( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party pay
homage to Shwekyin Sasanabaing Sayadawgyi at Defence Services General Hospital
Yangon, 11 March- Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than
Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing paid homage to State Ovadacariya Nyaungshwe Kangyi
Pariyatti Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha
Saddhamajotika Shwekyin Nikaya Adhipati Chairman Dhammasenapati Shwekyin Sasanabaing
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vima-labhivamsa receiving medical treatment at Defence Services General
Hospital (Mingala-don) yesterday evening and asked after the Sayadaw's health.
At 5 pm, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, together with
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San,
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw
Khin Win Shwe, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and wife Daw Khin Cho Oo, Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla and wife Daw Win Kyi, arrived at
Zetawun Hall of the Defence Services General Hospital where they were welcomed by member
of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Director of Medical Services of the
Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint,
Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein and
Commandant of DSGH Col Tin Thein Lwin.
First, Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party paid homage to
Nyaungshwe Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Shwekyin Sasanabaing Sayadawgyi
and asked after the health of the Sayadaw. Then, Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw
Kyaing Kyaing and party offered robes to the Sayadawgyi and left Zetawun Hall of the
Hospital at 6 pm.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than
Shwe sends felicitations to Mauritius
Yangon, 12 March-Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a massage of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Cassam Uteem, President of the Republic of Mauritius, on the occasion of the Independence
Day of the Republic of Mauritius which falls on 12 March 2001.
( 2 ) Shwehtidaw-hoisting
ceremony of Aungbodhi Hsutaungpyi Pagoda held
Yangon, 11 March - A ceremony to hoist
Shwehtidaw atop Aungbodhi Hsutaungpyi Pagoda and consecrate the pagoda in Dagon Myothit
(South) Township, Yangon Division, was held at the pagoda this morning. Daw Kyaing Kyaing,
wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services Senior General Than Shwe attended the ceremony and offered Seinbudaw of the
pagoda to the Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, and Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt supplicated on religious
affairs and offered Seinbudaw to the pagoda.
Also present were Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha
Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Myingyan Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita,
member Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, Tipitakadhara Saya-daws, Agga
Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw, member Sayadaws of Division and
Township Sangha Nayaka Committees of All Ganas, Daw Mya Mya San, wife of Vice-Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Daw
Khin Cho Oo, wife of Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, members of the State Peace and
Development Council and their wives, wives of deputy prime ministers, ministers, the
Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, the deputy commander, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, heads of department, division, district and township
authorities, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and
Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade members, guests and local
Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Aungmyaybonsan Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panindabhivamsa invested the congregation with the Nine Precepts. Upathakas offered
Paritta flowers, water, sand and threads to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha. The
Sayadaws and members of the Sangha recited Parittas. Then, Uppathakas sprinkled Paritta
water and sand and tied flowers and threads within the precincts of the pagoda. Daw Kyaing
Kyaing offered Seinbudaw and alms, Daw Mya Mya San, Hngetmyatnadaw and alms, the
Secretary-1, Zunbons and alms, Daw Khin Than Nwe, Hsatthaphudaw and alms, Daw Khin Cho Oo,
Shwekyathingan, Sasana Flag and alms, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife Daw Malar
Tint, ninth tier of Shwehtidaw and alms, and the ministers, tiers of Shwehtidaw, to the
The Secretary-1 accepted the donations. In his supplication, the Secretary-1 said that
at the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Chairman Sayadaw's request for a religious plot
where a pagoda could be built as there was no big pagoda in Dagon Myothit (South)
Township, the State donated a 4.18-acre plot of land at Ward-20, Dagon Myothit South
Township. According to the Ovada of the Chairman Sayadaw, Aungbodhi Hsutaungpyi Pagoda
Building Committee was formed to build Aungbodhi Hsutaungpyi Pagoda, 81 feet in height,
which resembles the Shwedagon Pagoda. Then, the leading committee with the panel of
patrons Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the minister for
construction, the minister for religious affairs, the Yangon Mayor and the deputy
commander of Yangon Command, and other work committees were also formed.
On 17-5-2000, the cornerstone-laying
ceremony for the building of the pagoda was held. At first, a plan was laid down to build
the pagoda in two years with the donations of the people amounting to about K 27 million.
Disciple of the Chairman Sayadaw Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Paadipa provided
assistance, Dr U Khin Shwe of Zegaba Company donated construction materials worth over K
10 million. Therefore, the construction of the pagoda have been completed in ten months.
On 25-2-2001, the ceremony to enshrining sacred objects into the pagoda and to put up
Panledaing was held. Now the Buddhist devotees of Dagon Myothit (South) Township are
feeling happy at the thought that they can hold Buddha Pujaniya Festival every year.
Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Panadipa delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of
merits. Leader of the architecture engineering group U Saw Aye transferred the care of the
pagoda to the pagoda donors. Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko
dictated to the congregation the letter of supplication begging celestial beings for
forgiveness in case there are any insufficiency and mistakes in building the pagoda.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing conveyed Seinbudaw, Daw Mya Mya San, Hngetmyatnadaw, the
Secretary-1, Zunbons, Daw Khin Than Nwe, Hsatthaphudaw, Daw Khin Cho Oo, Shwekyathingan
and Sasana Flag, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife Daw Malar Tint, the ninth tier
of Shwehtidaw and the ministers and officials, other tiers of Shwehtidaw round the pagoda
three times. Before the tiers of Shwehtidaw, Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw were hoisted atop
the pagoda, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Daw Mya Mya San, Daw Khin Than Nwe and Daw Khin Cho Oo
sprinkled scented water on them.
The Secretary-1, the commander, the ministers and the deputy ministers sprinkled
scented water on the tiers of Shwehtidaw, Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw. Daw Kyaing Kyaing
and party hoisted the tiers of Shwehtidaw, Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda
with a decorated carriage. Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw and the Secretary-1 fixed the tiers of
Shwehtidaw, Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on
them. The Secretary-1 then fixed Shwekyathingan at Hngetpyawbu of the pagoda and put up
Sasana Flag. The Sayadaws and members of the Sangha consecrated the pagoda on the first
terrace of the pagoda. Then, the ritual of silver and golden showers was performed.
Secretary-1 attends cash presentation ceremony for Thabbyinnyu
Stupa in Mayangon Township
Yangon, 11 March-The 15th cash
presentation ceremony for construction of Thabbyinnyu Stupa was held at the stupa in
Mayangon Township this afternoon, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present at the ceremony were ministers, the
Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, the chairman of Work Committee for Construction of the
stupa and members, the chairman of Fund-Raising Sub-committee and members, officials of
the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, guests and
wellwishers. Secretary of the Work Committee Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs
Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko reported on progress of building the stupa.
Chairman of the Fund-Raising Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation
Thura U Thaung Lwin reported on financial statements on building the stupa. The cash
presentation ceremony then followed.Wellwishers to Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe,
Minister Lt-Gen Min Thein and Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay who presented certificates of honour
to the wellwishers. Today's donations totalled K 33.597 million and 1,001 FECs. Later, the
Secretary-1 gave instructions to officials on construction of the stupa. Then, the
ceremony came to a close.
( 3 ) Secretary-3 accepts cash,
gifts for Tatmadawmen of parade columns
Yangon, 11 March- Hailing the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, a ceremony to donate cash and gifts for Tatmadawmen of
columns which will participate in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, was held
at Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this
afternoon. Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Ceremony Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint accepted the donations and spoke words of thanks. Also
present on the occasion were Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint,
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min, Director
of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein
Han, Director of DSMHRI Col Ye Htut, Reserved Parade Commander Col Hla Tun, column
commanders and wellwishers. Joint-Secretary of the Leading Committee for Observance of the
Armed Forces Day Ceremony Assistant Adjutant-General Lt-Col Soe Min acted as master of
ceremonies. First, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min reported on the purpose of the
donation ceremony.
Then, the wellwishers presented donations to Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win
Myint. The Secretary-3 accepted food worth K 4.2 million for seven days donated by
wellwishers. On behalf of the wellwishers, Dr Ko Gyi of Diamond Star Co Ltd explained the
purpose of the donations. Then, Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint spoke words
of thanks. The Secretary-3 cordially met the wellwishers. Today's donations presented by
45 wellwishers amounted to K 1,430,000 and gifts worth K 38,216,100.
Parade columns practise drills
Yangon, 11 March- Parade columns that will be taking part in the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Parade practised drills from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park from 5.30 am
to 10 am under the leadership of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min and Reserved Parade
Commander Col Hla Tun today. Chairman of the Armed Forces Day Parade Working Committee
Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of Best Company Selection and
Prize Presentation Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Director of
Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Commandant of Defence Services (Army) Officers
Training School Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu, senior military officers and officials inspected the
drills. Anawrahta column, Kyansittha column, Bayintnaung column, Nawade column, Aung Zeya
column, Hsinbyushin column, Ban-doola column, Myawady column and Aung San column practised
drills according to the parade agenda.
( 4 ) Mindhamma
Hill crowded with pilgrims
Yangon, 11 March-Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labbha Muni Image at Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township was crowded with members of the Sangha and people from far and wide today.
Engineers and workers of construction special group-2 of Public Works and Myanmar
handicraft technicians are carrying out tasks for roofing of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and
construction of tiers at the southern and northern stairways. Stone sculpture Siri
Sudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons continued carving of the image. On 5 March,
Mahasi Yeiktha Sayadaw of KanU Kyaungtaik in Pyinmana Agga Maha Kammathanacariya Bhaddanta
Vayama presented K 100,000 and Pyinmana Township Association (Yangon) K 10,000 to
Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint and members of Pagoda Board
of Trustees. Wut associations recited parittas from morning till evening. Donations
received from 5 August to date totalled K 154,947,021.
Homage paid to Shwehtidaw of Kyaikhtiyoe
Pagoda Yangon, 11 March-The Chanthagyi hall on Shwe-dagon Pagoda platform was crowded
today with devotees and members of the Sangha paying obeisance to the Seinbudaw,
Hngetmyatnadaw and Shwehtidawgyi to be installed atop the Sandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda.
Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Pannadipa delivered a
sermon in the afternoon and explained the history of the Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and
Shwehtidawgyi in detail which will be kept for public obeisance at Chanthagyi hall on
Shwe-dagon Pagoda platform till March 16. Devotees are donating cash and jewellery for
Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda, and cash donation made by the public on 10 March is K 1,458,410.
Board of Trustees of U Maung Gyi's Fund holds 13th donations
Yangon, 11 March- A ceremony to donate cash towards the funds of 15 Pariyatti
Monasteries, Mandalay Pariyatti Sasanahita Association and YMBA, organized by the Board of
Trustees of U Maung Gyi's Fund, was held for the 13th time at Young Men's Buddhist
Association (YMBA) Office in Pazundaung Township this morning. Present on the occasion
were Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Mandalay Masoeyein Taikthit
Presiding Nayaka Agga Maha Pandita Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa and presiding Nayaka
Sayadaws of 15 monasteries, Commander of Yangon Station Commander of No 4 Miliatry Region
Commandant of Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Director-General of
Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Chairman of YMBA Thiripyanchi U Zaw Win Zaw and
members, members of the Board of Trustees of U Maung Gyi's Fund, families of U Maung Gyi
and guests.
At the ceremony, State Ovadanariya Mandalay Maha Withuddhayon Taikthit Sayadaw
Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Agghiya administered the Five Precepts. Brig-Gen Myo
Myint supplicated on the religious affairs, Chairman Thiripyanchi U Zaw Win Zaw on the
purpose of the donations and members of the Board of Trustees U Kyi Aung on tasks
undertaken by the Board of Trustees. Then, Brig-Gen Myo Myint and officials presented K
500,000 and offertories each to 15 Pariyatti monasteries, K 3 million to Mandalay
Pariyatti Sasanahita Assocaition and K 1.44 million to YMBA. Then, the Vice-Chairman
Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. Wellwisher U Maung Gyi bought
498 shares of BOC Co on 18 May 1912. He established the Board of Trustees of U Maung Gyi's
Fund. The Fund Board of Trustees has donated interests of the shares with the aims of
propagating of Buddha Sasana, and for promotion and propagation of Buddha Pariyatti
literature and Myanmar literature.
Htidaw of Mya Thein Tan Pagoda hoisted in Bago
Yangon, 11 March-A ceremony to hoist Htidaw of Mya Thein Tan Pagoda, enshrine relics
and consecrate the pagoda was held at the pagoda in Kadwingyan village in Bago Township on
8 March. Present on the occasion were State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee member Bago
Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vicara, Bago Division Peace and Development Council
Chairman Southern Command Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye, regional authorities, departmental
officials, wellwishers, social associations, wut associations, guests and towns-elders.
The commander and guests took the Five Precepts from the Pakokku Sayadaw. The commander
and wellwisher U Thein Win and Daw Tin Tin Aye and officials presented Htidaw, Seinbudaw
and Hngetmyatnadaw to the Sayadaws. The commander and wellwishers conveyed the Htidaw, the
Seinbudaw and the Hngetmyatnadaw and installed them atop the pagoda. In the afternoon,
members of the Sangha consecrated Mya Thein Tan Pagoda. The commander and wellwishers
presented offertories to the members of the Sangha. Linyaungchi Kyaung Sayadaw of
Kadwingyan Village Bhaddanta Tejadhamma delivered a sermon.
Commander attends coord meeting, Htidaw hoisting ceremony
Yangon, 11 March-Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of North-west Command Maj-Gen Soe Win attended the coordination meeting for cultivation of
crops with pumped-water in Twingyi region of Sagaing District and Pauk-in region of Monywa
District held at the hall of Sagaing District Peace and Development Council at noon on 6
March. It was also attended by the division level departmental officials, members of
Agricultural Supervisory Committee from the districts and townships and officials.
Chairman of Sagaing District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Ya and officials
briefed on arrangements for cultivation of crops with pumped-water for year 2000-2001.
Then, the commander gave instructions and attended to the needs. The commander attended
the consecration ceremony and Htidaw hoisting ceremony of seven ancient pagodas in
Kyauksit Village, Zeedaw Village-tract in Sagaing Division on 7 March. The congregation
received the Nine Precepts from Sagaing Taungyoe Thidagu Sayadaw Ashinnanissara. The
commander presented offertories to the Sayadaws. Then, the merits gained were shared.
( 5 ) Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 12 March-The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment
of His Excellency Pehin Datu Pekerma Bijaya Col (Rtd) Dato Paduka Haji Hussin bin Haji
Sulaiman as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brunei Darussalam to the Union
of Myanmar. His Excellency Pehin Datu Pekerma Bijaya Col (Rtd) Dato Paduka Haji Hussin bin
Haji Sulaiman was born on 15 June 1941 at Kampong Setia Pahlawan Lama, Brunei. He was
commissioned in the Brunei Army in August 1965, served at various posts in the Brunei Army
and moved up to the rank of Colonel in November 1986. In 1990, he was appointed as a
Defence Adviser in London and from May 1992 to February 1995 he was Commander of Services
Force of the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment. He has been serving as High Commissioner of
Brunei Darussalam to the Republic of Singapore since June 1995. He is married and has
three children.
Ambassador U Kyar Nyo Chit Pe accredited to Romania
Yangon, 12 March-The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union
of Myanmar has appointed U Kyar Nyo Chit Pe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Union of Myanmar to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, concurrently as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to Romania.
Malaysian Minister tours Yangon
Yangon, 11 March-The Malaysian delegation led by Minister of Culture, Fine Arts and
Tourism Mr Dato' Abdul Kadir Bin Haji Sheikh Fadzir of Malaysia, together with Deputy
Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials visited Shwedagon
Pagoda, National Museum and Myanma Gems Museum today. They also visited King Zafar Shah's
tomb on Ziwaka Road and Bogyoke Aung San Market. At night, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin
hosted a dinner for them at Kandawgyi Karaweik Palace.
( 6 ) Chinese goodwill delegation on
Yangon, 11 March- The goodwill delegation
led by Executive Vice-Chairman and Member of the Communist Party of China Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection Chinese Association for International Understanding
Mr Li Chengren, currently here at the invitation of Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council member of Panel of Patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association Lt-Gen Win Myint, accompanied by USDA CEC member U Khin Maung, arrived at
Mandalay International Airport on 9 March.
They were welcomed by Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor of Mandalay
Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Consul Mr He Shijing of Consulate-General of the People's Republic of
China in Mandalay, Secretary of Mandalay Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo and Executives, the
Secretary of District Peace and Development Council and Executives and Secretaries of
Township Peace and Development Councils. The delegation went to University for Development
of National Races in Sagaing Township where they were welcomed by Rector Col Zaw Min Thein
and faculty members, Secretary of Sagaing Division USDA Daw Moe Moe Thein and Executives,
national races and students.
The rector extended greetings and officials reported on history of the university.
Leader of the delegation explained friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
The delegation visited the university museum and luncheon was hosted for the delegation.
In the afternoon, the delegation visited Maha Myatmuni Buddha image, Myanan Sankyaw Palace
and Mandalay Hill. Mandalay Division USDA Patron Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Chairman Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint hosted dinner in honour of the
On 10 March, the delegation arrived at Heho Airport. They were welcomed by Secretary of
Southern Shan State USDA U Nyan Lin and Executives and secretaries of district and
township USDA. The delegation went to Inlay Khaungdaing where they were welcomed by Patron
of Nyaungshwe USDA U Shwe Maung and secretary of Township USDA U Soe Nyunt. Secretary of
Shan State (South) USDA U Nyan Lin hosted lunche to the delegation. The delegation
observed traditional silverware in HeyarYwama in Inlay and visited PhaungdawU Pagoda. They
visited plantation on floating islands in Inlay Lake. Shan State (South) USDA Patron Shan
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Eastern Command Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo
hosted dinner for the delegation at Kanbawza Yeiktha in Taunggyi. Shan State (South)
Secretary USDA U Nyan Lin and Executives and members of the delegation exchanged general
knowledge. The delegation arrived back here this morning.
USDA General Secretary receives Chinese delegation
Yangon, 11 March-General Secretary of
Union Solidarity and Development Association U Than Aung received Chinese goodwill
delegation led by Executive Vice-Chairman and Member of the Communist Party of China
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Chinese Association for International
Understanding Mr Li Chengren together with the ambassador of China at the head office of
USDA at 5.30 pm today. The delegation was currently in Myanmar at the invitation of
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Member of the Panel of Patrons of
the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) Lt-Gen Win Myint. General
Secretary U Than Aung briefed on procedures of the association. They discussed matters
related to mutual interest and cooperation between USDA and CAIU. Also present at the call
were Secretary U Ko Lay, Central Executive Committee members U Than Shwe, U Maung Maung
Thein, U Khin Maung and U Thein Sein.
Symposium on Management of Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Yangon, 11 March - The Symposium on Management of Helicobacter Pylori Infection was
held under joint sponsorship of the Myanmar Medical Association and Ranbaxy Laboratories
Limited at 10 am today at Hotel Equatorial here. Present on the occasion were MMA
President Professor U Myo Myint, professors and physicians of various hospitals and
guests. Professor of Yangon General Hospital U Thein Saw presided over it. Senior
Consultant of Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India, Professor S L Broor explained matters on
latest curative methods of H Pylori infection.
( 7 ) Minister inspects paddy production, Bwetgyi Dam in
Mandalay, Magway Divisions
Yangon, 11 March- Minister for Agriculture
and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, arrived at
Kyaukse Hybrid Paddy Production Farm in Kyaukse on 9 March. Officials reported on seed
production of 125-day-lifespan of five hybrid paddy strains. Then, the minister inspected
60 acres of Kyaukse-2, Kyauk-se-4 and Kyaukse-5 hybrid paddy fields and met researchers.
After that, the minister arrived at the construction site of Umin Koepauk river water
pumping project near Sale Township, Magway Division. The minister inspected arrival of
pump-installed pontoons, pipes and construction materials for the main station of Umin
Koepauk and Tanyaung river water pumping projects in Salin Township. The minister urged
officials to carry out tasks as quickly as possible and made arrangements to transport
pontoons from Sale to Tanyaung.
On arrival at Tanyaung River Water Pumping Project in Salin Township, the minister
inspected the feeder canal, the main station, waterway and flow of water into the river.
Yesterday, the minister and party inspected the position and flow of Ayeyawady River and
the site where water pumping station can be built. Then, the commander arrived at
Thaphenseik region where water pumping station will be built. The site was primarily
chosen by Water Resources Utilization Department. Officials reported on benefit change of
single cropping to double or triple cropping in the irrigated area on completion of the
water pumping station and condition of crops. Chairman of Magway Division Peace and
Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported on areas where water pumping projects are
The minister then met local farmers. In the afternoon, the minister and party
proceeded to the cotton ginning factory of Myanma Cotton and Seri- culture Enterprise in
Taungdwingyi. In the briefing hall, Managing Director Dr Thein Htay reported on purchase
of cotton in Magway District, cotton ginning and seeds production. The minister inspected
production of the factory. In the evening, the minister and party arrived at the project
site of Bwetgyi Dam near Dandaung Village, 26 miles from Aunglan. Director U Khin Maung
Nyunt and Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department reported on low-lying
and irrigated areas of the dam. Then, the minister inspected land preparation and
geological test for the main dam. Afterwards, the minister met local farmers and gave
instructions on regional development, multiple cropping and greening tasks.
Minister inspects Bayintnaung Bridge
Yangon, 11 March-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen
Myint Thein and officials of Public Works yesterday inspected repair of bearings for
maintenance of Bayintnaung Bridge linking Mayangon and Hlinethaya Townships. Engineers
reported on works and the minister gave instructions. He inspected works undertaken. The
deputy minister, officials of Public Works, Secretary of Hinthada District Peace and
Development Council, Chairman of Ingapu Township Peace and Development Council, officials
of Department of Marine Administration and local people observed the site suitable for
construction of new Myokwin Bridge across Ngawun River. Divisional Superintending Engineer
U Ye Myint Swe and officials attended to preliminary engineering works.
Talks on sports psychology held
Yangon, 11 March-An educational talk on sports psychology organized by Myanmar Olympic
Committee and Medical Committee for Sports was held at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in
Thuwunna this morning. Present were Chairman of MOC Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye
Myint, Chairman of Medical Committee for Sports Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya
Thein Han and MOC members, officials of the Ministry of Sports, medical experts,
professors, doctors of various sports federations, athletes and trainees of Sports and
Physical Education Institute. Chairman of MOC Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and
Director Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han delivered speeches. Professor Daw Khin Aye Win of
Psychology Department of Yangon University, Head of Psychology Department of Defence
Services Institute of Medicine Lt-Col Kyaw Kyaw Than and Deputy Medical Superintendent of
Yangon Psychiatric Hospital Dr Zaw Sein Lwin gave lectures on psychology.
Win Thuza Shop (Pathein Branch) opens
Yangon, 11 March-Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the Myanma Ceramics
Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1 opened Win Thuza Shop (Pathein Branch) at the
department store, corner of Shwe Zedi Road and Merchant Road, Pathein, Ayeyawady Division,
this morning. Present at the ceremony were member of the State Peace and Development
Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Man, Minister for Industry-1 U
Aung Thaung, military and civil officials, Union Solidarity and Development Associations,
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society, band troupe, students, nurses
and townselders.
The commander unveiled the signboard of the shop. Chairman of Pathein District Peace
and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Pyone and Managing Director of MCI U Than Shwe
formally opened the shop. Then, the commander, the minister and the guests viewed round
the shop. Managing Director U Than Shwe explained the purpose of opening the shop.
Speaking on the occasion, the commander spoke words of thanks to the minister for
Industry-1 and officials, who are implementing the tasks on producing quality goods, which
are to be sold at reasonable prices, in accordance with the guidance of the Head of the
State. The managing director presented K 30,000 each to Ayeyawady Division USDA, the
Division MCWA, band troupe, pom pom troupe and Kayin Don dance troupe. The commander, the
minister and party inspected 110 KV generators and construction of silos for storage of
paddy husk. Then, the minister, together with the commander, inspected Pathein Glass
Factory and left instructions. Later, the commander and the minister met with the
responsible persons at the briefing hall of the factory. The minister urged the
responsible persons to make efforts to exceed the targets.
( 8
) 339 gem merchants arrive
Yangon, 11 March-A total of 339 gem merchants 184 from 100 companies of 10 countries
and 155 from 59 local companies arrived here to attend the 38th Myanma Gems Emporium at
Myanma Gem Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road today. The merchants viewed the gems and jewellery
on display at the emporium from 9 am to 5 pm. They were briefed by Managing Director U
Khin Oo of Myanma Gems Enterprise and Secretaries of Jade, Gems and Pearl Sub-committees.
More gems merchants will arrive here tomorrow and view the items at the emporium.
Commander inspects construction, agriculture and livestock
breeding works in Yangon North district
Yangon, 11 March-Member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than accompanied by Secretary of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and officials inspected regional
development tasks and agriculture work in Yangon North District this afternoon. First, the
commander and party inspected at the junction of the road linking Htantabin and Shwepyitha
Bridge. He also inspected construction of Shwepyitha Bridge-Htantabin road. Then, he
inspected finished earthen road and construction of four 20 feet long-12 feet wide bridges
along the road. Shwepyitha Bridge-Htantabin road is 9 miles and 6 furlongs long.
Construction of 7 miles and 2 furlongs long earthen road and four wooden bridges have
already been finished. Laterite laying work has been finished for three miles. Afterwards,
the commander inspected fowl breeding work at Yangon Division vegetables and poultry
farming special zone-1, Nyaung Hnapin Village in Hmawby Township, Yangon North District.
At the Hmawby Hsan briefing hall, officials reported to the commander on construction
of roads and drains, land reclamation and power supply. He gave necessary instructions.
Production of vegetables and fowl breeding work are being implemented at special zones in
Yangon Division. At special zones, digging of drainage has been carried out for 115.3
miles. Construction of earthen road for 71 miles out of 81 miles, installation of 11 KV
power line for 19.5 miles and 440 volt power line for 47 miles and cultivation of 1710
acres of vegetables have been finished so far. All targeted works will be finished in
( 9
) The Government of the Union of Myanmar
The Ministry of Home Affairs
Order No 1/2001 The 2nd Waning of Taboung 1362 ME (10 March
Illegally-imported Thailand-made taste enhancer Monosodium
Glutamate and soft drinks are banned
1. Thailand-made taste enhancer Monosodium Glutamate of all brands including ladle
brand, pot brand, red leaf brand, palace brand, sunflower brand, sardan brand, and soft
drinks of various kinds including red bull brand, Lippo brand and shark brand are being
imported and sold illegally by some smugglers through Thailand/Myanmar border by land or
2. It was already announced to the public that the consumption of the above-mentioned
Thailand-made taste enhancer Monosodium Glutamate and soft drinks were banned because,
according to the laboratory experiments of the Ministry of Health, they contain chemicals
that are injurious to the health of human beings; users can develop disease in the long
run; and their health can fail, which can at last result in loss of life.
3. With a view to safeguarding public health and life, therefore, it is announced to
the public that the import, sale and consumption of Thailand-made taste enhancer
Monosodium Glutamate of all brands including ladle brand, pot brand, red leaf brand,
palace brand, sunflower brand, sardan brand, and all the illegally-imported soft drinks
are banned again.
Colonel Tin Hlaing
The Ministry of Home Affairs
Beware of new computer virus
Yangon, 11 March - According to the news obtained on 6 March 2001, a new computer virus
named Naked Wife destroyed the computers of organizations not less than 30 in the US. Like
the virus Anna Kournikova, the new virus can spread through e-mails, and it can destroy
important files and Windows Operating System of the computer. E-mail users in Myanmar are
reminded to delete and not to open e-mails which read as follows: Subject: FW : Naked Wife
Attachment: Naked Wife.exe.