( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Kuwait
Yangon, 25 Feb-Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait on the occasion of the National Day of the State of Kuwait which falls on 25 February 2001.
( 2 ) Villages and towns need to practise proper maintenance of water
Fourth National Sanitation Week (2001) inaugurated
Yangon, 24 Feb-The inauguration of the Fourth National Sanitation Week (2001) was held at the Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Street this morning, with an address by Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the deputy ministers, members of National Health Committee, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, heads of departments, Ambassadors of ASEAN nations, diplomats, resident representatives of UN Agencies, chairmen and officials of social associations, the
directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, the deputy directors-general, rectors, medical superintendents, members of committee for inauguration of the Fourth National Sanitation Week (2001), observers from Nepal, guests and nurses.
The Secretary-1 delivered a speech. He said: It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on this auspicious occasion, inaugurating the Fourth National Sanitation Week and to have the opportunity to deliver the opening address. With the aim to foster peace, economic, social and human development, which are prerequisites to attain the goal of a peaceful, prosperous, modern and developed nation, the State Peace and Development Council has set as one of the pillars of four social objectives the
" Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation". In keeping with this objective, health, well-being and human development have been assigned high priority in our national development
In the health sector, a National Health Committee was established in 1989 in order to provide guidance for health development in the country. Subsequently a National Health Policy was laid down in 1993, stressing the commitment to achieving the Health for All Goals through the Primary Health Care approach. The National Health Policy is geared towards achieving National Health Development in the context of all-round development of the country with emphasis on close collaboration between health and health related sectors, NGOs and international agencies. One of the decisions taken by the National Health Committee was to institute National Sanitation Week with the objective of reducing the spread of communicable diseases, educating the general public in the values of sanitation and assisting the people in the actual implementation of sanitary work. Allow me to recall that the First National Sanitation Week was held in 1998 and since then, Myanmar has been regularly implementing Sanitation Week as a national campaign every year. As a result, sanitation work coverage, which was 39 per cent in 1997 before the First National Sanitation Week, has now increased to 83 per cent following the Third National Sanitation Week last year.
Moreover, it is our hope that by the end of year 2001 and with the momentum of the present Fourth National Sanitation Week campaign the coverage will reach 100 per cent. In this Fourth National Sanitation Week, we are concentrating not only on sanitation works but are also paying special attention to systematic waste disposal and the availability of clean and safe water. In the last decade, Myanmar has undergone tremendous changes due to the development efforts of the Government. The rapid and urban development has meant that squatters' quarters and thatch huts have now given way to apartment buildings, high-rise buildings, modern housing estates and industrial zones. It is only natural that rapid growth of urban centres calls for increased efforts for the protection of the environment and sanitary conditions of the towns and cities. The level of pollution, including industrial pollution is still very low in our country and the Government pays special attention to preserving our natural environment and maintaining clean air and water. Special care is taken so that our cities not only develop but remain healthy cities. The same applies to rural areas and the countryside. In addition to the sanitary work, emphasis is being given to educating the rural communities on personal hygiene and proper maintenance of water resources.

Similarly, the enormous improvement of infrastructure has resulted in vastly increased inter-action between urban and rural areas including remote border areas. Under these circumstances, it is essential that sanitary conditions including the availability of clean and safe water prevail all over the country. Only such conditions will prevent the outbreak and spread of communicable diseases caused by impure water and infected food. On its part, the government is doing its utmost to create favourable conditions for the prevention of communicable diseases.
The importance of clean and safe water sources for the health of the community cannot be overemphasized. Apart from the construction of sanitary works, every village and town should practise proper maintenance of water sources during this Fourth Sanitation Week. With the rapid development of urban centres, safe water supply has become a critical factor to address. Unsafe water sources can be the source of major disease outbreaks which can affect the lives of many people especially the young children. Therefore protection of safe water sources, construction of sanitary works and practising good hygiene are the main points that I would like to urge all of you to carry out with great momentum during this Fourth National Sanitation Week. The successes attained by the National Sanitation Weeks campaigns are due to the collaborative and united efforts of the administrative authorities at all levels, related government ministries, officials concerned, NGOs and the community who have actively participated in the nationwide movement, under the guidance of the National Health Committee.
Allow me to also place on record the valuable contribution made by the United Nations and other international organizations. On behalf of the Government of the Union of Myanmar, I wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to all who had given their time and selfless efforts to this noble campaign. This nationwide success achieved within such a short period was internationally recognized and appreciated by all, including the South East Asian Countries. Delegates from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bhutan, People's Republic of China, Vietnam and Laos came to Myanmar to observe our activities of the National Sanitation Week. The sharing of experience with each other has proved to be very fruitful for all. In conclusion, I would like to ask everyone to do their utmost in order to achieve our goals for the year 2001, that is to attain 100% sanitation work coverage.
Only then, there will be a reduction in communicable diseases mainly diarrhea diseases, leading to a healthy and productive community. To achieve this, each and everyone, including multisectoral government departments and non-governmental organizations should make a concerted effort and undertake sanitation programmes as a national endeavour. I am confident that the Fourth National Sanitation Week activities will result in great success. Next, UNICEF Resident Representative in Myanmar Mr John Bertrand Mendis also spoke on the occasion. The Secretary-1 and guests observed documentary photos of the Fourth National Sanitation Week (2001), publications and scale model of model primary school.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 inspects development tasks of Uto Farming Region
Yangon, 24 Feb - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, together with member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and heads of department, arrived at Myodaw Farm and Recreation Camp (Uto Farming Region) of Yangon City Development Committee this morning.

The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Chairman of YCDC Mayor U Ko Lay, member of YCDC Chairman of Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Supervisory Committee Col Thaung Wai and officials. The Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of the paddy, vegetable and fruit research centre. Head of Engineering Department (Building) of YCDC U Zaw Win reported on progress of construction work. General Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service Dr Min Aung reported on matters related to research work to be carried out at the centre, laboratories and apparatus, tissue culture, the experiment of quality strains, research on soil, cross-breeding, agricultural experiments and research on pest control. Mayor U Ko Lay and Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung gave additional reports.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on the construction of the research centre, installation of modern equipment, producing of experts and tasks to be carried out in cooperation with experts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of the research centre. The Secretary-1 and party also inspected cultivation of summer paddy, the digging of fish ponds and construction of the second nine-hole golf course at Uto Farm from the central tower. The Secretary-1 and party heard a report presented by Mayor U Ko Lay at Uto Farm and Recreation Camp. Mayor U Ko Lay said that according to the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, YCDC has set up agricultural and livestock breeding camps and is carrying out production work. With the aim of providing enough rice for the employees of YCDC and rice, meat, fish, vegetables and kitchen crops for Yangon City dwellers, agricultural and livestock breeding camps are being set up at Uto, Twantay, Htauk-kyant, Pale, Pyinmabin, North Okkalapa, Kyauktan and Maubin Townships. Uto farming region is the biggest of its kind, and cultivation work is being done over 10,000 acres of land at the agricultural camps, and arrangements are being made
to extend cultivation work. Flood gates, embankments, roads and bridges are being built at the camps. Production of paddy is enough for the employees of YCDC, and surpluses can be sold to the public. 
At the livestock breeding camps, fish, prawns, poultry, pigs and goats are being raised. Every day, 3,000 viss of fish up to 5,000 viss of fish and 35,000 fowl eggs are sold. Poultry farming is being carried out with incubators and pellating plants. At Htaukkyant, 130,000 fowls will be raised, and 80,000 eggs up to 100,000 eggs can be sold every day. At Kyaiktan Sea Prawn Breeding Camp, production work can start in April and May. Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than reported that according to the duty assigned by the government, arrangements are being made to produce sufficient paddy, meat, fish and vegetables. Previously, there was no sufficiency of rice in Yangon, but rice is now enough not only for employees and but also for the public and even there are surpluses. It is targeted to dig fish ponds on 30,000 acres of land in Yangon Division, and fish breeding work is now being carried out on over 27,000 acres of land. At the poultry farm of Yangon Command, 100,000 broilers and 50,000 fowls for eggs are being raised, and over 700 viss of chicken and over 20,000 fowl eggs are being sold daily. The regiments and units under Yangon Command are also raising 1.5 million fowls, and chicken and fowl eggs are being sold.
Departments and entrepreneurs are producing vegetables and kitchen crops at Nyaunghnabin Kwin, Yangon Division. Vegetables and kitchen crops are being sold at reasonable prices at tax-free markets and other markets. Minister Col Thein Nyunt reported on construction of roads. Then, the Secretary-1 said that arrangements are to be made to successfully implement the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. The strain of paddy which is suitable to the country is to be cultivated. Vegetables and kitchen crops are to be grown and produced to enable the people to buy them at reasonable prices. Supervision is to be provided to ensure systematic sale of products of agricultural and livestock breeding camps at tax-free markets. The roads linking the camps and markets are to be upgraded in order that they can be negotiable in all weathers. Uto farming region is to be upgraded into an agricultural and livestock breeding camp which provide enough food for Yangon City dwellers, and the research centre is to be completed as soon as possible. The Secretary-1 also spoke about establishment of a wildlife sanctuary where the people can enjoy rest and recreation. Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the plantations of kitchen crops. The Secretary-1 and party also heard a report on the breeding of fish. The Secretary-1 also inspected the vegetable patches and plantations of perennial crops cultivated in the green house. The Secretary-1 and party inspected the paddy drier, the milling of paddy at the 25-ton rice mill and peas and beans produced from Myodaw Agricultural Farm.
( 4 )
All-round construction of Mindhamma Hill in progress
Yangon, 24 Feb- Members of the Sangha, people and tourists thronged to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township today. Stone sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara Sayagyi U Taw Taw and sons carried on carving the Image. Engineers and workers of Construction Project Special Group-2 of Public Works participated in the construction of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi in which the Image will be kept and southern and northern stairways. Similarly, technicians fixed Myanmar handicraft at Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and stairways. Wut associations recited religious verses at the Image from morning to evening. Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information open various kinds of books. Myanmar Traditional Artistes and Artisans Asiayon (Central) opens a souvenir shop. Donations of well-wishers amounted to K 146,777,856 at the fund-raising unit of the Image on Mindhamma Hill from 5 August to date.
( 5 ) Minister inspects mung and sunflower plantations in Danubyu and Zalun Townships

Yangon, 24 Feb
-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, chairmen of Maubin District and Township Peace and Development Councils, members of Ayeyawady Division Agricultural Supervisory Committee, inspected Mee-thwaychaung Sluice Gate near Nyaungdonkyun Dyke at the border of Maubin and Nyaung-don Townships, Ayeyawady Division, this morning.
The Director-General of Irrigation Department and the Head of Ayeyawady Division Irrigation Department reported to the minister on the condition of the sluice gate which is not serviceable at present. The minister gave instructions on the use of the sluice gate in building a new sluice gate at Ngamoeyeik Creek, water supply, cultivation of cold season crops and assistance to be provided to establish a maize cultivation zone in the region.
The minister and party then inspected cultivation of mung and sunflower in the mung cultivation zone in Thabyu Village-tract, Danubyu Township. The minister met with farmers at Mayyilan Village in Zalun Township. The farmers reported to the minister on production of edible oil from mung and sunflower and progress of work in mixed cropping. General Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U Pyay Nyein reported to the minister on cultivation of mung and sunflower on over 80,000 acres of field, use of quality strains and bio-fertilizer and technical assistance and Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htain on cultivation of mung and sunflower to ensure sufficiency of edible oil not only in the region but also in the entire nation.
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin looked into requirements, and inspected samples of mung and sunflower, cultivation of mung and sunflower and a home-made machine used in milling sunflower for edible oil at villages. The minister inspected storage of water by Panhline Sluice Gate, and gave instructions on the dredging of silt near the sluice gate.
( 6 )
Stake-driving ceremony for Darka Bridge in Ayeyawady Division held
Yangon, 24 Feb-A stake-driving ceremony for construction of Darka Bridge in Ayeyawady Division was held at the designated place this morning. It was attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials. The Commander said that Darka Bridge is located on Yangon-Pathein Highway between Kyaunggon Township and Kangyidaunt Township.
Road and bridge projects are being implemented with greater momentum in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. As a result, it takes only three hours to travel from Yangon to Pathein, but it took 18 hours in the past. At present, Wakema Bridge, Shwelaung Bridge and Ayeyawady Bridge as well as this one are under construction at the same time. Thanks to these projects, the social and economic life of local people are improving. Farm produce, livestock and forest products from Ayeyawady Division can be easily transported to the market.Then, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said that the main bridge will be constructed with reinforced concrete beams, and the floor of the bridge will be reinforced concrete one.
The approach bridge will be built of reinforced concrete beams, and its floor will be reinforced concrete one. The foundation will be constructed with reinforced concrete piles. The total length of the bridge is 1,400 feet long. It has a 28-feet-wide motorway and two 5-feet-wide pedestrian lanes on its both sides. The approach roads are 1,200 feet on the bank of Yangon and 800 feet on the bank of Pathein. Its waterway clearance is 16 feet high and 93 feet wide. It can bear 60-ton loads.
The minister quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying that transportation plays a major role in striving for the development of the nation; only when there is smooth transport, will there be economic and social progress; roads and bridges are being built to narrow the gap of development among regions which are difficult of access. During the time of the present government, long span bridges are under construction across Ayeyawady and Chindwin Rivers in states and divisions in accord with the guidance of the Head of State. Thirty-one bridges have been constructed and commissioned into service in Ayeyawady Division.
At present, Wakema Bridge, Shwelaung Bridge, Ayeya-wady Bridge (Dedaye) as well as this bridge are in course of construction. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein took respective places. At the auspicious time, they drove stakes and sprinkled scented water onto them. Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun also drove No 4 reinforced concrete pile by pressing the buttom. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein sprinkled scented water on the pile.The ritual of golden and silver showers was performed to mark the success of the ceremony.
Commerce Minister inspects warehouses
Yangon, 24 Feb-Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, accompanied by Head of Office U Khin Latt, arrived at St John warehouses of Freight Haldling Division-1 of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in Lanma-daw Township this morning. They were welcomed there and conducted round the warehouses by Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung, general managers and officials. The minister gave necessary instructions to the officials.
( 7 ) Minister inspects Inndagaw Industrial Zone
Yangon, 24 Feb-Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, together with officials, arrived at Inndagaw Industrial Zone of the Ministry of Industry-2, in Inndagaw Region, Bago Division, this morning. They were welcomed by the director-general and managing directors, who reported on power and water supply and progress of construction work of the factory in the briefing hall. The minister gave instructions. Then, the minister inspected the building of a power tiller workshop and a lake for storage of water.
Commander inspects construction of rural road linking Hmawby and Hlegu Townships
Yangon, 24 Feb-Member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and officials inspected regional development in Yangon North District this afternoon. The commander arrived at cashew plantation of Yangon Command near Wanetchaung Village in Hmawby Township. He inspected plantation of cashew and pine-apples and gave instructions. The commander inspected poultry farming of Yadana Theingi Co Ltd. It produces 10,000 eggs a day. The commander inspected construction of seven-mile long earth road linking Wanetchaung Village in Hmawby Township and Ngahsutaung in Kya-in Ashay Village in Hlegu Township. He then gave instructions. The commander also inspected construction of 35-mile long Bago Yoma west region development road passing through seven villages between Hlegu and Taikkyi Townships.
Commander visits vegetable plantation, Mandalay Industrial Zone
Yangon, 24 Feb - Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein,the Deputy Commander and departmental officials, inspected vegetable plantation No 3 of Mandalay Cooperative Society in Pyigyitagun Township on 22 February morning. The commander proceeded to construction site of Letkhokepin Creek Bridge and inspected progress of work. The minister gave instructions to officials. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint also inspected assembling of super Mandala Jeep at Thein Zaw Workshop in Thabyay Street in Mandalay Industrial Zone and assembling of super Mandala Jeep at U Myint SweÕs Mann Star Workshop in Maha Aungmyay Township and gave suggestions. The commander then paid homage to Sayadaw Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika
Bhaddanta Kosalla and offered provisions to the Sayadaw in Paleik.
( 8
) UMFCCI delegation finds markets in India
Yangon, 24 Feb- A Myanmar delegation led by President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint arrived back here yesterday evening after paying a 10-day visit to seek new market for Myanma products and to observe new technology in India at the invitation of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). While in New Delhi, Secretary of Ministry of Food Processing Mr Omesh Saigal and President of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) Mr D Rajagopalan met the Myanmar delegation separately. They discussed bilateral economic cooperation and assistance to be provided to Myanmar.
The Myanmar delegation visited International Engineering, Manufacturing & Technology
Fair IETF 2001 organized by CII in New Delhi. On 17 February, the Myanmar delegation met Indian entrepreneurs at CII Head Office. Then, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding between UMFCCI and CII and officials of Myanmar Pulses & Beans and Sesame Merchants Association and Jindal Agro International also signed an MoU. Myawaddy Trading Co Ltd delegation signed an agreement with Vimalar Global Trade Pte Ltd in Mumbai on 18 February and members of the Myanmar delegation and H-S Excel Pte Ltd signed an agreement on trading pulses and beans in Chennai on 20 February. The delegation visited industries in Bangalore and Calcutta. While in India, 19 entrepreneurs including Vice-President of UMFCCI U Win Aung, Chairman of Myanmar Pulses & Beans and Sesame Merchants Association U Tun Aung, Chairman of Shan State (South) Commerce and Industry U Sai Ba Nyan met Indian entrepreneurs and held talks with them.
Shan State (North) MPF holds third four-monthly coord meeting
Yangon, 24 Feb- Shan State (North) Myanmar Police Force held the third four-monthly coordination meeting for Year 2000 at Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Office in Lashio on 20 February afternoon. Present were Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, staff officers of the command headquarters, Secretary of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Han and members, Additional Shan State Police Commander Police Col Thein Han and commanders of district and township police stations. First, the commander gave a speech. Police Col Thein Han clarified instructions of the Minister for Home Affairs and the Deputy Minister and the Director-General of Myanmar Police Force. Officials took part in the discussions. Then, the additional police commander presented prizes to respective police members for their outstanding performance in the discharge of duty and sports events.
( 9
) Taninthayi Division Police Force holds coord meeting
Yangon, 24 Feb-The third four-monthly coordination meeting of Taninthayi Division Police Force for Year 2000 was held at Pale Yadana Hall in Myeik on 19 and 20 February. Present were Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Lat, Commander of Taninthayi Naval Region Command Commodore Soe Myint, the secretary of Division Peace and Development Council, departmentalÊ officials, the Division Police Commander Police Col Chit Yin and officials. The commander spoke on the occasion. Next, Police Col Chit Yin explained instructions of the Minister and Deputy Minister for Home Affairs and Director-General of Myan-mar Police Force. Task of the District and Township Police Forces were discussed.
Kachin, Yangon emerge champions in 23rd ISD Golf Team C'ship
Yangon, 24 Feb- The prize presentation for winners in the 23rd Inter-State/Division Golf Team Championship 2001, organized by Sports and Physical Education Department and Myanmar Golf Federation and sponsored by Isuzu Motors Ltd of Japan, was held at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon yesterday evening. Present were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, President of Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, Secretary-General of MGF U Aung Kyi and executives, officials of the Sports and Physical Education Department and guests. After the fourth and final round, the prize presentation ceremony was held. Executive of Yangon Golf Club U Tin Ngwe presented first and second prizes to Mar Goon (Kachin State) and Police Major Win Naing (Ayeyawady Division) in the Team Captain Tournament. Country Representative of Isuzu Motors Ltd of Japan U Aye Cho presented first, second and third prizes to Myint Soe Aung (Shan State-South) (274 strokes), Tun Aung (Kachin) (275) and Win Naing (Rakhine) (277) in the individual handicap event respectively. Secretary-General of MGF U Aung Kyi and President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented second and first prizes to Shan State (South) with 840 strokes and Kachin State 835 in the team handicap event respectively. General Manager Mr K Iida of Isuzu Motors Ltd of Japan presented first, second and third prizes to Zaw Win (Bago) with 299 strokes, Myo Min Aung (Mandalay) 302 and Aung Hsan Win (Yangon) 304 in the individual scratch event respectively. Deputy Director-General of SPED Lt-Col Thein Aung presented prize to Mandalay Division team which stood second in the team scratch event with 931 strokes; and Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented prizes to members of Yangon Division team which stood first with 922 strokes in the team scratch event, and championship trophy to the leaders of the team. Then, Yangon Division team captain Col Tun Yi spoke words of thanks. Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd organized the tournament.