( 1 ) Secretary-1 inspects Medical Resource Centre of Ministry of
Yangon, 4 March-Chairman of National
Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
inspected Medical Resource Centre of the Ministry of Health at the Institute of Medicine-1
on Bogyoke Aung San Street this morning. The Secretary-1, accompanied by officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the Medical Resource Centre at 9.30
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by the ministers, the deputy ministers, heads
of departments, the directors-general of the departments under the Ministry of Health,
rectors and officials.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein
reported on establishment of the Medical Resource Centre in connection with activities of
the Special Four-Year Plan for Promotion of National Education (Health Sector). Deputy
Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo and officials reported on measures undertaken for the Special
Four Year Plan for Promotion of National Education (Health Sector) and formation of the
Medical Resource Centre. The Secretary-1 said the Medical Resource Centre is a centre of
high quality according to the report.
He said in education sector over 200
learning centres had been established in states and divisions in accord with e-Education
System and lectures can be received under Data Broadcasting System. He spoke of the need
to open learning centres at health departments and major hospitals in states and divisions
for dissemination of medical education and to fully establish computer networks between
the institutes of medicine and teaching hospitals as the first step. He also gave
instructions on medical museum of the Medical Resource Centre. The Secretary-1 and party
inspected the language lab, computer training room, studio, medical museum, skill training
laboratory, general reading room, reference room, electronic library room and stack room
for information technology development and medical education system development at the
( 2 ) Seventh meeting of Fourth
Central Working Committee of the Sangha begins

Yangon, 4 March - The first-day programme of the seventh meeting of the Fourth Central
Working Committee of the Sangha took place at the Maha Pasana Cave at Kaba Aye Hill this
morning. Present were State Ova-dacariya Sayadaws, Chairman of the State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Myingyan
Koehsaung Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita and member Sayadaws of the State Sangha
Maha Nayaka Committee, member Sayadaws of the State Central Working Committee of the
Sangha, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung
Ko, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, Director-General of
Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, officials of the Religious Affairs Department
and the Department for the Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana and heads of
State/Division and District Religious Affairs Departments. Maha Nibbinda Tawya Kyaungtaik
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesavanta of Thaton, Mon State, Ariyavamsa Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panasami of Hpaan, Kayin State, Jayavati Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta and
avamsa of Dawei, Taninthayi Division, Asokayon Yele Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Labhavata of
Meiktila, Mandalay Division, and Maha Visutarama Taik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sumangala of
Pakokku, Magway Division were elected as Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the seventh meeting of
the Fourth Central Working Committee of the Sangha. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita presided
over the meeting and Joint Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma
Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Candima as master of ceremonies. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Candima read the
agenda of meetings to be held on 4, 5 and 6 March 2001 and sought the approval of the
Then, the Ovadakatha of Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the seventh meeting of the Fourth
Central Working Committee of the Sangha was read. Secretary Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha
Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara read the
Saraniya Ovadakatha of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita.
In his Saraniya Ovadakatha, the Sayadaw said that it is the seventh meeting of the
Fourth Central Working Committee of the Sangha, and it is also the last meeting of the
Committee as the term of the Committee has been completed. Committees at various levels
have been formed to implement three objectives calling for the purification, perpetuation
and propagation of the Sasana in 21 years' time first, second and third
five-year terms and fourth six-year term. As regards implementation of three objectives,
the committees at various levels have divided the tasks into three sectors: Vinicchaya
affairs, religious affairs and education affairs. Success has been achieved to a
considerable extent. If the committees of the Sangha at various levels could not have been
formed, the Buddha Sasana would have been on the wane. As committees of the Sangha at
various levels have been formed, the Sasana was prevented from deterioration. It is the
result of formation of the committees of the Sangha at different levels.
Afterwards, Minister U Aung Khin supplicated on religious affairs. The minister said
that the fourth six-year term meeting of the Fourth Central Working Committee of the
Sangha will be held for two days, and on 6 March (Tuesday), the first meeting of the Fifth
Central Working Committee of the Sangha comprising new member Sayadaws will be held.
According to the teachings of the Buddha, the State Peace and Development Council has
planted shade trees to provide shelter for animals, grown crops and vegetables to ensure
an abundant supply of food, repaired old roads and bridges, built new ones to ensure
smooth transport, dug and dredged lakes and ponds, built housing estates to improve living
standard of the people, renovated old pagodas, prayers, monasteries and rest-houses
built new ones, reminded the people to keep Sabbath, stated donation ceremonies in the
dailies and broadcast them on TV and radio. The unprecedented stability, peace and
prosperity of the present period can be attributed to these meritorious deeds. After the
first meeting of the Fifth Central Working Committee of the Sangha, the religious title
conferring ceremony will be held in Maha Pasanna Cave at Thiri Mingala Kaba Aye on 8 March
After this ceremony, a rice offering ceremony organized by Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council will be held. The people will have a chance of making donations at a
place to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha who are carrying religious duty all over
Myanmar. The list of the names of newly-elected State Ovadacariya Sayadaws and member
Sayadaws of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha was submitted to the meeting
and approved. Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara gave a brief account of tasks performed in a
year's time by the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee. In the afternoon session, member of
the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kittika, Joint
Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kundalajotika and Maha Gandavacaka Bhaddanta
Eindasiri submitted reports on Viniccha affairs, religious affairs and education affairs
respectively. Then, decisions on Viniccha affairs, religious affairs and education affairs
were made, and the meeting came to a close.
( 3 ) Commander attends
novitation for 128 orphan boys in Myittha
Yangon, 4 March- Under the patronage of
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint
and wife Daw Khin Cho Oo and family and Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife Dr Daw Tin Lin
Myint and family, a ceremony to novitiate 128 orphan boys of National Parahita Monastic
Education Middle School and Pedaw Parahita Monastic Education School in Myittha was held
at Waiyan Bonmyint Dhammayon of Shwemokhtaw Pagoda in Myittha on 1 March morning. Present
were Chairman of Myittha Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja
Bhaddanta Pona and Sayadaws, Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife,
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior military officers, commanding officers of
regiments and units, the Mandalay Division Commissioner of General Administration
Department, district and township authorities, members of Union Solidarity and Development
Association, well-wishers and guests.
Then, the boys were novitiate by National Parhita Kyaung Sayadaw. The congregation took
the Five Precepts from the Township Chairman Sayadaw. Members of the Sangha recited
parittas. The commander and wife and wellwishers donated provisions to Sayadaws and
newly-initiated novices. Then, " soon" was offered to Sayadaws and novices.
After that, the commander and party attended the ceremony to present cash towards the
funds for construction of school building of the National Parahita Monastic Education
Middle School in Shanpwe Ward in Myittha.
At the ceremony, the commander presented K 500,000 donated by Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win
Myint and wife and family and K 1 million by Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council and K 50,000 by the commander himself to Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein. Then, the commander accepted K 5,447,000
donated by 50 wellwishers including K 1 million by Asia Wealth Bank, K 500,000 by U Shin
Kyauk of AAA Cement Plant, K 500,000 by
Dr Mya Maung and wife and family, K 500,000 by Tawwin Diamond House, K 300,000 by U
Aung Win Khaing of Hi-Tech Co, K 200,000 by U Sein Myint and family of Donbyan Flour Mill,
K 100,000 each by U Aye Maung-Daw Ni Ni, Col Khin Maung Latt and family, KT Construction
family, U Kyaw Than Industries, U Kyaw Win industries, U Kyaw Win industries, Mandalay
Division Development Committee, Myittha Township Development Committee, U Than Win of Mann
Myanma Construction, U Myint Han of Shwenanthit Construction and owners of saw-mills in
Myittha. The commander and party inspected the site chosen for construction of the school
After that, the commander and party arrived at Pedaw Parahita Kyaung in East Myoma Ward
in Myittha and paid homage to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw. The commander supplicated on
condition of the orphan children at the Kyaungtaik. Next, the commander presented K 1
million donated by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council, K 50,000 by family of
the commander and K 100,000 by departments for the Kyaungtaik to the Chairman of Kyaukse
District Peace and Development Council. In the afternoon, the commander, accompanied by
officials, attended the ceremony to present a colour TV set to Myittashin Hospital in No 2
Industrial Zone of Pyigyidagun Township. At the ceremony, Patron of Supervisory Committee
for Mandalay Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint and
officials accepted a 21" colour TV set donated by surgeons of Mandalay General
Hospital and Teaching Hospital. Low-cost and free medical care services for local people
and employees of Mandalay Industrial Zone are being provided at Myittashin Hospital.
( 4 ) Shwehtidaw
hoisted atop Laykyun Yanaung Pagoda in Pathein
Yangon, 4 March-A ceremony to hoist Shwe-htidaw atop Laykyun Yan-aung Pagoda in
Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, and to consecrate the pagoda was held on the platform of the
pagoda on 2 March morning. Present at the ceremony were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and
wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe and senior military officers,
the company commanders of Pathein Station, departmental personnel, members of social
organizations and wut associations and people. Chairman of Division Sangha Nayaka
Committee (Wailuwun) Presiding Sayadaw of Wailuwun Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Naga-vamsa invested the congregation with the Nine Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited
the Parittas. The commander and officials presented Shwehtidaw and Seinbudaw to the
Led by the commander and wife, the officials presented offertories to members of the
Sangha. The Sayadaw of Maunghtaung Pariyatti Sarthintaik delivered a sermon, followed by
the sharing of merits. Led by the commander and wife, the responsible persons conveyed
Seinbudaw and Shwehtidaw around the pagoda clockwise. They hoisted Htidaw, Hnget-myatnadaw
and Seinbudaw atop the pagoda.
Members of the Sangha consecrated the pagoda. Rituals of golden and silver showers were
performed. The commander attended a ceremony to present cheques for 2000-2001 fiscal year
to voluntary organizations in the division, at the preprimary school of the Social Welfare
Department in Pathein. The commander presented cheques to Parahita Gayhas, homes for the
aged and self-reliant pre-primary schools. Later, the commander attended the opening
ceremony of Panayeya Painting Exhibition at the cultural museum in Pathien to mark the
56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. Then, he met with officials and artists and presented
cash for the exhibition.
( 5 ) Minister for Industry-1 tours Magway Division
Yangon, 4 March-Minister for Industry-1 U
Aung Thaung, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw
and officials inspected installation of machines at the soft drinks factory of Myanma
Foodstuff Industries in Magway and experimental production of soft drinks on 2 March.
Minister U Aung Thaung arrived at the soap factory and inspected conveyors produced by
Mandalay Seinban Industrial Producers 'Cooperatives Society, soap-making place and other
related equipment, experimental production of Shwewa soap and other soaps. He gave
instructions on opening of the factories within the third week of March. CEC member of the
Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung discussed political, economic
and social affairs with executives of USDA and organizers at Sasana Beikman in
Kyaukpadaung Township.
On 3 March, CEC member U Aung Thaung inspected construction of ward (28-bed) at the
Township Hospital in Taungtha Township and met patients receiving treatment at the
hospital. He also inspected drug shop. The CEC member presented K 84,000 to 26 nurses and
Provimin tonic to the aged at Taungtha Home for the Aged. The CEC member accepted K 90,000
donated by nine wellwishers for the aged. CEC member U Aung Thaung presented offertories
to Sayadaw U Nanda and members of the Sangha at Myebyugon Village in Taungtha Township. He
accepted 2,344 USDA membership applications. CEC member U Aung Thaung presented K 500,000
for monastic education school in Myebyugon Kyaungtaik to member of school board of
trustees U Kyaw Lwin. He met departmental officials and local people and discussed
regional development in Taungtha.
In the afternoon, he accepted 12,717 USDA membership applications at Mani Kinsana Hall
in Myingyan Township. CEC member U Aung Thaung presented a Olympia typewriter to Nabuaing
Village Basic Education High School in Myingyan Township. Chairman of Myanma Industrial
Development Work Committee U Aung Thaung visited Myingyan Industrial Zone. He inspected
dyeing and printing process at Myingyan Dyeing and Printing Factory. U Aung Thaung
fulfilled the requirements of entrepreneurs. In the evening, U Aung Thaung presented
offertories to Kyakhan Kyaung Sayadaw U Thondra, Ywathit Kyaungtaik Sayadaw U Nandavamsa
and Sayadaw Dhammavamsa of ShweUmin Kyaungtaik.
( 6 ) Minister tours Shan State
(South), up-country
Yangon, 4 March-Minister for Agriculture
and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin accompanied by departmental officials inspected tea
plantations near Taungpawgyi village in Pindaya Township, Shan State, on 2 March. The
minister met tea planters and had discussions on tea plantations, production, marketing
and income. The farmers reported to the minister on production of pickled tea and dry tea.
The minister gave instructions on spreading techniques and growing with the use of modern
techniques for boosting production. Afterwards, he met with coffee and tea growers from
Yaksauk, Pindaya and Ywangan townships at Zawgyi Hall in Pindaya. The minister said, works
are under way for development of economy based on agriculture. The government is rendering
assistance not only for production of basic crops rice, pulses and beans and oil crops but
also for extensive growing of cash crops tea, coffee, pepper etc.
Tea and coffee are suitable for this region for commercial scale plantations. These
crops are to be planted forming special zone. Maize is to be extensively grown at farm
land. Materials and technology assistance will be given to the farmers. Small scale dam
projects and projects to irrigate the fields with the use of water pipes will be
implemented in the region. Later, coffee and tea planters reported the requirements in
extending the cultivation's. Managing Director U Tun Than of Myanma Agriculture Service
had a discussion on tea plantation and Acting Managing Director U San Myint of Myanma
Farms Enterprise on plans to spread technology and growing high yield strains.
Afterwards, the minister explained programmes to fulfil the needs of farmers and to
give technical assistance to entrepreneurs after forming special tea and coffee plantation
zone. The minister and party inspected warehouses for cotton and cotton seeds at the
cotton ginning factory in Meiktila, Mandalay Division, on 3 March. Then, the minister
inspected production process in the factory. Managing Director Dr Thein Htay of Myanma
Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise conducted him around the factory. Next, the minister and
party inspected onion plantations on the sand banks of Myaingyin creek in Taungtha
Township and had discussion on plantations with the use of shallow wells, cost and income
with farmers.
Then, they proceeded to construction site of Kyauktalon Yayku Dam project.
Director-General U Kyaw San Win and officials reported to the minister on work done and
being implemented. The minister inspected earth work being carried out with the use of
heavy machinery for proposed main dam that is 1,380 feet long and 88 feet high. He also
inspected construction of spillway, conduit and irrigation from the main canal. The dam
project is under construction at upper reach two miles away from Kyauktalon Dam. The dam
can irrigate over 2,000 acre of land all the year round. Water Resources Utilization
Department is implementing drinking water irrigation projects for villages with the use of
siphon method. Then, the minister and party inspected plantations of onion and aniseed and
had a discussion with farmers.
( 7 ) Management Committee Chairman inspects hostels, mess
hall, welfare tasks for Nawadei Column
Yangon, 4 March- Chairman of Management
Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected hostels of Nawadei Column which will take part
in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, this evening.
On arrival at Ayayawady Naval Region Command Headquarters, the Management Committee
Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than was welcomed by Vice-Quartermaster-General
Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of Defence Services
Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Commandant of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training
School Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min, senior military officers
and officials. In the office of the column, Column Commander Captain Aye Pe (Navy)
reported on matters related to hostels, the mess hall and welfare tasks.
The Management Committee Chairman gave necessary instructions. Then, the Chairman and
party inspected hostels for companies of the column, the mess hall and welfare shops.
Afterwards, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met officers and Tatmadaw-men at the parade
ground of the headquarters and left there at 5 pm.
( 8
) Pre-Conference of War Veteran Organization (Kayah State) held
Yangon, 4 March - The Pre-Conference of War Veteran Organization (Kayah State) was held
at Town Hall in Loikaw this morning. Present were members of the Central Organizing
Committee of Myanmar War Veteran Organization Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun,
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development
Council Regional Control Commander of Regional Control Command (Loikaw) Brig-Gen Nyunt
Hlaing, Director-General of Immigration and Population Department Col Tin Yee, senior
military officers, members of Kayah State Peace and Development Council, members of Kayah
State Supervisory Committee of MWVO, members of the district supervisory committee and the
township organizing committee, departmental officials, township authorities, executives of
Kayah State Union Solidarity and Development Association, officials of Myanmar Police
Force, Red Cross Brigade, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, the supervisory committee of Kayah State
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Kayah State Working Committee for Women's Affairs
and business organizations, delegates from townships and guests. Col Thein Han (Retd)
presided over the Pre-Conference with Lt-Col Thein Aung (Retd) and Captain Nyunt Lwin
(Retd) as members of panel of chairmen. Daw Nang Aye Aye Moe and Daw Khin Khin Yee acted
as master of ceremonies and joint master of ceremonies.
Altogether 81 delegates out of 81 or 100 per cent attended the Pre-Conference. Col
Thein Han (Retd) made a speech. Members of Kayah State War Veteran Organization Lt-Col Win
Maung (Retd) and Maj Thein Myint (Retd) submitted a report to the Pre-Conference. Maj
Thein Lwin (Retd) discussed the national political sector, Captain Maung Aye (Retd) the
national defence and security sector and Warrant Officer Win Myint (Retd) the economic
sector, the social and welfare sector and the community welfare sector. The Pre-Conference
adopted seven future tasks, made one resolution, approved one matter and put three matters
on record. Col Thein Han (Retd) made a concluding speech, which brought the Pre-Conference
to an end. A total of K 1.2 million were donated to Kayah State War Veteran Association.
Commander inspects development tasks in ChaungU, Myaung, Myinmu
Yangon, 4 March-Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, accompanied by officials, arrived at construction site
for the conduit of Pauk-in canal in ChaungU Township on 28 February morning. In the
briefing hall, Head of Monywa District Irrigation Department U Myint Thein reported on
digging 6,000 feet long canal. The commander gave instructions on harvest of crops in time
and water supply plan to be drawn for district-wise irrigated lands.
The commander and party inspected installation of the pipelines for Twingyi water
pumping project in Myaung Township and fulfilled the requirements of the worksite. Next,
the commander and party inspected the development road in Shwepaukpin region of Myinmu
Township and met officials at Shwepaukpin Affiliated Basic Education High School. The
commander gave instructions on regional development and uplift of education standard. He
also met officials of construction site of Myinmu-Lekkapin embankment of Ayeyawady River
and attended to their needs. There are part one and part two in the Myinmu-Lekkapin
embankment construction project. The part one has been completed and its benefited area is
2,978 acres.
( 9
) ELT methodology refresher course continues for fourth day
Yangon, 4 March- The Ministry of Education is running the Special Four-Year Plan for
Promotion of National Education from 2000-2001 to 2003-2004 fiscal years. The plan has
entered the third four-month period of the first year. The Ministry of Education has
opened Electronic Learning Centres all over the country. The Ministry of Education, in
cooperation with the Ministry of Information, is creating a teaching and learning society
with the use of Electronic Data Broadcasting System. According to the Four-year National
Education Promotion Programmes, the Main Studio of the University of Distance Education is
broadcasting English language teaching methodology refresher course programmes for basic
education high and middle school levels, under the arrangements of Yangon Institute of
Education, through 183 e-Education Learning Centres out of 203 in the entire nation from
10 am to 3 pm daily from 1 to 5 March.
On 4 March, the centres that were giving lectures for English language teaching
methodology refresher course were 7 in Kachin State, 1 in Kayah State, 2 in Kayin State, 2
in Chin State, 18 in Sagaing Division, 6 in Taninthayi Division, 10 in Bago Division
(East), 12 in Bago Division (West), 15 in Magway Division, 25 in Mandalay Division, 5 in
Mon State, 6 in Rakhine State, 42 in Yangon Division, 6 in Shan State (South), 2 in Shan
State (East), 5 in Shan State (North) and 19 in Ayeyawady Division. Senior Assistance
Teachers and Junior Assistance Teachers of townships are attending the course at the
centres. In using Electronic Data Broadcasting System, trainees got a chance straight away
to ask the instructor questions on what they do not understand well. SATs Daw Khin Khin
Zaw and Daw Thida of Botahtaung Basic Education High School No 6 and SAT Daw Naw Thin Thin
Htwe of South Okkalapa BEHS No 1 raised questions on the phone after the programme. Rector
U Han Tin of Yangon Institute of Education answered the queries from the main studio of