( 1 ) Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Senior General Than Shwe's message on Peasants Day
Yangon, 2 March - The following is the message of Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe on the occasion of the year 2001
Peasants Day: With amity and esteem to all the peasantry, On this auspicious Peasants Day
which falls on 2 March 2001, I would like to express wishes for well-being of all the
peasantry in body and mind and success of their work. Every year, the Peasants Day is
observed on 2 March in honour of the peasants who are striving not only for ensuring food
sufficiency for the entire national people residing in the Union of Myanmar, but also for
progress of the agriculture sector which is the base for national all-round
The State Peace and Development Council has laid down and is implementing
short-term economic plans for harmonious development of the State's economic sectors such
as agricultural, industrial, forestry, mining, livestock and fisheries and trade sectors
for emergence of a new modern and developed nation which is the national goal. Of the
above-mentioned sectors, arrangements are being made for development of agriculture as the
base for all-round progress of other economic sectors as the agriculture sector will
certainly achieve success due to the favourable geographic, climatic and human resources
conditions of the nation. Accordingly, quality strains, chemical fertilizers and related
technologies are being provided for peasants for successful cultivation of crops, raising
the per-acre yield, extending sown acreage and putting land under mixed-cropping. In
addition to disbursing agricultural loans to farmers according to the type of crops and
cultivation seasons to ease their burden of cultivation cost, the main crops are being
purchased at reasonable prices through full payment in advance. Especially, the State is
spending large sums of money constantly making efforts to ensure availability of water
which is an essential requirement for crops.
More and more reservoirs and dams are being built in all the states and
divisions, and the State spent over K 27 billion during the period from fiscal 1990-91 to
fiscal 2000-2001 in building 117 dams which are benefiting over 1.6 million acres.
Arrangements are being made to conduct the task of maintaining the existing dams and to
ensure proper water inflow into the dams to enable them to irrigate the fields as
projected. In addition to dams and reservoirs, the government is systematically
implementing the plans such as the damming of creeks and streams, the building of
pumped-river-water stations and the tapping of underground water in all parts of the
country in a bid to seek all available means to obtain water for cultivation. For
agricultural development it is necessary to transform conventional cultivation into
mechanized farming applying technology and using machinery.
Therefore, the government is giving priority to the increased use of
farming equipment, fertilizers, quality strains and cultivation techniques to boost
production. All the esteemed peasantry, As Myanmar is a union, the government is making
special arrangements to forge unity of all national races based on the Union Spirit and
bring about development of transport, agriculture, livestock, education and health sectors
for progress of socio-economic life of the entire people including those living in border
areas and rural regions. Only when there is peace and tranquillity can national
development tasks be implemented; and thus the government has built national
reconsolidation in practice and success has been achieved in this task. At the same time
the government is making efforts for emergence of a new enduring constitution based on the
national policy of non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national
solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty. All the peasantry are emphatically urged to
take active part in efforts for perpetuation of the Union of Myanmar with dignity in the
world community, peace and progress of the nation, emergence of a new enduring
constitution that can bring about restoration of discipline-flourishing democracy and
consolidating of national solidarity and further boosting production in agriculture sector
after gaining success in agricultural activities of the nation.
( 2 ) Cooperative
efforts of respective departments widen research field to lead to harmonious progress of
11th Myanma Tatmadaw Medical Conference commences
Yangon, 1 March - A ceremony to open 11th Myanma Tatmadaw Medical
Conference was held at the Defence Services Institute of Medicine (Mingaladon) this
morning, addressed by Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Win Myint, member of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers,
deputy ministers, members of National Health Committee, senior military officers of the
Ministry of Defence, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and heads of department, Chairman of Tatmadaw Medical Research and Medical
Committee Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han and committee members, the
residential representative of WHO, rectors and professors of institutes of medicine,
commandants of medical services, specialists, medical officers, nursing officers, resource
persons, cadets of Defence Services Institute of Medicine, nursing cadets and
The Secretary-1 said that while discharging national defence duty and
undertaking development tasks for the State, Myanma Tatmadaw holds Tatmadaw medical
conference every year with the aim of providing better medical care for the Tatmadaw
members and improving the medical science of the Tatmadaw. It is an effort which benefits
not just the nation but also Myanma Tatmadaw. All the scholars have already accepted the
fact that research work plays a crucial role in developing an academic subject, and the
findings of research plays an important role in enhancing the efficiency of the subject
concerned in keeping with the times.
Therefore, Tatmadaw Medical Research and Development Committee, taking the
guidelines of the military technical development committee, holds Tatmadaw medical
conference every year, which shows the development of medical science of the Tatmadaw.
Today the State Peace and Development Council, relying on the strength of the entire
national people, is working hard to enable the nation to keep abreast with other nations.
It is a national requirement to enable all the citizens to be healthy in body and mind.
The government is implementing national health plans designed to provide extensive health
care for the people and to improve health care services. In this regard, the concerted
efforts of all the scholars related to the health sector including the doctors of the
Ministry of Health and Directorate of Medical Services are meeting with success. To enable
the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations in terms of development
necessitates the harmonious development of three national strengths Ñ political, economic
and defence. Only by achieving the harmonious development of the three national strengths
can the nation perpetually stand tall in the world. The most fundamental requirement for
the perpetual existence of the State and national life is the security of the State.
To ensure the security of the State, military power is to be strong. To
put it in another way, only when the Tatmadaw is strong, will the nation be strong. To
build a strong, capable Tatmadaw is a main task to be undertaken for national defence. The
health and fitness of the Tatmadaw members is a basic requirement to build a modern,
strong, capable Tatmadaw. The medical services unit is providing health care for the
Tatmadaw members and their families wherever and whenever it is needed, thereby
strengthening the defence power of the State and building favourable foundations for the
future of the nation. The members of the Tatmadaw medical unit have carried out the order
and assigned task dutifully with their interest and goodwill at risk to themselves from
the time of independence struggle to date.
There are also instances in which medical officers of the Tatmadaw
Captain Thura Mon Htaw Thet Nyunt, Captain Maung Kaung, Captain Zaw Win and Captain Win
Htut discharged their duty on battle fields sacrificing their lives. It is also
encouraging to see that members of the medical unit, going through hardships together with
the Tatmadaw members, have provided medical care, and also given medical care to the
people wherever they arrive. Emerged those who won commendation of the Commander-in-Chief
of Defence Services for their discharging duty at risk to themselves. They are the pride
of the medical unit. It is also satisfactory to see that continuous efforts are being made
for the development of medical science. Tatmadaw Medical Research and Development
Commit-tee, laying down the objec tives which can be of great benefit to the Tatmadaw in
accord with the requirements
of the Tatmadaw, is carrying out research work with might and main. This
year, there are 50 papers and 12 posters to be submitted to the conference. Moreover, it
is learnt that the workshop on urinary cancers was held on 27 and 28 February, and
specialists of India, Pakistan, Singapore and Myanmar took part in it. Resource persons
who will submit papers at the conference are specialists, medical officers, nursing
officers of the Defence Services Hospitals, civilian researchers and foreign researchers.
It is self-evident that Tatmadaw Medical Research and Development Committee, organizing
scholars at home and abroad as well as those from the medical unit, has managed to work
for the emergence of research work. The Tatmadaw medical researchers are conducting their
work on a broader scale in cooperation with the ministries such as the Ministry of Health
and the Ministry of Science and Technology. Cooperative efforts of the respective
departments have widened the research field and will lead to harmonious progress of the
multi sectors.
The Tatmadaw medical physicians in cooperation with the surgeons of England,
Singapore, Japan, India and Thailand have successfully conducted renal transplant
operations, cardiac operations and other modern surgical operations. Myanmar physicians
are now able to conduct such surgical operations without the participation of foreign
experts. The Secretary-1 elaborated on the cooperations with experts and technicians from
France, Singapore, Belgian and International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
in other areas of the health sector. He expressed pride in seeing annually developing
abilities of the Tatmadaw physicians who have saved many lives through sophisticate
surgical operations. Together with the rapid pace of science and technology, all the
sciences including the medical sector are advancing with immeasurable momentum. The world
nations at present are striving to catch up with this advancement.
Myanmar also is striving on self-reliant basis to catch up with the
pace of global progress. As Myanmar have striven on self-reliant basis with national
spirit and strength, technical, material and manpower development has been achieved in all
national development sectors including the health sector to a certain degree. As the
entire nation is required to strive to catch up with the technical developments of the
world, so also the physicians are required to contribute efforts to promoting new
generation doctors in order to enhance their skill in handling advanced medical equipment
in enabling the nation to get abreast with the international developments of the medical
The Tatmadaw leaders are continuously looking into the requirements
in developing the Defence Services Medical Services in accord with the situation of the
time. New hospitals and medical battalions have been extended and hospitals upgraded. They
are also producing modern diagnosis machines and sending new generation physicians abroad
to gain advance knowledge. Long-term projects are being laid down to produce the required
manpower from Defence Service Institute of Medicine and Defence Services Institute of
Nursing. The medical science sector is included in the special four-year national
education plan for flourishing of electronic education system in higher education field
based on international standard electronic science and information technology.
The Medical Services has opened DSIM and DSIN; DSIM held the first
graduation ceremony on 1999 and provided medical officers to the Tatmadaw. The DSIM will
held its second graduation ceremony and the DSIN the first graduation ceremony soon. Thus,
the efforts to reinforce the DSMS is starting to bear fruits. In this context, research
projects including medical research projects should be implemented with greater force for
further flourishing of the favourable results and foundations, for enabling the
Tatmadawmen, who are keeping in the fore Our Three Main National Causes in discharging
military duties as well as national development duties, to serve national defence duties
in a state of healthiness and fitness.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged scholars and researchers of
DSMS to give priority to conducting research work ensuring an effective health care system
for the nation and the Tatmadaw; to pay serious attention to implementing research
projects which will enable the nation and the Tatmadaw to solve the health problems on
their own efforts; to strive to become brilliant researchers worthy of keeping in record
as the scholars uplifting the dignity of the State and the Tatmadaw; to effective use the
research results for the nation and the Tatmadaw; and the commandants, medical experts,
medical officers, officer nurses and administrative officers to harmoniously strive for
the progress of Myanmar medical standard, further improvement of the health standard of
the entire people including Tatmadawmen and uplifting of the reputation and caliber of
DSMS. Speaking on the occasion, director of DSMS Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han explained the aims
of holding the conference, saying, DSMS is striving in accordance with the advice of the
senior military officials in promoting its services. The military hospitals now are able
to offer international level medical treatment to patients in many fields. More efforts
will be made to gain greater success in the future. Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint formally
opened the 11th Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition. The Secretary-1, the
Secretary-3 and party visited the booths. The conference continues till 3 March.
( 3 ) Secretary-1
receives Chairman of Marubeni Corporation
Yangon, 1 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Chairman of Marubeni Corporation, Japan and Keidenran group Mr
Iwao Toriumi and party at the Guest House of the Ministry of Defence at 4 pm today.

Also present together with the Secretary-1 were Minister for Industry-1 U
Aung Thaung, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister at the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win
Aung, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin
Maung Win and Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.
Secretary-1 inspects progress of work at Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 1 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt arrived at Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township at 5.55 pm today, where Lawka Chantha
Abhaya Laba Muni Image is kept. The Secretary-1 was welcomed there by Minister for
Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge,
Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and officials, technicians
and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees. First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt paid
homage to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Laba Muni Image. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
inspected progress of work in carving the image and other tasks and gave necessary
instructions to the officials. Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt also inspected
all-round constriction work. At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 inspected golden
ceiling to be installed at Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and Myanma architectural design and arts
to be installed at northern stairway of the image. The Secretary-1 gave necessary
instructions to officials and left there.
Union of Myanmar and Uruguay establish diplomatic relations
Yangon, 1 March - The Union of Myanmar and Uruguay, guided by the principles enunciated
in the Charter of the United Nations and being desirous to establish relations of
friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation on the basis of the principles of equality,
non-interference in the internal affairs of others, respect for independence and
territorial integrity have established diplomatic relations between the two countries at
Ambassadorial level, on 22 February 2001.
( 4 ) Minister
receives foreign guests
Yangon, 1 March-Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Chairman of
Asia Global Trade Link Co Ltd of Japan Mr Hideaki Takada and party at 5 pm and Senior
Engineer of Chengda Chemical Engineering Corporation of the People's Republic of China Mr
Chen Run Cheng and party at 5.30 pm at his office today. Also present at the calls were
Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, the directors-general and
managing directors of departments and industries under the ministry.
Commerce Minister receives guests
Yangon, 1 March-Managing Director U Mya Han of Fortune International Ltd and party made
a courtesy call on Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone at his office on Strand Road
here at 2 pm today. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of Directorate of
Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department Col Nay Win, Managing
Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials were also
present on the occasion.
Minister receives MD of Scantrade Co Ltd
Yangon, 1 March-Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Managing
Director of Scantrade Co Ltd Mr Bjorn Burchard at his office this afternoon. They
discussed matters related to building a hotel at Myeik Archipelago for eco-tourism. Also
present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General of
Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director of Myanma Hotels
and Tourism U Kyi Tun and officials.
Minister meets Israeli Ambassador
Yangon, 1 March-Minister for Education U Than Aung met Ambassador of
Israel Mr Baruch Ram at his office this afternoon. They discussed matters related to
educational cooperation. Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win
Maung and U Myo Nyunt and officials.
Talks on Myanma tourism industry held in US
Yangon, 1 March - Talks on Myanma tourism industry, jointly organized by
American tourism companies, Global Spectrum and Orient Express as promotion of tourism
industry, was held at Myanmar Embassy in the US on 27 February evening. Present were the
officials of 23 American tourism companies and travel writers and journalists totalling
72. Myanmar Ambassador to the US U Tin Win gave an account of the stable, pleasant and
secure situation of Myanmar, the beauty of landscape and ancient cultural sites and
prospects of tourism industry. Ms Suzy Nevins of Executive Travel Associations and Mrs
Anna Skubiak of Orient Express presented Myanma tourism industry and the trip of the
cruise- liner Road to Mandalay and natural beauties of the nation with audio visual aids.
Dr John Kress of Simithsonian Institution gave a talk on national races residing in
Myanmar, their traditions and cultures, ancient cultural sites, the landscape and
wildlife, trees and wild flowers, and replied to queries raised by those present. After
the talks, families of Myanmar Embassy served those present with Myanmar delicacies. In
Year 2000, a total of 8,209 tourists from the US visited Myanmar.
ELT methodology refresher courses opened at e-Education Learning
Yangon, 1 March- The Ministry of Education is running the Special Four-Year Education
Promotion Plan from 2000-2001 to 2003-2004 fiscal years. The plan has entered the third
four-month period of the first year. The Ministry of Education has opened Electronic
Learning Centres all over the country. The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the
Ministry of Information, is creating a teaching and learning society with the use of
Electronic Data Broadcasting System. According to the Special Four-Year Education
Promotion Plan, the main studio of the University of Distance Education is broadcasting
English language teaching methodology refresher course programmes for basic education high
and middle school levels, under the arrangements of Yangon Institute of Education, through
183 e-Education Learning Centres out of 203 in the entire nation from 10 am to 3 pm daily
from 1 up to 5 March.
There are 183 e-Education Learning Centres seven in Kachin State, one in Kayah State,
two in Kayin State, two in Chin State, 18 in Sagaing Division, six in Taninthayi Division,
10 in Bago Division (East), 12 in Bago Division (East), 15 in Magway Division, 25 in
Mandalay Division, five in Mon State, six in Rakhine State, 42 in Yangon Division, six in
Shan State (South), two in Shan State (East), five in Shan State (North) and 19 in
Ayeyawady Division. Senior and junior assistant teachers who teach English at their
respective schools are attending the course at the centres. Now, SATs and JATs who teach
English at their respective schools are attending the refresher course at e-Education
Learning Centres with the use of Electronic Data Broadcasting System in their respective
townships, though these courses were opened only in Yangon previously. The teachers are
attending the refresher course which started today at 183 e-Education Learning Centres
including Yangon Institute of Education, Yangon University of Foreign Languages, Kamayut
Basic Education High School No 1, Sangyoung BEHS No 2, Dagon BEHS No 1, Latha BEHS No 2
and New Century Resource Centre in Botahtaung Township.
( 5 ) Plenary Meeting of State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee continues
Yangon, 1 March -The second day of the 17th 47-member Plenary Meeting of the Fourth
State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee was held at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin hall at
Thirimingala Kaba Aye Hill here this morning. It was attended by members of the State
Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee led by Vice-Chairman Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Maha
Aungmyay Bonsan-kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pinindabhivamsa and Secretary Sayadaw Abhidhaja
Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara,
Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko,Adviser at the State Peace
and Development Council Office U Arnt Maung, Director-General of Department for Promotion
and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of Religious Affairs
Department Dr Myo Myint,officials of the departments and staff officers of States and
Divisions and District Religious Affairs Departments.
Vice-Chairman Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Maha Aungmyay Bonsan-kyaung Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Pinindabhivamsa chaired the meeting. Joint-Secretary Sayadaw Abhidhaja
Agga MahaPandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Meikhtila Sayadaw Bhaddanta Candima acted as
master of ceremonies. Members of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee took part in the
discussions on respective sectors of the first branch and the meeting came to an end. In
the afternoon, Chairman Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Pandita
Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Myingyan Sayadaw Bha-ddanta Sobhita chaired the meeting. The
meeting ended in the evening. Well-wishers Daw Myint Myint Thein, Daw Khin Win Myint and
family offered " soon" and dessert to the Sayadaws.
Minister inspects bolt pile machines
Yangon, 1 March-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, together with Deputy
Minister U Tint Swe and Brig-Gen Myint Thein, inspected arrangements for transporting of
two sets of C-600 bolt pile machines purchased from Casagrande (SPA) Co of Italy to
Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) Project at Works Section (South) of Public Works in Mayangon
Township this morning. The minister gave instructions on safety in transporting the
machines to the worksites and maintenance of the machines. U Peter Kyaw of Casagrande
(SPA) presented a set of Hydraulic Vibro Hammer worth US$ 207,306 to the minister, who
spoke words of thanks.
Implementing of hydel projects gaining momentum
Yangon, 1 March - Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut inspected Paunglaung
Hydroelectric Power Project on 27 February. Accompanied by Brig-Gen Thein Swe of Pyinmana
Station and officials, the minister inspected the spillway, reservoir and underground
power station at the project. In the evening, the minister and party inspected preparatory
work to build the main dam, the chosen sites to build the intake structure and power
station and the quarry at Kun Creek Hydroelectric Power Project. Yesterday morning, they
observed the axis to lay high pressure and low pressure pipes and the chosen site to build
the power station at Yenwe Creek Hydroelectric Power Project. During the inspections, the
minister urged the officials to strive for earliest completion of their projects, to make
more efforts during the open season, to continuously provide necessary equipment to the
projects, to systematically use and maintain heavy equipment, to make cooperative efforts,
to meet the project standards, to ensure worksite safety, to take fire prevention measures
and to conduct staff welfare.
( 6 ) Mayor inspects
agricultural and livestock breeding work in Taikkyi
Yangon, 1 March-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko
Lay, together with officials, inspected agricultural and livestock breeding tasks in
Myodaw Farm and Recreation Centre, Taikkyi Township, this morning, and fulfilled
requirements. First, the mayor and party inspected summer paddy fields which are thriving,
the transplanting of summer paddy, reclamation of land, kitchen crop plantations and
production of firewood substitute briquette at the factory and left instructions. They
then inspected progress of building of 25-ton Rice Mill No-2, the digging of fish ponds,
Taiwan-strain water-melon plantations and the raising of 24,000 ducks.
Management Committee for Observance of Armed Forces Day holds fourth
coord meeting
Yangon, 1 March- The Management Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day held the fourth coordination meeting at No 1 Transit Centre
(Bayintnaung) this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the Management Committee
member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than. Also present were members of the Management Committee Vice-Adjutant-General
Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla Min, senior military officers,
chairmen of the work groups, officials and guests. Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than urged
work groups to report requirements to ensure observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Ceremony on a grand scale, and fulfill the food and accommodation needs of
Tatmadawmen of parade columns in time. Then, Secretary of the Management Committee Staff
Officer (Grade-I) (A) Lt-Col Min Naing of Yangon Command reported on the minutes of the
third meeting. Officials of the works groups reported matters related to their respective
sectors. Next, the Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than attended to their needs and
gave the concluding remarks. After the meeting, the commander and party inspected the
drills training of the columns.
( 7 ) Sub-printing house of Myanma Alin, Kyemon dailies
commissioned in Mandalay
Yangon, 1 March- With a view to ensuring distribution of newspapers to the public of
States, Divisions, districts, townships and villages in Upper Myanmar in time, a ceremony
to open the sub-printing house of Kyemon and Myanma Alin dailies of News and Periodicals
Enterprise was held in front of the house between 82nd and 83rd streets and 20th and 21st
streets in Pale Ngweyaung Ward, Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay, this morning.
Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein
formally unveiled the signboard of the sub-printing house. Also present were Managing
Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, General Manager Lt-Col Thet Soe of
Printing and Publishing Enterprise, Command Staff Colonel of Central Command Lt-Col Bo Ni,
Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Adviser at
the Ministry of Information U Hla Kyin, member of Mandalay City Development Committee
Lt-Col San Maung, Chairman of Mandalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin
Tun, officials and guests. At the auspicious time, Director (Admin) U Soe Win of NPE and
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Maung Maung Lwin of Special Construction Group-6 of
Public Works formally opened the sub-printing house.
Then, the deputy minister unveiled the signboard of
the house. Afterwards, the deputy minister and party inspected the production process.
Director U Soe Win reported on process for printing and distribution of dailies, printing
of the newspapers with the use of data broadcasting system and arrangements for
distribution of the papers to the public as quickly as possible. The deputy minister gave
necessary instructions. Adviser at the Ministry of Information U Win Maw conducted the
deputy minister and party round the computer room run with the use of data broadcasting
As the sub-printing house started to directly
distribute Myanma Alin and Kyemon dailies to townships of Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions,
Kachin State and Shan State (North) today, agents for the dailies in Mandalay need not go
and collect the papers at Mandalay International Airport and can collect the papers at
sub-printing house of Kyemon and Myanma Alin dailies in Mandalay.
Those wishing to subscribe the papers from above
mentioned States and Divisions may contact township offices of Information and Public
Relations Departments and are to deposit monthly fee K 120 for each paper in advance.
Similarly, arrangements will be made for publishing and distribution of Myanma Alin and
Kyemon dailies in Myitkyina, Taunggyi, Kengtung, Magway, Kalay, Hpa-an and Sittway.
Today's Myanma Alin and Kyemon dailies were sold to the public and passengers at tea
shops, bus stops, the railways station and markets by vendors this morning.
( 8
) Vocalists and musicians honoured
Yangon, 1 March-The Entertainment Sub-committee for
the Dinner of the 54th Anniversary Union Day honoured artistes who took part in the
entertainment programmes together with traditional cultural troupes from states and
divisions at the National Theatre on 13 and 14 February, at the office of the Ministry of
Culture on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning. Present were Chairman of the Sub-committee
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Secretary of the Sub-committee Director-General
of Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win, Director-General of Archaeology Department U Nyunt
Han, Deputy Director-General of Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Kyaing, Rector of
University of Culture (Yangon) U Tin Soe and Rector of University of Culture (Mandalay) U
San Win and Sub-committee members, vocalists, musicians and officials. Deputy Minister U
Soe Nyunt presented cash awards and certificates of honour to the vocalists, musicians and
others. After the ceremony, the deputy minister cordially greeted the artistes.
( 9
) Raw opium seized in Taunggyi
Yangon, 1 March-A combined team comprising local intelligence and Myanmar
Police Force, acting on information, on 21 February, waiting on the main road in Pinntali
Village, Sintaung Village-tract, Panlong Township, Shan State (South), searched Khon Phwe
and Tun Tin and seized 18.75 kilograms of raw opium. The police station concerned took
action against Khon Phwe, son of U Phaw of Hti-khwa Village, Kyauktalon Village-tract,
Taunggyi Township, and Tun Tin, son of U Phi of the same village under the Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances Law.