( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe and Daw Kyaing Kyaing offer
"soon" to Sayadaws
Yangon, 7 March- With the patronage of Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw
Kyaing Kyaing, family members of the State Peace and Development Council and Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) offered "soon" to the State Ovadacariya Sayadaws, member
Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, members of Central Working Committee
of the Sangha and religious title recipient Sayadaws at the Tatmadaw Dhammayon in Bahan
Township this morning.
Present were the State Ovadacariya
Sayadaws, member Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, members of Central
Working Committee of the Sangha and religious title recipient Sayadaws and nuns,
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and their
wives, members of the State Peace and Development Council and their wives, Deputy Prime
Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, the ministers and their wives, the Chief
Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Civil Service
Selection and Training Board, senior officers of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), heads of
department and guests. Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council Office U Arnt
Maung acted master of ceremonies. Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Agga Maha Pandita Mandalay Masoyein Taikthit Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa,
administered the Five Precepts to the congregation. Members of the Sangha recited Metta
Sutta. Senior General Than Shwe and party presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Next, Secretary of the State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara delivered a sermon. After the ceremony, Senior General Than Shwe
and party offered "soon" to the Sayadaws.
( 2 ) Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Muni Image crowded with devotees
Yangon, 7 March- The members of the Sangha, foreigners, devotees and pilgrims from far
and wide were seen making donations at the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image at
Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township today. In memory of late son Ko Zin Wai Maung, Myanmar
Ambassador to Malaysia U Hla Maung and Daw Thandar Khin (Thiri Thandar Motion Picture
Production) presented K 200,000 for the decoration work and K 500,000 for the stone
sculptures to the officials. Altogether 15 pilgrims including nine from Bangladesh
presented K 60,000 to the officials. Likewise, 35 Lisu nationals from Mogok paid obeisance
to the image and made donations. Stone Sculpture Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw
and sons, the engineers and workers of Buildings Construction Project Special Group-2 of
Public Works, Myanmar handicraft technicians U Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group
were carrying out tasks to be completed in time. Wut associations recited parittas from
morning till night daily in turn. Bookshops of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry
of Information sold various kinds of books on knowledge. Myanmar Traditional Artists and
Artisans Asiayon (Central) opened a souvenir shop there. Donation Centre is open from 7 am
to 9 pm daily and donations made by the public have amounted to K 151,944,852 from 5
August 2000 to date.
Seinbudaw, hngetmyatnadaw and shwehtidaw of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
arrive in Yangon

Yangon, 7 March- Under the programme of conveying the seinbudaw, hngetmyatnadaw and
shwehtidaw, which will be hoisted atop Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda, to Yangon for public obeisance,
the objects were conveyed from Kyaikhti-hsaung Pagoda in Zokethoke Village, Bilin
Township, Thaton District, Mon State, to Yangon by car, and the objects arrived at Eastern
Stairway of the Shwedagon Pagoda at 6.45 pm today. The objects were welcomed there by
Chairman of Work Committee for All-round Renovation and Htidaw Hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe
Pagoda Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy
Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and members, members of the Shwedagon
Pagoda Board of Trustees and members of religious associations. Led by members of the
Sangha of Nikaya Sarthintaik in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, the deputy ministers and
officials conveyed the seinbudaw, hngetmyatnadaw and shwehtidaw around the pagoda
clockwise. The objects are being kept in Htidipan Tazaung at the Sunday (north-east)
Corner of the pagoda for public obeisance.
Kayin State traditional medical practitioners adopt work
Yangon, 7 March - Traditional medical practitioners of Kayin State organized a meeting
to show their support for adopting Senior General Than Shwe's guidance in the message to
the opening ceremony of Traditional Medical Practitioners Conference as work guidelines as
well as the counsel of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt in the opening address. The meeting
was held in Zwegabin Hall in Hpa-an, Kayin State on 4 March. Present were Secretary of
Kayin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Win Maung and members, Chairman of
Hpa-an District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Soe Myint Aung and members, Chairman
of Township Peace and Development Council U Hla Yi and members, division-level officials,
guests and traditional medical practitioners of Hpa-an, Papun, Kawkareik, Thandaung,
Myawady and Kya-in-Seikkyi townships.
U Chit Thein Khaing of Hpa-an presided over the meeting. U Tun Nyunt, U Saw Khin Maung,
U Naing Chit Htwe, U Mahn Htay Lwin, U Bo Gyi, U Tun Yi, U Kyaw Aye and U Win Maung were
members of the panel of chairmen. U Saw Lun Shwe and U Saw Hla Aye were joint masters of
ceremonies. The meeting chairman U Chit Thein Khaing gave a speech. U Saw Yin Lun Shwe
tabled a motion "to adopt the guidance of State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe in his message sent to the Conference on 19 December
2000 as the work guidelines by all traditional medical practitioners". U Saw Aung
Kyaw seconded the motion. U Mya Aung tabled a motion "To adopt the counsel of
National Health Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt in his address at the opening of the Conference as future task for all
traditional practitioners".
U Aye Han seconded the motion. U Khun Thaung Shwe tabled a motion "To put on
record the resolution, minutes and approvals of the Conference. U Ko Ko Lay seconded the
motion. Daw Nant Tin Tin Win tabled a motion "To wipe out all hindrance in forming
the Myanmar Traditional Medical Practitioners Association". Daw Nant Nu Nu Tin
seconded the motion. U Than Win tabled a motion "To approve the motions tabled and
seconded at the meeting. U Saw Pan Shwe Kya seconded the motion. Then, the meeting
chairman approved the motions, after which the meeting came to a close with his concluding
( 3 ) Staff urged to
strive for rural development
Yangon, 7 March - Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing met staff of departments under his ministry in Lashed in Shan State
(North) on 4 March. He urged them to strive actively to realize the objectives of the
departments to organize themselves into a reserve force for national defence, to
successfully implement the tasks laid down at the four-monthly meeting and to work for the
development of villages. Accompanied by officials, the minister visited police stations
and families in PyinOoLwin, Mandalay Division. During inspection of Police Training
Center, the minister met officials and course instructors. Yesterday, the minister met
staff and families of Pyigyitagon and Chanmyathazi Township General Administration
Department offices in Mandalay District.
Commander tours Areaway Division
Yangon, 7 March- Chairman of Areaway Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of South-West Command Man-Gen Thorax She Mann, together with Chairman of Hothead District
Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Hein and officials, inspected Yangon Cement Plant
of Myanmar Ceramics Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1 on 4 March morning.
The plant manager and officials conducted the commander round the plant, and the
commander gave instructions. The commander met with Chairman of Yangon Township Peace and
Development Council U Mint Thin and officials at the office of the council. He gave
instructions on agriculture and livestock breeding and development work and attended to
their needs. The commander heard a report on work being carried out at Seethe Methanol
Plant in Yangon Township by the plant manager and fulfilled the requirements. Then, he
inspected the poultry farms and met with the staff. In the afternoon, the commander
inspected preventive measures against bank erosion, maintenance of waterway and
plantations on sand bank along the Areaway river by boat. He met with members of Meaning
Township and village-tract Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel, members
of Union Solidarity and Development Association and local peasants.
On 5 March morning, the commander met with local authorities and departmental personnel
in Hothead Township and gave instructions on work being carried out for regional
development. He then attended the nursery festival of Hothead District and Township,
Forestry Department, in Hothead Township. Later, the commander and party met with township
level departmental officials at the office of Kyonpyaw Township Peace and Development
Council and with departmental personnel and towns elders at the Auxiliary Fire station of
Tahoka, Yucky Township, and gave instructions on regional development and attended to the
Agricultural works inspected in Magway Township
Yangon, 7 March- Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen
Thein Zaw, together with departmental heads, inspected plantations of castor, cow pea and
melon and vegetable patches on the sand bank of Ayeyawady River, Magway Township, being
undertaken by the departments on 3 March morning.
The chairman then inspected plantations of perennial crops, which are thriving, and
poultry farming of nursery shop being undertaken near Magway Lake of Magway District and
Township Peace and Development Councils. He gave instructions to the officials. They
proceeded to Myinkin Kanpya Water-pumping Project where they were reported by the
officials of Water Resources Utilization Department on renovation of canals, pumps and
lakes for irrigation in 2001-2002. The chairman gave instructions and inspected summer
paddy fields and cotton plantations of Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise of Magway
Division. On 4 March, the chairman inspected the finishing touches of Anawrahta Bridge
(Chauk) and left instructions. Later, the chairman arrived at Man Shwesettaw Pagoda in
Minbu (Sagu) Township and inspected construction of retaining wall of Upper Foot Print
Pagoda and arrangements for the convenience of pilgrims. The commander cordially greeted
the pilgrims.
Commander inspects summer paddy, canals in Thanatpin, Kawa
Yangon, 7 March-Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye inspected thriving of summer paddy in Thanatpin Township,
Bago Division on 5 March. Accompanied by officials, the commander met with farmers of
Kyaikpadine, Kyaukme, Moekhinelay, Moekhinegyi, Htaungmin, Paine and Seibu Villages at
Aungchantha Village and gave instructions on extension of sown acreage, meeting the set
time, and taking advice on work experience.
In the afternoon, the commander and party looked into progress of construction of
canals and dams in Kawa Township. At the briefing hall of Paingkyon Sluice Gate being
built near Phalli Village in Kawa Township, the In-charge of the project of Irrigation
Department reported on preparations being made for water supply to the farmlands to the
commander who attended to the needs. Then, the commander and party paid obeisance to
Historic Kyaikmettaw Pagoda in Phalli Village, Kyaikhto-Pathein Pagoda in Moe-Myanmar
Moekayin Village, Kawa Township and inspected all-round renovation of the pagodas. The
commander then fulfilled the requirements. After paying respects and presenting
offertories to the Presiding Sayadaw of Moeganein Kyaung, the commander and party
inspected construction of canals near Zwetaik Village, Kawa Township.
( 4 )
Minister for Industry-1 receives Chinese guests
Yangon, 7 March- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received President Mr Ren
Hongbin of China National Constructional & Agricultural Machinery & Agricultural
Machinery Import & Export Corporation, China and party at his office at 10.30 am
today. Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw
Win, the director-general and managing directors of industries and departments under the
Minister for Industry-1 inspects Garment Factories

Yangon, 7 March- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and officials inspected Garment
Factory No 8 in Mayangon Township this morning. The minister inspected environs of the
factory, weaving and machines and gave instructions on cleanliness and fire preventive
measures. The minister inspected netting of lace and met officials of the factory. He
discussed supervision of finance and properties, observing policies of the ministry and
discharging duties. The minister also inspected Garment Factory No 9 and 10 in Mayangon
and Hline Townships. He presented cash to elderly service personnel. The minister
discussed boosting production with officials.
Sea prawn breeding work inspected
Yangon, 7 March- Chairman of Meat and
Fish Extended Production Committee Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe
and Vice-Chairman Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein,
accompanied by members of extended prawn breeding, arrived at Wetkite Village, Letkhokkon
Village-tract in Kungyangon Township, Yangon Division this afternoon. In the briefing hall
of Prawn Breeding Camp of Winner Brothers International Co Ltd, officials reported on
prawn breeding matters. the ministers gave necessary instructions. The ministers inspected
digging of prawn ponds of Sun Light Company, breeding ponds of Pinlepyar Company, sea
prawn breeding of Top Win Co Ltd and site chosen for construction of breeding camps near
Thaungkon Village. In the afternoon, the ministers met with prawn breeding entrepreneurs
of ten companies, which engeged in sea prawn breeding in Kyauktan Prawn Breeding Zone and
attended to their needs.
( 5 ) Diplomats briefed on incidents at Myanmar-Thai border
Yangon, 7 March- A briefing on incidents
at the Myanmar-Thai border was given to the Heads of Diplomatic Missions in Yangon by
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at
Wunzin Minyarzar Hall, Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 11 am today. Present were Dean of
the Diplomatic Corps in Yangon. Ambassador of Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr Ly
Bounkham and other Heads of Missions. During the meeting, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win
briefed the diplomats with maps, photographs, and video clips and answered the queries
raised by those present.
Seminar on e-Commerce Revolution Opportunities and Implications
Yangon, 7 March- Seminar on e-Commerce Revolution Opportunities and Implications
sponsored by Office of the Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defence Services, Sasakawa
Southeast Asia Cooperation Fund, Japan, Information & Resource Centre, Singapore and
Bagan Cybertech Co Ltd, Myanmar concluded at Traders Hotel at 4.30 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Chief
of Office of the Strategic Studies Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, the deputy ministers, the Heads of Office of the Strategic Studies and
officials, departmental heads, ambassadors of foreign missions in Yangon and officials,
officials of Myanmar Computer Federation and others. Chairman of e-National Task Force
Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Hlaing Win, President of Sasakawa Peace
Foundation, Japan Mr Akira Iriyama and Director of Information & Resource Centre,
Singapore Mr M Rajaretnam made speeches. Before the closing ceremony, e-Economy,
Infrastructure and Governance were discussed in the morning session. Rector of Institute
of Computer Science Dr Paik Tin presided over the morning session, and Chief Executive of
Nadi Institute of Information Technology, Malaysia Mr SN Siva presented paper on Education
in e-Future, and Planning Director of PLDT Foundation, the Philippines Mr Rafael Lopa
paper on Uses of the Internet for People Development. Resource persons answered the
queries raised by those present. At 2 pm, the reviewing of paper on The Internet Economy
took place in the afternoon session. Director of Information & Resource Centre,
Singapore Mr M Rajaretnam chaired the afternoon session, followed by a general round of
Holding of seminar on Myanmar-Malaysia Economic Opportunities
Yangon, 7 March- A coodination meeting on holding of seminar on Myanmar-Malaysia
Economic Opportunities was held at the Ministry of Commerce this evening. Present were
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister at the State Peace and Development
Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw
Hsan, heads of departments, President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
Commerce and Industry and officials. Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone delivered a speech.
Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye reported on agenda. Those present
took part in the discussions and the meeting ended with the concluding remarks by Minister
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
( 6 ) Armed Forces Day
Short Story and Article Competition winners announced
Yangon, 7 March- Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day which falls on 27
March 2001, the Working Committee for Organizing the Poetry and Arts Competitions
announced the winners of the competitions today. Altogether 187 short stories and 269
articles took part in respective levels. Ko Htway (Kalaw GTI) stood first in the Short
Story level-1 contest, Min Beda (Pwintphyu) second, Tekkatho Hnin Wai third, and Pai Yun
(UDE) stood first in Short Stories level-2 contest, Maung Soe Htaik (Thonze) second,
Danubyu Than Swe Thit third, Aung Htut, Maung Kyin Na, Aung Myint Thaung (Geology), Maung
Thet Hnin (N/Okka-lapa), Swe (Thuwunna), Thalla Maung Yin Khaing, Hmwe Nge Nge, Zalun Lwun
Kyaw and Kyauk Pe Tin (In Shwe Le) were special prize winners. Naing Aung Swe stood first
in Article level-1 contest, Tin Aye Hlaing second, Sukha Phone Myint third, and Win Naing
(Myitkyina) stood first in level-2, Maung Lu Thant second, May Thiri Tun third and Hlaing
Chit Zaw, Khin Aye Aye Han (Myawady TV), Nyunt Hlaing Win (Kunchangon), Thway Thit Wai
(Ayeyawady), Khin Maung Yin (Hinthada), Maung Soe Htaik (Thonze), Aye Myat Myat (UFL),
Nyein Thit, Aung Kyaw Zaw (Civil), Wint Thu Win won special prizes. First, second and
third prizes will be presented to winners at the prize presentation ceremony to mark the
56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, here, on 27 March 2001 and the winners are to
personally contact Secretary of the Sub-committee for Organizing the Literary and Photo
Competition U Ko Ko Htway, Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road, on 23 March 2001
Armed Forces Day Commemorative Essay, Poetry Competitions winners
Yangon, 7 March- The Committee for Organizing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Commemorative Literary and Arts Competitions announced the lists of winners in the Essay
and Poetry Competitions in University, College, Institute, Basic Education High and Middle
School Levels today. University, College and Institute level Cadet Saw Kyi Than, final
year (civil engineering), Defence Services Institute of Technology, was first in Essay
Competition, Ma Saw Einder Thet Maung, second year (Myanmar)of Bago Degree College, second
and cadet Thin Min San, second year (mathematics) of Defence Services Academy, third and
other 10 won consolation prizes.
Ma Saw Einder Thet Maung, second year (Mynamar), of Bago Degree College, was first in
Poetry Competition, Cadet Aunt Kop Kop Thet, third year (mechanical engineering), SIT,
second and Maung Yaw Min Aunt, fourth year, Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
Science, third and 10 others won consolation prizes. BASH level Ma Humana, ninth standard
student of Nyaunglebin BASH No 1, was first in Essay Competition, Ma Chafing She Lin,
Ninth Standard student of Lockjaw BASH No 4, second and Maung Sue Chant, Ninth Standard
student of Sagaing BEHS No 3, third and 10 consolation prize winners. Ma Kay Kay Zin,
Eighth Standard student of Pathein BEMS No 6, was first in Poetry Competition, Ma Aye
Nyein Thu, Tenth Standard student of Chanayethazan BEHS No 22, second and Maung Kun Sai
Han, Ninth Standard student of South Okkalapa BEHS No 2, third and 10 consolation prize
winners. BEMS level Ma Enzali Lat, Seventh Standard student of Nyaung-lebin BEHS No 1, was
first in Essay Competition, Ma Zalat Phyu, Seventh Standard student of Magway BEMS No 1,
second and Ma Thinzar Aung, Seventh Standard student of Shwepyitha BEHS No 1, third and 10
consolation prize winners.
Ma Aye Pyi Phyo, Seventh Standard student of Dawei BEMS No 1, was first in Poetry
Competition, Maung Pyi Sone Aung, Seventh Standard student of Pathein BEMS No 6, second
and Ma Ei Thiri Win, Sixth Standard student of Bago BEHS No 1, third and 10 consolation
prize winners. The first, second and third prize winners will be awarded on 27 March
2001(Armed Forces Day). The winners of University, College and Institute level themselves
must enlist at Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), Thaton Street, Kamayut, and
winners of BEHS and BEMS levels to the Headmaster, Sangyoung BEHS No 1. The consolation
prize winners will be presented at the respective military commands and LIDs on the same
( 7 ) Building of Chindwin River Bridge in progress
Yangon, 7 March - Minister for
Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and
officials of Public Works, inspected Ayeyawady River Bridge (Mandalay) Project yesterday.
Officials reported to the minister on the sites chosen to build the bridge on Shwekyetyet
bank at Mandalay and the other bank at Sagaing. The minister gave suggestions. In Monywa
Township, the minister and party inspected Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa). Building of the
4,910 feet long bridge started on 9 December 2000. It will have a 28-foot wide motorway
when completed. The clearance will be 40 feet high and the waterway under it will be
314.88 feet wide. The minister and party also inspected Monywa-Pakokku Road and Anawrahta
Bridge (Chauk) projects.
( 8
) Foodstuffs donated by wellwishers handed over to Tatmadawmen

Yangon, 7 March- Well-wishers are presenting foodstuffs and gifts to the
Tatmadawmen discharging duties in remote forward areas and border areas upholding Our
Three Main National Causes. A group headed by General Staff Officer (Grade I) Lt-Col San
Pwint of Directorate of Defence Services Intelligence transported the foodstuffs donated
by the people to the Tatmadawmen for the third time.
The foodstuffs were freighted by Tatmadaw
aircraft this morning to Monghsat. Before airlifting the foodstuffs, Deputy Chief of
Office of Strategic Studies Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw
Win inspected them and gave instructions to officials at Mingaladon Air Base Headquarters.
On arrival at Monghsat Airport, Lt-Col San Pwint and party were welcomed by Brig-Gen Tun
Tun of Monghsat Station and military officers. Afterwards, Lt-Col San Pwint and party
handed over the foodstuffs and gifts which are included 17 tins of assorted traditional
medicines, 20 bags of dried noodles, 17 chicken cans, 50 boxes of Mamee noodle packets, 20
boxes of VeVe soft drinks, ten boxes of cigarette cartoons, ten boxes of Super One
coffeemix packets and ten bags of Oishi fried potato chips weighing 2.5143 tons to
Brig-Gen Tun Tun at Yangyi Aung Station Hall. Later, Lt-Col San Pwint explained the
purpose of the donations and benevolence of the people. Brig-Gen Tun Tun spoke words of
thanks. Lt-Col San Pwint and party made arrangements to send the donations to Tatmadawmen
in front-line areas.
( 9
) Woman drug trafficker gets 15 years
Yangon, 7 March- A team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Railways
Police Force, acting on information, searched a passenger, Ma Aye Thaung, 48, daughter of
U San Min on Ward 4, Kanthaya Myothit in Chanmyathazi Township and found 391.92 grams of
heroin kept in 24 soap-boxes on No 132 Lashio-Mandalay Down-train at PyinOoLwin Station on
18 August 2000. PyinOoLwin Police Station filed a lawsuit against her in accord with the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. PyinOoLwin District court handed down 15
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on her on 28 February 2001.