( 1 ) 16,000-member
Myanmar Nurses Association urged to stand as qualified national force
Secretary-1 addresses opening of 46th Nurses Conference
YANGON, 23 Feb- A ceremony to open the 46th Nurses Conference of Myanmar Nurses
Association was held in the meeting hall of the Institute of Nursing this morning,
addressed by Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary- 1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-l said that at a time when the government is striving for the uplift of
standard of health of national people and improvement of health care as a national duty,
the efficient and dynamic association which mobilizes and unites nurses who play an
important role in providing health care, is a reliable basis for the uplift of standard of
health of national people. Myanmar Nurses Association, formed in 1948, has extended over a
period of 50 years, and it is an association steeped in tradition. Further more, the
association is organizing and leading member nurses, firmly standing as an efficient and
dynamic national force and having an active part in national tasks.
It is no wonder MNA made up of nurses who are imbued with such noble qualities as being
honest, having a heart of gold, being kind hearted, being indulged in common welfare
activities and looking after patients with kindness and care, is taking the lead in
promoting national interests. However, it merits commendation. All the members are to
strive with national outlook to enable MNA with the membership of over 16,000 and 168
branches to firmly stand as a qualified national force on which the State relies. The
State Peace and Development Council, enlisting the strength of the entire national people,
is working with might and main for the all-round development of the Union of Myanmar. In
this regard, an objective calling for the uplift of health and fitness of standard of all
the national people was laid down and is being implemented.
At the same time, to ensure the improvement of living standards of all 'he national
people and the uplift of standard of health and education, national health plans and
national education plans are being put into motion. The national health plans are designed
to pay more attention to preliminary health care for the people and to provide health care
not only in rural areas but also in border areas. Strategies have been laid down to enable
the people to enjoy the best of health while working in the interests of their families,
their community and their country. With the aim of providing effective health care for the
people, promoting the quality of public health care and enabling all the national people
to enjoy-the equal access to health care services, rural dispensaries, rural health care
centres and hospitals have been opened in the entire nation.
Hospitals and specialist hospitals have been opened in cities of states and divisions,
and district hospitals and township hospitals upgraded. Measures are being taken to
improve the standard of hospitals to such an extent that modern medical treatment and
medical equipment can be used. At district hospitals, special care units have been opened,
and modem diagnostic and treatment equipment has been provided. As public health care
services have become extensive and is making progress, the qualitative and quantitative
improvement of nurses who are playing an increasingly larger role in public health care
services has become a very important health requirement. Institutes of nursing and nurses
training schools, midwifery training schools, the primary health university and training
schools have been set up to produce qualified health employees such as nurses, midwives,
woman health employees and health assistant officers and. to provide effective health care
services in border areas and rural areas.
Moreover, advanced nursing courses are also being opened to produce specialist nurses
for special medical treatment and operations. To train enough qualified nurses, midwives
and woman health employees, one institute of nursing each has been opened in Yangon and
Mandalay, 18 three-year nursing diploma training's schools, one advanced nursing training
school, one nursing field-training school and one dental health nursing training school in
Yangon and every state and division, 16 midwifery training schools, one house-to-house
midwifery training school and one woman health employee training school in states and
divisions. Before 1988, there was no institute of nursing but six nurses training schools,
16 midwifery training schools and four nursing-related training schools. So, the increase
in the opportunities of the nurses world can be guessed.
According to the aims of the health sector covered by the special four-year national
education promotion plan, arrangements are being made to open more nursing training
schools to produce 1,000 nurses every year instead of 500 to ensure that the ratio of
doctors to nurses is one to three. In 1987-88, there were 8,299 nurses and in 19992000,
there were 12,821 nurses. Bridge courses have been opened to enable nurses to do the
B.N.Sc course, and the M.N.Sc course will be opened in 2001-2002 academic year. There are
now professor nurses in Myanmar; some of the nurses have been sent to Australia to attend
doctorate courses; thus there will be nurses holding PhD degrees in Myanmar. Hospitals
have been extended and senior administration officer positions for nurses, created.
Today's nurses have better opportunities for the advancement of their life.
As they are being promoted to higher levels and technical posts, nurses should strive
to uplift their qualifications to be able to widely conduct public health care promotion
tasks and to be skilled in advanced treatment and surgery functions in addition to their
normal duties. As public health care task has been broadened beyond the scope of treatment
and reaching disease control and prevention, promotion of public health care promotion
care and rehabilitation fields, nurses should strive to serve duties in accord with the
developing trend. Nurses who are serving duties at hospitals, dispensaries and rural heal
care centres should take part with might and main in giving health and hygienic education
to the public. The government in is efforts to uplift the asocial and economic life of the
national races is giving priority to the progress of rural areas where majority of the
population lives.
Good education and health foundations play a vital role in uplifting the socioeconomic
life of the rural people; the dutiful services of health staff, midwives and nurses who
are engaging in rural health care promotion task are directly contributing to realizing
the State's goals, they should exert more efforts in implementing their tasks. MNA in
cooperation with WHO is implementing the Patient Centred Nursing Care Project at North
Okkalapa Hospital - in Yangon,Hpa-an People's Hospital in Kayin State and Central Women's
Hospital in Mandalay Division for emergence of the Patient Centred Nursing Care Model in
Myanmar. It is required for-MNA to help bring out sincere and skilled nurses possessing
humanitarian spirit as development and effectiveness of public health care services
depends on them. As the virtues and qualities of Myanmar nurses such as high
qualifications, potency, obedience, amicability, duty consciousness, kindness and goodwill
have been acknowledged internationally, they should collectively strive to maintain these
virtues and qualities.

It is encouraging to see members of MNA
actively taking part in the national health movements such as National Immunization Days
and National Environment Day. They should maintain the momentum of their activities which
are important in promoting public health care standard. Participants at the conference
should harmoniously exchange know ledge in striving to uplift the various fields of the
health sector. Nurses should strive to always win the public trust and reliance. In
conclusion, he urged the nurses to strive to become qualified and patriotic nurses serving
as the main pillar in uplifting health and fitness of the entire national people under the
leadership of MNA. The Secretary- 1 and party then inspected the photos on the activities
of MNA (Central) and its subordinate bodies.
( 2 ) Commander attends opening of
Traditional Medicine Clinic in Thabaung
YANGON, 23 Feb- The Traditional Medicine Clinic in Thabaung Township, Ayeyawady
Division, was opened in front of the clinic on 19 February.
It was attended by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of South-West Command Maj Gen Thura Shwe Mann and party, the Chairman of Pathein
District Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, members of social
organizations and local people. The commander formally opened the clinic. Then, the
documents related to the centre were handed over to the head of the clinic. Later, the
commander and party inspected the centre. The deputy head of the clinic accepted the cash
donated for the centre.
The commander and party proceeded to Thabaung Township People's Hospital and inspected
the health care services and construction of an extended building. The commander gave
instructions on agriculture, livestock, education, health and transport to officials.
Afterwards, the commander inspected Basic Education High School, Thabaung, and work being
carried out for construction of 200 ton Pulp Factory under the Ministry of Industry-l and
attended to the needs. The commander then met with officials of No 4 Plywood Factory of
Myanma Timber Enterprise in Pathein and gave instructions.
Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Industrial Development Trade
Fair 2001 opens
YANGON, 23 Feb- A ceremony to open the Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Industrial
Development Trade Fair 2001, sponsored by Shweayeya Co Ltd, was held at Tatmadaw
Convention Centre on U Wisara Road in Dagon Township this morning.
Present were Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Minister for
Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister for Progress
of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Minister for
Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Chairman of Yangon City Development
Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, Deputy
Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies and Deputy Director of Defence Services
Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, senior military officers and officials. Minister Brig-Gen
Maung Maung Thein and Director of Shweayeya Co Ltd U Than Aung formally opened the fair.
Then, ministers and guests viewed booths of the fair. A total of 86 booths of 28 local
and foreign companies participate in the fair. The fair is opened to all from 9 am to 6 pm
daily till 25 February. Admission is free.
Commander inspects construction work in Amarapura Township
Yangon, 23 Feb- Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein,
Commander of Tactical Operations Command Col Tun Kyi and departmental officials, inspected
construction of Strand Road (Shwekyetyet Section) near Shwekyetyet Pagoda in Amarapura
Township, and gave instructions to the officials. Then, the commander and party inspected
construction of Moegaung Creek Bridge on Strand Road in Amarapura Township. Later, the
commander inspected tasks being carried out for the greening and beauty of Mandalay Lake,
and gave instructions to the officials.
( 3 ) Minister meets with export
Yangon, 23 Feb - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met with peas and beans export
entrepreneurs at the ministry this evening. Also present were the adviser to the Ministry
of Commerce, directors-general, managing directors, deputy directors-general, directors,
the Vice-President and officials of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
Commerce and Industry, officials of Myanmar Peas and Beans and Sesame Dealers Association
and guests. The minister spoke of issuing permits for exporting peas and beans, and
encouraged all to contribute to the meeting. Vice-Chairman of UMFCCI U Htain Win and
Vice-Chairman of MPBSDA U Sein Win Hlaing also spoke. Then, the minister made concluding
Minister U Aung Thaung meets foreign guests
Yangon, 23 Feb- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met Managing Director Mr Ubaldo
Pannacci of GPN Asia Ltd of Italy, which was based in Hong Kong, at 4 pm today and
Chairman Mr Lin Zai You of Yunnan Machinery & Equipment Import & Export
Corporation (YMEC) and party at 5 pm at his office. Also present at the calls were Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and the directors-general and managing directors of departments
and industries under the ministry.
UMFCCI CEC member meets officials of British Council
YANGON,23 Feb- Central Executive Committee member of Union of Myanmar Federation of
Chambers of Commerce and Industry Chairman of Economic and Education Committee U Sein Win
Hlaing and members met Director and Cultural Attache of British Council Mr Graham
Millington and Ms Tracey Maclennan of LCCI Examination Board at the head office this
afternoon. They discussed matters relating to Applied Accounting & Management Course
and UMFCCI Level I, II and III courses.
( 4 ) 46th
Nurses Conference of Myanmar Nurses Association held
Yangon, 23 Feb- The 46th Nurses Conference of Myanmar Nurses Association was held
at the hall of the Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Street this morning.
Present were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Ministers Prof Dr Mya Oo and
Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General Dr Paing Soe of Medical Research Department,
Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (Central) Prof Daw Kyu Kyu
Swe, Chairperson of Myanmar Nurses Association Daw E Barbaro and Executive Committee
members, delegates of states and divisions and guests.
First, Matron Daw Grace Philip presented special prizes to winners in the model nurses
contest; Vice-Chairperson-3 of MNA Daw Aye Myint, model trainee awards to respective
trainees; Vice-Chairperson-1 Daw May Win, special trainee wards to respective trainees;
and Chairperson Daw E Barbaro, gifts to calendar cover girls. Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw
Myint presented first, second and third model nurses association branch awards to Hpa-an
Township Branch, Pakokku Township Branch and Lashio Township Branch respectively. Deputy
Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo presented first, second and third model nurse awards to Ma Maw Maw
Win of Magway Division Nurses Training School, Mi Yi Mon of Mon State Nurses Training
School and Saw Jeremy James of Yangon General Hospital Training School respectively.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented first, second and third model nurse awards to U Gin
Gaw Khaing of Taze Township, Lt Thida Aye of Defence Services General Hospital and Daw
Thuza Pyone of North Okkalapa General Hospital respectively. Director-General Dr Paing Soe
of MRD and Deputy Director-General Dr Hla Pe of Health Department presented prizes to the
nurses who won awards for Excellence Performance in Social Field (Third Class).
Then, the minister and the deputy ministers presented medals for the model nurses
association branch, the model trainee nurse and the model nurse to respective winners.
Afterwards, a general round of discussions followed. The officials presented certificates
of honour to wellwishers. In the evening, the Chairperson of MNA hosted a dinner in honour
of the delegates at the institute.
Minister inspects Garment Factory in Mayangon
Yangon, 23 Feb- Minister for Industry-1 U
Aung Thaung, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and departmental heads,
arrived at No-4 Garment Factory of Myanma Textile Industries at No 62, U Tun Nyein Street,
Mayangon Township this morning. The minister inspected the plot chosen for the extension
of the factory and production and maintenance work, and gave necessary instructions.
Factory Manager Daw Aye Kyi Kyi reported on condition of production work and raw
materials, and Managing Director of MTI U Oo Thein Maung gave a supplementary report in
the briefing hall of the factory. The minister urged the officials to work hard, draw up
plans for the next fiscal year and strive to boost production.
( 5 ) Wellwishers present donations for Tatmadawmen
Yangon, 23 Feb- A ceremony to present cash assistance to Tatmadawmen who are
discharging military operations duty in the far-flung areas of the country and to families
of those who passed away in the line of duty near Hpa-an through the Office of the
Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defence was held at the Tatmadaw Guest House at No 16
on Ooyin Road at 5 pm today.

Present were Deputy Chief of the Office of
Strategic Studies and Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win,
senior military officers of the OSS and wellwishers. Managing Director U Tin Htut of
Metroasia Myanmar Ltd presented K 11.5 million donated by Metroasia Myanmar Ltd, Shwe
Thanlwin Co Ltd, Metroasia Factory Ltd, (Hercules Spray Fertilizer), Asia Express, Suntac
International Trading Co Ltd, Myanmar Seafood Ltd, Shwe Thrawun Shae Hsaung Fishery Ltd,
Pinya Manufacturing Co Ltd, Myanmar Awba Ltd, IT Link Group, Myanmar Automobile Group,
Myamar Paper and Stationery Ltd, U Thurein Win and wife and Myanmar Megasteel Industries
Ltd to Deputy Chief of the OSS Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, on behalf of the Chief of the Office of
Strategic Studies. Similarly, on behalf of the Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies,
Deputy Chief of OSS Maj-Gen Kyaw Win accepted K 7 million donated by Kanbawza Bank Ltd and
K 1 million by Super One Co. Then, Managing Director U Tin Htut of Metroasia Myanmar Ltd
explained the purpose of the donations. Afterwards, Deputy Chief of OSS Maj-Gen Kyaw Win
spoke words of thanks.
Auditor-General inspects account offices in Sagaing Division
YANGON, 23 Feb- Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye together with Director-General of
Auditor-General's Office U Khin Maung Lin and officials inspected district/ township
account office in Hkamti and gave instructions to the staff on auditing. The
Auditor-General met with Hkamti District/Township level departmental officials on 15
February, with staff of Homalin Township account office on 17 February, with Homalin
Township level departmental officials on 18 February morning, with staff of Phaungpyin
Township account office on 18 February evening and with Phaungpyin Township level
departmental officials on 19 February morning.
On 19 February evening, he also met with staff of Mawlaik Township account office, with
township level departmental heads on 20 February morning and with account officers of
township account offices in Kalaywa on 20 February afternoon. On 21 February he inspected
Kalay Township account office. In his meetings, the Auditor-General gave instructions on
auditing, management and regional development and fulfilled their needs.
( 6 ) Myanmar-Japan Pre-primary
Children Friendship Arts Exhibition opened
Yangon, 23 Feb- The opening ceremony of Myanmar-Japan Pre-primary Children Friendship
Arts Exhibition, organized by Ko Ko Ro Volunteer Group and Social Welfare Department, was
held at Lawkanat Arts Gallery on Pansodan Street in Kyauktada Township this morning.
Present were officials of Social Welfare Department and Library, Museum and Exhibition
Supervisory Committee, teachers of pre-primary schools under the department and guests. On
behalf of the Director-General, Director U Khin Aung, Manager of Lawkanat Arts Gallery U
Aung Tun and Mr Jimbo and Mrs Jimbo of Ko Ko Ro Volunteer Group formally opened the
exhibition. Director U Khin Aung made an opening speech. Mr Jimbo and Manager U Aung Tun
spoke words of thanks. Altogether 170 paintings including 50 paintings of Fukuda
Pre-primary School in Arka City, Japan and 120 paintings of pre-primary schools and day
care nurseries of Social Welfare Department were on display at the exhibition.
New BEPS opens in Taninthayi Township
Yangon, 23 Feb- A ceremony to open a new basic education primary school in Kyauklongyi
Village, Taninthayi Township, Taninthayi Division, was held at the new school on 4
February morning. Present on the occasion were local battalion commanders, Township
Assistant Education Officer U Kaung and departmental personnel, townselders, teachers and
students and over 1,000 local people. The school was built at a cost of over K 3 million
by local people.
Myanmar Trade Fair continues
YANGON, 23 Feb- Myanmar Trade Fair 2001 continued for the second day at Yangon Trade
Centre in MingalaTaungnyunt Township today. Quartz International Co Ltd organized the fair
with the permission of Ministry of Commerce. It will continue till 25 February and
admission is free.
( 7 ) Conference of ENT Surgeons on 25 March
Yangon, 23, Feb- The 13th Conference of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeons will
be held at New Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital (Yangon) from 25 to 27 March.Before the
conference, Workshop on Temporal Bone Surgery will also be held from 21 to 24 March at the
same venue. ENT Surgeons Association Executive Committee has again reminded those wishing
to attend the workshop to register in advance and to attend the conference.
Kyemon and Myanma Alin dailies to be printed and distributed in
YANGON, 23 Feb- Kyemon and Myanma Alin dailies will be printed in Mandalay and
distributed directly to the townships in Mandalay Division, Sagaing Division, Kachin State
and Shan State (North) starting from I May 2001.
Agents for the papers in Mandalay need not go and collect the papers at Mandalay
International Airport (TadaU) and are to collect the papers at sub-printing house of
Kyemon and Myanma Alin dailies in Mandalay (formerly Myo Myint Cinema) Palengweyaung
Street, Aungmyaythazan Township, between 20th Street and 21st Street and between 82nd Road
and 83rd Road. -Those who want to subscribe the papers from above mentioned States and
Divisions may contact township offices of Information and Public Relations Department
Subscribers will have to deposit monthly fee K 120 for each paper in advance. Arrangements
will be made for publishing and distributing the papers in Myitkyina, Taunggyi, Kengtung,
Magway, Kalay, Hpa-an and Sittway.
( 8
) USDA members of Shan State (North) visit Yangon
Yangon, 23 Feb- Altogether 36 members of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association from Tamoenye Region of Kutkai Township, Shan State (North), accompanied by
officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs, toured Yangon this morning. First, the
excursion group visited the Buddha's Tooth Relic Pagoda on Dhamma Pala Hill in Mayangon
Township and presented cash towards the pagoda funds. They proceeded to Hlinethaya City of
Industry and visited FMI Padaythabin City. The excursion group visited Myanma Radio and
Television on Pyay Road and Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road. Then,
Central Executive Committee member of USDA Col Tin Hlaing met the excursion group of Shan
State (North) at Yankin Education College at 6.30 pm today. Col Tin Hlaing presented a
souvenir to them.
( 9
) Two women and one man jailed for drug trafficking
YANGON, 23 Feb- The Kalay District Court punished two women and one man, giving 25
years' imprisonment each to them for trafficking heroin on 29 January this year.
A combined team comprising the members of local intelligence unit and local Myanmar
Police Force, acting on information, at the corner of Bogyoke Street and Wayzayanda
Street, stopped and searched Ma El Mar Lay and Ma Lwe Lun, who were on a bicycle, and
seized 12.16 grams of heroin on 27 November 1999. Further information led to the arrest of
Soe Pay. The Kalay Police Station took action against Ma El Mar Lay, 17, daughter of U Gin
t Shin Tan of Block 14, Panlong Ward, Kalay, Ma Lwe Lun, 19, daughter of U Neimt Kham
Paung of Block 8, the same ward and.Soe Pay, 21, son of U Hla Maung of Block 14, the same
- ward under Section 15/19 (A) 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The
Kalay District Court heard the case and sentenced the trio to 25 years each in prison
under Section 19 (A).