( 1 ) The State Peace and Development Council The Attorney General Law,
(The State Peace and Development Council Law No 1/2001) The 6th
Waxing Day of Tabaung, 1362 ME)
(27th February, 2001)
The State Peace and Development Council here by enacts the following Law:-
Chapter I
Title 1. This Law shall be called the Attorney General Law, 2001.
Chapter II
Appointment of the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General
2. The State Peace and Development Council shall, for enabling the exercise and
performance of the duties and powers contained in this Law, appoint an Attorney General
and a Deputy Attorney General.
Chapter III
Duties of the Attorney General
3. The duties of the Attorney General are as follows:-
(a) tendering legal advice when so requested by the State Peace and Development
Council, the Government or any Government department and organization;
(b) appearing in criminal cases on behalf of the State;
(c) appearing on behalf of the Government in civil cases in which the Government is a
party as the plaintiff or defendant;
(d) filing necessary appeal, special appeal or revision to the Supreme Court in respect
of adjudication of Courts at different levels that are not in accordance with law;
(e) scrutinizing, drafting and translating laws;
(f) tendering legal advice to the relevant Government departments and organizations as
to whether or not the State should be a party to international conventions and regional
(g) tendering legal advice to the Government departments and organizations on matters
related to bilateral or multilateral treaties, memorandums of understanding, memorandums
of agreement, local and foreign investment instruments and other instruments,
(h) bringing to the notice of the Government departments and organizations, if their
acts are not in conformity with law;
(i) giving legal protection to the people in order to enable them to fully enjoy their
legal rights and privileges.
(j) guiding and supervising the Office of the Attorney General, the different levels of
Law Offices and Law Officers;
(k) performing other duties as are prescribed by the existing laws and rules or rules,
procedures, orders and directives issued under this Law;
(l) performing other duties as are assigned by the State Peace and Development Council.
Chapter IV
Powers of the Attorney General
4. The powers of the Attorney General are as follows:-
(a) prescribing the duties and powers of the Deputy Attorney General;
(b) withdrawing, if necessary, any charge, any accused or the whole criminal case filed
at the Court;
(c) making decision regarding the closing of a criminal case;
(d) filing appeal against acquittal under the Code of Criminal Procedure to the Supreme
Court, if it is considered appropriate to do so against an acquittal order passed by the
(e) calling for necessary orders, decisions, directives, activities, proceedings and
other documents from the relevant Government departments and organizations if it is
necessary to scrutinize legal matters;
(f) giving consent in writing under the Code of Civil Procedure in order to institute a
suit regarding public charities.
5. The Attorney General may delegate to the Law Officers the duties and powers
conferred on him under sections 3 and 4.
Chapter V
Formation of the Office of the Attorney General and the Different Levels of Law Offices
6. The Attorney General, with the approval of the State Peace and Development Council:-
(a) Shall form the Office of the Attorney General and the different levels of Law
Offices as follows:
(i) Office of the Attorney General;
(ii) State/Divisional Law Office;
(iii) District Law Office;
(iv) Township Law Office.
(b) may, in forming under sub-section (a), form the Branch Office of the Office of the
Attorney General and Branch Offices of the State/Divisional Law Office, if necessary;
(c) shall stipulate the necessary strength of Law Officers and staff of the Office of
the Attorney General and the different levels of Law Offices under an organizational
Chapter VI
Functions and Duties of the Law Officers
7. The Law Officers of the Office of the Attorney General shall, in accordance with the
stipulations, perform the functions and duties delegated by the Attorney General.
8. The Law Officers of the Office of the Attorney General shall, in accordance with the
stipulations, carry out compiling and publishing of law books, law manuals and
9. The Law Officers of the different levels of Law Offices shall, in accordance with
the stipulations, perform the following functions and duties;
(a) tendering legal advice when so requested by the relevant Peace and Development
Council and any relevant Government department and organization;
(b) appearing in criminal cases on behalf of the State;
(c) tendering legal advice and appearing on behalf of the Government in civil cases in
which the Government is a party as the plaintiff or defendant;
(d) scrutinizing and tendering legal advice on criminal cases before trial to be in
conformity with law;
(e) scrutinizing and submitting as to whether or not the relevant prosecuting body
complies with the legal advice tendered by the Law Office;
(f) scrutinizing as to whether or not the request of remand by the prosecuting body is
in conformity with the existing laws, orders and directives;
(g) making decision to tender a pardon from being prosecuted to an approver in
accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure in criminal cases;
(h) scrutinizing and making decision, in accordance with the stipulations as to whether
or not any charge, any accused or the whole criminal case filed at the Court should be
(i) scrutinizing and making decision, in accordance with the stipulations, in respect
of closing of criminal cases;
(j) hiring of a lawyer to appear for the accused in poverty who is accused of a
criminal offence punishable with death;
(k) supervising the practising lawyer hired by the complainant in accordance with the
stipulations in criminal cases in which the law Officer appears;
(l) filing revision to the relevant Court in respect of any judgment, order or decision
of the Court considered to be not in conformity with law;
(m) submitting to the Office of the Attorney General in accordance with the
stipulations if it is considered that an appeal should be filed against the acquittal
order passed by the Court;
(n) performing other duties as are assigned by the Attorney General.
Chapter VII
10. In order to carry out the provisions contained in this Law, the Attorney General
(a) with the approval of the Government, issue such rules and procedures as may be
(b) issue such notifications, orders and directives as may be necessary.
11. The Attorney General Law (The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No.3/88)
is hereby repealed
(Sd.) Than Shwe
Senior General
The State Peace and Development Council
( 2 ) Secretary-1 lays
cornerstone for construction of City General Hospital
Yangon, 27 Feb- A ceremony to lay
cornerstone for construction of City General Hospital which will be built by Yangon City
Development Committee and Tet Kham Construction Family was held at the corner of Mindhamma
and Tawwin Streets in Mayangon Township this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Present also were member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Chairman of YCDC Yangon Mayor, the
Vice-Mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of
department, guests and family of Tet Kham Construction. Sayagyi U Kyaw explained the
history of the project.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt placed the casket with nine precious gems. At the
auspicious time, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,
ministers and the Mayor laid the cornerstone.

Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt placed the stone plaque on the foundation.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers and the Mayor
sprinkled scented water on the foundation. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt performed the
ritual of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony. At the briefing
hall, Architect U Win Zaw explained matters related to drawing the design of the hospital
and construction work. Mayor U Ko Lay presented the supplementary report. Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended to their needs. It is a 500-bed four-story hospital.
( 3 ) Chairman of Management
Committee for Observance of Armed Forces Day inspects hostels of parade columns
Yangon, 27 Feb- Chairman of Management
Committee for Observance of 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected hostels of parade columns which will take part in the
Armed Forces Day's Parade this afternoon. Chairman Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than arrived at
Defence Services Orthopaedic and Reconstruction Surgery Hospital (500-Bed) in Mingaladon
where Bandoola Column hosts, and was welcomed by Vice Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw
Win, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Saw Hla
Min and senior military officers. The Chairman and party inspected the hostels, mess,
tasks for convenience and public relations department and gave instructions. The Chairman
also inspected the hostels, mess and tasks for convenience of Sinphyushin Column at
Maintenance Air Base and met with the officers and other ranks and gave instructions on
security, discipline and health. He left there in the evening.
( 4 ) National
Museum gets 100-year-old bronze statue of King Alaung Mintaya

Yangon, 27 Feb - The Ministry of
Transport presented the 100-year-old bronze statue of King Alaung Mintaya to the Ministry
of Culture at National Museum this afternoon.
The statue of King Alaung Mintaya , the founder of the Third Myanmar Empire will be
kept at the museum. It was found in Sagaing Division. Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla
Myint Swe temporarily kept the statue, six feet in height and 280 viss in weight, at the
Museum on Buddha in Sagaing. In accord with the advice of Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, the statue was presented to the Ministry of
Culture. It was transported to Yangon by boat. Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe explained
the purpose of making the donation. Minister for Culture U Win Sein presented a
certificate of honour to him. U Win Sein also explained the high calibre and the brief
history of the king who had united the whole nation in building the empire. Also present
on the occasion were Deputy Ministers for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than,
heads of department of the two ministries and guests.
Health Ministry implementing e-library system

Yangon, 27 Feb - Minister for Health
Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Advanced Medical Teaching Centre this morning. Officials
explained teaching of advanced medical science in accord with the health sector of the
special four-year national education promotion plan.
At the electronic library, the minister heard a report on stage-by-stage work plans
presented by officials. The minister spoke of the need to advance from second stage to
third stage within the shortest possible time and keeping of the most advanced medical
scientific developments. Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected the different
section of the library. Officials reported to the minister on progress in installation of
the wide area network. The minister urged them to strive for earliest completion of the
system which will benefit the health sector. The Ministry of Health is transforming all
its libraries to become e-libraries in implementing the health sector of the special
four-year national education promotion plan.
Minister inspects kyaungsaungs, hostels for Sayadaws
Yangon, 27 Feb - Chairman of Organizing Committee for Religious Title Conferring and
Rice Offering Ceremonies Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, accompanied by Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and Director-General of Department for Promotion and
Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr
Myo Myint and officials, this morning inspected Zabudipa Kyaungsaung, Pobbawidayha
Kyaungsaung, Ottaraguru Kyaungsaung and Aparagawyana Kyaungsaung on Kaba Aye Hill and
Shwehintha Kyaungsaung, U Tun Kyi Kyaungsaung, Minhla Kyaungsaung and Thura U Tun Tin
Kyaungsaung on Hantha Thiri Hill where,members of the State Ovadacariya Sayadaws and State
Central Working Committee of the Sangha and Sayadaws will temporarily reside.
State Ovadacariya Sayadaws and Sayadaws of State Central Working Committee of Sangha
will attend the Religious Title Conferring and Rice Offering Ceremonies to be held on 8
March 2001. The minister and party also inspected hostels of International Theravada
Buddhist Missionary University for missionary Sayadaws and Kamahtan title recipient
Sayadaws and gave instructions to officials.
( 5 ) Minister receives General Secretary of

Yangon, 27 Feb?Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha
received General Secretary of Asian Productivity Organization Mr Takashi Tajima and party
at his office this morning.Also present at the call were officials of the ministry.
Minister inspects plastics factory in North Okkalapa

Yangon, 27 Feb-Minister for Industry-l U Aung Thaung accompanied by Deputy
Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win arrived at No 1 Plastics Factory in
North Okkalapa this morning. The minister inspected major repair work and maintenance of
machines there. He gave. instructions on systematic repair work and replacement of
spare parts without affecting production and innovation of some parts with the use of
local made materials.
Then, the minister inspected production process, newly- extended buildings and gave
necessary instructions.
Then, the minister met officials in the briefing hall and gave instructions.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to No 17 Garment Factory in North Okkalapa
where he inspected production process and gave necessary instructions.
Agriculture and construction tasks inspected
Yangon, 27 Feb-chair man of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen
Thein Zaw, accompanied by responsible officials, inspecteA the conservation of forests and
bridges along Kyaw-Gangaw Road in Pondaung Ponnya region at the border of Sagaing Division
and Magway Division on 21 February morning.
The Commander also inspected the completion of new self-reliance hospital in Kyaw
Village, construction of Kyaw-Yemyetni digging section and digging of Ponnyadaung tunnel,
and heard the reports by respective officials and gave instructions. Then, the commander
inspected the fish-breeding of Gangaw District Peace and Development Council, multimedia
teaching centre of Gangaw BEMS, renovation of Sasana Beikmandaw in Ward I in Gangaw,
construction of retaining wall and bridge of Myittha Creek, and attended to the needs.
The Cornmander met with the chairmen of district and townships and officials and gave
instructions on boosting of paddy production in detail.
Commander attends coord meeting of Bago Division GAD
Yangon, 27 Feb- Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye attended the third four-monthly coordination meeting of
Bago Division General Administration Department held at the hall of Bago Division Peace
and Development Council in Taungoo yesterday morning. Also present on the occasion were
Commissioner of Bago Division GAD office U Chit Maung and members, Chairman of Taungoo
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tun Aye and heads of district/township GADs.
The Commander delivered an opening speech and the heads of district/township GADs
discussed work done and future plans. The meeting continued today.
( 6 ) Shwedagon Pagoda Pujaniya
Yangon, 27 Feb - The 2589th Buddha Pujaniya of Shwedagon Pagoda opened with a religious
ceremony in Chanthagyi Tazaung on the pagoda platform this morning. Present on the
occasion were the Pagoda Ovadacariya Sayadaws, Chairman of the Leading Committee for
All-Round Perpetual Renovation of the Pagoda Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen
Thura Myint Maung. members of the pagoda board of trustees and religious associations and
guests. The Pagoda Ovadacariya Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sobhana administered
the Nine Precepts. Lights were then offered to the Buddha. The Sayadaws and the laypersons
then recited religious verses. Afterwards, members of the Sangha began their uninterrupted
recitation of Pathanas.
All-round construction tasks at Mindhamma Hill 95 % complete
Yangon, 27 Feb -The Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni image at Mindhamma hill was crowded
with members of the Sangha, devotees, pilgrims from far and wide toady.
Stone Sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons, the engineers and
workers of Buildings Construction Project Special Group-2 of Public Works, Myanmar
handicraft technicians U Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group were carrying out -
tasks to be completed in time. The construction tasks have been 95 per cent complete. Wut
associations recited parittas from morning till night daily in turn. Bookshops of Ministry
of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information sold various kinds of books on knowledge
and aesthetic. Myanmar Traditional Artistes and Artisans Asiayon (Central) opened a
souvenir shop there.
Donation Centre is open from 7 am to 9 pm daily. With the patronage of Director-General
Prof Dr Kyaw Myint Tun of Traditional Medicine Department, the traditional medicine
practitioners and entrepreneurs presented K 1,200,690 and U Mya Thaung-Daw Thein Yee
family of Ward 18 Dagon Myothit (South) K 50,000 to the- officials. Donation made by the
public have amounted to K 147,843,586 from 5 August 2000 to date.
Book and Photo Exhibitions and Book Fair to be held in Yangon-
Yangon, 27 Feb-Work Committee for holding of book and photo exhibitions and book fair
sponsored by the Ministry of Information in Mandalay in March held its coordination
meeting in Sarpay Beikman Soranto Villa building of Printing and Publishing Enterprise on
Pyay Road this afternoon.
Present were Patron of the Work Committee Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung,
Chairman of the Work Committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and
members, chairmen of Sub-committees and guests.
Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung said book and photo exhibitions and book fair wi11 be held at
the Tatmadaw Con vention Centre in Yangon and at Yadanabon new market in Mandalay from 22
to 31 March, hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and photo competition and
exhibition of ASEAN nations to be hosted in Myanma in April.
He spoke on display of ancient palm leaf manuscript, the Tatmadaw' s endeavours to
serve the national interests in the successive periods and building a new modern developed
nation at the photo exhibition and display of works of photographers in accord with the
guidance the Head of State. He said as a national task efforts are to be made for progress
of the nation, patriotism. human resource development, promotion of education and gaining
knowledge at the book fair. He also spoke on development of knowledge on technical field
by opening of modern libraries from State level to village level and holding exhibitions
and book fair on a grand scale.
Secretary of the Work Committee Director-General of Information and Public Relations
Department U Chit Naing reported on the project and arrangements for booths and shops.
Officials reported on arrangements for the book exhibition and book fair.
Those present took part in the discussions and the meeting came to a close with the
concluding remarks by the minister.
( 7 ) Announcement on BEHS examination
Yangon, 27 Feb- Myanmar Board of Examinations today has issued an announcement on Basic
Education High School Examination to be held from 13 to 19 March. Identity cards and lists
of roll numbers have been sent to the supervisors of the centres concerned. Identity cards
may be collected from supervisors of the centres starting from 1 March. Roll numbers and
centres of townships in Yangon development area will be posted township education
officers' offices concerned starting from 5 March. The students from townships in Yangon
development area are to collect their identity cards according to the following schedule
starting from 7 March. Students from BEHS, branch BEHS and affiliated schools are to draw
their identity cards from the headmasters concerned and external students from supervisors
of the centres concerned.
Mayor inspects Yangon City Villa project in Mayangon
Yangon, 27 Feb-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay,
accompanied by offcials, arrived at Yangon City Villa construction project site on Pyay
Road in Mayangon Township this morning. Accompanied by ViceMayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary
Col Myint Aung and heads of department, Mayor U Ko Lay arrived at the project at 10 am.
Managing Director of Tokyo Enterprise Daw Myintzu Myint and officials conducted the Mayor
round the construction project. Mayor U Ko Lay gave instructions to officials. The Yangon
City Villa, located at the 8th mile junction on Pyay Road, with tennis court, swimming
pool and children's playground and 24-hour security staff.
Entries for ASEAN Photo Competition invited
Yangon,27 Feb - Entries are invited for ASEAN Photo Competition for 2001 under four
titles. The entries are to be sent to U Than Tun, Acting Director (Production) of
Information and Public Relations Department at 22-24 Pansodan Street, Yangon on 28
February at.the latest.
( 8
) Floating pumps transported to special pumped-water projects

Yangon, 27 Feb-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected
imported pumps and parts at Hline River Port on Hlinethaya Township this morning.
The pumps and the related machines will be used by Water Resources Utilization
Department in its special projects.
Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected the six machines installed on two
pontoons which will be transported to Twingyi Pumped Water Project in Myaung Township,
Sagaing Division. Officials of WRUD reported to the minister on conveying of three
pontoons in stalled with eight pumps to Tanyaung River Pumped-Water Project in Salin
Township, Magway Division, and two pontoons installed with six pumps to Uminkoebauk River
Pumped-Water Project in Sale Township on 11, 12 and 15 February respectively. They said
arrangements are under way to transport six pumps installed on two pontoons, explaining
the power of the machines, size of the-pontoons and the weight of pumps and motors. The
pontoons were made by local industries. The minister and party inspected the pumps and
parts which will be installed at relay stations and imported high-lift pumps.
They also inspected pumps, pipes and parts which will be used at electrical
pumped-water projects at Kyogon, Yaybawthaung, Thabyaydan and Kangalay in Bawlekyun
region, Ainlcalaungkyun, Htantabin Township.
At linzee capsule production factory of Myanma Farms Enterprise in Mayangon Township,
in minister and party heard a report on production process of the capsules presented by
officials of MFE. After observing the production process, they inspected linzee mushroom
Commander attends Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw offering ceremony
of Maha Makudayanthi Myatmawtin Pagoda
Yangon, 27 Feb-The Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw offering ceremony of Maha Makudayanthi
Myatmawtin ' Pagoda in Ngapudaw Township, Pathein District, Ayeyawady Division, was held
at the pagoda on 25 February morning.
vPresent were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, military officers,
members of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council, Pathein District Chairman
Lt-Col Maung Pyone, departmental officials, guests and devotees.
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann presented Seinbudaw and Hnetmyatnadaw to members of
the Sangha for the pagoda. Members of the Sangha recited parittas. Commander Maj-Gen Thura
Shwe Mann and wife and officials presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Datu
Weiza Kyaung Sayadaw delivered a sermon. followed by sharing of mer its. At the auspicious
time, Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann fixed the Seinbudaw atop the pagoda Then, the
Commander performed the ritual of golden and silver showers..
Afterwards, the Commander met departmental officials, members of social organizations
and members of pagoda board of trustees. The Commander paid homage and presented cash to
Mawtin Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Nyanawvasa
Basic Tour Guide Course 1/2001 to be opened
Yangon, 27 Feb- Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services will open Basic Tour Guide Course No
1/2001 on 23 April. Lists of those who are permitted to attend the course will be
announced at the training school of Ministry of Hotels and Tourism at No 40, Bo Sun Pat
Street in Panbedan Township. Those in Yangon who passed personal interview are to register
at Directorate of Hotels and Tourism from 6 to 23 March and those in townships 20 April at
the latest.
( 9
) Drug dealer gets 15 years
Yangon, 27 Feb- A team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Tachilek
Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the farm hut of Aik Phone, 50, at
the bank of Maehok Creek in Tachilek Township and found 500 grams of raw opium and 45
stimulant tablets on 9 September 2000. The Tachilek Township Police Force filed a lawsuit
against him in accord with the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The
Tachilek District court handed down three years' imprisonment under Section 15 and
12 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him to serve separately on 29
December 2000.