( 1 ) State Peace
and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Brunei
Yangon, 23 Feb-On the occasion of the National Day of Brunei Darussalam which falls on
23 February 2001, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Majesty Sultan
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei
( 2 ) Committee for Carving Lawka
Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image meets
Yangon, 22 Feb-A meeting of Committee for Carving Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni took
place at the briefing hall on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where the Image is kept
this afternoon. Present at the meeting were Chairman of the Committee Deputy Minister for
Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for Science and
Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and members, departmental officials, technicians and members of
the Pagoda Board of Trustees. Deputy Minister U Nyi Hla Nge made a speech on the occasion.
Then, resolutions of the previous meeting were explained. Officials reported on work
done and future tasks. The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko. A total of 153 children of Child All-round Development
Centre led by executive of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Daw Khin Swe
Nyunt together with officials visited the Image and made cash donations. Stone sculptor
Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons continued carving of the Image.

The engineers and workers of Construction
Project Special Group-2 of Public Works carried out building of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and
southern and northern stairways. Wut associations recited religious verses from morning to
evening. The Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Information opened
bookshops and sold various kinds of books there. Myanmar Artists and Artisans Asiayon
(Central) also sold souvenirs made of marble. Member of the State Central Working
Committee of the Sangha Presiding Sayadaw of Eindawya Dagon Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga
Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Gunananda and lay disciples donated K 200,000 for all-round
construction of the Hill through Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko. Donations
received from 5 August to date amounted to K 146,199,476.
Shwedagon Pagoda Buddha Pujaniya from 27 Feb to 8 March
Yangon, 22 Feb- The Buddha Pujaniya of Shwedagon Pagoda will be held from 27 February
to 8 March (from 6th waxing of Taboung to the Fullmoon Day of the Myanmar month) at the
Pagoda. For 10 days, 120 members of the Sangha will uninterruptedly recite religious
verses at the Pujaniya marking the 2589th anniversary of the Shwedagon. Devotees will
offer " soon ", flowers, water, lights and incense to the pagoda during the
religious festival. Provisions will be presented to 81 members of the Sangha including the
Pagoda Oavadacariya Sayadaws and 27 nuns at 4 pm on 7 March (Wednesday). Members of the
Sangha and laypersons may contact the Pagoda Board of Trustees to make donations at the
Pujaniya which will be held on a grand scale in accord with the religious tradition.
( 3 ) Myanmar Trade Fair 2001

Yangon, 22 Feb - Myanmar Trade Fair 2001
opened at Yangon Trade Centre in Mingala Taungnyunt this morning, participated by 20 local
and foreign companies which open 50 booths there. Visitors to the fair may find various
brands of locally made and imported goods including textiles, garments, cosmetics, social
goods, plastic ware, electronic equipment, installation equipment, foodstuff, paper,
stationery, packaging materials, skin lotion and optical equipment at the booths. Minister
for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Director U Win Naing Oo of the sponsor company, Quartz
International Co Ltd, formally opened the fair, held with the permission of Ministry of
Commerce and assistance of Directorate of Defence Services Museum and Historical Research
Market promotion exhibition and entertainment programmes are also included at the fair.
Offering free admission to the public, the fair opens from 9 am to 6 pm daily till 25
February with the aim of offering consumers the opportunity to systematically and widely
study the domestic products which meet international standard, enabling national
entrepreneurs from border areas to study production of standard goods through advanced
methods, winning firmer markets, promoting packing systems, producing more goods of
international quality and gaining better foundations for the market-oriented economy.

Also present at the opening ceremony were
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, deputy ministers, heads of
department, officials, the secretary and members of Mingala Taungnyunt Township Union
Solidarity and Development Association, Managing Director of QICL U Aung Aung and members
of the board of directors, entrepreneurs, staff and guests. The ministers, the deputy
ministers and party also visited the booths of the fair.
Coordination meeting on supervision of
opium substitute buckwheat cultivation held
Yangon, 22 Feb- A coordination meeting on supervision of opium substitute buckwheat
cultivation was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and
National Races and Development Affairs this afternoon with an address by Minister for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister said that 18 tons of buckwheat were exported to
Japan last year, and Myanmar's efforts in the fight against narcotic drugs could be made
known to the world, and added the this year buckwheat cultivation is more successful than
it was last year, and urged officials to coordinate work for extension of buckwheat
cultivation next year. Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun reported on materialization of opium substitute
buckwheat cultivation project beginning 1997 and the present condition of the project.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on last year
cultivation of buckwheat and extension of buckwheat cultivation next year. Later, General
Manager U Moe Paw reported on purchase and transport of buckwheat and export of it to
Japan. In replying to their reports, the minister gave instructions and fulfilled their
( 4 ) Minister
receives President of Tianjin Machinery Import and Export Corporation (Group)
Yangon, 22 Feb -Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received President
of Tianjin Machinery Import and Export Corporation (Group) Mr Ding Jing Xin and party at
his office at 4 pm today. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Industry-1
Brig-Gen Kyaw Win,Director-General of Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing,Director-General
of Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi,Managing Director
of Myanma Textile Industries U Oo Thein Maung and General Manager U Mya Thein,General
Manager of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries U Thein Win and Head Office U Myint Swe.
Minister receives Senior Executive President of Swiss Singapore
Overseas Enterprises

Yangon, 22 Feb - Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San received Senior
Executive President of Swiss Singapore Overseas Enterprises Pte Ltd and Grasim Industrial
Limited (Aditya Birla Group) India Mr S K Saboo and party at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Director-General of Cooperatives Department Col Soe Win,
Director-General of Cottage Industries Department U Sein Than, Managing Director of
Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise Daw Khin Swe Soe, Adviser Dr Than Htaik and
Minister receives officials of Foreign Co Ltd
Yangon, 22 Feb - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Adviser of Sun Beam
International Co Ltd Mr SK Saboo and party of Singapore at his office at 4 pm today. The
minister also received Managing Director of Agro Corp Mr Vijay Iyengar and party at 4.30
pm. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan,
directors-general, managing directors and officials.
( 5 ) UMFCCI Vice-President meets Japanese guests
Yangon, 22 Feb-Vice-President U Win Aung, General Secretary U Zaw Min Win and
executives of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry met Deputy
Director-General of Development Bank of Japan Mr Ryu Kukui and Senior Assistant Manager Mr
Masaaki Suzuki at the head office this afternoon. They cordially and openly discussed
finance, banking affairs, small and medium economic matters between Myanmar and Japan.
Nepalese health delegation visits Health Planning Department
Yangon, 22 Feb - The 19-member Nepalese health delegation visited the Health Planning
Department at No 44 on Theinbyu Road this afternoon. The Nepalese delegation is currently
here under the cooperation programme of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF to study three
tasks of hygiene being undertaken in Myanmar the use of sanitary latrine, the
drinking of pure water and personal hygiene. Director (Health Education) Dr Khin Than Oo
extended greetings to the delegation and explained matters related to health education
activities designed to enlist public participation. Deputy Director (Health Education) Dr
Khin Maung Lwin spoke about the three tasks of hygiene being carried out right down to
grass- roots level. Also present were assistant directors and health education officers of
the Central Health Education Department.
Minister receives Israeli Ambassador
Yangon, 22 Feb-Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Ambassador of Israel Mr
Baruch Ram at his office on Pyidaungsu Road at 3 pm today. Also present on the occasion
were Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, and officials.
( 6 ) Commander attends coordination
meeting of Ayeyawady Division and Township DADs
Yangon, 22 Feb- Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann attended the coordination meeting of
Ayeyawady Division and Township Development Affairs Departments at the meeting hall of
Division Peace and Development Council Office on 18 February morning. Present also were
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, members of Division, District and Township Peace and
Development Councils, Division level departmental officials, Director of Division
Development Affairs Department, Township Executive Officers and engineers. Director U Ohn
Nyunt explained accomplishments and future programmes. Those present took part in the
discussions. The commander attended to their needs.
( 7 ) Commander inquires after Vice-Chairman Sayadaw
Yangon, 22 Feb-Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein,Deputy
Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, Tactical Operations Commander Col Tun Kyi and departmental
officials, arrived at Mandalay General Hospital on 20 February morning. Commander Maj-Gen
Ye Myint and party paid homage to Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Masoeyein Taikthit Dhammi-kayama Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa who is receiving
treatment in hospital. The Commander asked after Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa and attended to
requirements. In the afternoon, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected extension of
Mandalay-Kyaukse Road and earth work of Singaing-Kyaukse section and gave instructions to
( 8
) Commander meets with farmers and departmental officials
Yangon, 22 Feb - Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, together with departmental officials, inspected the
building of a diversion canal near Pa-ai Village, DaikU Township, Bago Division. The
chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Tint reported on the
dredging of Ohnneyoe and Aseingyi Creeks, flow of water in the rainy season and prevention
of erosion of Ma-ai Embankment. Then, the commander inspected the fields of peas and beans
near Pa-ai Embankment. Next, the commander and party cordially met with local farmers of
Pa-ai Village and Mingalun Village who were picking peas and beans in the fields, and
attended to their requirements. In the afternoon, the commander and party observed 450
acres of mung fields of farmer U Thein Myint near Panet Village and the building of the
embankment at Kawliya Creek near Yele Village. In the meeting hall of DaikU Township Peace
and Development Council, the commander met with members of division, district and township
agricultural coordination committees and departmental officials. The commander gave
instructions on cultivation of perennial crops, shade trees and fruit trees, the dredging
of shallow creeks and streams, production of crops and livestock breeding work.
( 9
) 23rd ISD Golf Team Championship continues
Yangon, 22 Feb- The 23rd Inter-State/Division Golf Team Championship 2001, organized by
Sports and Physical Education Department and Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored
by Isuzu Motors Ltd of Japan, continued for the third day at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon
this morning. After playing the third round, Zaw Win (Bago) fired an 11-over-par 73 for a
three round total of 227 strokes today to go into lead in the championship in the men's
individual scratch event. His runners-up were Myo Min Aung (Mandalay), Myat Htut Lwin
(Yangon) and Aung Aung Kyaw (Mandalay) with 229 strokes each. Aung Hsan Win (Yangon) put
his position in the third with 231 strokes. In the team scratch event, Yangon Division was
leading at the first place with 694 strokes; Mandalay Division scored four strokes behind
the leader 698 and defending champion Bago Division third with 704. Yin Aung Latt (Shan
State-South) shot 205 strokes after playing the third round in the men's individual
handicap event; his runners-up were Myint Soe Aung (Shan State-South) and Bow Aung of
(Shan State-South) with 206 each and Tun Aung (Kachin) stood third with 208. Shan State
(South) fired three-day total 617 strokes in the team handicap event; Kachin State and
Sagaing Division scored 11 strokes each more than the leader 628. Mandalay Division put
his place in the third with 636. The final round of the championship will be held