe
plantation. He also fulfilled the requirements.
Commander attends Shwethingan offering ceremony
of Lashio Hsutaungpyi Mansu Pagoda
Yangon, 14 March-The 52nd
Shwethingan offering ceremony of Hsutaungpyi Mansu Pagoda in Lashio, Shan State (North),
was held in conjunction with offering of provisions to members of the Sangha at the pagoda
on 8 March morning.
Present at the ceremony were 585 members of the Sangha from 54
monasteries in Lashio Township, Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development
Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Tactical
Operations Commander Col Soe Win Myint and senior military officers and their wives, local
authorities and residents.The commander paid homage and offered Shwethingan to the
pagoda.Then, the commander and those present offered provisions to members of the Sangha
in lot.
( 7 ) Work for
development of Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township coordinated
Yangon, 14 MarchThe Infrastructure Implementation
Committee for Development of Dagon Myothit Seikkan Township held its work coordination
meeting at Kanaung Hall of the township this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of
Infrastructure Implementation Committee for Development of Dagon Myothit Seikkan Township
Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay. Present on the occasion were
Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint, officials of the Ministry of
Energy, the Ministry of Transport, Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development,
Forest Department, Fire Services Department and Myanma Posts & Telecommunications,
Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee Col Myint Aung, the Heads of three
Engineering Departments and others. The ministries and departments concerned reported on
progress of work carried out according to the resolutions made at the previous meeting.
Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint reported on proper drainage and sluice
gates, and then a general round of discussions followed. After the
meeting, the mayor, the deputy minister and officials
inspe-cted the project site.
Pre Primary School gets all-round development teaching centre

Yangon, 14 March-An all-round development teaching centre for No 4 Pre-Primary
School of Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement was opened at the school on Baho Street in Ahlon Township this morning.
Present were Minister for 8 Social Welfare, Relief and t Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein
Htwa, Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing, Director-General of Fire
Services Department U Myint Tun Director- General of Relief and Resettlement U Than
Oo, directors, Professor of Psychology Department of Yangon University Daw Khin Aye
I Win, the deputy directors, officials, headmistresses and wellwishers. Minister Maj- Gen
Sein Htwa formally opened the centre and delivered a speech. Vice-Chairman of
Parent-Teacher Association U Soe Min reported on work done. Wellwishers presented
donations including K 300,000 by Foremost Co Ltd and K 100,000 by Eugenia Restaurant to
Minister Maj Gen Sein Htwa and Director U Sit Myaing.
( 8
) Matters on rural health care services coordinated
Yangon, 14 March- Matters to upgrade rural health care services were coordinated at the
Ministry of Health on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in Dagon Township this afternoon.
The meeting was attended by Minister for
Health Maj- Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, and the directors-general
from departments under the ministry and officials. The minister said that the State will
develop only when rural areas where majority of people live develop as in the other
sectors, the ministry has laid down plans and strategies for the development of rural
areas; in doing so, upgrading of hygiene of the people is also needed; and educative
health services should be also carried out in every way possible. Then, Health Planning
Department Director-General Dr Kyi Soe briefed on future tasks and the attendance took
part in the discussions. The work progress of 30-year long plan of the ministry and future
tasks were discussed at the meeting.
( 9
) Drugs possessor gets 15 years
Yangon, 14 March-Members of the local intelligence unit
and Muse Special Anti-drug Squad, acting a on information searched the house of Gam Sai,
28, of Talon Village, Mawtaung Village-tract in Muse and found 180 grams of heroin at 4.30
pm on 15 July 2000.Action has been taken against him in accord with Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law. The Muse District Court handed down 15 years
imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him on 31 January 2001.
Raw opium seized in Kutkai
Yangon, 14 March-A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Myanma Police Force, acting on information,
searched the house of Yan Yu Pyant, son of U Yan Khaing, of No Sa/70, Ward 6, Kutkai, Shan
State (North) on 2 March, and seized 34 packets of raw opium weighing 11.785 kilos
concealed in the compound of the house.Action is being taken against him under Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Myanmar Police Station concerned.